Regulations of USIM - Studies by Research

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These Regulations may be cited as the Regulations of Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (Graduate Studies) 2007.


For the purpose of these Regulations:-

“Graduate studies” refers to studies at the level of master, doctor of philosophy and postgraduate diploma;

“TOEFL” refers to Test of English as a Foreign Language conducted by Educational Testing Service International;

“IELTS” refers to International English Language Testing System conducted by the British Council;

“MUET” refers to Malaysian University English Test conducted by Majlis Peperiksaan Malaysia;

“Suspension of registration” refers to permission to defer registration granted to postgraduate candidates who have been offered places to pursue study in postgraduate programmes;

“Postponement of study” refers to permission not to proceed with postgraduate studies granted to postgraduate candidates whether they have registered or not for the semester;

“University Committee for Graduate Studies” refers to the committee established by the Senate to control and be responsible for the general direction of admission, instruction, research and examination at the postgraduate level and chaired by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and International);

“Supervisor” and “Chairman of Supervisory Committee” refer to academic members of the University appointed by the Dean of Graduate Studies on the recommendation of the Dean of the Faculty to carry out the primary

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duty and responsibility of overseeing the performance of the candidates throughout the period of study;

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“Co-supervisor” and “Supervisory Committee” refer to academic members of the University or academic members of the University who are seconded to other places, resign or retire from the University’s service or qualified individuals from other institutions appointed by the Dean of Graduate Studies on the recommendation of the Dean of the Faculty to carry out the duty and responsibility of overseeing the performance of the candidates throughout the period of study;

“Thesis” refers to type of study whereby the candidates are required to prepare a thesis based on the University’s official guidelines on thesis writing within the stipulated time period and to defend the thesis before an Oral Examination Committee in fulfilment or partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree pursued;

“Coursework” refers to the type of study whereby the candidates are required to undertake stipulated courses within stipulated time periods in fulfilment or partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree pursued;

“Proposal Defence Committee” refers to the committee established under paragraph 11.1 of these Regulations;

“University official guidelines on thesis writing” refers to USIM’s Handbook on Academic Writing;

“External Examiner” refers to an examiner outside the University appointed by the Dean of Graduate Studies for examination of thesis;

‘Internal Examiner” refers to an examiner within the University appointed by the Dean of Graduate Studies for examination of thesis;

“Oral Examination Committee” refers to the committee established under paragraph 14.3.1 of this Regulation; and the

“Graduate Examiners Committee” refers to committee established under paragraph 14.3.4 of this Regulation.

The Centre for Graduate Studies offers Master’s and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees in specific programmes through the following faculties:1.3.1

Faculty of Syariah and Law


Faculty of Quranic and Sunnah Studies


Master of Economics and Muamalat Administrations PhD in Economics and Muamalat Administrations

Faculty of Science and Technology


Master of Da’wah and Islamic Management PhD in Da’wah and Islamic Management PhD (Counseling) PhD (Communication) PhD (Human Resource Management)

Faculty of Economics and Muamalat


Master of Quranic and Sunnah Studies PhD in Quranic and Sunnah Studies

Faculty of Leadership and Management


Master of Syariah Master of Comparative Law Master of Laws PhD in Syariah and Judiciary

Master of Science PhD in Science and Technology

Faculty of Major Languages

PhD (Education) PhD (English Study) PhD (Arabic Study)

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Candidates who are accepted into the graduate studies shall pursue their study through the following types of studies:-



thesis; or


coursework; or


combination of 2.1 and 2.2 above.

ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Applicants who wish to apply for the graduate studies should have the following academic requirements:3.1

Master’s degree (Mesyuarat Senat Kali Ke-66 Bil 6/2011, 7 December 2011) 3.1.1

Suitable Bachelor degree with honours and good grades with (CGPA = 2.75 and above) from USIM ; or


Bachelor degree from USIM or any other institutions of higher learning with CGPA 2.75/4.00 and above or CGPA 2.50/4.00 but less than 2.75/400 with at least five (5) years working experience in related field recognised by the Senate; or


Bachelor degree with honours and good grades; or Jayyid; or CGPA 3.00/5.00 and above; or 60% and above from other institutions of higher learning recognised by the Senate; or CGPA 2.75/4.00 and above according to International Academic Grade Guide for USM; or


Other qualifications equivalent to a Bachelor degree and relevant professional experience recognised by the Senate.


PhD degree (Mesyuarat Senat Kali Ke-66 Bil 6/2011, 7 December 2011) 3.2.1

Suitable Master’s degree with good grades from USIM; or


Suitable Master’s degree with good grades from another institution of higher learning recognized by the Senate; or


Other qualifications equivalent to a Master’s degree and relevant professional experience recognised by the Senate; or


Master’s degree candidates are permitted by the University Committee for Graduate Studies to convert their studies to PhD degree with the approval of the Senate and when they have fulfilled the requirement of item 8.

Language Requirements 3.3.1

Applicants are required to demonstrate their proficiency in Arabic or English. For those who are writing thesis in English need to show proficiency in English. And for those who are writing thesis in Arabic need to show proficiency in Arabic. Evidence of proficiency should be attached to application forms.


Applicants may submit the score obtained in TOEFL or in IELTS or in MUET or other relevant test that is equivalent and recognised by the Senate to fulfil the requirement of paragraph 2.3.1 above.


Applicants who write thesis in English are required toobtain a score of at least 510 in TOEFL (paper based) or 180 in TOEFL (computer-based) or 64 in TOEFL (internet-based) or Band 5 in IELTS or Band 3 in MUET. (Mesyuarat Senat Universiti Ke-62, Bil. 2/2011, 13 April 2011)


Applicants who have been offered admission but do not fulfil the requirement of proficiency in Arabic will have to register and pass Arabic language courses determined by the University.

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Application made to Graduate studies may be made by completing the prescribed forms. The completed application forms should be sent to the Dean of Graduate Studies.


Each application shall be deliberated and approved by the University Committee of Graduate Studies, once the faculty under which the programme applied for endorses it.


Application for admission is open throughout the year and the intake of candidates shall be made twice a year.


Candidates who are accepted into graduate studies are required to register for every semester throughout the period of study and settle all stipulated fees.


In order to register for a further semester, candidates are required to clear all financial encumbrances and their account must not have a negative balance. Students who failed to clear the balance will not be able to register for the next semester. (Mesyuarat Senat Kali Ke-66 Bil 6/2011, 7 December 2011)


Candidates are required to have submitted the progress report for the previous semester in order to register for the next semester. (Mesyuarat Senat Kali Ke-66 Bil 6/2011, 7 December 2011)


Candidates are required to register within the first two (2) weeks of the semester, failing which the candidature of the candidates may be terminated.


Candidates who failed to register for two (2) consecutive semesters without permission as stipulated by paragraph 8 of this Regulation are deemed to have failed and the candidature will be terminated.


Candidates who have submitted their theses for examination are still required to register until the evaluation of the thesis is completed and confirmed by the Senate for degree conferment. Under such circumstance, no study fee shall be imposed on the candidates. (Mesyuarat Senat Kali Ke-66 Bil 6/2011, 7 December 2011)




Candidates may choose to register either as full-time or part-time students. However, the University Committee for Graduate Studies reserves the right to determine the type of registration suitable for the candidates.



Candidates who are currently employed are required to provide evidence indicating that they have been given permission to pursue their study from the employer.


Under certain circumstances, candidates may apply from the Dean of Graduate Studies to change their type of registration from full time to part time or vice versa. If permission for such a request is granted, the type opted for, shall be final and no further application throughout the remaining period of study shall be entertained.

International students must register as full-time students.

DURATION OF STUDY Candidates who pursue graduate studies by thesis shall be subjected to the following duration of study:7.1

Master’s Degree 7.1.1

Full time study period is between minimum four (4) semesters to maximum six (6) semesters; and


Part time study period is between minimum six (6) semesters to maximum ten (10) semesters.

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Master’s Degree (Faculty of Science and Technology’s programme) 7.2.1

Full time study period is between minimum two (2) semesters to maximum six (6) semesters; and


Part time study period is between minimum six (6) semesters to maximum ten (10) semesters.

PhD Degree 7.3.1

Full time study period is between minimum six (6) semesters to maximum twelve (12) semesters; and


Part time study period is between minimum eight (8) semesters to maximum fourteen (14) semesters.

PhD Degree (Faculty of Science and Technology’s programme) 7.4.1

Full time study period is between minimum four (4) semesters to maximum twelve (12) semesters; and


Part time study period is between minimum eight (8) semesters to maximum twelve (12) semesters.

Exemption from the Requirement of Minimum Semesters 7.5.1


Senate may exempt Master’s and PhD degree candidates who have shown excellent performance throughout the period of study. Candidates who wish to apply are required to have fulfilled the requirement for graduation.


A student may apply for conversion from a Masters through research and Thesis writing to a PhD degree programme. If the application is successful, the student is required to comply with all requirements for a PhD degree. An independent committee shall be appointed by the Faculty


The following rules apply: 8.2.1


The student must:

have completed at least two (2) semesters or one (1) year but not more than three (3) semesters of the Masters degree programme;

have passed the proposal defence.

have completed and passed the two (2) compulsory courses, namely Research Methodology and Data Analysis;

have published or shown proof of acceptance an article in a refereed journal or its equivalent (e.g. book chapter) based on research done during candidacy;

submit an extended research proposal that meets the scope of a PhD degree; and

The main Supervisor or Chairman of the Supervisory Committee shall verify in writing in the form of a report that the student:

has the capability and ability to integrate knowledge of research and/or theories pertaining to issues that are fundamental to the field of study;

demonstrates critical, analytical and independent thinking skills; and

has a good understanding of relevant research design and methodology.

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to evaluate the application for conversion and this committee shall make recommendations to the Dean of Graduate Studies through the Faculty for approval and endorsement by the University Graduate Studies Committee.


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The Faculty shall appoint an independent committee, comprising a minimum of three (3) members with the Dean of the Faculty, or his representative as the Chairman.


The independent committee shall:



evaluate the extent to which the Masters research has progressed, and the proposal for the doctoral research via an oral examination; and

submit a comprehensive report (using Guideline for Preparing the Conversion Report – Appendix A) to the Centre of Graduate Studies through the Faculty highlighting the merits and achievements that will support or justify the conversion.

If the conversion is approved within the first seven (7) weeks of the semester, it shall take effect immediately. Otherwise, the conversion shall take effect during following semester.


Suspension of Registration 9.1.1

Candidates who have been offered admission may apply to suspend their registration by writing directly to the Dean of Graduate Studies.


Candidates for suspension of registration must be received within four (4) weeks from the date of registration, failing which the offer shall be treated as null and void.


Suspension of registration may be allowed for a period of not less than one (1) semester and must not exceed two (2) semesters except for health reasons.

The semester/s suspended shall not be taken into calculation of the minimum and maximum number of semesters to complete the study.


Candidates whose application to suspend registration is approved shall not be considered as the the students of this university and are not allowed to use any of University’s facilities except to seek advice on resumption of study.

Postponement of Study 9.2.1

Candidates who are accepted into graduate studies may apply to postpone their study with a reasonable cause by writing directly to the Dean of Graduate Studies for approval upon receiving such recommendation from the Dean of the faculty.


For the purpose of these Regulations, reasonable causes to be considered, include:-


illness which has been certified by a government medical officer / certified medical practitioner; or

pregnancy for a period of six (6) months or more at the commencement date of the semester registration; or

any other cause considered by the Dean of Graduate Studies as sufficient to justify the postponement of study.

Applications for the postponement of study must be submitted not later than the tenth (10th) week of the semester, (the exception of) candidates who fall under paragraphs,, or candidates who are pregnant and have been certified by a government medical officer / certified medical practitioner as having the inability to pursue their study for that semester.

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Postponement of study may be allowed for a period of not more than two (2) consecutive semesters except for health reasons and subject to the minimum and maximum number of semesters for the candidates to complete their study; as stated in paragraphs 7.1 and 7.2 of these Regulations.


The semester postponed shall not be included in the calculation of the minimum and maximum number of semesters for the candidates to complete their study except for cases mentioned in paragraph of this Regulation.


The postponement shall be effective from the date the application is received.

Withdrawal from Study 9.3.1

Candidates who intend to withdraw from study may write directly to the Centre for Graduate Studies notifying their intention.


The withdrawal shall be effective from the date of the notification received.

Reimbursement of the Paid Fees 9.4.1

Candidates are required to settle all fees before leaving the University; either resulting under the condition postponement of study or withdrawing from it.


If the study fee has been settled (prior to postponement), the University shall reimburse the fee of the semester based on the following calculation:

if the effective date of the postponement or withdrawal is within the first four (4) weeks of the semester, 75% of the paid fee shall be reimbursed;

if the effective date of the postponement or withdrawal is between the fifth (5th) week and the tenth (10th) week of the semester, 50% of the paid fee shall be reimbursed; and




if the effective date of the postponement or withdrawal is after the tenth (10th) week of the semester, no fee paid shall be reimbursed.

If no payment has been made for the study fee of the semester, the outstanding amount to be paid is based on the following calculation:

if the effective date of the postponement or withdrawal is within the first four (4) weeks of the semester, 25% of the fee shall be due;

if the effective date of the postponement or withdrawal is between the fifth (5th) week and the tenth (10th) week of the semester, 50% of the fee shall be due; and

if the effective date of the postponement or withdrawal is after the tenth (10th) week of the semester, full amount of the fee shall be due.

No other remaining fees shall be reimbursed and the candidates are required to pay those other fees in full if they have not been settled irrespective of the effective date of the postponement or withdrawal.

Change of Programme 9.5.1

Candidates are allowed to change programme once only during their studies.


Candidates may apply for change of programme by applying to the Dean of Graduate Studies through the Faculty for approval and endorsement by the University Committee for Graduate Studies.


Upon approval, candidates must register for the new programme.

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10.1 Candidates are required to complete and pass with a minimum B the two (2) courses namely Research Methodology and Data Analysis within: 10.1.1

Semester 1 for Masters candidates;


Semester 1 or 2 for PhD candidates.

10.2 Candidates are allowed to apply for exemption of requirement in 10.1 with written evidence of equivalent courses completed in the past five (5) years with approval of the Dean of Faculty. 10.3 Candidates may also be required to enrol for certain pre-requisite courses as advised by the Faculty.


Supervisor or Supervisory Committee 11.1.1

Candidates pursuing the graduate studies by thesis shall be guided throughout the period of study by the following: a supervisor; or a supervisor and a co – supervisor; or a supervisory committee.


Supervisor, co-supervisor and members of the supervisory committee shall be appointed by the Dean of Graduate Studies upon the recommendation given by the Dean of Faculty.


For co – supervision, the supervisor shall bear the primary duty and responsibility for overseeing the performance of the candidates throughout the period of study.


The supervisory committee consists of at least three (3) members including a chairman. The committee shall collectively bear the duty and responsibility of overseeing the performance of




The supervisor, co-supervisor, chairman of the supervisory committee and the committee members shall be informed of their duties and responsibilities upon appointment made and the Dean of Graduate Studies may reassign such duties and responsibilities from time to time.

Status of Supervisor or Co-Supervisor or Chairman of the Supervisory Committee 11.2.1

The supervisor and chairman of the supervisory committee appointed must be among the academic members of the University. The co-supervisor and members of the supervisory committee, however, may be appointed either from among the academic members of the University or qualified individuals from other institutions.


Academic members of the University who are seconded to other places, resign or retire from the University’s service may only be appointed as a co – supervisor or member of the supervisory committee.


Under certain circumstances, however, academic members mentioned in paragraph 11.2.2 or qualified individuals mentioned in paragraph 11.2.1 above, may be appointed as a supervisor or chairman of the supervisory committee, based on a special agreement made.

Change of Supervision 11.3.1

If, for any reasons, the supervisor or the co – supervisor or any member of the supervisory committee is incapable of carrying out the supervisory duties and responsibilities, the Dean of Graduate Studies shall appoint a substitute based on the recommendation of the Dean of the Faculty.

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the candidates throughout the period of study. Chairman of the committee is responsible for coordinating supervisory duties among the members of the committee.


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If the need arises, candidates may apply to change the supervisor or the co – supervisor or any member of the supervisory committee (of the candidate’s own proposition), subjected to endorsement by the faculty.


Such applications must be made in writing to the Dean of Graduate Studies for deliberation and approval, not later than three (3) semesters after the appointment of the supervisor or the co – supervisor or the member of the supervisory committee, as the case may be.

Report on Supervision 11.4.1

Supervisor or chairman of the supervisory committee, is required to submit to the Dean of the Faculty, a confidential report on the progress of the candidates, at least once in each semester throughout the period of study.


The report shall be made using the prescribed form prior to submission of the report to the Centre for Graduate Studies, not later than three (3) weeks of the commencement of the semester break.


The report should be tabled in the University Committee for Graduate Studies and given the following status:

MTP (Satisfactory and Continue Study) – This term is use for students who progress within the stipulated time.

LDJ (Behind Schedule) – This term is use for students who do not progress within the stipulated time.


Candidates may be barred from registering the subsequent semester if: the confidential report is not received by the Centre for Graduate Studies within the stipulated time period; or


If candidates are barred from registering for the next semester, the Centre for Graduate Studies shall cause sent a writing notification to the last known address by registered post.


The semester for which a candidate has been barred shall be included in the calculation of the minimum and maximum number of semesters for the candidates to complete the study.


12.1 Candidates pursuing graduate studies by thesis are required to pass the proposal defence in the presence of the Proposal Defence Committee. 12.2 Candidates who pursue graduate studies on a full time basis are required to pass the proposal defence within one (1) semester for Master’s degree and two (2) semesters for PhD degree upon starting in order to continue the programme. In case of failure, the candidates are allowed to resubmit the proposal within a time frame specified by the Dean of the Faculty. 12.3 Candidates pursuing graduate studies on a part time basis are required to pass the proposal defence within two (2) semesters for Master’s degree and four (4) semesters for PhD degree, upon starting in order to continue the programme. In case of failure, the candidates are allowed to resubmit the proposal within a time frame specified by the Dean of the Faculty. 12.4 A Proposal Defence Committee will be formed on a temporary basis to evaluate the proposal presentation. The committee shall consist of at least three (3) members, including a chairperson who shall be appointed by the Dean of the Faculty based on his/her expertise. 12.5 The chairperson of the committee shall prepare a report on the performance of the candidate on the proposal defence, which will then be endorsed by the Dean of the Faculty.

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12.6 The Dean of the Faculty shall then forward the report to the Centre for Graduate Studies. A written notification of the result shall then be delivered to the candidate. R E G U L AT I O N S O F U N I V E R S I T I S A I N S I S L A M M A L A Y S I A ( G R A D U AT E S T U D I E S ) 2 0 0 7


13. THESIS 13.1


Thesis Requirements 13.1.1

Candidate for a Master’s degree pursuing graduate studies by thesis, is required to submit a thesis of not more than 60,000 words (The total number of words excludes footnotes, excerpts, appendices, formulas, tables, diagrams, bibliographies, etc.).


Candidate for PhD degree, is required to submit a thesis of not more than 100,000 words (The total number of words excludes footnotes, excerpts, appendices, formulas, tables, diagrams, bibliographies, etc.).


Application for permission to write a thesis exceeding the limit stipulated must be forwarded to the Dean of Graduate Studies for Senate’s approval not less than three (3) months prior to the submission of thesis to be examined.


The thesis must be written either in Arabic or English. Theses written in Arabic must be preceded by a synopsis of Malay and English translations. Theses written in English must be preceded by a synopsis of Malay and Arabic translations.


Theses must be prepared according to the University’s official guidelines on thesis writing.

Submission of Thesis 13.2.1

Candidates submitting their thesis to be examined, are required to notify the Centre for Graduate Studies in a prescribed form not less than three (3) months before submitting the thesis.


The thesis must be submitted within the period of the maximum number of semesters allowed, upon which failure to do so will require candidates to apply for an extension from the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Such application made if allowed, must not exceed two (2) semesters. Extension for extra semesters shall not be given.


Candidates deemed having poor performance, will result in candidature to be terminated if paragraph 13.2.2 above is not complied with. Nevertheless, the paragraph is not a hindrance for the thesis to be submitted within the period of the minimum number of semesters allowed.


Candidates are required to obtain a written endorsement from the supervisor and the Dean of the Faculty in the prescribed form before submitting five (5) comb-bound copies of the thesis to the Centre for Graduate Studies and paying the prescribed payment for thesis examination.



Appointment of Examiner 14.1.1

The Centre for Graduate Studies shall, upon receiving the prescribed form as mentioned in paragraph 13.2.1 above, require the Dean of the faculty of the candidate to propose at least one (1) name to be appointed as an external examiner and at least one (1) name to be appointed as an internal examiner.


The Dean of Graduate Studies shall then submit the names proposed by the faculty, and tabled in University Committee for Graduate Studies for deliberation and approval.


The Dean of Graduate Studies shall then, appoint the external and the internal examiners approved by the University Committee for Graduate Studies.

Thesis Examination 14.2.1

The examiners shall be given maximum period of eight (8) weeks, to complete the examination of the thesis and prepare a report in a prescribed form.

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Oral Examination 14.3.1

Candidates are required to defend their thesis before the Oral Examination Committee; who shall consist of the Dean of Graduate Studies or representative as the chairman, the Dean of the Faculty or representative, and the external and the internal examiners appointed earlier.


Supervisor or co-supervisor or chairman of the supervisory committee for a particular candidate may be present throughout the oral examination session.


At the end of the oral examination session, the Dean of Graduate Studies or representative shall prepare a report in a prescribed form.


The Oral Examination Committee, which is chaired by the Dean of Graduate Studies or his/her representative shall deliberate on the report. If satisfied, the Oral Examination Committee will endorse a conditional or unconditional pass and report to Centre for Graduate Studies.


The Oral Examination Committee is not bound to endorse an immediate report but may request the candidates to be reexamined, when deemed necessary.


The report shall then be submitted to the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and International) for final endorsement under certain circumstances. However, request for the report to be re-examined can be made by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and International) if, found to be unsatisfactory.


Candidates shall be informed in writing of the outcome of the committee decision on the report.

Submission of Hardbound Thesis (Mesyuarat Senat Kali Ke-66 Bil 6/2011, 7 December 2011) 14.4.1


Candidates are advised to consult their respective supervisor or co-supervisor or chairman of the supervisory committee, as the case may be, on any corrections or amendments to be made on the thesis before submitting the hardbound copy.


Candidates are required to submit five (5) hardbound copies and two (2) softcopies on CD of the thesis within the specified time to the Centre for Graduate Studies. Submission must be made using the prescribed form.


Candidates are allowed to apply for extension of the thesis submission period.

Confirmation of Degree Conferred (exit requirements) 14.5.1

Only candidates whose oral examination reports have been endorsed and whose hardbound copies of the thesis have been received shall be considered by the Senate for conferment of the degree.


Candidates who have written their thesis in Arabic or English are required to obtain a score of least 510 in TOEFL (paper based) or 180 in TOEFL (computer-based) or 64 in TOEFL (internet-based) or Band 5 in IELTS or Band 3 in MUET.


Candidates who have written their thesis in English are required to pass the USIM’s Arabic Test.


Candidates are required to fulfill the following conditions: Master’s Degree - One (1) proceeding and one (1) seminar presentation. PhD Degree - Two (2) proceedings or one (1) publication and one (1) seminar presentation.

15. DEGREE CONFERRED 15.1 A Master’s or PhD degree may be conferred to candidates who:15.1.1

have successfully fulfilled the entire requirement for degree conferment as required by the rules and regulations of graduate studies;


have successfully fulfilled all requirements for degree conferment as required by the rules and regulations of graduate studies;

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have been endorsed for degree conferment by the Graduate Examiner Committee and given verification by the Senate; and


have settled all stipulated payments and have returned any property of the University, borrowed.

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16. TERMINATION OF CANDIDATURE The candidates’ candidature can be terminated based on the following condition:a)

Failure to register in two consecutive semesters.


Fail to submit progress report in two consecutive semesters.


Unable to complete within the specified period of studies as stated in part 6.


If the students status is recorded as fail.


Obtaining two consecutive conditional pass.


The candidates’ candidature can be terminated by the senate at any timeif the performance of the candidate is found to be unsatisfactory or for any other reasons deemed as appropriate by the Senate

17. GENERAL 17.1 The University’s Senate reserves the right to take any action it deems proper; if the candidate is found to have given false information to gain entry into the programme offered. 17.2 Any student found guilty of plagiarism will be subjected to dismissal. 17.3 Any student charged for any criminal offence and found guilty will be subjected to dismissal.


17.4 Any student involved in any gross misconduct and unethical behavior that affect the good image of the University on its discretion may reprimand the student, and this may lead to termination.

17.6 The Dean of Graduate Studies shall then submit and consult the appeal to the University Committee for Graduate Studies for deliberation and decision. If he need arises, the Dean of Graduate Studies may put forward the appeal to the Senate for the same purpose before informing the candidate. 17.7 If there is any need to interpret these Regulations, it shall be referred to the Centre for Graduate Studies. 17.8 The Senate may exempt the enforcement of any part of these Regulations as it deems proper and just. * specific regulations for programmes offered by coursework and combination of thesis and coursework are provided separately but must be read with this Regulation. Endorse by The Senate of Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia Bil 3/2010 Kali Ke 57 on 23 June 2010.


R E G U L AT I O N S O F U N I V E R S I T I S A I N S I S L A M M A L A Y S I A ( G R A D U AT E S T U D I E S ) 2 0 0 7

17.5 Any appeal relating to the rules, regulations and schedule of the same rules and regulations of the graduate studies from any registered candidates, must be submitted to the Dean of graduate Studies through their respective supervisor or chairman of supervisory committee.


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