Issue No: 18

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Friday, March 11, 2016 | Vol. No. 4 | Issue 15 | Price Rs. 10 | | G-2/RNP/Weekly/Goa-05/2013-15

Bwitchs International Bellydance Festival In Goa Now


Marrying Late


Wooden Drums


All Those Pipe Dreams




Nehru Centre


10 Vintage Konkani Papers




Love Apps

Why Goan women wait And the man who makes them Mustard Seed's latest play

MasterChef Sarah Todd's Goan venture Learn the true meaning of citizenship They're all at Goa's Central Library Connecting Goa's histories Find romance on your phone

Defence Expo Controversy

02 enquire

Up In Arms Over The Defence Expo It Seems Like A Nice Idea. So Why Are So Many Goans Opposed?


By Crespo D’Souza

t will be arguably Goa’s largest event till date if not the most important. The State will play host to Defence Ministers of several countries and Chiefs of Staff of still others later this month. But the manner in which the government brought in the DefExpo has left a bad taste in the mouths of many Goans, and opposition is intense. Is this just another case of obstructionists opposing a project just because they can? Or are their grievances genuine, with the government running roughshod over the will of the people? Most likely, it’s a case of a stunning lack of communication, and of a government suffering from a severe lack of trust. Back in 2012, a joint committee of the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Civil Aviation had recommended Goa as a reasonable exhibition site. Around July 2015, a decision was finally made public, that the biennial DefExpo would be held in Betul in Goa. The 9th Land, Naval & Internal Homeland Security Systems Exhibition - 2016, the full name of the defence exposition, will be conducted from March 28-31 on nearly 150 acres of open land at Betul, about 30 kilometres south of Margao. In response, the government has faced a number of protests from villagers. The situation was fast turning ugly when the government decided to engage the protesters rather than confront them. Proponents wondered what could be wrong with hosting an exhibition on land that belongs to the government, where the State stands to gain through a massive influx of visitors. The answer lies in how the opponents perceive the project. Speaking to the media, Freddy Fernandes, a leader of the protest movement, said he and his peers oppose the project because they have been kept in the dark about it. “The Chief Minister mentioned that before protesting we should study the project. The villagers of Naqueri-Betul

and surrounding villages ask the CM to please let us know how to study the project when everything has been kept under wraps!” Fernandes said. “None of the officials nor the politicians have clarified about the project, be it to the panchayat, the local MLA or the people at large,” he added. The first time the government deigned to even discuss the DefExpo was on February 25, barely one month before the event and after the organisers began moving machinery and equipment onto the site. Until that point most people in Goa, much less the village, hadn’t the slightest idea what the DefExpo was about, whether it would include the Aero India show usually held in Bangalore, and whether the land was handed over permanently or not. “We called on the Chief Minister with a long list of questions regarding the kind of activities that will take place there, the amount of money the panchayat will earn and how, whether there is a possibility of weapons testing at the site, etc. We demanded that the entire public report be made public,” said Charles D’Silva, another villager from the area. “In response the Chief Minister said that he didn’t know because he hasn’t gone into the project in detail. If the Chief Minister isn’t in the know of these things, who is going to familiarise themselves with it? If the CM isn’t sure, how can he be sure the state will benefit from the project and so openly support it,” D’Silva added. A crucial point the locals raised was that of the fate of the two bridges, one at Balli and another at Quitol, which are known to be old and weak, given the heavy machinery that is to be moved to the site. Underscoring the fact that local knowledge trumps that of those sitting in Panjim and Delhi, an age-old bridge — the Balli bridge that lies along the narrow road that leads to

the DefExpo site - has begun collapsing under the weight of the heavy machinery being moved to the site, and the organisers are frantically trying to repair it before they can resume the work. It’s as if to say: “If you guys had asked us before hosting the DefExpo in our village, we would have warned you about the bridge.” The Confederation of Indian Industry and the Goa State Industries Association admitted that the government’s move to unilaterally declare a spot for an event as big as the DefExpo without briefing the villagers in advance was a mistake. “If anything, the government should have held the presentation on the DefExpo six months in advance. That would have helped the villagers understand what is happening,” Parag Joshi of CII’s Goa unit said in views that were seconded by GSIA president Shekhar Prabhudesai. At the presentation that was held at the Margao collectorate, the Ministry of Defence representative apologised to those gathered for failing to keep them in the loop over the developments. “We found his attitude much better than the rest of the state government officials including the Chief Minister and Union Defence Minister. It was he who insisted that all the queries of the villagers should be answered,” Fernandes said. It was the presentation held at Margao which helped soften the protestors who hitherto had threatened to ‘give

their lives’ but not allow the DefExpo to come up at the site. “It is our constitutional right to know the details as well as the pros and cons of the project, which neither our government nor the authorities have done. Protesting peacefully against unwanted projects is also our constitutional right. Naqueri-Betul along with Ambelim, Assolna, Velim, Morpilla, Loutolim and Khola Panchayats have taken resolutions against the DefExpo so how can the Government bulldoze this project through?” Fernandes asked. But the protests are not the organisers’ only headache. Among the problems the organisers face is that they have to set up structures from scratch, the roads leading to the project are narrow and most of the equipment will have to be brought in from outside the State. While the government has promised that the state will earn revenue indirectly through the expenditures here, the Chief Minister was ambiguous on how exactly this money will come into the state and how the locals will profit. The CII has suggested money could be made through renting out houses to those who visit the Expo, and the Chief Minister has suggested that the locals could set up stalls outside the venue. Neither idea has caught on with the locals. The government’s strategy of ‘shoot first, ask questions later’, has done little to allay the fears of the locals, and what might have otherwise been a world-class international event has now been compromised in the eyes of many ordinary Goans. 

Publisher Marisha Dutt • Chief Mentor Steven Gutkin • Contributing Editor José Lourenço Photographer Brendon Sapeco • Marketing Co-ordinator Radhika Naik • Marketing Executive Alvira Rodrigues • Graphic Designer Amol Kamat • Circulation & Accounts Co-ordinator Nilesh Shetgaonkar • Circulation Vijay Gadekar & Valentino D'Cruz • Correspondents/Writers: Ethel Da Costa,

Sheela Jaywant, Charlane Pereira e Rebello, Bina Datwani, Karan Bhagat, Perin Ilavia, Dielle D’Souza, Anzil Fernandes, Crespo D’Souza, Sanket Sharma, Richa Narvekar, Vivian Maverick Martins, Claron Mazarello, Aliya Abreu, Kanchi Mehta, Sapna Shahani, Vaishnavi Pilankar


Yes! Goan Women Are Marrying Late… Is That Necessarily A Bad Thing? By Dr. Charlane Pereira e Rebello

There’s a saying in Spanish, “mejor sólo que mal acompañado,” that translates to, “better alone than badly accompanied.” It seems quite a few women here in Goa are taking this notion to heart, getting married at a later age. Some may love being single, while others hold back on their marriage to build a steady career. Dr. Charlane Pereira e Rebello chats with a few women to find out their views on postponing marriage.


ecently, I attended the nuptials of a friend in Margao. It didn’t bother the bride, Seema, that she had waited until she was almost 40 to drop anchor, as she hadn’t yet found the perfect groom. “I met Mark and we knew that we were meant for each other. I had not met any suitable bachelor before. Also, I was busy lecturing and trying to get permanent (in my job). With my post being regularized, I have no worries at all.” However, for 45-year-old Naseem, not having a husband at her age has been a source of heartache. “I am the only daughter of my parents,” she tells me. “I have a wish to get married but it is difficult to get proposals as I have crossed the marriageable age. I have to think twice when an occasional proposal comes. First, my 85-year-old dad fell sick, and my mom and I had to look after him for 5 years as he was bed-ridden. After he passed away, my mom had a stroke and within 3 years, she expired.” She continues, “I feel lonely many times. I have to manage my work and household duties all by myself. Although I yearn to have a soulmate in my life, I feel that there are hardly any educated men in their 40s.” Career, ailing parents or not having met the right person are among the most common reasons for delaying marriage in Goa.

India is one of a number of countries where the legal age for marriage differs for men and women (for men it’s 21 and for women it’s 18). According to India’s 2011 census, the average age of first marriage for men is 28 and for women is 22. Here in Goa, the average age at first marriage for women is 24 and for men 30. It should not come as a surprise that Goa, with higher development levels than the rest of India, would have citizens who wait longer to get married. Worldwide, the richest countries also have the latest marriages (in Sweden, the average age of first marriage is 35 for men and 33 for women). Census official Gaurav Pandey said the average age of marriage in Goa is now 27 years, up from 25 a decade back. Forty-four-year-old Tina says, “I have been living an independent life ever since I started working at the age of 22 years. I have been into several relationships and they always ended up on a bitter note. I am in no hurry to settle down although my mother gives me a good dose of sermon on the weekends that I go home.” “To be able to adjust to a man at this age and live with him is not my cup of tea,” she continues. “I am who I am and I certainly don’t like people telling me that I should get married or check out the lousy proposals that they get for me.” It’s becoming increasingly common for working women to delay marriage to focus on their careers. Thirty-threeyear-old Leena moved out of her home and is staying as a paying guest with a family closer to her workplace in Panjim.

She says, “Marriage? I am quite happy the way I am. Although everyone else is worried about me and is trying their best to find me a spouse, I am enjoying being footloose and fancy free. It’s my life and I will decide when I want to get married or not.” All this, of course, is not to say there aren’t plenty of women out there doing it the old-fashioned way: marrying early. Twenty-eight year old Hazel of Cuncolim married her high school sweetheart when she was 21 years old. Today she is the mother of two young children aged five and three. By the time Hazel hits 50, her daughters will be 27 and 25. It wouldn’t be astounding if Hazel becomes a grandmom in her 40s, when some of the ladies in this article are just getting hitched for the first time. Of course there is that pesky little issue facing women called the biological clock. According to the latest Census 2011 data, the percentage of women in Goa who never bore any children has gone up to 20% in 2011 from 15% in 2001. The fertility rate dropped to just 1.6 in 2011 as against 2.4 nationally. So sure, wait if you must. There’s lots of psychological evidence supporting the assertion that marriage does not necessarily make a woman happier (interestingly, the opposite is true of men). But if you want to give birth to offspring of your own, don’t wait too long. Otherwise, just adopt. 

Friday, March 11, 2016




oming to India for the first time - a Bellydance Extravanganza evening with scintillating, glamorous, spectacular neverseen-before performances by leading, celebrity bellydancers flown in from around the World and India. It’s part of the 4-day festival BWITCHS – India’s Largest BellydanceFestival rooted in Women’s Empowerment, organized by LeenaViie and hosted at TITO’S COURTYARD. Come prepared to be enchanted by the novel, exotic, award-winning performances showcasing the best of traditional bellydance and unique fusions.

You will be mesmerized and whisked away into the ancient lands of pharaohs and queens and sometimes tossed over to the fantasy world of vampires and witches and be brought to the safety of the classic and traditional. The amazing line-up includes Classical Egyptian, Fantasy Fusion, Dramatic Oriental, American Cabaret, Indian Bellydance Fusion, Veil bellydance, Folkloric bellydance, Burlesque bellydance among many others. Support this movement of Women Empowerment through dance. Be prepared to be bewitched!

The celebrity dancers include • Nadia Nikishenko (Russia), • Colleena Shakti (USA) • NikaMlakar (Slovenia) • Natalie Nazario (Puerto Rico) • Sedona Soulfire (USA) • Meher Malik (India) • LeenaViie (Bombay) • Payal Gupta (Bangalore) • BinduBolar (Bangalore) • DeepthiShetty (Bangalore) • EssaDuhaime (Pune) • Sana Pindare (Bombay) • PiaBhurke (Bombay) ….. among many others Tickets Rs. 1500 including buffet

Goa Streets Is Proud Media Partner

MARCH 13TH Bellydance Party Night This is a more informal bellydance party evening which will also showcase spectacular performances by International and Indian bellydancers and varied styles of bellydance from traditional Middle Eastern to New Age and edgy! The audience is welcome to join in, move their hips, dance and feel the joy this dance form brings! Tickets Rs. 700 TURN TO PAGE 6

06 music & nightlife March 11 & March 14

Bwitchs International Belly dance Fusion Festival
Participate in innovative workshops and check out leading belly dancers from the US, Russia and other countries in empowering performances.
Goa Streets is proud to be a Media Partner
At Tito’s Courtyard, Baga and Nazri Resort Baga
 +91 9822765002 for tickets.

March 17

Fusion Night at Antares
 Fusion Night at Antares with Alex Ferrer and Victoria Bourke. Free Sangria’s and Cosmos for all the ladies.
At Antares Restaurant and Beach Club, Ozran beach, small Vagator, Goa
8 pm onwards
73500 11528

Every Fridays & Saturdays Wild Bar Session Drink All You Can Special Performances At Nyex Beach Club, Anjuna 8 pm onwards +91 7387410421/ +91 9545550571

Every Wednesday

Free bird nights at Cotinga Free bird nights at Cotinga presents, Elvis and Anirban, with a classic rock and blues session, this Wednesday 8:00 pm onwards. At Cotinga at the Tamarind Hotel, Anjuna 8:00 pm onwards +919822851155, (0832)6519999 Live music at Mustard
 Krishna Vamsee is live on Wednesday, only at Mustard playing the best in blues, mo-town rock, and country tracks.
 Come savour the flavour that binds cuisines together at the newest culinary destination in Goa.
 8:00 pm onwards
 At Mustard, Sangolda +91 98234 36120 KARAOKE at GURU BAR Karaoke Night Kony Hindi, English & Russian Free entry At GURU BAR, Anjuna 8 pm onwards +91 98233 83257

Every Thursday

Karaoke Nite Come & be with Mojo Rockstar Kdj Seby At Cafe Mojo Pub & Bistro, Panjim 7 pm onwards +91 7774054353

Every Fridays

'Rock and Roll Fridays Entertainment – Live with ‘The Aviv Projekt’ At Hard Rock Hotel Goa, 370/14 Porba Vaddo, Calangute, Bardez, Goa 8:00 pm onwards +91 8554984841 Wicked Fridays Wicked Fridays launches again this Friday! Gear up for an amazing season, and join us to welcome the 3rd season of Wicked Fridays in Goa!
 At Waters Beach Lounge and Grill, Ozran beach, Vagator 8:00 pm till late +919767200012 & 9702025555 & 9850561111 Friday Nights @ A Reverie With Anika Noronha Live At A Reverie, Calangute 7 pm onwards +91 98231 74927

Live Music Jukebox - Andre & Tania At The Fisherman's Wharf, Cavelossim
 @ 7 pm onwards +91 832 287 1317 Fusion Live Music
 Shanti Fusion
A Fusion Of Indian Classical Music & Western Music. The Lead Instrument Is A Sitar Accompanied By Tabala, Drum Set, Saxophone, Keyboard & Double Base Guitar At Deltin Royale, Mandovi River (Offshore) 
 8 pm onwards +91 86985 99999

Music Spots in Goa

Grand Hyatt Goa, Bambolim Piano Evenings- Every Evening A sip of coffee or a selection of the finest wines and digestifs; enjoy late evenings at Confeitaria while Melanie enchants you with the melodious keys of her Grand Piano. At Confeitaria, Grand Hyatt Goa 10 pm – 1 am Fire Place - Every Thursday Gather around the fire place at the Capiz Bar for an evening of sundowners, performances by DJ Thelma and the acrobatic Safari Cats. Sunset - 00:00 midnight Alfresco Night – Every Friday Walk over to the Pool Bar and Grill and enjoy comfort food accompanied with live music by DJ Thelma 7 pm – 10:30 pm For reservations call +91 832 3011510 Cavala Every Wednesday: Cavala Acoustic Latin Retro Every Friday: Tidal Wave’s live act Every Saturday: Piano played by Bosco Cavala, Calangute - Baga Road, Baga 8:30 pm onwards. +91 832 2276090 | The Park, Calangute Every Monday: Retro Night by Jus Leo Every Thursday: Retro Night Every Friday: Karaoke Night with KDJ Tony The Park, Calangute 8 pm onwards +91 8805028194, +91 832 2267600

Casinos in Goa

Deltin Royale Casino Get lucky on a big boat. D.Bandodkar Road, Panjim +91 9820 616515 or email: groups@ (If you’re based in Mumbai) +91 7875 024455 or email: (If you’re based in Goa) Crown Casino Crown Casino located on the first floor of The Crown Hotel, Celebrate and have fun in crown casino that offers the latest in Gaming technology. Enjoy an international experience right here in the heart of Goa! Hotel guests can avail of special casino packages as well. Contact hotel reception on check in. Bairo Alto Dos Pilotos, Jose Falcao Road, Behind Old Secretariat, Panjim For Group Booking Contact: Mr. Rakshit Talwar: +91 9049084848 or +91 832 2222833 Casino Carnival Casino Carnival Goa offers premium entertainment in Goa, anchored in the Mandovi River overlooking the charming city of Panjim. Offers High Quality Entertainment and Live Gaming experience in Goa comparable with the best practices of international casinos. At Goa Marriott Resort & Spa, Panjim +91 8888885314

BwitchsInternational Bellydance Fusion Festival to Take Place in Baga March 11-14 The second edition of the Bwitchs International Bellydance Fusion Festival is more ambitious than its previous edition last year, which took place in Mumbai. This year from March 11-14, it will take place at Nazri Resort and Tito’s Courtyard in Baga. Some of the finest teachers who are masters of bellydance and Fusion Bellydance from all over India and around the globe will be attending such as Nadia Nikishenko (Russia),Colleena Shakti (USA), NikaMlakar (Slovenia), Natalie Nazario (Puerto Rico), Sedona Soulfire (USA), Meher Malik, LeenaViie, Payal Gupta, BinduBolar, DeepthiShetty and EssaDuhaime(India). The festival will include workshops during the day at Nazri Resort and gala performancesin the evening on Friday and Saturday at Tito’s. It is held around the time of International Women’s Day and has an empowerment theme. A panel discussion will explore that issue, and a Flash Mob will include women with difficult life circumstances - acid victims, street children and HIV patients. The original edition of the Bwitchsfestival,in March 2015 in Bombay, was the first of its kind – an International Bellydance Fusion Festivalthat married art and activism. The event was slated for International Women’s Day, teachingbellydance against a backdrop of conversations and activities around feminism, trust, and power dynamics. The March 2015 Festival saw 12 Master International and National Teachers presenting the most varied of bellydance fusions:Burlesque Belly Fusion,Hula Hoop Belly Fusion, Thai Odissi Belly Fusion, Kathak Belly Fusion, Sacred Temple Bellydance Fusion, Flamenco Tribal Fusion Bellydance, among many others. Bwitchs 2015 also saw the World’s First Bellydance Flash Mob held under the One Billion Rising Movement. LeenaViie, the organizer of the festival, was inspired to activism when she participated in anti-rape protests on December 23, 2012. “I was restless sitting and watching the horrid protest news on TV. I decided to go out andjoin the protests on Sunday. It was an unforgettable incident. The police,socalled‘legitimate care-takers’ of our society,usedtear gas, lathis and cold water while chasing us down and hurling abuses. Drenched with water and shivering cold, I was forced to run for my life over roads strewn with pipes and material from construction nearby, jump overgrown thorny bushes and over wet slippery grounds. I fell three times over in the stampede and at one point, I almost wanted to give up running. I thought if this is this the price I pay for voicing what I feel as a woman in this country then something is wrong in our standards. I didn’t dare return to the protests the next day because I was simply afraid of being seriously injured. But I didn’t want my voice to be quiet as they intended. I know changing perceptions isn’t easy but we need to have awareness of the patriarchal conditioning that limits us and consciously work towards

building a society where we can feel good in the body, feel what it feels like to walk freely on the streets, sexual, un-intimidated, un-harassed, unafraid. This is the world we women deserve.” Hence she came up with the name Bwitchs. Bewitch means to enchant, whichbellydancersnaturally do. They cast a spell on anyone who watches, as this indeed is a powerful feminine dance form. Bwitchis also rooted in the word ‘witch’, which is highly misunderstood. Witch actually means wise woman. Our gut, our womb, our belly is a powerful seat from which arises this natural wisdom, perception, intuition. Women gifted with it were shunned since it made them more powerful. The Bellydance community is a vulnerable one. The form still carries a tainted image and perceptions such as ‘dancers are immoral’, ‘bellydance is for men’s titillation’,etc. Hence it’s imperative that women find their own voices and clear some of these myths. What is this really about? Allowing women to express themselves fully, to live without fear and violence, and to enjoy the freedom to live life on their own terms. “We shall use varied mediums like the Flash Mob and YouTube clips to channel our message. Dancing allows us to tap into a revolutionary and poetic energy which takes the lid off the patriarchal container, releasing more of our wisdom, our self love, our sexuality, our compassion and fierceness,” Leena explains. For more information, please visit www., our Facebook page or www.

21 music & nightlife 07

Friday, March 11, 2016

Drumming To An Ancient Beat A Solitary Goan percussionist Still Makes Drums The Traditional Way – With Wood And Hide


By José Lourenço

rums can easily be said to be the oldest form of musical instruments. The day one of our cavemen ancestors stretched the hide of some wild animal across a thick ring of wood and thumped on it was the day the drum was born. Percussion instruments have since moved on into the digital age, with electronic beats heralding the age of EDM, electronic dance music. But in Poinginim, a remote village in Canacona taluka of south Goa, a craftsman-musician still makes the dhol, taso and shimell — traditional drums used in the Hindu temples of Goa. Dilip Poinginkar is one of the last such drum makers in Goa. Asmitai Pratishthan, a Margao-based trust held a Konkani festival last weekend at Ravindra Bhavan in Margao. One of the events there was a presentation by photographer and ethnographer Pantaleao Fernandes on the ‘Traditional Occupations Of Goa’. Dilip Poinginkar was a part of Pantaleao’s talk, giving a live demonstration of the making of the taso and dhol. Walking onto the stage beating the taso drum with two short sticks, the unassuming bearded and bespectacled Dilip goes about his task with professional ease. “The wooden base of the drum is in the shape of a bowl, with three short ‘legs’ bracing it,” he explains, as he shows the parts of the taso. “I get a raw goat hide and dry it. Then I remove the hair, using a shard of glass held at an

angle, else the hide gets cut. After curing the hide, I stretch it across the wooden frame and stitch the skin, fixing it to the hoops on the rim.” There are no screws or nails involved in the making of the taso. The securing cords run through perforations in the hide and through hoops on the outer surface of the wooden shell. When the hide goes slack, the cords are tightened to restore the taut sound. The other drum, the larger dhol, gives a deeper sound as compared to the taso. The dhol membrane does not require stitching. The hide is stretched across the rim of the dhol and a weight is placed on it for a day, after which it is secured at the rim of the cylindrical drum shell. According to Dilip, the hide of a male goat is used for the larger, deeper sounding dhol, while the thinner female hide is used for the smaller, higher pitched taso. The dhol has beating surfaces on both sides of its cylindrical shell, with a hole for the pressured air to escape.

“My grandfather and father used to make these drums. Our temples need them for their regular rituals, so I too learned this craft. My son too has learned from me and if the temple needs a drum he can make it.” “Why for temples only, what about other events like weddings?” asks Damodar Mauzo, the popular Konkani writer, who is among the audience. “We used to go for weddings and other events, my father and other older musicians, but now my colleagues don’t want to go for these occasions anymore,” says Dilip. The state government has not provided Dilip or his father with any support or recognition, as yet. Dilip presently works as a peon. “When I retire, I will carry on playing the drums at the temples,” smiles the affable percussionist. “No one else makes these instruments in our village. Sometimes if people want these drums they go to Karwar or some other place to get them. The wood of the khair tree is used to make the wooden base of the taso. It gives good sound. The shell of the dhol is made from the wood of the jackfruit or other tree.” A goat hide can cost Dilip seven to eight hundred rupees. It takes him a few days to work on assembling the drum, so he adds his crafting charges. “The wooden frame is expensive, the carpenter charges 1500 rupees to make it,” says Dilip. But he has found a way around this. “If anyone wants to make a taso or shimell or dhol, I ask them to get me the wooden base or shell, and then I assemble the rest of the instrument. In the seasonal festivities there’s a lot of demand for these drums.” “I am prepared to teach young people to make these drums and to play them,” says Dilip, answering a query from the audience. “Of course, I would teach them in our Poinginim style. Different places have their own drum beats and rhythms.” It is a comforting thought for the captivated audience that the engineering student-son of Dilip will continue the drum-making craft of his ancestors. They give the father and son a hearty round of applause, as Dilip bows and steps of the stage to the beat of his own drum. 


It’s All In The Plumbing By Karan Bhagat

The Mustard Seed Art Company continues to spice things up for theatre lovers in Goa. Karan Bhagat reviews their latest offering – ‘All Those Pipe Dreams’.


hough there are many Konkani plays staged in Goa, English plays are relatively rare. It’s in this somewhat barren landscape that the Mustard Seed Art Company stands out as a steadfast beacon. It stages English plays at regular intervals and its flyers say it has been ‘at it for the last 29 years’. Last week the company presented its latest production – All Those Pipe Dreams, a play written by Isabel de Santa Rita Vas and directed by the writer alongside Marisse Coutinho Bhobe – across a range of venues in Goa. I caught it at the Institute Menezes Braganza in Panjim on the 29th of February. The performance begins with a young woman doing a stylized dance and seemingly searching for something. It turns out that the thing for which she is looking and that is nowhere to be found is her name. Next we are introduced to an older couple – a husband and wife – Caitano and Dissolvina Soares (Kiran Bhandari and Kanchi Mehta). They have recently bought and moved into a large old house in Agassaim. Caitano (alias ‘Caitu’) has given up his job and dreams of setting up a restaurant in a section of the house. His wife is much occupied with her clothes and make up. While trying to mend a faulty pipe that Dissolvina keeps pestering him about, Caitu chances upon a ‘cave’ (or was it a tunnel?) on the premises. He is excited about the possibility that there may be some interesting history attached to this cave (the house being hundreds of years old) but worried that the ‘authorities’ might wish to expropriate his house

should they get wind of the fact that it is of historical import (and the neighbours, it appears, are a gossipy lot who just might alert the authorities to this fact). The couple also talk wistfully about their daughter Sonali who is living in a big city and has not visited them for many years. Caitu decides that he needs Sonali’s help to work on the plumbing in the cave. He asks her to come to Agassaim and so she does. Father and daughter (played by Marisse Coutinho Bhobe) then proceed to explore the cave together (though for some reason that was unclear to me Sonali sort of dances her way through it). Soon after this, Sonali’s boyfriend Nitish Godiwalla (Nigel Elias Khamkar)

11 theatre 21

Friday, March 11, 2016

– a fabric designer, with whom she has recently had a falling out – arrives at the house in Agassaim. More dancing in the cave follows, this time by Sonali and Nitish together. It is revealed that the reason why Sonali has not visited her parents’ home for a long time is because she feels that her mother blames her (Sonali) for the death of a younger brother some years previously. Apparently the young boy was in the supervisory care of his elder sister when he dashed out of the house and was killed by a passing vehicle. A reconciliation of sorts follows and the play ends with Sonali declaring that she has found her name again (it was she who had been searching for it at the start of the play). Overall there was much to commend in this production. The acting was generally of a high quality, especially by the women in the cast. Kanchi Mehta made a memorable Dissolvina – selfimportant and sardonic, with a withering turn of phrase. She was also quick with her cues and lifted the energy of the play. I was not able to understand Sonali’s motivations very well but Marisse Bhobe made a good fist of the role. She was clear in her delivery and had a comfortable stage presence. The men too stood their ground. Singing and dancing were mainly of a high standard and the sound, lights and costumes were all good. But there were niggles. The play lacked a strong narrative arc. It also lacked sufficient drama. Ironically some of the most moving parts of the play were the songs, which were presented

somewhat as ‘asides’ from the main action – often drawing in non-acting participants. There was also too much repetition in the dialogue and not enough adherence to the principle of ‘show but do not tell’. Excessive voiceovers – which included the counting out of Act numbers – also broke the momentum and sounded a bit amateurish. Finally, simpler sets might have helped the audience focus more on the meat of the play. That said, it was an enjoyable evening and apparently much appreciated. The full auditorium (there were no empty seats) and wholesome applause themselves tell a story. I look forward to the company’s next offering, perhaps incorporating a few tweaks. 

12 food & drink Mar 13, Mar 27 & April 10 Sunday Brunch Antares with live music by Joanne Fernandes and friends. *Price 1900 per person At Antares Restaurant and Beach Club, Ozran beach, small Vagator, Goa. 12 – 5 pm +91 73500 11528

20th March & 3rd April 2016 Sunday Brunch Sunday Brunch at Antares with live music by Crystal and Sancho. *Price 1900 + taxes At Antares Restaurant and Beach Club, Ozran beach, small Vagator, Goa. 12 pm – 5 pm +91 73500 11528

Every Monday Hops & Nibbles Walk into the Capiz Bar to experience new flavours in beer and food pairing. Try something new every Monday as the pairing changes every week; Tapas, Yakitori and more to enjoy At Capiz Bar, Grand Hyatt Goa 4:00PM – 00:00 midnight INR 990 + taxes For reservations call +91 832 3011510

Every Wednesday Pizza Night @ Ciao Bella Dive into a selection of authentic Italian wood fired pizzas At CIAO BELLA, Assegai
7 pm onwards +91 97675 57673 Seafood Night Market A weekly seafood night market with a wide selection of seafood delicacies. If you can’t seem to get enough of seafood through the week, walk over to The Dining Room and enjoy an amazing selection of your seafood favourites and live entertainment. Every Wednesday INR 2500 per person At Grand Hyatt Goa, Bambolim +91 832 3011510

Every Thursday Pasta Thursdays Treat yourself to a selection of pastas At Bar Code Lounge & Grill, Porvorim +91 832 241 0027

EVERY Saturday
 Spanish Nights Head over to the Grand Hyatt Goa Palace Lawns; where they give you an evening of live entertainment and food inspired from the Mediterranean coast of Spain. 7:00PM – 11:30PM INR 2200 + taxes At Grand Hyatt Goa, Bambolim +91 832 3011510

Brunches Every Sunday Sunday Brunch Happy Hours Buy one Get one free Lunch Buffet Starting 899/Pool Usage At Bay 15, Dona Paula 12 noon onwards +91 7350146000

Sunday-Champagne Brunch Relish a sumptuous meal over five interactive food counters along with free flowing cocktails, champagne and live music by Thelma. Every Sunday, the Dining Room, Grand Hyatt Goa, Bambolim 1:00PM – 4:00PM INR 2500 + taxes +91 832 3011510

South Goa Restaurant

Sunday Barbeque Brunch Poolside Sunday grills with live music 12 pm to 5 pm At Banana Republic Bar - Cavala, Baga +91 832 227 7587

Allegria Goan, Portuguese This fine-dining restaurant at the Taj Exotica serves mouth watering food. On offer are all the classic Goan dishes like Chicken Cafreal, Pork Sorpotel, and Kullanche Mass Kottnim, which is crab meat in a shell, and of course, the all time favourite, Fish Curry Rice. At Taj Exotica, Calwaddo, Benaulim, Salcete 7.30 pm to 10.45 pm +91 832 6683333

Sunday Brunch at Barrels & Bones 12 noon onwards At BARRELS & BONES, Fontainhas +91 77740 78276 Super Brunch 
 The Super Brunch at Vivanta Panaji is a decadent affair with an astonishingly wide selection of Live grills. Serving up the finest cuisine from around the world. 
At Vivanta by Taj, Panaji, Off D B Bandodkar road, Panaji
+91 832 6633636 Brunch at Cantina Bodega This is one of the more interesting spots in town to have a meal. Under the supervision of Vandana Naik, a former top chef in New York City and easily one of Goa’s most notable culinary experts, there’s a wide variety of delights on offer, including pizzas, soups, salads, hummus and meat balls, plus an eclectic mix of Indian, Mediterranean and other world cuisines. That’s not to mention the desserts, another top draw here. Noon to 4 pm At Cantina Bodega, Sunaparanta, Panjim. +91 832 2421315 Sunday Family Brunch Live Music by The Actacy At Gawin's Restaurant, Verna 12 pm to 3 pm +91 9822177179 Bikini Brunch Sunday BBQ Brunch @ Rs. 950 ++ with unlimited drinks Enjoy Live Karaoke with Emmanuel At The Park, Calangute 12.30 pm to 4.30 pm. +91 8805028194/ +91 832 2267600 Sunday Brunch Highlights: Free Use of Swimming Pool, Rain Dance with DJ, Lavish Buffet with live counters, unlimited house brands alcohol & cocktails & games & Activities Cost: Rs. 1500/- inclusive of all Taxes (with alcohol); Rs. 1100/- inclusive of all Taxes (without alcohol) At Resort Rio, Tambudki, Arpora 12 noon to 3 pm +91 8322267300 / +91 8322267302

Palms Restaurant The Beachside Restaurant Palms with the Peruvian delicacy for the first time in Goa. Enjoy Ceviche delicacies and Peruvian drinks all night long! At Park Hyatt Goa Resort and Spa, Cavelossim +91 832 2721235

Peppers Gourmet Cuisine Seafood, Tandoor Indulge in innovative desserts and local flavours at this exciting food joint. Near Child Care School, Margao +91 832 2711125. +91 9822133506 A Tartaruga Multi – Cuisine This eating space is a great venue for weddings and parties with sprawling beach front lawns that can accommodate up to 1000 pax. At Colva Beach, Salcete 7 am to 11 pm +91 832 2788068/69 Casa Sarita For truly outstanding authentic Goan Food. Open only for dinner, this classy fine dining restaurant is a delightful place to explore Goan and Portuguese cuisine. At Park Hyatt Goa, Cansaulim +91 832 2721234 Tato’s Fine Dining Goan, Indian, Chinese Tato’s fine dining makes its presence felt in the culinary circles in Margao. Opp. New Collectorate, Margao 12 pm to 3 pm and 6.30 pm to 11 pm +91 832 2758590 Fisherman’s Wharf Authentic Goan It’s a fantastic restaurant to celebrate a special occasion. At the riverside, near Holiday Inn, Cavelossim – Salcete +91 832 2871317 Soul Soufflé Goan, North Indian, Continental, Chinese, Seafood Casual Dinning At Off The Old Verna Highway, Near UDddear Water Fall, Ambulour Village, Verna, Margao +918322782100 Gawin's Restaurant & Pub Seafood, Goan, Continental, Chinese Enjoy Sunday Brunch every week At Cansaulim Road, Verna +91 9822177179 Cherry Tomato Burger Cafe and Italian Restaurant At Vanelim, Colva +91 9561379963

Dropadi Restaurant Casual Dining North Indian, Chinese, Continental, Seafood, Goan At Palolem Beach, Palolem, Goa +91 832 264 4555 Vasco Square Casual Dining North Indian, Goan, Continental, Seafood At 211, Joseph Vaz Road, Vasco, Goa +91 832 250 0644 
Coconut Creek Serves Non veg, Alcohol, Outdoor Seating Goan, Continental, Chinese, North Indian, Seafood At Bogmalo, Bimut Ward, Bogmalo +91 832 2538100/+91 9823117647 
Konkani Restaurant Casual Dining North Indian, Konkan, Goan, Seafood At Jigisha Building, Varde Valaulikar Road, Margao +91 97638 22983 
Pentagon Restaurant & Garden Pub Eclectic Asian, Indian and European menu. Sizzle your taste buds with awesome food at pentagon from starters to main course we have it all for you At Majorda Beach Road, Opp. Majorda Beach Resort, Salcete 12 pm to 12 am +91 832 2881402/ +91 9822091402

North Goa Restaurant Marbela Beach Italian, Seafood One of the finest beach resorts in the state, Marbela Beach is the ultimate destination to party or to unwind during the sunset with refreshing cocktails and decent food to hog on to. At Morjim –Ashvem Road, Morjim 7 am to midnight +91 832 8450599 Goa Marriott Resort & Spa Open for dinner 7 pm onwards every day, Wan Hao is also open for lunch on Saturday and Sunday. Re-orient your taste-buds with the choicest of Oriental cuisine all this season only. At Wan Hao, the Goa Marriott Resort & Spa! +91 832-246 3333. Avanti Bar & Restaurant Indian, Goan & Seafood Serves Goan specialties like Rawa fried prawns, stuffed squid, and gratinated stuffed crab masala among other Goan delights. Near Patto Bridge, Panjim 11 am to 3 .30 pm, 7 pm to 11.30 pm +91 832 2435884/ +91 832 2427179 Peep Kitchen Indian, Continental, Goan, Chinese A family restaurant with a bar run by a Goan family serves food with an authentic Goan and homely touch. At Caranzalem, Near Petrol Pump, Panjim Noon to 2.30 pm and 7 pm to 10.30 pm +91 832 6454474

Hotel Sanskruti Chinese, Goan, Indian, Oriental It’s a pure vegetarian restaurant which is packed during lunch time. It’s really good for South Indian food, Thali, and chaat. At Near HDFC Bank, Porvorim 8 am to 11 pm +91 832 2414400/ +91 94233323822 Casa Bhonsle Indian & Goan All meals here are prepared in the authentic Hindu Goan Style. Above Café Bhonsle, Near Cine National, Panjim Noon to 3.30 pm & 7 pm to 11 pm +91 832 2222260/ +91 9822100684 O’Asia Pan Asian This is the ultimate destination for your pan Asian culinary fix. At The O Hotel, Dando, Candolim Noon to 3 pm, 7.30 pm to 11 pm +918323047000 A Lua Chinese, European, Goan, North Indian, Seafood 11 am to 11 pm At, Bella vista, Sangolda +91 832 2416671/ 73 At Porie Bhatt, Verna Contact: +91 832 2782760/ +91 9881272080
 At Bhueem Bhatt, St Cruz, Merces +91 832 2448172/ +91 2448757 A Pastelaria Bakery An ideal place for pastries, cakes, cookies and other baked offerings. 9 am to 9 pm At Hotel Mandovi, Panjim +91 832 2426270/ 73 Anandashram Hotel Chinese, Goan and Seafood This is one of the oldest eateries in Goa and is something of an institution for its affordable and delicious Goan Fare. At 31st January Road, Panjim 1 pm to 10.30 pm +91 9823195245 Edu’s Restaurant Indian, Chinese, International and Goan Pizzas are one of their specialties. There’s nothing fancy about it but it has the vibe of a street café. Next to Magsons on the main DB Road in Panjim, Miramar. +91 832 2463777, +91 832 2463888
 Sol de Goa 
Relax over the weekend with lazy Sundays by the poolside. Sol de Goa presents Mexicana-Spanish Brunch with Sangrias, unlimited food and LIVE acoustic entertainment.
At Sol De Goa, Nerul 
11.30 Onwards 
+91 9552134385 Go With the Flow 
Brazillian, Mediterranean, Fusion 
In an enchanting location on the Baga river bank, offering stunning views of the river, and sea beyond. Oh did we mention? The food’s really good, too. Chef Guto from Brazil really knows what he’s doing. We mean it.
At Calangute, Baga 
+91 7507771556 

Antares by Sarah Todd Stunning New Restaurant in Vagator Brings Glitz, Glamour, Great Taste

And Delicious Flavours From A MasterChef Australia Finalist By Goa Streets


ranted not everyone on the planet watches the renowned cooking show MasterChef Australia. But if you are a fan, then you undoubtedly have heard of Sarah Todd, the modelturned-MasterChef who wowed audiences around the world as a finalist of 2014’s Season 6. That this beautiful, famous and talented chef has decided to open a Modern Australian restaurant right here in our very own Goa – and an excellent one at that– is certainly reason to be proud. Not only has Sarah come of age, but so have we. On a recent Sunday afternoon, we headed over to try out the newly launched Sunday Brunch at Antares. The restaurant is stunning, with its location atop the Vagator cliff overlooking palm trees, crashing waves,

rock formations and the endless expanse of the Arabian Sea. To say Antares, launched this past November, is one of the coolest and hippest restaurants to hit the Goa food scene would be an understatement. Renowned restaurateur Ashish Kapur and Joydeep Singh, cofounders of the The Wine Company, Dimsum Bros. and Yo! China and have collaborated with Todd to put together this architectural showpiece, featuring cozy villas (yes, you can stay as well as eat here), awe-inspiring views, a Beach Club, an infinity pool, a store, a dazzling installation of LED lights showing the constellation Scorpius, and, of course, really yummy food. If you’re not sure what’s the best way to take in the pink sunsets of Goa, try doing so here while sipping a cocktail. Guaranteed, disappointed you will not be. During our brunch experience, the service and hospitality were as lovely as the food, with just the right amount of attention. The Pulled pork sliders, homemade granola, slow cooked lamb

with potato madeleines, bbq chicken, red snapper with lentils, chargrilled broccoli, the myriad pizzas, and the pesto spaghetti were particularly scrumptious. The brunch featured a delightful vegetarian and non vegetarian spread. Cocktails were abundant, anddivine. The Strawberry basil martini, was a hit for sure. Mimosa, sparkling wine from Chandon and several other splendid concoctions like the coconut sorbet Champange float put together by Australian bartender Nathan Ford are a must try! Antares, named after Sarah Todd’s zodiac sign, the brightest star in the Scorpius constellation, is being billed as an avantgarde restaurant and Beach Club, and so far it’s living up to its billing. Explains Sarah Todd, “The cuisine is … simple with fresh ingredients, exotic flavours, classic cooking techniques and an injection of flavour through a charcoal grill, as this is a key part of Australian cuisine.” Ashish, for his part, adds, “We wanted to give guests at Antares a reason to stay through the day – the beach club with lounge beds and all day snacks make it the perfect location to spend the day with the action moving to the fine-dining restaurant set atop the cliff in the evening that is perfect to enjoy the sunset accompanied by exotic cocktails, music and dinner”. For reservations call 8379023018 or visit www.

14 give back

Fighting For A Better Goa

Veteran Gandhian Gurunath Kelekar’s New Centre In The South Teaches The True Meaning Of Citizenship Please Listen To This Man With A Mission – For The Good Of All Of Us


By José Lourenço

t an age when most men have hung up their shoes, Gurunath Kelekar is still walking the walk and yes, also talking the talk. This veteran Margao-based activist fought against the Portuguese colonial regime in Goa as a young man. In post colonial times he worked hard to popularise the Konkani language, which was being dismissed then as a mere dialect of Marathi, publishing a periodical Novem Goem (New Goa) as well as a dictionary and several books. And for more than two decades now he has been spreading awareness of traffic and civic discipline, in a bid to reduce accidents, through his organisation Movement for Amity towards Roads in Goa (MARG). The newest effort from MARG comes in the form of the Nehru Centre, housed in a lovely old house at Raia on the Margao-Curtorim road, offered by wellwishers. A staunch follower of Gandhian principles, and an ardent admirer of Nehruvian philosophy, Gurunath Kelekar has amassed a large collection of books on Nehru and Gandhi. He even translated Gandhi’s autobiography My Experiments With Truth into Konkani, winning him the Sahitya Akademi Award for Translation. Kelekar has founded the Nehru Centre in Goa with the express intent of nurturing civic sense in the citizens

of Goa. “After so many years of working with MARG to teach people good road and civic behaviour, I found that it was not effective enough. We need to convert voters into citizens. A good citizen knows what is civic sense. So we have set up the Nehru Centre to cultivate good civic sense primarily in students and young people,” explains Kelekar. This exercise has begun in right earnest. On the 8th of March a batch of young students from Konkani Bhasha Mandal’s Ravindra Kelekar Dnyanmandir School in Margao trooped into the Nehru Centre to attend a talk by educationist

Prabhakar Timble, on the subject of Social Leadership. It was an event to commemorate the birth anniversary of eminent Konkani writer and activist Ravindra Kelekar (after whom the school is named). KBM officebearers Chetan Acharya, Prashant Naik, headmaster Anant Agni, MARG managing trustee Gurunath Kelekar and Dilip Borkar, the editor of Konkani magazine Bimb were among those present. Gurunath Kelekar has ambitious plans of forming numerous Civic Clubs around the hub of the Nehru Centre. “Each Club may about 30 student-members, and it will be formed with the consent of the Headmaster of the school. The Club will have a designated TeacherCoordinator and a committee of student office bearers,” he elaborates. So far nine clubs have been formed. He would like the Clubs to be named after eminent Indian or Goan freedom fighters or social reformers. Mahatma Gandhi, of course, would be the common symbolic icon for all the Clubs. “The Civic Clubs should not be attached to any political parties, religious or spiritual organizations,” warns Kelekar, who strongly advocates a secular and liberal spirit of scientific enquiry. Debates, lectures, literature, theatre, competitions, music performances, film screenings, short

film production and training to impart skills are among the many activities planned. Assignments, field work and community projects are also on the anvil. “We want to educate the students to be good citizens— informed, aware, assertive and responsible,” says Kelekar. “To this end, we will prepare a curriculum for the Clubs and also arrange books, literature, and audio-visual material for the Clubs, which will help teach citizenship and civic sense.” The students would also learn about the Right To Information (RTI) Act to prepare reports and expose wrongdoing and to suggest improvements in state functioning. They would be trained to read, view and listen to various media (newspapers, TV, radio, Internet, etc) with an objective mind and to debate, challenge and counter this information and issues in a constructive way. The young citizens will be trained to conduct committee meetings, public meetings, debates and other events. They will be taken on field visits to various government departments, social organisations, corporate offices, etc. The passionate Nehruvian also has an eye on grooming confident and ethically minded public servants for the future. “The young ones must learn the basic skills of government administration as a step towards becoming a good public servant of great integrity and efficiency, be it a village Panch, Sarpanch, Zilla Parishad member, City Councillor, MLA,etc.” To achieve all these aims effectively, the youngsters would also be trained in personal skills in communication, to master computer, internet and social media. Public speaking, event management, accounting and documentation are also among the varied skills that would gear up these brand new citizens of a hopefully Golden Age of civic sense in Goa. 

21 heritage 15

Friday, March 11, 2016

10 Konkani Periodicals From The Past


By José Lourenço

he archives of the Goa State Central Library at Patto, Panjim has a delightful collection of Konkani periodicals dating back even to the late 19th century! The earliest Konkani journal Udentechem Sallok was launched in Pune in 1889, a bilingual published in Konkani and Portuguese, edited by Eduardo Bruno D’Souza. I could not locate a copy of that pioneering paper, but let’s look at ten of the oldest Konkani periodicals that can actually be browsed at the Library. 1. Niz Bhavarti (True Believer) This Konkani supplement in Roman script was published with O Crente, a Portuguese religious weekly, printed at the legendary Tipographia Rangel at Bastora, Bardez, Goa. ‘Fides Invicta Triumphat’, proclaims the Latin saying above the Konkani masthead. ‘The terrible punishment for selfishness’ runs the title of a front page article of an edition 2. O Luso Concanim An independent Konkani weekly in the Roman script, published from Bombay. An edition from 1893 shows a fanciful variety of content. Far away from Goa, the writers freely expressed their hostility to the colonial regime. “Sr. Cupertino de Andrade, a Goan, has been made a judge,” reports a correspondent on Goa. “This is right. Why should a Portuguese judge come here?” 3. Vavraddeancho Ixtt (Friend of Workers) The first copy of the Vavraddeancho Ixtt (O Amigo Dos Operários, in Portuguese) dated 20th December 1933 is available at the Library, in an extremely fragile condition. Fr. Arsenio Lucio Fernandes was the first editor and proprietor.

4. A Vanguarda – Fuddari A 1955 copy of the A Vanguarda has a Konkani section titled Fuddari (Leader), with Prabhacar N. Tendulcar as its editor. A news item therein reports on new proposals for bridges and water supply in Goa. A poem ‘Xetcamti’ by John Serrao de Colva extols the virtues of the farmer. Another piece laments the indifference shown by English speaking Goans to the Konkani language. 5. Ave Maria This was a ‘Catholic Concanim Fortnightly’, published from Bombay. A couple of letters to the Editor in a 1932 edition animatedly discuss the isssue of Goan girls working for Parsi and Muslim bosses in Bombay. A detailed account of monies received for the ‘St Anthony 7th Centenary’, totalling to about 554 rupees is published in the same edition. 6. Aitarachem Vachop (Sunday Reading) A weekly published by the Salesians from Old Goa, sold at the princely sum of one anna (16 annas made a rupee). The owner was a Fr Vicente Scuderi, probably

an Italian, while the editor (redactor) was Fr Alvaro Renato Mendes. A March 1949 issue covers the tribulations of St Peter on its front page. 7. Goenchim Jasmin Fulam (Goa’s Jasmine Flowers) This ‘Goan Family Magazine’ ran as a Roman script Konkani monthly, published from Bombay. The varied articles within included serialised romances, songs with sheet music, stories for children, riddles,etc. 8. Konkani Daily News Published by A.V.D’Cruz at the Ave Maria Press in Bombay, the paper proclaimed itself as ‘The First and Only Konkanni Daily in whole of India’! ‘Hitleracho Testament Sampoddlo Morna Adim’ says a headline, meaning that ‘a will written by Hitler, before his death, has been found’. A 9th January 1946 edition has as its front page headline: ‘Russia Has Made An Atom Bomb’. A kind of retraction follows a couple of days later, the 11th January front page news quotes a Swedish scientist as saying ‘Russia does not have the capacity to make an A-Bomb’. 9. Novem Goem (New Goa) Novem Goem can be seen in three avatars in the Library archives. There’s

the first issue of a quarterly version in the Devnagari script, edited by Kashinath Naik, priced at two annas. Then there’s the literary fortnightly, also in the Devnagari script, edited by Gurunath Kelekar, priced at 25 paise. And a ‘Konkani People’s Daily’ in the Roman script, sold at fifty paise. 10. Dor Mhoineachi Rotti (Monthly Bread) The longest running extant Konkani periodical, Dor Mhoineachi Rotti is a monthly Jesuit journal founded in 1915 in Karachi. It began to be published from Goa from 1964. These precious archives are being digitized by the diligent staff of the Library Lab, under the meticulous guidance of State Librarian Carlos Fernandes, who tells me that over 8000 pages have been scanned and stored digitally within the last year. This will certainly make sure that the early press initiatives of our Konkani forefathers will be immortalised forever, to inspire future generations to come. 


Friday, March 11, 2016

Ships, Slaves And Spices 30 Top Artists Connect The Histories of Goa ‘Morphology of Archive’ Art Show At Museum of Goa (MOG)


By Perin Ilavia

hips, seashells, fishnets, spices, herbs, botanical encyclopaedias, horses, tormented slaves, candles and crosses, hippies in a time-warp, balcãos, miracle-making saints, gods and demons— these are the actors in Goa’s varied and nomadic historical archives. Now these fascinating elements take you back in time through the artworks of 30 international and Indian artists at the ‘Morphology of Archive’ exhibition at the Museum of Goa (MOG) at Pilerne. The show previewed on 12th February. This multimedia artistic engagement, with an archive of transoceanic associations with Goa, is conceptualised around the migrant histories of Goa. It focuses on the memories of people, and the visual and tactile cultures that have gone into the making of Goa’s diverse identity. Curated by Sabitha TP, an art curator based in Delhi and London, and Lina Vincent from Goa, the show offers the viewer a vast spectrum of articulations, from the 350 years of medieval Kadamba rule to the 450 years under the Portuguese, thus morphing identities that shaped Goa’s architecture, music, cuisine and customs. Most of the international artists are exhibiting for the first time in India and many of the Indian artists for the first time in Goa. Among the artists from India, A Naveen Kumar has presented a mixed media sculpture of the ship building culture of that time. The details of shipbuilding, the figures of the Portuguese owners and the slaves on the

deck are finely crafted, and merit close study. Arun Kumar H G traces the vanishing jungle via wooden packaging material and mediums derived from organic, natural and artificial materials. His work exudes a kitschy and pop sensibility, commenting on ecological imbalances, ethical questions of genetic engineering and agricultural monopolies, all in gloriously bright colours.

Asmani Shirgaonkar is fascinated with the days before technology invaded life, an era untouched by gadgets, in mythical and nostalgic arrangements. A video projection by Bhavani G S titled ‘In Ode to Vanishing Spaces’ is about myths and memories written on the sand about ‘Parashurama’, one of Vishnu’s avatars, who is believed to have shot an arrow into the Arabian Sea and reclaimed land from the waters, thus creating the coastline of Goa. Clare Arni, a photographer of international repute, lives between Bangalore and England. She has travelled to villages in North Goa, documenting

traditions passed down generations. She captures the festival Narakasuras (demonic figures) constructed by local artisans. Mansoor Ali addresses questions of how time shapes identities and temporal sediments. Nandesh Shantiprakash’s discs of the goddess Durga with the floral motif, is a critique of ecological destruction. Narendra Yadav engages the viewer with selective memory which plays a trick on the psyche. When the viewer rotates a wheel in his work, the mirror plays back your image with a halo overheard!

Sanjeev Khandekar has manifested the colonial mutants in rich tapestry. Notice the innovations, strokes and textures in Sudipta Das’s painting. V G Venugopal traces the oceanic Goan history in triptych (a work of art, usually a panel painting, that is divided into three sections). Her portraits of characters like Parashurama and Albuquerque link chronology to multifaceted religious history. Drawing from the narratives of his grandmother’s stories on Indian mythology, Subrat Kumar Behra’s lithograph on paper narrates a story which considers actions and reactions between the colonizer and colonized. The depiction is inspired by the style of the murals in Ajanta. Rashmi Mala Devi retraces Gracia de Orta’s 16th century text about gardens with herbs and medicinal plants, and the disappearance of bio-diversity of the present. Garcia de Orta was a Portuguese physician of Spanish Jewish descent who lived and practised in Goa. His work on the medicinal material and natural history introduced Indian medical practice to Europe. There is even a garden named after him in Panjim. Among the Goan artists, Subodh Kerkar reveals the history of carving through pieces of a wall in a house owned by the Gomes family constructed in the 19th century. The pieces mounted on a panel illustrate the detailing and skill of the craftsmen.

21 arts & entertainment 17

Friday, March 11, 2016

March 13

Art Exhibition Sadguru Chendvankar’s will exhibit his latest series, entitled ‘Spires in The Sky’, and a lyrical meditation on the Churchscapes of Goa. At Gallery Gitanjali, Goa 9 am Onwards + 91 832 2423331 Art Exhibition Sadguru Chendvankar’s will exhibit his latest series, entitled ‘Spires in The Sky’, and a lyrical meditation on the Churchscapes of Goa. At Gallery Gitanjali 10 am Onwards + 91 832 2423331

March 15

Art exhibition ‘2012 to 2016’, an exhibition of paintings by Sarah Sousa Kammermeier will be on display. At Art Chamber, Calangute 11am to 2pm and 4pm to 7pm + 91 9823 21 7435

March 11 to March 12

Bengal folk mela is hosting a Goa Bengal folk mela where 150 rural artists of Bengal will be presenting their handicrafts and 10 different folk performing arts including puppetry, baul, chau, natua and raibeshe. At Ravindra Bhavan, Margao 6:30pm Onwards + 91 832 2726980 Musical Serenity NAMAH in association with the NRB Group are presenting ‘Serenity’ in the form of two musical treats to the audience of Goa.

March 11

At Theme, Sukhamni Enclave, ArlemMargao 6pm Onwards + 91 9011 48 1482

March 12

At DMK Hall, Kala Academy, Panjim 6pm Onwards + 91 832 2420450

March 11 to March 13

Christian Art on canvas Alex Rodrigues through his method of painting only with fingers and finger nails has created a small series of Christian Artwork on wood and canvas, which depict the various styles used across the history of Christian art. At Carpe Diem, Majorda + 91 8888 86 2462

March 11 to March 21

Art by women Art Event, a Women’s day arts collective, will feature 33 women artists from Goa. At Harshada Art gallery, Miramar 10:30 am Onwards

Galleries of Note

The Cube Gallery Every architect, since the beginning of time, has secretly tried to create a vision of paradise in the buildings they design. Discover one such paradise and much more. At The Cube Gallery, Calizor Vaddo, Moira. 11 am to 7 pm +91 832 2470415/ +91 9422806748 Surya Art Gallery This gallery is situated in a quiet location where contemporary works of canvas paintings from Goa and artifacts are displayed. At Bandawal Wada, Pernem 10 am to 6 pm +91 9404149764/ +91 9422064754 Galleria Esperance Retrospective Art in oils, watercolours, crayons, still life photographs etc. on display Near Our Lady of Merces Church, Merces 4 pm to 7 pm +91 9922509704 Kerkar Art Gallery Exhibition of recent works of Subodh Kerkar “The Pepper Cross” & “Indigo”. Besides a new series of Laterite Stone Sculptures on display. At Gaura Vaddo, Calangute 10 am to 7 pm +91 9326119324 Monsoon Heritage Studio Treat yourself to some amazing collection of mirrored mosaic art and handpicked artefacts at this upscale studio by Yahel Chirinian. At Mainath Batti, Arpora 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM +91 9822122771 Off The Wall Discover a collection of deeply astounding works of art displayed on a daily basis at this thoughtful art cafe. Fort Aguada Road, Sinquerim, Candolim 10:30 am to 11:30 pm +91 9820083497, +91 9823289123 Panjim Art Gallery Get a dose of the local culture with figurative works of Goan artists. Near Our Lady of Immaculate Conception Church, Panjim 9:00 am to 8:00 pm +91 9822168703 Mario Art Gallery Discover the original paintings and other memorabilia of the great Goan artist/ cartoonist Mario Miranda. Here you can buy “The Life of Mario”, as well as prints, mounted prints, frames, tiles, mugs, card sets and other books. At ‘Houses of Goa’, Salvador-do-Mundo, Porvorim area 9:00 am to 5:30 pm +91 832 2410711

March 11 to April 24

Moksa Art Gallery Here you will find some immensely conceptual paintings by Salvadoran Fernandez and others. Naik Waddo, Calangute 9:30 am to 8:30 pm +91 832 2281121

March 11 to May 2

Sunaparanta- Goa Centre for the Arts The centre houses several exhibition galleries, a large multi-functional space for workshops and lectures, an inhouse film club, sketch club, open air amphitheatre, pottery studio and an open courtyard that houses the al fresco café, Bodega. The red velvet cupcakes at Bodega are a must try! At Altinho, Panjim 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. +91 832 2421311 |

Webotika Unnati Singh will be presenting her exhibition, ‘I am an Alien and this is my Spacecraft’ curated by Katharina Domscheit- D’souza. At The Cube Gallery, Moira 11 am to 7pm (Monday closed) + 91 9422 80 6748

Morphology of Archive Connected Histories of Goa At Museum of Goa, Pilerne 10 am to 6 pm +91 7722089666

Having a portrait of the family on the walls hs always been de rigueur in Hindu and Christian houses in Goa. Art historian and author Savia Viegas travelled around Goa exploring old black and white photographs, and has documented them in prints. Sachin Naik’s evocative narration of the slave market in woodcut on paper has textures with dramatic lines. Check out the figures of the slaves in various postures on the rugged surface. Muneer Kabir’s placement art of a cross positioned in a convex-concave structure, and the depiction of the slave trade to Goa in Kedar Dhondu’s mix media, are both works retained from the inaugural exhibition at MOG.

‘Morphology of Archive’ is on exhibit at Museum of Goa (MOG), Pilerne, Bardez Goa till 2nd May 2016

21 lifestyle 19

Friday, March 11, 2016

How Dating Apps Are Transforming Courtship In India But Beware: Broken Hearts Still Abound By Bina Datwani


atchmaking in India has undergone a smart makeover in the past five years: the quest for a soulmate can now be conducted in the palm of your hand thanks to the explosion of dating applications. Horoscope-matching priests and zealous yentas are being politely ignored as tech savvy singles, with independent minds and incomes opt for mobile chatting their way down the aisle. Once upon a time, established online matrimonial portals like and Bharatmatrimony were all the rage. But many members were growing frustrated with the dangers lurking in cyberspace, with scamsters preying on emotional vulnerabilities. A new generation of sites and apps is now providing a safer, more user friendly shortcut to connecting with potential partners. These newbies are a win-win, offering instant gratification (just swipe and voila, you have a date), plus tighter security. The more personal information a member uploads, example LinkedIn,

Facebook, Adhar Card, etc., the safer a bet they are. While some die-hard romantics argue that this kills the thrill of peeling the layers of a potential mate, most app users seem pleased to fast-track the courting game. For the fairer sex, matchmaking apps have been a boon for taking control of their marital destinies. Several million women in India have downloaded these applications, preferring them over blind meetings set up by well-meaning friends and family. And the trend isn’t just in the metros: smaller towns are likewise seeing a surge in female users. Monica, 39, (name changed), found herself downloading TrulyMadly, Woo and OKCupid and discovering a brand new mobile dating world. “OKCupid’s algorithm is picture driven so some members use this to emphasize their intentions: there were married men with evident wedding bands as a code for extramarital affairs, and two men who posted a joint photo implying hopes for a threesome. But the stun factor came via teenage boys looking to be initiated into manhood via experienced women. They lied about their age to get into the older female age group, but still posted

their actual photos and mentioned that they were in high school, so the women scrolling through would understand what the real deal was. I received a hundred and fifty messages in ten hours: one guy breezily mentioned that he was looking for a woman who knew what to wear inside and outside the bedroom and then 24 hours later, revealed that he had lung cancer.” Not surprisingly, she even found a high end form of matchmaking: Sirf Coffee, a ‘bespoke service that connects the crème de la crème of Indian professionals from around the world.’ Entry to this exclusive site is determined by a team of consultants who evaluate your profile and then follow-up with phone/personal interview. Perfect for singles with time constraints and distaste for kissing numerous frogs in search of a Prince. Curiosity led Monica to investigate deeper and so, she created a fake male profile to check the standard of female users. “The women came out on top. I think Indian guys haven’t really got a handle on appropriate dating behavior and conversation: all they seem to do is ask silly questions or make indecent proposals. Overseas, men aren’t so blatant even if they’re just trolling for sex, butun fortunately, their Indian counterparts have no such finesse.”Overall, she feels that the quality of men on Truly Madly is a better fit whereas Woo doesn’t live up to her professional standards. They weren’t all disturbing experiences though. Monica discovered a plethora of interesting thirty somethings who oddly,were interested in dating older women. As one man with a self-confessed limp explained, girls of his age weren’t willing to look beyond the physical handicap, but the more

mature ones had enough confidence to be more accepting. For Ajay, 32,(name changed), a bad experience through led him down the app road. He’s found good friends, but thinks “it’s hard to project your entire persona into a three-liner on the profile, so many younger people don’t understand that sometimes you need to explore deeper.”Monica and Ajay have been happily connecting for several months via Truly Madly, which seems to be one of the most popular and userfriendly apps. In international waters, there’s a similar scene playing out. Tinder, which launched in 2012, has over fifty million users and an estimated worth of US$1.4 billion. A new entrant that’s making waves is the feminist app Bumble that aims to make women feel empowered by letting them make the first move. It was set up in 2014 by Whitney Wolfe, a co-founder of Tinder - which she left claiming sexual harassment - and already has over a million users. In our own backyard, First Met, formerly known as AYI (Are You Interested),is one of the largest online dating sites with over 25 million connected members, and has integrated iPhone and android apps. Its multitude of categories (sixty-plus and counting), include religious beliefs, nationality, marital status, sexual orientation and age. This would probably cover almost anyone in singledom, ranging from a Swedish Buddhist, to a gay man from Tel Aviv to a 70-year old widow in Goa. Then there is the location-based app called Singles Around Me(SAM), for people who have moved to a new city or constantly travel for work. This geographical technology helps them figure out who’s single in their vicinity and make instant connections. So if you’re sitting alone in a restaurant, a click on your phone could help you find other single diners nearby. Inevitably, where there is yin, yang must follow. Some psychologists are concerned about the peril of low selfesteem when app users are rejected. Secondly, many lonely singletons are using dating applications just to have someone to chat with or even for a quickie, which could lead to numerous broken hearts. Considering how much time we spend on hand-held devices, the success of dating apps is not surprising. So naturally, trusting lady luck or an alignment of the planets to find your soulmate has been relegated to the back seat: today, it’s dating apps that control the trajectory of love. 

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