FALL 2020
new normal
Earlier this year, the pandemic forced higher education professionals everywhere to find new, creative ways to continue accomplishing our goals. For Cameron University Admissions, this meant developing and implementing two new ways to reach prospective students - Facebook Live Fridays and Virtual Chats with Admissions Counselors.
To keep students updated over the summer, our staff hosted Facebook Live Fridays with several departments including the Academic Advising Center, Financial Assistance and Student Housing and others like the CU Bookstore and our CU-Duncan
Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs
Susan Camp delivers a Facebook Live Friday from the CU-Duncan campus in late May to talk to prospective students about taking courses in Duncan.
campus. In addition, we used this opportunity to highlight several academic departments such as the Departments of Education, Psychology, Business, Social Sciences, Sports & Exercise Science, Military Science and Communication, English and Foreign Languages.
Our Virtual Chats with Admissions Counselors, which are still ongoing, connect prospective students who have questions about CU to an Admissions Counselor via Zoom for a meeting. Slots are available weekly at 9 and 10 a.m. and 2, 3 and 6 p.m. If you know a prospective student who needs to chat with an Admissions Counselor about becoming a Cameron Aggie, please direct the student to https://www.cameron.edu/visit.
(Left:) Back to school:
The Admissions team poses together
on the second floor of North Shepler for their annual group Welcome Week photo in CU shirts in the midst of processing applications and welcoming Aggies back.
Welcome to the Admissions team Tracy Price Graduate and Transfer
A Cache native, Tracy Price started her journey at Cameron University in 1999. She earned her bachelor’s degree in elementary education in 2006 and began her career as an Adult Education Specialist for the Comanche Nation Higher Education Program.
Admissions Counselor CU alumna '06 & '18
Tracy then transitioned into a position as a Talent Development Specialist for ResCare Workforce Services making educational and occupational services accessible to local youth. She also served as the Marketing and Administrative Coordinator for the Lawton-Ft. Sill Economic Development Corporation and a Sales Coordinator at the Hilton Garden Inn most recently. Tracy is currently pursuing a Master of Science in Organizational Leadership at CU. She has two children and in her spare time, enjoys running, exercising, and watching movies.
Deon Osborne
Deon Osborne is a Lawton High School alumnus who graduated from the University of Oklahoma in 2018 with a Bachelor of Arts
Admissions Counselor
in Strategic Media. He then interned with the Oklahoma Policy Institute where he researched policy proposals, analyzed statewide issues and wrote briefs for analysts and community members. A talented writer and videographer, Osborne wrote for Tulsa Voice and is currently a contributing writer for the Black Wall Street Times out of Tulsa. He is transitioning to CU from his position as a Youth Specialist at Youth Services of Tulsa. He is excited to return to his hometown as an Admissions Counselor at Cameron University this month.
Admissions' Admissions' first first virtual virtuPickaxe al Preview Day The Office of Admissions will host our first ever
Virtual Pickaxe Preview Day at 1 p.m. on Saturday, Nov 7. Pickaxe Preview is designed to help prospective students learn more about degree programs, financial assistance, scholarships, campus life and what it means to be a Cameron Aggie! Prospective students can register at for the event on the website: https://www.cameron.edu/admissions/pickaxepreview.