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“Sustaining the momentum of the Arab Spring – young people face the challenges of re-‐building a Mosaic society” e.p.a. , Yalla & OVC Study Seminar in Tunisia
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1st -‐ 10th September 2013
EYF Project No. 196.33.A.2013.PC28
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e.p.a. Study Seminar . Sustaining the momentum of the Arab Spring . Tunisia 2013
e.p.a. Study Seminar . Sustaining the momentum of the Arab Spring . Tunisia 2013
This is a report of the e.p.a study seminar “Sustaining the momentum of the Arab Spring – young people face the challenges of re-‐building a Mosaic society” held in Tunisia from 1st to 10th of September 2013.
The Seminar was hosted by the Will and CiIzenship OrganisaIon ( OVC) which is a youth-‐led NGO that was created just a few months aCer the Tunisian revoluIon in May 2012. The OVC is located in the South East of Tunisia, Gabes. Founded by young Tunisian acIvists who believe that Civil Society endorses a role of paramount importance in driving change and shaping the future of the Post-‐ RevoluIon Tunisia. The NGO has been working on defending and promoIng Human Rights and the ciIzenship concept through conducIng training workshops for young acIvists. Launching training workshops for elecIons observers, fostering educaIonal and cultural events spreading awareness and carrying out advocacy campaigns about CiIzenship, Human Rights, Environmental issues, OpenGov, transparency and corrupIon and promoIng social entrepreneurship in the South of Tunisia. (www.ovcorg.com)
Two years aCer the “Arab Spring” ignited the surge and lust for democracy, we face a mosaic of interests swirling around the MENA region. What place do young people who started this process now hold? The theme of the training seminar was “Sustaining the momentum of the Arab Spring – young people face the challenges of re-‐building their society”.
Within this theme we discussed and shared the issues of recapitulaIng the recent history. Where do we stand? Human Right and gender issues within Arab socieIes, strengthening our communiIes, networking and follow up.
The Arab Spring is a wave of revoluIons taking place in the Arab world. The Arab Spring enabled a domino effect where the successes of one country inspired the populaIon of another. To date, revoluIons are ongoing or succeeded in countries like Egypt and Tunisia, civil war in Libya, civil uprisings in Bahrain, Syria and Yemen, major protests in Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco and Oman, as well as minor protests in Kuwaits, Lebanon, Mauritania, Saudi-‐ Arabia, Sudan and Western Sahara which led the system to implement reforms. Why have the events in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Syria, etc. followed such different paths? What are the long term poliIcal, social, and economic consequences of these revoluIons? What are their intended and unintended
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This e.p.a. Study Seminar in co-‐operaIon with Yalla and our host organisaIon OVC (Will and CiIzenship OrganisaIon) took place in Sfax, Gabes and Tunis from 1st to 10th September 2013 and focussed on young people (under 30 years), who sIll are acIvely involved in youth / community work to nourish their civil socieIes.
e.p.a. Study Seminar . Sustaining the momentum of the Arab Spring . Tunisia 2013
consequences as countries across the region poliIcally and socially? What is the future of the Arab revoluIon with regard to the global issues of freedom, democracy, role of women, migraIon, and youth power?
The very first meeIng was with young colleagues with roots in the MENA held in Hamburg September 2012, the second meeIng was a preparatory meeIng in Tunis and Sfax in April 2013, during these meeIngs we discussed the current situaIon, began lisIng the parIcipants, arranging visa invitaIons and preparing the programme.
The seminar was prepared by a team of four people : Christa Berta from Germany, Tony from England (e.p.a.), Imen from Tunisia/ Germany (Yalla) and Ines from Tunisia (OVC). They e-‐mailed, had skype meeIngs and talked to each other on the phone and met in April for 4 days in Tunis and Gabes to organise face-‐to-‐face all logisIcs and the programme. They prepared inivitaIons and all documents for visas. They compiled and translated documents and informaIons about the seminar for parIcipants and they discussed and agreed workshops contents and methodologies.
It is clear from what we saw and heard that young people were deeply disappointed at some outcomes of the Arab Spring. It seemed the solidarity which saw the overthrow of the various dictators of the region had degenerated into the inevitable squabbling between LeC and Right, Sunni and Shia, ChrisIan and Muslim, Oil and Self DeterminaIon. Therefore we wanted to discuss and share the issues of recapitulaIng the recent history. Where do we stand? Human rights and gender issues within Arab socieIes, strengthening our communiIes, networking and follow up.
The seminar was supported with a grant by the European Youth FoundaIon of the Council of Europe (www.eyf.ce.int/fej), by e.p.a and The “do” FoundaIon, a German foundaIon that aims to support the rights of refugees and immigrants through its project funding acIviIes. SICung “do” (www.sICung-‐do.org) is poliIcally independent, and works crossing naIonal boundaries. This seminar was also not to be held without a lot of voluntary work and personal contribuIon. All parIcipants paid a personal contribuIon. Those who could gave a contribuIon to their travel and visa costs.
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The combinaIon of different cultures and religions both Arab and European encouraged the sharing of ideas between parIcipants from different countries, backgrounds and areas of interests.
Apart from the Tunisian host group and a people from other projects and organisaIons in Tunisia the study seminar brought together 35 acIvists from 8 European countries who work face to face with refugees and young people – as volunteers and also from 7 Arab countries who live through the revoluIon in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen and Libya, reported, supported acIvely or blogged about it. The 35 parIcipants came from various backgrounds: historical, economic and social studies, which was considered very posiIve and an essenIal element in creaIng a producIve atmosphere during the seminar.
The 35 parIcipants formed a moIvated, enthusiasIc and commijed group. A general sense of respect and openness was felt throughout the sessions and in informal moments. Having so many countries represented in the seminar offered a unique opportunity for the youth to learn about other countries by living together for a few days and building a hopefully effecIve network.
! ! VISAS !
ParIcipants from Yemen, Egypt, Jordan, PalesIne and Cyprus needed visa to enter Tunisia. Despite joint efforts from all ends our parIcipants from Cyprus couldn’t parIcipate, because Tunisia refused him a visa. Our parIcipant from PalesIne was held in Tunis airport for three days as we mobilised and acIvated InternaIonal friends and persisted to demand his release, he finally was freed to us with great celebraIon! Unfortunately it was not the first Ime during our work that parIcipants of the e.p.a seminars and meeIngs were kept from joining our acIviIes by internaIonal visa policy! (www.go-‐epa.org/en/globalpassport)
! ! VENUES !
We also enjoyed the company of local young people from Tunis, Sfax and Gabes, who prepared interacIve meeIngs and day outs, who helped to connect and get together to exchange ideas and contacts.
Our venues for learning, discussing and debaIng the Arab Spring were in two ciIes: Our first venue was in the city of Sfax, a major city in Tunisia, located on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea. The city is the capital of the Sfax Governorate, and has a
e.p.a. Study Seminar . Sustaining the momentum of the Arab Spring . Tunisia 2013
storied history and is located 270 km southeast of the capital Tunis. Our venue was the central hotel of Sfax where we had plenary and workshop meeIngs meeIngs.
The second venue was in Hammamet, a coastal resort town in north east of Tunisia. Hammamet is just one hour from Tunis-‐ Carthage and MonasIr airports, which was beneficial for transport.
The programme was created around the themes Arab Spring, ciIzenship, parIcipaIon, dealing with pluralisIc socieIes, importance of gender equaliIy and role of media. The study seminar was balanced between theoreIcal input, intense sharing of experiences and pracIcal exercises in workshops, debates and discussion in bigger or smaller groups, also projects visits and cultural excursions. We held an intercultural evening with delighnul presentaIons and music from all over the Mediterranean. During each days of the seminar we animated the programme with lijle energisers to enjoy short project presentaIons by all parIcipants.
First of all we asked to brainstorm alone and then in a group the meaning of the Arab Spring. To give a few ideas: “A first step to show us that the young Arab people are not ‘sleeping’, they want, and need a bejer world” , “It’s nothing”, “Renaissance of Arabs with combine of emoIons” , “Best event for the Arabs”, “RevoluIon. Change. A good first step”, “The Arab Spring: hope, change, will, youth iniIaIves”, “Disappointment ☹”.
Around Media we started with a session on case studies. Some parIcipants made presentaIons on the rule of social media during the protests which led to the Arab Spring. The idea was to exchange experiences give an impact how to handle benefits, challenges and problems dealing with different kinds of media, to discuss
ACer we got to know each other and got an introducIon into Arab Spring we had some theoreIcal but suspenseful sessions around Arab Spring, ciIzenship and challenges a democraIc transiIons.
e.p.a. Study Seminar . Sustaining the momentum of the Arab Spring . Tunisia 2013
consequences and to bring ideas how use social media to get ciIzens more acIve and involved in the democraIc process.
researched internaIonal regulaIons on emissions, put them in contact with environmental campaign groups. We discussed the opportunity to organise youth exchanges for our young people between Europe and the MENA countries and met young acIvists in the field.
Also the session on gender was discussed under following focus: basics of gender and sex, difference between the two, what is masculinity and femininity?
All workshops were based on parIcipatory techniques, including cooperaIve games, case studies, group discussions, role-‐playing, problem solving.
▪ On Social media: Social media give an added value and opportuniIes for improved youth parIcipaIon and empowerment.
During another workshop session named ‘How to re-‐build a mosaic society’ we did pracIcal exercises in small groups from wriIng some papers on challenges to build an innovaIve and balanced society.
The parIcipants agreed that it is necessary to ensure the freedom of expression on line, but it is also necessary to adequately respond to challenges brought by Internet, including cybercrime, terrorism and hate speech.
We also had a skype meeIng with young people from Hamburg, the home base of e.p.a. Our partners from Hamburg had the chance to ask and discuss with our parIcipants about their future visions and hopes.
But it was also underlined that young acIvists mobilised people through social media to bring a poliIcal change at the local, naIonal and ulImately regional or supranaIonal level. However, the central challenge was how to go beyond and sustain these changes and have an impact on public policies to secure them.
During the one day trip to Gabes, we were able to further look at the environmental issues at Gabes with its phosphate plant. We
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Challenges of communicaIon between the civil society and authoriIes were menIoned by many parIcipants of our seminar, especially those who came from Arab countries.
To implement a mosaic society not only a deep understanding of each other’s cultures is needed but also a developed way forward for youth a pracIcal mulI cultural vision and democraIcally elected leadership and a posiIvely created future in and through diversity.
Social media is a tool for improving youth parIcipaIon in democraIc processes and governance and a legal and insItuIonal measure to enhance youth parIcipaIon and to support capacity building for an effecIve youth parIcipaIon and improved dialogue with young people.
As e.p.a. was instrumental over 30 years of Training, including 10 years of CoE LTTC’s e.p.a. has contributed to the T-‐Kits and Compass materials. We indeed used many of these methods and acIviIes including invenIng new ones!
▪ On Human rights: The importance of the acIvist role in acIvaIng human rights system within the society is more topical than ever. Therefore following goals are to be aimed:
o Strengthening human rights’ culture within the Arab and global socieIes in general; through the parIcipaIon of different categories in civil society (youth, adults, men, women…) o Studying in an objecIve way the current standing in the field of human rights, taking into account the fundamental basics of a democraIc system. o Searching for tools to improve Human Rights system. o SuggesIng future agendas to guarantee the implementaIon of human rights execuIon within society.
▪ On mosaic society: The parIcipants define their society as a mulIcultural collage rather than as a unicultural or unireligious melIng pot. This character has to be saved by a democraIc system.
e.p.a. used Compass and we gave two copies of the Arabic version to our EgypIan and Yemeni colleagues.
e.p.a. Study Seminar . Sustaining the momentum of the Arab Spring . Tunisia 2013
The Study Seminar “Sustaining the momentum of the Arab Spring – young people face the challenges of re-‐building their mosaic socieIes” has offered a new opportunity to more than 30 dynamic young people from all around the Mediterranean to live a unique learning experience during this 10-‐days capacity-‐building and moIvaIng solidarity workshop. Here is an outline of or methodology:
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▪ Role-‐plays – issues based role-‐plays helped in bringing out the perspecIves and stereotypes of the parIcipants and build up lighter atmosphere for discussions. ▪ Group exercises – on different issues were instrumental in discussion and debate. ▪ Group discussions – group discussions brought forth the perspecIves of parIcipants and in debaIng with each other. ▪ Resource people – sessions by different resource people on issues of human rights, ciIzenship and Arab Spring helped the parIcipants in gerng informaIon from a different perspecIve.
We are happy that this seminar could contribute an increased strength to network and to the ideas, methods and aspiraIons of young people, who together can rebuild their mosaic socieIes and nourishing the democraIc process.
! ! THEMES !
Our workshops and meeIngs were held under following focus: ▪ Is the spring sIll sprung? QuesIons & answers. ▪ Role of Social Media in the revoluIon. ▪ Migrants and Refugees. ▪ Challenging Hate and Prejudice . ▪ How do we stop Spring turning to Winter. ▪ Exchange of experience, info on EYF. ▪ Basics of gender and sex, difference between the two. ▪ Round table discussion, building the future.
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organisers in order to gather their impressions, and get feedback on the workshops’ programme and the learning gained. This evaluaIon will be used by e.p.a. to idenIfy new needs for future seminars.
Our seminar did not aim a full analysis of the situaIons in the different countries, but rather an observaIon of the general trends and recommending improvement, discussing challenges and not at least sustaining the special momentum of the Arab Spring. SIll references were recommended to important naIonal good pracIces. The conference generated a number of ideas for new projects.
The seminar created a unique space for colleagues from the Mediterranean to share their thoughts about sensiIve topics. It provided a possibility to network, to reflect local challenges in an internaIonal environment that helped our parIcipants to valorise the importance of the work that is oCen neglected. The seminar was a great success in terms of connecIng young people. The workshop results contained important aspects of respecnul co-‐ exisIng and integrated the theoreIcal and pracIcal knowledge of the overall seminar. In many years of e.p.a .experience it is part of the process but sIll astonishing how an internaIonal study seminar became a catalyst for acIvism in a community.
Thanks to the European Youth FoundaIon of the Council of Europe for the financial support, thanks to the SICung “do”, thanks to our host OVC and to all supporters behind the scene and thank to all acIve parIcipants!
▪ For me the Arab Spring is… ▪ What was the nicest experience for you during this Seminar, the most important and the most moving one? ▪ What did you learn during the Seminar?
At the last session of the workshop, parIcipants were asked to complete an anonymous evaluaIon form prepared by the
e.p.a. Study Seminar . Sustaining the momentum of the Arab Spring . Tunisia 2013
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▪ What did you discover about our theme “Sustaining the momentum of the Arab Spring” during the workshop ? ▪ Which “bit/square” to conInue (re-‐) building the mosaic society, can you take back to your community? ▪ Would you encourage your friends to take part in an InternaIonal Seminar? Why? ▪ What would you change for a next Seminar? ▪ Other comments you wish to share….
▪ the programme and the topics discussed were appreciated by all parIcipants. Especially the European parIcipants expressed their appreciaIon for what they have learned about the Arab Spring during the seminar. ▪ the methodology used was much appreciated for being, experience-‐based, parIcipatory and creaIve. ▪ the venues and the accommodaIon for the workshop were in general qualified as peaceful, nice and comfortable. Sincere and warm thanks go to all parIcipants, facilitators, funders and volunteers. Your acIve parIcipaIon and contribuIon to the success of the seminar make it an important step in the journey ahead towards re-‐ building a mosaic society. In reporIng this Seminar we are aware that the parIcipants themselves are our best annalists and criIcs there follows a secIon of their wrijen comments during the final evaluaIon.
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e.p.a. Study Seminar . Sustaining the momentum of the Arab Spring . Tunisia 2013
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e.p.a. Study Seminar . Sustaining the momentum of the Arab Spring . Tunisia 2013
For me the Arab Spring is…
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✓ “Renaissance of Arabs with combine of emoIons” ÖZGE, Turkey.
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RAMY, Germany.
✓ “One of the 4 seasons of the Arab year!! Change with ups, downs and downs, but a necessity!” ROAA, Yemen.
✓ “… knowing that change is possible, when we stand together for the bejerment of our community.” MIKHAIL, Malta.
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✓ “Best event for the Arabs.”
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✓ “RevoluIon. Change. A good first step.”
✓ “… something special, but the autumn quickly came.” MARWA, Tunisia. ✓ “… crush, crush!”
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MELEK, Tunisia.
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NIEVES, Spain.
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HEDAYA, Egypt.
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✓ “A show of a crazy world, broke the system and how the people can and must say ‘stop’ and propose alternaIves for the life.” PORTAL, Spain.
✓ “A first step to show us that the young Arab people are not ‘sleeping’, they want, and need a bejer world.” CATARINA, Portugal. ✓ “Excuse me?”
FAROUK, Tunisia.
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✓ “A new season, with flowers we are about to pick.” AMIRA, Tunisia. ✓ “New hope.”
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✓ “It’s nothing.”
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✓ “Disappointment ☹”
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SERTAC, Turkey.
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AHMED, Egypt.
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✓ “The Arab Spring: hope, change, will, youth iniIaIves.” IHSEN, Tunisia.
What was the nicest experience for you during this Seminar, the most important and the most moving one?
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✓ Nicest: the day trip to Tunis where we met, ate and had tea with members of other NGOs. The casual ambient allowed for some very interest conversaIons; Most important: the Mediterranean Cafe; Most moving: the personal experiences of some of the parIcipants. MIKHAIL, Malta
✓ “A chance for the people to develop free and find their place in the future.” JASMIN, Germany.
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✓ “An amazing uprising of Arabic Youth, to see the dictators so shocked… and changing the world order as well.” TONY, England.
✓ Nicest experience for me was is to see 4 ciIes of Tunisia, feel the atmosphere of the life in local areas. Most important and most moving one during the Seminar had been the experience of Mosaic Society idea carrying by young people/acIvists/volunteers/youth workers in MENA Region. SERTAC, Bursa, Turkey
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✓ “An opportunity, especially for the young generaIon to develop their future as well as the future of further generaIons in a bejer/good way.” MAREN,Germany.
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✓ It was the intercultural evening: it gave me a taste of all cultures represented at the seminar, and it strengthened my willingness of knowing more about their respecIve socieIes. The intercultural evening also was a proof of how people can be united in diversity. N.N.
✓ “A Season coming back every day, aCer the 3 others.” PHILIPPE, France.
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✓ “An uprising from people, who want to parIcipate and decide and change.” GABRIELE, Germany.
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✓ During the seminar, I felt with great illusion the power to share life experiences with youth from other countries, cultures and customs. Especially I found an interesIng learning space Mediterranean coffee, where we know the
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e.p.a. Study Seminar . Sustaining the momentum of the Arab Spring . Tunisia 2013
different youth iniIaIves which creates and promotes the process of change, their lijle revoluIon. NIEVES, Malaga, Spain
✓ A personal moving souvenir of Tunisia 30 years ago. Wonderful commited young people fighIng for a peaceful bejer future. PHILIPPE -‐ PoiIers, France
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✓ To share my room with other girls from other countries and chat about our culture. AMNA, Gabes, Tunisia
✓ Being with people from different countries, different languages, religions and cultures and exchange ideas and thoughts. TASNIM, Ariana, Tunisia
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✓ The most important and nicest experience was to get to know all the parIcipants and some of their life-‐stories. It was an eye-‐open and moving experience as some people experienced Terrible things and are sIll being life affirming. It is just wonderful and a great pleasure to have the change spending Ime with them and get to know their strengths and posiIve ways of thinking. Furthermore to see the engagement of Crista-‐Berta and Toni, even aCer so many years they sIll believe in the good and never gave up hope. MAREN, Hamburg, Germany
✓ The funny, harmonial and various games (energizers). RAMY, Berlin, Germany
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✓ The most important workshop was for me the mosaic society workshop. AMIRA, Gabes, Tunisia
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´What did you learn during the Seminar?
✓ The nicest experience is meeIng different parIcipants from different countries. The most important experience is the workshops and the most moving one is the visit to Gabes. MARWA, Gabes, Tunisia
✓ Respect the other.
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N.N., Gabes, Tunisia
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✓ That developing a mosaic society is possible, irrespecIve of our differences in opinions and tradiIons and occasional misunderstandings. I also learnt a bit about myself, things I should improve. And the importance of communicaIon! MIKHAIL, Malta
✓ Nicest – The workshop of the ‘Mosaic Society’. CATARINA, Lisbon, Portugal
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✓ More than having knowledge I could have chance to parIcipate in this Seminar and experience it. I have learnt young people's experiences in their life, general overview of the civil socieIes in MENA Region, lifestyle and prioriIes of the people on their cultural background. I learned how to pracIce “tolerance” ☺ SERTAC, Bursa, Turkey
experiences we strengthen and take momentum to sustain and conInue our own process of change. But I also learned that we sIll have a long way to go in the context of cultural diversity, we are in a fabulous space to begin building the learning space, but we sIll have a long way to go. NIEVES, Malaga, Spain
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✓ Respect the other despite the superficial differences between us. People are equal in their basic wish for peace and happiness. AMNA, Gabes, Tunisia
✓ During the seminar, I discovered a lot of things, other cultures, habits. I formulated many ideas. TASNIM, Ariana, Tunisia
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✓ I learnt what was the Arab Spring, how it happened, how the people is reacIng and how the Arab Spring is changing the world. CATARINA, Lisbon, Portugal
✓ I learnt a lot about the recent trends of democracy promoIon in the MENA region directly from representaIves of civil society. And I saw how civil society is admirably fighIng for a bejer society despite numerous obstacles and some regression in the region's democraIzaIon process. N.N.
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✓ I learned more about my social capaciIes and ability to convince others. To use mediaIon in building intercultural projects or debates on civil society. PHILIPPE -‐ PoiIers, France ✓ At the seminar I learned that all countries live their lijle revoluIons, that youth is a key element in the change process. Thus as through the networking, and sharing
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✓ J’ai appri pas mal de choses. Le plus important pour moi: j’ai communiqué avec les parBcipants mulBnaBonals et j’ai découvert comment ils contribuent pour le bien de leur societé. ✓ I have learned a lot of things. The most important for me was that I had the chance to communicate with the internaIonal parIcipants and that I discovered what they contribute, each of then to their own society. AMIRA, Gabes, Tunisia
e.p.a. Study Seminar . Sustaining the momentum of the Arab Spring . Tunisia 2013
✓ Passion, trust, criIcal perspecIve on myself, how hard life can be, issues facing intercultural/internaIonal exchange, love. RAMY, Berlin, Germany
✓ Young people seem really disappointed by the poliIcal result of the revoluIons but got from the wish to invent new ways of building. PHILIPPE -‐ PoiIers, France
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What did you discover about our theme “Sustaining the momentum of the Arab Spring” during the workshops ?
✓ Tunisia is the most wonderful country.
✓ During the workshops, I discovered that youth are full of ideas, life, hope and all together. We will make a change and improve our contries and our world. TASNIM, Ariana, Tunisia
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N.N., Gabes, Tunisia
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✓ I discovered other countries’ cultures maybe and I discovered also other country’s suffer. MARWA, Gabes, Tunisia
✓ Sustaining' the momentum is tougher when there is a complete lack of moIvaIon due to a strong feeling of resignaIon... parIcularly among the Arab parIcipants. MIKHAIL, Malta
✓ It concludes much move topics and issues that people associate with the name “Arab Spring”, although sad, that we almost didn’t talk about the Arab Spring, it’s processes n different countries and recent burning points. RAMY, Berlin, Germany
✓ All I have discovered by theme "Sustaining the momentum of Arab Spring" is: respecIng others, creaIng new idea of democracy, empowering young people parIcipaIon in decision-‐making, being aware of the value of our cultures. SERTAC, Bursa, Turkey
✓ I have discovered a lot of things, because in Portugal we almost don’t have informaIon about the Arab Spring. CATARINA, Lisbon, Portugal
✓ I discovered that the momentum of the Arab Spring is unfortunately decreasing. However, I also discovered with admiraIon that civil society and ordinary people do not give up their hopes, and keep on fighIng for a bejer society. N.N.
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✓ I found that is a flame that burns slowly, and that the youth must maintain the illusion and desire to move toward change to keep her alive, but without moIvaIon is very easy to leave off. I know different life histories linked to this moment in Ime, all with a view common but many nuances. NIEVES, Malaga, Spain
✓ Respect, try to go outside and communicate ‘face to face’, someImes internet make it hard. CATARINA, Lisbon, Portugal
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✓ The bejer understanding that a country or a culture or his people cant be put in a limited frame. We knew it before but we had to live wonderful examples. PHILIPPE -‐ PoiIers, France
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✓ I discover that the arab spring just the beginning and we have long way to go together. AMNA, Gabes, Tunisia
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✓ Respect, love, forgiveness….
N.N., Gabes, Tunisia
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✓ It is important to talk to people who were directly confronted with the Arab Spring as the media coverage mostly show one side of it. It made me realize that many – especially young people -‐ were encourage to do something for their society and trying to change the future for the bejer. Although the Arab Spring has many negaIves sites the most posiIve one is the peoples moIvaIon of doing good and their hope that it is possible to change the future. MAREN, Hamburg, Germany. Which “bit/square” to confnue (re-‐) building the mosaic society, can you take back to your community?
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✓ More hope, potenIal to change my society and coordinate with other Tunisian acIvists to work at the building of mosaic society. TASNIM, Ariana, Tunisia
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✓ Tolerance, where it’s needed and useful, feeling of one big family. RAMY, Berlin, Germany
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✓ A general overview of MENA Region, level of young people parIcipaIon in Tunisia, common understanding and values of Human Being, friendship and future project. SERTAC, Bursa, Turkey
✓ I’ll certainly take back good memories. MARWA, Gabes, Tunisia
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✓ Responsibility; CommunicaIon; Awareness.
What would you change for a next Seminar?
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N.N., Gabes, Tunisia
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✓ In a mosaic society all squares are vital, since all of them are interconnected, thus I would take all of them. However, since I am asked to pick one, I would definitely choose the one represenIng "dignity", since the Arab Spring is above all about respect for human dignity. N.N.
✓ For the next seminar, I want to see a clear program and clear workshops’ themes. However, I want to see the same parIcipants. ☺ MARWA, Gabes, Tunisia
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✓ I bring enthusiasm, strength and great friends travel, which allows me to conInue our lijle ✓ revoluIon, walking toward the change process knowing that we are not alone, that at every ✓ point in the world, someone contribuIng to that change, fighIng for a bejer world. NIEVES, Malaga, Spain ✓ Respect, love, forgiveness.
✓ Nothing ☺
✓ The punctuality of the parIcipants and if it was possible more parIcipants of each country. ( I am the only Portugese.) CATARINA, Lisbon, Portugal
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✓ More coordinaIon between the different partners. To try to have less comfort but be closer from the local populaIon. PHILIPPE -‐ PoiIers, France
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AMNA, Gabes, Tunisia
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✓ The hotel by a center of youth or a hosIng families. TASNIM, Ariana, Tunisia
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✓ This seminar expanded my point of view re the Arab Spring -‐ see above answer. ✓ The a.m. experience gives me hope and moIvaIon to go on with the volunteering work. MAREN, Hamburg, Germany
✓ SuggesIons: choices in topics that should be discussed, some strict rules for the harmony’s protecIon. RAMY, Berlin, Germany
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e.p.a. Study Seminar . Sustaining the momentum of the Arab Spring . Tunisia 2013
✓ Perhaps to bejer link one acIvity and the next; To get everyone to keep a journal of one's thoughts/reflecIons of the day, and perhaps share them with the rest. MIKHAIL, Malta
✓ I would give more space to the experiences of each parIcipant and / or organisaIon. And especially in workshops where work is done in common, moIvate the parIcipaIon of all parIcipants, knowing that not everyone has the same ease of words. I recognise the difficulty to be so many different, is complex, so working with the group have to be permanent coordinated by good facilitators (as on this occasion has been e.p.a.). And finally in the visits to the host site, I think it would be interesIng given greater visits related content or theme to work, in addiIon to spaces that encourage group cohesion and facilitate the relaIonship. NIEVES, Malaga, Spain
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✓ I would like to change the place where we had the Seminar. I wish to host next Seminar in Turkey. SERTAC, Bursa, Turkey ✓ For me nothing!!!
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AMNA, Gabes, Tunisia
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✓ I think that it is quite good to have an agenda right before the seminar which is send out to the parIcipants, so that they can prepare some presentaIons / info materials in their home countries. I think that this could guarantee a stronger process of the workshops and therefore outputs. MAREN, Hamburg, Germany
Would you encourage your friends to take part in an Internafonal Seminar? Why?
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✓ Yes, yes, yes…!! This seminar is the nicest and the most important experience in my life. N.N., Gabes, Tunisia
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✓ In my opinion, the following changes should be put in place: more workshops addressing in much more detail poliIcal, economic and social issues of the MENA region; workshops proposing projects (developed by the parIcipants) with more realisIc goals taking into consideraIon the recent development of the MENA region. N.N.
✓ For sure, I’ll encourage them, cause it’s a great experience that can’t happen twice. MARWA, Gabes, Tunisia
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✓ Yes, of course! It’s a unique opportunity to learn and also to share our ideas. CATARINA, Lisbon, Portugal
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e.p.a. Study Seminar . Sustaining the momentum of the Arab Spring . Tunisia 2013
✓ Of course! Because it’s a great chance to change our point of views on others and to discover culture that we are not used to meet. PHILIPPE, PoiIers, France ✓ Yes, because this experience can be enriching both at personal and professional level.
✓ Absolutely yes! A young person; who has ideas for future, who has hope, who is expecIng to live in a world where there is always peace instead of wars, who wants to broaden their horizons and who is ready to serve to Humanity, should take part in an InternaIonal Seminar. SERTAC, Bursa, Turkey
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✓ I think it is always a good opIon parIcipaIon in an internaIonal seminar. These meeIngs promote personal growth of each of the parIcipants, allowing knowledge and share your day to day with people from different countries, cultures and customs. NIEVES, Malaga, Spain
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✓ Differently, I will encourage my friends, family and colleagues to take part of an internaIonal seminar, cause it can help them to discover a lot of things which could help them in their life and encourage them to serve their socieIes. TASNIM, Ariana, Tunisia
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✓ Yes yes yes...!!! This seminar is the nicest and the most important experience in my life. AMNA, Gabes, Tunisia
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✓ Yes. New experiences, learning tolerance and respect, gerng to know the rest of their family, achieving a more objecIve conscious. RAMY, Berlin, Germany
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✓ Definitely. It is great opportunity to meet with other like-‐ minded people, learn from their experiences, and share ideas, and hopefully develop plans to bejer the world we live in. MIKHAIL, Malta
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✓ I would definitely encourage everybody to take part in an InternaIonal Seminar as this makes you think outside the box. You can learn from people with other cultures, backgrounds which is a good opportunity for further projects, maybe projects which can be established and conducted together internaIonally. It's a good foundaIon of internaIonal cooperaIons. MAREN, Hamburg, Germany
e.p.a. Study Seminar . Sustaining the momentum of the Arab Spring . Tunisia 2013
Other comments you wish to share….
✓ To see all these people again … <3
✓ I'm grateful to the people who had been giving us this chance to parIcipate in this Seminar, who had been supported to this Seminar to be held in Tunisia, who had been parIcipaIng and purng their friendly contribuIon to the Seminar. SERTAC, Bursa, Turkey
N.N., Gabes, Tunisia
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✓ We have to remember good memories and forget about the bad ones. We can’t deny that we had fun and laugh from heart. Even if Hammamet’s hotel is not good, but it united us. Love you all. MARWA, Gabes, Tunisia
✓ The seminar has a big potenIal, which however was not fully exploited. The program had been changed several Imes at the last moment, and someImes was not clear. N.N.
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✓ I would like to say thank you to e.p.a, Yalla and OVC for everything, you are awesome ☺ CATARINA, Lisbon, Portugal
✓ I want to thank EPA for offering me this opportunity, that learning has served me professionally and personally. Highlight with respect to the organisaIon I represent, that the space has served to strengthen networks, and as an example of this in our next meeIng will count with the parIcipaIon of some organisaIons which met at the meeIng. I hope to conInue to build a bejer world together. NIEVES, Malaga, Spain
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✓ I really took the decision to go on with the internaIonal work and also to think about changes in my way of life for more and more alternaIve condiIons of living regarding the planet issues. PHILIPPE -‐ PoiIers, France
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✓ The iniIaIve is so important, the workshops were so interesIng. It brought to me a lot of ideas. Thank for everybody that suggested and organised to turn this seminar true. TASNIM, Ariana, Tunisia
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✓ As this was one of the best experience I've ever made I want to thank e.p.a., Yalla and OVC for organising everything and the opportunity to be a parIcipant of something great like this seminar. THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH :) MAREN, Hamburg, Germany
e.p.a. Study Seminar . Sustaining the momentum of the Arab Spring . Tunisia 2013
e.p.a. + Yalla + OVC Study Seminar e.p.a. + Yalla Study Seminar • Tunisia 2013 “Sustaining the momentum of the Arab Spring – “Sustaining the momentum of the Arab Spring – youngyoung people faceface thethechallenges re-building society” people challenges ofofre-building theirtheir society” Tunisia 2013 "
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e.p.a. Study Seminar . Sustaining the momentum of the Arab Spring . Tunisia 2013
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e.p.a. . european play work associafon Erzbergerstraße 3, 22765 Hamburg Germany Tel.: +49.40.433 190 epa@go-‐epa.org www.go-‐epa.org