11 Chhandas :---CODE OF THE SANSKRIT WRITTEN CUMPUTER SYSTEM IN RIG VEDA The Vasundharah mentioned earlier also involves the Unified Universal Key of Knowledgethe Meru. This needs to be discussed separately because it is an extra-ordinarily voluminous subject in itself. However, that portion of the computer system of the ancients compatible with the modern system inherent in Varna Meru will be discussed wherever required in this work. The Rig Veda itself reveals the clues to its origin in Soma originating in the Aapah/waters/plasma - the Xray ripples in the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiations rhat can be discussed separately. The Rig Veda contains the clues to the meaning of the Chhandas:-Sukta 1.164: ---Vishwadevaah Prabhruti. Chhand: Trishtup,Jagati, Prabhruti. (23) "The Gaayatri Chhand indicates three Prathivis, namely â&#x20AC;&#x201C; black hole, white hole and our biosphere. The Tritup Chhand represents Antariksh/space while the Jagati Chhand indicates the Aakash/sky [YajurVeda 2.25] (24) "From the Suktas/hymns were created Saam (music with dharmic intonations as in Saam Veda) and Tritup Chhand for Yajur Vaak (sentences). The Vaak made of two or four Padas (parts) created Vani (speech). From Akshar (alphabets) constituted the seven Chhandas. (25) "Waters/Aapah/plasma/jal established in Aakash/sky and saw the Surya by Rathantar Saam. Gaayatri has three Charan (segments) and consequently is more powerful (amongst the Chhandas). Ramanik Chhanda is for Ribhus. [1.20.15] There is Devata of Aakashvani (radio waves).[3.1.2] There are other Chhandas like Narashansha, Kukupa[5,53.5]. Other Chhandas uses in Yagna are mentioned in the text. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^