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Staff Leavers
We would like to pay tribute to the staff who left Godolphin and Latymer at the end of the academic year. Schools are ‘people places’ and it is always hard to see popular and dedicated teachers move on when they have given so much to the community, and have been an important part of all our lives. Mr Pete Cosgrove was at Godolphin for sixteen years, teaching Technology and running the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme. Pete is known for his dry wit and his endless patience with his students in the Tech room. He has been a loyal and conscientious colleague who has over time introduced hundreds of girls to the pleasures of design and creation. Through his involvement with DofE, Pete has similarly opened pupils’ eyes to the great outdoors, and to the challenge and fulfilment that comes in planning and completing a successful expedition. He is going to be greatly missed. We warmly wish him all the very best for a busy and happy retirement. Both Miss Nicola Hanger and Miss Nicola McDonald joined the school in 2011, to teach Mathematics and Classics respectively. We were hugely sorry to lose them at the end of the academic year, but immensely proud that they are both moving on to promoted posts at excellent schools. Nicola Hanger has been a brilliant Maths teacher, capable of challenging the most able (including this year our fantastic Bridge Programme mathematicians) but also sympathetic with those who find the subject harder. In addition she has served as Assistant to the Deputy Head Academic and in this role has been responsible for producing the annual miracle which is the school’s timetable. Nicola McDonald meanwhile has been in charge of our provision of Ancient History and Classical Civilisation and, within the IB, of Theory of Knowledge as well as acting as Senior House Leader. She is an exceptionally gifted teacher with an immense range of interests and enthusiasms which she has shared generously with pupils and staff – her lockdown quizzes kept us all entertained throughout the Summer Term – and it is hard to imagine our community without her. There are more promotions too. Miss Katie Tallett-Williams moves to become a deputy Head of Geography after six highly successful years at Godolphin. Katie has been one of our most innovative and inspiring teachers, always ready to embrace new technologies and to tell others about them. Mrs Danni Malone has been an outstanding Head of Mathematics since 2015, and has run one of our largest and most successful departments with real distinction as both an excellent teacher and leader. She is now taking up a post overseas. Ms Virginie Dall’Acqua meanwhile has taught French and Spanish here for five years. She is a much loved teacher and colleague, always warm and enthusiastic, and committed to her pupils and to her department. We also say farewell with grateful thanks to those who have been with us for a shorter time, covering other colleagues’ maternity leave this year. All have contributed very positively and have proved supportive and dedicated teachers. They are: Ms Alexandra Cann (English), Mrs Anna Golding (Classics), and Mr Andrew Jones (Mathematics). Our very best wishes go with all these leaving staff for happy and successful futures.