31 minute read
by Darrell Wilkes, Ph.D., International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA) executive vice president
For a lot of people in the cattle business, their annual payday is just around the corner. Spring-born calves will be flooding into auction barns all over the country. Some sellers will be happy, and others will be disappointed. Some 5-weight calves will top $2/lb. and gross over $1,000 per head, while others will sell for a lot less. Some groups of calves will have dozens of bidders trying to buy them, while others will have very few.
The calf market is driven by ORDERS. While a lot of family-sized backgrounders and stocker operators do their own bidding and personally purchase all the cattle they take in each year, a huge number of calves are purchased by order buyers. Order buyers follow orders, literally. If the feedlot they’re buying for says they want weaned and vaccinated calves, that’s all the buyer will bid on. Period. It doesn’t matter that there’s a pretty good set of bawling, unvaccinated calves standing in the sale ring and the price is cheap. If they don’t have an order for those, they won’t bid on them even if they’re “too cheap.”
The industry’s infrastructure is strained every year in October, when millions of calves flood the market. The infrastructure of bunk space and/or grazing land is, of course, finite. It can only handle so many cattle, and when the infrastructure is strained and people simply cannot handle any more calves (especially bawling, unvaccinated calves) the bidding subsides and prices fall. Historical data shows that October is the worst time to sell calves, but that’s when most calves are sold. It makes no sense, of course, but it keeps happening.
CattleFax reports that, on average, calf prices in December are about $8/cwt higher than calf prices in October. In some years, like 2020, the difference was $15/ cwt. Their data also shows that a calf with two rounds of modified-live vaccination and is weaned more than 45 days, will fetch at least $100/hd more than a calf that is sold right off the cow or even a calf that is weaned but is sold 28 days or less after weaning.
So, why is the executive at a breed association writing about commercial calf marketing issues? It’s because these are your bull customers. Their success is your success. It can be no other way. Some of the most successful seedstock producers that I know spend as much time helping their customers market their calves as they do marketing their own cattle. Actually, I said that wrong. When a seedstock producer is helping his or her customers market their calves more
(continued on page 18)
(continued from page 16) successfully, they are actually marketing their seedstock, but in a subtle way.
Every commercial producer has dozens of places where he can buy bulls. If he is very particular about EPD levels, genomic enhancement, parent verification and other technically-advanced criteria, his list of bull suppliers shrinks a bit, but he still has choices. If you want to be his year-afteryear choice, one thing you can do is offer to help him market his calves more successfully. That’s a tall order if you had to start from scratch. But you don’t have to. You can latch on to the Brangus® Vigor program and use it to help your bull customers market their calves.
Given the data that was presented above, wouldn’t it make sense for your spring-calving bull customers to wean their calves for 60 days and give them two rounds of vaccine? How about also providing age- and source-verification and an ear tag that meets all requirements for interstate shipment? If your customer does not have the facilities or the feed to wean the calves 60 days, let’s work together to create a network of growyards that can take the cattle through the weaning and vaccination process. Growyards can put together enough Brangus Vigor calves to make full loads, which is what it takes to get the attention of a feedlot buyer – and to get the fullload price.
It’s a bit tongue-in-cheek but think about it this way: A producer takes care of a cow for 12 months. He tends to her calf for seven months. And then he sells the calf too cheap because he won’t hold it for another 60 days and do the things that the next-in-line customer places value on. If you were to write that in a business plan and present it that way to your banker, he’d be skeptical.
Finally, and very importantly, the Brangus Vigor program “brands” these as Brangus (red or black) or Ultras. The brand, in the form of a program tag, is there for the whole world to see – especially the feedlot manager. In order to differentiate Brangus from the mixture of miscellaneous indicus-cross cattle in the marketplace, we need to put our brand on them. I’ve been scolded for referring to indicus-cross cattle as “indicus soup.” I think it’s a pretty good description, and it is precisely how feedlot order buyers view non-differentiated cattle from the part of the country where some extra “ear” is needed. If we allow good Brangus feeder calves to be part of the soup, they’ll continue to get the indicus discount. If we separate them, and then apply some value-adding components like weaning, vaccination, and full-load marketing, there is no reason for the indicus discount to be applied – and it won’t be if we do this right.
It’s payday for Spring-calving commercial producers. If they can see the extra revenue tied to the use of Brangus genetics, they’ll be sitting in the seats in your barn when it’s your payday. Get involved in Brangus Vigor. Information is on the website and packets are available from IBBA.
Hats Off to the Glory Days
by Grace Vehige
In the January 1981 edition of the Brangus Journal, a contributing author wrote, “The old cliché that necessity is the mother of invention was certainly apropos to the creation of the Brangus breed.”
If time is an indicator of anything, it is that the Brangus breed has been making waves since its origin and the start of the International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA) in 1949. By flipping through past issues of the Brangus Journal, one can quickly see the breed in its prime environment, which undoubtedly fostered decades of growth and improvement.
The Brangus breed has made a name for itself with proven genetics and versatility amongst varying operations. While the breed is high performing today, one should not be quick to dismiss a time in the industry where Brangus breeders received high praise and attention. THE GLORY DAYS
Back in the 1980s, Tracy Holbert, Mark Cowan, and Martha Hollida Garrett worked alongside one another at IBBA, as the Brangus breed propelled forward. Granted, each team member may not have been working directly with each other during this time, but the trio played equal roles in the growth of the Brangus breed and were spectators to its booming success.
Upon her graduation from Texas A&M in 1980, Garrett joined the Brangus team as assistant editor before eventually assuming the role of editor.
“I was fortunate enough to be there in what many would call the glory days,” Garrett shares. “I was there when there was a lot of money in the breed, and I did see a lot of high selling bulls and high selling sales. It was an interesting time to be in the association.”
Holbert, co-owner of Blackwater Cattle Company, Lake Park, Ga., entered his role with the association after his time at Texas A&M as well.
“My first job was as director of field services for the IBBA, and I have been in the registered Brangus business my
entire adult life,” Holbert shares.
According to Holbert, during his time with the Brangus association, he spearheaded the creation of the first breed improvement handbook, and he actively sought a company to develop EPDs for the Brangus breed. It is safe to say that headway has been beneficial to the breed’s current success.
In the early 80s, Cowan joined the Brangus association’s staff as the director of performance records. Cowan said he had a hand in the publication of the Brangus breed’s first sire summary, a project with groundwork laid by Holbert.
“It was a huge step forward at the time because we were the first Bos indicus breed to have a sire summary,” Cowan says.
Those are just a few of the many examples of how the Brangus breed worked to advance itself. While those efforts may be classified as “behind the scenes,” other efforts were not as modest.
As Garrett recalls, the years she worked at the association were unprecedented in terms of the prices paid for bulls and the interest each bull generated for the breed.
“In my opinion, those days propelled the breed from an industry standpoint because seedstock breeders from many breeds were talking about the prices for the high sellers and that meant they were also talking about Brangus cattle. It generated interest outside of the Brangus membership,” Garrett says.
As the breed continued to progress and receive attention from producers from other breeds, Brangus had their first presence in Denver at the stock show in 1981.
“We really grew in the industry in a very short time and gained recognition. People started watching what Brangus was doing, and those from other breeds started coming to our sales to see the marketing efforts and cattle. Brinks Brangus was one of the operations who had some cutting-edge marketing ideas at the time,” Garrett shares.
Holbert echoed Garrett in her statement about Brinks Brangus’ success during the glory days. According to Holbert, during his time with the Brangus association, two programs that “dominated the landscape” were Willow Springs Ranch of Texas and Brinks Brangus of Texas.
“That was an era where our breed was discovering what performance programs and weights and measures were really all about,” Holbert explains.
Garrett shares similar memories of the glory days, recollecting the sales that directed the breed to forward progress.
“Those sales were quite the productions. It was more than just the high prices, even though those did draw people, but all of it together—the cattle, the marketing, the sale atmosphere, the sale experience and the breeders really served as a catalyst for the breed,” Garrett recalls. She also noted the glory days did something else that was pivotal to the growth of the breed and that was it brought a number of successful businesspeople to the breed. Many of these became involved in leadership and would be instrumental in setting the association in a position to handle growth and downturns in the market that followed. MAKING WAVES Back in the 1980s and early 1990s, the economy was booming, especially considering the investment opportunities courtesy of the tax roll, the capital in oil and gas, and the value presented in real estate. As Holbert would tell it, there were a lot of cattle back in those days valued for large sums of money. This was the result of a variety of factors, but it is “THOSE [EARLY] SALES WERE QUITE important to note the progressive strides the Brangus association
THE PRODUCTIONS. IT WAS MORE took toward breed advancement. “We were the first ones, THAN JUST THE HIGH PRICES, EVEN that I know of, that offered syndicated bulls, and one of THOUGH THOSE DID DRAW PEOPLE, the other big changes we saw was that anybody could use any
BUT ALL OF IT TOGETHER—THE bull,” Cowan says. “It allowed the breed as a whole to make rapid progress.”
CATTLE, THE MARKETING, THE SALE Garrett contributed to this saying, “In the early 80s, ATMOSPHERE, THE SALE EXPERIENCE syndication was just coming on, and embryo transfer was AND THE BREEDERS REALLY SERVED propagating a lot of genetics at that time. Those things
AS A CATALYST FOR THE BREED.” created tremendous interest in the purebred cattle business in general, but Brangus was at the forefront.” Brangus producers were profiting at record levels throughout these few decades, and although bulls received the majority of attention, females were exceeding profit expectations as well. In November of 1981, MS Williams 403/7, also known as Caterina, and WSR Miss PW 120-10, known as Carmelita, were two of the highest valued cows in the breed at $600,000 each. While certainly impressive for production females at the time, the Brangus bull market was starting to take off. As shared previously, Brinks Brangus was a top contender for high selling bulls throughout the glory days. “The first bull sale of any breed to exceed one million (continued on page 24)
(continued from page 23) dollars was in 1982, and that was Brinks’ sale. It grossed $1,569,300,” Garrett says.
Brinks Brangus held a big claim in the Brangus breed, but rightfully so. Their sale the following year would go on to break another industry record.
In March of 1983, Brinks Brangus had the first bull sale, in any breed, to exceed two million dollars. The sale reportedly hit a record of $2,182,950, with their top selling bulls being Nugget of Brinks for $500,000 and Extra of Brinks for $300,000.
Around the same time that March in 1983, Williams Brangus held the title for the highest valued bull of the Brangus breed with the record setting price of $2.4 million; that renowned bull was named WSR Rocky Joe 650.
Not to take away from 650 and Williams Brangus, Bravo of Brinks took the ranking for the highest value in the breed in September of 1983 at the price of $2.4 million as well.
Other high selling bulls at the time included the following: Captain Nemo for $300,000; DMA King for $160,000; and Titan for $220,000.
It was an incredibly impressive time for the breed and a highly competitive market at that, whether in or out of the showring.
“There were three bulls in the 1980 class that went on to compete with each other and become high selling bulls for that time,” Garrett recalls.
In the name of friendly competition, the 1983 International Brangus Show, which was held in Houston, Texas, made quite the impression on producers across various breeds.
Extra of Brinks was named the 1983 International Grand Champion bull, with Tremor, his full-sibling, named the International Reserve Grand Champion bull. King, also a highly regarded bull at the time, was in the final drive lineup as well and stood third.
“Those three bulls had been three of the high selling bulls in the breed, and then they competed for the international title against each other in Houston,” Garrett remembers. “It was the most intense showring side I have ever watched. I can still remember how it looked and to some extent feel the tension that was there. The judge spent a lot of time evaluating the class. There were people tied to each bull and it was a fierce competition.
Garrett went on to share how each bull in the showring that day in Houston were connected to millions of dollars, not to dismiss the fact a few were from the same bloodline, Extra, Tremor and King were sons of Brinks Mac Titan 6/4, who was a high dollar bull, as well.
“There were a lot of other breeders from other breeds watching the show for not only the quality of the bulls but also just the leadup because they all were such high sellers,” Garrett reminisces. “The judge for that show was none other than Jimmy Linthicum, who is a legend. Of course, Jimmy added to the excitement of it all.”
Holbert recalled his hand in high selling herd sires during the glory days as well. In 1985, he was part of a team that sold a sire for $1.2 million. That bull was named Paragon, and he was owned by Granada Land and Cattle Company.
Paragon was named the 1985 International Grand Champion, and he was a son of the record-setting Titan, who was the 1976 International Grand Champion that went on to sire seven international grand champions. However, Paragon
(continued from page 24) himself sold for $1.3 million, which was more than any other Brangus bull in the history of the breed, at the Granada Gala.
As written in an archived Brangus Journal, “History was made August 24, 1985, when the 1985 International Grand Champion Brangus bull, Paragon, became the first milliondollar Brangus bull to sell at public auction.”
There are countless other bulls, females, and operations who were record-setting namesakes for the Brangus breed during the glory days. It was truly a high-profiting era for producers and one that gave a lot of traction to the association. SUCCESS THROUGH THE DECADES
The days of high selling cattle are still considered some of the most memorable for the Brangus breed. Without a doubt, this time period helped get the Brangus breed a seat at the table and part of the conversation for producers across the spectrum.
Today, Brangus breeders continue to be highly profitable, but their mission looks slightly different.
“We have become really good breeders of cattle. In the glory days, and not to take away from them, we were great marketers of cattle,” Holbert says.
During the 80s and 90s, EPDs were just beginning to be introduced to producers. As Cowan recalls, it took a bit of time for breeders to think EPDs were meaningful. However, there were the select few breeders who stepped out and recognized the value of EPDs and how they can provide value in the breeding and selection processes.
“Not everybody jumped on the bandwagon all at once. Back in the glory days, it was pretty much visual appraisal. EPDs changed all that. They put everybody on a level playing field. The high selling bulls in the glory days were bulls that sold for visual appeal,” Cowan explains.
This is not to takeaway from those high-selling bulls during the 1980s and 90s; they were undeniably impressive for that era and set the precedent for the Brangus breed moving forward.
Today’s producers are able to channel the marketing presence of those bulls from the glory days with the modern technology and data available now; the end product is quite remarkable.
“The mainstream breeders, the progressive breeders, in Brangus are utilizing a strong, fundamentally, sound, performance gathering program with ultrasound carcass merit program,” Holbert says. “We are very aggressive as a group of breeders in looking at the genomically-enhanced values in our breed and incorporating those values at a higher degree than we ever have before.” Holbert notes his pride in Brangus cattle as he shares the accolades of being the largest American breed and the soundest American breed from a data point of view. These honors carry over through different genetic programs and various breeding operations. “Any commercial producer can inject a shot of heterosis in his cow herd through our breed and never regret that decision because we are fundamentally the best American breed in the business,” Holbert says. “I personally feel we have the ability to provide carcass merit that will rival any breed in the business, and not just American breeds. We have the ability to provide carcass merit genetics, and we don’t have to take the backseat.” Like most scenarios of booming markets and thriving economies, there is eventually a fall. There were a share of economy issues and tax deductions that altered the bull market, but having undergone these challenges, Brangus producers began breeding cattle with more genetic merit. According to Holbert, the
“WE HAVE NOW EVOLVED INTO A evaluation of genetics and use of herd sires that are relevant
BREED THAT HAS MORE GENETIC to their genetic worth were two factors that helped the Brangus
VALUE AND GENETIC WORTH, AND breed evolve from where they were in the mid-to-late 1990s. “We have now evolved into
WE ARE NOW DESIGNED FOR THE a breed that has more genetic value and genetic worth, and COMMERCIAL COW-CALF PRODUCER we are now designed for the commercial cow-calf producer
WITH DOWN THE LINE GENETICS with down the line genetics that work exceptionally well in the
THAT WORK EXCEPTIONALLY WELL feedlot and hang with premiums on the rail,” Holbert states.
IN THE FEEDLOT AND HANG WITH The evolution of the Brangus breed is unquestionably
PREMIUMS ON THE RAIL.” noteworthy. The glory days were just that – full of success and the spotlight. Today, the breed finds itself in conversations of genetic merit, profitability, and productivity. While the following excerpt was written by Brangus Journal guest writer Bob Kingsberry of Kingsberry Communications in September of 1985, it is as timeless as the Brangus breed, and it still rings true today: “Certainly you, as a Brangus breeder have much to be proud of. In the span of a generation, your cattle have become among the most valuable ever bred. You have taken what was once scoffed at as a crossbred and turned it into one of the most influential breeds in the cattle industry. During a period of curtailment for most of agriculture, the Brangus breed has maintained impressive growth and vigor.”
BR MR FUTURE 168G2 ~ R10427878 ~ DOB: 10/11/19 BR Future Focus 333D6 x Ms BR Dill 168B CED BW WW YW Milk TM CEM SC REA IMF FT 6.6 0.1 33 62 13 30 3.9 0.47 0.48 0.24 -0.027 BR MR INFOCUS 333G7 ~ R10427497 ~ DOB: 9/8/19 CCC Infocus 129X32 x MC She’s Special 333Y2 CED BW WW YW Milk TM CEM SC REA IMF FT 3.3 3.5 55 106 10 38 3.5 0.77 0.83 0.28 -0.018
BR MR INFOCUS 333G11 ~ R10427390 ~ DOB: 9/16/19 CCC Infocus 129X32 x MC She’s Special 333Y2 CED BW WW YW Milk TM CEM SC REA IMF FT 3.3 3.5 55 106 10 38 3.5 0.77 0.83 0.28 -0.018
BELTON, TEXAS Bred & Owned, Ultra and Percentage Judge:
Tyler Norvell, Tuttle, Oklahoma
Owned Judge:
Ryan Cummings, Atascocita, Texas
Supreme Judge:
Cheramie Viator, Tomball, Texas
Supreme Overall Female - Grand Champion Female
RAFTER L One Wish 150H6 Maddox Hartmann, Falls City, Texas
Reserve Supreme Overall Female - Grand Champion Red Female
KTS Ms Dixie 800H Truitt Marks, Waxahachie, Texas
3rd Overall Supreme Female Grand Champion Percentage Female YP Raven 01YP Will Phillipello, Bryan, Texas
4th Overall Supreme Female Reserve Champion Female
TCR Esmeralda 302G13 Bram Christensen, Angleton, Texas
5th Overall Supreme Female Grand Champion Bred & Owned Female
Miss BH Dandy 334H1 Briana Hicks, Danbury, Texas
Reserve Champion Red Female Ms Broken A Harper 116H Audrey Acord, Madisonville, Texas
Reserve Champion Percentage Female Ms RAFTER L Eva Eris Basey, Florence, Texas
Reserve Champion Red Bred & Owned Female DOS XX’s Stretch’s Ms Sierra Garrett Stutts, Iola, Texas
Champion: RAFTER L Jay Lo 157H8, Maddox Hartmann, Falls City, Texas
Bred & Owned Junior Heifer Calf
Champion: ACC Haley 25H6, Cleavie Allen, Crockett, Texas
Bred & Owned Yearling Champion
Heifer: Miss BH Dandy 334H1, Briana
Grand Champion Ultra Female BU Ms Bella Bethany Urban, Atchison, Kansas
Reserve Champion Bred & Owned Female R4PR Roxanne 74H Caiden Pickett, Liberty, Texas
Hicks, Danbury, Texas
Bred & Owned Reserve Yearling
Champion Heifer: R4PR Roxanne 74H, Caiden Pickett, Liberty, Texas
Bred & Owned Senior Champion
Heifer: WRC Ms Prime 915E9915G108, Madison Hanson, Fort Stockton, Texas
Bred & Owned Reserve Senior
Champion Heifer: MP Miss Impress 767G6, Megan Perry, Waco, Texas
Champion: DOS XX’s Stretch’s Ms Sierra, Garrett Stutts, Iola, Texas
Bred & Owned Red Reserve Heifer
Calf Champion: DOS XX’s Stretch’s Ms Maggie, Braden Stutts, Iola, Texas
Bred & Owned Red Yearling
Champion Heifer: Ms Broken A Harper 116H, Audrey Acord, Madisonville, Texas
Bred & Owned Red Reserve Yearling
Reserve Champion Ultra Female WL Miss Kimora 701H Briana Hicks, Danbury, Texas
Grand Champion Red Bred & Owned Female Ms Broken A Harper 116H Audrey Acord, Madisonville, Texas
Champion Heifer: Lady Boersma 20H, Ryan Boersma, Pittsburg, Texas
BRED & OWNED BULL DIVISIONS Bred & Owned Bull Calf Champion:
ACC Howdy 358H, Katherine Allen, Crockett, Texas
Bred & Owned Reserve Bull Calf
Champion: RSCC Sharp Dressed Man 129, Walker Williams, Wesson, Mississippi
Bred & Owned Yearling Bull
Champion: RAFTER L Rock Starr 157H7, Maddox Hartmann, Falls City, Texas
Bred & Owned Reserve Yearling Bull
Champion: SMART Dinero 804H1, Caryn Smart, Runge, Texas
Champion: KWM Mr Creedmores Yucatan, Kayden Mascheck, Eagle Lake, Texas
BELTON, TEXAS Bred & Owned, Ultra and Percentage Judge:
Tyler Norvell, Tuttle, Oklahoma
Owned Judge:
Ryan Cummings, Atascocita, Texas
Supreme Judge:
Cheramie Viator, Tomball, Texas
Grand Champion Bull SMART Dinero 804H1 Caryn Smart, Runge, Texas
Reserve Champion Red Bull GRC George L. 101G Marcela Garza, New Waverly, Texas
Grand Champion Red Bred & Owned Bull Ms Broken A Harper 116H Audrey Acord, Madisonville, Texas
(continued from page 29)
Bred & Owned Red Yearling Bull
Champion: Broken A Hefner 841H, Audrey Acord, Madisonville, Texas
Junior Heifer Calf Champion: PP Miss Kayleigh 915J1, Lana Tittor, Paradise, Texas
Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion:
Reserve Champion Bull RAFTER L Rock Starr 157H7 Maddox Hartmann, Falls City, Texas
Grand Champion Bred & Owned Bull RAFTER L Rock Starr 157H7 Maddox Hartmann, Falls City, Texas
Reserve Champion Red Bred & Owned Bull KWM Mr Creedmores Yucatan Kayden Mascheck, Eagle Lake, Texas
Bar M Jolene 193J1, Weston Hinze, Burton, Texas
Senior Heifer Calf Champion:
RAFTER L Jay Lo 157H8, Maddox Hartmann, Falls City, Texas
Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion:
CMR Ms Addie 622H, Tanner Miller, Gilmer, Texas
Summer Yearling Champion Heifer:
Grand Champion Red Bull Broken A Hefner 841H Audrey Acord, Madisonville, Texas
Reserve Champion Bred & Owned Bull ACC Howdy 358H Katherine Allen, Crockett, Texas
Miss BH Dandy 334H1, Briana Hicks, Danbury, Texas
Reserve Summer Yearling Champion
Heifer: TCR Tiger Lilly 302H7, Waylon Hinze, Burton, Texas Yearling Champion Heifer: RAFTER L One Wish 150H6, Maddox Hartmann, Falls City, Texas
Reserve Yearling Champion Heifer:
MP Miss Delta 804H1, Stockton Shifflett, De Kalb, Texas Junior Champion Heifer: TCR Esmeralda 302G13, Bram Christensen, Angleton, Texas
Reserve Junior Champion Heifer:
WRC Miss Talley 915G83, Camille Burns, Wharton, Texas Senior Champion Heifer: TCR Ravenna 302G3, Bram Christensen, Angleton, Texas Reserve Senior Champion Heifer: Ms WAT El Dorado 541G6, Trevor Haney, Hope Hull, Alabama
Grand Champion Cow-Calf Pair SB Ms Hot Stuff 924F15 McKenzie Tiemann, Brenham, Texas
Reserve Champion Red Cow-Calf Pair CX Ms Legends Dream 71G April Villarreal, Brookshire, Texas
RED FEMALE DIVISIONS Red Junior Heifer Calf Champion:
PWM Miss GVM Val 841J, Rachel Matocha, La Grange, Texas
Red Reserve Junior Heifer Calf
Champion: MARVEL’S Miss Paisley, Kylie Ward, Christmas, Florida
Red Senior Heifer Calf Champion:
MCR TRIO’s Harmony 255/1, Ethan Rexroth, Anderson, South Carolina
Red Reserve Senior Heifer Calf
Champion: DOS XX’s Stretch’s Ms Sierra, Garrett Stutts, Iola, Texas
Red Summer Yearling Champion
Heifer: VILLA’s Ms Fantasy 957H10, Villa Ranch, Brookshire, Texas
Red Reserve Summer Yearling
Champion Heifer: DOS XX’s Dynamite’s Raven, Garrett Stutts, Iola, Texas
Red Yearling Champion Heifer:
KTS Ms Dixie 800H, Truitt Marks, Waxahachie, Texas
Reserve Champion Cow-Calf Pair PP Miss Meredith 915F15 Lana Tittor, Paradise, Texas
Grand Champion Ultra Cow-Calf Pair CF Blackbird Atlanta 378F Jesse Pinkston, Seffner, Florida
Red Reserve Yearling Champion
Heifer: Ms Broken A Harper 116H, Audrey Acord, Madisonville, Texas Red Junior Champion Heifer: DOS XX’s Prime Time’s Aurora, Garrett Stutts, Iola, Texas
Red Reserve Junior Champion Heifer:
DOS XX’s Miss Brandi, Kayce Lopez, Fort Worth, Texas
Bull Calf Champion: ACC Howdy 358H, Katherine Allen, Crockett, Texas
Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion:
RSCC Sharp Dressed Man 129, Walker Williams, Wesson, Mississippi Yearling Champion Bull: SMART Dinero 804H1, Caryn Smart, Runge, Texas
Reserve Yearling Champion Bull:
Rafter L Rock Starr 157H7, Maddox Hartmann, Falls City, Texas Senior Champion Bull: CMR Josiah 488G, Logan Torbert, Galliano,
Grand Champion Red Cow-Calf Pair BCC S.A 826G Lane Baker, Brenham, Texas
Reserve Champion Ultra Cow-Calf Pair DH Ms Halls LBS 46D 177F2 Lindley Alder, Star City, Arkansas
Reserve Senior Champion Bull:
PP Giorgio 915G20, Emma Tittor, Paradise, Texas
RED BULL DIVISIONS Red Senior Bull Calf Champion:
M&M Mr Hombre Powerstroke 504/H, Marcela Garza, New Waverly, Texas
Red Reserve Senior Bull Champion:
TX Home Run 53/H3, Tyler Tanecka, Columbus, Texas Red Yearling Champion Bull: Broken A Hefner 841H, Audrey Acord, Madisonville, Texas
Red Reserve Yearling Champion Bull:
KWM Mr Creedmores Yucatan, Kayden Mascheck, Eagle Lake, Texas Red Senior Champion Bull: GRC George L. 101G, Marcela Garza, New Waverly, Texas
Red Reserve Senior Champion
Bull: Villa’s First Hombre 71G, April Villarreal, Brookshire, Texas
HF Never Surrender 129G10
Never Surrender x Atlanta | 11/23/19
CE BW WW YW Milk 4.7 2.8 52 96 11
HF Atlanta 35H2
Atlanta x Onstar | 1/6/20
6.0 0.1 29 50 0 HF MS never Surrender 129H15 Never Surrender x Atlanta | 12/25/20
CE BW WW YW Milk 3.8 2.9 49 91 12
MB MS Atlanta 129D92 QVF Never Surrender 30H2
HF MS Never Surrender 30J ET Never Surrender x Three D | 1/23/21
CE BW WW YW Milk 4.4 2.0 42 80 8
T3 Ms Three D 30D
LOCATION: Belton, Texas
High Point Individuals
Novice:Harold Baxley, Florida - Junior: Carlee Taylor, Florida Intermediate: Ahna Sinclair, Missouri - Senior: Trevor Haney, Alabama
New Exhibitor Award
Talan Wayne Dean
1st Corbin Miller, Texas 2nd Hayden Pinkston, Florida 3rd Lynwood Baxley, Florida
1st Cason Hayford, Florida 2nd Madelyn Nichols, Texas 3rd Jesse Pinkston, Florida
1st Kallie Gordon, Texas 2nd Ross Donaho, Texas 3rd Quinn Burns, Texas
1st Layton Parks, Louisiana 2nd Waylon Hinze, Texas 3rd Emma Tittor, Texas
1st Kilee Pickett, Louisiana 2nd Trevor Haney, Alabama 3rd Helen Oglesby, Alabama
1st Talan Wayne Dean, Oklahoma 2nd Tyler Kasner, Texas 3rd Truitt Marks, Texas
1st Lindsleigh Carte, Florida 2nd Ross Donaho, Texas 3rd Madelyn Eskew, Texas
1st Weston Hinze, Texas 2nd Monte Eskew, Texas 3rd Cayla Albers, Texas
1st Jacob Jones, Oklahoma 2nd Kayce Lopez, Texas 3rd Holli Baker, Texas
1st Natalie Walker, Arkansas
1st Paden Smith, Arkansas 2nd Talan Wayne Dean, Oklahoma 3rd Molly Parker, Arkansas
1st Kinsley Rhodes, Texas 2nd Layton Parks, Louisiana 3rd Ross Donaho, Texas
Jenna Jennings, Teegan Mackey,
Shea Mackey, Briana Hicks
Reserve Team:
McKenzie Tiemann, Weston Hinze,
Katy Wunderlich, Canute Janish
1st Harold Baxley, Florida 2nd Paden Smith, Arkansas 3rd Kinsley Rhodes, Texas
1st McKenzie Tiemann, Texas 2nd Ross Donaho, Texas 3rd Madison Hanson, Texas
1st Ahna Sinclair, Missouri 2nd Camile Burns, Texas 3rd Weston Hinze, Texas
1st Teegan Mackey, Texas 2nd Trevor Haney, Alabama 3rd Briana Hicks, Texas
1st Truitt Marks, Texas 2nd Aaron Towns, Texas 3rd Ali Tiemann, Texas
1st Savanna Hanson, Texas 2nd McKenzie Tiemann, Texas 3rd Gracie Smith, Texas
1st Waylon Hinze, Texas 2nd Kaily Crittenden, Texas 3rd Weston Hinze, Texas
1st Briana Hicks, Texas 2nd Caryn Smart, Texas 3rd Whittney Watts, Mississippi
1st Levi Douglass, Texas 2nd Paul Wunderlich, Texas 3rd Kyle Stutts, Texas
1st Brynlee Buzzard, Texas 2nd Anabelle Thorton, Texas 3rd Cara Jane Hayford, Florida
1st Henry Urban, Kansas 2nd Tack Farris, Texas 3rd Cleavie Allen, Texas
2021-2022 IJBBA Board of Directors 2021-2022 IJBBA Queen
Payge Dupre
1st McKenzie Tiemann, Texas 2nd Camille Quebeadeaux, Louisiana 3rd Isabelle Parkey, Texas
1st Garrett Stutts, Texas 2nd John Tyler Wells, Mississippi 3rd Ahna Sinclair, Missouri
1st Jaxon Allen, Oklahoma 2nd Briana Hicks, Texas 3rd Cassidy Eramo, Florida
1st Liz Warren, Texas 2nd Shea Mackey, Texas 3rd Paul Wunderlich, Texas
TEAM FITTING Champion Team
Kaleb Horner, Waylon Hinze,
Briana Hicks
Reserve Team
Eris Basey, Weston Hinze,
Lane Baker
SALESMANSHIP Novice/Junior Champion Team
Truitt Marks, Tristen Pfeil,
Maddie Eskew
Novice/Junior Reserve Champion Team
Katherine Allen, Cleavie Allen,
Carlee Taylor
Intermediate/Senior Champion Team
Samuel Belt, Trevor Haney,
Stratton Walk
Intermediate/Senior Reserve Champion Team
Briana Hicks, Teegan Mackey,
Camille Burns
1st Kinley Pfeil, Texas 2nd Emily Pfeil, Texas 3rd Ali Tiemann, Texas 4th Kinley Ward, Florida 5th Aaron Towns, Texas 6th Presley Robertson, Texas
1st Roxton Stone, Texas 2nd Savana Payne, Texas 3rd Savana Hanson, Texas 4th Tristen Pfeil, Texas 5th Carlee Taylor, Florida 6th McKenzie Tiemann, Texas
1st Maddox Hartmann, Texas 2nd Connor Ward, Florida 3rd Weston Hinze, Texas 4th Kaily Crittendon, Texas 5th Railee Steele, Florida 6th Waylon Hinze, Texas
1st Briana Hicks, Texas 2nd Jordan Baldridge, Texas 3rd Dalton McKee, Texas 4th Trevor Haney, Alabama 5th Caryn Smart, Texas 6th Macy Marek, Texas
1st Oklahoma
1st Texas
Ward family, Christmas, Florida
Paden Smith, Paxton Smith, Wyatt
Jackson, Emily Jackson, Talan Wayne
Dean, Jacy Leech, Joshua Walker, and Michael Pritchard
Logan Torbert, Louisiana GEORGIANNE MYERS AWARD
Cindy Posey, Oklahoma
Talan Wayne Dean, Oklahoma
Novice: Harold Baxley, Florida Junior: Carlee Taylor, Florida Intermediate: Ahna Sinclair, Missouri Senior: Trevor Haney, Alabama
President: April Villarreal, Texas Ex-Officio: Jacob Jones, Oklahoma Queen: Payge Dupre, Florida Director: Briana Hicks, Texas Director: Cassidy Eramo, Florida Director: Jaxon Allen, Oklahoma Director: Samuel Belt, Texas Director: Lauren Burton, Texas Director: Tyler Towns, Texas Director: Jayden Pinkston, Florida Director: Kaily Warren, Texas
2021-2022 IJBBA QUEEN
Payge Dupre, Florida