American Zanmato (DECLASSIFIED)

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Chapter 1 The Four Seasons of the Life of Man

You're going to judge my physical appearance. You're going to judge my clothing style and when I wear cheap clothing you’re going to judge me as careless. Then you're going to call me out when l wear expensive clothing! And you will index me as elitist. When I communicate with you, I have to deal with your human nature. Do you understand me? I do not mind this process. However, there cannot be an effective transmission of this map if all you do while reading this document is seek a way to judge me. People hate each other, people fight each other, people are going deeper into poverty, people are getting more frustrated, don’t you see it? No matter what your nationality is, you will see that society is decaying so rapidly that people are losing hope. Many have even lost hope entirely. If you are the type of individual that can handle reality then allow me to introduce to you various intellectual concepts. These concepts can aid you overcoming the challenges you are facing in a decaying society. You must understand as you are reading this document that I am intending to assist you; to help you! You must resist the human urge to judge me. Simply forget about me and simply focus on the intellectual concepts. Take from this manual all that you can and use it as inspiration to improve yourself and the world around you without becoming emotional about it. Try to see it objectively. Let’s begin our new journey! Time goes on, time ticks on, time is linear, it doesn’t stop for you. Whether you like it or not, time will not wait for you to be ready to deal with it. All of humanity is in a “ship," the earth. All people are connected in this ship; rich and poor, small and great, all humans are trapped here and no-one can leave. This “ship” is inescapable. All I am documenting here for you are boundaries and laws; a manual!

This “ship” of humanity sails at light speed. You are moving on the earth at light speed! Who can think faster than light moves? And who's mind can out-think time? Which element can move faster than light? Humanity at the pace of light. Trapped! Only gravity can out-speed time! “Time” is like a “ship” and “gravity” is it's “ocean." Gravity is a continuum and time is not, it runs out! Whoever can access the resonance of gravity and can resonate beyond the "Frame of Time" can out-think time! Educated or uneducated, time ticks on! The design of the Human has four seasons, the cycle of the human life. -








In the first cycle you will make every “dumb” mistake, and you will break yourself! That’s when you learn to become “careful” like an “adult”. When you are an “adult” you have different problems then when you are “youth”. An “adult” has learned how to be “careful” through their experiences. However, at the same rate an adult is carrying “emotional" and in most cases, a considerable amount of “physical” damage. These are added burdens that the human is wandering around with through the time-cycle of “adulthood.” The careful observation of the relationship between humankind and time shows you that wisdom is gained through the infliction of pain. A maturing process which is the first phase of the human life cycle.

Youth walks around through time as if nothing can go wrong, an observation that transcends generations; it has always been like that and always will be like that. A youthful man or woman walks around "knowing everything." And then comes the realization! That is that the youthful and careless ways only lead to a life of… failure and pain. That is when, by free will, a “youthful one” will desire to become an “adult one". And so the individual will naturally enter the 2nd stage of the cycle of human life. The quest to become a “real man” or a “real woman”. What happens to a youthful woman who plays by the standard of the modern day society: the careless woman? What if such woman develops a desire to establish a family? The “real” men do not want to marry her because of her lack of dignity and character. Women tend to naturally go into stage two of the human time cycle when their fertility can no longer deliver the lifestyle they desire. So, she will change but will “the prince” marry a “honor-less woman”? One who is finally done “breaking her dignity on multiple for maximum gain” and decided she wants to experience the life-cycle of “the good wife" also? And so the 2nd stage of life begins: As I said before, an “adult” has learned how to be “careful” through experience. However, the effects of the considerable “emotional” and “physical” damage become somewhat of a disadvantage in proper progression of a healthy adult cycle. Errors made under the youthful mentality of the first cycle bring severe and permanent damage to the soul. This can only be understood by one who is in the second cycle of the human life-cycle. Every person gets born out of a national codex. this codex ingrains in each individual a “talent” and a “purpose." The talent being one's means of arriving into one’s destiny. A destiny which is given by God to increase the value and status of the honor of the country. You are unaware of this in the first cycle of the human lifespan. During the first cycle you will do what your parents, friends and societal influences incline you to do in order to "fit in" and to avoid being ostracized from "the tribe." In other words, you will do as you please. You will lead an emotional sense driven lifestyle while limiting barbarian traits for fear of the consequences that such acts will have on your social life. That is, if you live in a civilized nation.

In the current world there are many nations that glorify barbarianism, in greater or lesser form. In such barbarian nations, individuals are unrestrained in doing whatever they want in the first phase of a life. Everything which is harmful to the human soul is allowed even before the “youthful one” is wise enough to understand the long term effects of these acts. These consequences are heaped upon the individual, no time for a break, as they continue on at light speed. This is a non-discriminating universal law. Such a person is set up for failure from the start of their life. This is called an ancestral or national curse. Who of you, hearkened to the advice of your parents, or the teachers or counselors that you had in your youth, have perfectly obeyed the wisdom that was bestowed to them for your maturing? No one and neither did I. The first cycle of a human life is set up for failure by design! Nobody is born a saint! When your parents tell you not to do something, they tell you that for a reason. You will probably only understand when you have arrived in the 2nd cycle of the human life. This is the law! A youthful one will turn into an adult one in the time cycle only once the emotion of “shame” is introduced in the time cycle of the youthful one. In the 2nd cycle of the human lifespan you will walk into your rivals and your rivals will use the shame of your youth against you in social hierarchic competition. I ask of you, which youthful one’s mind is occupied with such things? The human mind runs at the speed of light, second by second, out speeding it is not done by "youthful ones." You cannot think faster than the speed of light, you will not and cannot out speed it. That is against the design! "Let’s not ruin myself in my teen-hood, so that I can have a stable adult life" is what no one ever thought and then acted upon strategically during the 1st cycle of the human life, you are set to fail the 1st cycle by standard! It’s not your fault!

Youthful carelessness will eventually start hurting and if there is something that people tend to hate, its pain! People tend to learn to avoid pain and so enter the 2nd cycle of the human life. As long as you cannot out-speed time, you cannot see the nature of time and you cannot understand the design of time whereby you cannot identify the purpose of time. The universe allows you to inflict pain upon yourself in order to frustrate you into the 2nd cycle of your life. Pain being the only stimuli that moves a careless one to become careful. You can see the 1st and 2nd cycle of the human life cycle is like a flower. In the 1st cycle, the flower is beautiful and grows fast and easy. However, during the 2nd cycle, the maintenance of the flower is more difficult and gaining any additional beauty from the flower becomes a greater challenge. The pain and the shame that an individual experiences, one that just entered the 2nd cycle of life, can lead such individual to resort to alcoholism, drugs and other destructive and socially undesirable coping mechanisms. People tend to resort to making such poor decisions when dealing with pain and this will distort the beauty and bring dysfunction in the operating capacity of “the flower” very rapidly. The pain and shame that leads one into adulthood can cause your flower to mutate because of the pollutants that enter the human body when pacifiers are brought in to cope with the pain and the shame. This makes it even more difficult to get "the flower" back into the original condition as how it was at the 1st cycle of the human life. No one ever claimed that a self-disciplinarian lifestyle was easy! Self-disciplinarian lifestyle is naturally experienced as suffering and few undergo it voluntarily. The more you suffer through pain, shame and stress, the more you will need to be emotionally pacified. However that is accomplished, those pacifiers leave an imprint of undesirable mutation upon your "flower." In the 2nd stage of the human life cycle, you will realize that your flower will never return to the condition it was at the 1st stage of your life! No matter how severe your self-disciplinary life style is, the best of the best that ever lived could not get it done! After a while you will come to understand this and then starts the 3rd cycle.

You no longer live for yourself! In the 3rd cycle you begin to see the point of life. The shift of focus changes from self to the befitting of society, the prosperity of your environment and to the ensuring of the living standard of the next generation. This is referred to as being an elder. When an individual starts to garden in the garden of the collective then they can realize that life is not designed for the mere exercising of the ego. When you begin to grasp that you are part of a greater design: purposed, given talents and qualities then you can discover real fulfillment. This is accomplished through walking in one’s own destiny rather than by the size or the beauty or social recognition of "the flower." After a cycle of that, your purpose is fulfilled and then you will go to a realm that is known as "the far plane." A realm where time doesn’t operate the same way as it does in the realm of those who are bound by the pace of light speed. Use wisdom for interpretation: Humanity will not change before it breaks as a whole! This is the natural order of time…

Chapter 2 Ancestral & National Karma

Do you have a “black sheep” in the family? Every family, regardless of their origins, always has someone in the family that is a disturbing "misfit." Maybe you have a kind father but a tyrannical mother or perhaps both parents are honorable people but you have a criminal uncle: one who continually commits acts that shame and dishonor the family. There are always people in the family that commit acts that are "evil" and "honor-less." they do not change, no matter how well you may try to make them see reason. Every tree has rotten apples! Look at your family as a tree and see all its members as apples. Healthy apples make the tree look beautiful while others, rotten apples, diminish it's beauty. The karmic condition of the family-tree can be measured by looking at the balance between the amount of honorable versus barbarian apples it produces. Good apples bring harmony to the tree as well as to the other apples. Good apples bring harmony and beauty to the society into which the tree is rooted. Bad apples stain the honor of the tree, they leave a mark of dishonor on their family name and reputation as they display criminal tendencies within the society into which the tree is rooted. Bad apples do not care about the reputation of the family-tree. They do not respect their conscience and will always revert back to the victim-role in order to continue on in their bad apple lifestyle. Let's look through the same lens of balance, that compares good and bad apples, but reflect it over your country’s national tree... This is how you can weigh the karmic condition of the national-tree. The national tree's course can be envisioned like a balancing unit: The amount of citizens that heap upon themselves “good karma/ethical lifestyle” and the amount of citizens that heap upon themselves “bad karma/unethical lifestyle”, so the collective of a nation has positive and negative expressions, the sum of the current created by all the citizens, decides the average where the national-tree will walk into; fortune or misfortune.

Within our current decaying societies, people are only motivated when there is given a proper prospect of “instant reward” or “instant punishment.” Hierarchy as the standard is not respected nor is it even understood. And so, I urge you to ask yourself 'which nationaltree still produces citizens that can be moved without "instant reward" or "instant punishment"? Such negative national-trees lack a force called destiny.

Chapter 3 Is your Family-tree Cursed?

Consider a woman who chooses a man and then brings in another man later in time only to create rivalry over her between the two men: she eats from two apples without being judged for it. This is a popular “hustle” in our decaying societies. Consider a man who comes out of a cursed family-tree: He will not be able to maintain a social life according to the standard of his national-tree. Every family-tree, by nature, attempts to extend it´s position within the society in which it is rooted. This will be unsuccessful if a man falls for a woman who will simply bring in a rival in an effort to gain control over the destiny of the man's family-tree. Such women prevent the dignity of a family-tree to be continued. Once the pace of light speed brings in such a woman, it is like sentencing that family-tree to the death penalty. Once the blessing of Heaven leaves a family bloodline, the men that come out of the familytree will only meet women of this nature and so the tree will be uprooted. Such a man will pursue a woman and the woman will always keep her "backup man" around to ensure that the man she has true interest in will subject to her chaos. This depletes the man's focus and energy away from continuing to increase the standard of dignity of his family-tree because he will continually be occupied with keeping his rival out. Such a man will not overcome the manipulation of such a woman as she is the karmic administrator of a dying family-tree; she is the "karmic indicator of the current condition of the family-tree". She is brought on the scene for one purpose and one purpose only, not to extend the lifespan of the family tree but to destroy it. For this reason, she will not have strong creative qualities but instead she will fully rely on manipulative destructive qualities. If you are reading this document and see that I am describing your karmic opposite then it is by the grace of another family-tree that you are made aware of your own family’s karmic condition. As, her arrival marks the end of the cycle of the family-tree. The intelligence inside this document presents to you the opportunity to get the power back into your hands in order to enter an alternative destiny instead of downfall. When she brings in another man to create rivalry, you are obligated to bring in another

woman in order to create the same rivalry. She is destructive, not creative! She is of low standard just as the condition of the familytree that drew her in is of low standard. This lack of creative energy inside of her can be used in your favor. The lack of creative energy in her forces her to leech and manipulate. She is exercising a relatively simple-to-exercise “hustle” that society taught her. And once you reverse this “hustle” on her she won’t have the creative capacities to counter your movement, reversing this hustle on her instantly breaks the “hustle” whereby she is forced to end the hustle or leave. Which in either case, is better for your dignity and continuation of your family-tree. Her arrival is a mere signal that your family tree is depleted of positive karmic energy; that which generates fortune in a man’s relationship-life. At the same time, it's a signal that it is time to re-build a relationship with Heaven; this journey begins at the Holy Bible.

Chapter 4 Curing a Generational Curse

When reading a lecture; being introduced to an intellectual concept previously unknown to you, it is necessary to practice patience and not jump to conclusions after every single sentence but instead to let the different elements simmer together like the ingredients in a stew. A proper teacher builds, layer after layer and like the process of painting of a picture you will only see the artist's whole vision when the work comes into completion. The natural mindset of humankind is not compatible with learning as people are continually preoccupied with passing judgment, as described in the first chapter. People naturally and constantly desire stimulation during communication: action, excitement, joy and fear are needed to cater to people´s emotional nature. Seek to be disciplined in focusing your mind on attempting to decode the intellectual concepts that I'm making an effort to transmit to you without being reigned by the need of emotional stimulation. As your mind deliberates on whether or not this content is real or fantasy, my intent in writing this chapter is to incline you toward understanding the operational capacity of the lens through which I am able to observe and describe this small fraction of reality. I am attempting to inspire you into taking action! If you allow yourself to receive this transmission then you may be rewarded with wisdom and insight that you were not aware of before. Do you desire to be inspired or must you always have the intellectual last word? Humanity is on a journey, but they are also on a quest! A quest to not learn; a quest to prove that they are always "right" and always incapable of being fooled. To break the curse of stagnation, you must come to the realization that every stage of life has new lessons. Remaining teachable throughout the entirety of your life is key in attaining the highest levels of wisdom. As you walk through your karmic time cycle, regardless of who you are, you are bound to continually meet individuals who make suggestions about what you should do with your life. These suggestions tend to be dual of nature: Honorable/wicked.

There will continually be people set to appear before you, within your time-cycle, who will move you either to do something honorable or to do something that defiles your honor. There are also individuals that claim that honor does not exist: individuals who are devoid of honor and have lost their soul. Those with lost souls have no reason to care whether yours perishes as well, ignore their speaking! Your ancestral account can be measured by observing the percentage of individuals that appear in front of you during your time cycle that suggest wickedness versus honor. How many people a day insinuate that you should be honorable? How many people a day insinuate that you should do something wicked? How many people each day insinuate to you that there is no difference between good and evil? The more accursed you are, the less voices will appear before you redirecting you to remember the importance of maintaining your dignity. A "normal" soul is in balance and finds options in every decision. For every evil choice, a good choice is presented and in every impass there are two ambassadors, one from the darkness and one from the light. An accursed soul will meet more voices of evil than voices of good, that person stuck is in a karmic time cycle with more “negative” ambassadors. All people get born with parents who provide for or at least attempt to provide for their children the basic necessities of life: clothing, food, education. However, in an accursed bloodline it becomes more challenging to pass on the most basic need which is charity; goodwill; love, a true emotional bond. Many parents are incapable of bestowing love on their children because they themselves were not able to receive it because they were not in tune with the orchestrating, constructive seasonal wind of Heaven whereby a man is taught throughout the seasons how to organize a balanced lifestyle and pass it on to the next generation. They weren't enabled by Heaven to have love flow through them because their "receivers" were "disconnected." Because of this, they could never be properly prepared to enter into healthy relationships, so end up only in broken ones. They can't understand what authentic love is as they have never known it, they can only mimic what the world tells them what love is supposed to look like. There are children who get born out of the will of the human flesh instead of being born in the will of a destinical force. Such children often are born with every material desire met, but

never receive affection, counsel, or the necessary preparation it takes to face the challenges of adult life or to deal with the deep matters of life, if walked into ignorantly, capable of causing so much emotional trauma that it can paralyze the heart and soul. Many such children become highly susceptible to the guiding of the negative influences that naturally surround them and take advantage of them without caring for the long term consequences of this misguidance. This puts them truly at a severe disadvantage to real actual success, not mere monetary accomplishments. Restoring the family bloodline to a healthy karmic condition in the eyes of Heaven is of utmost importance and if you are reading this document then it is likely that you have suffered that which is being portrayed. Do you desire to pass on spiritual wealth or the current loop of negativity down to your descendants? Do you even care? Absorb and retain the wisdom in this teaching. The voice that tells you to do the right thing never originates in the realm of darkness. If you desire to escape the constant destruction of the dark realms, once hearkened to will only produces rotten fruit in your life, then the simplest solution is to no longer follow the voice that tells you to make incorrect choices and begin to attain the wisdom necessary to be able to discern which realm your ideas and the words of other are transmitted from. Learn to refuse advice from the dark realm, where the accursed bloodlines and dynasties are, and learn to dismiss yourself from the presence of those who tell you that there is no difference between right and wrong and no difference between honor and dishonor. The length of your quest will be determined in direct relationship to the karmic account of your ancestral inheritance; the karmic account of your family tree.

Chapter 5 Dare not to be a coward!

Do you want to know who is the chiefest among the ducks? Go to a park that has a pond where there are schools of ducks and walk into the group of ducks and watch which duck flees the last. The duck that flees the last is the least willing to let you claim the territory it has become accustom to defending, the property it deems as its own: Think of it as a hypothetical flag in the ground. Tribalism! If that duck was large enough to fight you; if it believed it could win against you, then it would not flee! The ducks that flee first are "the cowards." If they were made able to speak, they wouldn’t admit to you that they are afraid but by their reaction to your territorial claim you can see the evidence of their fear. If you haven't already, consider that we aren't actually talking about the nature of ducks but about the nature of humankind. This is why one must not give into fear because the one who is afraid will naturally and easily be aggressed against to the point where they flee; you become the path of least resistance. Imagine, if you will, that you have some particular purpose in aggressing against a duck in order to claim "its territory". Will you choose to aggress against the duck that is hissing at you? Or would you perhaps prefer to aggress against the duck that flees from the territory which you intend to claim? Can you consider why the choice is so simple? This is a simple-to-understand example on why trying to move forward in building an established life whilst exhibiting the most basic traits of a coward is entirely counterproductive.

Chapter 6 Woman: Good Apple vs. Bad Apple

Greeting a stranger or a friend is one of the most basic and simple emotional processes that occurs in a society. It’s a sign of engagement, decency and civilization. Each day as I go about my daily affairs, I observe society and I see that it is in a state of constant decay. Each time I give greeting to a woman, I know that I will receive one of two responses. One type of woman looks at me with disgust. She sees me only as a vessel of containment; a potential candidate that is going to "control" her or someone that might “restrict” her from her "free choice." She sees someone who is potentially going to limit her in her own vision of life; someone with the potential to interfere! She sees only a threat! The other kind of woman I encounter usually respond by saying "hi" and looking as though she appears to be happy to return a friendly greeting, she is not bothered that someone acknowledges her; not disturbed to think that someone cares to say "hello." The Good Apple is not preoccupied in her heart with defending herself in every social encounter. She is not constantly in battle position and ready to go in defense or offense. Her heart is not so polluted in a way that makes her constantly views others as a threat. Both types of women tend to be in trouble non-stop in our modern day society because of its potent corruption. Still, the Good Apple is glad someone cares and the Bad Apple sees only the ambassador of potential restriction.

Chapter 7 Woman-law A woman will always do that is good for herself, by nature. When a woman develops an emotional bond with a man, her character/value defines how that bond will be maintained. During the life-cycle of a woman, her world view is oriented on herself, her value in the society of other women, how other woman see/value her and judge her within the womanculture she resides in and/or associates herself with. What a man thinks of her carries no value during this stage of her life, this only becomes a matter when she enters into an emotional bond with a man for the first time. Whereby a woman with a poor character will not be able to maintain a healthy emotional bond with a man. By standard she will treat it carelessly, as how she does with all matters of her life. A woman with a good character will value the emotional bond she established with a man, by treating it carefully, as how she does with all matters of her life. Before having experienced an emotional bond with a man, the woman will do as she wants herself. And what she wants is not truly what she wants, as there is an element of cultural social pressure involved, her wants are shaped by the woman-culture that is surrounding her, the ranking system among women. When the holy girl is socially the most desirable, woman will want to be a holy girl, when the evil whore is socially the most desirable, woman will want to be the best evil whore: This is defined as tribal-competition among women. This is why in our current decaying society woman feel no shame when displaying their dignity openly in society, and become hostile when you remember them about the laws of dignity and interfere with their culture of self-objectification for social approval. Whoever designs the fabrics of the tribal-competition among women, “the social pressure”, commands what “woman” wants. When “woman” creates the first emotional bond with a man, that's usually when this social pressure is overcome. Whoever controls social pressure, controls woman-group, before a woman has bonded with a man, all she wants is to fit in that group and avoid rejection and ostracization, this

is her first need, so her physical body became a pawn of the attainment of social acceptation, a freely accessible commodity as she doesn´t want to be in the center-point of social condemnation for not obeying “the norm”. Her second need is partnership with a man.

Chapter 8 The Mystery of the Tesseract

If you have truly attempted to receive the wisdom being emitted in this teaching, with minimal resistance, then you should now be equipped with the fundamental understanding necessary to begin altering your course to such a degree that eluding the winds of misfortune brought on by your karmic time cycle is a simple matter of consideration and following through. On the other hand, escaping misfortune is not the only component you will need in order to reach mental peace; satisfaction; enlightenment. Let's imagine you have managed to escape your woes. What comes next? What will that look like, a life where you have managed to master "karmic balance?" A life where only the winds of fortune come your way? In a sense, it will be something similar to the way you envision "easy living" in your mind but at the same time, it will not be so close to what most who read this are envisioning. Let's say you were able to remove the driving force of that which brings misfortune into your life. Well, then what? You would still have the gaping hole of purposelessness lurking underneath all that "freedom." Day after day, year in and year out, you can build and work to achieve "karmic balance." You can seek to find the center-point suspended in total peace and perfect control in the eye of the storm. You can break free but what makes you think anyone will see you there and think "oh, perhaps I should follow his/her example." Who will be humble enough to acknowledge that you have achieved something magnificent and unusual? Well, I would be very surprised to find that individual; that person who is not so confident in their own pride, will they (rivals) not instantly go on a quest to prove you wrong and themselves right? Once the world around you is in such condition that you are led to seek the solution to your problems in the “alternative”, like in the case of this book, a spiritual solution, will then those around you not already disorder in excessive pride, in the utmost extreme, will many not already have developed a “God-complex” and believe that “they are the only way”? Will they not hold themselves as the superior, above correction, how dare you outshine the master! If you are able to complete "the quest" then you will soon thereafter come to the sight of those others who have not walked the path and still are being hit by the runoff from the

wheels of their own personal and ancestral "karma", will it not depress you? Is your positive greater than the negative of all those careless ones combined? Just think what it might be like to roam through your life no longer being struck by misfortune. How beautiful… There you are, wandering around in the midst of the misfortunate but nobody wants the solution you found. You will waste your energy continually trying to reason with them that it’s their ancestral and personal karma that is continually hitting them and that all they have to do is "amend their careless ways." The world we live in is a world full of people who instead of seeking wisdom, they prefer to hate the one who would critique them unto their own demise. They choose to envy the one who has a seemingly carefree attitude and a certain fearlessness to overcome that which seems impossible to overcome. At the heart of the matter, people do not want to be taught, they want to be right. Even if that means eventual and inevitable failure! If you become someone who knows the secret of escaping the seemingly inevitable, well, no one will bother to acknowledge that you have touched something "untouchable." They will say "he/she is just lucky", because they are blinded by pride from seeing that attaining “the calm" is an actual grand-mastery. You can purify your own karmic account, but you will still have to exist amongst those who carry their filthy cloud of indiscriminatory chaos. The filth of misfortune of the karmic timecycles of those around you will continually ricochet and you will end up an innocent bystander. You cannot escape the goings that take place around you, or can you? This is when you will be introduced to the Tesseract… Within a tesseract there is an frequency that radiates a signal through all the people of your tribe or nation, overwriting their previous “static” karmic resonance. Without a tesseract, you and your fellow man compulsorily travel the course of your own personal and ancestral karma. The tesseract creates unity, purpose, and destinical descendants who will carry on that new identity you developed after “the quest” for generations. The tesseract is something like "the soul of a nation." It keeps everyone in the nation bound in its orbit as a collective; "one people". The tesseract is like a blueprint that slowly and steadily shapes all citizens to its own design, creating a cultural identity. It radiates a wave into the souls of all the citizens of the nation whereby they wake up each morning with a sense of purpose, a sense of direction and identity, instead of being a collective of individuals sewing messy threads on a pointless tapestry in no particular order or grand design. When you come into union with the right understanding and take the steps necessary to attain "the calm" then you become eligible for candidacy as a civilizing authority. In doing

so, your directive can be empowered by God granting you a tesseract so that "your people" will begin to follow your pace; your lead; "your design." With an active tesseract, those around you will willingly be shaped to become compatible with your directive, be in co-operation, have drive to complete the same quest and align in an identity and culture and so a national identity is formed and stored in the memory-bank of the tesseract. When the old generation passes and the new generation comes, the tesseract will still be there to administer the new ancestral karma to those people who have come into union with its design; it's blueprint. The tesseract gives you the right to design the direction of the growth of "your tribe" whereas "the calm" will only affect you, your own financial life, your own relationship life, your own social life and the welfare of your own family bloodline. A tesseract will keep a nation from collapsing or being conquered or disturbed by corruption. With a tesseract you can "socially condition" the people around you and shape their identity into a people who work in harmony. Without it, they will simply all go their own way, each thinking their own direction is best; disharmony. You can attain the calm by discipline and willpower but you will not find a tesseract without God wanting you to find one, which is an unbreakable law. Note: When a nation loses their tesseract, the nation's newborn children are born without a destiny.

Chapter 9 Being right vs. Being approved

There is one societarian process in particular that is most complicated to understand even for those who study human nature, it is the aggression that people tend have towards philosophical truth. A person must be from the right social standing for their remarks to be regarded as "valid." In the decaying state of modern society, it tends to be more important who is saying something rather than what they are actually saying. Much of civilization is without the ability to look past the face, name or reputation of a speaker, hear the words and actually discern the intentions. It is said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and it's true that people tend to naturally emulate those whom they admire or aspire to be like. Reality becomes of little importance to individuals when they find that it does not resonate with their personal feelings and ambitions. They also will not like the truth because "if the trust is true" then they must face their own pride which upholds to them that they “cannot be wrong”. When that which they aspire to be like is declared "wrong", so is triggered emotional offense, as such view the truth through fragmented observation capabilities and must digest that their views are subjective, silly and more then often ignorant. By definition, a male is "the specimen who is equipped to produce sperm which could then potentially impregnate a female specimen". However, in today's unstable society this is considered "offensive", "hate speech" and "bigotry" as "they" who carry social influence have a different ideology on the matter. What a mad world where opinions and feelings on basic biology become greater than actual biology. People can have their feelings about what they think they are but they cannot escape designer laws of biology. Those who speak out against the persuasions of the "hierarchical elite" become socially cast out by those who don't want to be marked "socially undesirable" or "hateful" by that "hierarchical elite". The words of those who speak philosophical truth against "hierarchical elite" must not be noted, as they have neither leadership or influential position in the course of the nation. So they may be right but they will not be allowed participation where the tribe or nation is heading and so following them will not be fruitful if one desires social approval from the "hierarchical elite".

The desire within most humans to be approved by their peers, their social circle and to be in cooperation with what is considered "socially normal" is much greater than the force within humans to be aligned with truth, especially at the cost of being ostracized. They say "why would we want to be like you; why choose the difficult path?!" Why be cast out when you can fit in? "Don't do or say something that might imply that you don't agree with the value system of your social masters!" The truth doesn't matter when your peers and those who speak on the TV and Radio tell you that they are of a different persuasion! They command those who see the truth to depart from it because it does not align with what their "social superiors" tell them they must believe, to prevent one from becoming un-trendy (not socially trending). And so auto-enforce that which "emotional masters" subjected them to; "agree or be outcast!" So the legions of "obedient followers" will point at you and say "agree or be outcast" as they are only obeying the approved material. They do not bother to seek the truth so that they can decipher what is right or wrong. Instead, they only follow their pride that says "if you do not agree with your masters then you will be on the wrong side of history." This is the law! If you go against the guideline set by the social conditioners and bother to speak truth then you leave them no choice but to aggress against you and beat the narrative into you or to at least beat silence into you. You will only be allowed to speak if you speak from the approved material of the "collective conscious" or "hive mind" set by the social masters. People listen to the chosen ones and not to the truth, it’s a survival mechanism. Before they will let go of their fabrication, you'll need to become stronger than the "chosen ones." The followers will fear to be seen or associated with any “revolutionist” for fear of jeopardizing their social standing or being condemned according to the chosen ones. Worse… They will attack "outside thinkers" to move into better standing with "them" because acceptance promises more ease in life and less difficulty and the easy road is more desirable to the ordinary person! The truth does not make people feel safe, that’s why "the chosen ones" work hard to build an intricate fabrication that they call "truth." This is called Politics.

Chapter 10 Claiming a man

Women, to claim a man you need to understand what a man values and be that which he values, then he will desire to obtain "it". A tactical approach is superior to an emotional approach when it's comes to bonding with a man. Men value feminine sexual desirability (both physical features and feminine emotional energy) and loyalty. In the world today there seem to be a surplus of women who fit into one of the following two extremes: The first is a woman with high levels of sexual desirability translated as “degree of feminine fertility”, but doesn't care to be sexual exclusive. She believes she is the keeper of the honey pot and will give out samples or at least lead people to believe she will in order to achieve her goals. She knows what loyalty is but her loyalty for the winner(s), plural, as winners come and go and she doesn’t care, the cold business approach! Secondly, there is the type of woman with low levels of sexual desirability and high levels of loyalty to make up for her the lack of "feminine fertility". She will be loyal because she knows her options are limited. An attractive woman vs. a good woman. The law of supply and demand forces an attractive woman to become a good woman when her fertility begins to decline around 30. The river of men who are attracted at her "sexual fertility" turns to a stream as a new generation of younger women with higher levels of sexual fertility and lower levels of emotional distortion (baggage) became her rivals. It may seem unfair but that's just the natural order of things. In modern society, men do not respect women as they tend to be aware that an attractive woman never cares to build character. Generally, young attractive women just want to find the best deal they can get for their beauty; their youth; their body. She is aware of the value of her "feminine fertility" but she has not yet learned what she will find out in her early thirties, “the non-physical long term aspect of relationships (content) ”.

So, each man has a decision to make. Will his pursuit be directed by his eyes (attractive woman) or his heart (good woman). A common man only seeks two things of a woman, sexual attractiveness and loyalty. Your beauty catches their momentary attention but it is only meant to be a doorway to show your loyalty and gain their respect.

Chapter 11 Reincarnation

Common people prefer to choose "the path of least resistance" by standard as, the easy road is, well, easy. Humans by nature do not like change or hardship as it will cost a lot of energy, discipline and concentration. If people go to the gym, they do not do it to maintain the healthy condition of their physical body. No, they do it to increase their sex appeal; they do it for societarian reasons and not for intellectual or strategic reasons. 95% of the people will never enter a gym more that once or twice in their lifetime and I estimate that from the remaining 5% that only 0.5% visit the gym for any reason other than to become or to stay sexually appealing to those they desire to entertain in such fashion. Sexual drive is the main force behind putting any effort into changing, only an extremely small percentage of people will have any other motivation behind purchasing and using their gym membership. I give you this simple example of 'going to the gym because it’s good for your health' to display to you that the path of excellence is not the common path as it expends too much energy to keep up "the standard". For this same reason, false prophets and soothsayers are quite popular. They speak in such a way that it triggers and pleases the desire for the easy road in those they address. If you were to go on national television and give a speech stating that all capable citizens need to go to the gym and take a fitness class at least twice a month in order to reduce national health care costs then you will be accused of tyrannical dictatorialism! But, if you tell people that they do not need to worry because they will have another chance after they die; that they will have a "next lifetime" to amend their karma and mistakes, what do you think will occur in the life of such an individual? Well, A. he or she will feel no pressuring force to make the best out of this life! And, B. he or she will not feel any present-day personal accountability! In the absence of the idea of reincarnation, already very few thrive for excellence. And when added into the equation, the reincarnation heresy causes the driving force behind excellence to become nothing more than a faded figment of imagination.

"I can do wrong now because in the next life I will do twice right". And just like that an easy scapegoat for doing wrong came into existence. Why choose "right” when instead you can do whatever you feel like and then “fix it" in the tomorrowscape. Everything that makes it easier to pick wrong comes out of the dark realm.

Chapter 12 Great Woman

Out of the last eleven chapters, ten were addressed towards men and only one towards women. Why do you suppose that is so? "Girl Power!" "Anything you can do, I can do better!" Our decaying society is full of it! When a man critiques a woman, he is instantly labeled in her mind as sexist and chauvinistic. Today's woman will simply filter the words out as undesirable, unfit, uncool, and close her ears to any reasonable counsel because it comes from a male. Truly civilized society is perishing and masculine counsel is not appreciated nor is it even welcome. That’s the first reason! However, it is the reason of lesser importance. See, women have forgotten their original design and so lost their identity and real purpose. What exactly will persuade men to go into the army and defend their land? Why should they? What are they defending? No matter who the ruling party is, everything remains the same: broken! The collective mindset of modern women feeds on the idea that men are no longer necessary for a functional society. Its best if they simply swap men without too much entanglement like the playing of a card game, a man is no longer a man but simply a tool to achieve the goal of a female. Men are naturally designed and driven to protect and provide for their wife and their children but it's a fading drive as what will he get for covering them but looks of distaste and dissatisfaction at every turn. In modern culture fathers are only seen as professional disappointment makers and pathetic shriveled creatures useful only for a laugh. Try watching any modern family sitcom. The love of a good woman has always been the driving force and motivation to strive for excellence. A long time ago there was a saying that went as follows:

"Behind every great man is the woman who helped him." Sadly, today's society is more accurately depicted by this sentence: "Behind every broken man is a woman who destroyed him." Too many women have completely lost touch with their identity as they only see a man as a means to an end rather than as their teammate who is in it for the long journey that is life. It is said that two heads are better than one but that only works if one head is not continually biting the other one off and replacing it. There's something to be said about endurance and real commitment in partnership. Women do not respect men as they see them as purposeless nor do they respect other women as they also see no purpose to each other unless there is a direct and specific benefit. It seems that women became void of respect, even for themselves. The lens that women seem to see the world through no man would dare to carry, wandering through time with such mentality on the earth so dysfunctional and vain. Has any woman ever sat in silence and pondered "what is a great woman?" The female mind does not operate this way, society is proof of that. She simply sits there, picking and choosing and then jumping onto another man's ship at the first sign of trouble, does she care? Most likely not. There is a well defined model of what makes a man a "great man". In a man's life, challenges come and how he handles those challenges places him on a scale somewhere between great man or a failure man. Now, what is the model of being a "great woman"? The "model" of a great man still exists. However, the "model" of what makes a great woman has perished from the face of the earth! Womankind has lost their identity! In the Holy Bible there is a woman that has been noted as "great". What made her great? It was her obedience and loyalty to Abraham, her husband. So the model of a "great woman" be then obedience and loyalty to her husband? Is that really all? Which woman has the instruction manual on how to be a "great woman?" How many women are in pursuit of finding the instruction manual?

Women walk around on the face of the earth without any instruction manual; without a standard and have no respect for the customs and counsel of their counterpart, man. Chaos unlimited! The Holy Bible gives a spectrum on the difference between a "good woman" and a "bad woman." The spectrum is very basic: Loyalty and Obedience vs. Rebelliousness and Harlotry Can this spectrum be expanded upon or complexified? How many woman think about the long term effects of their choices? If you introduce an alteration in society or bring up a new concept, your idea needs to be more than just a good idea. It needs to be tested and measured to understand it's long term effects. How often do women assemble in think tanks and work to develop solutions on how to develop womankind so that they will not damage the development of the next generation of children? How much do women consider the correct way to have a disagreement with their husband without damaging a child who might be secretly witnessing the arguments between their mom and dad? How often does the average woman ponder on the natural functioning of a man and of a child? How often does a woman choose to create a lifestyle for herself where she can be great without distorting the natural operation of a man and the needs of a child? If you don't do these two things you will distort not only the functionality of your own home but of society as a whole. When men become distorted, what will be their motivation to go to work and provide for you? Will a man be capable to be there for your child when you lack basic understanding about how to disagree or even communicate with that man? If you are stressing your husband and pushing him to his limits because you lack communication skills, what then? Shall he be your child's father and have to act as your father too simply because you do not understand how to function like a respectable adult? It is a necessity that womankind is educated on how to connect with a man's nature, and learn how to properly raise a child, then thirdly pursue personal greatness. At this moment in time, womankind as a whole has ideas about what personal greatness is that only invite destruction for society in the long term. A great woman will not be willing to sacrifice these basics in order to attain greatness.

A great woman will ponder philosophy in order to create a formula that will aid in organizing her life so that she is enabled to pursue happiness without distorting the natural soul of her mate. She will learn to preserve the natural soul of the relationship between men and women within a family unit. She will highly esteem the reproductive cycle that occurs between them and honor the preparation of their child to continue the dignity of the family name and country. Of course current womanhood does not do that as that would cause greatness! Undisciplined men have imperfections and women are quick to notice them. However, the imperfections of an undisciplined woman? Can a woman not suffer pride? Is she immune to jealousy? Vanity isn’t “destructive” when it is displayed by a woman? As long as womankind has no mind for these larger matters, no discipline and no course to greatness, she won’t attain my respect and I assure you, she doesn’t care. She’s impulsive! She will defy any man! And the man she cannot tear apart with her chaos she will subject to as that man is stronger than her! That’s how she identifies "the chief!" Her orientation in life is different than that of men! Dare not to discuss with any woman, you make her bow! Only a woman who has ambitions to become a great woman you will regard and treat with respect and I have written clearly here how the mind of such a woman will operate if she be on that quest.

Chapter 13 The Sovereign Time-Lock

One nation, one collective, one destiny, one purpose, one identity and one orchestrator. Destiny will always go on, no man can stop destiny. This progression is the very essence of the force that is higher than the force of man’s actions and choices; a safeguard. If I were to use my authority to harm a man’s destiny, no matter if I’m wrong or right, something will occur that will remind me of the long term path and purpose of that individual. That human's destiny is greater than a momentary transgression or offense. If this ongoing process weren't present then a man in an emotional conflict with another man could incidentally end the development of a destiny. Who knows what such a man which has prematurely ended in such conflict could possibly have been destined to do later in time that would benefit society? The force that exists to guard a man’s destiny is called providence; it comes through what is known as a stargate or bifrost. "The age of grace" was a time period in the destiny of mankind that lasted a little over two thousand years in western civilization. During this time, a man could do virtually anything and the Grace of God would prevent that man from being struck by "instant-karma". For the sake of God’s purpose for the "Church and State" nationally, individual karma was overlooked. God created each person with a purpose in mind and that purpose will be fulfilled, it has been like that for at least two thousand years in the western world. Nothing has been allowed to penetrate this wall of destiny known as a "time-lock". The west used to be "God’s people", which is why you see a church in the center of literally every town. After Israel lost the Grace of God, it was handed down to the Gentiles and the Jews where exiled. This exile ended in 1948. The Holy Bible says that "in the end of days" God will return to "his original people" but only after he has completed "the gathering of Christ’s people" amongst the gentiles.

Now let's notice feminism its relation to this; feminism is an ideology that goes against the doctrine of the Holy Bible. For two thousand years, the role of the woman in society has remained the same, that is, up until the 1960's. When the grace of God leaves a man, his woman is turned over to herself to do as she pleases. She was created specifically to be the helper of a man and so without God being the head of that man, that woman is left to purposeless pursuit as a "heathen". She is left to live like a gentile, without a purpose, because the driving force behind her destiny is absent. Each destinical man has a destinical woman who is made to help him with his “mission/destiny”, which is why the woman is called into “sub-mission”, as both will eat the fruits of the “joint-destiny”. However the helpmate of a heathen man, she may "feminism" the family unit “straight into the ground” and she will suffer the long term consequences of her own flawed and fruitless ideologies. The moral decay of society since the 1950’s has led to extremities in the 2020’s to such an extent that even biological gender is no longer a matter that´s "set in stone". This occurs naturally when the Grace of God leaves and the people will be left to bring themselves into complete ruin at the absence of the force behind destiny. The people demanded that the voice of God be silenced and now decades later the same voices demand that the police-stations should be de-funded (America, Politics 2020). Heathens abhor the words: ruler, rules, law, enforcement, authority and any variations as order and chaos cannot be friends. All things have become acceptable in western society, as long as they breed destruction. Have you ever contemplated why it was decided that Church and State must be separate in the western political system? Before "the separation," there was only the Church. And the Church became disorganized and corrupt and to stop the corruption, the Moral Authority and the Governing Authority had to be split apart. Just like a ceremonial king is not simply from a lineage of ceremonial Kings, no, somewhere along the line there was corruption and the people lost respect for the supreme command of the crown. This is "the fruit" of corruption. These days, the state acts like the church has no purpose and so the concept of TriasPolitica disappeared and made place for the normalization of a worldwide class justice system.

Because the Age of Grace ended, Christ is no longer "picking people from amongst the Gentiles"; the Holy Bible says the grace of God will be returned to Israel in the latter days. The moral decay didn’t happen by random; God’s focal point changed! In Imperial Arizona, I am not a ceremonial monarchy nor is the Church and State separate. When corruption attempts to enter my dynasty, the first thing that will occur is that the key of authority will be transferred to the people, my dynasty will lose absolute monarchy status and will become ceremonial and so go down the path of decay, like any nation until a new cycle of Godly Authority is instituted. The last time such a cycle occurred was during the revolution of Napoleon: the big "erase" of the corrupted European Monarchy. Napoleon ended up in exile, just like Israel. When God is angry at one of his men or a body of his people, exile tends to be that which occurs. The Holy Bible says "then the Jews where exiled for 70 years into Babylon". That’s how kings become ceremonial and the Church and State become separate authorities. When they separate, there has already been degeneration taking place in the national codex to such a degree that the ruling elite has become so corrupted that the people are given rights to govern themselves. The people easily acclimated to governing themselves unto a societarian collapse and you will not stop them from destroying themselves. The “Age of Grace" ended and Christ is no longer calling gentiles to His Kingdom. The West did not leave God, God left the West. And so, the west lost its ability to maintain the Godly Imperial Standard. The moral standard of the Church is higher than the standard of the State but when the ambassadors of the Church no longer regard this moral standard then they make the Church become obsolete. Without the Grace of God, there is no power to attain the moral standard of the Church. So the people will never see the Power of the Church nor will they understand its value as they are abandoned! Will you command God to let you into Heaven? Or is He the one who invites? Can you open your own eyes or does He open them? Since the 1950’s, more eyes have been closed than opened!

At the end of the age of Grace begins the start of the age of the New World Order; a prophesied empire that will last seven years, where the one world ruler will even be inhabited by Satan the Devil and he will create a one world religion, a one world currency, erase all borders and declare himself God. He will persecute whoever refuses total compliance. Whatever that religion may be (Chrislam?), it will not be Christianity as "the Age of Grace" has ended. Human flesh cannot stand in the face of that which comes down a stargate/bifrost. During the last twenty centuries, many have attempted to tear apart the Church but always failed. Every Church is a stargate into another dimension and something “supernatural” dwells there and it cannot be “defeated” by a human unless God abandons that stargate. That’s when the “time-lock” will break. We are mortal, those who guard the “time-lock” are not! As long as the “time-lock” is intact, the destiny of a nation will not end. During the Age of Grace, you could “mess around” because of the destinical needs of the collective. But without that “wall”, nothing prevents you from being struck by your personal karma as those “destinical” needs are no longer there. Learn to be careful with your soul. The last thing you would want to experience is the removal of this “time-lock”. As, when that occurs the “new world order stargate” will come through this “time-lock” and assimilate you in its “collective.” Without the Grace of God, amateurism and failure becomes “the norm” and the west started proving that. since the 1950’s: The authorities and democracies of the west have devolved the “west” back into the dark ages. Do you want to continue “evolving” into that direction? No orchestrator = no success.

Chapter 14 Golden Lotus

Is there a way that you can measure your strength on "the spiritual ladder"? Men declare themselves strong. Men declare themselves victors. Men say they can handle "any" war. But how can a man know "for sure?" Is there a standard? Yes, there is! The moment you become aware that all things that appear before you to hurt you, destroy you, belittle you, push you away from your destiny or cause you to feel neglected are a “stream”, will be the moment you can become aware of its source. All these negative influences come from a "negative ghost." This "negative ghost" could be defined in spiritual way as a "Sovereign Curse" and religiously defined as "Satan" or "the Devil." Golden Lotus is attained when you are capable of going “one on one” with the "Sovereign Negative Ghost." Can you battle the ultimate enemy? The ultimate enemy that controls the collective and distorts them legally due to their own negative karmic account; such enemy uses the general populus as "private negative pawns". Are you able to battle the orchestrator and the pawns of the orchestrator? Can you battle "Ultimecia"? In every nation there is a state and church authority system; a stargate that controls the state-authority and a stargate that controls the church-authority. In Christian nations it’s called a Church and in Israel it’s called a Synagogue. In heathen nations it’s called a Mosque and even in the "absence of faith" there is a faith called "Atheism". Whatever shapes the hearts of the citizens of a country comes out of the "religion-stargate" including the "absence of religion" status.

The religion-stargate "dictates" a moral law: a moral code. In atheist nations, you are obligated to believe in the faith of evolution-theory. Whoever believes in another belief system in such collectives is viewed as "socially unacceptable." In Islamic nations, you are obligated to believe in the faith of Islam. Whoever believes in another belief system is in such collectives "socially unacceptable". In Christian nations, you are obligated to believe in the faith of Christianity. Whoever believes in another belief system is in such collectives "socially unacceptable". I am trying to display a "mechanism" and I desire from you that you digest this information as "data" and not get opinionated or emotional. Something controls the hearts of the people of a nation. In every nation, there is a "mainstream belief" that is "the desirable belief". Whichever the belief or lack of belief may be. That which controls the "mainstream-faith" or "stream" of faith (or lack thereof) is that which I want you to become aware of now and see this "stream" as a "unit". I will be referring to this "unit" as "Ultimecia". The stream comes forth out of the religious stargate of a nation. Whoever goes against this "stream" is battling "Ultimecia". This "unit" shapes the conscience of the people in a sovereign nation which holds a sovereign destiny. "Karma" can enter a nation in two ways: through the state-stargate and through the religion-stargate. One stargate enforces the law and the other stargate enforces the belief system; the "faith" or lack thereof. And whoever would dare to defy either stargate's "rule" is "crushed" by the force behind it's stargates as it is the duty and right of that stargate to administer the karma of the nation to "it's people". National karma is served by two units, either through the state stargate or the religious stargate. You, the reader, live in a country and you hold a passport that declares you a citizen of that "nation". This passport also reserves and restricts you to walk the "Karmic Time-cycle" of that nation, regardless of what you believe. That nation has a karmic account with heaven, regardless of what you believe. This national karma will confine you to itself, regardless of what you believe.

The question of strength then be: will it crush you or will you crush it? This question can be answered by measuring if the stargate of the state and the stargate of the church are under control of "Good-Enforcer" or "Evil-Enforcer". You do not want to "crush" a Good-Enforcer, winning is only winning if you battle against an Evil-Enforcer! The concept of being ruled by Heaven or by Hell, can you defy the forces of Hell? To define if the national karma is governed by the forces behind Heaven or Hell, you will first need to understand the laws of the religious-stargate. If the national karma is by the standard of the "Good-Enforcer", then the priesthood inside of the official buildings of the "Religious-stargate" will enforce the holy text. This means that when you enter a "building of religion" you will only be "condemned" when you violate holy text law. If the stargate of religion becomes "inactive" then the stargate of the state is "enabled" to write laws inside of the building of religion. When the religious stargate stops fulfilling its duty to enforce holy law and the national karmic balance becomes negative then the state is given controls over both the stargate of the state and of the church, whereby this is a state without a religion; void of a proper functioning moral compass; without a conscience. This "nation" has become "conscienceless" and is the worst state on the imperial standard: an immoral state. For example, in 2020, if you are forced by the state to wear a corona-virus mask inside of a church building and you refuse to do so and a church-official "condemns" you and you reason inside of the "religious building" that you are of the biblical belief that God will protect you, then it is Ultimecia that will excommunicate you out of the religion-stargate building for violating "the law." Reasoning a religious text with a state-enforcer masked as a church-enforcer is utterly vain. In such a case, the national account which that nation has with God is negative and they have been turned over to "a broken compass" for their deeds. They are left to a stranger, there is a foreign power in the "religious-stargate" building that enforces its own version of moral law. On the other end of the spectrum, the rightful church-enforcer treats you as a respected individual who shares in the benefits of being part of the church. When there is a positive karmic balance and the church upholds correct moral law, the church-enforcer is kind,

gentle, helpful, friendly, patient, educated, and reveals to you all kinds of spiritual concepts with the intent to enlighten you by enriching your understanding of the truth. One behaves as an enemy and the other as a friend. This is the spectrum between a blessed or a cursed nation. When the karma of a nation be positive then the spirit of love becomes more dominant in the religious-stargate. When the karma of a nation be negative then the spirit of condemnation becomes more dominant in the religious-stargate and the "church officials" left to take on the role of religious-stargate simply mirror this karma to those who enter the religious-building. This spectrum is compatible with every nation on the face of this earth. Where does yours place? Does the priesthood enforce the law of the holy text or the law of the state? To see how close you are to "Golden Lotus" all you need to do is to enter a religiousbuilding and "defy" the "church-official" that enforces the "state-law." Do not intentionally rebel against a church-official that enforces Holy Text-law as that is a crime against Heaven. This test is only to be administered in the case where you are under the suspicion that the religious-stargate has been turned over to be managed by the state-stargate. When you defy the "church-official" who enforces the law of the state inside of the building of the church then this individual will attempt to "subject you" to the alternate version of moral law and threaten you with "state consequences." This "church-official" will enforce the state morality through state punishment (judicial department) and will carry through with the threats given to you at defiance. When you can defy and walk away unpunished then you have defeated Ultimecia. This signifies that your ancestral soul is stronger; of heavier karmic weight than all the weight of "evil karma" of the entire nation you reside in combined, being pointed at you through the subjecting, threatening and imprisoning force of the national stargate system of the nation you hold a passport in. That is Golden Lotus, the "Ascended" one.

Chapter 15 When comes "The End of the World"

You might have seen an "apocalyptic" movie or read an "apocalyptic” text and so shaped a mental picture of how "the end of the world" is supposed to play out. In our decaying society there was a "wind" and this wind has blown the church away because it was undesirable to the new way. Then came the next "wind", one who desired to de-fund the police units in America. The citizens first voted the Church out and now they became of a nature where they desire to thrust the Police out as well. Why would you want to "de-fund” the police? Unless you are involved in criminal activity, of course. As, then "the police" is seen only as an obstacle to you. The general message of the church is "forsake all evil". Humanity went on a quest to erase the bringers of such message. Why is that so? The generation that voted the Church out does not want to hear about the difference between right and wrong or good and evil. They do not want to hear about "being punished" for "criminal behaviors". They only have blatant disregard toward the thought of an immovable rule of what morality is and that there must be a payment for those who transgress against it. This is called "the start of a dark age". The ambassadors of the Church and the ambassadors of the Law are found detestable and useless during a dark age. An age of obligation to immorality and immorality alone. The Church reminds you of a price you will pay in the afterlife and the Police gives you a reality check in this life. Both attempt to stop you from making "the wrong choice". Ignorance, unbelief or disregard of the law in either case will not excuse you from the consequences. The current "wind" of Humanity wants "the wrong choice" to become normalized.

I'm not describing an apocalyptic religious text; rather, I'm showing you the current condition of the flow of "democracy" in the West. The apocalyptic text tells us that there will come a day that "the evil ghost", as described in chapter 14, will come down unto humanity and enter a man that is referred to as the "Anti- Christ." These texts state that he will make Christianity a "forbidden religion." This man will lead the entire world in a "new way"; a "better way". Such a man would find today's society to be quite "fertile ground". Don't you think? The apocalyptic text describes the acts of this man; he will divide the nation of Israel and force a peace-covenant whilst doing so. The apocalyptic text declares that this man will commit so much "evil" that this will trigger "the second coming of the Son of God". The Son of God was crucified around two millennia ago. He came to "pay the price of the Curse of Adam". God Almighty said to His son: 'if you pay the price, you may rule the Earth a thousand years. According to Holy Text, in the book of Genesis, Adam was forbidden to eat fruit from a particular tree. He had no other rules from God. There was only one law on the earth during his time, do not eat from that one tree. This world has more laws then an average person could understand. However, in the time of Adam, this was the only law. God, who is sovereign, spoke a law and said 'whoever eat from that tree will surely die. When a King writes a law, it is by royal decree and cannot be undone. It even cannot be undone by the King himself. So God is perfect but a God-spoken law cannot be undone, not even by God. How do you undo a "Godly command"? Before God created Adam, the first Human, Lucifer and God Almighty had an emotional relationship that can be best described as "best friends". Scripture reports that Lucifer was the most beautiful, the most powerful and the wisest of all God's created beings; the most endowed and privileged angel of them all. But he was created, by God Almighty, who has always been; the ancient of days.

Then God wanted to create a new companion, human. So all the attention that God had for Lucifer all of a sudden left Lucifer and God’s mind was focused on Adam. Whoever reads my words, if you have a wife and you go and get yourself a new wife, what will your old wife do? She will go to your new wife and try to ruin her, as; "she" stole her husband’s favor. This is what Lucifer did, he knew the law and tempted Eve and she bit. And so, by Godly command, the law had to be executed. Lucifer became proud and jealous, not an emotion unfamiliar to humankind. In Heaven there is a law, you cannot defy God. So, Lucifer’s name was confiscated and he was given a new name: Satan, the Devil. And he was condemned to go to "the pit" where the "fire" never stops burning. I want you to try to think like a lawyer or like a magistrate and see this from a law perspective. Emotionalism prohibited. How would you escape the penalty of an irreversible law in a legal case like this? Try to keep up. Now, envision this: you are a software developer and you are programming a video game where you write a code that says, whoever touches "the red block" will go to "game over". The code must be enforced and cannot be overwritten, no exceptions as it is burned on a non-overwritable CD-ROM. Now let's pretend that, for some very good reason, you need to help escape a player from this code. How could that be achieved? A "character" would have to enter that created realm, not violate any of the programmed laws, and be condemned to death (game over) as though the law had been broken. Thus, the law will have been executed illegally and so the law is escaped according to the programming of the created realm. A perfect God, who is a perfect magistrate, can only "pardon" a human without violating his own perfect nature; perfect justice. Jesus Christ found a way to enter the created reality and not violate the code of law but to be accounted as though he had violated the code of law, and so, undid the curse of Adam because he created a “loophole” where the "game" violated itself. This was done through the Jesus' self sacrifice of his own body (player/character).

Therefore, since Adam could do "anything" except for something that God didn’t want him to do, those same rights are transferred to Jesus Christ who will walk on the earth like Adam for all eternity and do anything except for that which God doesn’t want Him to do. That’s why he is called the Son of God. Lucifer ruined the plan of God, and Jesus repaired the plan of God. However there are still current decrees in effect! One of the decrees is that Man may rule the Earth. Jesus Christ may not rule the earth as long as Man has the right to rule the Earth. I want to refocus your attention on my request that you to attempt to think like as lawyer and as a magistrate. Man first needs to lose the right to govern the earth before Jesus may govern the earth for a thousand years, as described in the apocalyptic text. This moment comes when Humanity attains moral bankruptcy and so loses this right. All the family bloodlines and dynasties first need to lose the right to rule the earth. This occurs at complete karmic bankruptcy, a concept described during this document. Our universe has laws and according to these laws, all dynasties must deplete of dignity and become morally unjust and so lose their birth-right to govern this earth. As the Earth is currently, how close do you estimate we are to total moral bankruptcy? When this point in time occurs, Jesus Christ Son of God will walk on this earth as how Adam walked on this earth and can do "anything" except something that is against the will of God. And God spoke and said that whoever repents from his evil ways and turns to walk out their faith in true Christian morality will be risen from the dead at the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. That is a Godly decree. Whosoever be in the grave during that time who followed the instructions of the Holy Bible through accessing the Holy Spirit of God that is bestowed upon a Human at baptism after repentance in Jesus name and died as one who lived as witness to Jesus Christ, at the 2 nd coming the Son of God will be walking on the earth like Adam and simply executing God’s command; those who believe in Jesus Christ and obeyed Holy Text will be risen from the dead after “the End of the World”.

That’s when Christians become immortal. Whoever turns away from evil shall find forgiveness of sin according to the Holy Bible. I advise you to obtain one and read it yourself and/or find a church-ambassador who has access to a sane mind and a loving heart, one who is willing to help you understand how you can alter your life in such a way that you are found acceptable before God, if you cannot find one, you can pray to “The Prince of Peace” Jesus Christ and ask Him to help you find one. The golden rule be that when your conscience tells you it’s evil, do not ignore it. God Almighty does not want to destroy you but he destroys evil and if your hand be evil, you will receive the portion set for evil, which is destruction. This is inevitable. You choice must be made in this lifetime; you must choose the road of dignity or the road of pride. There will be a portion given based on your decision.

Special Chapter 1 Destinical Lunar & Solar Cycles

Clan war! Good clan vs Evil clan! Tribal conflict! Emotionalism! Rivalry! A man is born with a destiny! Time is an illusion! The experience appears real however time is like a blueprint: Outside of our created universe it doesn´t exist in the same format as how it it exists during our human life experience. Our Human bodies are forced to go through the experience of time, a simulation that is called “the created universe”. Before it was created there was the un-created realm which is known as the infinite realm. The experience of time is not experienced there as how it is here on earth, that realm has another design, it´s design makes the nature of the experience of time there different. You go through time, and your life is in stages: A child plays with toys, a teenager messes around, an adult is serious, the cyclical nature of life, a natural human template. Our human minds operate on a day to day basis: Today we feel “a threat”, and we battle our battle of “today”. Every single day this is experienced, challenge after challenge, battle after battle. Many battles, day by day, that eventually lead to a conclusion,: The purpose of all the battles experienced during the time-cycle of a person´s destiny. The day by day experiencing human mind, battle after battle, eventually comes to see the “climax” of all the small daily battles, witnessing it, until one sees “the design of the greater battle”, the climax: The moment of understanding what the purpose of these day by day battles and challenges are, the moment one comes to understand “the moral of the battles that are fought day by day”. Day after day, one battle leads into another battle, and endlessly this battle goes on until a person has understood the hidden purpose of these battles!

All day by day experiences eventually lead to a situation, whereby “the bigger picture”, the “design” of “the day by day battles” life-experience is understood. On full moon, you see increased “emotionalism” among people and tribes. On full moon you see the breaking of emotional-ties, an increased intensity in tribal conflicts. A fight, that leads to the breaking of a professional-tie, a fight that leads to the breaking of a relationship-tie, or any other form of emotional-tie. All the day by day battling, concludes in a cycle known as “The Lunar-Cycle”, the karmic clock... Day by day people discuss and fight, but on the lunar-cycle people discuss and fight in such a degree that it separates them into different directions. All day by day life experience build up to a point in time where the conclusion is presented, and this is experienced on the pace of the lunar-cycle. Emotional-ties are interpersonal, marital, professional, political, unions and the breaking of unions, groups and the separation of groups. The fabrics that prevents the emotional-tie from breaking is on it´s lowest intensity during the day by day life-cycle experience on full moon. With a solar-core you can walk up to a corrupt police officer and release him from his duties, however someone without a solar-core, traveling though time in a destinical lunarcycle will meet the wife of the corrupt police officer on full moon in a drunk condition after she just ran away from home after a fight with her husband in need of great emotional attention of a “real gentleman”, or anything of this nature, whereby one can see that this corrupt police officer is no longer under “divine protection”. This is an example of how in the lunar-cycle, time orchestrates the dethroning of a corrupt police officer, karma plays out on the lunar-cycle, the substance of it, at it´s maximum intensity on full moon. The storm of destinical conclusion appears during full moon, cycle after cycle, you will see the lunar clock and learn how to read it. Destiny connects or breaks the dots during full moon, season after season, until destiny is fulfilled and time (Your life´s purpose) ends. All people go through twelve lunar cycles a year, however, governmental authorities go through one solar cycle a year that starts at approximately 21 June (positive solstice) and ends at approximately 21 December (negative solstice). Whatever negative karma (challenge) appears to a governmental official at the positive solstice will come to a conclusion at the negative solstice, so the next challenge will appear at the positive solstice, and repeat itself indefinitely until the national codex is completely destroyed (cursed authority) or completely repaired (blessed authority).

Special Chapter 2 The Elixer (Jewel) of Life

The most mysterious subject, known from movies such as; The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor & Pokemon: Arceus & The Jewel of Life. A “spiritual object” that makes the carrier “invincible”, who-ever finds it will not suffer defeat from no-one, rumored even to grant the carrier eternal life. As you can imagine, this subject is researched by those who explore the outter edges of the universe. According to the rumors; one who finds this “Jewel of Life” becomes unstoppable... Those who look for this kind of information tend to live in a collapsing world, seeking for ways to undo the condition that “abuse of free will” led a person seeking for this type of information got him or herself into. Loss, in any form leads to emotional trauma, and too much of it leads to emotional disfunctionality. Once you enter emotional depression or worse, emotional grief, no amount of money can retrieve your sense of well being. Once your life loses the emotion of joy involved during the matters of the day, nothing materialistically can compensate for that which has been lost, during the human life experience. No, the jewel of life does not grant you eternal life, only a covenant with Jesus Christ the Son of God can grant you this. However it does have regenerative power to your emotional centers. Yes, it does work like a health-potion as seen in a video game franchise like “The Legend of Zelda”. It is found by people who go on a quest... like Link in “The Legend of Zelda”... Really; those who aspire to “rid the nation of all evil Rulers who (attempt to) enslave the people”... If you are not occupied in your daily matters with these ambitions, you will not find it. The moment you occupy yourself with “the extreme general good”... It is very simple to understand dear reader...

The Scripture says that Jesus Christ was on the earth two thousand years ago and he healed ten incurable persons. The same scripture says that out of those ten that were healed from an incurable illness only one turned around and thanked Jesus for this act. The gross majority of humanity, also back in those days, only cared for one person. Yourself. Add into that equation an absence of gratefulness... Those who only live for the purpose of themselves, when joy dissapears out of the experience of life, at karmic depletion, re-newed joy is sought, to extend the time to live for “self”. At karmic depletion, the emotional-ties one has will be cut off and life will go on without you, this is called “spiritual death”. Then positive emotions like joy are no longer registered, so one will aspire to seek for many ways to retrieve it, and most people will seek it in ways that the negative condition will only intensify. At divorce, you can re-marry, but what if your emotional-tie with your ex-wife does not break? This is what the elixir of life does, it makes the “re-start” feel like a “new start”, without it the “re-start” feels like... A way to keep yourself distracted from the consequences suffered after karmic depletion... Yes... the other ones around you who do not have this “Jewel of Life” still suffer the sideeffects of recovering from karmic depletion. How do you exactly cure a bitter heart? The Jewel of Life can certainly cure this... And yes, this puts the carrier of the “Jewel of Life” in a severe tactical advantage.

Special Chapter 3 How to not be “Corrupt”

I will show you a mindset, understand the mindset, and it, a world-view, will show you how to avoid to become “corrupt”. During the world championship of soccer, national teams can suffer defeat, when you suffer defeat, you accept defeat graciously. The defeat shows you where your weaknesses lay, when you get defeated you analyze why it is so that you have been defeated... This is how you become “stronger”, so you take the maximal tactical gain out of a defeat. You honor the one who defeated you, as that person displayed to you your weakness, this is the only way you can become stronger. People who flatter you, and tell you what you want to hear, cheer for you and so keep you under an “illusion of greatness” do you no good in the long run. Whatever event occurs in your life that feels like a defeat, meditate upon the way how to get the most out of that particular defeat, whereby the next time you enter in a competition of any sort, you will not suffer another defeat. Corrupt behavior will not get you where you want to be in the long run... Corrupt behavior (cheating/manipulating/hating, etc.) does not lead to greatness, how tempting it might be, it's counterproductive...

Special Chapter 4 How to “Outshine the Master”

The man who banishes “pride/ego” out of his soul, will eventually come to see that intelligence is distributed in a society throughout multiple sources, specialists, one will come to see that one is not born with all specialties on purpose, as that would go against the design of life, one is born with a purpose and “knowing all” is not the purpose of individual life, that which you need to have access to enter your destiny is that which you have been equipped with, translated as your “talent”. Like a chessboard, a functional society needs diversity to be able to operate as a whole, many talents, distributed among many, strengthening the entire unit. Acting like this is not so, is “pride/ego”, as that be the only force that will keep you narrow in the wisdom bestowed upon you, thiss driving force, that will force you into your own destiny, a narrow mindedness, that only befits you, the individual. What is not your talent, you will not spend a lifetime at mastering, whereby it is more efficient to learn about a certain subject at someone who has access to this talent. Knowing more then you need to know is a luxury that few can afford, as the release of the “pride/ego” is an experience which is so vital to men that they will gladly deny themselves this luxury. A very small percentage of men ascend above their pride and take upon themselves the services of “counselors”, the men that do seek counselors do this out a desire to develop in general wisdom. This desire in such became greater than the desire to experience the emotional substance behind the force that causes men to “behave proud”. A man obsessed with wisdom will go far to find teachers, whether the proud man will go just as far in acting like he is in no need of any other source of intellect but his own. Whoever is able to break this barrier is a blessed man, one who is capable of greater things then the common “proud” man. Once a man masters his pride, then a man becomes sensitive to hierarchy of skill, thus becoming capable of identifying men who have not just “mastered” a talent, but also have exercised this talent for prolonged time and build up a reputation, network and organization, so becoming “established”.

If you wish such people to genuinely invest in your intellectual development, you should not desire to “outshine the master”, those who attempt to do this are suffering another level of more complex “ego/pride” (the need to prove oneself superior/inferiority-complex). Mastering a talent is only a part of the journey to establishment; to effectively transmit a talent unto a group, for prolonged time, is just as important to arrive at the end destination of the journey that leads to recognition as establishment. Those who attempt to “outshine the master” are not aware of the social hierarchical bonds that “the established” have build up, having invested in people, after completing the process of attaining of the mastery of a specific talent. To rise to the top one needs to understand the purpose behind social hierarchical structures, to understand the true value of a talent, mastering it, and passing it on into the population. To attempt to “outshine the master” is a demonstration that you do not understand the value that the expert on the matter has/had upon the population, nor are willing to honor this, whereby the ego/pride desires to take away honor from the expert on a matter and draw it to one self. One who does this won't find favors among those who can plant in you the seeds of wisdom that can frustrate you into the next level of wisdom. If you would master wisdom, would you bestow it upon someone who simply wants to outshine you as quick as possible? Would you not expect some form of loyalty, at least gratitude, from someone you would help raising to the top? The only legal way there is to “outshine the master” is when “the master” has an enemy that he cannot defeat/overcome himself. “Outshining the master” by overcoming his enemy will be appreciated as the motivation behind the “outshining” is an act of loyalty/gratitude, instead of an act of pride/ego.

Special Chapter 5 The Farplane

People are out there to misunderstand you as they interpret whatever you say to them through the goggles of their own intellect and/or lack of intellect. Who is paying attention to interpret everything you say in the context you intended to say it? Are people born without prejudice? People are occupied with countless matters, predominately fears and desires; while you are talking with them they are too busy to concentrate upon what you are saying! What occupies their emotions/feelings, comes out of a realm that is called “the farplane”. This prevents them from caring, or hearing, or understanding properly... The substance that causes “emotional-ties” travels through the realm that is called “the farplane”, a realm where emotional bond communication occurs. The most common emotional-tie is the sexual-emotional-tie between a man and a woman. Have you ever seen someone who can´t move on after a breakup with an “ex-partner”? Something keeps bothering such a person to continually think about this specific person, that which does this, is a substance that comes out of the “reversed realm/farplane”. This is how mothers are closely bonded with their children, throughout their entire lifecycle. Relationship bonds, family bonds, friendship bonds, that which bonds tribes together is an influence coming out of “the farplane/lunar-cycle/reversed-realm”. Unhealthy/destructive emotional bonds also are kept in existence by the forces that reside in the farplane. People respect their feelings more then their intellect, so “the farplane “ jails people in orbit with their karmic account: Your bond with him/her was so meaningful, now lost, you just can´t forget about him/her, can´t you? We all have someone we are emotionally attached to and lost during our lifetime, so emotional trauma can come into existence, which will decreases the sense of comfort during the life-cycle, all you have to do is to get over it.. Forget... And break the emotionalbond... But he/she is so special! Emotional health can decrease rapidly when one loses too many vital or excessively strong emotional bonds. Living in the past, many do it, that which causes comes out of the realm described in this chapter. Destructive emotional bonds are an expression of negative forms of karmic accounts, constructive emotional bonds are an expression of positive forms of karmic accounts, in

many cases, destructive emotional bonds can also serve the purpose of erasing naivety out of a soul. Sexual intercourse creates the strongest form of emotional bond, the man who intercourse a woman obtains a permanent sexual-emotional-tie with her, so the two souls become connected as a team in the farplane. When one of the two leaves and switches partner, then the sexual-emotional-tie realm of all parties involved complexity unto a grid. When one of the two, in a sexual emotional bond departs for another sexual emotional bond, the sexual-emotional bond still exists and complexifies at the creation next sexualemotional bond. Whereby so the karmic account of a stranger all of a sudden starts to influence the time cycle of the partner that has been left behind for another partner. When this “grid” of sexual-emotional-ties becomes too large, normal social-emotional functioning and constructive living becomes impossible as it dis-harmonizes the individual from the path of the general collective into the path of experiencing over-stimulation of karmic-tie signals coming out of the farplane. This why people with many sexual partners always suffer a form of emotional instability.

Special Chapter 6 Expansionism

People always seek for more, better, higher, newer, it´s a natural drive, no matter what is attained, naturally, the next level is sought... You can define this as the natural addiction in human nature, defined as expansionism. In the past, this has led countless nations to practice “colonialism”... This is a illegal way of expansionism and leads to a karmic debtor-tie that will eventually cost you or your descendants your sovereignty. Expansionism is not wrong, colonialism (theft) is. People desire success, this desire makes them try to network with those that already accomplished that which they define as “success”. This is the ration of the ordinary man, which desires to be successful, to attempt to surround himself with those who already have it. This behavior is a trait displayed by individuals who practice expansionism. When the individual who seeks success attempts to be accepted by those who already have success, such a person practicing this form of networking will not be respected, in contrary, they, those who have success, know exactly what the one who seeks success came to seek, this form of expansionism is unauthentic. However “it” (having nothing to offer) is not wrong, as how colonialism (theft) is wrong. It´s simply a very ineffective form of expansionism. True expansionism is experienced when one finds those (talented) who are at the near breaking-point of success, then guides/helps (trade) this talented person into professionalism (invest), once they arrive into a life of establishment, that´s when you will reap the fruits of expansionism. Once a man is already established, any attempt to “join the group“ is experienced by the establishment as “just another gold digger”: Do not expect to receive any respect.

Special Chapter 7 Positive Vs. Negative Soul

It is a common misconception that when a man is rich, in the sense of materialism, that he has a positive soul. The ease whereby a rich person can get his needs met is superior, this tends to let people believe that they are dealing with a positive/blessed soul, however it is not so. Rich people are used to test (temptation) common people if they are reigned by their conscience or by greed. Also Kings and Emperors can go down a terrible death: Riches and power say nothing about the condition of one's soul and it's course. I'm going to introduce you to the easiest way whereby you can measure a soul, if that soul is on his path to success or on a path to demise. All men suffer problems, it's part of life. Rich men have different problems then poor men, however all men's lives are filled with problems, these problems are presented to them as challenges that need to be overcome to become a more mature soul capable of performing greater and more versatile duty. To became rich and do nothing the rest of your life, is not the purpose of life. The endless streams of problems, once they are all solved, eventually, they will show a man the nature and purpose of life: The problems he encounters will frustrate a man into development of a full mature character. The ability to gather materialism is not evidence of a positive soul, the understanding of why problems are there is evidence of a positive soul. Throughout time, problems are presented to a man, an indiscriminate maturing process, challenging a man every single day of his life, whatever the problem may be the positive soul understands the hidden lecture in the problem presented in his life, the positive soul knows he is not perfect of character and has weaknesses (self-realization) and that his weaknesses are projected upon him by the universe's pace of time, gradually, to show that man his weaknesses as long as necessary until he overcame them. The positive soul has the energy to cope with the problem, the energy and capacity to discernment the purpose of the problem, thus going through life adapting stage by stage. The negative soul has no access to this form of intelligence; thus will not overcome whatever is challenging him in the long run.

Special Chapter 8 The Secret of Obtaining Power

Pay attention to the content of this chapter if you want Heaven to un-block your path to fortune! The Scripture states “Humble yourself before the Lord and He will exalt you in due time (James 4:10)”. Having success equals to having a position of authority where people look up to you as if you are someone very special (exalted from the social status that the common man is subjected to). Having success will cause you to become the center-point of social-attention, this is what people naturally crave as once someone is the center-point of social-attention such a person can get his or her physical and emotional needs met with more ease than those who are not in the center-point of social-attention. All you need to be is rich and famous and the common world will smile at you, your idea's, your opinions, regardless if they are sane or absolutely in-sane! The Holy Text states that an individual who humbles him or herself, which is the opposite of exalting oneself before God Almighty, will eventually be exalted by the same God Almighty. If you don't care for the fate your mom, dad, grand-dad, grand-mom, brother, sister, why will you bother to care for the fate of strangers? Your direct family members are considered a lineage of your own flesh and blood, if you care not for their fate, will you care for the fate of other tribes of flesh and blood? So you think to have what it takes to become authority in religion or politics? Of-course you are innerly convinced that “you know it all better” and that the current “exalted” ones are a “bunch of fools”... The Scripture states “An overseer must manage his own household well and keep his children under control, with complete dignity (1 Timothy 3:4)”. If you cannot manage your own wife and kids and maintain order in a civilized way in your own house, what will you manage in the church or the state? You want a position of authority because you want to be acknowledged within the society, you want to be seen and approved and valued by the people and have absolutely no interest in bringing value to the people as you want to take, not to give, as all you think about are your own interests (prove me wrong)!

The Scripture states “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others (Matthew 6:5)”. To understand how to get exalted by Heaven is to understand how Heaven looks at you! The Scripture states “Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you (James 1:27)”. If you truly want to be the type of person that becomes fit for a position of authority in religion or state (to be exalted), then you must come to understand that the world does not revolve around you! You must come to understand that people in leadership positions are “care-takers”. How well have you taken care for your own family? Do you even “care”! If the fate of your own family doesn't interest you, will the fate of complete strangers not interest you even less? The Messiah of the Christians has been found saying “The greatest among you must be a servant (Matthew 23:11)”. The more you care for those nobody has time or willingness to care for, the more you will see the authority-vacuum! The gross majority of humanity is occupied with caring exclusively for his or her own needs and never develop the character to care, let alone see, the needs of others! You start caring for your own first, then you start caring for others! You want to be exalted in positions of caretaker-ship/management over others but have no interest in taking care of your own? This is the extreme level of hypocrisy in the priority-evaluation system that our “modern advanced civilization” is suffering. If you don't “care” you will not “rule” and your true colors can be seen by how you “treated/treat your own lineage”.

Special Chapter 9 New World Order Politics

Once upon a time there was a democracy and people had destinies, this era was called “the age of grace”, which started at the birth of Jesus Christ over two thousands years ago and ended at the arrival of the COVID-19 judgment of God, a pandemic so great that it destabilized the free democratic world beyond repair. A plague upon the world with the caliber of the plagues found in the Holy Text during the time of the end of the Egyptian empire. This pandemic is the first real K.O. to humanity and it´s desire to always define it´s own free course. The free democratic nations always survived for the sake of Christianity, the Holy Text states that God needs sovereign states to create life experiences for his people, who go through tests and trials, whereby the nations are suffered for the sake of the individuals that need a play-field to mature into the faith. The same Holy Text states that during the “End of Days”, this focus of God Almighty will shift from the free West to Israel. This is why the pandemic was not “prevented”, God no longer suffers the nations to operate as they operate as they lost their purpose; Christians are no longer trained or tested as “the fullness of the Gentiles has come in”, God no longer calls Christians, this is why the Church of Christ became a “minority”. When God´s plans for the gentiles completed He will return to Israel, so the nations that have been used in the past to create platforms of trial and temptation for His people, known as “the saints of God”, no longer need to be kept “running” for the sake of the destinies of the individuals described. God abandoned those He was with during the age of Grace. This “post-Age of Grace” era is called “The New World Order” and it´s focal point is not traditional Christianity. This New World Order will have a Grand-commander known as the “Anti-Christ”, this man will have powers like the powers that Pope of Rome exercised during the time of Martin Luther. To understand New World Order politics, one only has to go back in time and envision the era of the battle between Martin Luther and the establishment of the Pope; Everything and everyone was corrupt, broken, inhumane! Humanity had one real chief, who did as however it pleased him!

The people who run the New World Order do not believe in “freedom” and “democracy” and because God abandoned the West, the people are left to themselves to “defend their freedom”. See the New World Order like the Titanic and the individual nations inside of the New World Order as cabins inside of the Titanic. The Holy Text states that this Titanic will sail for 7 years and commit so much corruption and evil that “Judgment Day” will come, this N.W.O. Empire will be so evil that it will create in God Almighty such anger, that He will “destroy the Earth and it´s ways”. Christians know this event as the “coming of the Empire of Heaven”, or as “The Second Coming of Jesus Christ”. The Titanic of the New World Order does not support democracy, it only supports Feudalism and Feudal Lords. As long as you are under the belief that democracy still exists, you will not study Feudalism as a political system, nor will you be interested in adapting, nor will you be interested in how to strengthen the karmic account of your family bloodline and transform it into a dynasty to then make unions of feudalistic dynasties to maintain your independence.

Special Chapter 10 Legal Accumulation of Wealth

The equation to financial wealth: Talent plus developmental strategy, develops a product or a solution. Add unto the equation communicative and distributional strategy and the product or solution connects to the hierarchy system of your environment. Wealth comes when the provided product or solution targets a demand or a need within that society that became a target for "trade". To develop a product without first measuring the societarian demands is vanity. This is the economic equation to trade in it´s most condensed form. The Nobility has a different formula to financial wealth. Hierarchy equals division of wealth within the national society, the one on top having access to the most. This is why people from all ages and era´s always crave to raise in rank. Higher rank means higher pay. Therefore to obtain higher rank is then not a matter of developing an exchangeable product or service. it is a matter of raising in the hyarchy system to a caste where are greater privileges than the caste where you have been born into. When this path to wealth is chosen, the equation to accumulate wealth no longer involves talent, developmental, communicative and distributional strategy, it involves only dignity. The more dignity, the more honor, the more truth, the more upright, the more reliable, the more accountable, the more courageous, the braver, the more assertive, the greater the odds are of encountering someone who can knight you into a higher social standing, and so you will have access to a greater share of the resources of the nation´s destiny.

Special Chapter 11 The Six Infinity Stones

Time, Space, Power, Mind, Reality and Soulstone infinity-gem! Have you ever heard about them in the cinema or on television? Did you know that the United States of America does not grant you access to the truth about them? There is a very simple reason for this, they form a threat to the national sovereignty. After all... With all 6 of them you can “destroy the earth” according to the stories, right? From the internet and on the cinema films can be withdrawn partial information about them, so those who are after them will attempt to gather more information about the stones and go on on a quest to learn about them and contact those who have “displayed” signs that they know about the infinitiy-gems and ask them more about them. This is when you will appear on the radar of the U.S. Department of State. I assure you, they do not release information about the infinity-gems, for the reason described before, they are a threat to the “normal ways of how things go”. I do not agree on this philosophy of the department of state, as the 6 infinity-gems have a will of them own and should not be “kept under control”. When the stones fall in the hands of an individual, this individual acquired them legally and therefore the acquirement is “Will of Divine”. When the 6 infinity-gems fall in the hands of “evil-person” then it is the “will of Divine” to destroy, therefore then that which is destroyed is under “the Wrath of God Almighty”. “The Wrath of God Almighty” cannot be stopped in a “fight”, it can only by stopped by repentance of Sin (2 Chronicles 7:14). Against the will of the Department of State I will declassify all information on the 6 infinity gems, the information on the internet and displayed in the cinema and on television is partial information with the purpose to lure you on a path whereby you will appear on their radar as “potential” one who cannot be kept under control. The Timestone, the carrier of it, will be sent on a path, by force, whereby every evil that the carrier has done to other people, will be done to him/her immediately, as fast as possible, to get out of “karmic debt”, whereby personal and ancestral curses are removed out of the soul of the carrier, whereby the timeline of the carrier becomes “harmonic” again. (Last location: Scandinavia)

The Spacestone the carrier of it, can enter any timeline without permission as there are national sovereign timelines that cannot be interfered with, natural timelines where you do not belong, which can only be entered through a political or trade union. (Last location: United States) The Powerstone the carrier of it, his/her soul will become the densest soul on the earth. There is a natural hierarchy on the earth, any human would become afraid when encountering a Tyrannosaurus Rex. The soul of a Tyrannosaurus Rex is more “territorial” than the soul of a human. The Powerstone is more “territorial” than the soul of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Therefore the carrier of the Powerstone will not be challanged by other souls as the frequency that the Powerstone emits is stronger than the ego of the anti-christ. (Last location: China) The Mindstone the carrier of it, his/her mind becomes capable of identifieng the true intentions of the person that he/she is interacting with. All people´s on the earth have a “social mask” on when wandering around. Their true nature is only seen by those who they accepted as “their inner circle”. People that are considered their loved ones, their friends and their allies. Any other interaction is done by a certain social norm, a mask, that is unmasked during the process of “emotional bonding” with a “new character”. With the mindstone, the social “manipulation” is unmasked and the true intentions of any interaction revealed, realtime. (Last location: United States) The Realitystone the carrier of it, his/her mind becomes “the perfect psychiatrist”. The frequency that is emitted by the Realitystone is 100% mentally sane. Therefore when an “mentally fragmented” person interacts with the carrier of the Realitystone a conversation occurs where the “mentally fragmented” is forced into “reality”. A curse leads to a broken timeline, whereby the mind of the one under a curse is equally as broken, whereby the philosophical believe system, one´s world view, is not in tune with reality, as that would be a “blessing”. The “Wise in the own eyes” accursed “know it all” person, reigned by his/her pride will appear before the carrier of the Realitystone and get a “reality-check”. Did you know that people have a distaste for the “hard truth” because it´s uncomfortable to be confronted with one´s failures? It´s more pleasurable to live out a delusion that “feels good”. (Last location: Germany)

The Soulstone the carrier of it, his/her personality becomes “perfect”. The frequency emitted by the Soulstone is “harmony”. The carrier of the Soulstone can see the condition of all the souls surrounding him/her, also the ones of the animals and therefore the carrier will become extremely sensitive to their condition and so become occupied with attempting to harmonize them, the carrier cannot stop doing this because the soul-realm became visible to him/her, therefore the carrier will appear like someone who “cares” like how nobody cares, the carrier will appear like “the perfect person”. This is why there is a law over the Soulstone, a soul for a soul, that which you love the most needs to be handed over to acquire the Soulstone. Everyone has a weak spot, and that needs to be exterminated so that the carrier of the Soulstone understands that the power granted by the Soulstone should not be abused, by introducing near-to lethal emotional pain to make the new carrier receptive to the emotional pain that will be caused to others when the Soulstone is abused. (Last location: United States) There are 6 chambers in the universe where ancestral karma does not play out, all humans on the earth are walking karmic time-cycles, except for the carriers of the infinity stones, they are battling the karma of the earth itself in these 6 chambers, the 6 chambers of the guardians of Planet Earth. Nobody alive on this earth, nor anyone from the last three generations has united all six infinity-gems in one timeline. Therefore I suggest to you, if the Timeline of the Earth would develop into one where you would obtain one or more infinity-gems, do not forget that I taught you what they are, that you are ought to respect me as teacher. You do not attack your teacher, that is violation of honor! For whatever reason you might pursue the stones, whatever “change” you might want to enforce on the earth, I am not part of the “problem”. Remember that!

Special Chapter 12 Poking “The Beast”

Whether you like it or not, whether you can understand it or not, if you are in “the west” then you are “surrounded” by the New World Order Authority. If you want to test the authenticity of this what I state then I will give you “Seven Triggers” whereby you can “summon” The Beast (Revelation 13) and “It” will come for you and destroy you, it will “kill” you if it is able to do so, beware! Revelation 12:12 Woe to the earth, because Satan has gone down to you! He is infuriated as he understands that his purpose is almost fulfilled and time almost ran out." 1. In the New World Order Timeline, there is no hope, the evil spirits that inhabit the West make the inhabitants of the West feel hopeless. Hopeless people are easily cornered. When you know something, or do something, that in potentially will be effective or is effectively causing people in the West experience the emotion of “hope”, it will come to stop you. 2. In the New World Order Timeline, there is a “normality”, the evil spirits that inhabit the West force the inhabitants of the West to “be normal”, behave outside of that social conditioning and you will be ostracized, go against this social conditioning and it will come to stop you. 3. In the New World Order Timeline, feminism is the law, the evil spirits that inhabit the West use the women of the West to colonize the men of the West, West-female absolutely loves the ways of the New World Order Timeline, treating a west-female by the traditional Patriarchal “man ruling his woman” standard will surely make it come to stop you. 4. In the New World Order Timeline, the customs of the Greeks are “normal”. Democracy is a movement that began in Greece and eventually became the standard in the entire West. Whereby if you do any political agenda against the agenda of the New World Order you are behaving “anti-democratically”, therefore if the Political West votes unanimously to bows to the will of Satan and you do not? Then you are acting like you ruling the West, act like you rule the West and it will come to stop you. 5. In New World Order Timeline, having fun is forbidden, slaves are not allowed to have fun, the fundament of the New World Order Authority System is an “open prison system”.

Prisoners are not allowed to have fun during their stay in jail, as jail is meant to be disciplinary, go ahead! Go play around and have some fun... It will come to stop you. 6. In the New World Order Timeline, it is forbidden to do business or be seen with “traitors” like “45th U.S. President Donald J. Trump”, associate or trade with any revolutionary “traitor”, or do business with any other “enemy of The Beast” like Russia and Japan, and i t will come to stop you. 7. In the New World Order Timeline, it´s forbidden to drain Life-Force out of a tree. The New World Order Authority uses an energy source that is known as “Dark Energy/Dark Hadou”, this energy-source is the opposite of Life-Force, it´s Death-Force. When you go to a tree, who converts solar energy through it´s leafs every single day (photosynthesis) into neutral Life-force and use your left hand to lean against a tree, then use your left foot to also lean against that same tree with both your left hand and left foot while putting pressure with your left foot and left hand against that tree therefore draining the life force out of that tree to cope with the Dark-Energy infection in The West? It will come to stop you.

Special Chapter 13 The 3 Duties of Satan

On the path that your soul is traveling into it´s destiny, you will experience distorting factors caused by your personal and ancestral karma in the form of “wild encounters” and “rivals”. Your soul is that which gives you this subconscious feeling which shapes your self-esteem and your believes regarding what you´re destined to accomplish in your life, your life´s purpose. Everyone´s life has someone who is experienced as an irritation and a blockade to one´s progression into one´s destiny which cannot be overcome, this individual, or those individuals are defined as your rival/rivals. Those who come to irritate your path on a day to day basis, behaving like a burden to the path that your soul revealed to you to be your destiny, are defined as “wild encounters”. The more “wild encounters” and “rivals”, the worse the ancestral karmic account, the longer your journey. Wild encounters and rivals are there to disturb you during your quest, administrators of ancestral karma, the administrators of curses. Whatever you´re trying to build up, “wild encounters” and “rivals” will attempt to distract you from the path that you soul established before you, if possible even completely destroy it. Satan the Devil is the mind behind the chess-game that presents you your “wild encounters” and your “rivals”. Satan is their manager. Satan-management goes by 3 purposes: 1. When God Almighty condemns you, then Satan will start the chess game against your soul that you will not overcome and you will die. When it´s time to die, you will die. This is the most commonly understood purpose of Satan. Satan shows up to “kill you”, in this case then the “wild encounters” and “rivals” will defeat you. 2. When God Almighty blesses you, but you are not mature of character, then Satan will start the chess game against your soul that you will overcome, the “wild encounters” and “rivals” are there to force you into a character-purification process that you will eventually overcome and end up as “the champion”. Whereby the administration done by Satan through “wild encounters” and “rivals” is done purposed to force/frustrate you into “movement” rather than to “kill” you, a slow process of exposing your weaknesses to you by

what “wild encounters” and “rivals” are capable of causing to you, so you are forced to overcome your weaknesses which are made known to you by “wild encounters” and “rivals” through the affliction they are capable to cause, forcing you to become an “allround” to cope with the situations they present before you, the “training-stage” chessgame, Satan will force you to develop into a champion until you defeated all “wild encounters” and “rivals”, this process is a hidden blessing that´s usually experienced as a curse by a novice. After this process Satan can no longer “beat you up” as you became stronger than the “pawns of Satan”, when you are in this stage of the path of your destiny, then you have overcome your personal and ancestral karma, in Japan this is known as “the calm”. 3. When you overcame Satan, Champion and matured of character and Satan still comes to administrate “bad karma” to you through “wild encounters” and “rivals” then you have entered the timeline of “the secret stages”. 7The Lord said to Satan, “From where have you come?” Satan answered the Lord and said, “From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking up and down on it.” 8And the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, who fears God and turns away from evil?” 9Then Satan answered the Lord and said, “Does Job fear God for no reason? 10Have you not put a hedge around him and his house and all that he has, on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land.11But stretch out your hand and touch all that he has, and he will curse you to your face.”12And the Lord said to Satan, “Behold, all that he has is in your hand. Only against him do not stretch out your hand.” So Satan went out from the presence of the Lord. (Job 1:7-12) During your time in the timeline of the secret stages of life, Satan will “destroy” you for “no rational reason” as how described in “1.” and “2.“ where Satan is administrating your ancestral karma to you. In this timeline God Almighty is taking you “personal” and allowing Satan to present before you the highest degree of Champion-battles, during this stage of life it became nothing more than a “discussion” between God and Satan, where Satan presents before God various forms of reasoning why another season of battle should be introduced into your life, battles who have no rational purpose other than displaying the glory of God before Satan. 10 the LORD restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before. (Job 42:10) When the Heavens force you to enter the “secret stages of life” and you overcame the battles presented before you, the scripture says that your reward will be an increase of 200%. Described in “1.” and “2.“ are the rational stages where your ancestral karma is purified through affliction, Described in “3.” are the irrational stages where ancestral gain can be obtained from God Almighty when he selected you to enter the “secret stages” and perform involuntary at the “Secret Champion Battles”.

Special Chapter 14 The Five Cycles of Grace



In the beginning, there is Divine Election: A person or a group of people is sanctified, as in “set apart by God” from the rest of humanity and it´s ways, it´s normality and their customs. This process is known among Christian religious tribes as “the repentance process” whereby the active force of the Spirit of God enters the conscience of the sanctified person or group of people and convicts him or them of “crimes against Heaven, it´s regulations and it´s regulators”, in a sense stricter than this is done to the rest of the human population through “general conscience; the awareness that causes discernment between good and evil”. Such subjected to this process will think before they act and are aware that all choices lead to a different timeline, such will not “touch nor do evil”, as during the sanctification process is made known the “blessing/cursing nature of God Almighty”. Such person or people are brought under “Grace”. Such will eventually come to understand that God does this to him or them because He wants to get an agenda through on the earth by usage of “sanctified vessels”. The other people´s on the earth operate on the “hunter/gatherer” & division of resources “law and order” system of conscience, therefore out of natural man does not come “spiritual inheritance”. Out of exceptional natural man only comes “material inheritance” as in the sense, if the hunter/gatherer´s philosophy takes into consideration the welfare of “the next generation”, this is the only “agenda” that you will encounter on the earth; the selfish primitive man (leaves nothing behind for the next generation, only takes, does not share nor give), and the philosophical primitive man (leaves materialism behind for the next generation, takes and gives within the fundamentalistic borders of the idealism of balance). The person or the people who are “brought under Grace” will not just go through this “conscience complexification” process through direct connection to the feedback of the Holy Spirit of God, he or they will also be led into “situations” designed to function as lifelectures.

The course of events that occur after the sanctification process to him/they, serve as purpose to mature one´s/their character (training stage for duty) to one that God sees fit for “usage in duty”. (Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.) So the “Spiritual Man” is born and “ready for usage in duty, under Grace”. (John 3:5 Jesus answered, "Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.) Without election you are a failure and will always be so, rif-raf “hunter-gatherer” and at the greatest you will be a failure with material resources under the curse of Adam. Only through forgiveness of sin through Jesus-covenant you can get Adam´s curse over you lifted, you will not even be able to come to this realization without divine election. Therefore imagine the experienced “Spiritual man of Duty” to have accomplished certain objectives as how Martin Luther (him-example) did (Protestant Revolution), and how the British puritans (they-example) did (American Republic), those types receiving “descendants”, who did not experience this “sanctification & training” process initiated by the active working of the Spirit of God. As how Solomon, 3rd king of Israel was allowed to request anything from God, as, descendant of 2nd king of Israel David, so these children will be faced gently by Heaven, this is described as “generational blessing”. Such children with a “generational blessing” have their “Spiritual man of Duty” parents around them who they look up to and in the same tradition “accomplish something great”. In the story of 3rd king of Isreal Solomon, it is made known that the 2nd generational “sanctified-tribe” is greater than the “hunter-gatherer” standard, however, never better than the “original set standard”, as through peril and distress character is build. Therefore envision the children of the 2nd generational “sanctified-tribe”... Do you know the name of the 4th king of Israel? Most likely not! 1. Saul 2. David 3. Solomon 4. ______ This is because here in this generation, the normality, here is where it goes wrong!

The original standard setters are gone, the generation after them danced careless through life through “generational blessing” and their children lost track with reality as how was interpreted by the original standard setters. This is how evil empire is born! 2.


Keep in mind, the after-effect of the deeds caused by the 1st generational-sanctified to the other tribes on the earth, Martin Luther´s Protestant Revolution, the American Republic of the British Puritans are well known examples of the long term influence that a 1st generational sanctified-tribe can have on the course of humanity. Also keep in mind, trivial compared to the 1st generational-sanctified, but great compared to the “hunter/gatherer”-standard of the earth, at this stage of Grace, the ancestral blessing that this sanctified-tribe has accumulated after two generations. We are so respected, well-known, rich, skilled, nothing can go wrong! Out of the “hunter/gatherer-earth standard” nothing will ever be able to challenge us and God is with us! Who cares what we do! let´s try something new! Let´s have fun! We can afford it! Spiritual man of Duty? Get Real! Don´t be so strict! Don´t act like our survival is at threat! God loves us! He surely grants us to have fun! A sanctified-tribe in the stage of Hypergrace lost “discernment”; the ability to see the mechanics behind trial/training/temptation, the workings between good and evil and the purpose of it´s presentation during the life-experience. “Everything that appears is a blessing and a privilege, granted to us because we are the elect”. This is where colonialism stems from, after all... Those are the hunter-gatherers! The cursed! Let´s do our “Spiritual Man of Duty”-job and add them to our “higher ways”! The sanctified-tribe at the stage of Hypergrace behaves like hunter-gatherers, in a position of greater advantage because of the deeds of dad and grand-dad; abuse of authority and abuse of Grace become common in the conscience-normality of the 3 rd generation sanctified-tribe.

In every tribe you will always find individuals who perform greater than the norm, however at the stage of collective Hypergrace, such are the minority. During the one or two generations under the Hypergrace-normality, generational blessingonly has turned into an account of generational blessing & cursing “balance”, at this vital stage of a sanctified-tribe´s destiny, the experience of “the balance”, experienced by every family-tree in the national-tree´s timeline differently, as not all family-trees have the same karmic-account in the destiny of the sanctified-tribe. The experience between the balance of Fortune & Peace (blessing) and Misfortune & Rivalry (curses) will cause the sanctifiedtribe to return to the ways of the 1st and 2nd generation and recompense for the errors made during the Hypergrace-normality or such a sanctified-tribe will continue in their own ways and eventually end up in the 3rd Cycle of Grace. 3.


At this stage the ex-sanctified-tribe´s destiny “burned out” the generational-blessing that the forefathers and founding fathers, the “Spiritual Men of Duty” and their descendants who walked and/or attempted to walk into their normality (Spiritual culture) build up before them. Arrogance/pride becomes a solid part of the ex-sanctified-tribe´s destiny´s “collective conscience, so does “victim-mentality” as during the 2nd cycle of Grace (Hypergrace) the consequences of many deeds committed then are now experienced during the 3 rd cycle of Grace (Hypocrisy) as a unnecessary burden. The word of God describes that arrogance/pride is a frequency emitted by the spirit of Satan: Isaiah 14:13-14: For you have said in your heart: "I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High." (The Desire of Satan). 1 Corinthians 5:5 hand this man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved on the Day of the Lord. hand this man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved on the day of the Lord. (Satan being the destroyer of those unauthentic in the faith) Such people, in cycle 3-Hypocrisy (Barbarians) are re-used by God Almighty to become part of the training-stage of the other tribes who have been elected to enter cycle 1-Grace (Civilized), whereby through rivalry and jealousy those tribes at cycle 3-Hypocracy are administrated by the timeline on the earth the “rejection of God”, “disfavor of God” and eventually the prosperity, energy and motivation runs out after taking endless defeat.

So form into the conscience-complexity of the norm of the ex-civilized-tribe the emotional experience of collective hate, collective envy and collective anger, and such become hard elements in the ex-sanctified-tribe´s collective conscience (The social norm). After this re-use (Civilized Vs. Barbarian), the purpose of the ex-sanctified-tribe has been fulfilled completely. Then starts in the national-timeline cycle 4-Idolatry. 4.


After continual failure, suddenly is found a unique secret solution! A completely new way! Some foreign philosophical-religious conscience-complexity which once joined can be taken full advantage of with the promise of quick results and fast fortune and a great sense of belonging and acceptance, which was never experienced before during cycle-3 Hypocrisy, (Cultism). Whether it be “Chrislam”, Christian Yoga (Hinduism/Buddhism) or any other religion not founded by “Spirit of God”, once the ritualistic initiation is made, the soul-type is converted and the timeline ended. Once the sanctified-tribe´s collective conscience attains this stage, it seized to exist, the end. 5.


When the Israelis sacrificed their firstborn to “Baal” (Cycle 4-Idolatry), the Babylonian Empire assimilated them and their sovereign timeline seized to exist. Identically occurred to the Israelis when they executed “Messiah” (Cycle 3-Hypocrisy), eventually the Roman Empire assimilated them and their sovereign timeline seized to exist. This is the last and final stage of the collective-cycle of a ex-sanctified-tribe, a foreign authority claims authority. (Deuteronomy 28:33 A people that you do not know will eat what your land and labor produce, and you will have nothing but cruel oppression all your days.)

Special Chapter 15 Emperors and Fools

Nations, each with “collective-soul”, who is divided through the “national-hierarchy” are going into a “direction” (National-timeline). “Pawns” of “the collective soul”. National-soul needs all “pawns” to sustain itself. Political, Religious, Military, Judicial, Medical, Merchant, Entertainment, Educational, Infrastructural, Scientific, Engineering, Innovative and Common. All “pawn-types” of “the collective soul” need each-other, an intelligent national-identity is “aware” of the purpose of the “diversity” of the division of “the collective soul”. Within every “division/caste” is “competition” for “the top position” and an “excellent collective soul” is seen when all the “division/caste” of the “collective-soul” are experiencing creative expansionism. “Collective soul” can be translated as “national-honor-level” and division/caste-pawntypes” can be translated as “individual-honor-level”. The more fortunate the “division/caste-pawn-types” in their endeavors, the greater the condition of “the collective soul”. One can make an analysis of the strength of a nation´s collective-soul by measuring the endeavors of all partitions of the “division/caste-pawn-types”. One can analyze if God is the driving force behind the development of the collective-soul by measuring the levels of ethics maintained (Civilized/Barbarian) throughout the progression of the creative expansionism during the course of the national-timeline. The National Competition: Strength plus Ethics is Developing Nation Strength at cost of Ethics is Contracting Nation.

One then attempts to find another collective-soul who is capable of similar endeavors within their “division/caste-pawn-types”. Then one has identified “collective-soul-category-type” and identified a potential rival (contracting-unethical) or ally (developing-ethical) collective-soul . A cursed nation is seen when the challenges the collective-soul and it´s division/caste system are facing are so designed to be too difficult to overcome. A developing nation is seen when the challenges the collective-soul and it´s division/caste system are going through are of an emotional maturing-disciplinary nature. Relationships, as in destinical-bonds, marriages, within the division/caste system serve a purpose to the collective-soul´s course to sustain itself, whatever it faces, so it uses the “pawn-types” to it´s purpose, men are unable to withdraw women out of this purpose and so act as if they are not a “pawn-type” of “collective-soul”. The experiences the “pawn-types” go through, prepare them to solve the problems that the collective-soul is facing or will face in the future. When women out of the “division/caste system” become a destructive force to the men out of the same, then one identified a “cursed nation”. When one is born as a “division/caste-pawn-type”, what you hold for “normal-norm” is a reflection of your “individual-honor-level” in comparison to the others who carry “individual-honor-level” within the timeline of the collective-soul that you are subjected to and taxed and drafted into duty by. Your ancestors build the structure that survived long enough for you to get born into without a civil war, or the need to build houses, and an infrastructure that can sustain a functional civilization. The descendants of those who where most significant in this process of building a functional civilization, will carry the highest positions within “division/caste system” of the collective-soul during the national timeline. This is known as ancestral blessing, the fundament of “privilege”.

The national collective-soul, statically, keeps this account, throughout the generations of the nation´s destiny. This also counts for descendants of traitors and those who damaged the fate of the nations ´s destiny carelessly: This is known as an ancestral curse, such need to do services to the fate of the nation to overcome it.

Special Chapter 16 The Evidence of God

By arriving in this chapter of American Zanmato! You should have attained enough understanding to interpret the content of this chapter. If God Almighty caste out a nation, the Hyarchy of that nation will not produce nor think about anything related to him, they all will behave like hunter-gatherers. Therefore, you can see that there is no quest to “gather evidence” of the excistence of God, rather, humanity is obsessed with gathering evidence that He does not excist. This is the course of Humanity, known as the completed attempt to create a Godless Empire known as the New World Order (The Book of Revelations). As you might have come to understand, I am not part of that “kind” of “tribes”. How can you write the code of D.N.A. Upon the D.N.A. Without having D.N.A, How can D.N.A. Evolve into D.N.A-strand, without D.N.A. As D.N.A. Is that which makes the Human Body capable of Adapting/Evolving. To have adaptive D.N.A. One needs a container, to contain D.N.A. So that it can “adapt”. D.N.A.-containter cannot come into excistence through “evolution”, the D.N.A.-container which is known as G-nome is that which is scientific evidence that one cannot write data without a “diskette”, the D.N.A. Is the Data, and the G-nome the “diskette”. The G-nome cannot create itself, therefore it is created. This is “scientific”.

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