16 minute read
Josh Walker grew up in Southwest Arkansas in a rural town of 120 people. During high school, he found his love for cattle when his parents purchased his first commercial Brangus females in 1992. In ninth grade, he began showing a Red Brangus bull and heifer. That year he invested his life savings of $5/week allowances into two Red Brangus females at a local dispersal sale. And just like that, he was in the purebred Red Brangus business.
Upon graduation, he attended the University of Arkansas where he received his bachelor’s degree in animal science and a minor in agricultural business. Next, he moved on to Colorado State University for a master’s and doctorate in biomedical sciences. Dr. Walker specializes in reproductive physiology and has applied his degree into the specific field of bovine reproduction. He has worked with Ovagenix, Flying Cow Genetics, Reprologix, and Gen Plus. His company, Red Bud Genetics, assists customers with artificial insemination, reproductive ultrasound, in vivo embryo collection, embryo transfer, ovum pick up, and in vitro fertilization.
During the past 27 years, Red Bud Farms has continued to grow with the help of his family. Walker and his wife, Jennifer, own and operate the ranch with their four children, Molly, Joshua, Natalie, and Julie. Red Bud Farms is one of the larger purebred operations in the state of Arkansas.
“While we started with two females; we currently have 500 registered Angus, Brangus, Red Brangus, Ultrablack, and Ultrared females,” he explains. His marketing cooperative stretches from Kansas into Texas and currently markets progeny from around 1,000 head of registered females. Walker consistently works to improve the genetics of his own herd. By using production-driven genetics he is able to help his customers with their operations and continually push to make the cattle better.
He accepted the nomination for the board in order to become more intricately involved in the business and operation of the Brangus breed. Walker has always had a passion for meeting new people and visiting with ranchers to learn about their operations. He especially likes to analyze the things he learns, challenging himself and others to think outside of their comfort zone to determine if opportunities in business can increase the bottom line. Through his travels and work experience, he has had the opportunity to work with some of the industry’s best operations in a variety of breeds. Walker states, “Every operation I have visited or worked with has exposed me to new ideas and methodologies. I feel that we as Brangus breeders have a unique opportunity to show the world what our cattle can do from ranch to rail. We have a place in the industry as a major provider of genetics for commercial producers and, ultimately, consumer products.”
In addition, he believes with passion that we have an amazing product to offer our customers and knows we can truly improve their operations. If elected, he looks forward to representing his fellow Brangus enthusiasts and assisting with the business of promoting our cattle, managing our data, and working together as breeders to select the strategic direction for the future of our breed.
Grady Green is the general manager at Draggin’ M Ranch in El Dorado, Arkansas where he resides with his wife, Sara, and two children, Hadley and Breck. His passion for Brangus cattle is rivaled only by the love of spending time with his young family. Draggin’ M Ranch, owned by John Milam, is one of the most progressive Brangus operations in the United States and is also one of the founding partners of the Cavender-Draggin’ M and Partners Brangus program.
Born in Eureka, Kansas where his father, Craig Green, worked for the famed Brinks Brangus, Green was introduced to the Brangus breed early in life. From there, his experience with Brangus cattle continued to expand by moving with his family to other respective Brangus operations including Caldwell Farms, Jack Moore Ranch, and eventually Camp Cooley Ranch. While living and working at Camp Cooley, Green was exposed to all aspects of the production of Brangus cattle from setting up donors to flush and transfer embryos, tagging calves, as well as being responsible for the health and wellness of yearling bulls on gain test, all while attending high school in Franklin, Texas.
After high school, Green attended Tarleton State University and eventually ended up in the prestigious Texas Christian University (TCU) Ranch Management Program in Fort Worth, Texas, where he graduated at the top of his class.
After graduating from TCU, Grady was immediately hired as the manager at Draggin’ M and took over day-to-day operations of raising some of the most well-accepted Brangus bulls and females in the breed. For the last ten years under Green’s control, Draggin’ M has bred and raised herd sires and donor females that have made and continue to make a tremendous impact wherever they’re used.
Green has been active in service to the Brangus breed, including serving on the International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA) Breed Improvement Committee, being a member of the Southeast Brangus Breeders Association, and is currently serving as on the board of directors for the Texas Brangus Breeders Association. If elected to the IBBA Board of Directors, Green will use his passion for Brangus cattle and wealth of experience to help make decisions that will move the Brangus breed forward in the future. He would like to thank all eastern region members for their consideration.
It is an honor and a great privilege to be nominated by my fellow seedstock producers for the IBBA Eastern Regional Board position. My name is Todd Harvey, I am a sixth-generation cattle producer whose home is based in Kenansville, Florida. I own and operate Crescent Bar Cattle Company, LLC. My operation consists of registered Brangus, commercial Brangus/Brangus cross and registered Santa Gertrudis cattle. I have also been involved in the Seminole Tribe of Florida cattle operation as procurement specialist and director of marketing for Salacoa Valley Farms. I am currently the general manager of Salacoa Valley Farms.
I believe we, as Brangus breeders, have a wonderful product to offer the beef cattle industry. But the key is working together to promote our product.
If elected to the board, my goal is to unite my fellow breeders to show the beef cattle industry the quality of Brangus. We, as Brangus breeders have a unique product, one that will enhance any cattle herd whether you have 20 head or 10,000 head, Brangus cattle will add quality to your herd. But getting this message out takes everyone working together as seedstock producers. If elected, my goal is to unite my fellow seedstock producers to promote the quality product we produce.
I am a cow man serving cattle people, and I want to serve you. I would really appreciate your vote, and I promise to serve for the interest of all breeders and the breed to best of my ability. Let’s roll up our sleeves and work together.
TEXAS: Andrew Scamardo BRYAN, TEXAS
Andrew Scamardo and wife, Anna, own and operate Scamardo Brangus. They both have deep roots in production agriculture and are passionate about improving the cattle industry. Scamardo is a fourth-generation rancher in the Brazos River bottom with a great love for the land and the lifestyle that was passed down to him from his father. Being a young man in agriculture, Andrew takes great pride and responsibility in continuing and growing the legacy of his forefathers.
With the help of his father, Scamardo bought his first set of commercial cows at 16. It was this purchase that forged his path into the cattle industry. After graduating from Texas A&M University, with a degree in animal science, Scamardo decided he wanted to do more than just run cows. After seeing firsthand the practicality, longevity, and profitability in the Brangus cows that his grandfather had, he knew he had to contribute to the cattle industry by raising Brangus. Armed with an abundance of enthusiasm and a fresh and progressive mindset, he set out to raise the best seedstock cattle possible.
From the very beginning Scamardo Brangus has used ET heavily. Their spring 2022 calf crop will be nearly 85% ET calves. Andrew says, “ET was a no-brainer for me. If you want to raise the best cattle, you have to have the best cows. With the help of ET, we were able to jump-start and fast-track our way to building a good female base which is essential to becoming a major player.”
Scamardo knows that the cattle industry is an everevolving target. He says, “The cattle that were good 15 years ago are now outdated and undesirable. Just like any other industry, you either keep up with the times or you go out of business.”
Scamardo has taken this philosophy to heart, recognizing that he, as a breeder, has to constantly adapt his thinking and embrace new technology and tools that are available. He knows that if he’s not leading the way, someone else is. He wants to ensure that Scamardo Brangus is always at the forefront of innovation, always leading and never following.
Andrew and Anna are extremely involved in the Brangus Association. Andrew serves on IBBA’s Breed Improvement Committee and Promotions Committee; while Anna serves on the IBBA Show Committee. To the Scamardos, raising livestock is not just a lifestyle, it’s a livelihood.
Scamardo brings a fresh and progressive mindset to the table as well as a deep desire to make the Brangus breed the best it can be. He wants to ensure that the Brangus breed is always leading the cattle industry and adding value to livestock production.
Gary and Karen Adamek are the owners of Champions Valley Brangus in Schulenburg, Texas. They are the fifth generation of cattle raisers on the homestead started by Gary‘s great, great grandfather Franz Adamek, who arrived in 1867.
Adamek grew up in the hay business and also worked at a neighboring premier registered Jersey Dairy. This is where he was first introduced to artificial insemination (AI) work and the importance of genetic selection. Later, he took reproductive physiology, AI, and palpation courses while attending Texas A&M University where he received a bachelor’s degree in agriculture economics.
Today, the Adameks have a progressive embryo transfer and AI program to ensure the next generation of Champions Valley Brangus is better than the current. Although Champions Valley has won numerous National and International Brangus shows over the years, they specialize as a seedstock producer to the commercial cattleman. They sell bulls and heifers, mostly private treaty, to improve other commercial operators’ herds.
Adamek believes in Brangus because Brangus crossbred vigor is a custom design for the Texas environment. Brangus are the most beneficial not only because of the maternal and heat tolerance received from the Brahman influence but also the carcass value from the Angus. These two great influences make the breed ideal for the pasture, as well as the feed yard. The Brangus breed has been essential to the Adamek family and, for that reason, Gary’s goal is to serve and make the best Texas breed better. The future of IBBA is bright and Adamek wants to do his share to be a part of it and its progression.
Clearly Granite is building the Future of the Brangus Breed.


RANKING CED BW WW YW MILK TM CEM SC REA IMF FAT HEIF PREG STAY COW WT TERM INDEX FERT INDEX 4.8 -0.1 42 80 8 29 3.3 -0.13 0.58 0.22 -0.009 2.53 2.31 -0.59 3.79 2.20 55 35 10 10 60 15 75 >95 20 20 >95 15 20 55 10 3
Granite (McBoulder 889Z14 X MC MS 778 Traveler) is making his mark on the breed. There have been over 150 direct progeny sired by Granite. Here’s what to know!
His sons have averaged over $4,000, selling as high as $7500. His daughters have averaged over $5,000, selling as high as $11,500. He’s a BIG EPD Sire…with 12 out of 16 traits above average, and 9 of those 12 traits in the top 35% of the breed. He ranks in the top 3% of the breed in FERT INDEX; top 10% in WW, YW, and TERM INDEX; top 15% in REA, IMF and HEIFER PREG; top 20 % in TM; top 30% in STAY and top 35% in BW. His 365-day weight of 1518 ratios 113% while posting a 17.3-inch REA and 5.2% IMF. He’s a HEIFER BULL and an CARCASS Bull.
Stellar Performance Sire. Powerhouse Outcross Individual. Proven Record.
It’s Good Business to Breed one of the Best Sires in the Brangus Breed. $50/Straw, Buy 20 and Get 5 FREE Commercial Breeders-Quantity Discounts
Clay Cooper, Manager 352.302.2734
Mark Perry and his wife, Tammy, and children, Mason and Megan, operate MP Brangus and MP Electric near Waco, Texas. Perry’s love for cattle began at an early age as he would help his grandfather on his farm. At age six, he was given his first calf and from there his story begins. Perry raised commercial cattle through his school years. After graduation from high school and beginning his electrical career, he worked under Brangus breeder Othel Neely and began incorporating Brangus into his own herd. Perry eventually sold the commercial herd and focused on the Brangus breed. At Neely’s retirement in 2007 Perry purchased his herd and purchased several from the legendary Camp Cooley Ranch. Always working to improve the breed, Perry has sought out some of the best cattle in the country.
In the fall of 2016, the Perry kids decided they wanted to show cattle and so a new journey began. With the friendships they have developed with the Brangus show family, the Perry’s were able to find new quality Brangus to build upon.
In summer 2020, following the retirement of Mike Doguet, Perry was fortunate to get the opportunity to buy the DDD herd. With the lease of the Doguet ranches in Poteet and McCoy, Perry is able to continue the famous DDD genetics and annual cattle auctions.
The Perry family has ranches in McLennan, Coryell, Comanche, and Atascosa Counties. Perry serves on the IBBA Show Committee.
Marty Lavender and his wife, Belinda, operate Lavender Brangus in Melrose, New Mexico. They have 75 registered Brangus females and a set of 20 crossbred cows used strictly as recipient cows for registered embryos.
Lavender is a fourth-generation rancher on the eastern plains of New Mexico where Brangus cattle prove every year that any country is Brangus country. He says he, “has seen them thrive on foot deep native grass and survive when it looked like the moon in drought years.”
Lavender developed a love for Brangus cattle while attending the big Brangus sales in the 1980s with his dad. His father bought registered Brangus bulls to run on Simmental cows. Those calves were in high demand every year. Marty purchased his first registered cows in 1992 under his dad’s guidance and began raising bulls for commercial buyers and registered females to retain. Unfortunately, his father passed on the last day of 1994 and, with the loss of his partner, best friend and father, the excitement and pleasure of raising registered cattle was lost as well.
It wasn’t until he met his wife Belinda that he regained his love and passion for raising registered Brangus cattle again. Her love of livestock and showing brought back all that was lost with a new best friend and partner to share it all with again. They began AI’ing and started using embryo transfer to improve the quality of their cattle each year. They love what they do and are so excited about the future of their small herd and the future of our great breed. Lavender says he, “feels his dad still walks the pastures and pens right along beside him and sheds tears of joy and heartache right along with them.”
Lavender currently serves on the IBBA Commercial Marketing Committee and is very excited for the future of the Brangus Vigor Program and what that will mean for the registered Brangus breeders. He hopes to continue to promote our breed in our country and throughout the world. He feels that education and promotion go hand in hand. He attended the New Mexico Cattle Grower’s Convention in 2019 and presented a group of cattlemen visiting from Mexico the merits of Brangus cattle. He hopes to be given that opportunity again in the future.
Lavender is grateful for being selected by the nominating committee to run for the IBBA Board of Directors and represent the Western part of the United States. He believes the Brangus breed must keep raising the bar with sound genetic tools that members can rely on to improve their herds, no matter the size or purpose of their operation. He appreciates the membership taking the time get to know him and believes he can represent the IBBA members to continue making our cattle better and recognized for their merit in the marketplace.
I am a third-generation cattleman. My family ranch originated in eastern Tulsa County. As a child, my father moved to Okmulgee County where he maintained a cow-calf operation of commercial Brangus cattle and ran Hereford bulls. After I came back home from the Marine Corps and doing a tour in Iraq, I bought my first set of registered Brangus cattle in 2009 and became an IBBA member in 2010. Since then, my father and I have grown a commercial and registered Brangus operation together of approximately 250 head of cattle.
Over the past several years, I have taken a proactive approach with the IBBA by being on committees. I served three years on the IBBA Membership and Education Committee, including two as committee chair. I am currently on the IBBA Promotions Committee and chair of the Awards Committee. Outside of the IBBA, I have held the seat of vice president of promotions with the Oklahoma Brangus Association and am currently the sales vice president of the Oklahoma Brangus Association.
I have also been an Oklahoma State Trooper for the past 15 years. But, my favorite title is “dad.” A lot of members have met my two girls, Paige and Reese, over the last few years at conferences and meetings.
I am currently holding the Oklahoma Board of Directors seat, which transitioned to the West Region for IBBA. During the last three years, I have learned a tremendous amount about the IBBA members, our organization, and the overall workings of what it takes to move forward with and be progressive in our breed. I have never missed a board meeting and have attended all IBBA functions. I am seeking reelection for three more years in the Western Region of IBBA and I will always work and try to make best decisions for all members of the breed.
I have met so many members over the last several years and I look forward to working for you for the next three years.