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Daniel Explanations Daniel Highlight The Highlight for Daniel is “a script of paper and a feather pen” because the book of Daniel is thought of as the book of prophesy. “The script of paper and a feather pen” are drawn in every picture, so you can identify that you are in Daniel. Daniel Organization Daniel is organized for the most part in 2 categories - stories and prophesies (to the end of time). The 1st half of the book, chapters 1-6, are stories and the last half of the book, chapters 7-12, are prophesies. Chapter 2 falls in both the story and the prophesy category. Notice that the chapters are not in time order. Daniel receives the time prophesies of chapters 7 & 8 before chapters 5 & 6. Chapters 6 (the lion’s den) and 9 (Daniel’s prayer and prophesy of the Messiah) happened the same year. Daniel was very young, about 20 yrs. old when he received the 1st prophesy in chapter 2 and very old, about 90, when he received the majority of the time prophesies. Daniel 1 Note: punctuation & grammar have been altered in order to emphasize where needed & make the chapter explanations more clear. The big 1 is made into Daniel standing there eating a pulse and water diet and his head is getting wiser. You can remember it was 10 days and 10 times better because the 1’s in the 10’s and chapter 1 are the same number. So you can remember that the diet of pulse and water made their wisdom 10 time better, the script paper and feather pen are put around this. On the bottom right also is explained about the word “diet” and “wisdom” both have an “i” in the second place which looks like a number 1. And all 4 Hebrew names have an “i” in it. On the left are written the 4 Hebrew names of the young men with their Babylonian names. Daniel got the name Belteshazzar. A similar name, Belshazzar (Nebuchadnezzar’s grandson), is in Chapter 5. To keep from getting these names confused, you can think Daniel TRUSTED IN God, which starts with a “T.” So the name with a “T” that is in it (and even says “tee” in it Belteshazzar) for “Trusted” in God is Daniel’s Babylonian name. Belshazzar is the same name with out the “te” in it. Hananiah starts with an “H” and Shadrach has an “h” in the second place for his Babylonian name.

Mishael (if it had a “c” in the “s” place it would be Michael) and Meshach both start with an “M.” Azariah and Abednego both start with an “A.” At the very bottom right is a hand motion you can think of for remembering the 3 Hebrew names, besides Daniel. Hananiah sounds like “hand” at the first, so shake your hand like giving someone a handshake. Mishael sounds like “me” at the first, so point to yourself. Blue in Spanish is “azul,” so you can think of Azariah as blue eye - “Azul eye - a,” or it even can sound like “eyes - ar - eye - a,” so point to eyes for the last hand motion. So you can remember the very important young Hebrew men’s wisdom was 10 times better with their diet and God, the script paper and feather pen are put around this. Daniel 2 The big 2 is the great image statue that the king saw in his dream. The circle at the bottom of the big 2 is the stone that comes and hits the feet of the image and breaks it. To help remember the metal names, just remember they go in descending order from the most precious to the least precious, from head to toe. Starting from the left the head of gold represented Babylon. You can think a baby babbles with their mouth, Babel means different languages which again you speak with your mouth, and a mouth is in the head, so you can remember the head represented Babylon (mouth). To the right is the date of Babylon’s beginning rule. Note - The beginning dates of kingdoms vary slightly from historian to historian. To help remember easily what date a kingdom began, historical dates that we could put clues to were used. We have Babylon starting in 606 b.c. In Chapter 3 Nebuchadnezzar almost made Babylon the “666” beast by making the three Hebrew men worship his idol, so you can think of Babylon as almost 666 but was only 606, one six missing. At the left, the silver breast and arms were Medo-Persia. You can pet your arms and think of petting a medium Persian cat. Medo for medium and Persian for Persia. Medo-Persia began in 538 b.c. You can think of Daniel 5 at Belshazzar’s banquet for the 5 in 538 because this is the night Medo-Persia conquered Babylon. At the banquet they had wine, so the 3 turned down is for the “w” in wine. At a banquet they ate food and “ate” and “8” sound the same for the 8 in 538 b.c.

At the left, the brass belly & thighs was Greece. To remember this, you can think that people grease their belly and thighs to get a brass (bronze) tan. To the right, Greece began in 331 b.c. Greece has double “e” and backwards capital “e’s” look like 33 in the 331. You can think of doubles also for the double letters in belly and brass. For the 1 in 331, Greece had the number 1 conqueror that most people know about or have heard about, Alexander the Great. At the left, Rome is iron legs and feet. You can remember this by thinking it takes legs and feet to rome around. To the right, Rome began in 168 b.c. The the Roman soldiers actually killed Jesus so you can think of them as 666. 666 is hidden in the number 168 if the circle on the top of the 8 is taken off to make a 6 and put on the bottom of the 1 to make a 6. At the right, the feet and toes are of iron and clay began in 476 AD when the Roman kingdom was divided into 10 kingdoms. You can think 10 toes come out of legs and 10 kingdoms come out of Rome. They are listed on the bottom left. A story and clues to remember the 10 kingdoms, which are the 10 toes, is given a whole separate page which is on the next picture page. To remember 476, think of splitting the 10 like this, 4+6=10 for the 10 kingdoms. Since the stone that comes and hits the feet represents Jesus return to earth during the 10 kingdoms staying split, think of a perfect number 7 to represent Jesus coming in the middle of the split feet (4 & 6) to make the number 476 AD You can also think of 476 not being in the b.c. era if you think AD is the acronym for “after divided.” You can do a hand motion for the names of the 4 kingdoms. Point to mouth and say “babel with head for Babylon.” Pet arms and say “pet your medium Persian cat for Medo-Persia.” Rub belly and say “grease your belly for Greece.” Walk around and say “rome around with your legs for Rome.” You can also do hand motions for the names of the 4 kingdoms and their matching metals. Point to mouth and say “babel with head (for a gold crown to go on) for Babylon.” Pet arms and say “pet your medium Persian cat (with a silver collar) for Medo-Persia.” Rub belly and say “grease your belly (to get a brass tan) for Greece.” Walk around and say “rome around with your (iron strong) legs for Rome.”

So you can remember the very important body parts and the metals, the script paper and feather pen are put around this. Daniel 2 - 10 kingdoms To help you memorize the 10 kingdoms we have 2 little picture-stories, one to go with the 1st 5 kingdoms (in alphabetical order, A-H) and one to go with the last 5 kingdoms (L-V). The name of the kingdom is given first, then its modern name and then the story is to the right of the black rectangle shape (or thick hyphen). The first picture-story is “A man listening to an angled saxophone eating burgers and franks with her.” The word “man” is in Alamanni and Germany, so the man represent Alamanni. The first letters of the two words “angled saxophone” (angl, saxo) are the same as Anglo-Saxons, so the angled saxophone represents Anglo-Saxons, which is now England. The “burgers” represent Burgundians, which is now Switzerland, because both start with “burg.” The “B,” for Burgundian, is laying down to represent mountains, so you can remember that this is Switzerland. The “franks” represent Franks (which is now France) because it is the same word. The “her” represents the Heruli, which was part of Italy, because they have the first letters the same “her.” To remember that the Heruli were part of Italy, you can think that they both have an “l” at the second to last letter in their names. The last picture-story (L-V kingdoms) is “Some lumber, ostrich cloth, and suede was taken in a van by a vandal wearing a vision cloth.” The first part of the Lombard kingdom seems to say “lumber,” so lumber represents the Lombards, which is now Italy. To remember that the Lombards are Italy, you can think of it as beginning with an “L” and there is an “L” at almost the end of Italy and Italy starts with an “I” which is almost the same shape of an “L.” The Ostrogoths almost seems to say “ostrich cloth,” so ostrich cloth represents the Ostrogoths, which was a part of Italy/Austria. The first part of the word “suede” sounds like the first part of the Suevi kingdom, so suede represents the Suevi. The “Suevi” are Portugal, so the “S” stands for, you can “See” the “Sea” in Portugal, to remember “Suevi,” which is now Portugal. The word “van” is in Vandal, so a vandal in a van represents Vandal, which is now North Africa. You can think Vandal and Africa both have “a’s” in them to remember they go together.

Like Ostrogoth sounding like Ostrich cloth, Visigoth also sounds similar to “vision cloth,” so vision cloth represents Visigoths, which is now Spain. To remember Visigoths are Spain, think you can see the sea with a vision cloth. To get a view of the first letters of the 10 kingdom names, they go like this: A-A-B-F-H, L-O-SV-V. So you can remember these stories go with the toes in chapter 2, the script paper and feather pen are put around this. Daniel 3 This is one of the easiest chapter highlights to memorize because the 3 worthies are in chapter 3. They are the same numbers, 3 and 3. The names of the 3 worthies are written on under each of the lines in the big 3. They had to choose to obey the law and bow at the music to the golden statue or obey God’s law and be cast into the furnace. The 2 arrows are drawn on each side of the big 3 to represent the 2 choices they had. The word “or” is written in the middle of the big 3. If you take the big 3 and put it down to the left, it makes the letter “M” which stands for Music. To help you remember the decree that they had to bow at the sound of the music, the script paper and feather pen are put around this. The gold statue is drawn on the left with its dimensions under it of 60 cubits high by 6 cubits wide. This was about 90 feet high and 9 feet wide. Multiples of 3 are 3, 6, 9 etc. You can think of this to remember these dimension like this in chapter 3 is the 60x6 cu. or 90x9 ft. statue. If you take the big 3 and lay it to the right, it makes a “W,” which stands for Worthy because the 3 men chose the fiery furnace and became worthy. This was in Babylon and the numbers for 60x6 ft. also give the date of the kingdom beginning. Nebuchadnezzar almost made and enforced a law against God which would have made him like the 666 man of Revelation 13. But after God saved the 3 worthies, Nebuchadnezzar did not enforce the law. Daniel 4 The big 4 is made into a tree, with the base as the trunk and the upper parts as branches on the tree. The bottom of the 4 makes a 7, so you can think of this 7 as representing the 7 “times” that are prophesied would pass over him. 7’s and 4’s go together in many chapters of the Bible. The 7 suns going over the big 4 (tree) represent the 7 years that king Nebuchadnezzar did not rule. The Jewish Historian says that Nebuchadnezzar did not rule for 7 years. Therefore a “time” equals a “year” in Bible prophesy. Clue: a “time,” a “year,” and “tree” all have 4 letters in them.

To help you remember that God said let 7 times pass over him before he could be king again, the script paper and feather pen are put around this. Daniel 5 The big 5 is drawn as a goblet, or a wine cup. The top is where the wine is, and the bottom is the handle. To help you remember what MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN mean, here are some clues. MENE has an “m” and and “n” in it and so does “numbered,” which is what it means. TEKEL means “weighed and wanting.” TEKEL starts with a “T,” “weighed and wanting” started with a “W” and “weighed” sounds like an “a” in the middle and “wanting” has an “a” in the middle. This makes the combination of “TWA” representing TEKEL-weighted and wanting. UPHARSIN means divided. You can think of the phrase, “United we stand, divided we fall” because UPHARSIN and United starts with a “U.” When you say the phrase it will get you to the word “divided.” To remember the writing on the wall was MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN, the script paper and feather pen are put around this. Daniel 6 The bottom of the big 6 is a hole in the ground where Daniel was cast into the lions den. King Darius had signed the decree and it could not be changed after he signed it. This is represented by the top of the little 6 being a feather pen and the bottom of the little 6 being a bottle of ink. God is King of the Universe and if he wrote the 10 commandments on stones with his own finger, they also can not be changed. If kings on the earth can not change their laws after they sign them, how much more can the laws of God, King of the Universe, not change his laws. To remember that once a king signs a law it can not be changed, the script paper and feather pen are put around this. Daniel 7 4’s and 7’s go together many times in the chapters of the Bible. On top of the big 7 on the left is the Lion and the Leopard, and at the top right is the Bear and the Dreadful beasts. The 1st letters of their names makes a 4. These 4 beasts represent the same kingdoms as the metal image in chapter 2. The the left, The Lion, which was Babylon, has the eagle’s wings representing Babylon proudly (for eagle) conquered quickly (for wings). To the right, the Bear, which was Medo-Persia, has a shoulder raised up for Persia being the stronger and 3 ribs in its mouth for the 3 territories it conquered. You can remember Persia if you think of “Pushed up” on one side, instead of “raised up”. Both start with “P’s.” The acronym for the ribs is “BEL” for B for Babylon, E for Egypt, and L for Lydia. You can think of this acronym for “Bal or Bel” worship, which was being done at that period of time. To the left, The Leopard, which was Greece, has 4 wings representing Greece conquered extremely quick. Here is another place where 4’s and 7’s go together in the Bible. The 4 heads

represented the 4 generals that ruled the 4 territories of Greece after Alexander the Great died. A story is given in the next picture page to help you remember the 4 names. To the right, The Dreadful Beast, which is Rome, had 10 horns representing the 10 kingdoms that Rome was divided into, which were Alamanni, Anglo-Saxon, Burgundian, Franks, Heruli, Lombards, Ostrogoths, Suevi, Vandals, and Visigoths. This 10 kingdom beast had iron teeth and break & stamp representing the persecution and inquisition period. It was diverse from the other kingdoms. The 3 horns that were plucked up (conquered and are no more) were the 3 kingdoms with the acronym “HOV,” for Heruli, Ostrogoths, and Vandals. You can think of this acronym as used in this phrase, “they hov to go.” Some people use also the “HOV” lane in a busy city as their clue, which means “high occupancy vehicle” lane. The Dreadful beast had 1 little horn come up among the 10 horns. Little does not always mean small or tiny in the Bible. Matthew 5:19 says that whoever shall break God’s law and teach others to do so is called least, even though they may be great and powerful in this world. Because the verse is :19 using the 911 numbers, you can think of this as a warning not to break God’s law and teach others to do so, Since 7 is the perfect number, a little 7 is here representing the judgment scene. The books were opened and Jesus is given His kingdom (or at least He starts getting or judging the names of the people out of the books to see who He will come and get when He comes back to take them to His kingdom). The judgment begins and goes on during the Dreadful beast (little horn stage) because this kingdom goes till Jesus comes back and He has to know who He will take back to heaven with Him. The man at the bottom of the big 7 is the little horn kingdom that is diverse from all the rest, with his mouth open represents a mouth speaking great things and speaks against the most high, the whip represent makes war with the saints and wears out the saints, his mind thinking to change times and laws, and his hand open represents the saints given into his hand for a time, times and the dividing of time. To remember the 4th kingdom thinks to change times & laws (of God), the script paper and feather pen are put around this. The shape of the man holding out his hand is also made into the shape of a 7. The bubble of the man’s thoughts to change times and laws to the left of the man also makes a 7 shape. You can remember that the dividing (÷) of time is in this chapter because it is about the 4th beast that is diverse from the other kingdoms. Again, 7’s and 4’s go together, and here is where Daniel 4 and Ezekiel 4 contain the information needed to figure out what a “time” and a “day” is in Daniel 7’s prophecy. When you apply Daniel 4 that a time equal a year as shown in the bottom left, a time being 1 year which is 360 days, times being 2 years which is 720 days, and the dividing of times being half a year which is

180 days, added up equals 1260 days. Then, apply the Ezekiel 4 that a day equals a year, so 1260 days equals 1260 years. This is how long the ruling and persecutions lasted, but the Dreadful beast (little horn) is still in power, till Jesus come back. Daniel - Map of Greece General This is a story to help you memorize and remember the 4 heads, which are the 4 generals of divided Greece. Since 3 of the general’s names have the sound of “cuz” in them, the story is about a cousin (cuz for short) who went in the army. A map of Greece is drawn with lines showing the 4 divided land areas of the 4 generals. Starting the explanation on the left or west, the “Cass” in Cassander sounds like “cuz,” then there is “and” is and, then “er” for her. So “Cuz and her” (for Cassander) had a wedding and went to war. Cassander ruled the area in the western part of Greece (which you can see on the map drawn) and wedding, went, war, and west start with a “w,” so you can correlate these together. For the north general, the story is cuz dies in the war and on his tombstone is written here “lies him a cuz” for Lysimachus- Lys for “lies,” im for “him,” a for a, and chus for “cuz.” There is a saying that when someone dies they are “put on ice” which it is cold up north with ice and snow, so you can relate this to Lysimachus had the northern area. To the right or east, since it is a military funeral, the story continues that at the funeral they “salute cuz” for Seleucus - Seleu for “salute” and cus for “cuz.” In order for you to can correlate that Seleucus had control of the east area, you can think, Seleucus has 2 “e’s” in the first part of his name and east starts with an “e.” At the bottom or south, the wife fell down in her seat with her hand on her forehead and said it took a “toll on me” for Ptolemy - Ptol for “toll,” e for “on,” and my for “me.” Since south on a map is on the bottom, a picture of someone falling down would be to the south, so you can correlate this and think of Ptolemy as having of the south area. Daniel 8 Since Babylon is now taken over by Medo-Persia, Babylon is no longer mentioned by God in the rest of Daniel’s visions. He starts out with Medo-Persia who is now ruling. The top circle of the big 8 is the ram and the letter “a” in ram, which is Medo-Persia that became GREAT. The ram had a higher horn that came up last, which was Persia taking the rule. You can think “Persia pushed higher” with the 2 “p’s.” The bottom circle of the big 8 is the goat and the letter “o” in goat, which is Grecia (Greece) that waxed (became) VERY GREAT. Greece had a notable horn, which was Alexander the Great. It broke and 4 horns came up, which were his generals taking rule - Cassander, Lysimachus, Seleucus, and Ptolemy. At the bottom left is the little horn, which is Rome that waxed EXCEEDING GREAT, that stands up against the Prince of princes (Rome’s Pontius Pilate sentenced Jesus to death and Roman soldiers put Jesus on the cross).

At the right, the only time prophecy with 2 zeros is the 2300 day prophesy. The 2 zeros at the end of 2300 is turned up to make the little 8. To remember the 2300 day prophecy, the script paper and feather pen are put around this. The little bitty 8 on the very right is made into soap bubbles to clean the sanctuary to represent “till the sanctuary by cleansed. You can memorize that it is in verse 14 by thinking 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . 2, 3 goes in between 1 & 4. so the 23(00) day prophecy goes in verse 14. Daniel 9 Daniel 9 is 2 parts. the first and long part of the chapter is Daniel’s prayer. The last part is the shortest, only 4 verses, but they are full of prophesy about the Messiah’s (Jesus’) coming. If you make a 9 backwards it makes a “P” for Prayer and Prophesy, so you can remember this chapter thinking of this. The Messiah is perfect and the number 7 is the perfect number so you can think of the Messiah and 7’s in this chapter. The “M” for Messiah you can also think split in half makes 2 “n’s” for the 2 “n’s” in the word “nine.” At the bottom of the big 9, Daniel is praying for Jerusalem, and in the circle of the big 9 is the vision that Daniel sees about Jerusalem and what happens in it and to it when Jesus comes. Jerusalem, is written out by the bottom of the big 9 because this is what Daniel is praying for and what the vision is about. You can think of this prophesy as the city of Jerusalem. In Daniel’s time the city was in the state of destruction. The vision tell about the city being rebuilt - to the city being destroyed. This is illustrated in the picture at the top of the big 9, with Jesus’ death in between the city built and the city destroyed. Starting at the bottom left of the picture at the top of the big 9, is drawn out the 70 weeks to bring in Messiah, which the script paper and feather pen are put around these words. The beginning of the 70 weeks are the beginning of the 2300 day prophecy at the commandment to restore and build Jerusalem, which is in Ezra 7. This date is easy to remember when you think of the start of the 2300 in 457 b.c. like this: 2, 3, 4, 5, then leave out the 6 (which represents man, the day he was created, and it is God not man that can cleanse the sanctuary) then go to 7. The left side of the picture is the city being built and restored (with the Levites receiving the tithe of the land and enforcing God’s law) which takes 69 of the 70 weeks. Then God separates the last week in which the Messiah is on His mission, which begins in 27 AD This is in the top blue sky of the picture. To remember this date, you can think of the 7 as Jesus being baptized, leaning back in the water, and the 2 of 27 AD as the other 2 persons of God being at the baptism too, the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove and the Father speaking. This is illustrated at the top left of the picture. You can remember the date of “in the midst of week “(31 AD-Jesus dies) by the “m” of midst turned up to the right, making a 3 and the “i” as the 1. This illustrated at the middle of the picture.

To the right of the picture, the end of the 70 weeks was in 34 AD when Stephen was stoned which is in Acts 7. You can see this illustrated with the stones coming toward Steven for the top of the little 7 and the line going down of the little 7 is drawn Steven falling over. You can remember the ending of the 70 weeks was in 34 AD (Acts 7) by 3 + 4 = 7 for Acts 7 and for the 7 in 70 weeks ended. “Shall destroy the city” you can remember the date Jerusalem was destroyed (happening in 70 AD, 36 years after the end of the 70 weeks) because it is the same number as the 70 week prophesy, which goes along with all the 7’s in this chapter. This is illustrated by with the fire destroying the city in the picture. Daniel 10 The big 0 is the book showing the 3 chapters that the angel visits and tells the last prophecies. Chapter 10 has 0 prophesies. Chapter 11 has the 1st part of the prophesies and Chapter 12 and the 2nd part of the prophesies. So you can remember that 10, 11, & 12 are one visit, the script paper and feather pen are put around this. A good way to remember what 10 is about is to go down the numbers from 3-0, thinking 3, 2, 1, 0, fast (not eating) and jam (eating). The 3 is for Daniel’s 3 week fast of simple food. the 2, 1, is for the 21 days the prince of Persia withstood the angel and Michael had to come and help and the 0 for the fast or 0 food and then the opposite would be eating for jam (the acronym for Jesus, angel, Michael). To see Jesus, the angel, and know about Michael was probably spiritual food for Daniel. After you fast, you eat, so you can also think after the fast comes the food or in this case, the jam (for Jesus, angel, and Michael). Another way to remember the fast is in chapter 10, think of the 1 as Daniel and this 1 person gets 0 complicated food (fasts). Michael would be Jesus the arch (highest) angel (messenger) which means the highest messenger for God to us on earth. The big 1 is drawn into a man in white to represent Jesus. At the bottom, when Daniel saw Jesus (the big 1), he had no strength and no breath in him. Then Jesus gives Daniel strength and he gets up and listens. This tells what can happen to a prophet when getting a vision from God. Daniel 11 At the time Daniel sees this vision Babylon had been taken over by Medo-Persia. Persia had become the stronger power with Cyrus ruling it. The beginning of Daniel 10 says it was the Persian king Cyrus’ third year. So this is where in time Daniel is shown the vision - from the Persian king, to the 1st king of Greece, to the 4 divisions of Greece, to the Roman kingdom with its diverse rulings, through the king of the north’s battles with the king of the south, all the way till the end of time. This is shown at the middle left of the page going to the right. The first big 1 is the king of the north and the second big 1 is the king of the south. If you think of the two 1’s of the 11 as going on and on in both directions, to the north and to the south, you can think of chapter 11 as future events of the north and the south up to the end of probationary time. At the bottom of the page is a time line with a 4 specific events selected to easily remember this chapter is the details of future events.

They all have “p’s,” and “c’s” or the hard “c” sound of a “k” in them. You can think of the acronym “p.c.” for personal computers because this is a high tech invention of our future times. Chapter 11 begins the vision from the present Persian king, to the daughter that is given to the king of the north, Cleopatra, to the people falling many days by sword, by flame, by captivity and by spoil, the persecutions, to the king of the north and his palace coming to his end. So you can remember the palace of the king of the north does come to his end, the script paper and feather pen are put around this. Daniel 12 Your can think of chapter 12 as 4x3=12 for 4 “s” things go up and 3 time prophecies. The things underlined in purple are the 4 things that go up. Daniel 12 is about the end of time. There is a 2 in 12, so you can think of the terrible 2’s (in childhood) to remember the time of trouble in chapter 12 just like in the 2 in Genesis 32 stands for Jacob’s time of trouble. So you can remember that when Michael stands up is the time of trouble, the script paper and feather pen are put around this. The big 1 is Michael standing up from a chair. The eye in the circle at the bottom of the big 2 is the dead in the graves awaking some to the top of the big 2 - to everlasting life (with the e upside down for everlasting), some to the bottom of the big 2 - to everlasting contempt. The little 12 to the right is verse 4 drawn to a picture which makes it easy to memorize the order of events in it, starting at 1 and going down and around to the left: 1. The little 1 is drawn into Daniel shutting up the words with his mouth not telling about the vision. 2. With his hands in the little 1, Daniel is sealing the book. 3. In the bottom of the little 2 is the horizontal line with an arrow both ways to indicate running to and fro. 4. The arrow going up and pointing to the top of the 2, which is made into a person’s head, where knowledge is in the brain of the head, is indicating increasing knowledge, for knowledge shall increase. The 1st time prophesy given is the persecution (or wonders) era of the king of the north, which now was in its divided 10 toe (10 horn) phase, which started in 538 AD You can think of the 538 b.c. beginning rule of Medo-Persia with the banquet cup (5), wine with the “w” turned (3) and eating (8) also for 538 AD because the king of the north is also prophesied in Revelation as again a beast with its 10 horns and a great whore with a cup (for 5), filled with the wine with the “w” turned (for 3) of her fornication with the beast with 10 horns, then this beast eats or ate (for 8) her flesh. This persecution was prophesied to end 1260 days later. Since a day = a year in Bible prophesy, then 538 AD plus 1260 years will come to 1798 AD

You can remember the time prophecy of time, time, & 1/2 a time being in chapter 12 because the 1 and the 2 of 1/2 makes a 12 for chapter 12. The 1290 day prophesy started in 508 AD. when the daily was taken away. The pagan religions used to sacrifice daily. The kingdoms of the of the division of the 10 toes (10 horns) at this time took the pagan daily sacrifices away by the rulers becoming “Christian.” A day = a year in Bible prophesy, so 508 AD plus 1290 years comes to 1798 AD. The 1335 day prophesy begins at the same beginning date of the 1290 day prophesy because this verse is still on that subject. A day = a year, so 508 AD plus 1335 years comes to 1843 AD, where there was a world-wide awakening and a group of people were ready for Jesus’ return. This was a blessed time in their lives because the book of Daniel was no longer closed but open. They studied the little book of Daniel and understood it in 1843 as revealed in Revelation 10, where the little book would be open and that it would be sweet. Jesus says “Blessed are your eyes, for they see; and your ears, for they ear.” Matthew 13:16. An easy way to remember the 1335 day prophecy is 1 & 3 put together makes a “B” for Blessed, the 3 turned up makes a “w” for waiteth, the bottom of the 5 for a backward “c” for cometh, and the top of a 5 for a “t” for to.

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