Tricontinental Youth Exchange Recife 2008

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“A different Triangle Youth empowerment under a rainbow of hope” e.p.a. Tri-continental Youth Exchange Project This Tricontinental Youth Exchange Recife / Brasil

Project involved young people from Accra / Ghana

Kingston / Jamaica

Praia / Cape Verde

Cartagena / Colombia

Málaga / Spain

St. Domingo / Dominican Republic

Lisbon / Portugal


the cities of:

Donegal / Irland Liverpool / U.K. Amsterdam / Netherlands Hamburg / Germany

Tri-continental Youth Exchange in the City of Recife 16th - 21st October 2008

me all ty much the sa et pr g in ok lo t for a Airports are e in Recife. Bu on e th so ld ing a over the wor ecial by receiv sp ry ve e m ca over moment it be ople from all pe g un yo h it big group w me plane ... ved all in the sa ri ar ho w pe ro Eu by our mly welcomed ar w as w p ou er to be After this gr ait all togeth w to d ha playing hosts, they d they started an . .. s bu a picked up by ! the airport. Wow and dancing in America) rica, Europe, Af m ro (f e w otel, the And when er in the H th ge to l al banner have been ing - with a lm he w er ov as with a welcome w over 60 bags . .. d an s st b o ys from our ho r g ir ls an d fo n g si de young d if fe re n t os, one of the rl Ca is Lu by kshop of HANDMADE! a fashion wor in ks or w people who em. Casa de Passag

Arrivals and Welcome

Tri-continental Youth Exchange in the City of Recife 16th - 21st October 2008

The City of Recife

al in nized by Portug Recife was colo the d was one of the 1530's, an ith its us colonies w most prospero later stry. The Dutch Sugarcane indu with ty while on war invaded the ci untries the 1600's, co Spain around also and England such as France me. city for some ti colonized the doors e of the main Recife was on the afficking during for human tr as w , and slavery slavery period it l ti s at the time, un very common the the end of prohibition in heless, the 1880's. Nevert fl ue nc e in Eu ro pe an in architecture buildings and African roots is visible, the le are ve ry of the pe op ry strong ... a ve ty Ci stimulating e to study th e history of slav to tr ad e an d re tu fu a p lo deve a vision of ic t n a l t a s t ra n cooperation.

Tri-continental Youth Exchange in the City of Recife 16th - 21st October 2008 a. ant of an e.p. young particip a lly g in na io be at r rn te te Wilfran - af d now an in years ago an Cartagena 15 om fr ge r an he ch ac ex ncing te da d an er nc Youth Exchange successful da r this Triangle fo r ne ai Tr d an ess our feelings in Colombia bodies to expr r ou e us to kshops. - invited us during the wor up e m ca at th and visions e people from th ch with young ea es ps ut ou in gr m t Four differen d ou t a 10 ree en ts - w or ke lenge ... to ag th re e co nt in as a real chal w of it d s si An . ba hy a choreograp en ts , to fi nd em d ov ce m en ri ar pe ul ex and on pa rt ic nate talented di or p co ou gr to a n, io in nced communicat e who never da os th d an le young peop before. everybody very nishing, made to as as ss ... w lt su e of togetherne But the re ns se e th ed munity ngthen rform in a com proud and stre pe to y it un rt e oppo and gave us th centre.

Expression ... body work ... dancing!

Tri-continental Youth Exchange in the City of Recife 16th - 21st October 2008 friendship

place of never take the Language will ese two th and during communication a little d friendships an amazing weeks at. he al in the tropic love blossomed r Tr ith at af te r ou We are su re sages es m t change Projec will continental Ex le ng ia rners of the tr and from all the co y jo g in ean ... to br ts. fly over the oc an ip ic rt ship to all pa ongoing friend ... what’s going on ow kn to t an w You -website: check the e.p.a.

Tri-continental Youth Exchange in the City of Recife 16th - 21st October 2008 Intercultural actions

From each of the three co n ti n en ts a n at u ra l dr um m in g ab il it y w as evident most days during our Internatio nal Youth Exchange. Look ing back is was a whirl win d of color, movement and passion ... presented in fo lklore.

Tri-continental Youth Exchange in the City of Recife 16th - 21st October 2008 om the differences fr al ur lt cu e m Spanish There were so h, the proud is Ir e th of . n ed Latin Rhythm whimsical gree the sun drench to ĂŠ Ol co Flamen

Intercultural actions

Tri-continental Youth Exchange in the City of Recife 16th - 21st October 2008

the a sauna It w a s l i ke cond hen in the se community kitc e 12 er w em de Passag house of Casa e best d to cook th nations battle nniest st looking, fu tasting, odde ine. It delicious cuis smelling and there delight ... but was a culinary wash volunteers to were very few ... up afterwards

Intercultural actions

Tri-continental Youth Exchange in the City of Recife 16th - 21st October 2008

e the Play highlights wer Some of the ildren of ing with the ch Actions: Twinkl rk and Pa em in a City Casa de Passag . a cat .. visits in Recife waste during project ed cl s made of recy local walk in clothe a h it er clothes w pics and real design ym Ol e ... Alternativ na ai women’s group ag d play is still an ra l tu on a beach ... ul rc ea ns of in te w on de rf ul m and happiness! understanding

Play actions

Tri-continental Youth Exchange in the City of Recife 16th - 21st October 2008


t places: the three differen Recife, We stayed in r city Hotel in ne In an in k first wee st project and ance to our ho k in a in walking dist The second wee . .. re nt ce ic to a the histor Farinha close ia ar M in l te family ho last two days lantic ... The here we river and the At lonial town, w co d ol e th , ing two in Olinda uate our amaz al ev d an ct fle could re biente. quil tropical am weeks in a tran hotels ged: All three ile iv pr ry ve e n of We wer l s a s a s ig a e d d o o g do and o f f e re d ork our hosts w e th of on ti ngle” apprecia r “Different tria ou d un fo ey th because uito bacana!” Youth Project “m

Tri-continental Youth Exchange in the City of Recife 16th - 21st October 2008

Project visits

Tri-continental Youth Exchange in the City of Recife 16th - 21st October 2008 ts mmunity Projec t Youth and Co s en rt er ki ff ts di ou x Si e d to on th We were invite d communities ge ta s. an m ar dv sa en di op d t interest and in neglected an eeted with grea gr e er w d an of Recife munity ople and com pe g un yo n, of their eds of childre of the wealth s ce en ri We met Hundr pe ex ng shared some hbourhood, tryi activists: They ork in the neig r w ei al Th ic lit . .. po d an nditions co ng vi li cultural, social g in cieties the challeng their civil so h is ur to improve no d be to develop an it means to commitment amples what ex ve ga d an all impressed us ! ed er empow r the portunities fo op t ea gr so the 12 visits were al icipants from rt pa e th The project d An ifferent of our project. ors of the “D ad ss ba “valorisation” am ic asked: ere enthusiast and sad, when d se as rr other cities w ba em ?” t felt a bit Youth Exchange Triangle” ... bu tri-continental a in e at ip ic rt pa “When can we

Project visits

Tri-continental Youth Exchange in the City of Recife 16th - 21st October 2008


Our Workshops took place in many differen t places: an introduction to the work of Casa de Pass agem at thei r main seat, an other one by Sandrinha to the history of slavery in Re cife during a walk in a city park, in the rooms of the Hotels ... in co m m un it y h al ls , us ua ll y sitting on on e of the mos t globalised pr oducts: plasti c chairs ... som etimes even fo r a small worki ng group on comfortable ra ttan settees in a Hotel Foyer.

usually g people were ... and as youn ation and tas - concentr the protagonis aranteed... interest were gu from the ating groups All 12 particip ed two ts had prepar three continen r group, introduce thei workshops to they do, y and the work their communit different our Theme: “A and second on t under a h empowermen Triangle - Yout re th ey ho pe.. .. � w he ra in bo w of a variety hers group in involved the ot ethods... of interactive m

Tri-continental Youth Exchange in the City of Recife 16th - 21st October 2008

Workshops tivity of riety and crea The great va uce the od tr to in ds ho et m ng worki ps were in the worksho es em th t en only differ They were not : ul rf de on w y made simpl openers� and n ai br d an r so “eye with each othe d an om fr ng learni so proved easant, they al much more a pl ea lt h of w sh ar e a n ca e w human th at ledge and our ow kn , ce en ri expe resources...

Tri-continental Youth Exchange in the City of Recife 16th - 21st October 2008 Workshops

ps w as th e w or ks ho ng ri du n io Co m m un ic at erent ways: achieved in diff methods gizers, playful er en ng ri du • Non verbal emes introduce the th to es ch et sk d an d we had os” - a metho ch hi oc “c in n l, w he re • Translatio ag o in B ra zi s ar ye y an corners le ar ne d m l whispering in lle ra pa t re rp te colleagues in - as it was d the pleasure ha e w e m ti the three • And this c triangle - in ti is gu lin al ur /Brazilian, also a cult : Portuguese ps ou gr ge ua main lang anish English and Sp

Tri-continental Youth Exchange in the City of Recife 16th - 21st October 2008 Murals

we leave e wish: Could tl lit a d ha em eir yard? Casa de Passag sad walls in th e th on s ur lo some co ndings, sh the surrou lli be em : th bo leave a We could do from work and d an to ay w eir ange. accompany th s after the exch ie or em m of w rainbo d all the d the walls an he as w te hi w d an cture of They prepared ay to leave a pi w n ow r ei th t of ng our groups though sage concerni es m e tl lit a d exciting their group an creative and ry ve a . .. e Triangle them ! ce en experi


Tri-continental Youth Exchange in the City of Recife 16th - 21st October 2008

Workshops Th er e w er e so m e w or ks ho ps prepared by the trainers. The fo cu s w as on cr ea ti n g th e conditions for awareness rais ing of the young pa rticipants ... and indeed during the fe ed back sessions , the verbal and written evalua tion the youn g people expres sed how mov ed th ey w er e, ho w m uc h th ey learned to thin k and reflect, how encouraged th ey felt to beco me empowered; fa cing the long an d hurtful histor y of slavery and slave trade ho w human they felt: enjoying the pr ofound knowle dge of being “ALL equal and AL L different�. Read their com ments ... young people are the best evaluators!

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