Utah Science Technology and Research Initiative
OVERVIEW Turning innovation into industry The Utah Science Technology and Research initiative (USTAR) is a long-term, state-funded investment to strengthen Utah’s “knowledge economy” and generate high-paying jobs. Funded in March 2006 by the state Legislature, USTAR is based on three program areas: • Strategic investments at the University of Utah (U of U) and Utah State University (USU) to recruit world-class researchers. • Construction of state-of-the-art interdisciplinary facilities at these institutions for innovation teams. • Deploying teams that work with companies and entrepreneurs across Utah to promote technology commercialization.
Research Teams USTAR has recruited a total of 44 leading researchers from around the country, and recruitment continues. Strategic innovation focus areas include: • Energy and Environment • Biopharma/Biodevice • Medical Imaging and Brain Medicine • Imaging Technology and Digital Media • Nanotechnology Based on preliminary data for fiscal years 2007 through Dec. 2010 combined, USTAR research teams have attracted federal and other extramural funding to the State at twice the rate projected in USTAR’s 2005 economic prospectus. In the six-month period from June to December 2010, external grants won by USTAR researchers grew from $44 million
Photo courtesy of U of U Brain Institute
In a continuing effort to expand Utah’s research capabilities and infrastructure, USTAR recently invested in a new MRI device at the U of U dedicated to human brain scanning research. New approaches to treatment of addiction and traumatic brain injury may follow.
Governor’s Office of Economic Development • Annual Report • www.business.utah.gov