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from Gnostic Iss32
Sufism is mysticalIslamicbelief and practice in which Muslims seek to find the truth of divine love and knowledge through direct personal experience of God. It consists of a variety of mystical paths that are designed toascertain the nature of humanity and of God and tofacilitate the experience of the presence of divine love and wisdom in the world. Another name for the Sufi seeker is Dervish. Dervishes performing the traditional and religious whirling dance Two famous Sufi poets or Sufi whirling in Cyprus. PHOTO: MPALIS Jalal ad-Din MuhammadRumiborn on 30September1207. Known simply as Rumi, The second of the three voicesis what Sufis refer he has given the world the most inspiring love to as the voice of Darkness.This is the saboteur poems. “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world.TodayI am wise, so I am changing myself.” – Rumi Hafez born 1326.Above all, the poetry of Hafez is characterized by love of humanity, contempt for hypocrisy and mediocrity, and an ability to univerthat can come from within us, or outside of us. It often comes in the form of others’ voices that live in our subconscious minds. Affecting everything we do, and pressing us toward fear rather than love as we try to heal our wounds. The third and final voice is the one that rises above the rest and will come to mean the most in your life.It is known as the voice of God, and salize everyday experience and to relate it to the it can come to us in the form of Angels or direct mystic’s unending search for union with God. transmissions from behind the veil. This is the
“On the neck of a young man sparkles no gem voice that leads you to your highest, holiest, and so gracious as enterprise.” –Hafez healthiest life. Though there will still be trials in What are The3 Inner Voices? In Sufism, there are three main voices that impact our lives as a whole. The voice that rings the loudest within you – though it may not be the voice with your highest good behind it – will hold the most power over your daily life. Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe discusses the differences between the three voices, and how to distinguish which of them is currently at the forefront of your life. The first of the three voices is what Sufism refers to as the voice of the Self.This can be many smaller voices of your inner child, the controller, the proorder to grow and learn, the voice of God will lead you to the path of least resistance. To the path that is made for you, not one that simply happens to you. As multifaceted, multidimensional beings, we must address the different voices within ourselves and learn which of them are here to help us expand, and which ones keep us in a state of disease. Follow Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe as he addresses the different processes and voices in which you can find the answers that you seek, and find healing on God’s path for you. tector, or even the parts of you that feel afraid. All Kamila Carolyn Shenmen, Ph.D., Dipl.Ac., Dipl.C.H., M.Div., of these sub-personalities exist to create the voice of the Self, but one eventually rises above the others to create the primary voice of Self within you. co-president of the University of Sufism, holds a Master’s of Divinity degree from the University of Spiritual Healing and Sufism and a Doctorate in Computer Science and Molecular Biology from the University Louis Pasteur, This is often the voice we are most aware of. Strasbourg, France. See more at sufi.net