World Trade Center Utah
OVERVIEW The mission of the World Trade Center Utah (WTCU) is to guide Utah companies into profitable international markets. Together with our key international partners, we have expanded the valuable worldwide network based on Utah’s unique cultural, educational, economic and foreign language capabilities. World Trade Center Utah is an ideal catalyst for increased — and profitable — international trade. Utah’s export performance continues to be outstanding well into 2011. For example, through May, merchandise exports increased 28% over the previous year. During the 2010 export year, Utah was the only state in the U.S. to show positive growth in export performance — a clear demonstration of the effectiveness of Utah’s efforts to promote international trade. Lew Cramer, President and CEO of World In addition to the Signature Ser- Trade Center Utah, greets Chinese visitors at vices described below, WTCU served the Capitol Rotunda during US-China 2011 over 500 clients through international Trade, Culture, Education Conference. business development and educational sessions, and through co-sponsorship of international diplomacy events involving ambassadors and senior ranking economic development officials from all continents. WTCU offers a three-step Signature Service that streamlines assistance to Utah companies: Assess WTCU offers in-depth assessment services to Utah companies in over seven industry clusters. Interested company representatives can begin by contacting the WTCU directly or by completing our online form. After the assessment interview, WTCU offers advice, educational seminars and networking opportunities to assist the client with their international expansion.
Governor’s Office of Economic Development • Annual Report •