DELAT Module - Series 1

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First Published 2016 Š Akademi Kepimpinan Pendidikan Tinggi & Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form of any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recoding or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from authors and publishers. Published in Malaysia by: Penerbit USIM Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia 71800 Bandar Baru Nilai, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan. Tel : 06-7988000 Web : AKEPT Akademi Kepimpinan Pendidikan Tinggi (AKEPT), Lebuh Enstek, 71760 Bandar Enstek, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia Tel : 60 6-799 7474 Web : Printed in Malaysia by:


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LEADERSHIP IN 21st CENTURY EDUCATION Education and Leadership. Education sector is very significant in the development of a civilization. It is dynamic and will be continually impacted by variety of external factors such as the current political turbulence, fluctuations in the world economy, as well as the birth of the current social trends. These factors plus the openness of information, as well as massiveness of communication network and technological advancement directly without any limits and transformed psychological, sociological, and intellectuality Gen Y, let alone generation Z, which was also known as the ‗net generation‘. The ability of leader to get in a situation according to the needs of current developments are very critical, especially during the realisation of visions, strategies, operations and evolution of current and future trends The openness of a leader to see, listen, analyse, and formulate resolute, critically and relevantly is the cord to a healthy, effective, and sustainable administrative ecosystem. Flexible leadership should not be seen as weaknesses in decision making. Diversity should be celebrated as a source of innovation, where each individual has equal opportunity to strengthen their argument, expands their views, or open their mind to new alternatives. The courage to confront the change should be seen as an innovative feature that should be present in the DNA of each of the leaders, but should be linked to effective concepts and methods of communication. ―Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.‖ - Steve Jobs (Apple Inc.) Education, technology and leadership Citing the concept of higher education brought about by the Honourable Dato ' Seri Idris Jusoh, Minister of higher education, 8 educational

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principles should be applied in all educational institutions which are flexible room education, human being instead of human capital, volunteerism, multilingualism, multidisciplinary, technology and collegiality. Genuine leader should be ready to change and move in a mission and vision even in a different niches or different operation and should be committed in producing an ecosystem of teaching and learning that is able to meet the needs of future demand without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs by opening a new route to improve life through knowledge and education empower heat.

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In view of the rapid advances in e-learning during the last few years, the Swedish government established a Swedish Net University recently, a multimodal university offering some 2500 elearning courses held by different universities and university colleges in Sweden. Many of these courses are given by Lund University, one of Sweden‘s oldest, largest and most comprehensive universities, with eight faculties and a variety of research centres and specialized departments. In 1996, Lund University initiated an intensive, targetoriented project involving both distance education and continuing education, establishing The Office for Continuing and Distance Education (OCDE), which has played a central role in the development of the online distance courses the University has provided. In the last few years, Lund University has gone

from holding only a few traditional distance courses to offering more than 150 online courses. These are a mixture of pure online courses in which students meet only virtually, and of courses given in a blended mode in which online learning is supplemented by a number of face-to-face meetings and various other activities. The university has also established The Learning and Teaching Development Centre5 (UCLU), through integration of the two former units for IT and education and pedagogical development, providing consultation and support for the university teachers involved. One of the first online learning courses that was held at Lund University was ―Radiation in Medicine and Healthcare‖, developed and given by the author and his colleagues. The course was intended primarily for science students, engineers, medical students, nurses and those with a technological profession who wanted to obtain

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more thorough knowledge of radiation and a certain orientation to the medical use of it. The fact that medical radiation imaging is such an excellent source of applications within the area of modern physics led to the idea of a new course, ―Medical Physics for teachers‖, held in collaboration with The National Centre for Education in Physics, located at the Department of Physics of Lund University. Although the major target group for this course was that of physics teachers at the upper secondary school level (also referred to here as ―high school teachers‖), the course is also one that could serve as an introductory course for healthcare professionals.

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Find a partner, and talk to him/her about these two imaginations. 1. 2.

Imagine a life without a computer. Can you do your work without it? Why? Imagine a life without a smartphone. Can you move around without it? Why?

7 Pillars of Digital Leadership in Education Source: Please refer to the article entitled Pillars of Digital Leadership in Education before we meet up. You can also search the web to find more materials that might be of interest to you. Share your materials in a Forum in our LMS. This will also help other participants to enjoy the materials that you have found.

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Let‘s us discuss the following issues. Prepare your own answers (in point forms) for these questions before we meet up. Then post it in a Forum in our LMS. 

What is the different between information and knowledge?

When does information become knowledge? How?

What is the different between tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge?

What is learning? How do we know there is learning?

How do we scaffold the learning process? What are the types of scaffolding you can think of?

What do we want students to learn: information of knowledge or skills? Why?

What is acquisition of information? Knowledge?

Can acquisition take place in a learning process? How?

Let‘s us discuss the following issues. Prepare your answers (in point forms) for these questions, and share it in a Forum in our LMS. 

What is technology? What is the purpose of using the technology?

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What are the types of technology that have been introduced to us chronologically?

What do you understand by the Digital Age?

How relevant printing in the Digital Age

Do we still need analogue technology in the Digital Age?

What if there is no electricity in some remote areas in this Digital Age? What do you do? How do you ensure learning take place?

How do you capitalize the present technologies for rigorous and relevant learning? How can you ensure learning engagement and learning time are captured in the Digital Age?


In this class activity, you will share your answers that you have prepared for Part A and B, and produce a group consensus of your answers in Word Document. Upload the Word Document in a Forum in our LMS.


Draw a mind map of the output of your discussion and present to the class. (Optional)

After you engaged in a discussion on ―Defining Rigorous and Relevant Learning in a Digital Age‖:   

Is there anything new you have learned? Is there any constructive alignment you have to make in your understanding? Is there anything that you are still uncertain about?

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Write a one-page report and upload it at a Forum in our LMS.

Please visit our LMS for more materials regarding this topic. It is hoped that these online materials will help further enhance your understanding of the topic. If you have any relevant materials that you would like to share with other participants, please provide the links of the materials in the Enrichment Folder in our LMS. Meanwhile, watch these videos: a. b. c.

21st century education: Teaching in the 21st century: The future of learning:

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Think of these two situations: 1.

Apple has its own image of ―apple‖, and it remains popular until today. IBM was popular at the early stage of computer development, but today we do not hear its name anymore.


Colgate, a tooth paste, was introduced in 60‘s, but is still heard and used by consumers, although there many other brands of tooth paste.

What do you think Apple and Colgate have in common that makes them stay popular and sustainable till today? How do they strategies their business to remain relevant today? Share your thoughts in a Forum in our LMS.

Building our own ―brand‖ in Digital Age is very challenging, yet it is not impossible to achieve. The ―brand‖ does not have to be a physical product like Apple and Colgate. Rather, it can be simply a new pedagogical technique in teaching, administrative procedures, or practical ideas that are well-accepted by the public in the context of education. It can also be a paradigm shift in our thinking and practices. Watch this video on digital leadership. Notice how Eric Sheninger creates the ―brand‘. Be prepared to discuss some of the main issues raised in the video.

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Digital Leadership Source: Of these 7 pillars from the video Eric Sheninger - Digital Leadership:  

Which one is the most relevant in your context? Why? What are the next two important pillars that are more important to you?

Share your thinking in a Forum in our LMS.


Think of a ―brand‖ that is suitable for this Digital Age. It can be web-based or mobile-based. It can a teaching methodology, a learning method that may consist of strategies of technique, a management system or a software or product.


Draw out a comprehensive plan how your group will develop the ―brand‖. Start with Need Analysis (who is your target group, what is for, why do you need it), then Design your materials (collect the necessary items / information / materials to develop the content) and put them together in a mind map.


Present your group‘s output in a Forum in our LMS.

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Based on the question below, write your one-page feedback and upload your document in a Forum in our LMS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

What do you think of your group‘s output? Are you happy with it? What are the strengths of the output? How long do you think the output will last? What are things you would do to improve it so that it will sustain for a longer period of time? Why do you think it would not be a white elephant after some time?

It is hoped that the videos and articles below will help further enhance your understanding of the topic. If you have any relevant materials that you would like to share with our participants, please provide the links in the Enrichment Folder in our LMS. a.

Microsoft vision of the classroom of the future:


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Future Learning:

Source: School and district leadership isn‘t about a position or title–it‘s about improving practices around digital learning. Read this article: The 7 pillars of today‘s digital leadership from (

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As a leader in education of the future, what do you think of the strengths in education in the past that you would to keep for in education of the future? On the other hand, what are some of the weaknesses or constraints that you would like to improve or overcome? Write down your reflection in a Word document and post it in our LMS.

Technology has been evolving from one stage to another. The speed of change in technology moves faster after computer technology was introduced in the end of 1950s. Traditionally, technology in education has been divided into two categories: non-electronic and electronic. Still, a few educational technologists categorized technology as non-projected image and projected technology. The following table illustrates the two categories: Table 1.1: Non-electronic and electronic technologies



Non-Projected Image Paper, Book, White board, Flip chart, Poster

Projected Image

Radio, TV, Cassette player, Hand phone, video, CDROM, DVD, Satellite Broadcasting

TV set, Computer monitor, Overhead projector, Visualizer, Computer, LCD, iPad, Tab,

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Later, the technology is classified as analogue and digital. Before the era of digital, printing technology and analogue technology have been dominating almost all aspects of our life, including education. Table 1.2: Printing technology, Analogue technology and Digital Technology

Printing technology

analogue technology

Non-Projected Image Paper, Book, White board, Flip chart, Poster

Radio, TV, Cassette player, Hand phone, video, Satellite Broadcasting Digital CDROM, DVD, Technology Smartphone, Laser pointer, Virtual Reality, Web-based, Mobilebased, Wireless

Projected Image

TV set, Computer monitor, Overhead projector, Computer, LCD, iPad, Tab, Visualizer

Please watch this video on the difference between analogue and video technology


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The next video illustrates the changing of technology in the classroom over a period of 20 years.


Source: In the past, documentation, communication, and delivery of learning materials would take some space and time, and at the same time, they are bound by time and space. With the presence of digital technology, the space and time are no longer an issue

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because the storage of information can now be mobile and virtual, and a lot of activities can take place within a short period of time. In fact, high volume of Information and knowledge can now be shared globally. People can communicate across the continents within seconds in various groups. In other words, teaching and learning in digital age are no longer limited by time and space if teachers and student have the access to the gadgets and internet line.

Share you understanding of how technologies have been evolving from 1960 to the presence, and predict what will happen in the near future. What do you expect the teaching and learning activities would look like? What is your vision of learning in the Digital Age? Write it down on a Forum in our LMS. Watch these videos for some inputs for your discussion: mobile learning and virtual reality in education.


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Having read the materials, watched a few videos and discussed about the old, the present, and the future of technology, how do you see yourself in the field of education in the next 10 years? Would you wait and see the next development? How would you help school to adopt and integrate the technology that suits your audience in your context? What is you plan for the future of education of your school in the Digital Age? Compose your vision and mission of your next 10 year plan for the Digital Age education (4 - 6 pages) and submit your assignment in our LMS.

It is hoped that the videos listed below will help further enhance your understanding of the topic. If you have any relevant materials that you would like to share with other participants, please provide the links in the Enrichment Folder in our LMS.

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Ubiquitous learning.

Source: 

Mobile learning and its challenges.


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Designing Mobile Learning Apps for Education.


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Read the article entitled: The Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics from (, and reflect on yourself of these scenarios: 1. 2.

What are the characters of a good digital leader? Do you think you have those characters?

Share your ideas with the other participants during our face to face session.

SPIESO is a concept in the development of digital leaders, which was introduced by the DELAT team in 2016. The SPIESO framework becomes a model of digital leaders‘ development for themselves, their staff, organizations and communities. SPIESO framework contains: 

Spiritual capacity i. The ability to establish peace and harmony in our lives. ii. The ability to develop congruency between values and actions and to realize a common purpose that binds creation together. iii. Meaning, values. iv. This dimension helps to establish peace and harmony in our digital education leadership. v. It is the ability to discover meaning and purpose of digital education leadership.

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Physical capacity i.

The ability to maintain a healthy quality of digital education leadership that allows us to get through our daily activities without undue fatigue or physical stress. ii. The ability to recognize that our behaviours have a significant impact on our digital education leadership and adopting healthful habits, while avoiding destructive habits. iii. Body, nutrition, healthy and habits. iv. This dimension considers overall health and what you need to maintain a healthy quality of digital education leadership. v. It is the ability to take charge of your digital education leadership by making conscious decisions. 

Intellectual capacity i.

The ability to open our minds to new ideas and experiences that can be applied to personal decisions, group interaction and community betterment. ii. The desire to learn new concepts, improve skills and seek challenges in pursuit of lifelong learning. iii. Critical thinking, creativity and curiosity. iv. This dimension considers the desire to be a lifelong learner. v. It‘s the ability to be open to new experiences and ideas in order to continue growing. 

Emotional capacity i.

The ability to understand ourselves and cope with the challenges life can bring. ii. The ability to acknowledge and share feelings of anger, fear, sadness or stress; hope, love, joy and happiness in a productive manner. iii. Feelings, emotions, reactions and cognition.

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iv. This dimension helps us to cope with the emotional challenges of digital education leadership. 

Social capacity i. Relationships, respect, community interaction. ii. This dimension considers how we relate to others. iii. How we connect, communicate and get along with the people we are surrounded by.

To understand the concept of SPIESO in Digital Leadership, let‘s us discuss the following issues. How do you instil SPIESO in 7 Pillars of Digital Leadership in Education? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Communication Public Relations Branding Student Engagement/Learning Professional Development Re-envisioning Learning Spaces and Environments Opportunity


Share your answers that you have prepared for Part B in your group. When sharing, discuss the inputs from everyone in the group, and produce a group consensus of your answers in Word Doc. Upload the Word Document in a Forum in our LMS.


Draw a mind map of the output of your discussion and present to the class. (Optional)

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After you engaged in a discussion on this topic, share with the other participants on your present understanding of the topic by answering these questions: 1. Is there anything new you have learned? 2. Is there any constructive alignment you have to make in your understanding? 3. Is there anything that you are still uncertain about? Write a one-page report and upload in a Forum in our LMS.

If you have any relevant materials that you would like to share with other participants, please provide the links in the Enrichment Folder in our LMS.

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Please tick any section and sub section that you have completed √ 1.0: Pillars of Digital Leadership 1.1: Defining Rigorous and Relevant Learning in a Digital Age 1.1.1: Pre-Activity 1.1.2: Introduction 1.1.3: Activities 1.1.4: Reflection 1.1.5: Enrichment 1.2: Building Your Brand in a Digital Age 1.2.1: Pre-Activity 1.2.2: Introduction 1.2.3: Activities 1.2.4: Reflection 1.2.5: Enrichment 1.3: Reflecting on Your Vision for Learning in a Digital Age 1.3.1: Pre-Activity 1.3.2: Introduction 1.3.3: Activities 1.3.4: Reflection 1.3.5: Enrichment 1.4: SPIESO in Digital Leadership 1.4.1 Pre-Activity 1.4.2 Introduction 1.4.3 Activities 1.4.4 Reflection 1.4.5 Enrichment

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Notes: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

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In July 2012, shares of Nokia were trading below $2 — far off from their highs of nearly $60 in 2000 and nearly $40 in 2007. At the time of this writing, the shares have somewhat rebounded, up more than 300% after having climbed into the $7 range. At the turn of the millennium, Nokia was one of the world‘s largest suppliers of mobile devices. This, of course, was before smartphone mania swept the nation (and the world). Fast forward to 2010, and while Nokia remained profitable, the writing was on the wall. It was only a matter of time before Nokia phones, as they currently existed, would remain relevant. Because Apple beat Nokia to market with its iPhone, the latter company missed its opportunity to lead the smartphone revolution.

Understanding this all too well Nokia has reinvented itself time and again in its 150-plus-year history - the Finland-based company hired a new CEO to take the reins. Ultimately, Nokia‘s new management team decided to sell the company‘s struggling phone division to Microsoft. Like it has done so many times over the years (how else does a company founded in 1865 become the worldwide leader in mobile devices in the 1990s?), Nokia has changed the focus of its operations once more. Currently, the company is building network and mapping technologies, among other initiatives.

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Before we dive deeper into SOMM, please take a moment to complete the following task: i) ii)



Identify what is essential in the operation of an educational institution. From your list, select one critical success factor that you thing is the most crucial in the running of an educational institution. From your list in 2.1.1 (i), analyse how the other factors will correlate should your most crucial factor effected by some relevant issues. Share your idea in our LMS forum & elaborate on your choice.

By completing the entire task above, you should be able to outline the underlying ideas of Systemic Orbital Management Model (SOMM).

Sound governance, competent and accountable management, transparent and coherent institutional quality processes are rising to the top of the work agenda of Malaysian university leaders today. They have to cope with the major challenges of change which higher education institutions are facing, such as cuts in funds, positioning, research and publications and the digital learning landscape. Management is the ability to cope with complexity, to devise structures and systems that produce order and harmony. In management, structures and processes evolve as organisational reflexes to the formation and implementation of strategies.

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The social-cultural consumer and business environmental factors contributing to a conducive digital ecosystem to enhance Malaysia‘s national competitiveness in the higher education cannot be underestimated. The effects of digital-induced changes in the global economy and its implications on the Malaysian educational management landscape are dependent on policies, funds and the consumers. This revelation brought about the development of a systemic orbital ecosystem adopted from an atomic model that was deployed to represent the interplay of the pertinent factors that revealed the impact and critical success factors (CSF) as well as quality assurance (QA) for managing the university. The systemic orbital ecosystem model not only has the capacity to depict the critical success factors for managing a university community but also the capability to provide an upscale and downscale mechanisms that could be utilised to gauge the potential effectiveness of future proposed applications, and to postulate criterions for an efficient diffusion of innovation strategy for their sustainable usage as well as guide proposed initiatives and policies for enhancing the output of the university.

―Systemic Orbital Management Model (SOMM) is a management model derived from the Bohr quantized shell model of the atom. The systemic orbital ecosystem model not only has the capacity to depict the critical success factors for managing a university community but also the capability to provide an upscale and downscale mechanisms that could be utilised to gauge the potential effectiveness of future proposed applications, and to postulate criterions for an efficient diffusion of innovation strategy for their sustainable usage as well as guide proposed initiatives and policies for enhancing the output of the university. This can now be represented on the model as shown in Figure 1.

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There are five elements of SOMM that flavour the functionality of the model, namely,   

Stability Scalability Linkability

 

Adaptability Visibility

From the viewpoint of stability, the ecosystem has the ability to address any changes in the system, both internally and externally; ensuing action would require each element in the system (orbit or ring) to re-organise in order to achieve stability again. New elements could also be added as into the system as matters arising in the environment, albeit locally, regionally or at the global level. The model can now easily realign the environment to achieve a stable configuration once again.

From the standpoint of management, there are many aspects in an institution that needs to be addressed such as bursary, human resource, technology, training, content, softwares to name a few.

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Analyse the management aspect of your respective institution and use SOMM to manifest the five functionalities, if applicable.


How does SOMM differ from the management model being used by your institution?

Share your analysis in a Forum in our LMS.

The Systemic Orbital Management Model can also be used as a timeline by labelling each ring in a timeframe or a period. As an example, the orbits can be labelled at 10th Malaysia Plan, 11th Malaysia Plan and the change in issues can be monitored via the model as one move from one orbit to the next. 

Select an issue in your institution that can use SOMM in a timeline format.

Share your timeline to a Forum in our LMS.

Should you have any relevant materials that you would like to share with other participants, please provide the links in the Enrichment Folder in our LMS.

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Before we start, please take a moment to reflect back to your institution and ask yourself, as a leader has you have ever been asked these questions? i) ii) iii) iv)

How do we grow with our current resources? What can we do to further enhance the productivity and to initiate innovation in a routine mundane operation? Where can we reduce cost and how much can we save? How do we prevent bureaucratic restrain and increase efficiency throughout the operation chain?

In answering these questions, one must know what and how to identify, analyse, assess, assist and operationalize the internal and external factor that might be favourable or unfavourable to the organisation.

Before we go further, it is better for one to fully understand what is it that they going to prepare. SWOT analysis is the most common method to provide information in making sure that the available resources and potential is operationalize in the best interest of the organisation. Strengths and Weaknesses are associated with internal factor that can bring positive or negative impact to the organisation‘s objective, while, Opportunities and Threats are considered as the external factors that can influence the success and failure of an objective.

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Organisation is a dynamic and complex web of interrelation where every small particular will affect the others, thus in preparing SWOT analysis, we must prepare for its limitation. i)



Some factor can be one‘s strength but also can be the weaknesses of the organisation at the same time. The direction of the factor is very much tie to the objective of the organisation. Since SWOT will require identification of every factor, the process might take a longer time and will demand an honest insight and judgement in obtaining real values. Internal and external factors are constantly changing, thus SWOT analysis is not necessarily definitive, but more of a prescriptive and will require iterative action. KEY-POINTS √ Strength and Weaknesses are the internal factors √ Opportunities and Threats are the external factors √ SWOT is not definitive, but rather prescriptive

We will now, dig deeper into all four elements of SWOT. Details explanation might be lengthy for some, so in general here are the key-points of each element in SWOT: STRENGTHS According to Oxford English Dictionary, Strength means the quality of being physically strong, ability to withstand great pressure, a beneficial attribute of a person or thing, or, an expression of numbers in a group. Strength is mostly related to positive value or any positive potential impact that might bring additional value to a person, thing, or in our case

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an organisation. Strength in SWOT can come from many internal factors and mostly related to tangible values such as equipment, staff numbers, product lines, or number of customers. In a strategic term, strength can be represented in a functional diagram as below:

Adding Value

Market Production STRENGTH

Finance Giving Competitive Edge


Strength can be easily identified by asking the right questions. Here are some of the questions that you can use, but make sure your answers are reflective of the norm of your industry. i. ii.

What is working well? How much (human resources, asset, and cash) do you have? iii. What is our expertise? iv. What is your profit generator? What does ‗reflective of the norm of the industry‘ means? Let say your educational institutions was granted Tier-5 status, but so do the majority of the institutions, then it cannot really be considered as strength since your potential candidates would already expected it.

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WEAKNESSES Weakness in definition is the quality of being weak, inability to withstand pressure, or, values associated with disadvantages. Weakness is mostly related to the negative value or any negative impact that might decrease the value of a person, thing, or an organisation. In general weaknesses can be represented as the diagram below:

Dilute Offering

Market Production WEAKNESS Finance

Eliminate Competitive Edge


Here are some of the questions that you can use, but make sure your answers are honest and realistic. i. ii. iii. iv.

What can be improved? What should we avoid? What could go wrong? What is our low performer?

Why is it hard to answer these questions honestly? The people that are answerable to

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these questions are at stakes, and are normally responsible for the current being of the institutions. Most common perception is by drawing attention to the organisation‘s weaknesses, it will prove that the resources is badly managed, or prove of poor decisions. OPPORTUNITIES Opportunities can be defined as the possibility of producing values, and often associated with positive effects. Opportunities in SWOT are related to any external factors, especially in the dynamic educational landscape, an institution should constantly review their products and services, to ensure sustainable market capitalisation. Remember that opportunities derives from the solution to a problem, thus there will be so many opportunities around. Here are some of the factors that might open up opportunities:

Government Policies



Demographic Social Patterns Lifestyle

Supply Methods Global Events

Global Offerings

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In determining the external analysis component of SWOT, you must always remember that one opportunity may be threat for another. So, what is threat? THREATS Threats are any influential factors that resulting in negative impacts. Threats in SWOT are referred to any external factors that will risk your institutions and were beyond your control. Hence, an institution must always be prepared and more importantly putting up contingency plan should thing are going south. Anticipating and responding to threats are will increase your control, and better control will resulted in a more constructive development of your institutions, or in other words ‗not leaving your future, in the mercy of luck!‘ Looking back at opportunities as it were derives from the solution to a problem, threats is everything that you have resolve. It can be a change in technologies, implementation of new foreign policies, an epidemic or endemic, changes in consumer behaviours, or even war or security threats. Some threats are predictable, but most are changing in accordance to the global state, mostly related to the global power. Thus it is important to not being hesitant in bringing your worst fear to the discussion, and being very vigilant to the global trends.

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You should now have the basic understanding of what is SWOT analysis, and what to be aware of on how much can you achieve by using SWOT analysis. Now, let us dig deeper on what can influence each analysis by completing these activities. In determining the internal strength and weaknesses, first, let us do some simple self-reflection game. Read the question below, answer the questions, and rate how far are you from neutral state of giving out the best answer that suit your organisation‘s objective. 1) 2)


How do you think your depth of understanding can limit you from giving the most accurate value of an issue? From living in a multiracial, multicultural nation, how do you perceive religious belief and cultural practices in your decision making? In determining your weaknesses, how much can you admit and disclose in ensuring that the root of your organisation‘s problems can be solve?

From your self-reflection, you should now be able to clear out what should be done in order to have your values as precise as it should. Now, please answer these questions, and please elaborate how you can fit your values to both strength and weaknesses. 1) 2) 3)

How special are your services or product that it can standout in the rapidly growing market? What are the physical facilities that you currently have that will make you different from your competitors? What are your organisation‘s specialties and how can you use your specialties for the best interest of your objectives?

Congratulation! You should now have determined your strengths and weaknesses. Now let us continue with opportunities and threats.

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In looking for opportunities and threats, the factors that can influence your assessment are mostly demographical alteration, and revolutionary economic movement that will force for governmental / international regulation, and changes in lifestyle / behaviours. 1) 2) 3)

What are the latest technological advancements that will affect the education sectors? What are the traits of the new generations that might change the way of teaching and learning? How do you see the rise or up in cost of living will benefits or bring loss to your organisations.

Great! You should now aware of the crucial factors that will influence your judgement. Now share all that your answer with other participants in a Forum in our LMS. You might have think, why do we need to identify so many things? Remember, and always remember that the greater information / factors you have in hand, the higher your ability of being proactive and prepare for the worst.

From your activities, you should be able to pin point that strength should add values and gives you the competitive edge, while your weaknesses are the vice-versa. In a simpler way, here are the summary of SWOT and all four elements: KEY-POINTS √ SWOT is a technique to identify and listing mechanism √ Often used in brainstorming or open-mind discussion √ Require additional tools or extension of technique as analyser or problem solving tools

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KEY-POINTS √ Strength √ Weakness √ Opportunities √ Threats

Internal factors External factors

Favourable Unfavourable Favourable Unfavourable

KEY-POINTS ↑ Simple and flexible ↑ Easy to understand and does not require technicality ↑ Consider large number of factors ↓ High tendency to oversimplified due to vast factors in play ↓ Influence by sources input and personal biasness ↓ No obvious limit and require strong moderation

Now, share your findings in a management meeting and put each finding in table form. What should you do with all the data in hands? Is there any other tools or methods that can be used in helping us analyse better? Assuming that you have list out all factors according to the SWOT table, you can now analyse your ready data using Matching and Converting Methods. Matching means pairing suitable strength with external opportunities that will lead to competitive advantages, while converting means turning unfavourable factors (weakness and threats) to favourable factors (strength or opportunities). Reaching this stage, you might have feel that SWOT has its own advantages and disadvantages, so do the other tools or method of analysis. SWOT are mostly used for its simplicity but keep in mind that SWOT are as good as the input, and as the name suggest it will only act as the first steps of strategic planning; identifies and classifies.

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You will need to pair SWOT with other tools that will help you analyse and dissect your findings. Read more on all the tools below to further explore possible mechanism and to enrich your knowledge on strategic planning, business analysis, and strategy skills. Read more about this tool to further understand the mechanism. TOOLS √ Ansoff Matrix

Boston Box

PESTLE Analysis

Porters 5 Forces

The Ansoff Matrix was developed by H. Igor Ansoff and first published in the Harvard Business Review in 1957, also referred as Product/Market Expansion Grid. Compromise of 4 strategies; Market Development, Market Penetration, Diversification, and Product Development. Boston Box also known as Growth–Share matrix, Product Portfolio Matrix,, BCG-matrix, Boston matrix, or Boston Consulting Group analysis was created by Bruce D. Henderson for the Boston Consulting Group in 1970. Use to plot analytical graph to rank business units (or products) based on their relative market shares and growth rates, compromise of Cash Cows, Dogs, Question Marks, and Stars. PESTLE also referred as PEST analysis is a mnemonic analysing Political (P), Economic (E), Social (S), Technological (T), Legal (L) and Environmental (E). There are several variation of PESTLE with the order of the word being change, and some using more or less factors than 6 factors used in PESTLE. This tool identify whether new products, services or businesses have the potential to be profitable by understanding the strongest force / power in a situation. These 5 powers are Supplier Power, Buyer Power, Competitive Rivalry, Threat of Substitution, and also Threat of New Entry.

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Please tick any section and sub section that you have completed √ 2.0: Change Management 2.1: Introduction to Systemic Orbital Management Model 2.1.1: Pre-Activity 2.1.2: Introduction 2.1.3: Activities 2.1.4: Reflection 2.1.5: Enrichment 2.2: SWOT Analysis 2.2.1 Pre-Activity 2.2.2 Introduction 2.2.3 Activities 2.2.4 Reflection 2.2.5 Enrichment

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A 650,000 sq. ft., state-ofthe-art hospital was in the process of being constructed when unexpected news arrived - the new facility was slated to open 8 months earlier than originally anticipated due to the mild winter and ahead-of-schedule construction. This left little time to plan and implement the new hospital‘s many information technology (IT) systems, and put stakeholders under immense resource and time constraints.

Integrated Project Management Inc. (IPM) was engaged to execute program and project management throughout the construction of the hospital by leading the IT program implementation and managing several discrete system implementations.

The complexity, scope, and intensity of the project required a disciplined project management (PM) team to avoid costly move-in delays. The hospital‘s success would depend on effective program leadership and swift IT execution. The clock was ticking and management needed to act fast.

Most projects shared the same resource pool, and schedules for each project were influenced by the interface with the construction team. Since construction had already begun, the IT team was forced to evaluate technologies while concurrently determining what infrastructure to put in the building.

IPM’s Approach IPM quickly determined that the hospital‘s IT Program was comprised of 25 system implementation projects with complex interdependencies.

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Results Prior to the hospital opening: The team was able to meet two major dry-run milestones prior to ―go-live‖ that mimicked day-today hospital operations. This enabled the team to test system integrations and allowed endusers to become more familiar with the many new systems and protocols.

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Define what is a project? Share your experience conducting or involving in any project or task in class.

Let‘s us discuss the following issues. Firstly, prepare your own answers (in point forms) for these questions for about 10 minutes. You can refer to the reading materials in LMS or search from the Internet, keywords and term that you need to know more. Secondly, share your finding and thought in a Forum in our LMS. When sharing, discuss the inputs from everyone in the group, and produce a group consensus of your answers in Word Doc. Upload your Word Doc in a Forum in our LMS. A project is temporary in that it has a defined beginning and end in time, and therefore defined scope and resources. And a project is unique in that it is not a routine operation, but a specific set of operations designed to accomplish a singular goal. So a project team often includes people who don’t usually work together – sometimes from different organizations and across multiple geographies. Example of projects: The development of software for an improved business process, the construction of a building or bridge, the relief effort after a natural disaster, the expansion of sales into a new geographic market.    

What is the foundation for effective project management? When do we define and implement the foundation? What are the elements of scenario planning Draw a suitable template to be used for scenario planning

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Give scenarios why projects need to be properly manage? What kind of impact related to project failure? How does high-level managers can contribute in accelerate the successful of project management? How does the alignment of project objectives and priorities with the organizational strategies will maximize the project success? Why?

Project management, is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to venture activities to meet the project requirements. Project management processes can be given into five tasks. Refer to Figure 2.

Project management knowledge binds on ten areas as in Figure 3. All management is concerned with these, of course. But project management brings a unique focus shaped by the goals, resources and schedule of each project.

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Human resources

Communicatio ns

Risk management

Stakeholder management

Before we proceed to activities section, do you think different project aim will have different way to manage?

a. b.

Draw a mind map of the output of your discussion and present to the class. (Optional) Think of a mini project that you would like to do in three months. List the necessary requirement/elements that you need to plan, arrange and manage. Share the list in a Forum in our LMS.

After you engaged in an online forum discussion on this topic, is there anything new you have learned? Is there anything that you are still uncertain about? Write a one-page report and upload in a Forum in our LMS.

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Please visit our LMS for more materials regarding this topic. It is hoped that these online materials will help further enhance your understanding of the topic. If you have anything relevant that you would like to share with our participants, please provide the links of the materials in Forum in our LMS.

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Share your thoughts in a Forum in our LMS. 

You are appointed as a leader to run a project. What are the elements that you need to consider ensuring your project complete on time. How do we ensure the project completed on time and successfully List these elements according to your priority. Discuss why the rank is such way.

Time and people management are among essential skills in the project management. Share your thoughts in a Forum in our LMS on the following questions.

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What are the issues related to time? How does time and duration affected the successful of a project? What is needed? Schedule? Plan? What are the elements needed in – Gantt chart? Began schedule planning with a review of project information from project initiation Time management is related to the activities, constraints or risk, staffing, funding, project objectives and priorities. Consider project life cycle n methodology requirements Does scheduling need software/technical tools? Is it worth it?

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What are the issues related to managing people? How does people behaviour, attitude, characteristics affected the successful of a project?

Screen each idea/point given by each participant. Give marks 1-5 or paste star to each idea/point you like. After that rank the most liked idea/point and show to everyone.

Get into a group of 5, pick a project with a start and end date. List activities need to be done. Estimates the time needed for each activity and arrange them in schedule. Propose the potential activities owner. Share your proposal in a Forum in our LMS.

People often overlook work related to organizational, business, or even legal requirements. Add any missing work about these. Plan a schedule for the project using a tool and ask a friend to check yours. Don‘t forget to include also the milestone in your schedule.

Visit our LMS to read more about time management and tools that are useful for time planning.

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Brainstorm tools that you wish available to manage a project. Are there any criteria that you would like to have in a tool that can be used to manage your project? Share your thoughts in a Forum in our LMS.

Project management is a challenging task with many complex responsibilities. Fortunately, there are many tools available to assist with accomplishing the tasks and executing the responsibilities. Some require a computer with supporting software, while others can be used manually. Project managers should choose a project management tool that best suits their management style. No one tool addresses all project management needs.

Search 3 Project Management Tools. Based on projects that you had chosen earlier, please compare which is the best tool for your project and explain why. Include this comparison in your project report.

We have discussed the scenario planning, time and people management that can be enlightened by the use of tools or software. How about communication tool to engage with project members (sometime reside at different place and time zone)? Share your thoughts in a Forum in our LMS.

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Read more about risk management in a project. Highlight this element in your future project.

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List all the cost involve in project. Share your thoughts in a Forum in our LMS.

Cost effectiveness is the relationship between monetary inputs and the desired outcome such as the expenditure for a project and the successful of achieving the project aim. Therefore cost planning is part of overall project plan development. It begins with a review of project information from project initiation.

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Determine how you will proceed with required skill analysis, responsibility analysis and team acquisition? Determine who from your project team should be involved with your cost management efforts and secure their commitments to contribute to activity resource estimating, cost estimating, work required for project financial and return on investment analysis, cost budgeting and schedule development? If you will be outsourcing work, coordinate cost planning with your procurement planning. Schedule a project start-up workshop and include cost analysis activities in its agenda. Submit the feedback of this activity in 2 pages word and post it to Forum in our LMS.

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Cost Effectiveness is an essential element in a project. Discuss the benefits of well-planned cost for a project. Share your thoughts in a Forum in our LMS.

Search for cost effectiveness analysis (CEA) to understand more about cost effectiveness. Apply the analysis in your 3 months project.

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Please tick any section and sub section that you have completed √ 3.0: Project Management 3.1: Scenario Planning 3.1.1: Pre-Activity 3.1.2: Introduction 3.1.3: Activities 3.1.4: Reflection 3.1.5: Enrichment 3.2: Time & People Management (Time & Human Resources) 3.2.1: Pre-Activity 3.2.2: Introduction 3.2.3: Activities 3.2.4: Reflection 3.2.5: Enrichment 3.3: Project Management Tools 3.3.1: Pre-Activity 3.3.2: Introduction 3.3.3: Activities 3.3.4: Reflection 3.3.5: Enrichment 3.4: Cost Effectiveness 3.4.1 Pre-Activity 3.4.2 Introduction 3.4.3 Activities 3.4.4 Reflection 3.4.5 Enrichment

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