3 minute read
Evolution of a Lockdown Dolphin
Year 7
Baked cookies and muffins almost every day to try and curb those tuck shop cravings (and almost burned the house down/poisoned your family accidentally).
Year 8
Tie-dyed almost everything in your wardrobe! Then getting bored of tie dye a couple of months into lockdown and selling everything you’ve made on depop.
Year 9
Desperately trying to learn the newest tik tok dances in between google meets in an attempt to become the next charli d’amelio #fyp #foryou #makemefamous
Year 10
Spent all of your free time on houseparty, and - when lockdown seemed infinite - dyed your hair red, then bleached it, then back to brown again.
Lower Sixth
Found new and innovative ways of procrastinating whilst on an EE/EPQ deadline, even if it meant doing a Chloe Ting workout or cycling for miles.
Year 11
Alternated between tears of joy that you didn’t have to sit GCSEs, and tears of sadness that Reading Festival was cancelled (but tried to make your own - albeit socially distanced - in Hyde Park).
Upper Sixth
Exhausted all the tv shows on netflix (truly all of them) before moving onto podcasts and bbc iplayer
A Message from Head Girl, Jessie
2020 will definitely have its own chapter in the history books; it is easy to focus on what is challenging in the world right now, but one of the things that I’ve always loved about Godolphin girls is our ability to laugh, stay positive, and lift each other up, even when things are tough. From the valor and bravery with which we would approach the Friday lunch stampede to remembering the physical benefits of lugging our body weight around in textbooks, Godolphin girls know how to keep moving forward even when things are difficult. It’s that spirit that sets us apart, and that allows us to connect in so many meaningful ways. Since I joined Godolphin in Year 7, these wonderful connections have come about in so many different places, from taking part in clubs and societies to participating in the knitting craze. They were evident in the trips we went on involving getting stuck in bogs during DofE and eating ungodly portions of churros con chocolate in Salamanca. They are evident also in how we give back to our community by selling cakes, organising raffles and learning our ‘legs eleven’ Bingo calls for our lovely elderly neighbours. It is these connections with fellow students, teachers, staff and the wider community that have rendered my Godolphin journey so magical thus far. Last year was the start of the Lower Sixth for me. Exploring my subjects and beginning to think about learning beyond the classroom was so stimulating. I discovered the beauty and power of Mathematics and Philosophy, and I am excited to delve deeper into these disciplines in my undergraduate studies. I loved running the Math & Logic club, competing in house debating and playing hockey, not just because the activities themselves were enjoyable, but because of the connections that I made and the communities that I became a part of through them. Even in lockdown teachers made such an effort to make learning engaging despite the inevitable tech issues; in fact, everyone made more of an effort to feel connected and I am excited to further these connections this year. As Head Girl, the team’s and my focus will be on promoting mentorship between peers across year groups, embracing understanding and diversity and improving interyear relationships. I want this to be a year filled with fun, support, achievement and especially meaningful connections. There is something powerful in coming together as a community, and I feel genuinely proud to be part of the amazing one we have here at Godolphin and Latymer.

Jessie Pitsillides Head Girl, 2020-2021