Economic Development Corporation of Utah
OVERVIEW Economic Development Corporation of Utah (EDCUtah) is an investor-based public/private partnership that works with government and private industry as a catalyst to bring quality job growth and increased capital investment to Utah. EDCUtah assists in-state companies with their growth while recruiting out-of-state companies to expand and/or relocate in Utah. EDCUtah accomplishes its mission by being the comprehensive source for Utah economic data, providing key public and private contacts and assisting companies through the expansion or relocation process. EDCUtah has partnered with GOED to handle the state’s business recruitment efforts. This strong partnership has provided great success in recruiting businesses to Utah and links state government with local government and the private sector in a unified approach to business recruitment. Businesses that visit Utah report that they are impressed with the level of collaboration they experience as they work with the state and local economic development organizations. Companies Choose Utah During FY2011, 20 companies announced decisions to either relocate or expand in Utah. These companies will add 6,763 jobs to the state’s economy, retain another 1,346 jobs, and will make capital investments in Utah totaling $795.7 million. Thirteen of the companies are manufacturing concerns, four are in the information and IT industry, two are distribution/warehouse operations and one is a professional services business. Meanwhile, of the 20 businesses, half fit within Governor Gary R. Herbert’s industry cluster initiative. Adobe Systems Inc., ATK Aerospace Structures, Black Diamond, EMC Corporation and ITT Integrated Structures are a few of the quality companies that announced decisions to locate or expand their operations in Utah during this past fiscal year. For example, ATK Aerospace Structures, a global leader in the use of advanced composites, is investing $100 million to develop a manufacturing facility in Clearfield for commercial aviation projects. In addition to creating 800 jobs over the next 20 years, the company estimates those jobs will generate almost $1 billion in wages along the way. ITT Integrated Structures, a top-tier U.S. aerospace systems and services provider, is expanding its footprint in Utah by building a new $400 million compos-
Governor’s Office of Economic Development • Annual Report •