Letter from the University President
Letter from the Foundation Chair
Financial Position and Investment Performance
Giving Programs
Scholarships and Endowments
CU Foundation Board
Advancement Staff
On behalf of Cameron University, thank you for your support of our students and our institution this year. Whether you are an alumnus, employee, friend or community leader, we appreciate your support and your gifts. Together we increased student opportunities through outstanding learning experiences at an exceptional value.
Enhancing the student learning experience with highly qualified and well supported faculty and staff as well as modern learning facilities is in the forefront of our efforts at Cameron. Cameron University is the least expensive university in Oklahoma, but meeting our goal of affordability for all students in southwest Oklahoma relies on your continued support. Your gifts assist our efforts to increase the number and value of scholarships available to our students so they may take advantage of learning opportunities.
Know that your gifts do more than create affordability for Cameron students. Your support of the Endowed Faculty program allows us to hire, retain, and provide professional development opportunities for the wonderful educators who make the Cameron experience special. Other gifts support the creation and renovation of effective learning and activity spaces. With the help of supporters like yourself we’ve recently completed renovation work to our Library, which has added to our collaboration spaces for students, improved technology, and provided an atrium with additional study space as well as our newest campus coffee shop, Books and Brew. Please consider this my invitation to you to stop by the library for some fresh coffee. A new library and study space at the Duncan campus is nearly complete and will allow our Duncan students improved access to information, resources, and assistance.
Experiential learning opportunities continue to add value to the student experience. With donor support, construction has been completed on learning greenhouses, located directly west of the Science Complex. These greenhouses offer our students space and opportunity to put their classroom learning into action. The recently completed Esports Arena in the Academic Commons continues to provide new opportunities for student outreach and support, and our Esports team, the Pickaxes, is quickly becoming a force to be reckoned with in competition.
We strive to be effective stewards of your gifts and the other resources provided to Cameron University or the Cameron University Foundation. I hope you will find evidence of our stewardship in the reports that follow. Thank you for providing the means to assure Cameron’s continuing commitment to the educational, cultural, and economic advancement of the communities we serve.
John M. McArthur, Ph.D. PresidentI am incredibly fortunate to have been a member of the Cameron community for over thirty years – as a student, alumnus, and supporter. Yet, I have never been more proud of that association than during my term as Chair of the Cameron University Foundation and the work the Board has been able to accomplish. Like Charles Dickens said, “No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” Your support and commitment to the university and its mission has accomplished just that.
Cameron University had a phenomenal fundraising year, raising $1.9 million in private gifts and grants. Private support plays a critical role in ensuring all students have the opportunity to access the gift of opportunity through a college education. Like you, we believe that opening the door to higher education changes the lives of our students which positively impacts families and entire communities.
We continue to offer emergency funds to students suffering financial hardships. In addition to those students who may be facing financial challenges, the Cameron University Alumni Association was able to reopen their Campus Closet after a lengthy hiatus as a result of Covid-19. The CU Foundation aims to remove any potential barriers that may prevent a student from achieving their goals.
Several new endowments were established to provide students with scholarship assistance such as the Delta Dental of Oklahoma Endowed Scholarship for Pre-Dentistry, the Lawton Pioneer Women Endowed Scholarship in Pre-Nursing as well as others that will support STEM, Social Sciences, and Psychology.
After a long and successful partnership with our funds manager of almost ten years, Tom Johnson Investment Management, Inc., the Board made the conscientious decision to transition to a new funds manager, Arvest Wealth Management. We welcome the Arvest team and look forward to future years of progress towards responsible investing practices and long-term success.
As this concludes my term as Chair, I want to share that I am inspired by your support and look forward to the continued growth and success of Cameron University’s alumni, friends, faculty, and students. It has been a pleasure to serve you in this capacity.
Rhonda Clemmer, ‘89 Chair Cameron University Foundation62.7%
6.6% CASH
The Aggie Fund has been dedicated to ensuring all students have the opportunity to achieve an education of their dreams – a Cameron Education. Your partnership has made this dream a reality for thousands of students. In a world where you hear about college being unaffordable for students or leaving them strapped with overwhelming debt – you have made a difference!
The President’s Partners program is the lasting legacy of Cameron University and the Cameron University Foundation. Established in 1989, Cameron’s charter members joined together to ensure the future success of Cameron. The dollars contributed annually directly impact student’s accessibility to higher education. Today, President’s Partners lead the way in philanthropic giving for student scholarships, campus programs, facility improvements, and more.
Members of the 1908 Heritage Society have chosen to solidify their legacy after their lifetime through gift planning. Remembering Cameron with a bequest from your estate will help to sustain and strengthen the university in years to come.
Endowed scholarship and faculty positions are a permanent and personal way to make a difference in the lives of Cameron students by providing support for current and future generations of students and faculty members. Many donors choose to honor family members, friends, or a favorite professor with the lasting tribute of an endowment gift. Donors are then invited to an annual event each year honoring their commitment to Cameron University.
Established by Steve Beckman in honor of his late brother John, for students pursuing a degree in social sciences.
Established by Mike Brown, President of CDBL, for students pursuing a degree in engineering.
Established by the Lawton Pioneer Women’s Club in honor of former member Mary Evans. This scholarship will assist students transitioning to OU’s nursing program to become RN’s.
Established by Professor Emeritus Mickey Cooper and his wife Donna in honor of his 35 year teaching career at Cameron. This scholarship will assist students pursuing a degree in Biology.
Established by Roy Johnson to assist Cameron Baseball in improving performance, equipment, and facilities.
Established by Dustin and Megan Hilliary and aimed at impacting students in Comanche County, this scholarship is for students pursuing a degree in Business.
Established by Robert and Marina Peterson to assist full time students pursuing a degree in Art.
Established by the family of MaKayla Taylor and family friend, Tracie Davis to assist sophomores students pursuing a degree in Psychology.
$694,383 was awarded through privately funded scholarships and faculty endowments in FY22.
The Cameron University Foundation, Inc. was founded March 22, 1972, for the purpose of collecting, administering, and disbursing gifts and endowments for the benefit and continuing support of Cameron University. The Foundation is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization as determined by the Internal Revenue Service.
The Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors composed of civic and business leaders. Foundation executive officers are elected by the Board and are charged with execution of all contracts, agreements, deeds, bonds, mortgages, and other obligations in the name of the corporation. Operations of the Foundation are guided by procedures and bylaws approved by the Board of Directors. Day-to-day operations of the Foundation are conducted by Cameron University employees acting on behalf of the Foundation, as directed by written policies.
Operational oversight is provided by the Foundation Executive Committee acting on behalf of the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee consists of the corporate officers and the officers of the Board of Directors. The Cameron University Foundation, Inc. is audited annually by a qualified auditing firm. Special interest audits are conducted by the University of Oklahoma, Cameron University, and Rogers State University Board of Regents audit offices.
Rhonda Clemmer ‘89 - Cache, OK
David Madigan - Lawton, OK
Barbara Braught - Duncan, OK
Jennifer Meason ‘00 - Walters, OK
Members of the Cameron University Foundation Board of Directors Executive Committee