Communicate with hands and feet The international youth exchange 2012 was this year in Portugal: Lisbon, Braga and Areia Branca. Different people of different cultures with different languages but with the same goal came together to show the world people from seven countries can work strong together. It was for everyone an exciting and touching experience - we explored different situations and found friends with different ways of speaking to show love and friendship are not choosed by colour, race or way of communicating. Design & Text: Bruna & Junia (Hamburg, October .2012)
The first days p com
The first days were very exciting because only a few ones knew each other and knew what's going to happen. Funny catch! : Our dear Ligia and Catarina from Lisbon making a cute face.
This day was a introducing day where we were going to a park and getting to know each other.
s p u o r G e Th
I believe i can fly!
Seven groups from seven different countries from Germany, England, Spain, Portugal, Slovakia, Italy and Slovenia. Lisbon group
The dancer Neil from Liverpool.
Palermo group
roup p o o l g
Bratislava group
Malaga group
Mariljub group
Hamburg group
I want to play, hurry up ...
Of course we had much fun with our group and three times play actions with kids. Everyone had the logo the rainbow on the face and so we played funny games together.
Playing with the kids. I'm the coolest, Bro!
On the beach in Areia Branca We played the olympic games like to form the longest line with our belongings. Some of our group took it a little bit too serious...
It looks a little like a U n d e r w e a r c o m m e r c i a l f r o m Calvin Klein or maybe a male model from Playboy?
Seven different meals E a c h g r o u p c r e a t e d s p e c i a l i t i e s f r o m t h e i r countries. Because we didn't have a kitchen everything had to be cold but never the less after two hours everything tasted delicious.
Sightseeing We discovered Lisbon a few times and went to really beautiful places where we had often a little picnic.
We had a beautiful and impressing view from the castle Sao Jorge. We saw the skyline of Lisbon and the Atlantic!
Monument of the 'Discoverors' Th is days was a amazing experience. We went to the top of this monument and try to found our countries in the map at the ground. At least we took a picture from the top where we all lying at the ground.
After the exhausting climbing we all played games in front of the monument and that's the place, where we took a big group foto.
The Zoo was another special and funny experience. We all had a lovely day and took a lot of pictures from the animals and from us in our comfortable cable car.
Catwalk & Flashmob
In Braga we prepared the Catwalk with clothes made by the 'Eco Estilistas.' With a lot of people and colourful light we made a big show. After our walk we did the Flashmob. It was a really successful and indeed a spectacular evening.
Our european stars
Saying goodbye
It was such an amazing and beautiful experience with finding new friends. We thank our housts Eco Estilistas and we hope we will see you all next year.