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O u r m i s s i o n o u r D a l l a s o f f i c e 2 5 5 0 B e c k l e y m e a d e A v e S u i t e 2 1 5 A D a l l a s , T X 7 5 2 3 7 P : I n f o @ e l s v i s i o n w e a l t h m a n a g e m e n t . c o m E L S V I S I O N W E A L T H M A N A G E M E N T
O u r S e r v i c e s C o m p r e h e n s i v e F i n a n c i a l P l a n n i n g L i f e I n s u r a n c e R e t i r e m e n t S o l u t i o n s E s t a t e P l a n n i n g E d u c a t i o n P l a n n i n g T a x P l a n n i n g I n v e s t m e n t P l a n n i n g W e b e l i e v e o u r t e a m w o r k a p p r o a c h a d d s a b r o a d e r p e r s p e c t i v e t o a l l w e d o a n d p r o v i d e s i n c r e a s e d b e n e f i t s t o o u r c l i e n t s financial services tailored to your needs. ( 9 7 2 ) 5 9 8 0 2 4 2 E : C o n t a c t u s V i r t u a l m e e t i n g s a v a i l a b l e E L S V i s i o n W e a l t h M a n a g e m e n t i s a m a r k e t i n g n a m e f o r r e g i s t e r e d r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s o f L i n c o l n F i n a n c i a l A d v i s o r s S e c u r i t i e s a n d i n v e s t m e n t a d v i s o r y s e r v i c e s o f f e r e d t h r o u g h L i n c o l n F i n a n c i a l A d v i s o r s , a b r o k e r d e a l e r ( m e m b e r S I P C ) a n d r e g i s t e r e d i n v e s t m e n t a d v i s o r I n s u r a n c e o f f e r e d t h r o u g h L i n c o l n M a r k e t i n g a n d I n s u r a n c e A g e n c y , L L C a n d L i n c o l n A s s o c i a t e s I n s u r a n c e A g e n c y , I n c a n d o t h e r f i n e c o m p a n i e s u r 6 s t e p P r o c e s s W : w w w e l s v i s i o n w e a l t h c o m
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Harold Hopkins II, CPA 283 N. I-35 E. Suite 283 DeSoto, TX 972.223.1040www.hhtaxcpa.com75115 ALW Enertainment 731 S R L Thornton Fwy 214.943.2893www.alwe.comDallas, TX 75203 Black Business Directory PO Box 830631, Richardson, TX 75083 Caldwell Creative PO BOX 12484, Dallas, TX 75225 www.ccmd1.com214.432.7647 Amenity Financial Services 1701 N. Hampton Rd. Suite H200 DeSoto, TX 214.273.4236www.amenityfs.com75115 Elber Glenn Fox, PC 1510 N. Hampton Rd. Dallas, TX 972.224.838175208 Emanuel Burrell, CPA 11615 Forest Ln. Suite 207 Dallas, TX 214.340.579775243 Frazier Gills & Associates 400 S. Zang Blvd. Suite 330 Dallas, TX 214.337.5000www.fraziergills.com75208 [ ACCOUNTANT ] [ ADVERTISING AGENCY ]
Superiair AC/Heating P.O. Box McKinney#514TX. 469.636.0945www.superiairdfw.com75070 Design Principles 3100 Main St. Suite 301 Dallas, TX 214.321.111175226 EJES, Inc. 9401 LBJ Frwy. Suite 300 Dallas, TX 214.343.121075243 African American Museum 3536 Grand Ave., Dallas, TX 75210 www.aamdallas.org214.565.9026 Annie Earl’s Art Gallery 210 S. Main St., Duncanville TX 75116 www.annieearlsartgallery.com469.673.6832 International Museum of Cultures 411 E. Highway 67 Duncanville, TX 75137 www.internationalmuseumofcultures.org972.708.7406 ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 11AFocus Communications, Inc. 1412 Main Street, Suite 1000 Dallas, Texas www.focuspr.com214.744.142875202 Southwest Mobile Advertising 2730 N. Stemmons Frwy., Suite 407 Dallas, TX 214.352.739375207 The Political Arm 8604 Turtle Creek Blvd., Suite 12484 Dallas, TX www.thepoliticalarm.com682.340.417275225 AC’s Mechanical Heating & Air Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex 972.291.5008 David Services Inc. Heating & Air Conditioning PO Box 1742, Red Oak, TX 75154 www.davidservices.com972.617.7885 AC’s Mechanical Heating & Air Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex 972.291.5008 Smith AC & Heating AC/Heating Dallas TX. 214.882.510075215 [ AIRCONDITIONING/ ] HEATING [ ARCHITECT ] [ ART GALLERY ]
210 S. Main St. Ste 2, Duncanville. (469) 673-6832 Annie Earl’s Art Gallery
Pan-African Connection Bookstore Art Gallery 4466 S. Marsalis Ave., Dallas, TX 75216 www.panafricanconnection.com214.943.8262 American Cancer Society of South Dallas 2922 MLK Jr. Blvd. Dallas, TX 75215 www.cancer.org214.421.1680 American Diabetes Association 4100 Alpha Rd. Suite 100 Dallas, TX 972-392-118175244 American Heart Association 1615 Stemmons Fwy. Dallas, TX 214.712.133775207 Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Texas 205 W. Main St. Dallas, TX 817.277.114876010 Buckner Children & Family Services North Texas 5200 S. Buckner Blvd. Dallas, TX 75227 www.buckner.org214-319-3426 Dallas Black Fire Fighters Assn. PO Box 224906 Dallas, TX www.chamberdata.net214-428-185975222 DFW Minority Supplier Development Council 8828 N. Stemmons Frwy. Suite 550 Dallas, TX 214.630.074775247 DFW Urban League Young Professionals Girls Living Life on Purpose Inc. PO Box 170727 Dallas, TX www.gllopinc.org888.580.168975217 Job Corps 525 Griffin St. Room 403 Dallas, TX www.jobcorps.gov972.850.410075205 National Association of Black Accountants DFW Chapter PO Box 1787 Dallas, TX 214.221.661675221 National Black MBA Association, Inc. PO Box 797174, Dallas, TX www.dfwmbas.org214.853.449775379 Small Business Administration 4300 Amon Carter Blvd., Suite 114 Ft. Worth, TX www.sba.gov817.684.550076155 United Negro College Fund Dallas 501 Elm St. Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75202 www.give.uncf.org972.234.1007 YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas 601 N. Akard St., Dallas, TX 75201 www.ymcadallas.or214.954.0500g [ ASSOCIATIONS ] ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 13A[ ART GALLERY ]
Bree West 320 South RL Thorton Frwy. Suite 300, Dallas, TX 75203 www.westllp.com214.941.1881 Craig Watkins & Associates 2531 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Dallas, TX www.craigwatkinslaw.com214.428.779975215 Gradney, PC 325 N. Saint Paul St. Suite 2750 Dallas, TX 469.484.500075201 Gwendolyn E. Hunt Attorney at Law 2010 N. Hampton Rd. Suite 400 Desoto, TX www.gehunt.com214.330.446575115 Kelley Witherspoon 2614 Main St., Dallas, TX 972.850.050075226 Law Office of Anthony D. Lyons 320 South RL Thorton Frwy. Suite 300 Dallas, TX 214.941.188175203 Law Office of Heath G. Harris & Associates www.h2lawjustice.com214.742.0706 Law Office of Michael Todd 700 N. Pearl St. North Tower, Suite 2170 Dallas, TX 214.630.863375201 Law Office of Monique Ward 1910 Pacific Ave. Suite 214.953.3030Dallas,6030TX75201 Law Office of Twana W. Allen 1400 Preston Rd. Suite 400 Plano TX 972.665.983975093 Linda G. Sorrell 400 S. Zang, Suite 909, Dallas, TX 214.943.477375208 Marty J. Taylor 3102 Maple Ave., Suite 450 Dallas, TX 214.953.936175201 Mwaniki /London Law Firm 311 N Stemmons Freeway Dallas, TX 214.748.220075207 Reginald Carpenter 2201 Main St, Dallas, TX 214.749.799975201 Rhonda Hunter Attorney at Law 325 N. St. Paul St. Suite 2750 Dallas, TX www.rhondahunter.com469.484.500075201 ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 15A[ ATTORNEY ]
David’s Bail Bonds 118 E Saner Ave, Dallas, TX 214.943.400075216 No Limit Bail Bonds 909 S Corinth St Rd, Dallas, TX 214.942.733275203 Cake Bar 3011 Gulden Ln. Suite 117 Dallas Texas www.cakebardallas.com972.684.580175212 Fancy Cakes 11111 N. Central Expy. Dallas, TX www.fancycakesbylauren.com214.828.903075243 [ BAIL BONDS ] [ BAKERY ] [ BANKS ] Bank of America 4347 S. Hampton Rd. Suite 100A Dallas, TX 214.339.634175232 Bank of America 901 Main Street, 71st Floor Dallas, TX 214.209.137075202 Bank of America 3523 South Lancaster Dallas, TX 214.374.163875216 Bank of America 3309 W. Camp Wisdom Rd. Dallas, TX 972.296.143375237 Bank of America 1227 E. Pleasant Run Rd. DeSoto, TX 972.228.210175115 Bank of America 3300 Martin Luther King Blvd. Dallas, TX 214.565.500075215 Bank of Texas 201 W. Twelfth St. Dallas, TX 214.574.124875208 Capital One 14651 Dallas Parkway, Suite 300 Dallas, TX 75254 (972) 855.3912 Chase Bank 2833 Martin Luther King Blvd. Dallas, TX 214.426.008175215 Chase Bank 5050 Quorum Drive, Suite 100 Dallas, TX 972.386.120075254 Chase Bank 303 S. Main Street, 2nd floor Duncanville, TX 75116 972.780.4207 Chase Bank 3929 South Polk Dallas, TX 75224 Chase Bank 400 Wynnewood Plaza Dallas, TX 214.948.355175224
ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 19B Comerica Bank Headquarters 1717 Main St. Dallas, TX 214.462.400075201 Comerica Bank 3202 N. Fitzhugh Dallas, TX 214.630.303075204 Comerica Bank 1483 N. Hampton Desoto, TX 972.223.166275115 Comerica Bank 753 W. Illinois Ave. Dallas, TX 214.948.882575224 Aafes Federal Credit Union 4630 Exchange Service Dr. Dallas, TX 214.337.009075236 Baylor Employees Credit Union 3510 Crutcher St. Suite 100, Dallas, TX 214.820.234275246 City Credit Union 7474 Ferguson Rd. Dallas, TX 214.515.010075201 Dallas County Employees Credit Union 133 N Riverfront Blvd. Dallas, TX, 214.653.345075207 Dallas Teachers Credit Union 3701 S Walton Walker Blvd. Dallas, TX 972.263.949775236 [ BANK / CREDIT UNION ] Employees Credit Union 8989 Harry Hines Blvd. Dallas, TX 214.357.332875235 Lone Star Credit Union 7508 Ferguson Rd. Dallas, TX 800.588.692875228 Neighborhood Credit Union 641 Yorktown St. Dallas, TX 214.748.939375208 Pegasus Credit Union 3000 Pegasus Park Dr. Suite 4, Dallas, TX 214.951.201275247 Resource One Credit Union 8344 E R L Thornton Frwy. Dallas, TX 800.375.367475228 Texans Credit Union 8406 Lakeview Pkwy., Dallas, TX 214.703.600075243 [ BARBER SHOP ] Big Mike’s Barbershop and Salon 414 E. Wheatland Rd. Duncanville, TX 75116 www.bigmikesbarbershopandsalon.com972.572.8508 Brooklyn’s Cuts & Designs 6927 Main St. Frisco, Texas 214.449.864775033
ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 21BCut Creaters Salon & Suites 701 S. Stemmons Fwy suites 240/250 Lewisville Texas 75067 469.496.1233 Expressionz 4210 W. Camp Wisdom Rd. #130 Dallas, TX 214.915.881175237 Faded Barbershop 405 E. Camp Wisdom Rd. Duncanville, Texas 75116 469.335.4700 Fades and Blades 2401 S. Stemmons Fwy suite 2090 Lewisville Texas 75067 972.315.5005 Flewellen’s 3611 S. Lancaster Rd. Dallas, Texas 75216 [ BARBER SHOP ] Kingsmen Grooming 823 NE Green Oaks Blvd. Arlington, TX www.kingsmengrooming.net871.770.099776006 Kingz of Cutz Barbershop 3109 Al Lipscomb Way Dallas, TX 214.421.002075215 Superior Cutz Barber Shop 3204 S Malcolm X Blvd, Dallas, TX 469.334.916875215 The Fade Shop 18900 Dallas Pkwy suite 107 Dallas, Texas www.fadeshop.com972.930.991075287 The Fade Shop 3033 W. Parker Rd. suite 210 Plano, Texas www.fadeshop.com469.573.960075023 INDOOR DIGITAL BILLBOARD MARKETING OVER 150 LOCATIONS IN THE DFW METROPLEX For866-834-3932moreInfocallus www.GoBlackBusiness.comVisitourwebsite ADVERTISE WHERE YOUR CUSTOMERS ARE! Advertise for as low as $25 per Month HairDallasLounge Big BBQRay’sAllen AddisonVinetti’s Escape Spa & Salon Dallas RehabDallasNow
Eyes by Erica www.eyesbyerica.com785.226.0167 Noel Peyton 5729 Lebanon Suite 144/289 Frisco, TX www.noelpeyton.com469.268.635075034 She’s Happy Hair 13247 Montfort Dr, Dallas, TX 75240 www.sheshappyhair.com469.372.6620 She’s Happy Hair 900 E. Copeland Rd. Arlington, TX www.sheshappyhair.com214.336.256276011 April Lashae’s Hair Salon 1902 Martin Luther King Blvd. #106, Dallas, TX 214.586.959075215 [ BEAUTY /HAIR & MAKEUP ] [ BEAUTY SALON ] A Touch of Grace Salon 1510 S. Ewing Dallas, TX 214.943.083075241 BC Salon Suites 304 Coit Rd. Suite 200 Plano, Texas 469.395.096475075 Big Mike’s Barbershop and Salon 414 E. Wheatland Rd. Duncanville, TX 75116 www.bigmikesbarbershopandsalon.com972.572.8508 Duncan Salons 665 W. LBJ Frwy. Suite 120 Irving, Texas www.duncansalons20.com214.881.786975063 Escape Salon and Spa 3601 Main St. Suite 140 Dallas, Texas www.escapesalondallas.com972.767.940475226 Flewellen’s 3611 S. Lancaster Rd. Dallas, Texas 214.371.332275216 Girl Talk Salon & Spa 427 N. Town East Blvd. Suite 103 Mesquite, TX www.girltalkhair.com972.226.599475150 Hair Lounge 2700 Swiss Ave. Dallas, TX 75204 www.hairloungedallas.com214.824.3355 Hair Rock Café 104 Lion DeSoto, TX 75115 [ BEAUTY PRODUCTS ] ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA B29
Hair by Jimmie Salon & Spa 425 West Interstate 30 Garland, Texas 75043 www.hbjsalon.com214.668.4230 Hands of Glory Salon 7989 Belt Line Rd. Suite 139-1C Dallas, Texas 972.392.700075248 Jennifer Styles 13999 Goldmark Dr. Dallas TX 469.288.498275240 Laced with Glam Spa Salon 1100 W. Arkansas Lane Suite 600 Arlington, Texas 75013 www.duncansalons20.com651.216.9157 [ BEAUTY SALON ] Salon Ja’el 101 W. Camp Wisdom Rd. Suite B Duncanville, Texas 75116 214.718.8933 Salon Zen 100 S. Main 214.641.2047Duncanville,#108TX75116 Studio 5012 101 W. Camp Wisdom Rd. Suite B Duncanville, TX 75116 469.222.7845 The Groom Grant Salon 204 E. Pleasant Run Rd. #116 DeSoto, TX www.deannagroom.com972.920.502575115 The Slay Lounge 1201 N. Watson Rd. #288 Arlington, TX www.theslayloungesalon.com817.213.641276006
Melanie Ann’s Boutique 229 S. Cedar Ridge Dr. Duncanville, Texas 75116 www.melanieannsboutique.com469.759.6523 BUSINESS/ASSISTANCE \\ BUSINESS BROKER \\ Sunbelt Business Brokers of Dallas Metro 2101 Cedar Springs Rd. Suite 1050 Dallas, TX www.sunbeltdallasmetro.com972.528.871075201 BUSINESS CONSULTING/COACHING \\ Zeds Corp www.zedscorp.com469.712.7168 BUSINESS CONSULTING/MANAGEMENT \\ Lean On Him Consulting 800 N. Main Duncanville,St.TX 75115 www.lohcgrow.com972.920.5278 Chocolate Secrets 3699 McKinney Ave, Building E, Dallas, TX 214.252.980175204 Bpolished Beauty Supply 4135 Belt Line Rd. Suite 110 Addison, Texas 75001 www.bpolishedbeautysupply.com972.919.0413Mesquite,3600www.bpolishedbeautysupply.com972.803.5663GusThomassonRd.Suite157Texas75150 BOOK STORE \\ Pan-African Connection Bookstore Art Gallery 4466 S. Marsalis Ave. Dallas, TX www.panafricanconnection.com214.943.826275216 BOOK RESTORATION SERVICES \\ The Book Store 310 W. 7th St. Dallas, TX 214.946.176075208 BOOK STORE \\ The Dock Bookshop 6637 Meadowbrook Dr. Fort Worth, TX 76112 www.thedockbookstop.com817.457.5700 Melanie Ann’s Boutique 8750 Main St. Suite 220 Frisco, Texas www.melanieannsboutique.com817.542.615475033 [ CANDY ] [ BUSINESS ] [ BEAUTY SUPPLY/ ] PRODUCTS [ BOOKS ] [ BOUTIQUE ] ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA B31
African American Chamber of Commerce of Arlington PO Box www.arlingtonblackchamber.org817.688.8225Arlington,202716TX76006 Arlington Black Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box Arlington,2614TX www.arlingtonblackchamber.org76004-2614 Balch Springs Chamber of Commerce 12400 Elam Rd. Balch Springs, TX 75180 www.balchspringschamber.org972.557.0988 Collin County Black Chamber 550 N. Central Exprwy Mckinney, TX www.ccblackchamber.org469.424.012075070 Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce 2838 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Dallas, TX www.dallasblackchamber.org214.421.520075215 Denton Black Chamber of Commerce PO Box 940.382.9100Denton,51026TX76206 Desoto Chamber of Commerce 304 N. Hampton Rd. Desoto, TX www.desotochamber.org972.224.356575115 [ CHAMBERS OF ] COMMERCE Fort Worth Metropolitan Black Chamber of Commerce 1150 South Frwy. Fort Worth, TX 76104 www.fwmbcc.org817.871.6538 Greater Southwest Black Chamber of Commerce 3200 W. Pleasant Run Rd. Lancaster, TX 75146 www.gswbcc.com972.217.3451 Lancaster Chamber of Commerce 100 N. Dallas Ave. Lancaster, TX 75146 www.lancasterchamber.com972.227.2579 Oak Cliff Chamber of Commerce 1001 N. Bishop Ave, Dallas, TX 75208 www.oakcliffchamber.org214.943.4567 Scribbles Learning Center 8025 Umphress Rd. Dallas, TX 214.398.740075217 A Woman of God Ministries 1934 Lanark Ave. Dallas, TX 214.943.222075203 Bexar Street Baptist Church 2018 S. Marsalis Ave. Dallas, TX 214.943.357975216 [ CHILDCARE ] [ CHURCH ]
ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA C35Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church 1638 E. Ann Arbor Ave. Dallas, TX 75216 214.375.3567 Calvary Temple Community Church 1501 Clay Mathis Rd. Mesquite, TX www.calvarytemplemesquite.org972.222.370875181 Carver Heights Baptist Church 2510 E. Ledbetter Rd. Dallas, TX 214.371.202475216 Cedar Crest Church of Christ 2134 Cedar Crest, Dallas, TX 75203 214.943.1340 Celestial Haven Baptist Church 7230 S. Hampton Rd. Dallas, TX 972.228.845375232 CHURCH \\ Church of the Living God C.W. F.F 4302 W. Lovers Ln. Dallas, TX 214.357.337775209 Community Baptist Church 115 W. Beltline Rd. DeSoto, TX www.communitymbc.org972.230.447775115 Concord Missionary Baptist Church 6808 Pastor Bailey Dr. Dallas, TX www.concorddallas.org214.331.852275237 Cornerstone Baptist Church 1819 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Dallas, TX 214.426.546875215 Covenant Church-Carrollton 2660 E. Trinity Mills Rd Carrollton, TX 75006 972.416.5466 Divine Inspiration Missionary Baptist Church 4325 W. Ledbetter Dr. Dallas, TX 214.337.171375233 Dream Ministries 3837 Simpson Stuart Rd. Box 75 Dallas, TX 214.376.453475241 East Gate Baptist Church 6960 S. Polk St. Dallas, TX www.eastgatembc.org75232 Faith Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church 4205 S. Robinson Rd. Grand Prairie, TX 75054 972.642.9125 Forest Avenue Missionary Baptist Church 2502 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Dallas, TX 214.421.700675215 Friendship West Baptist Church 2020 West Wheatland Rd. Dallas, TX 972.228.520075232 Greater Cornerstone Baptist Church 8350 Forest Lane Blvd. Dallas, TX www.greatercornerstone.org214.349.770175243 [ CHURCH ]
Greater Golden Gate Missionary Baptist Church 9333 Ferguson Rd. Dallas, TX 214.327.125075228 Greater Ideal Baptist Church 3610 Bonnie View Rd. Dallas, TX 214.376.629375216 Greater Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church 1403 Morrell Ave. Dallas, TX 75203 Greater New Zion Baptist Church 2210 Pine St. Dallas, TX 214.421.411975215 Greater St. James Baptist Church 1835 Sutter St. Dallas, TX 214.376.311075216 Greater Zion Baptist Church 4751 Hopkins Ave. Dallas, TX 214.358.299275209 Heartfelt International Ministries 202 S. Tyler St. Dallas, TX 214.944.147375208 Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church 5144 Dolphin Rd. Dallas, TX www.hmbonline.org214.832.101875223 Inspiring Body of Christ 7710 S. Westmoreland Rd. Dallas, TX 972.572.426275237 Lighthouse Church of God in Christ 2127 S. Corinth St. Rd. Dallas, TX www.lighthousecogic.com214.371.242175203 Marsalis Avenue Baptist Church 2018 S. Marsalis Ave. Dallas, TX 214.943.357975216 Marsalis Missionary Baptist Church 2723 S. Marsalis Ave. Dallas, TX www.marsalisavenuebc.com214.943.600775216 Munger Avenue Baptist Church 3919 Munger Ave. Dallas, TX 214.824.831275204 Munger Tabor Baptist Church 3700 Simpson Stuart Rd. Dallas, TX 972.225.170475241 New Birth Baptist Church 444 W. Ledbetter Dr. Dallas, TX 214.374.082875224 New Calvary Church of God in Christ 1201 W. Camp Wisdom Rd., Suite 218 Dallas, TX 214.372.971775232 New Covenant Missionary Baptist Church 411 N. Hampton Rd. DeSoto, TX 972.230.370775115 New Hope Baptist Church 5002 S. Central Expwy. Dallas, TX 214.421.529675215
C ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 37 New Light Church 9314 Elam Rd., Dallas, TX 75217 214.391.3430 North Dallas Community Bible Fellowship 2801 E. PGB Hwy, Plano, TX 972.437.349375074 Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship 1808 W. Camp Wisdom Rd. Dallas, TX 214.672.910075232 Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church 1819 Washington Ave., Dallas, TX 214.823.730875204 Pleasant Zion Missionary Church 1910 St. Augustine Rd. Dallas, TX 972.285.635975217 Singing Hill Baptist Church 6550 University Hills Blvd. Dallas, TX 214.375.595275241 St. John Missionary Baptist 2600 S. Marsalis Ave. Dallas, TX 214.375.487975216 St. Luke Community United Methodist Church 5710 E. RL Thornton Fwy. Dallas, TX 214.821.297075223 [ CHURCH ] St. Phillips Missionary Baptist Church 6000 Singing Hills Dr. Dallas, TX 214.374.663175241 The Potter’s House 6777 W. Kiest Blvd. Dallas, TX 214.331.095475236 Baccus Cleaners 3509 Sunnyvale St, Dallas, TX 214.372.260075216 Krystal Cleaners 209 S. Cedar Ridge Dr. Duncanville, TX 75116 972.298.3773 Ebony Cleaning Service PO Box 131591 Dallas, TX 214.660.132875313 J & S Chemical 2828 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Dallas, TX 214.421.710075215 Maid 2 Serve U 500 N Hampton Rd. Suite A6 DeSoto, TX 972.230.787775115 Lockhart Low Cost Cleaning 2140 Benning Way Fort Worth, TX 76177 817.683.2692 [ CLEANERS ] [ CLEANING SERVICES ]
Blueprint Realty, LLC 6125 Luther Ln. Suite 312 Dallas, TX www.blueprintdfw.com214.680.820775225 Slatestone Capital Partners, LLC 6125 Luther Ln. Suite 312 Dallas, TX www.slatestonecap.com214.680.820775225 City of Dallas 1500 Marilla St. 3FN Dallas, TX 214.671.981475201 City of Glenn Heights 2118 S. Uhl Rd. Glenn Heights, TX 75154 972.223.1690 Martin L. King, Jr. Community Center 2922 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Dallas, TX 214.670.841875215 West Dallas Community Center 3730 Ladd St. Dallas, TX 214.745.117675212 [ COMMUNITY / CULTURAL ] ORGANIZATION AIDS Interfaith Network, Inc. 501 N. Stemmons Frwy. Dallas, TX 214.943.444475207 Beautiful Minds, Inc. PO Box 817.330.90194Arlington,173261TX76003 Black Men Who Care, Inc. PO BOX 226043 Dallas, TX 817.995.797475222 Buckner Children & Family Services, Inc. 5200 S. Buckner Blvd. Dallas, TX 214.319.342675227 Dallas Housing Authority 3939 N. Hampton Rd. Dallas, TX 214.951.830075212 Girls, Incorporated of Metropolitan Dallas 2040 Empire Central Dr. Dallas, TX 214.654.453075235 Kym’s Kids PO Box 150672 Dallas, TX 214.428.746075315 Rising Star Corporation 2904 Floyd St. Dallas, TX www.risingstarcorp.org214.442.161175204 [ COMMUNITY ] [ COMMERCIAL ] REAL ESTATE [ COMMERCIAL ] REAL ESTATE LOANS
Southern DevelopmentDallasCorporation 400 Zang Blvd. Suite 1210 Dallas, TX 214.948.780075208 SouthFair DevelopmentCommunityCorporation 2818 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Dallas, TX 214.421.136375215 Beautiful Minds, Inc. PO Box 817.330.90194Arlington,173261TX76003 Black Men Who Care, Inc. PO BOX 226043 Dallas, TX 817.995.797475222 Texas Criminal Justice Coalition 1714 Fortview Rd. Suite 104 Austin, TX www.texascjc.org512.441-812378704 Texas Offenders Reentry Initiative P.O. Box 4386, Dallas, TX www.medc-tori.org214.623.428675208 The Family Place P.O. Box 7999 Dallas, TX 214.559.217075209 The Heads Up! Foundation PO Box 763757 Dallas, TX 972.746.530775376 The Next Step 2219 Euless Blvd. Euless, TX 214.283.157176040 The Right Step 5646 Milton St. Suite 340 Dallas, TX 214.924.093275225 Lynne’s Concierge Services 18812 Tupelo Ln. Dallas, TX 214.679.207275287 Acari 1901 N. Highway 360 Suite 650 Grand Prairie, TX 75050 www.acarimg.com817.617.7712 D & J Development Inc. 3016 N. Lancaster,I-35ETX 75134 www.dandjgconstruction.com972.224.1900 EJES, Inc. 9401 LBJ Frwy. Suite 300 Dallas, TX 214.343.121075243 EZ Hauling 1315 Coleman St. Dallas, TX 214.641.132475215 Grate 1 Insulation Service Co. L.L.C. 400 N. St. Paul, Suite 599 Dallas, TX 972.223.810875201 [ CONCIERGE ] [ CONSTRUCTION ] ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA C39
Sovereign Homes 8401 N. Central Expwy. Suite 350 Dallas, 214.292.3440TX D & P Painting & Construction 1106 N. State Highway 360, Suite 303 Grand Prairie, TX 75050 972.641.5500 Arrow Magnolia 2646 Rodney Ln. Dallas, TX 972.247.711175229 Lean On Him Consulting 800 N. Main Duncanville,St.TX 75115 www.lohcgrow.com972.920.5278 Taylor Smith Consulting 8585 N. Stemmons Frwy. Suite www.taylorsmithconsulting.com214.689.3111Dallas,140-MTX75247 Zondra Evans www.zedscorp.com469.712.7168 [ CONSTRUCTION / ] PAINTING / PAINTER [ CONSTRUCTION / ] PAINTING / SUPPLY [ CONSULTING ] Alexander Enterprise P.O.Box 41522 Dallas, TX 214.679.637175241 Alexander’s Home Project’s Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex 510.776.4243 Avon 18950 Marsh Ln. Suite 805, Dallas, TX 469.693.637975287 Sassy Scents By Gilda PO Box 131591, Dallas, TX 75313 214.660.1328 United Credit Education Curtis Batts Dallas Black Dance Theatre 2700 Flora St. Dallas, TX 75201 www.dbdt.com214.871.2376 [ CONTRACTOR ] [ COSMETICS ] [ CREDIT REPAIR ] [ DANCING STUDIO ] [ CONSTRUCTION / ] HOME BUILDER
Seymore Communications www.seymorecom.com214.709.0028 [ DJ / MUSIC SERVICES ] DFW Private Education P.O. Box McKinney,6748TX www.dfwprivateedu.com214.325.870475071 Pemberton Jones Education Group P.O. Box Duncanville,382784TX 75138 www.pembertonjoneseducationgroup.com972.499.525 All Temps 1 Personnel 2606 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Suite Dallas,207TX 214.426.270075215 ARK Engineer & Consultants, Inc. 8301 Orleans Ln. Ft. Worth, TX 214.893.795576123 National Society of Black Engineers DFW PO Box 542831 Dallas, TX www.nsbedfw.org75354 [ EDUCATION ] [ EMPLOYMENT AGENCY ] C BA EDC ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF 41 [ ENGINEERING ] [ ENTERTAINMENT ] African American Musuem 3536 Grand Ave, Dallas, TX 75210 www.aamdallas.org214.565.9026 Bishop Arts Theatre Center 215 S. Tyler St., Dallas, TX 75208 www.bishopartstheatre.org214.948.0716 Dallas Black Dance Theatre 2700 Flora St., Dallas, TX 75201 www.dbdt.com214.871.2376 Dallas Theater Center 2400 Flora St. Dallas, TX www.dallastheatercenter.org214.526.821075201 Dallas Zoo 650 S. RL Thorton Frwy Dallas, TX www.dallaszoo.com469.554.750075203 Jubilee Theatre 506 Main St. Ft. Worth, TX www.jubileetheatre.org817.338.420476102 Lone Star Park 1000 Lone Star Pkwy, Grand Prairie, TX 75050 www.lonestarpark.com972.263.7223 TBAAL Dallas Convention Center Theater Complex 650 S. Griffin St., Dallas, TX 75202 www.tbaal.org214.743.2440
Larkspur Lane Events www.larkspurlaneevents.com972.696.9155 M Productions www.mproductionsonline.com469.608.1131 U Name It 473 Busher Dr. Lewisville, TX 75067 www.unameiteventplanning.com214.529.5110 [ EVENT PLANNER ] [ EVENT VENUE ] Skyline Ranch 1801 E. Wheatland Rd. Dallas, TX www.skylineranch.com972.224.805575241 Seven Essential Elements 2021 N. Hampton Rd. Suite 175 Desoto, www.essentialelementsllc.com972.685.6102TX DCBA E ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF E43
Alexander Enterprise P.O.Box 41522., Dallas, TX 75241 214.679.6371 As Good As New 1208 California Ln. Suite 101 Arlington, TX www.asgoodasnewfence.com972.660.603276015 It’s time to Laugh 3068 Forest Ln. Dallas, TX www.itstimetolaugh.com75234 Carter’s Department Store 2655 S. Lancaster Rd. Dallas, TX 214.376.053075216 Indigo 1745 370 West 7th 214.948.1745Dallas, TX 75208Street K&G Fashion Store 667 N. Cockrell Hil Duncanville, TX 75116 www.kgstores.com972.298.1718 Persona Custom Clothiers www.personacustomclothiers.com972.559.4732 [ FASHION BOUTIQUE ] [ ] [ FILM ] FITNESS ... IT’S LIFESTYLEA Call To Find Out More 214-723-0751 Personal Training Small Group Training Health & Wellness Coach Certified Nutritionist Body Contouring Specialist Will Come To You To Train 215 W Camp Wisdom Rd Suite 21, Duncanville, TX 75116
Third Eye Vision Pictures Dallas/Ft. Worth area www.thirdeyevisionpictures.com972.533.8608 Ascend Financial Planning and Wealth Management 9330 LBJ Freeway, Suite 900 Dallas, TX 972.235.421175243 Momentum Wealth Strategies, LLC’s 12201 Merit Dr. Suite 1000, Dallas, TX www.momentumwealthstrategies.com214.334.163875251 Clarifying Solutions P.O. Box 541484 Grand Prairie, TX 75054 www.clarifyingsolutions.com469.616.0954 [ FINANCIAL ] [ FITNESS ] Team Bailey Fitness 3711 W. Camp Wisdom Rd. Dallas, TX www.teambaileyfitness.com214.694.629875237 Incredible Fitness 215 Camp Wisdom Rd., Suite 21 Duncanville, TX 75116 214.676.6689 Black and Clark Funeral Home 2517 E. Illinois Ave. Dallas, TX www.blackandclark.com214.376.829775216 Eternal Rest Funeral Home 1400 N. Hampton Rd. DeSoto, TX www.eternalrestfuneral.com972.228.676175115 Evergreen Memorial Funeral Home 6449 University Hills Blvd. Dallas, TX www.evergreenfuneral-home.com214.376.150075241 Evergreen Memorial Funeral Home 800 Virginia St. Terrell, TX www.evergreenfuneral-home.com972.563.730075160 Golden Gate Funeral Home 4155 S. R.L. Thornton Freeway Dallas, TX www.goldengatefuneralhome.com214-941-733275224 [ FUNERAL SERVICE ] EDCBA F ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG 45 Social media: #weplanforwealth Senior Tax & Financial Office:info@clarifyingsolutions.comPlanner469-616-0954call/text From planningtaxtofinancialplanning!Pleshette Carmouché
gender reveal siblingship grandparentage covid www.smiththomaslab.com855.662.9310 BUSINESSYEARS30IN RONNIE ALEXANDER OWNER ALEXANDER ENTERPRISE QUALITY DONERoofingDeckesFenceRIGHT! Fence Staining P.O.Box 41522, Dallas, TX 75241 214-679-6371 Alexander Enterprise QUALITY DONE RIGHT!
Heavenly Gate Funeral Service 702 Gatewood Rd. Garland, TX www.heavenlygatefuneralservices.com972.240.212175043 Sandra Clark Funeral Home 6029 South R.L. Thornton Dallas, TX www.sandraclarkfuneralhome.com214.371.260075232 Baileys Furniture 3910 W. Camp Wisdom Rd. Dallas, TX 972-224-961075237 Honore Office Products 11130 Petal St. Suite 300 Dallas, TX www.honoreofficeproducts.com972.613.996375238 Second Hand Sam’s Used Office Furniture Resale Shop 320 N. Delaware St. Suite 100 Irving, TX 972.579.192275061 [ FURNITURE ] [ GRAPHIC DESIGN ] Caldwell Creative 8865 Southwestern Blvd., Suite 1289 Dallas, TX 214.432.764775206 Jshelby Designs www.demo.jshelbydesigns.com214.693.1381 Lenz Noirre P.O. Box 92, Prairie View, TX 77446 www.lenznoirredesign.com281.736.9987 Pray by percy ray www.praybypercyray.com972.704.6338 The Design Factory 1409 S. Lamar St., Loft 222 Dallas, TX www.TheDesignFactory.com214.565.788875215 Dr. LaWanda N. Evans, LPC 1106 S. Santa Fe Trail #7 Duncanville, TX 75137 972.855.8947 Argus Services Corporation 9101 LBJ Fwy., Suite 600 Dallas, TX 214.459.200075243 [ HEALTH / COUNSELING ] [ HEALTH PRODUCT ] [ FUNERAL SERVICE ] EDCBA HGF ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJI 47
ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA H49 Life’s Second Chance Treatment Center South 2615 S. Lancaster Rd. Dallas, TX www.lsctreatmentcenter.com855.662.931075216 Life’s Second Chance Treatment Center North 1451 Empire Central Dr., Suite 900 Dallas, TX www.lsctreatmentcenter.com855.662.931075247 Smith-Thomas Labs, LLC 2615 S. Lancaster Rd., Suite A Dallas, TX www.smiththomaslab.com855.662.931075241 Emrick Home Health 6317 San Marino Dr., Rowlett, TX 75089 972.463.2629 Juanita’s Touch www.JuanitasTouch.com214.434.1558 D & J Development 3016 N. I-35 E. Service Rd. Lancaster, TX 75134 www.dandjdevelopmentinc.com972.224.1900 Medical Center - Plano 4700 Alliance Blvd., Plano, Texas, 75093 www.bswhealth.com469.814.2000 Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas 3500 Gaston Ave., Dallas, TX 75246 214.820.0111 Children’s Medical Center Dallas 1935 Motor St., Dallas, TX 75235 www.childrens.com214.456.7000 Cook Children’s Medical Center 801 Seventh Ave., Ft. Worth, TX 76104 www.cookchildrens.org682.885.4000 John Peter Smith Hospital 1500 S. Main St., Ft. Worth, TX 76104 www.jpshealthnet.org817.921.3431 Medical Center of Plano 3901 W. 15th St., Plano, TX 75075 www.medicalcenterofplano.com972.596.6800 Medical City Dallas 7777 Forest Ln., Suite C840 Dallas, TX www.medicalcityhospital.com972.566.617175230 Methodist Charlton Medical Center 3500 W. Wheatland Rd. Dallas, TX www.methodisthealthsystem.org214.947.777775237 [ HOSPITAL ][ HEALTH/DRUG ] TREATMENT [ HEALTH/LAB ] [ HOME HEALTH CARE ] [ HOME RENOVATIONS ]
Methodist Dallas Medical Center 1441 N. Beckley Ave. Dallas, TX www.methodisthealthsystem.org214.947.818175203 Parkland Hospital 5201 Harry Hines Blvd. Dallas, TX www.parklandhospital.com214.590.800075235 Texas Health Arlington Memorial Hospital 800 W. Randol Mill Rd. Arlington, TX 817.548.610076012 Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas 8200 Walnut Hill Ln. Dallas, TX www.phscare.org214.345.678975231 Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children 2222 Welborn St. Dallas, TX www.tsrhc.org214.559.500075219 UT MedicalSouthwesternCenter 5323 Harry Hines Blvd. Dallas, TX www.utsouthwestern.edu214.645.555575390 Alfred Walker Farmers Insurance 1500 N Macarthur Blvd., Irving, TX 972.438.355775061 Charla White Walters: Allstate Insurance 5801 Marvin D. Love Frwy., Suite 101 Dallas, TX 214.330.900075237 Kasundra R. Brown 5787 Hampton Rd. Suite 380 Dallas, TX www.aflac.com469.818.247275232 Michael A. Fowls Financial Services Professional Agent New York Life Insurance Company 777 Main St. Suite 3800 Ft. Worth, Texas 76102 817.878.3254 The Zeigler Agency 8750 W. Main Suite 203 Frisco, TX 469.535.25005034 [ INSURANCE AGENCY ][ HOSPITAL ]
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[ INTERIOR DECORATOR ] Armstrong Ceiling Systems 2318 Creek Crossing Ln. Arlington, TX 817.784.358976018 Blessed Bling 18208 Preston Rd., Suite D9-103 Dallas, TX www.blessedbling.com972.248.777675252 Jimmy’s Watch & Jewelry Repair Store 344 E. Beltline Rd., DeSoto, TX 972.223.985975115 [ JEWELRY ] Bracken’s Tractor Mowing 1503 Cape Code Dr. Dallas, TX 214.375.043875216 Taylor’s Affordable Landscape Service 5709 Willowbrook Dr. Rowlett TX 214.404.470775088 Locks by LeDuff 101 North Hwy. 67 Suite D Cedar Hill, TX 75104 www.locksbyleduff.com972.293.3553 [ LANDSCAPING ] [ LOCKSMITH ]
AE Media Group 2201 Main St. Suite 101 Dallas, TX www.aemediagroup.com214.613.154875201 Caldwell Creative 8865 Southwestern Blvd., Suite 1289 Dallas, TX www.ccmd1.com214.432.764775206 Lean On Him Consulting 800 N. Main Duncanville,St.TX 75115 www.lohcgrow.com972.920.5278 Pray by percy ray www.praybypercyray.com972.704.6338 Simply Marketing Solutions www.simplymarketingsolutions.com800.598.7015 The Design Factory 1405 Botham Jean Blvd., Loft 222 Dallas, TX www.thedesignfactory.com214.565.788875215 The Marketing Lady www.themarketinglady.com972.987.0565 Versus Company www.versuscompany.com888.803.7787 [ MARKETING ] HGFEDCBA MLKJI ZYXWVUTSRQPON 53
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[ MORTGAGE / ] FINANCIAL 1st Metropolitan Mortgage 5000 Main St. The Colony, TX 75056 972.370.2927 Corporate Consulting LLC 610 Uptown Blvd Suite 2000, Cedar Hill, Tx 214.793.483175104 DeWayne Owens PO Box McKinney,3531TX 972.547.084075070 Shane Hefner Enterprise PO Box Richardson,830631TX 75083 866.834.3932 The Marketing Lady www.themarketinglady.com972.987.0565 Zondra Evans www.zedscorp.com469.712.7168 [ MOTIVATIONAL ] SPEAKERS African American Museum 3536 Grand Ave., Dallas, TX 75210 214.565.9026 International Museum of Cultures 7500 W Camp Wisdom Rd. Dallas, TX 972.708.740075236 MUSIC/PRODUCTION STUDIO \\ North Texas Media Group 714 Space Way 972.584.7553Duncanville, TXDr.75137 MUSIC/PRODUCTION STUDIO \\ RLB Productions 2804 www.rlbproductions.com972.461.0857Wylie,DeerbornTX75098 Allure Jazz & Cigar Lounge Bar 110 S. Cockrell Hill Rd. Desoto, TX www.allurecigar.com972.920.533375115 BH Lounge Desoto 2021 N. Hampton Rd. Suite 100 DeSoto, TX www.bhloungedesoto.com972.298.232275115 [ MUSEUM ] [ MUSIC ] [ NIGHT CLUBS ] LKJIHGFEDCBA NM ZYXWVUTSRQPO 61
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Chocolate Lounge ExClusive 1011 Corinth St. Dallas, TX 469.845.512775215 Legend’s Bar & Grill 700 S. Cockrell Hill Rd. Duncanville, TX 5137 www.legendsofduncanville.com972.298.9991 The Fivee Bistro 1319 Botham Jean Blvd. Dallas, TX www.thefivee.com972.310.616675215 Vinetti’s of Addison 14833 Midway Rd. Suite 105 Addison, TX www.vinettisofaddison.com469.779.012375001 Girls Living Life on Purpose, Inc. PO Box 170727 Dallas, TX 800.580.168975217 Kym’s Kids P.O. Box 150672 Dallas, TX www.kymskids.com214.428.746075315 Unlocking Doors 12225 Greenville Ave. Suite 850 Dallas, TX www.unlockingdoors.org214.296.925875243 FootSteps Notary Service 18950 Marsh Ln. Suite 805 Dallas, TX 888.311.922875287 Legacy Signing Agent & Notary Public, LLC 4099 Camp Wisdom Rd. Suite 101 Dallas, TX www.LegacySigning.com214.809.467775237 [ NON PROFIT ] ORGANIZATIONS [ NOTARY ] MLKJIHGFEDCBA N ZYXWVUTSRQPO 63 [ NIGHT CLUBS ]
MLKJIHGFEDCBA PON ZYXWVUTSRQ 65 www.Ntheknow.com972.517.4483 Order by Design 305 Creekview Dr. Anna, TX 678.895.546575409 Gleasons Pest Control Services 10555 North Macarthur Blvd. Irving, TX 214.666.608775063 Dr. Deano’s Pharmacy 4432 Malcom X Blvd. Suite A Dallas, TX 214.565.989875215 M & M Pharmacy 8150 Brookriver Dr. suite S. 107 Dallas, TX 469.547.241975247 Duncan Photography DFW www.duncanphotography.org214.551.6539area NLG Photography PO Box 740061, Dallas, TX 75374 www.nlgphotography.net469.231.2930 Fair Park Health Care Center 2815 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Dallas, TX 866.623.824975215 South Dallas Nursing Home, Inc. 3808 South Central Expwy. Dallas, TX 800.973.154075215 Drug Test First 4343 W. Camp Wisdom Rd. Suite 213 Dallas, TX 972.283.430075237 Honore Office Products 11130 Petal St. Suite 300 Dallas, TX www.honoreofficeproducts.com972.613.996375238 PO Box Richardson,830631TX 75083-0631 www.GoBlackBusiness.com866.834.3932 3311 Elm St. Suite 106 Dallas, Texas www.DallasBlack.com214.827.797775226 [ NURSING HOME ] [ OCCUPATIONAL CLINIC ] [ OFFICE SUPPLY ] [ ONLINE MEDIA ] [ ORGANIZATIONAL ] [ PEST CONTROL ] [ PHARMACIST ] [ PHOTOGRAPHY ]
The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from racial and national antagonisms when it accords to every person, regardless of race, color or creed, full human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all are hurt as long as anyone is held back. We support you and we deserve your support!
The Dallas Weekly 4907 Spring Ave. Suite #206 Dallas, Texas. www.dallasweekly.com214.529.855875215 Skyline Printers 3405 Main St. Dallas, TX 75226 www.skylineone.net214.426.2604 Versus Company www.versuscompany.com888.803.7787 ALW Enertainment 731 S R L Thornton Fwy, www.alwe.com214.943.2893Dallas, TX 75203 Cause 360 Entertainment Group PO Box 26224 Plano, TX www.cause360group.com972.375.422775026 Elite News 3535 Marvin D. Love Frwy, Dallas, TX 75224 www.dfwelitenews.net214.641.3295 Garland Journal www.garlandjournal.com214.941.0110 iMessenger www.myimessenger.com214.941.0110 North Dallas Gazette P. O. Box 763866 Dallas, TX www.northdallasgazette.com972.432.521975376-3866 Texas Metro News www.texasmetronews.com214.941.0110 The Dallas Examiner 4510 S. Malcolm X Blvd. Dallas, TX www.dallasexaminer.com214.941.310075215 Grate 1 Insulation Service Co. L.L.C. 400 N. St. Paul, Suite 599, Dallas, TX 972.223.810875201 Ben Howard Plumbing 2830 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Dallas, TX 214.421.420675215 Leo’s Plumbing 8623 Santa Clara Dr., Dallas, TX 75218 214.328.0780 [ PLUMBING ] [ PRINTING COMPANY ] [ PROMOTORS ] [ PRINT MEDIA ]
ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA RQP ZYXWVUTS 69 [ PROMOTIONAL SERVICE ] Already Gear 6960 Marvin D Love Frwy., Suite B6 Dallas, TX www.alreadygear.com214.333.018075237 Cheatham and Associates Corp. 15851 Dallas Pkwy., Suite 600 Addison, TX www.kcheatham.com817.658.982075001 Instant Imprints 2411 Coit Rd., Suite #140 Plano, Tx. We Are Uniforms PO Box 398308 Dallas, TX www.weareuniforms.com469.305.292875339-8308 Arbrook Realty 825 Watters Creek Blvd. Suite 250 Allen, TX www.arbrookrealty.com972.996.470275013 Carol Holmes, Realtor 1933 Cedar Springs Rd. Dallas, TX www.carolholmes.realtor469.360.644775201 Galloway-Herron 2010 N. Hampton Rd. Suite 300 Desoto, TX www.algernonherron.com214.467.400075115 Lachandra Lewis 8856 Coleman Blvd., Frisco TX 75034 www.lachandralewishomes.com214.991.9139 Tamera Nalls Keller Williams Urban Dallas 3131 Turtle Creek Blvd Suite #200 Dallas, Texas tameranalls@kw.com214.276.365975219 Tyson Stovall 610 Uptown Blvd. Cedar Hill, TX 75104 214.244.7455 [ REAL ESTATE ]
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TD’s Barbeque 3403 S. Lancaster Rd., Dallas, TX 214.372.984075216 Two Ponders 1441 Robert B Cullum Blvd., Dallas, TX www.twopodnersbbq.com214.421.538775210 Winners BBQ 3200 E. 14th St. Suite 420, Plano, TX www.winnersbbq.com972.424.240075074 Caribbean Cabana 920 S. 972.707.8131Dallas,Harwood St.TX75201 Elaine’s 2717 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd. Dallas, TX 214.565.100875215 The Island Spot 309 W Jefferson Blvd Dallas, TX www.theislandspot.net972.913.491975208 The Island Spot 2661 Midway Rd. Carrollton, TX 75006 www.theislandspot.net972.447.7000 Heroes Island Cuisine Lounge 3904 N Stemmons Dallas, TX www.heroesdallas.com214.750.680075247 RZYXWVUTSQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 75 The Coaches Box 705 Oriole Duncanville,Blvd.TX 75116 www.thecoachesboxdfw.com972.572.2266 Baby Back Shak 1800 S. Akard St, Dallas, TX www.babybackshak.com214.428.742775215 Big Ray’s BBQ 400 E. Main St. Allen, TX www.bigraysbarbeque.com972.649.624275002 Odom’s Barbeque 1971 Singleton Blvd., Dallas, TX 75212 www.odomsbbq.com214.631.3538 Off the Bone Barbeque 1734 S. Lamar St., Dallas, TX 75215 www.offthebonebarbeque.com214.565.9551 Smokey Joe’s BBQ 6407 S R. L. Thornton Fwy Dallas, TX www.smokeyjoesbbqdallas.com214.371.808175232 Smokey John’s Bar-B-Que 1820 W Mockingbird Ln., Dallas, TX www.smokeyjohns.com214.352.275275235 [ RESTAURANT ] AMERICAN [ RESTAURANT ] BBQ [ RESTAURANT ] CARRIBEAN
Wing Stop 209 E. Pleasant Run Rd. DeSoto TX 972.274.272775115 Absolutely Edible Cakes & Catering 5213 Rowlett, Rd. Rowlett, TX www.absolutelyediblecakes.com972.463.919975088 Cake Bar 3011 Gulden Ln. Suite 117 Dallas, TX www.cakebardallas.com972.684.580175212 Cake Daddy www.imyourcakedaddy.com469.297.8993 Precious Sweets and More www.precioussweetsandmore.vpweb.com214.403.3280 Sweet Pie’ssibilities 682.651.8865 Uncle Willies Pies 600 Methodist St. Suite 2110 Red Oak, TX 75154 www.unclewilliespies.com97.576.5582 Val’s Cheesecakes 2820 Greenville Ave. Dallas, TX www.valscheesecakes.com469.776.804475206 Henderson’s Chicken 3103 Al Lipscomb Way Dallas, TX 214.421.177775215 Henderson’s Chicken 1486 N. Hampton Rd. DeSoto, TX 214.455.631475115 Henderson’s Chicken 710 W. Pleasant Run Rd. Lancaster, TX 75146 972.227.6777 Rudy’s Chicken 3115 S. Lancaster Rd. Dallas, TX 214.375.923475216 South Side Steaks & Cakes 3125 Grand Ave. Dallas, TX 469.399.764475215 William’s Chicken 2660 Robert B Cullum Blvd Dallas, TX www.williamschicken.com214.421.515075210 William’s Chicken 1206 E. Ledbetter Dr. Dallas, TX www.williamschicken.com214.375.546475216 William’s Chicken 3009 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd. Dallas, TX www.williamschicken.com214.428.570875215 QPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA R ZYXWVUTS 77 [ RESTAURANT ] CHICKEN [ RESTAURANT ] DESSERT
Lavising Lashes Academy 223 S. Cedar Ridge Dr. Duncanville, Texas 75116 214.859.7645 MJ’s Beauty Academy Inc. 3939 S. Polk St. Suite 505 Dallas, TX 214.374.750075224 Texas Barber College 531 W. Jefferson Dallas, TX 214.943.725575208 Brookhaven College 3939 Valley View Ln. Farmers Branch, TX 75244 www.brookhavencollege.edu972.860.4700 Cedar Valley College 3030 N. Dallas Ave. Lancaster, TX 75134 www.cedarvalleycollege.edu972.860.8201 Dallas College1601 S. Lamar St. Dallas, TX www.dcccd.edu214.378.182475215 Eastfield College 3737 Motley Dr. Mesquite, TX www.eastfieldcollege.edu972.860.710075150 El Centro DowntownCollegeCampus 801 Main St. Dallas, TX www.elcentrocollege.edu214.860.200075202 D & J Development 3016 N. I-35 E. Service Rd. Lancaster, TX 75134 www.dandjdevelopmentinc.com972.224.1900 Hatley Bros. Roofing, Construction & Remodeling 3315 Seaton Dr. Dallas, TX 214.372.961175216 S&W Construction 1219 E. Illinois Dallas, TX 214.331.218075203 Africa Care Academy PO Box 5185 Dallas, TX 214.882.510075208 Dr. Burch’s Arts & Magnet Schools 4350 Bonnie View Rd. Dallas, TX 214.375.426275216 Express Lash & Makeup Academy 304 Coit. Rd. Suite 500 Plano, TX www.expresslashstudio.com469.969.099775075 [ ROOFING ] [ SCHOOL ] AFRICAN [ SCHOOL ] ART [ SCHOOL ] BEAUTY [ SCHOOL ] COLLEGES / UNIVERSITIES
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Greatness... One step at a time Combining Intellect with Faith for a Quality Education Paul Quinn College 3837 Simpson Stuart Road, Dallas, Texas 75241 | 214 376 1000 now accepting applications! Visit for more information.
El Centro College Health & Nursing Campus 301 N. Market St. Dallas, TX www.elcentrocollege.edu972.860.500175202 El Centro MockingbirdCollegeCampus 1250 W. Mockingbird Ln. Dallas, TX www.elcentrocollege.edu214.860.230175247 El Centro College West Campus 3330 N. Hampton Rd. Dallas, TX www.elcentrocollege.edu972.391.140075212 Mountain View College 4849 W. Illinois Ave. Dallas, TX www.mountainviewcollege.edu214.860.868075211 North Lake College Central Campus 5001 N. MacArthur Blvd. Irving, TX www.northlakecollege.edu972.273.300075038 North Lake College North Campus 101 S. Royal Ln. Coppell, TX www.northlakecollege.edu972.860.440075019 North Lake College South Campus 1081 West Shady Grove Rd. Irving, TX www.northlakecollege.edu214.891.134275060 Northwood University 1114 W. FM 1382 Cedar Hill, TX 75104 www.northwood.edu972.293.5427 Paul Quinn College 3837 Simpson Stuart Rd. Dallas, TX www.pqc.edu214.376.100075241 Prairie View A&M University Dallas County Office 10056 Marsh Ln. Suite B.101 Dallas, TX 214.904.305075229 Prairie View A&M University PO Box 519 Mail Stop 2001 Prairie View, TX 77446 932. 261.1000 Richland College 12800 Abrams Rd. Dallas, TX www.richlandcollege.edu972.238.610075243 Sam Houston State University PO Box Huntsville,2028TX 77341 936.294.1111 SMU Cox School of Business PO Box 75033 Dallas, TX 214.768.300075275 Tarleton State University 1333 W. 254.968.9000Stephenville,WashingtonTX76402 The University of Texas at Dallas 800 W. Campbell Rd. Richardson, TX 75080 972.883.2111 University of Dallas College [ SCHOOL ] COLLEGES / UNIVERSITIES RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA S ZYXWVUT 85
of Business 1845 E. Northgate Dr., Irving, TX 75062 972.721.5004 University of North Texas 1155 Union Cir., Denton, TX 76203 www.unt.edu940.565.2000 University of North Texas at Dallas 7300 University Hills Blvd. Dallas, TX www.untdallas.edu972.780.360075241 UT Dallas School of Management PO Box 830688 SM42 Richardson, TX 75083 972.883.4759 Westwood College 8390 LBJ Frwy. Suite 100 Dallas, TX 214.431.051375243 Brilliance Pre.School & Academy 3102 Maple Ave. Suite 450 Dallas, TX 214.447.724275201 Clay Academy 3303 Potter’s House Way Dallas, TX 214.467.414375236 Harvest Christian Academy 7200 Denton Hwy. Watauga, TX 817.485.166076148 Islamic School of Irving 2555 N. Esters Rd. Irving, TX 972-812-223075062 St. Philip’s 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Dallas, TX 214.421.522175215 [ SCHOOL ] COLLEGES / UNIVERSITIES RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA S ZYXWVUT 87 [ SCHOOL ] INSTITUTE
I Need A Massage 279 I-35 E., Desoto, TX 75115 www.ineedamassagesuites.com972.217.3722 Spa Aetherius 955 E. Campbell Rd. Richardson TX 75081 www.spaaetherius.com972.813.9351 Spa Kneads, inc. PO Box 765312, Dallas TX 75376 www.spakneads.com214.838.2677 Soul to Sole 1425 N. Dallas Ave. Lancaster, TX 75134 469.254.2193 All Temps 1 Personnel 2606 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.Suite 207 Dallas, TX www.alltemps1.com214.426.270075215 Excite Staffing Solutions 1825 Market Center Blvd. Suite Dallas,220Texas www.excitestaffing.com214.421.123775207 Pro Tech Staffing Services 2150 E. Arapaho Rd., Suite 100 Richardson, TX 75081 972.234.0505 Rockhaven Staffing Solutions 1402 Corinth St. Dallas, TX 214.565.944175215 iMed Health Training 7441 Marvin D. Love Freeway Suite 401 Dallas, TX www.imedhealthtraining.com972.808.797675237 Vincent’s School of Music 226 W. Illinois Ave. Dallas, TX 214.943.506675224 Vision Truck Driving School 1701 Kestrel Ave. Desoto TX www.visiontruckds.com800.213.003775115 Soma Security 5000 Eldorado Pkwy. Suite 150-413 Frisco, TX www.somaguard.com214.403.102975033 RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA S ZYXWVUT 89 [ SCHOOL ] MEDICAL [ SCHOOL ] MUSIC [ SCHOOL ] TRUCK DRIVING [ SECURITY ] [ STAFFING / ] EMPLOYMENT [ SPA / MASSAGE ]
VISION TRUCK DRIVING SCHOOL Great Starting Pay! Enroll Today! 1701 Kestrel Ave, Desoto, TX 75115 Approximately 5 weeks to get CDL. TWC will pay for schooling if approved. Must have a valid Class C Texas D.L. Must be 21 Years of age. GET IN TOUCH WITH US! 800-213-0037
Amenity Financial Services 400 N St. Paul Suite 599 Dallas, TX 214.273.423675201 Clarifying Solutions P.O. Box 541484 Grand Prairie, TX 75054 www.clarifyingsolutions.com469-616-0954 Total Tax Plus 283 N. I-35 E. Suite 283 Desoto, TX www.hhtaxcpa.com972.223.104075115 Amtrak 401 N. Houston St. Dallas, TX www.amtrak.com214.653.110175202 DART 1401 Pacific Ave. Dallas, TX www.DART.org214.979.1111752025 Greyhound 205 S Lamar St. Dallas, TX www.greyhound.com214.849.683175202 NTTA Customer Service 39025 LBJ Service Rd. Dallas, TX www.NTTA.org972.818.688275232 NTTA Fort Worth 4825 Overton Ridge Blvd. Suite 304 Ft Worth, TX www.NTTA.org817.731.688276132 NTTA Grand Prairie 5244 S State Highway 360 Suite 384 Grand Prairie, TX 75052 www.NTTA.org817.731.6882 NTTA Irving 5555 President George Bush Turnpike Irving, Texas www.NTTA.org972.818.688275038 NTTA Plano 5900 W. Plano Pkwy Plano, TX www.NTTA.org972.818.688275093 Trinity Railway Express 4801 Rock Island Rd. Irving, TX www.trinityrailwayexpress.org817.215.860075061 A Plus Travel, Inc. 16901 Dallas Pkwy, Suite 109 Addison, TX 972.250.199275001 Evan’s Engraving & Shipping Co. 208 S. Tyler St. Dallas, TX www.EvansEngraving.com214.948.127475208 RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA S ZYXWVUT 93 [ TAX SERVICES ] [ TRANSPORTATION ] [ TRAVEL AGENCY ] [ TROPHY ]
Grapevine Convention and Visitors Bureau 636 S. Main St. Grapevine, TX 76051 817.410.3185 Irving Convention and Visitors Bureau 500 West Las Colinas Blvd. Irving, Texas 972.252.747675039 McKinney Convention and Visitors Bureau 1575 Heritage Dr. Suite 100 McKinney, TX 75069 888.649.8499 Plano Convention and Visitors Bureau 2000 E. Spring Creek Pkwy Plano, TX 972.941.584075074 Caldwell Creative 8865 Southwestern Blvd. Suite 1289 Dallas, TX www.ccmd1.com214.432.764775206 Miss Tweak It www.misstweakit.com972.992.8801 Larkspur Lane Events www.larkspurlaneevents.com972.696.9155 Zeds Corporation www.zedscorp.com469.712.7168 Dallas Convention and Visitors Bureau 325 N. St. Paul St., Suite 700 Dallas, TX 214.571.100075201 Addison Convention and Visitors Bureau P.O. Box 800.233.4766Addison,9010TX75001 Arlington Convention and Visitors Bureau 1905 E. Randol Mill Rd. Arlington, TX 800.433.537476011 Farmers Branch Convention and Visitors Bureau City Hall Plaza Dallas, TX 972.919.250775234 Fort Worth Convention and Visitors Bureau 111 W. 4th St. Suite 200 Ft. Worth, Texas 76102 817.336.8791 Frisco Visitors Bureau 7601 Gaylord Pkwy. Suite Frisco,100TX 877.463.747275034 [ TV / DIGITAL ] [ VISITORS BUREAU ] [ WEB SERVICES ] [ WEDDING PLANNING ]
With GoLink, you get curb-to-curb service within your zone or a connection to DART’s larger network in a few with the GoPass® app or 214-515-7272call 1 2 3 Get WithMovingGoLinkGetOn-DemandServiceOnYourSchedule Pay with a GoPass® Tap card or with your credit or debit card Your ride comes to you! DART ON-DEMAND
95 161-001-1019_DARTable_GoodLifeFam_7.88x10.375 C.F.HawnFwyJuliusScheppsFwy R.L.ThorntonFwy MarvinD.Love Lyndon B. Johnson Freeway Lyndon B. Johnson Freeway TollwayNorthDallas TollwayNorthDallas President George Bush Turnpike TurnpikeBushGeorgePresident FreewayStemmons Tom Landry FreewayStemmonsFreeway TurnpikeBushGeorgePresident 75 75 635 635 635 635 635 45 45 2020 20 8067 175 30 30 30 30 80 35E 35E 35E 35E 35E LOOP12 LOOP12 LOOP12 LOOP12 LOOP12 114 114 114 161 161 161 183 121 RL.ThorntonFwy ExpresswayCentral 75 Regional Zone Fare Change Regional Zone AreaChangeFare RegionalZone—FareChange RegionalZone—FareChange DFW VIALoveDallasFieldLOVELINKROUTE55 MarketMedical/Center RichlandNorth Hills/ Smithfield Fort CentralWorthStation Downtown Irving/ Heritage Crossing PIrvingWestPHills/IronNorthRichlandPHillsPRichlandHorse P Mercantile Center P North Side P Cent rePort/ DF W AirportPBellP Fort Worth T & P MainGrapevine/AirportDFWPNorthStreetPP B R HIGHLANDPARK GARLAND ROWLETT COCKRELLHILL FARMERSBRANCH RICHARDSON RICHARDSON MESQUITE PLANO PLANO CARROLLTON DOWNTOWNDALLASFORT WORTH IRVING UNIVERSITY PARK GLENN ADDISONHEIGHTS to Denton (operated by DCTA) DENTON Downtown Denton TC LIMITED PARKING AVAILABLE MedHighlandPark Village/Lewisville Lake LIMITED PARKING AVAILABLE Old TownHebron P P P P P B G RO O Rd.ParkertoLBJ/CentralLineOrangeWeekdaysPeakOnly G Galatyn SpringArapahoParkCenterValleyPCityLine/BushDowntownPlanoParkerRoadLBJ/Central BachmanBurbankPSouthwesternMedicalDistrict/Parkland Lovers Lane Forest LaneWalnut Hill/ Denton P Royal Lane P Farmers BranchInwood/LoveField P P Walnut HillP Park Lane LineBelt DowntownPGarland DowntownRowlettP Cityplace/UptownFairParkBaylorUniversityMedicalCenter LBJ/Skillman White Rock MarketCenterEndWestAkardSt.Pearl/ArtsDistrictPaul Victory TerminalTerminalAirportDFWBDFWAirportB TerminalTerminalAirportDFWADFWAirportAPNorthCarrollton/Frankford MillsTrinity HighlandsLakeForest/JupiterP P CarrolltonDowntown MLK,HatcherJr.LawnviewLakeJune Deep Ellum Buckner P SMU/MockingbirdP P P P P P P P P P PP P P P P P P P PP P P P EBJConventionCenterUnionStation P Cedars MorrellUNT Dallas VA Medical Center IllinoisKiest LedbetterCampWisdom WestmorelandHamptonTyler/Vernon ZooDallas 8th Corinth& Las CenterUrbanColinasPUniversityCenterConventionIrvingofDallas Dallas College North CampusLakePHiddenRidgeP B Regional Zone ORG P Blue Line UNT Dallas to Downtown Rowlett Red Line Westmoreland to Parker Rd. Green Line North Carrollton/Frankford to Buckner Orange Line DFW Airport to LBJ/Central LBJ/Central to Parker Rd. Weekdays Peak Only Parking Available Trinity Railway Express (No Sunday Service) TEXRail A-Train Fare Zone Boundary Regional Fares Apply Bus Transit Centers/Transfer Centers/ Transfer Locations/Park-and-Rides MAP LEGENDMap Legend NW ParkPlano&Ride Jack TransitHatchellCtr. Lake Ray Hubbard Transit Ctr. South TransitGarlandCtr. Red TransitBirdCtr. Glenn Heights Park & Ride TransitAddisonCtr. Malcolm X Blvd. Transfer Location Cockrell Hill Transfer TransferBernal/SingletonLocationLocation call 214-979-1111 or visit Ways to Pay and Save! Contactless Payment Pago sin contactoEffective January 24, 2022 DART Rail System Map