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STEPS FOR CREATING A WEBSITE " style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor='#fff'">There are three steps that we will see in this teaching unit, will enable us to put a website on the net. They are, set objectives, design the website, and finally, publication and maintenance. ~ - Setting goals ~ - Web Site Design ~ - Publication and maintenance Define the objectives of the Site The first step to take when you want to outline a strategy for the Web is undoubtedly define the objectives of the site: will be a site dedicated to Ecommerce?, Do we simply have a corporate image of our company or business network, or does it want to become our primary sales channel? This is achieved by defining the mission of the site, and on appeal, setting out the objectives of short and long term. To this must be carried a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) which also allow us to select the target user or potential customers which we aim. Within this analysis on the other hand, evaluate the competition sites, allowing us to learn from their successes and failures. Then we determine who will participate in this project, selecting staff based on their knowledge and skills, establish operational requirements (software, hardware, services, etc.). And finally, you will need to develop a financial budget to give you a financial framework to this endeavor. That is, in short, armed with a business plan (business plan) that could potentially serve us even in the case of needing external financing, since it is the tool that is presented to the VCs (venture capitals or VCs) to assess whether it is feasible investment in a project. Business Plan ~ - Current status of the company ~ - Mission Site ~ - SWOT Analysis ~ - Description of goods or services ~ - Target which is aimed ~ - Short-term ~ - Long-term objectives ~ Management / Operations ~ - Financial Web Site Design To begin developing a website was essential to create a list of content that will provide the same, eg news, weather, a database of products, etc.. This will allow then to establish the functional requirements (navigation bars, links, colors and design thereof) is made so much easier. Once we have these two issues resolved, you must define the estimate and the tools available, two variables that are closely related. Here http://www.macromedia.com/software/flash decide whether to use Flash, Dreamweaver http://www.macromedia.com/, or we are oriented to programming in PHP or http://www.phpdeveloper.org/ http://www.asptutor.com/ ASP, if we do the

work "in house" by hiring qualified personnel or if they outsourced in an E-builder or a design studio, etc.. ~ - Create a list of contents ~ - Setting the functional requirements ~ - Check the available tools ~ - Have the financial budget Publication and maintenance The next step is the publication web site, for which we hire a web host (hosting), which will be online 24 hours a day, all year. Finally, it is advisable to go to renew the contents of the site periodically for users to find updated material. There is an unwritten rule that establishes the network put together a budget similar to that used for site creation, and dedicate itself to annual maintenance. Eg. if you need $ 100 for the initial design of the website, we will use another $ 100 for the rest of the year in maintenance and hosting .''''

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