1 minute read

Marketing and Communications


Pete Codella | Director


801-538-8774 | pcodella@utah.gov

Marketing and Communications

GOED’s marketing and communications (marcom) team consists of five full-time and two part-time employees. These communicators provided services to all of GOED’s groups, programs and initiatives, and supported the executive management team’s internal and external communication activities.

The marcom team developed and sent email newsletters to employees, the GOED Board, executive management, and the public. The team oversaw owned and earned media, publishing content on the GOED website and social media channels. The marcom team also maintained a contractual relationship with a Salt Lake City-based public relations firm to ensure consistent national coverage of business activities in Utah.

The marcom team supported GOED executives by providing briefing sheets, talking points, speeches, and presentation graphics. The team was also responsible for the content and design of GOED’s Annual Report and the organization of Gov. Herbert’s annual Utah Economic Summit. It produced collateral for other GOED teams and was responsible for the yearly Business In Utah magazine and Uniquely Utah brochure.

This year, the marcom team was also tasked with managing the Resources for Business section of the state’s coronavirus website. GOED’s marcom director participated in weekly statewide COVID-19 task force communications coordination calls. The team managed a contract with a Salt Lake City advertising agency as part of the state’s pandemic response and ‘In Utah’ campaign, and worked in daily collaborative efforts to help share, disperse, and expand the state’s pandemic response and elevated consumer confidence with the In Utah campaign.

In the 2020 fiscal year, GOED’s marcom team:

— Received and completed over 330 internal requests for communications deliverables,

— Posted 242 GOED newsroom announcements and articles,

— Published 14 magazines and brochures on the agency’s issuu.com channel (some were also printed), and — Achieved a 26% overall increase in social media followers.

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