1 minute read
BREEDERS DIRECTOR HIGHLIGHT Kayce LopezKayce Lopez is an 18-year-old incoming freshman to Texas A&M University from Fort Worth, Texas. She plans to pursue a field in agriculture and become more involved within the Red Brangus community. She is a first-generation Red Brangus breeder and began showing cattle in 2017. In high school, she was heavily involved within the V.R. Eaton FFA Chapter serving on multiple committees and offices, serving one term as reporter and the two as vice president. She was also involved within the Denton County 4-H Club serving one term as parliamentarian and two terms as treasurer. She was a member of the
Denton County 4-H livestock judging team, where they competed as national qualifiers. She enjoys raising and showing cattle, as well as being a part of her family hay business. She hopes to continue to be a part of agriculture and make a positive impact on those around her, just as others have helped her.


For advertising opportunities in the Brangus Journal or Frontline Beef Producer, contact Melanie Fuller at 979-255-3343 or mfuller@gobrangus.com.
Contact Melanie Fuller at mfuller@gobrangus.com or 979.255.3343 for advertising spaces