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Iron Cross “Magna DoubleEagle” Tennō Ascended Master of Amsterdam




Grand Maester of the Netherlands & Germany

Prof. Dr. Patrick Aurelius Maximilian Pereira

June 23th, 2019. Lübeck, German Imperial sistercity of Amsterdam.

Nobility above nobility, I address you! That which is required of an honorable man in this age appears beyond reasonability, if you live in the castle of cowards you do not have to continue reading my political letter to you. You, just as I, must have noticed that the female of this age has lost contact with God Almighty and has become a vessel of divine judgement rather than a vessel of divine blessing. The lack of integrity of the current generation of females, has put many of you in vulnerable positions, it is rather easy for her to threathen you to give your honor to your rival, and so pressure you into compromise or worse, to cause your emotional traumatization. Any behavior from you that is not “socially accepted” will be dealth with by your wife, the ambassador of subjection to the system. “The Social Conditioner” of the female will dictate you through your partner. You going on a “moral quest” to “purify the system of corruption”, the price you need to pay to stop persueing “the coin” and to persue “the moral” is for many of you a load too heavy to carry, as the “female” is conditioned to be a hinder to such sympathies, regarded as childish as it is “unprofitable” in her conditioned eyes. The Satanic Illuminati Elite has successfully subjected the Female-Hyarchy into one of “materialism-only”, whereby any patriarchic or moral sympathies will be met with rejection and/or correction, they all behave in one mind, and you will bow! She wants a lot, and she wants it now, and she does not care how you obtain it, as long as you can obtain it. So many of you are chained to “the coin”, enslaved, afraid to violate the rules, as to voilate is to lose the affection of the “evil hyvemaster”, and the female spirit in one mind will reject you and correct you, until you serve the motto of the “collective”. To end Satanic Social Conditioning, you have to become head of state, and get God Almighty to become the Social Conditioner of the Females, there is no way around it. Military power, political power, economical power, none of it is powerful enough to “defeat a sovereign hyvemaster demonic social conditioner, known as a “reptilian”, the “reptilian” will scan you, find your weaknesses and target it at a speed and intellect level that goes beyond your human understanding. The “reptilian” only listens to “the head of state”. As what man will rise to the throne without it being the will of God Almighty? What man will control the females without the divine right to do so? To end the “enslavement” of Humanity, you need to challenge your political and religious elite, who administrate your “bad karma” to you in name of God Almighty (Romans 13, Word of God). Who will punish the punishers? This is why you all “fear” and you should; it would be a strange thing if you feared not! This is the only way you as a civilian, aristocracy or priesthood can challenge the head of state:

Before God Almighty transfers authority from a bloodline to another bloodline, the bloodline that loses authority will commit a “corruption/sin”, driven by “arrogance/pride” to the bloodline that will gain authority, which is driven by humbleness, automatically becoming a victim. THIS IS A “UNIVERSAL LAW”. A “civilian bloodline-destiny” cannot enter a “state bloodline destiny” other than through political-marriage or by that which is called:

“SOUL-TIE DEBTOR UNIVERSAL LAW”. The authority that abuses authority (injustice) becomes debtor to the one that is victim of injustice. At the violation of this “borderless” law, a cycle of time starts, untill the debtor has payed off. Authority may only “punish” those who are “evil”, to discipline under influence of the “spirit of justice”; a spirit that is exclusive for those who come out of the “authoritative bloodlines” of a nation; the illuminati; a bloodline-destiny inheritance right which operate through the national acknowledged ambassadors which are all compatible with the “State Official All Seeing Eye” that operates in one accord with the “All Seeing Eye” of the “Head of State”, as a Lion that rules all the Jungle, every “predator” submits emotionally the “Lion”. They also do this when the “Lion” became “evil”, out of fear for recompense. This is when the “state officials” start to use “the sword of justice” for the “evil political ambitions of “the Lion”, to maintain their ranking, their belongings, unto their lives. Therefore if a State is “Spiritually Bankrupt”, the “Lion” and his “Ambassadors” will no longer show signs of the spirit of Justice operating through them. When this moment in the cycle of the destiny of a people or a nation has been attained, God Almighty will transfer authority from one bloodline to another, and this “Universal Soul-Tie Debtor Law” will start to play out in society.


THEY DO NOT LIKE MEN RULED BY GREED OR LUST FOR CONTROL; A FEAR DRIVEN SELFISH EMOTION! When authority is transferred by the Lord God Almighty Jesus Christ the God of the Bible, the “emotional rival-tie” is always activated.

“The bloodline that loses authority will commit a “corruption/sin”, driven by “arrogance/pride” to the bloodline that will gain authority, which is driven by humbleness, automatically becoming a victim.” One cannot “invade” a nation without the legal right from God Almighty to do that, legal invasion is practiced WITHOUT an army. To replace the “Ruling Elite”, one must practice “righteousness” and subject oneself to the “punishment” of the “Ruling Elite”, to “enslave” the “enslaver”.

In today´s world there is no quicker way to end up in prison innocently than to “preach the Holy Bible in it´s context”. It is seen as “hatespeech”, “discrimination”, a “disturbtion of public order”, etc. To replace the “Ruling Elite”, one must practice “righteousness” and subject oneself to the “punishment” of the “Ruling Elite”, to “enslave” the “enslaver”. You as Christian male would not dare to preach against “hot topics” like God seeing Homosexuality as a “sin”. A “woman” not allowed to “have a position of authority in the church”, and many more biblical subjects that “modern society” sees as “hate preaching”; pure biblical Christianity is no longer accepted within society, therefore the quickest way to create a “debtor soul-tie” with your “State Hyarchy system” is to preach that which is regarded as “fundamentalist biblical preaching that everyone dislikes but is the truth”. The society will become offended, call the police, and the police will tell you that nobody wants to hear what you have to say, and then you will explain your rights, the freedom of speech and freedom to practice biblical religion and they will be denied to you. A Satanic hyarchy does not suffer a Holy Spirit driven preacher of the Word of God, a Satanic collective sees not any purpose in it, and will automatically attempt to “silence it”, and find a legal way to do this, by perverting the interpretation of the laws, and so create a “debtor soul-tie”. As the story of Joseph in the Word of God, when Pontifar Magistrate of Egypt punished Joseph illegally to save his face when his wife dis-honored him, so God Almighty one cycle of time later, raised Joseph above Pontifar, and Joseph became court supreme magistrate only giving account to the Imperator of Egypt. Joseph being a Hebrew, uncompatible with the Egyptian “hyarchy system”, had to undergo 13 years of “debtor soul-tie” to become so mighty that only the Imperator Himself could punish him.

The moment you are allowed to understand this method of warfare, you will understand that the entire hyarchy system will inflict damage upon you, and this process can go on for many years depending upon the ranking of the ruling bloodline of the collective you carry a passport of. When you preach the Biblical Truth, all “satanic” subjects will reject you, and ray you emotionally with ridicule and dis-honor, until you “submit to the standards of the satanic hyarchy”. Your emotional desire for group-acceptance is that which you will trade for a part of the “soul of the state hyarchy”, by becoming an administrator of divine justice, a “preacher of righteousness of society, a public magistrate of God, a human no longer driven by “greed and gain” but by the spirit of Justice. The Hyvemaster “demon” and all the “ambassadors” and “civilians” will give you the maximal punishment until all evil has been administrated to you, and then you are accounted worthy to obtain the “soul of the state”, the “merkabah” of the social conditioner of state. Without this, you will not ever enter “state-.destiny”, it is inherited through bloodline, through political marriage, and through “debtor soul-tie” law, a civilian has no access to it. Therefore to make an effective change to society, one must devote the life to Justice, and this will cost you everything that “state-hyarchy” gave you, to be a citizen within it´s collective, giving you the right to go to the church and become a Christian, but not become a Christian ruler, a promise after this life, to serve now, and rule in the Kingdom of God. The moment you become a “territorial” Christian, the state-hyarchy will withdraw everything to support you, you will become “excommunicated” as “King David of Israel”, who was elected by God Almighty to replace “King Saul of Israel”, the two being:

When authority is transferred by the Lord God Almighty Jesus Christ the God of the Bible, the “emotional rival-tie” is always activated. At one point, the “new authority” was sleeping in a cave, avoiding death, as the hyarchy spirit “the demon” inside of King Saul attempted to stop the transition of authority, to avoid the Spirit of God to lead his people again through King David. The moment you interpret this teaching correctly, you will understand that you will be “excommunicated” to the maximal degree that the state officials can inflict against you, and they WILL give maximal punishments. If the country you reside in as passportholder has no “death penalty” then this process will NOT cause your death, as the spirit of death penalty is NOT compatible with your state ambassadors. The death penality being written in the law of a state-collective shows that this particular collective not yet attained the understanding of mercy; only a barbarian people practice death penalty, and if that be so it is the condition of their collective-soul; an immature collective! If you come out of such collective, it will be harder for you to do that which is right, as the condition of your collective is more negative than the collective that has erased the “death penalty” from it’s Hyarchysystem, to purify a evil collective is harder than to purify a reasonable collective.

If you are willing to risk death to save your people and raise the soul of your collective, inside of collective that has “death penalty”, your descendants will inherit that which you would have inherited in a collective that is not compatible with “legal death penalty”. The Spirit of Justice does not “kill” inside a collective without “legal death penalty”, even not when it has become 100% satanic, such circumstances will cause “total excommunication” after a continual process of creation of “debtor soul-ties”, and then interlude the second half of the “transfer of authority time-cycle”, the downfall of the state-authorities.

The moment you have arrived at the moment in this cycle where “total excommunication” has been inflicted, than the “spirit of instantkarma” will become your “army”. The Ascended Master of the State. The powers of God and His Word are severe, however it is the hyarchy system; bloodline powers that will slow down the path of a man of God; the children and grandchildren of those who did that which I teach you here to do; the selfless professional civilizers of humanity! Their descendants can choose to walk away from the ways of their ancestors, and still yield the illuminati destiny bloodline powers in authority for a very long time, as how the children of billionairs can live for many generations without attaining proper economical mastery, thanks to the efforts of their ancestors.

Prof. Dr. Patrick A.M. Pereira, General-Judge of God Almighty. Dutch Iron Bear Titan-Eye IlluminatI

If you wish to take a peek into the Spiritual Library of the Sovereign Citystate of Amsterdam I would like to forward you to “The Perfect Ruler” education system that I created to assist humanity in this geopolitical war agains the Satanic ruling elite:

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Academic Edition "Hardcover": Academic Edition "PDF": %20Master%20Patrick%20Aurelius%20Maximilian%20Pereira.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1K_O659tOuqingxDsSRFJDF8pK0sksTIeUIB6sS-KauhotdIdy2_dUN4 If you would like to assist the spiritual ruling elite of Amsterdam attaining our intentions for Humanity, you can contact me personally: Political/Religious donations for the advancement of our cause are appreciated:

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