God Bless America – April 2016

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I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. —John 9:4 If any man be in Christ Jesus, he is a new creation: old things are passed away; all things are become new. —II Corinthians 5:17 Today many are saying, “It’s not easy being a Christian today.” They are absolutely correct. There has never been a generation that did not have difficulties with the kingdom of darkness. It has never been easy to be a Christian. In every generation the people of God have struggled with the world. In every century the servants of God have had to confront the kingdom of darkness. During the generation of Noah, the earth was filled with violence and wickedness. When Abraham lived, the world was filled with idolatry. The world was ravaged with hatred, bitterness and rebellion during the

lives of Moses, Daniel, Jeremiah, and our Lord Jesus Christ. The forces of evil fought against righteousness during the days of Paul, Timothy, Polycarp, Athanasius, Wycliffe, Wesley, Moody and Finney. Right now in America there is a battle for truth and righteousness. Every country is always only one generation from paganism and darkness. Every generation should learn the gospel of Jesus Christ, and should teach the Word of God. Amazingly, in every generation God has had His people! There have been men, women and young people of deep conviction that have stood tall in their generation for God’s truth. God has called His people to do His assignments. In fact, Christians have several assignments. First, the servants of the Lord have a social responsibility; it is to point folks to Jesus. God is “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”

Second, God’s people have a moral obligation; it is to point folks to the truth. The teachings of the Bible are altogether true and right. Third, it is a spiritual task. God’s works are always deeply spiritual. The simple truth of it all: God’s Word will last forever, and God’s Work will eternally MARCH ON! In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea With a glory in His bosom That transfigures you and me. As He died to make men holy, Let us live to make men free While God is marching on. Glory, glory, hallelujah Glory, glory, hallelujah Glory, glory, hallelujah Our God is marching on.

b y r on f ox x

is an evangelist, music publisher, songwriter, and the founder and president of Bible Truth Music.

GOD BLESS AMERICA Volume 2, Number 1

editor: byron foxx | assistant editor: t. kevan bartlett | managing editor: tim cruse | production assistant: caleb cruse GBA Magazine Digital Expanded Issue features more articles! Go to: GBAmag.com

We would love to hear from you! Please write to Editor@GodBlessAmericaCrusade.com



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t is often said by the leaders of the God Bless America Rally events, “Our most important work is our prayer work.” We certainly know that without the power of God on our efforts we will accomplish nothing of eternal value. Only God can do what must be done to impact a region, even an entire state with the gospel.

Prayer must be the catalyst for the work. E.M. Bounds said, “God shapes the world by prayer. The more praying there is in the world the better the world will be, the mightier the forces against evil.” With that in mind, it is appropriate and foundational that the public “launch” of the God Bless America Rally (West Virginia) campaign began with a Prayer Rally gathering. The prayer-kickoff was held at Charleston Civic Center on Saturday, January 9. Over twenty churches were represented; several hundred attended. Choir folks met prior to the actual Prayer

Rally to begin their practice of the exciting music that will be presented at the GBA Rally. The meeting was inspiring and helpful. It featured songs and scripture about prayer. Brother Foxx lead the group in “seasons” of prayer for specific areas of God’s blessing on the Rally efforts. Various pastors and leaders were called on to lead the group in prayer times. Many missionaries came to lend their hearts and voice toward the GBA challenge. The Prayer Rally on January 9 was just the ignition of the surge of prayer that must be engaged throughout the next few months. We ask all those who are burdened for our nation, for lost souls, and the need of revival to covenant with the sponsoring churches to be partners in prayer for the God Bless America Rally, Sunday, September 9, at the Charleston Civic Center. t. ke van bart l e t t is the senior pastor of Maranatha Baptist Church in Charleston, West Virginia.

God Bless America Rally Prayer List Please pray with us for these petitions: • That God would be glorified in all we do. • That each worker would have Holy Spirit power. • That lost people would attend the rally. • That the Gospel would be received by many. • That churches would experience real revival. • That the financial need would be met. • That the testimony after the rally would be Christlike.





What is the most powerful resource in all the world for believers? What is the missing ingredient in the lives of so many Christians and Churches? Would it surprise you to learn that the answer to both questions is the same? PRAYER! Not simple, shallow, occasional prayer; but fervent, passionate, laboring in prayer. Paul describes Epaphras as a true prayer warrior – Colossians 4:12-13. • His life of prayer was characterized by a burden for people (one of you),

a loyalty to his master (a servant of Christ), and discipline (always). • His longing in prayer directed him to labor fervently that these fellow believers would grow in their maturity and assurance of God’s will (stand perfect, stand complete, and stand in the will of God).

• The lessons from this prayer warrior are pointed and powerful: we must learn to pray constantly (always), fervently (laboring fervently), personally (for you), definitely (specific petitions), and sacrificially (great zeal). Our nation is in trouble; our churches need revival; our communities need the Gospel. It is time for a revival of Bible reading and prayer! The Lord has burdened our hearts about a concert of prayer that will unite God’s people around The Hour That Makes THE Difference. We are asking God’s people to commit to at least 15 minutes a day, during the 12 o’clock hour (midday or midnight), for Bible reading and prayer. Join with us in praying for the revival of God’s people and for the God Bless America Rally, September 11, 2016. Are we truly burdened for America, for our churches, for souls? It’s time to pray! 15 minutes a day (Monday-Friday) for 15 weeks (May 30-September 9) – Will you join us? The greatest need within our churches today is for some modern day Epaphraslike prayer warriors! LORD, TEACH US TO PRAY! t om alv i s

is the senior pastor of the Mount Moriah Baptist Church in Powhatan, Virginia.



APRIL 2016



he second letter to the church at Corinth reveals Paul’s heart for the Lord and the young believers in that place. The first seven chapters of the letter emphasize Christian living. The remaining chapters address Christian giving. While all agree that every child of God should be obedient in this area, generally, when the subject of giving is brought up it receives mixed comments. I believe this is because of misconceptions and misinterpretations.

Many good Christians have totally misunderstood God’s Word on Biblical giving. We are no longer under the law, but under grace. When you study giving in chapters 8 and 9 of this book, you will find the word “grace” mentioned ten times. Grace is the real motivator to one’s giving!

Theologians define grace as the “unmerited favor of God.” All of us who are recipients of God’s grace agree with this statement. But the word used here for “grace” goes beyond the “unmerited favor of God.” It means an outward grace of beauty, being graceful, loveliness or charm. Grace could also mean graciousness, kindness or goodwill. Webster suggests that the word grace defined is gratefulness, thankfulness, and indebtedness. Grace is when one is appreciative enough to confer dignity or honor on another. When we give to the Lord’s work, it is more than giving a charitable gift; it is grace giving! The Apostle Paul was very careful not to ask or even hint about his personal needs. Yet, he does not hesitate to ask for the needy church in Jerusalem. Paul appeals to the church at Corinth and uses the churches in Macedonia, which included Philippi, Berea, and Thessalonica, as examples in giving. Paul declared in II Corinthians 8:5, “And this they did, not as we had hoped, but first gave their own selves to the Lord, and unto us by the will of God.” The Macedonians exceeded what Paul or anyone else had expected. Despite their persecution and poverty, they gave cheerfully, liberally, and

willingly. No one begged these churches to give…they begged Paul to allow them to participate in the ministry! These believers were certainly passionate; but, more importantly, they had their priorities in order. Charles Spurgeon said of the Macedonian offering, “This was the best donation ever…better, even, than the two mites of the poor widow. She gave her living, but they gave their lives, their very being!” The priority of giving ourselves not only signifies consecrated obedience to the Lord, but also the correct order of the Lord. They first gave their own selves to the Lord, and afterwards they gave their offering to the church. Are you grateful for the grace of God in your life? First, give your own self to the Lord. Love the Lord with a grateful heart. When you do, you will find there is no difficulty with giving your offerings to Him. This is the secret of grace giving.

r o g er paul e y

is the senior pastor of Cranberry Baptist Church in Beckley, West Virginia.





The United States of America has historically been a nation of freedom in a world acquainted with dictatorial leaders, restricted liberties, and government control. As a bastion of independence, our country designed a structure of leadership that held to balanced powers, establishing a trio of institutional branches to check against one another. These leadership divisions are essential to the effective processing of our freedoms in America. While any government system is far from perfect, the idea of a free government was the defining issue at the Constitutional Convention, held in Philadelphia in 1787. FOUNDATIONAL FREEDOM After leaving their home country of England, the colonists eventually settled in America. This move was an effort to relocate in a place that allowed the freedom to practice faith freely. In order to establish a new government that would allow religious liberty, the United States would need to put a policy in place that would never make it possible for the government to restrict the citizens from this God-given right. The states debated the issues in the Constitution, many representatives noting that they would never agree to ratify a document that did not provide the language to remind the government that it could not infringe on the rights of the citizens. These statesmen came to an agreement when the amendments to the Constitution were added. In the very first amendment, they penned the following words: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. It is important to note that these are specifically stating certain restrictions on government policy, not listing a total of the rights of citizens. Many individuals today forget that this was intended to limit government, not U.S. citizens. While this lists a few of the rights of men, this by no means was intended by our founders to number them all.

When we look at our Constitution, we must see that our founding fathers meant to protect citizens by limiting government power. They had been forced to leave their original country because of their conviction to practice their biblical faith freely, without the expressed tyrannical power of the English throne imposing rule on faith and practice. These men so desired to live in a land free from intervention from the governing powers that they would not agree on a foundational document unless it expressly limited government. Our founding fathers could never have imagined that the freedoms they fought to hold and protect would foster immoral actions in America. Our second president, John Adams, believed this when he said, “It is religion and morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue.” Because of the importance of morality upon the nation’s legal outlook, it is vital to pass these values to the next generation. Examples of national immorality can be seen throughout the past, especially in biblical history.

stand up for righteousness in a land that promotes promiscuity and immoral behavior.

THE JUDGES CYCLE When I think of America today, I am reminded of God’s chosen people of Israel in the book of Judges. Joshua’s final words to that nation admonished them to prove, “Whether they will keep the way of the LORD to walk therein, as their fathers did keep it, or not” ( Judges 2:22). We see that the Israelites entered into a cycle of disobedience, repentance, and restoration that repeated itself many times. When I consider the history of Israel, I see an admonition for America as well. Like Israel, our nation has also seen cycles of public devotion to God followed by periods of turning our backs on God. We are now living in a cycle of public sin and disobedience, expelling God from our halls of government and our classrooms, telling God that we will follow our own rules rather than His. As a consequence, America has fallen into a period of unrest. We must now cry out to the Lord for revival and deliverance, just as the children of Israel did after a time of disobedience and unrest. He has promised to be faithful to His own. His desire is that we would

FAITH IN PRACTICE As I travel across America, I meet many Bible-believing Christians who are truly seeking to live for the Lord and to obey His commandments. These precious people have the blessing of God on their lives, and they are the reason for God’s continued blessing on America. I pray that our intercessions for America will be fruitful, and that God will find enough righteous in our nation to withhold His judgment and send revival to America. We have been commanded to live holy lives. We are admonished not to act and respond in a worldly fashion, but to live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world. As Ezekiel 22:30–31 reminds us, God is still looking for those who will stand in the gap. May God find us to be faithful servants as we seek to do His will for our lives.

ABRAHAM’S INTERCESSION When I think of America today, I also think of Abraham’s encounter in Genesis 18:16–32. Three visitors from the Lord have been enjoying Abraham’s hospitality. As they are about to leave, they look toward the area of Sodom and Gomorrah and begin to speak among themselves about what is going to be done to these cities of sin and iniquity. Abraham then has a conversation with the Lord, trying to convince Him to change His mind about the destruction of these cities and not to, “Destroy the righteous with the wicked” (verse 23). Abraham asks the Lord to save the city if He finds, “Fifty righteous within the city” (verse 24). We find in chapter 19 that there were not even ten righteous men in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, and these cities were destroyed. God is looking for men and women who will stand firm on biblical principles and not be swayed by worldly philosophy.

dr. dav i d g ibbs

is an author, attorney, and founder of the Christian Law Association.


GOD WANTS ALL OF YOU Would you consider yourself a consecrated Christian? One who is wholly given to God, seeking to honor Him in body and spirit in every way possible? Or, is there an area of your life that still belongs to yourself; some area that you “sort of ” honor God in, but do not want to go “too far” in or “miss out” because of ? Churches abound with “casual” Christians in this hour. Those who are careless in their walk with God, in the way they live, in the work they do, in the witness they give and in the words they say. Statements like, “I don’t look at it that way,” “I’m not called to full-time service,” or “I’ve got a life apart from serving

God all the time, you know,” can serve as umbrellas to shield the half-hearted. Sometimes we feel as if we are, “rich and increased with goods, and have need of nothing”—not even God. Who are we kidding, but ourselves? While we withdraw from the call to consecration, we readily devise ways to discount the commitment of others. Be reminded that “like character attracts like character.” If you walk in the counsel of the unconsecrated and stand in the way of the lip-servers, it will not be long before you are sitting in the seat of the contemptuous. Be careful in developing contempt for the holy things of God. He will not hold those guiltless who do.

Be ye holy; for I am holy. —1 Peter 1:16

t i m c rus e

is the senior pastor of the Shining Light Baptist Church and president of The Shepherd’s Place Children’s Home in Monroe, North Carolina.

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PRAYER RALLIES Thursday, May 5 @ 7pm Cranberry Baptist Church, Beckley, WV

Friday, May 6 @ 7pm Grace Baptist Church, Mount Pleasant, WV

Thursday, May 12 @ 7pm Temple Baptist Church, Flat Woods, KY

Friday, May 13 @ 7pm Hope’s Point Baptist Church, Weston, WV

Saturday, May 14 @ 6pm Fellowship Baptist Church, Vienna, WV

Thursday, May 26 @ 7pm Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, Charleston, WV


In our home growing up,

there were no ballgames, school events, or jobs we took that prevented my brother and me from consistent attendance of the local church services. Our parents made that decision and it really impacted our lives in a positive way. Attending church adds value now and in eternity. Here are three ways attending church add value to our lives: PERSONAL VALUE Attending church increases Bible knowledge. The more we know of the Word, the more we will love the Lord and be enabled to live out His will. Think back to the last message you heard; it was probably both informative and transforming at the same time. This is why Ephesians 4:12 says Bible preachers and teachers are given: “For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:” Attending church is a good way to invest your spiritual gift in others. Romans 1:11 speaks of imparting a spiritual gift. Every believer has been equipped by the Holy Spirit with a special gift for service. We discover our gift and then deploy our

gift in service to the Lord. Spiritual gifts include administration, teaching, and helping. Every church service is a good place to begin the use of your spiritual gift to help others. RELATIONAL VALUE Being present, walking the halls, welcoming others, singing with the congregation, smiling at the special music singers and preacher, and participating in the worship are ways that you are adding value to the local assembly. If you were not there, people would miss you and you would miss an opportunity to add your value to the congregation. Like a body functions with many parts working together, so functions the body of Christ. Simply stated by one preacher: “Teamwork makes the dream work.” When we serve the Lord with God’s people, instead of isolated and alone, more good is accomplished for the sake of the Gospel. When we “strive together” we are honoring the Lord and helping others fulfill God’s will.

glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.” David was interested in public worship. Never minimize the value of the objective worship of God. Attending church is not about who is there or what emotions you are having. Being in church demonstrates love for God above all others. Being there early and eager is a life changing discipline. Commitment to something bigger than self, changes our perspective. Along with Bible reading, witnessing, and prayer, church attendance is a terrific habit to establish. When we are faithful in these “small disciplines,” we are better equipped to handle the big temptations to sin that come along. I challenge you to attend every service at your church for the next four weeks. Start counting the value you see. Church attendance can add up to something great in your life. st e v e h ar n e ss

is the senior pastor of Wilton Baptist Church in Wilton, New York.

SPIRITUAL VALUE David in Psalm 122:1 declared: “I was




A CHRISTIAN? Surveys still indicate that there are more people in this world who identify themselves as Christian than any other religion. In that group there are three distinct divisions: The first is very large. They are MAN-MADE CHRISTIANS. They have been born in a Christian home or have been baptized and gone through other rituals or simply joined a church and a minister told them, “You are a Christian.” The second are SELF-MADE CHRISTIANS. These do what they think a Christian should do. They are honest, moral, charitable, hard working, good citizens and “salt of the earth” kind of folks. They feel they do enough good works to qualify themselves for Heaven. The smallest of the three divisions are GOD-MADE CHRISTIANS. These are the ones who came to God agreeing with Him that they are sinners deserving only of Hell. They believed God loved them and Jesus died on the cross to pay for their sins and rose again with power to forgive their sins. Then they put their full trust in Jesus only and God saved them, made each of them His child and gave them a Home with Him in Heaven. If you are not a GOD-MADE CHRISTIAN, let Him do that for you today. Rom. 10:13 says, “For whosever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

If you just now asked Jesus to save you, we would love to hear from you. Please write to Editor@GodBlessAmericaCrusade.com

Please consider committing to The Hour That Makes The Difference | Bible Reading and Prayer, at least 15 minutes a day, 5 days a week, during the 12 o’clock hour (midday or midnight). “The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” (James 5:16)



APRIL 2016

FORWARD IN THE FACE OF FEAR “…an astounding testimony to the protection of God and the power of the gospel.” —DR. PAUL CHAPPELL PASTOR, LANCASTER BAPTIST CHURCH This book tells the riveting story of a missionary preaching the gospel while bombs detonate nearby. It tells of a couple who pressed forward in the face of fear to bring the message of salvation. These pages will challenge your faith, strengthen your courage, and deepen your resolve to go forward for Christ in the face of any fear. Retail: $14.95 | Format: Hardback | Pages: 194

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