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Project description
from LCI, Part III - Coastal Land and Plain Watersheds Planning in the Rilán Peninsula
by Global Nomad
Project description
Scope of work
One of the goals of the Land Conservation Initiative, Part III (LCI III), which focuses on Building a Framework to Conserve the Coastal Land and Plain Watersheds of Chiloé, is to develop a management structure for priority watersheds capable ofbalancingshorebird conservation with other land use activities. This project supports LCI III through thedevelopment of strategic planning, the delivery of a collaborative workshop, and the execution of the land planning scenario, as described in Goal 2.
(1) Conductingan open collaboration workshop in Chiloéengaging the key players of local development, collectively approaching the central question ‘How might we integrate the different land uses on high conservation value coastal areas –natural and cultural- to advance sustainable development in Chiloé?
(3) Completing a report with the findings and results of the collaborative workshop;
Deliveringbasic planimetric exhibits, based on aerial photos and analysis of the growth / development trends carried out by CECPAN, capable of illustrating scenarios of high and low density of real estate / urban expansion and loss of open spaces / landscapes (habitats).
Site relevance
Part of the Putemún Peninsula wetland system –which includes Putemún and Pullao–the villageofRilán presents very unique geographic, historic, cultural, scenic, and natural conditions that lead us to target it as a backdrop for a potential sustainable future, based on the current PLADECO (Plan de Desarrollo Comunal) 2018-2022 developed by the Municipality of Castro, and previous assessments conducted by CECPAN in the area.
Figure 1 | Village of Rilán -Source: SoyChile.cl