Fascination of Plant Day 2019 by Plantae (ASPB)

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Happy Fascinat ion of Pl ant s Day! Int roduct ion The f if t h int ernat ional ?Fascinat ion of Pl ant s Day? is l aunched by pl ant scient ist s across t he worl d under t he umbrel l a of t he European Pl ant Science Organisat ion (EPSO).

Pl ant ae inf ographics To cel ebrat e our green f riends, Pl ant ae Fel l ows and ASPB Conviron Schol ars have compl ied inf ographics wit h l ot s of f un f act s about pl ant s. Enjoy!

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@PlantDay18May #PlantDay

Hops Humulus lupulus

Featuring plants on #PlantDay

What & where Is a herbaceous perennial vine native to Europe, southwestern Asia and North America. Its female fruits are used to preserve and flavor beer.

The Name Specific epithet lupulus means ?sm all w olf ?, as its shoots (up to 9 m in length) would be found climbing over trees and completely cover them.

Fun f act

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Originally it was used as a beer preservative becoming unpopular because of its bitterness. Henry VIII Parliament described it as a ?wicked weed that would spoil the drink taste?. References:Missouri Botanical Garden. Available at: www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/PlantFinder/ ; Penny, H. (2018). Plants400. University of Oxford Botanic Garden and Arboretum. Available at: medium.com/university-of-oxford-botanic-garden-and-arboretum/hops; https://pngimage.net/hop-png-5/

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@PlantDay18May #PlantDay

Tamarind Featuring plants on #PlantDay

Tamarindus indica

What & where Tamarind is a tropical fruit tree native to the dry regions of tropical east Africa. It has fruit pods with hard outer shells and pulpy centers.

The Name Its common and generic names are from the Arabic " Tam r -I-h in d" :

Dat e palm 's f r u it

Tam r : due to the date-like appearance of the dried pulp. Hin d: due to India. Meaning the " In dian dat e" .

Fun f act

Did you know?

It is known as a "Tree of life" because of the shade given by its feather-like leaves and also due to its numerous uses, as for oil, wood and food. References: Bhadoriya, S, et al. (2011). Tamarindus indica: Extent of explored potential. Pharmacognosy reviews, 5(9), 73?81; Hall, L. (2018). Plants400. University of Oxford Botanic Garden and Arboretum. Available at: medium.com/university-of-oxford-botanic-garden-and-arboretum;. KissPNG.com

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@PlantDay18May #PlantDay

Red and green

Kangaroo paw Anigozanthos manglesii

Featuring plants on #PlantDay

What & where It is a perennial herb endemic of the south-west of Australia. The individual plants consist of grey-green strap-like leaves to about 30 cm in height.

The Name Anigozanthos from the Greek ?anises?, meaning unequal and ?anthos?,flower, due to the division of the floral extremities. Manglesii, after Robert Mangles who raised it in England. Kangaroo paw is derived from the appearance of the unopened cluster of flowers.

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Fun f act

It was proclaimed "The Floral Emblem of Western Australia" on November 9th, 1960. References: Australian Native Plants Society. (2009). Anigozanthos manglesii. Available at: http://anpsa.org.au/a-man.html ; Bodden, A. (2012). Floral Emblems of Australia. Australian National Herbarium. Available at: https://www.anbg.gov.au/emblems/wa.emblem.html

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@PlantDay18May #PlantDay

Dandel ion Taraxacum officinale

Featuring plants on #PlantDay

What & Where This perennial is native to Europe and Asia though grows worldwide. Considered a weed based on its persistent nature.

The Name "Dandelion" is derived from dent de lion in French meaning "lion's tooth." This name is based on its jagged leaves. The species name, officinale, comes from the Latin word for pharmacy, denoting its value as a medicinal herb.

Did you know?

Fun f act

Dandelions have other uses besides making wishes. They have important medicinal and culinary properties. Though bitter in taste, many enjoy dandelion wine, tea, and salad! References: https://www.minnesotawildflowers.info/flower/common-dandelion https://changinglifestyleblog.wordpress.com/2011/04/12/dandelion-etymology/

Illu st r at ed by @CPFr eed

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@PlantDay18May #PlantDay

Panda Ear Kalanchoe tomentosa

Featuring plants on #PlantDay

What & Where Panda ears are endemic to Madagascar. They are one of many species from a succulent family, Kalan ch oe.

The Name It's no surprise this plant was named "pan da ear " based on its soft, fuzzy leaves. It's also referred to as "chocolate soldier " based on the brown spots on its leaf tips. Did you know?

Fun f act

Kalanchoe are popular house plants because they don't need to be watered often. They store water in their leaves as they come from hot and dry climates. References: https://www.guide-to-houseplants.com/panda-plant.html

Illu st r at ed by @CPFr eed

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@PlantDay18May #PlantDay

Poppy Papaver somniferum

Featuring plants on #PlantDay

What & Where This perennial originates from west Asia and southeast Europe. Its seeds contain edible oils and alkaloids, making it economically important for the culinary and pharmaceutical industries.

The Name Poppies come from the diverse family, Papaveraceae. Their vibrant colors really "pop" out and grab your attention.

Did you know?

Fun f act

Poppy flowers are symbolic for commerating fallen soldiers. This originates from trench warfare in a poppy field in Flanders during WWI. References:

https://eol.org/pages/594796/articles http://www.greatwar.co.uk/article/remembrance-poppy.htm

Illu st r at ed by @CPFr eed

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@PlantDay18May #PlantDay

Mexican marigol d Tagetes erecta

Featuring plants on #PlantDay

What & where A very colorful and fragrant flower. This plant is found in the wild in the southeast region of Mexico, and Is used in the DĂ­a de Muertos celebration.

The Name In Mexico is called FLOR de M UERTOS, (flower of the dead), the aztec name CempoalxĂłchitl means "twenty flower ".

Fun f act The dried petals, are used in poultry feed to ensure a good coloration of egg yolk. The flower is commonly planted in cemeteries. PICTURES:

Eduardo Tejedor, PINTEREST

https:// www.mitos-mexicanos.com/ leyendas-mexicanas-prehispanicas/ el-cempasuchil-la-flor-de-los-muertos.html

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@PlantDay18May #PlantDay

Vanil l a Vanilla planifolia

Featuring plants on #PlantDay

What & where The Vanilla plant, an orchid native to Mexico, now widely grown throughout the tropics. Indonesia and Madagascar are the world largest producers.

The Name Vainilla, the name in spanish, is from the diminutive of vaina, literally meaning ?lit t le pod?.

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Fun f act

Only the melipona bee, found in Central America, can pollinate vanilla. In other parts of the world, humans duplicate the process using a wooden needle. References: https://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/features/vanilla-8-facts https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanilla

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@PlantDay18May #PlantDay

Val erian Featuring plants on #PlantDay

Valeriana officinalis

What & where It is perennial flowering plant native to Europe and Asia. A mature plant may have a height of 1.5 metres! The part of the plant used medicinally is the root or rhizome.

The Name Derived from the latin ?Valerius?, which means to be strong and healthy. Two other ancient names are ?Nard? meaning ?st r on g sm ell? and ?phu? refers to the exclamation of disgust when we smell the dried root.

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Fun f act

Used by Greek physician, Dioscor ides, for heart palpitations, digestive problems, epilepsy and urinary tract infections. Valerian was recommended by Galen during the second century as a treatment for insomnia. Medicinal plant for anxiety, and sleep problems, the metabolites responsible for the activity are valeric and iso-valeric acids and valepotriates, due to GABA r e-u pt ake in h ibit ion (mechanism of action). References Wheatley, D. (2005). Medicinal plants for insomnia: a review of their pharmacology, efficacy and tolerability. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 19(4), 414? 421.doi:10.1177/ 0269881105053309 Murti, K., Kaushik, M., Sangwan, Y., & Kaushik, A. (2011). Pharmacological properties of valeriana officinalis- a review. Pharmacologyonline 3: 641-646.

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@PlantDay18May #PlantDay

Swiss Cheese Pl ant Featuring plants on #PlantDay

Monstera deliciosa

What & where Native to Mexico and Central America. It is thought that the holes in the leaves help allow light to reach lower leaves while also increasing leaf surface area for photosynthesis.

The Name The common name Swiss Cheese Plant comes from the numerous holes in the mature leaves. ?Deliciosa? refers to the large, edible fruit said to taste like fruit salad.

Fun f act

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Juvenile leaves are h ear t -sh aped and lack any splitting or holes, making young Monsteras easily mistaken for other plants. References: https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/668819 https://houseplants.fandom.com/wiki/Monstera_deliciosa

https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Monstera_deliciosa_ https://www.kisspng.com/png-leaf-clip-art-monstera-816240/download-png.html https://www.flickr.com/photos/raeallen/73688892/

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@PlantDay18May #PlantDay

Hens and


Featuring plants on #PlantDay

Sempervivum tectorum

What & Where Native to Central Europe. Hens and chicks were historically planted on roofs in their native range, hinted at in their other common name ?house leek?. The succulent leaves provided emergency winter sustenance.

The Name The Latin name Sempervivum means ?live forever ?. The common name Hens and Chicks refers to the many plantlets or ?chicks? that surround the mother plant or ?hen?. The plant seems to live forever through its plantlets.

Fun f act A favorite of houseplant enthusiasts, new varieties are always being developed. Some interesting varietal names are Cinnamon Starburst, Applet in i, and Cranberry Cocktail. References: https:// www.thespruce.com/ hens-and-chicks-sempervivum-1402031 https:// www.bhg.com/ gardening/ plant-dictionary/ perennial/ hens-and-chicks/

https:// pixabay.com/ photos/ succulents-hens-and-chicks-nature-3541878/ https:// www.pngkit.com/ downpic/ u2e6y3i1o0i1u2y3_echeveria-abalone-or-e cheveria-green-abalone-succulent-hens

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@PlantDay18May #PlantDay

Monkey Puzzl e Tree Araucaria araucana

Featuring plants on #PlantDay

What & Where Native to Southern Chile and Western Argentina. The trunk and branches are covered in sharp pointed leaves and the cones are covered in spikes.

The Name Introduced in gardens in Britain by Archibald Menzies in 1795 after tasting their seeds as a dessert, the Monkey Puzzle got its name from the idea that due to its rigid, sharp leaves and overlapping, scale-like branch pattern, a monkey would be puzzled trying to climb it.

Fun f act

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It was featured as a major plot point in the 1947 movie ?The Ghost and Mrs. Muir ?, in which a ghost was angered and saddened by the removal of his beloved tree. References: http:// globaltrees.org/ threatened-trees/ trees/ monkey-puzzle/ https:// owlcation.com/ stem/ The-Monkey-Puzzle-Tree-An-Ancient-and-Endangered-Plant http:// powo.science.kew.org/ taxon/ urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:261681-1#vernacular-names

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@PlantDay18May #PlantDay

Juniper Featuring plants on #PlantDay

Juniperus communis

What & where A small coniferous evergreen tree or shrub. Junipers are the most widespread conifers in the world. The center of diversity is in arid regions of Mexico.

The Name In Latin, juniperus is combination of the word junio, which means young, and parere, to produce, hence youth producing, or evergreen. In 2011, the name Juniper entered the top 1000 list of given names in the US!

Fun f act Dry f act

It is believed that ?mother ?s ruin?was first made as a medicinal tonic in the ear ly 17t h cen t u r y, and the Gin and Tonic was developed in the 19th century as a way to make quinine more palatable for British officers at risk of catching malaria in India.

A key structural adaptation in junipers: resistance to what scientists call "cavitation" - a tendency for bubbles to form in the water-conducting xylem tissues of plants. Juniperus species are among t h e m ost r esist an t species in the world to water-stress-induced xylem cavitation. References Willson, C.J., Manos, P.S. and Jackson, R.B., 2008. Hydraulic traits are influenced by phylogenetic history in the drought-resistant, invasive genus Juniperus (Cupressaceae). American Journal of Botany, 95(3), pp.299-314.

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@PlantDay18May #PlantDay

Banana Featuring plants on #PlantDay

Musa spp.

What & where They might look like trees but they are not woody plants but 'giant herbs'! The first bananas are thought to have grown in the the Malaya Peninsula, Indonesia, the Philippines and New Guinea. The mass production of bananas started in 1834.

The Name The name may be derived from An t on iu s M u sa, physician to the Emperor Augustus, or Linnaeus may have adapted the Arabic word for banana, mauz.

Sad f act Outbreaks of Pan am a disease decimated a banana industry in Central America in the 1950s. The outbreak forced the industry to shift production from Gr os M ich el cultivars to Caven dish varieties. The global banana industry was saved until the 1990s, when a new strain (Race 4) of the disease emerged infecting Cavendish bananas - the strain that once again threatens global banana production! References Warman, N.M. and Aitken, E.A., 2018. The Movement of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (sub-tropical race 4) in Susceptible Cultivars of Banana. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9, 1748. ProMusa: http:// www.promusa.org/

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@PlantDay18May #PlantDay

Brambl e Featuring plants on #PlantDay

Rubus fruticosus

What & where Brambles or wild blackberries grow on every continent - except from Antarctica - and are a t r ou blesom e gr ou p of plan t s. Some are highly invasive and can grow in many habitats, from sandy beaches to pine forests!

The Name

Di d y o u

The generic name means 'blackberry' in Latin and was derived from the word ruber, meaning "r ed" . In Europe, about 750 br am ble 'm icr o-species' are listed but scientists have not been able to figure out what is a bramble species as they have very different forms and shapes in different environments!

k now ?

Scientists studying brambles are called batologists!

'Fun' f act It 's t h e Devil?s f r u it ! According to folklore, when the devil was cast out heaven by St Michael, he landed on a bramble bush and cursed it. It was believed this caused blackberries to become unpalatable around 29 Sept em ber ? St Michael?s Day ? after which t h ey sh ou ld n ot be picked. References BBC4 Radio "8 juicy facts about blackberries and brambles" Sochor, M. and TrĂĄvnĂ­?ek, B., 2016. Melting pot of biodiversity: first insights into the evolutionary patterns of the Colchic bramble flora (Rubus subgenus Rubus, Rosaceae).

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Hope you enjoyed t he inf ographics! Regist er f or f ree on Pl ant ae and become part of an onl ine pl ant science communit y. ht t ps:/ / pl ant ae.org Pl ant ae is run by t he American Societ y of Pl ant Biol ogist s, become a member t oday! ht t ps:/ / aspb.org/

Happy Fascinat ion of Pl ant s Day! Tweet , share and f ol l ow! @Plantae_org

@PlantDay18May #PlantDay

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