Eight Steps to Wellness

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Eight Steps to Wellness

Eight Steps to Wellness If we want to feel alive and energetic, look forward to each new day, and enjoy optimum health, God has given us principals that if we rely on Him and not on our own understanding‐Prov. 3:5,6 and assume responsibility in an intelligent way for our own well‐being, we can enjoy a life that is relatively free from most sickness such as colds and flus and stay the genetic predisposition we may have to chronic and acute diseases such as diabetes, cancer, heart attack, stroke and the like. Not only can we enjoy better physical health, but because of the mind/body connection, our mental faculties will be heightened, giving us clearer channels of though, bringing us into better spiritual connection with our Creator and Redeemer.

So what are these principals, which will help us to take charge of our health?

Nutrition Exercise Water Sunshine Temperance Air Rest Trust In God Applied individually, each health principle is very effective; but combined, the benefits are multiplied beyond what each one by itself could do!

Nutrition How would you like to enjoy tasty satisfying meals, normalize your weight, and enhance your health all at the same time? It's possible! There is a wide variety of delicious foods that are both healthful and appetizing. Food is vital to our health. It provides the building blocks for growth and repair, and fuel for energy. It is a key element in the length and quality of life. Poor diet contributes to weight gain, heart disease, cancer, and a host of other diseases.

Understanding Food The food we eat is composed of a variety of nutrients. Its basic caloric components are carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Carbohydrates. These are the primary source of energy for every action and process in the body. Carbohydrates come in two forms: sugar and starch. Sugars are digested quickly and‐unless fiber is present to slow things down‐enter the blood stream as glucose within minutes. Starches provide energy for a longer period of time because they must be changed to sugar during the digestive process. They should constitute the largest percentage of the diet, but be careful of the source. When foods are refined the fiber is removed. This results in a denser concentration of calories, making it easier to eat more than you can use. These excess calories are converted to fat and stored. Whole grains, potatoes, beans, vegetables, and fruits are all excellent sources of carbohydrates. Fiber. While technically a carbohydrate, fiber contributes no nutrients. It fills you up, thus limiting calorie intake. It slows down the digestion of sugar, and speeds up the time it takes food to digest, which keeps it from decaying before it is eliminated. Fiber also binds with cholesterol and removes it from circulation. Unrefined plant foods contain enough fiber to properly regulate digestion. Micronutrients. Vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients are substances the body needs in small amounts to work properly and stay healthy. It has been proven that a diet of pure carbohydrates, protein, and fat without the micronutrients will result in death. When foods are refined, the majority of both vitamins and minerals are removed. For instance, when wheat is refined to make white flour, twenty‐four vitamins and minerals are lost; when it is "enriched" five of the lost micronutrients are replaced. Phytocheinicals. Literally "plant chemicals," these are substances found in plants that, among other benefits, lower the risk of cancer. Most work by either blocking carcinogens from affecting the cells or by suppressing malignant cells. Phytochemicals are usually destroyed when foods are refined. Protein. Your body is built largely of protein. It is the most important component of muscles, blood, skin, bones, nails, hair, and the internal organs. It is necessary for the growth, maintenance, and repair of the body. Protein takes longer to digest than starch. It is broken down in the digestive system into amino acids which the body then uses to build its own proteins. Ideally it should make up about 8 percent of the diet.' Excess protein is changed to uric acid and eliminated, or converted to glucose and used for fuel.

Good sources of plant protein include seeds and nuts, whole grains, legumes (beans and peas), dark green leafy vegetables, and potatoes.Fat. These fatty acids are necessary for the proper performance of the body. They help to absorb certain vitamins, make food taste good, and give a feeling of satisfaction after you have finished eating. They also regulate many body processes such as normal cell growth, nerve functions, and immune system response. However, moderation is important. Fat is the most difficult nutrient for the digestive system to handle, and takes four to live hours to leave the stomach. It should comprise no more than 25 percent of the diet,2 Excess fat is simply stored to be used as a backup source of fuel. High fat foods include meat and dairy products, nuts, and "free fats"‐refined fats, such as oils and margarines. Low fat foods include beans, grains, vegetables, and fruit.

FOOD COMPOSITION (in percent of calories)



(amount per 100 grams)

fat carb fiber


Bacon, cured, cooked




0 g

85 mg

Chicken, whole, roasted




0 g

94 mg


Milk, skim


4% 56%

0 g

2 mg

Cheese, cheddar



0 g

105 mg



Almonds, dried


75% 13% 11 g

0 mg

Walnuts, dried


81% 11%

0 mg


5 g

Lentils, cooked


3% 67%

8 g

0 mg

Pinto beans, cooked


3% 73% 8.5 g

0 mg


Rice, brown, cooked


7% 84%

2 g

0 mg

Wheat, whole grain


5% 79% 12 g

0 mg


Potato, baked


1% 88% 2.5g

0 mg

Broccoli, cooked


9% 57%

0 mg


3 g



2% 93% 2.5g

0 mg



4% 88% 2.5 g

0 mg

A Diet of Excess Most of the diseases that plague our society today, including heart disease, hypertension, cancer. osteoporosis, and diabetes, are closely connected to our dietary habits. The typical American meal is high in fat, protein, and refined carbohydrates, such as sugar and white flour, and low in unrefined carbohydrates, such as natural fruits, whole grains, and vegetables. In the last hundred years the incidence of heart disease and stroke has risen from 15 percent to 45 percent of all causes of death. The occurrence of cancer has risen from 6 percent to 25 percent. This rise in disease is directly related to diet. In countries where people do not have access to a western diet there is a much lower incidence of these diseases. Americans are dying from a diet of excess: too much fat, too much protein, too much cholesterol, too much sugar, and too much salt. We eat too many calories and we eat too often. Fat. Most people don't realize that they are consuming an average of 37 percent of their daily calories [food energy] as fat. This is much more than the body can properly handle. Excess fat has been identified as the most damaging element of the western diet and is a major contributor to heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Protein. For many years there has been an emphasis in nutritional science on getting enough protein. However, research shows that this emphasis has been misplaced. Rather than most people getting too little protein, Westerners eat two to three times more than they need. The respected nutritional scientist Dr. Mark Messina,

formerly of the National Cancer Institute's Diet and Cancer Branch, sums it up. He says, "When people eat several servings of grains, beans, and vegetables through‐out the day and get enough calories, it is virtually impossible to be deficient in protein."3 Excess protein in the body leaches calcium from the bones and is the major cause of osteoporosis. In one study men on low (48g) medium (95g), and high (l42g) protein diets were given 1400 mg of calcium per day for four months. The low protein group gained 20 mg of calcium per day. The medium protein group lost 30 mg of calcium per day, and the high protein group lost 70 mg of calcium per day.4 Too much protein also causes deterioration of kidney function, and is linked to increased risk of cancer. Research and epidemiological studies correlate high protein intake with increased growth rates and decreased life span. Salt. We eat 10‐20 times more salt than is needed. It contributes prominently to high blood pressure, heart failure, and kidney disease. The body needs only about one tenth of a teaspoon (1/2 gram) of salt a day. However, that drastic a change is unrealistic for most people. A more reasonable goal is to cut back from two to four teaspoons (10‐20 grams) a day to one teaspoon (5 grams) per day. Sugar. Devoid of fiber and nutrients, refined sugars are empty calories that account for up to 20 percent of many people's daily caloric intake. The average American consumes an astounding 2‐3 pounds of sugar each week, which is not surprising considering that highly refined sugars in the forms of sucrose (table sugar), dextrose (corn sugar), and high‐fructose corn syrup are being processed into so many foods such as bread, breakfast cereal, mayonnaise, peanut butter, ketchup, spaghetti sauce, and a plethora of microwave meals. One of sugar's major drawbacks is that it raises the insulin level, which inhibits the release of growth hormones, which in turn depresses the immune system. This is not something you want to take place if you want to avoid disease. An influx of sugar into the bloodstream upsets the body's blood‐sugar balance, triggering the release of insulin, which the body uses to keep blood‐sugar at a constant and safe level. Insulin also promotes the storage of fat, so that when you eat sweets high in sugar, you're making way for rapid weight gain and elevated triglyceride levels, both of which have been linked to cardiovascular disease. Complex carbohydrates, such as grains, fruits and vegetables tend to be absorbed more slowly, lessening the impact on blood‐sugar levels. Empty calorie foods. Many beverages such as soda pop, beer, sweetened coffee and tea, and other drinks are loaded with calories. These, along with high‐sugar high‐fat snacks, not only add thousands of unnecessary calories, but take the place of nutritional food, leaving you over‐caloried and undernourished. The original diet intended for man consisted of grains, fruits nuts, and vegetables.(See Gen.1.29; 3.18). Prepared as simply as possible, they are the most healthful and nourishing foods available. They give longevity, strength, endurance, intellectual acuity, and freedom from disease.

Designing Delightful Nutrition Here is a practical plan that provides a complete balance of essential nutrients for radiant good health. 1. Eat a wide variety of fruits, grains, vegetables, legumes, seeds, and nuts prepared in a simple tasty way. There are hundreds of varieties and colors, in every imaginable texture, shape, and flavor. Eating a varied selection of natural plant foods will furnish all the nutrients the body requires. For maximum health and energy, the human body needs a low fat, moderate protein, high carbohydrate diet with sufficient micronutrients and fiber. See the daily food guide pyramid for help in planning balanced menus

2. Avoid protein from animal sources. Animal products provide an excess of fat, cholesterol, and protein; they often carry harmful viruses and bacteria, as well as hormones, antibiotics, and other chemical concentrations. 3. Limit fat sugar, and salt. Select naturally sweet foods such as dried fruit rather than refined sugar, and choose olives, nuts, and avocados‐‐all in moderation‐‐rather than refined fats and oils. 4. Two Meal Plan‐Eat a good breakfast, a moderate lunch, and a light supper—or skip the evening meal. A large breakfast containing a proper balance of nutrients will give you steady energy all morning. According to the notable Alameda County study, eating breakfast has nearly as much of a positive impact on health and longevity as abstinence from tobacco.5 Timing is an important factor in dietary health. Food eaten in the morning is used during the day. Taken in the evening, it is stored as fat. Studies have shown that people have lost as much as ten pounds a month merely by timing their meals correctly.6 A heavy supper in the evening also increases the number of fat particles in your blood, setting you up for a heart attack while you sleep. 5. Allow at least five hours between meals, and eat meals at the same time each day. This gives your digestive system the opportunity to work efficiently and rest between cycles. 6. Don't eat between meals. This slows down digestion so that food in the stomach ferments and produces toxins. It normally takes four to five hours for food to leave the stomach after a meal. In one study a person was given snacks every hour‐and‐a‐half after breakfast. Thirteen hours later a large portion of the breakfast was still undigested.7 Each time food is put into the stomach it stops the digestion process, mixes everything up, and forces the stomach to start over. Beverages with calories should not be consumed between meals for the same reason; those calories interrupt the digestion as well. 7. Include at least 75‐80% fresh, whole, raw plant foods. The body as a whole, and the immune system in particular will become strong and help to fight off disease and illness from the nutrients found in raw plant foods. When food is brought to a temperature above 107 degrees, you lose all the vitamins and enzymes from the food. Foods dehydrated at 107 degrees or less will retain most of their nutritional properties and are a good addition to fresh. How do you implement this nutritional plan? When you shop, choose fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain bread and pasta, low sugar cereals, brown rice, raw nuts and seeds, dried fruit without sugar coating, etc. If you buy prepared foods, read the labels and avoid foods high in fat, sugar, salt, and spices. Even some "health" foods may be high in these things. When you cook, avoid frying—boil, steam, or bake instead. While there are many good cookbooks available to help you with a plant based diet, it is best to just keep meals simple and uncomplicated. You don't have to be a gourmet chef to prepare appetizing meals. Bear in mind that our sense of taste is very overstimulated with the high‐fat, high‐sugar, high‐salt, processed foods many of us are used to. It takes a little while to adjust to simply prepared meals, and it is important to persevere. It may take several months to retrain the taste‐buds. However, forcing yourself to eat things you really don't like is counterproductive. Utilize those natural foods which you enjoy, but periodically go back and try some of the foods you've rejected—you may find that they become much more edible as your appreciation for different flavors increases. Now there’s really no excuse. So get busy getting healthy!

1. Nedley, N. Proof Positive Ardmore, OK: Neil Nedley MD 1999 p. 186. 2. Ibid. p. 186. 3. Messina M, Messina V., Setchell K.D. The Simple Soybean and Your Health, Garden City Park, NY: Avery Publishing Group, 1994 p.24. 4. Linkswiler, H.M., Zemel, M.B., et al. Fed Proc 1981 Jul:40(9):2429‐2433. 5. Belloc, N.B., Breslow, L. Prev Med 1972 Aug; 1(3):409‐421. 6. Carter, J.P., Brown J. Journal of the Louisiana State Medical Society 1985; 137(6):35‐38. 7. Ludingtcn, Aileen MD, Diehi, Hans Dr. HSc, MPH. Health Power Hagerstown. MD: Review and Herald Pub. Co., 2000 p.154.

Exercise We are created for action, and it is impossible to be truly well without it! The adage "Use it or lose it" applies to every part of the body. Exercise provides greater vitality; extra energy, and longer life. Yet, for many, the greatest exertion of the day is getting out of bed or walking from the kitchen to the garage. As a result of our more sedentary habits, we must deliberately incorporate physical activity into our lives. Exercise is critically important to a total lifestyle approach to health. Here are some of the benefits of exercise:        

Exercise helps us feel good. It is so effective that it is a valuable tool for fighting depression and relieving anxiety and stress. Exercise increases energy levels, making us more efficient and productive in all that we do. Exercise helps one to reach and maintain proper weight. It burns calories, builds muscle, and increases the metabolism. Exercise stimulates the immune system. This decreases not only cold and flu infections, but also significantly reduces cancer mortality rates. Exercise enhances circulation, which in turn improves memory and mental ability and promotes better sleep and faster healing. It decreases the pain and stiffness of osteoarthritis by delivering blood to the joints, and can relieve headaches. Exercise strengthens the bones, helping them retain calcium and other minerals, thus aiding in the prevention of osteoporosis. Exercise helps protect from heart disease by strengthening the heart, decreasing blood pressure and heart rate, and lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol while raising HDL (good) cholesterol. Exercise aids digestion and promotes intestinal activity, reducing gas and constipation.

Exercise Essentials 1. Check with your doctor before starting a vigorous exercise program if you have cardiovascular disease or are over 40 with multiple cardiovascular risk factors. The risks of physical activity are very low compared to the health benefits. Many more people rust out than wear out. 2. Make physical activity a part of your life: grow a garden; choose to walk rather than ride; always use the most distant parking space; take the stairs; play active games with the kids; use a push mower; walk the dog. In addition to these activities, choose an exercise that you will enjoy such as walking, swimming, or cycling; if you enjoy it you are more likely to make it a permanent part of your life.

BENEFITS OF WALKING Walking, although one of the simplest exercises; has several surprising advantages:   

3. Establish an exercise routine. Pick a time of day that's best for you and keep that exercise appointment as if it were a business engagement. Exercise is cumulative. Three ten minute sessions are just as good as one thirty minute period.

  

4. Always start with a low intensity exercise to let your body warm up. Then do a few stretching exercises using a slow, steady movement.


5. End with a low intensity exercise to cool down, and more stretching to avoid soreness and enhance flexibility. 6. You need at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. If daily exercise is not possible, try for three times a week on nonconsecutive days. Alternating aerobic exercise with strength training is now recommended as the most complete and beneficial program.



Walking uses almost all of the body's 206 bones and 640 muscles. It is something that almost everyone can do without learning new skills. it does not require the purchase of expensive equipment. It is easy on your joints. The pace is simple to adjust. It can be done anywhere from shopping malls to the great outdoors. You can get your fresh air and sunshine at the same time if you are walking outside. Walking lends itself to socializing; make exercise fun by including family, friends, and your dog. Invest in a good pair of walking shoes and dress appropriately for the weather.

7. Remember, you aren't in competition with anyone, so don't push beyond your tolerance. Excessive exercise is not healthy. 1. Paffenbarger R.S. Jr. JAMA 1984 Jul 27;252(4):491‐495.

Water What can be sweeter than a freshly bathed baby; or more refreshing than a cool glass of water on a scorching hot day? Water is an all‐purpose cleanser both inside and out It is an abundant and effective agent for washing away dirt, germs, and bacteria. The skin is one of the organs the body uses to eliminate waste products. If these impurities are allowed to remain on the skin they can cause illness. A clean body and surroundings are indispensable for physical and mental health. A glass of water acts as a bath for the digestive system, cleansing and refreshing it. Other beverages are unable to purify like water. Soda and coffee can no more clean the inside of your body than they can the outside.

Conditions Helped by Hydrotherapy As oil is to a car engine so water is to the body, the universal lubricant that makes everything else work All the functions of the body depend on water. A lack of water dehydrates the fluids, tissues, and cells of the body. It causes the blood to thicken, increasing the risks of stroke and heart disease. Insufficient water can mimic hypoglycemia, causing headaches, tiredness, and fainting spells. The body loses ten to twelve cups of water every day. The food we eat provides two to four cups of water, so we need to drink six to eight glasses each day to replace the difference. Pure plain water is the best way to replace the fluid you need. Many sugar‐laden beverages actually result in a loss of water from the system; it requires more water to metabolize the sugar in a drink than it can provide. Caffeine and alcohol are both diuretics which cause the body to lose water. You need an extra glass of water for every high‐ sugar, caffeinated, or alcoholic beverage you drink.

Hydrotherapy is used to treat many illnesses and conditions including:        

acne arthritis colds depression headaches stomach problems joint, muscle, and nerve problems sleep disorders  stress It is also commonly used for relaxation and to maintain a person’s state of health. Hydrotherapy is also excellent for reducing or relieving sudden or long-lasting pain.

Drinking water with meals dilutes the gastric juices and slows the digestive process. The best time to drink water is between meals, beginning an hour after eating, until fifteen minutes before the next meal. Water is a remarkable aid in the treatment of disease. When you are ill drink plenty of water. This replaces any fluid lost during a fever and insures that every part of your body will function well. Frequent showers will prove to be helpful as well. Along with using water internally, there are wonderful properties in water to help the body heal from external application. Hydrotherapy (Water Therapy), has been used as a curative for thousands of years.


Sunshine has gotten some bad publicity recently; the impression has been given that even small amounts of sun are harmful. While it is true that excessive sunlight can increase the risk of skin cancer and cataracts, sunshine in moderate amounts has many benefits. Sunlight converts cholesterol into vitamin D, lowering the blood cholesterol. Vitamin D provides a host of advantages to the body, including prevention of many types of cancer and better calcium absorption, which in turn helps prevent osteoporosis and tooth decay, makes stronger denser bones, and speeds bone repair. Sunlight also touts many other wonderful benefits: 

    

Sunlight kills many germs and enhances the immune system by increasing gamma globulin, and raising the number and effectiveness of the white blood cells which destroy germs. Lightly tanned skin kills germs and resists infection much better untanned skin. Many skin diseases respond well to controlled doses of sunlight. Sunlight soothes the nervous system and is important in treating depression. It gives a sense of well‐being by increasing endorphin production in the brain. Sunlight strengthens the cardiovascular system. It improves the circulation, lowers the heart rate, and normalizes the blood pressure and blood sugar, bringing highs down and lows up. Sunlight aids in weight loss, increasing the metabolism by stimulating thyroid production. Sunlight improves sleep. Natural light exposure in daytime increases melatonin output at night. Sunlight enhances waste elimination by improving liver function; it is an effective treatment for jaundice It relieves the kidneys of some of their burden by eliminating wastes through the skin when you sweat.

Moderate work or exercise outdoors every day will secure these benefits and more. We receive the sun's rays even on cloudy days; however ordinary window glass filters out 95 percent of the useful ultraviolet light.

What About Skin Cancer? Sun should be taken in moderation. Overexposure to sunlight is a major risk factor for skin cancer. Melanoma, a quickly spreading skin cancer that is fatal in 20 percent of cases, is associated with lack of regular sun exposure and repeated burning of the skin. Avoid sunburn like the plague. Get your sunshine in small doses and take great care between 10 A.M. and 3 P.M., particularly in summer when the sun is strongest. Excessive sunshine, especially sunburn, increases your risk of skin cancer. However, sunlight provides so many benefits that avoiding it is not a healthy choice. At least ten minutes of sunlight per day is necessary to maintain good health. Any exposure of more than this should be based on your individual skin tone.

Temperance I Corinthians 9:25 And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. The word temperance, when used in the context of health, has three very distinct meanings: moderation in the use of that which is good, total abstinence from that which is harmful, and self‐restraint. More is not always better. Work, exercise, rest, eating, and sunshine are all beneficial and necessary; but any of them taken to extremes becomes harmful. Overeating, even of the most healthy foods is detrimental. Exercise is indispensable to living healthfully, but over‐exertion can cause injury. Anything that harms the body is counterproductive to good health. Do not use tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or caffeinated drinks. These are not only harmful to the body, they are mind altering drugs which affect the nervous system and brain function. Avoid things that are harmful to you personally: foods to which you are sensitive, or which contribute to a disease you are fighting; risky behaviors or activities; as well as certain people and thought patterns. This rule simply stated is, "First, do no harm." Self‐restraint is easily said, but it is an elusive goal for most of us. It is sobering and alarming to realize that often we really are not in control of ourselves, that we are slaves to some appetite or habit. When you find that what you will to do you don't have the power to accomplish, there is hope. Whenever the issue of a change in lifestyle comes up, whether it is losing weight, quitting a harmful habit, or trying to get enough rest or exercise, many people know what they need to do but can't seem to find either the desire or the will power to do it. When we repeat an action over and over the brain changes and makes a "pathway" so it is easier to do that action again without thinking about it. The only way to change the habit is to form a new "pathway" that is stronger than the old one. Many people find that it takes approximately three weeks to form a new habit. Unfortunately, the old pathway never goes away so the chance of falling back into the old habit is always present. Addictions have several common characteristics, one of which is the loss of control. Any habit that is not fully under your command is an addiction. The primary methods for dealing with a habit or an addiction are the same: 

   

Stop "cold turkey." If you truly want to change, you must make a clean break from your habit or addiction and abstain for life. You can no more indulge a bad habit in "moderation" than an alcoholic can return to "moderate" drinking. Address the root causes. If your addiction is brought on by stress you must learn to deal constructively with this foundational problem before you can expect to master your addiction. Make no provision to fail. Don't keep the cigarettes, liquor, chocolate, etc., around; everyone has weak moments. Be willing to face some discomfort. Some suffering may be involved in breaking a habit or an addiction. Be willing to endure, always keeping your goal in mind. Persevere. If failure occurs, the tendency is to become discouraged and quit. Don't give up. Learn from your mistake and keep going.

While these techniques have their place, some of us have a willpower so weak that all the methods in the world will not be enough. We can no more change our behavior than we can increase our height or change the color of our skin through willpower alone. We love our habit even while we hate the effects it has on us. What can you do when you realize that you are truly helpless and enslaved‐‐when you have tried everything and have given up on yourself! That is just the place where God can work with you. Give Him a chance, put the whole matter in His capable hands, and relinquish yourself to His control.

Air Ripples on the lake, butterflies, and bird songs remind us of the bounties of fresh air. Air is the most vital element for man and animals. One may live for weeks without food, or days without water, but deprived of air he will perish within minutes. The human body must have oxygen; each of its 100 trillion cells must receive steady, fresh supplies to survive. Every day you take more than 17,000 breaths to keep your body fueled. The heart sends blood to the lungs where it drops off carbon dioxide for elimination and picks up fresh oxygen for delivery to every cell in the body. Fresh air has many health benefits. It improves the brain's ability to function; gives clarity to the mind, improves concentration, and boosts learning abilities. It gives a sense of happiness and well‐being by altering brain levels of serotonin. It promotes quality sleep, and kills bacteria and viruses in the air. Pollution causes air to lose these capabilities. Environmental impurities affect people in a number of ways. Symptoms include sore throats, burning eyes, coughing, sluggishness, nausea, headaches, dizziness, exhaustion, and depression. Pollution is also associated with increased asthma, and other respiratory problems, and many of these contaminants have been linked to increased rates of cancer and other illnesses. In closed areas the same air can be breathed and rebreathed, over and over. The oxygen content decreases, and the carbon dioxide and other wastes increase. When we breathe this stale air, the supply of oxygen is insufficient to keep the cells fueled. Devitalized air increases tension, anxiety, irritability, and headaches. It promotes depression and chronic feelings of fatigue and exhaustion. Endeavor to get as much fresh air as you can every day. Here are some suggestions that may be helpful.

Ventilation Open the windows or set heating and air conditioning units to bring in fresh air. Air out your house everyday. Keep proper ventilation in mind wherever you are. Avoid car exhaust, tobacco smoke, and stuffy ill‐ventilated rooms.

Deep breathing Take several deep breaths to clear the mind and increase the energy level. 1. Find the freshest air available. Go outdoors if possible. 2. Stand erect. 3. Draw as much air into your lungs as they will hold. Imagine it going right down into your belly. Feel your stomach expand. 4. Hold your breath for a few seconds. 5. Empty your lungs as completely as possible; use your stomach muscles to gently push out the last bit of air. 6. Repeat the process five or six times. 7. Take a fresh air break several times daily.

Most people use less than half of their lung capacity. They are not getting all the potential benefits from the air they breathe. Consciously use your stomach muscles to fill and empty your lungs several times a day, and deep breathing will soon become a habit.

Exercise A good workout forces you to breathe deeply and speeds up the circulation of oxygen‐rich blood throughout the body; this saturates each cell with oxygen. Whenever possible, exercise outside in the morning when the air is cleanest.

Posture The way we stand and sit affects the amount of air the lungs can hold. When we sit up straight and "walk tall" we allow them to enlarge and work at full capacity. When we habitually stoop or slouch it is impossible to breath deeply. Superficial breathing soon becomes a habit and the lungs loose their power to expand and receive a sufficient supply of oxygen.

Clothing What we wear affects the amount of oxygen available for our use. Loose comfortable clothing allows the lungs freedom to inflate; tight, constrictive clothing around the abdomen tends to restrict breathing.

Plants From the rainforest, to the city park, to the home, plants serve the very important function of recycling the atmosphere. They absorb carbon dioxide from the air and produce oxygen for us to breathe. Some provide the added advantage of removing toxic pollutants from the air.

A rural environment Fresh air has a different chemical makeup from the indoor air most of us breathe; it is ionized or electrically charged, which is the primary reason for its multitude of health advantages. This air is produced in natural settings, around trees and moving water, in sunlight, and after thunderstorms. Fresh country air soothes the nerves, stimulates the appetite, and induces sound refreshing sleep. If you are fighting sickness, fresh air, in combination with the other principles of health, is a powerful remedy.

Rest A vital part of a healthful lifestyle is getting the right quantity and quality of sleep. This is when the body grows, repairs damage, and restores energy, preparing itself for another day of activity. When the body is deprived of sleep, it is unable to rebuild and recharge itself adequately There is an increase in irritability, while creativity, concentration and efficiency suffer. Sleep deprivation impairs judgment, causing values and priorities to change. Continued loss of sleep can result in exhaustion, depression, delusions, paranoia, and hallucinations. Losing as little as three hours of sleep in a single night can cut the effectiveness of your immune system in half. Slowed reaction time and decreased concentration lead to an increase in accidents, both fatal and nonfatal. Estimates suggest that as many as 30 percent of fatal automobile accidents are caused by a driver falling asleep at the wheel. In a classic health study it was found that people who regularly slept seven to eight hours each night had a lower death rate than those who slept less than that. In the U.S. fatigue is one of the most common reasons for visiting a physician. Many people have been sleepy for so long that they don't know what it's like to feel wide awake. Do you nod off whenever you're not active, need an alarm clock to wake up, or sleep longer on your days off? If so, you are probably not getting enough sleep. Here are some ways to improve the quality of your sleep: 1. Follow a regular exercise program, preferably in the fresh air and sunshine. The body will rest better if it has been active. 2. Don't eat a heavy evening meal. When the body has to finish the digestion process after you go to bed, you won't get the proper quality of rest. 3. Have a regular sleeping schedule. Go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time, including weekends. Studies show that the most efficient sleep occurs between 9:00 P.M. and 12:00 midnight. 4. Before bedtime relax your body and mind. Take a warm bath; drink a cup of herbal tea, such as catnip or hops; enjoy some quiet reading or soft music; do something pleasant and soothing. 5. Avoid stimulants like radio, television, tobacco, and caffeine. 6. Avoid upsetting arguments, conversations, and confrontations in the evening. Before bedtime set your worries and anxieties aside. Ask forgiveness and make restitution to those you may have hurt—obtain a clear conscience. 7. Refrain from alcohol; it interferes with the body's ability to rebuild itself while you are sleeping. Check your medications for side effects that interfere with sleep. 8. A cool, dark, comfortable, tidy, and quiet sleeping area with an abundant supply of fresh air will soothe the body and encourage rest. 9. As you go to sleep, take time to be thankful for the blessings in your life. Our bodies require more than just a daily period of sleep. At creation God provided for a weekly rest, the Sabbath. This gives us a whole day without work, when the week's cares are set aside for quality time with God and our

families. This is indispensable for total health—it's like an oasis in the midst of our busy lives, If we work continuously, we impose a strain upon our health and set ourselves up for disease. A longer period of recreation and relaxation is also important from time to time to refresh and renew us.

Trust in God What do faith, religion, and trust in God have to do with health? The list of benefits is extensive. Research has shown that spirituality helps to control stress, strengthen the immune system, and protect against heart disease and cancer. Beyond these scientifically verifiable benefits, God promises eternal life to those who trust Him—a life of perfect health and freedom from pain, fear, and death. But can I trust Him? Does he even exist, and if so, does He care about me personally? Before you can trust anyone—God or man—you have to get to know him, observe his personality and character, communicate and interact with him, and consider how he treats others and whether he keeps his promises. Before you can trust God, you need to become acquainted; talk, listen, and work with Him; investigate how He deals with His children. He longs to develop a close personal relationship with you. He invites you to come to Him on a daily basis and learn of Him.

Listening to God Ask Him to give you spiritual insight so that you may hear and understand what He is saying to you. Here are some of the more common ways God speaks to us:  




Through the Bible. This book is God's disclosure of His own character and His love for mankind. He reveals the true story of the conflict between Himself and Satan and how it has played out through history. It is also the original true source for knowing Christ. Through the life of Christ. God sent His Son into the world so we might have a clearer picture of His personality and character. Christ's life of compassion, courtesy, and service to others here on this earth culminated in His death on the cross, the most vivid portrayal of God's love ever seen. Through nature. God created the wonderful and beautiful things of nature for the happiness and well‐ being of all His creatures. His love and wisdom can be seen in His created works. Though the earth bears evidence of the curse of sin and only dimly reflects the Creator's glory; His object lessons are not obliterated. Nature still speaks of her Creator imperfect and blighted though she may be, His craftsmanship may still be recognized. Through others. Like the moon reflecting the light of the sun, genuine Christians can give you a small glimpse of what He is like. However, the likeness of Christ in them may be partial, incomplete, or even distorted. It is better to look to the Source. Through providence—God's personal care, protection, and guidance. God intervenes in our lives; He leads, cares for, and protects us. If you look back over your life you may be able to recognize some of the times when He has worked to get your attention and tell you He loves you.

What about the trials of life where is God when my world is falling apart? Always look at trials through the lens of Calvary. God's love for you was proven at the cross; "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were vet sinners. Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8). He can never act toward you in a way other than love. This divine love combined with His perfect wisdom and unlimited power insures that His decisions are always right. God invariably leads His children as they would choose to be led, if they could see the end from the beginning.

If God is so loving and wise, why do bad things happen to good and innocent people?

There are many reasons why bad things happen to good people. Here are a few of the factors that may be at work. 1. Because of our own choices. God does not force the will of anyone. He respects each person's right to choose whether or not they will obey Him and follow His will by doing as He directs. He lets us experience the results of our own choices. 2. Because of the choices of others. We all have an influence on each other's lives. The poor choices of Adam and Eve, civil leaders, drunk drivers, and our parents, all affect our lives adversely. The innocent suffer from other people's faulty decisions. 3. Because of the violation of natural law. Objects fall; ice is slippery; machinery fails. When the physical laws that govern our world are broken, accidents happen and people get hurt. 4. Because of the adversary. Satan is allowed to test the loyalty and commitment of those who claim to be Christians. (See Job 1:1‐12). Satan maintains that God's people do not serve Him from love but because He protects and profits them, that if pain, loss, or temptation come they will reject God and choose Satan as their ruler. When we come under trial, yet stay true to God, He is vindicated and our faith is proven to be genuine. When we stop trusting God because of our trials, Satan tells God, "See, they only served You for personal gain." When Adam and Eve chose to disobey God they released Satan to constantly tempt and torment the human race, and gained for themselves and their children a "knowledge of evil." Those who have experienced pain, disease, and death know first hand what this planet would be like if Satan were allowed full control. Satan hates God, and delights in hurting those He loves. Because of the great controversy between God and Satan the choices and circumstances that affect our lives may not be the best, but when we stay surrendered to His loving care He takes those less than perfect circumstances and works them out for our ultimate benefit. He will always give us either strength to bear our trials or provide a way of escape; He promises, "I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." (Matthew 28:20). When we place ourselves in His hands He will make all things work together for good. (See Romans. 8:28). Remember, God can see the big picture where we cannot. We are like children, incapable of understanding decisions for future good that bring disappointment now. Rather than staring blindly at your hurts and dashed hopes, seek to understand God's perspective in each circumstance.

Talking to God Prayer is the opening of the heart to God as to a friend. Come to Him as you are with your hopes, doubts, and questions. Share your concerns, your joys, and struggles.

Persevere in learning of Him and talking to Him; you will come to experience His great unfailing love, His power and wisdom, the kindness, beauty and compassion of His character, and the joy of doing His will. You will learn to trust Him and know that He loves you and will never harm you.

Basic Principles of Healing The basic principles upon which modern medicine is based are twofold: poisoning and cutting. While in training, every physician and nurse is taught that every drug is poisonous. Two primary types of poisons are used: chemical poisoning and radiation poisoning. The other method is cutting. If something is wrong with an organ, instead of letting it heal, cut it out. In great contrast are the natural healing principles, which work with the body's own efforts to restore health. Here we find rest, generally brief liquid fasts, light meals, enemas, water applications, fresh air, sunshine, avoidance of harmful substances, and trust in divine power. Here is a clarifying passage which is outstanding in its simplicity and breadth of understanding, written by a pioneer in natural remedies, Ellen White. Paragraph headings have been added to focus the points made: The solution is to teach the people: "The only hope of better things is in the education of the people in right principles. Let the physicians teach the people that restorative power is not in drugs, but in nature." The true nature of "disease." It is a cleansing process: "Disease is an effort of nature to free the system from conditions that result from a violation of the laws of health." What we should do when a person is sick: "In case of sickness, the cause should be ascertained. Unhealthful conditions should be changed, wrong habits corrected. Then nature is to be assisted in her effort to expel impurities and to reestablish right conditions in the system." Here are the eight natural remedies: "Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, rest, exercise, proper diet, the use of water, trust in divine power,—these are the true remedies." Everyone should be taught how to use these remedies: "Every person should have a knowledge of nature's remedial agencies and how to apply them. It is essential both to understand the principles involved in the treatment of the sick and to have a practical training that will enable one rightly to use this knowledge." The use of natural remedies requires thought and work, but is well worth it: "The use of natural remedies requires an amount of care and effort that many are not willing to give. Nature's process of healing and upbuilding is gradual, and to the impatient it seems slow. But in the end it will be found that nature, untrammeled, does her work wisely and well. Those who persevere in obedience to her laws will reap the reward in health of body and health of mind." Prevention is better than treatment: "Too little attention is generally given to the preservation of health. It is far better to prevent disease than to know how to treat it when contracted." There are important laws of life which govern every part of our bodies, our diet, and our behavior: "It is the duty of every person, for his own sake, and for the sake of humanity, to inform himself in regard to the laws of life and conscientiously to obey them." We need to learn about these laws and how they govern the parts (anatomy) and function (physiology) of our bodies: "All need to become acquainted with that most wonderful of all organisms, the human body. They should

understand the functions of the various organs and the dependence of one upon another for the healthy action of all. They should study the influence of the mind upon the body, and of the body upon the mind, and the laws by which they are governed." Health is not the result of chance, but of obedience to law: "We cannot be too often reminded that health does not depend on chance. It is a result of obedience to law." Athletes understand this principle better than many of others: "This is recognized by the contestants in athletic games and trials of strength. These men make the most careful preparation. They submit to thorough training and strict discipline. Every physical habit is carefully regulated. They know that neglect, excess, or carelessness, which weakens or cripples any organ or function of the body, would ensure defeat." Failure to understand and practice these principles, and obey these laws of nature,—can have effects which reach far into the future: "How much more important is such carefulness to ensure success in the conflict of life. It is not mimic battles in which we are engaged. We are waging a warfare upon which hang eternal results. We have unseen enemies to meet. Evil angels are striving for the dominion of every human being." When we weaken our health, we weaken our mental and moral powers: "Whatever injures the health, not only lessens physical vigor, but tends to weaken the mental and moral powers. Indulgence in any unhealthful practice makes it more difficult for one to discriminate between right and wrong, and hence more difficult to resist evil. It increases the danger of failure and defeat." Everyone can be a winner, if he will determine to control himself and practice right principles: " `They which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize.' (1 Corinthians 9:24). In the warfare in which we are engaged, all may win who will discipline themselves by obedience to right principles. The practice of these principles in the details of life is too often looked upon as unimportant—a matter too trivial to demand attention. But in view of the issues at stake, nothing with which we have to do is small. Every act casts its weight into the scale that determines life's victory or defeat. The scripture bids us, `So run, that ye may obtain.' " If we would have success, we must obey the law of God: "The foundation of all enduring reform is the law of God. We are to present in clear, distinct lines the need of obeying this law. Its principles must be kept before the people. They [the moral law of Ten Commandments and the physical laws of nature] are as everlasting and inexorable as God Himself. One of the most deplorable effects of the original apostasy was the loss of man's power of self‐control. Only as this power is regained, can there be real progress." The mind must control the body, or the mind will lose control of itself: "The body is the only medium through which the mind and the soul are developed for the upbuilding of character. Hence it is that the adversary of souls directs his temptations to the enfeebling and degrading of the physical powers. His success here means the surrender to evil of the whole being. The tendencies of our physical nature, unless under the dominion of a higher power, will surely work ruin and death." The power of the will must be exercised to bring both body and mind under the control of God: "The body is to be brought into subjection. The higher powers of the being are to rule. The passions are to be controlled by the will, which is itself to be under the control of God. The kingly power of reason, sanctified by divine grace, is to bear sway in our lives." We must urge upon men and women the vital importance of self‐mastery, in controlling the appetites and passions, and keeping the body in good health: "The requirements of God must be brought home to the conscience. Men and women must be awakened to the duty of self‐mastery, the need of purity, freedom from every depraving appetite and defiling habit. They need to be impressed with the fact that all their powers of mind and body are the gift of God, and are to be preserved in the best possible condition for His service." Only in the enabling strength of Christ can this be done: "Apart from divine power, no genuine reform can be effected. Human barriers against natural and cultivated tendencies are but as the sandbank against the torrent.

Not until the life of Christ becomes a vitalizing power in our lives can we resist the temptations that assail us from within and without." Each of us can have strength to bring our appetites and passions under control: "Christ came to this world and lived the law of God, that man might have perfect mastery over the natural inclinations which corrupt the soul. The Physician of soul and body, He gives victory over warring lusts. He has provided every facility, that man may possess completeness of character." A surrendered life makes obedience a delight, not a drudgery: "When one surrenders to Christ, the mind is brought under the control of the law; but it is the royal law which proclaims liberty to every captive. By becoming one with Christ, man is made free. Subjection to the will of Christ means restoration to perfect manhood." Obedience to God is freedom to be happy: "Obedience to God is liberty from the thralldom of sin, deliverance from human passion and impulse. Man may stand conqueror of himself, conqueror of his own inclinations, conqueror of principalities and powers, and of `the rulers of the darkness of this world,' and of `spiritual wickedness in high places.' " The above quotations were taken from Ministry of Healing, pages 127 to 131, by Ellen White. The book was first published in 1905, yet the health and healing principles are needed as much today as then. (Single copies of Ministry of Healing may be obtained from HeavenScent Wholistic Health, for $7.95 (Web: www.hs‐wholistic.org Phone: 828‐707‐7644)

The following contains information that is in addition to the Eight Steps to Wellness and should be considered important to a Healthy Lifestyle! It’s God’s Intention that YOU Be Healthy! Despite how reassuring it may feel to be able to say “The Lord has given me a cross to bear with my ill health, and I will bear it the best I can, by His grace”, the REAL truth is that He has made every provision for you to BE HEALTHY and STAY HEALTHY. Where is this health information given by God, you ask? Well, let’s look at the ORIGINAL DIET given to our first forebears, Adam and Eve. Genesis 1:29 reads “Behold I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed, to you it shall be for meat.” So that means that the original, perfect menu adapted to fit your body was fruits and herbs. So how did we start eating meat? After the flood, the eating of meat was allowed by God due to the lack of ready vegetation and the depletion of the large expanse of fruit trees which had previously covered the earth. (Genesis 9:3, 4) Now to this many say “Aha! So meat eating was allowed by God and so it must be His will that we eat meat now.” But let’s take a somber look at where all of this meat eating has left us. Before the flood man lived to reach 700, 800 and even 900 years of age (see Genesis 5:5‐30; Adam – 930 years, Seth – 912 years, Mahalaleel – 895 years, Lamech – 777 years). And after the flood? Well just take a look around. We all know people who have died in their sixties, fifties and now more and more people are dying in their forties and thirties. These startling statistics mean that we are not even living to 1/10th or even in some cases 1/20th of the life span of those who lived before the flood! There’s a clue in that for us! And even though man was permitted to eat the flesh of animals – there were serious restrictions given by God. Man was not to eat flesh with the blood still in it since the blood of any living creature is its LIFE. (Genesis 9:4) How many people today take the time to thoroughly drain all the blood out of the meat that they eat? And there are specific animals which were allowed – and the others (in God’s supreme knowledge of our HEALTH requirements) we were told not to eat. They are actually called an abomination! (The list includes pigs/pork/ham, vultures, bats, & sea creatures with no fins or scales; See Leviticus 11) But What Does Science Say? Confronted with this information many people wonder – well how come I haven’t heard those in the medical community saying that eating meat is related to shortening my life and is this just the opinion of those who focus on a literal reading of the bible and is this unsupported by science?

To that there is a ready answer! Science has finally caught up to the PLAIN TRUTH of the Bible – and here is what CURRENT SCIENTISTS on the cutting edge have concluded. T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. who directed the most comprehensive study of diet, lifestyle and disease EVER DONE with humans in the history of biomedical research, which was jointly arranged through Cornell University, Oxford University and the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, lays out clearly in his book The China Study, pages 19, 21, & 23; (Update Dr. Campbell has now produced the movie, “Forks over Knives”, which “tackles the issue of diet and disease in a way that will have people talking for years.” “People need to know why we are unnecessarily sick, why too many of us die early despite the billions spent on research. The irony is that the solution is simple and inexpensive. The answer is the food that each of us choose to put in our mouths each day…In short, it is about the MULTIPLE HEALTH BENEFITS of consuming PLANT BASED foods, and the largely unappreciated HEALTH DANGERS of consuming ANIMAL BASED foods, including ALL TYPES of MEAT, DAIRY and EGGS.” And here’s the best part – “Additionally, impressive evidence now exists to show that advanced HEART DISEASE, relatively advanced CANCERS of certain types, DIABETES and a few other degenerative diseases CAN BE REVERSED BY DIET.” The Four Steps in Overcoming Disease and Illness No matter the disease or illness, at the end of the day there are four simple, bottom‐line steps that need to be taken to begin to alleviate whatever the problem happens to be ‐ FOR GOOD – and the good news is that none of the steps include cutting into the human body, burning with radiation or taking a large dosage of dangerous drugs. Despite what you may have been told your whole life – drugs do not cure disease. EVER! Richard Anderson, N.D., N.M.D., on page 16 of his book Cleanse and Purify Thyself provides one of the best descriptions of what’s needed that I have come across and here it is; “The first step in overcoming disease is to put a stop to its cause. This always begins by changing the habitual patterns of thoughts and feelings, which had been the invisible primal antecedent – the core cause. For the decomposition of the body (or dying) begins with “suicidal” thoughts and feelings – that is – feelings of hate, anger, fear, criticism, condemnation, judgment, blame, self‐pity, jealousy, resentment and depression. These conditions decrease the life and energy within. Good health requires good thoughts and good feelings. The second step towards perfect health of the body is to STOP INGESTING ANYTHING, including food, that does not contain ENZYMES, LIFEFORCE and VITAL NUTRIENTS. In other words, avoid putting in your mouth anything other than fresh, raw foods, and healthy cooked food alternatives. The third step toward overcoming disease is to REMOVE THE CONGESTION, TOXINS, ACIDS and everything else, from anywhere and everywhere within the body and mind that contributes toward disease. There is no single part of the body that is not affected by the whole, and vice versa. So, all congestion, toxins and negativity must be removed. [Here is where cleansing, detoxification, fasting, etc. come in) HeavenScent Wholistic Integrative Health has a 21 Day Cleansing Program available to help reset your body for a new and exciting way of life! www.hs‐wholistic.org

The fourth step toward lasting health is to then SUPPLY THE BODY WITH ALL THE NEEDED ELEMENTS. This includes life‐force enzymes, essential nutrients, and positive thoughts.” What Does That Really Look Like On a Practical Level? 1. First, begin to rely on Divine Power – and believe – for real this time – the promises of God that He WILL SEND HIS WORD and HEAL you, (Psalms 107:20), that He will heal ALL your diseases (Psalms 103:3), and as He says in Deuteronomy 7:11‐15, that He will take away ALL your sickness if you KEEP His commandments (all ten including keeping the Sabbath holy (the Seventh Day) and the statutes of the Lord and DO them. 2. Second, you must begin to eat a diet which is PRIMARILY build around LIVE, FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, raw nuts and seeds (75%) and steamed or baked vegetables, brown rice and beans (30%). BUT AT FIRST when you regaining your health your consumption of RAW, NATURAL foods should be closer to 100%. Think of a beautiful horse or cow in the field – strong, muscular and vital – how often have you seen one of them stir fry their meals before eating it? Success leaves clues! 3. Third, you must take the time to detoxify your body. Even if you were a conscientious eater – virtually everything that you put in your mouth has PESTICIDES, HERBICIDES, ANTIBIOTICS, GROWTH HORMONE, GENETICALLY ALTERED MATERIAL or CHEMICAL FOOD ADDITIVES. The fact is – we are exposed to toxins everywhere. As one author says “every year we consume, on average, fourteen pounds of food additives, including colorings, preservatives, flavorings, emulsifiers, humectants, and antimicrobials.” A series of enemas or colonics will help. And lastly, you must provide your body with all the elements that it requires for optimal functioning. Richard Anderson reminds us that “every single function of our bodies is dependent upon an adequate supply of minerals, and there are no exceptions. Adequate healing cannot take place until we have replenished our mineral supply and brought our bodies into the balance.” There are a number of green food concentrates that will work to regenerate and re‐mineralize your body. Stop Poisoning Your Body with Food The 10 Most Common Food Additives (toxic, deadly) Want to look better and feel better? What if you could avoid just 10 food ingredients and make a huge improvement in your health? Paula Owens (PaulaOwens.com) the author of “The Power of 4” says avoiding these 10 things will change your body dramatically. Owens has a master’s degree in holistic nutrition and bachelor’s degree in kinesiology. She explains what ingredients to avoid and how your body with benefit if you avoid them. 1. HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP (HFCS) HFCS is the number one source of added calories for many people and causes obesity. You’ll find high fructose corn syrup in processed food, fast food, sodas, syrup that goes into your coffee latte, etc. HFCS is extremely TOXIC TO YOUR LIVER, increases inflammation; causes OBESITY, oxidative stress and creates an aggressive insulin response.

2. All PARTIALLY HYDROGENATED OILS (Trans Fats) Partially hydrogenated oils are found in thousands of processed foods (breakfast cereals, cookies, chips). Trans fats are PROVEN TO CAUSE HEART DISEASE and contribute to obesity. RESTAURANT FOOD, especially from fast food chains, often serve food loaded with trans fats. Consequences of a diet high in trans fat include: Increased inflammation, decreased immune function, decreased testosterone, arthritis, cancer, decrease IQ, diabetes, elevated blood pressure, free radical production, HEART DISEASE, interferes with neurological and visual development of fetus, LIVER DAMAGE, obesity, osteoporosis, TYPE II DIABETES. 3. MSG Monosodium glutamate is a chemical that has been associated with reproductive disorders, MIGRAINE HEADACHES. Permanent change to the endocrine system leading to obesity and other serious disorders. MSG is used in many foods as a taste enhancer. It is linked to reduced fertility. 4. SODIUM NITRATE This is a preservative, coloring and flavoring commonly added to bacon, ham, hot dogs, luncheon meats, smoked fish and corned beef. Studies have lined eating it to VARIOUS TYPES OF CANCER. 5. REFINED SOY When it comes to soy, much of what we read and hear about comes from people who market it. Before you mix up a soy shake, snack on a soy protein bar or pour yourself a glass of soy, consider this: UNFERMENTED, PROCESSED soy inhibits the thyroid, is deficient in amino acids, and is often toxic to infants. There are some redeeming qualities to soy, however these are found primarily in fermented soy products like tempeh, miso, natto and soybean sprouts. If you want to get some health benefits from soy, stick to these four forms and pass on ALL processed soy milks, tofu, soy burgers, soy ice cream, soy cheese and other soy junk foods that are disguised as health foods. 6. WHITE SUGAR SUGAR MORE ADDICTIVE THAN COCAINE! Sugar has a profound influence on your brain function and your psychological function. When you consume excess amounts of sugar, your body releases excess amounts of insulin, which in turn causes a drop in your blood sugar, also known as hypoglycemia. In addition, sugar is pro‐flammatory, damages skin collagen and PROMOTES WRINKLES, increases your appetite, depletes your body of B vitamins, causes joint degeneration, ADHD and other behavior disorders, stimulates cholesterol synthesis and weight gain. 7. SODIUM CHLORIDE Commercialized table salt is highly processed and full of aluminum, chemicals and additives which are toxic. Opt for a healthier version such as Bragg’s Liquid Aminos or Celtic sea salt (light pink, grey or beige color). 8. ASPARTAME, SPLENDA, SWEET N LOW, EQUAL Aspartame is an artificial, chemical sweetener found in many foods and beverages including desserts, gelatins, protein powder, low calorie foods, drink mixes and sodas.

It may cause cancer and neurological problems such as dizziness, migraine headaches, weight gain, increased appetite, bloating, rashes or hallucinations. Aspartame poisoning mimics symptoms of MS. NutraSweet is in over 7,000 foods. Side effects: Increased heart disease, bloating and edema, BRAIN SEIZURES, cancer, CRAVINGS, headaches, predispose you to Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease, rashes and disease & weight gain that results in obesity. 9. FOOD COLORINGS (Blue 1.2; Red 3; Green 3; Yellow 5, 6) Six food colorings still on the market are linked with cancer in animal testing. There is evidence that food coloring and food additives contribute to behavioral problems in children, lead to lower IQ, hyperactivity, ADHD, depression, hormonal dysfunction and cancer. Red 3, used to dye cherries, fruit cocktails, ice cream and baked goods have been shown to cause thyroid tumors in rats. This harmful artificial color causes cancer and changes in brain chemistry. Read the list of ingredients in your child’s cough syrup (artificial color). Green 3 is a potential allergen and has been linked to BLADDER CANCER. Green 3 is added to candy, mint jelly, cereals and beverages. Blue 1 and 2, found in beverages, candy, baked goods, cereals and pet food have been linked to allergies and cancer. Yellow 5 is the most notable artificial color because it causes the most immediate allergic reaction in people sensitive to salicylates such as aspirin. Yellow 6 has been linked to TUMORS of the ADRENAL GLAND AND KIDNEY. Yellow 6 is added to beverages, sausage, gelatin, baked goods and candy. 10. PROCESSED/REFINED WHEAT AND GLUTEN Refined gains are DEVOID OF NUTRIENTS, disrupt insulin levels and are highly allergenic for many individuals. Wheat and gluten have adverse health effects for approximately 80 percent of the population. Gluten is a protein found combine with starch in the endosperm of grains, notably wheat, rye and barley. Gluten intolerance/insensitivity is severely misdiagnosed or under‐diagnosed. One estimate says that 97 percent of all sufferers don’t know they have the disease due to unfamiliarity with it among physicians. Signs and symptoms of gluten intolerance: The ultimate effect of this hidden wear and tear is the slow destruction of the healthy mucosa, or lining tissue of the small intestine causing an autoimmune response that’s similar to an allergic reaction. In some cases there may be symptoms in childhood such as ALLERGIES, ASTHMA, ANEMIA, reoccurring infections, a constant upset stomach or milk intolerance.

Other symptoms are nasal and throat mucus, feeling of food sitting in stomach, bloating, gas, diarrhea with periodic constipation, mental fogginess and skin rashes. In severe cases, as with Celiac disease, there can be SEIZURES, PSYCHOSIS, violent behavior and withdrawal. Eliminate gluten products for 3‐4 weeks and tell me how great you feel. Did Sugar Do that to You? Although sugar is a major life force and our bodies need it as a fuel to feed the ongoing fire of life’s process, when natural sugar is refined and concentrated, (and by refined we mean white sugar & even brown sugar) it passes quickly into the bloodstream in large amounts, giving the stomach and pancreas a shock. An acid condition forms which consumes the body’s minerals quickly and our body’s natural balance is upset. The digestive system is weakened and food cannot be digested or assimilated properly. This leads to a blood sugar imbalance and to further craving for sugar. Too much sugar can lead to… obesity, hypoglycemia, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, immune deficiency, tooth decay, bone loss, yeast infections, cancer, pre‐menstrual syndrome, male impotence a weakened mind, the loss of memory and concentration, shyness, violence, excessive or no talking, negative thought, paranoia, emotional upsets such as self pity, arguments, & irritability

Two ideas – Enjoy More Fruits or … Sweet Vegetables Almost everyone craves sweets. Rather than depending on processed sugar to satisfy cravings, add naturally sweet foods to your daily diet to satisfy your sweet tooth. Sweet vegetables soothe the internal organs of the body and energize the mind. Adding in sweet vegetables helps to crowd out less healthy foods in the diet. Sweet vegetables ‐deep, sweet flavor when cooked try: corn, carrots, onions, beets, winter squash, such as butternut, buttercup, delicata, hubbard and kabocha, and sweet potatoes and yams Semi‐sweet vegetables ‐subtly sweet try: turnips, parsnips and rutabagas Sweet Sensation Recipe    


Use one, two, three, four or five of the sweet vegetables mentioned above. Chop the hardest ones, like carrots and beets, into smaller pieces. Softer vegetables, like onions and cabbage, can be cut into larger chunks. Use a medium‐sized pot and add enough water to barely cover the vegetables. You may want to check the water level while cooking and add more water if needed. Remember, vegetables on the bottom will get cooked more than the ones on the top. Cook until desired softness. The softer the vegetables get, the sweeter they become. You may also add any of the following ingredients: spices, salt, seaweed. You can add tofu or a can of beans for extra protein.

And remember too, when thinking about sweet alternatives, artificial sweeteners are not a real choice . Some have reported reactions such as headaches, mood swings, changes in vision, nausea, memory loss, confusion and even convulsions after using certain artificial sweeteners. It is best to enjoy things that occur naturally! The Building Blocks of a Super Healthy Diet (with a sample meal plan) Most people know how to eat healthy, and know that they should — it’s just that when it comes down to implementing this knowledge, there’s a bridge that needs to be crossed from knowledge to action. How do you actually eat healthy, instead of just knowing that you should eat healthy? Create a meal plan, constructed with super healthy foods that you enjoy eating. Now, there are three parts of that solution, if you look closely, and all three parts are equally important:

1. Create a meal plan. Without this, you’ll just know what to eat, vaguely, but you need to actually make a plan and implement it (meaning, go shopping for the foods in the plan and actually cook the foods and eat them). 2. Super healthy foods. A meal plan without this doesn’t get you to where you want to go. Build your meals around stuff that’s really good for you. You can add other stuff, of course, but the super healthy stuff should be the majority of the food. 3. Food you really love. This is key. If you don’t enjoy the foods, you won’t stick with the plan for long. No one can eat food they don’t enjoy for more than a month or so (usually less). Add variety, of course, and mix up the plan every few weeks, but stick with foods you love. Given those simple components, the solution doesn’t seem so hard, does it? And with a super healthy meal plan like this — one that you love — you can pair it with some exercise and get healthier than ever. What follows are some of my building blocks. They aren’t the only possible building blocks, and you shouldn’t use them exclusively, but they’re a good starting point for anyone. Below those building blocks are some sample meals you can use, but only if you love these foods like I do. Instead of following it exactly, use it as a starting place, as a few ideas you can use to construct your own meal plan — with foods you love, not ones that I love. Super Healthy Building Blocks Spinach and other greens. Spinach is my favorite of the greens, but other good ones include kale, bok choi, collards, dark green lettuce (skip iceberg), and other similar greens. Try to build a couple of your meals around these greens, as they are high in fiber, vitamins and minerals. And best yet: super low in calories. You can eat a whole plate of greens and while they can fill you up, you couldn’t possibly get fat on them (unless you added a bunch of butter or fatty dressing or something like that). Avocadoes. I love these things. Full of good fats and good flavor, avocadoes are perfect for salads, sandwiches, wraps and more. Tomatoes. There are other good fruits and veggies, but tomatoes are one of my favorites, not only for their nutritional content but because of the flavor they add to any dish — salads, sandwiches, pastas, soups, anything. Fruits. Fruits are incredible snacks, because they are filled with fiber and vitamins but are low in calories. I eat lots of apples, oranges, bananas, mangoes, pears, grapes, melons. I like to add fruits to all kinds of uncooked meals, chopped up or as a side dish. Berries. They’re fruits, but they’re so special to me that I add them as a separate item. I absolutely adore berries. They are like a dessert to me, eaten cold and slowly and with my eyes closed. I add them to cereal, yogurt, smoothies, desserts, oatmeal and more … and of course just eat them by themselves. Nuts. Full of fiber and good fats and protein. I like to chop them up and put them in hot cereal or salads or stir frys, or just eat them raw and whole as snacks (almonds are my favorites). I also enjoy almond butter instead of peanut butter (although I eat both). Beans. Great sources of fiber and protein, low in calories, you can eat beans all day long. I like them in chili, soups, tacos and more. Get a variety — red, black, pinto, white, lentils.

Whole grains. This is a broad category that includes all kinds of cereals, breads, wraps, brown rice, pizza dough, and more. Try to go for as much whole grain as possible — if you see “wheat flour” or “enriched wheat flour” it’s not as good. I especially like sprouted grains, such as Ezekiel sprouted bread or English muffins or cereals. Oatmeal is good (avoid instant) as is muesli. Olive or canola oil (this can be added later). You need fats, but they should be the good kind. Avoid saturated, although a little saturated fat is fine. I usually use olive oil or canola oil, although there are other good ones too. Again, nuts and avocadoes also provide good fats. I also use ground flaxseed on lots of things for fiber and good fats. Lean protein. As a vegetarian, I eat lean vegetable protein — lots of beans and nuts. Whole grains also contain protein, as do other veggies. It’s not hard to meet your daily requirements, even with lots of exercise raising your requirements. Lean calcium. I try to stick to soy and other vegetable sources. However, try to stick with lower‐fat versions, as whole dairy can have too much saturated fat. Soy and Nut milks are great because they are very low in saturated fat. A Sample Meal Plan This is not something you should just adopt wholesale, without making changes. In fact, if these are foods you don’t like, ditch the whole thing, but use it just to get an idea of what you can do. These are foods I love to eat, but you should choose your own. Each day, you would choose one of the meals from each category (more from the snacks), or mix them up if you like. Be sure to get a variety, and change the options every few weeks or so. Breakfasts (Medium‐Large) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Hot oatmeal (using rolled oats) with chopped fruits or dried fruits, flaxseed, and/or berries. Kashi cereal with soymilk and berries or other fruits. Sprouted grain toast with almond butter, chopped fruits on the side. Scrambled tofu with tomatoes, mushrooms, spinach, onions. (See cookbook) Fried brown rice — fry up with olive oil, onions, mushrooms, green veggies, tofu, soy sauce or tamari sauce. You can throw in some corn or carrots or other veggies.

Lunches (Medium) 1. Veggie sandwich or wrap. Can have tomatoes, spinach or other greens, avocadoes, hummus, bell peppers, maybe some vegan mayonnaise. Any combo that works for you. On thick whole grain bread or whole grain wrap. 2. Whole wheat pita with hummus. Add tomatoes and raw spinach and sprouts. 3. Veggie burger. We make an oatburger that is awesome! On a sprouted grain bun, with homemade ketchup and maybe a touch of vegan mayo, lots of veggies (greens, sprouts, tomatoes and avocadoes are my favorites). Add some homemade sweet potato fries (use olive oil and a little salt) if you’re feeling decadent. These fries also go well with the sandwich or wrap. 4. Big salad. I like to use spinach or other greens, tomatoes, avocadoes, nuts, maybe some chopped fruit or berries, and a little bit of light homemade dressing. 5. Leftovers from dinners or fried brown rice 6. Tofu veggie stir fry. Just stir fry some onions, cubed tofu, and chopped veggies — various greens such as kale or bok choi work well, as do broccoli, bell peppers, carrots, anything really. Add some soy sauce or tamari, black pepper and anything else you’d like to add — nuts, sesame seed oil, ginger, garlic, a little honey all work well in different combinations. Serve over brown rice if you like.

7. Tacos. Some low‐fat refried beans and/or black beans on soft corn tortillas with salsa, greens, tomatoes, maybe corn or even some homemade sour cream. 8. Chili (see recipe book). Great with brown rice or corn bread or on its own. 9. Spaghetti or other pasta. Cook any kind of pasta you like. Cook some onions with diced tomatoes and bell peppers and some tomato sauce and basil. Add some fresh Parmesan if you like. For a meatier version, cook some veggie “ground beef” (made with barley) with onions and then add some pre‐made pasta sauce. 10. Homemade pizza. Make up some homemade pizza crusts and put in the freezer for later use. Take one out and thaw adding your favorite spaghetti sauce, and then any chopped veggies you like, brushed with olive oil. Kale, broccoli, spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes, bell peppers all work great. Dinners (Small) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Fruits. Chopped veggies. Carrots, broccoli, edamame are some of my favs. Dip in hummus if you like. Nuts. Almonds are my favorites. Herbal Tea Crackers

Information Sources include: http://www.projectrestore.com/library/radiant_living/rl_contents.htm For more information on Health and Healing, Natural Remedies, Books and Resources on Sustainable Living, contact us at HeavenScent Wholistic Integrative Health.

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