Webinar - The Importance of English Testing for Corporations

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Webinar: The Importance of English Testing for Corporations March 2013 Amy Wood Training & Performance Standards Manager

On-demand Distance Business English Training that combines eLearning, eWriting and Live Coaching

Agenda • Why proficiency frameworks are relevant to the corporate setting • What English language tests aim to measure • Which standardized tests might meet your corporate needs • The effects of testing on recruitment, career development, and evaluation

Why test English skills?

Why test? •

Recruitment –

Career Development – –

Talent management Workforce and succession planning

Training Needs Analysis – –

Ensure candidate qualification

Analyze language training needs Analyze other needs for training delivered in English

Training Effectiveness Evaluation – –

Analyze improvement after language training Analyze improvement after other training

Why test?

Effective International

What is proficiency?

What is Proficiency? A measurement of – Competence – Skill – Expertise

There are two kinds of proficiency: – –

Technically-oriented Action-oriented

Technically-Oriented Proficiency Proficiency with the technical aspects of language or “book knowledge” • • • •

Grammar Vocabulary Lexicon Phonology

Action-Oriented Proficiency Proficiency with what one can DO / CREATE / ACHIEVE with the language • • • •

Understanding changes to product specifications Recording meeting minutes Understanding spoken instructions Describing a process

Why are proficiency frameworks relevant to the corporate setting?

Standardized Proficiency frameworks offer standardized, widely accepted, detailed definitions of proficiency levels •

Proof of proficiency using a standardized framework – –

Portable achievement –

Reputable Trusted

Test in China, work successfully in Brazil

Establish a common reference for description of proficiency –

Different tests measure the same proficiencies

Frameworks • CEFR = Common European Framework of Reference – Developed by the Council of Europe (COE) • ALTE = Association of Language Testers in Europe – Developed by Association of Language Testers (Included founding member Cambridge English)

Basic User

Independent user

Proficient user

CEFR Level


CEFR Sample Description*

ALTE Sample Description*



Can Canexpress expresshim/herself him/herselfspontaneously, spontaneously,very very fluently fluentlyand andprecisely, precisely,differentiating differentiatingfiner finershades shades of ofmeaning meaningeven evenininmore morecomplex complexsituations situations

Can Canadvise advise on on or or talk talk about aboutcomplex complexor or sensitive sensitive issues, issues,understanding understandingcolloquial colloquialreferences referencesand and dealing dealingconfidently confidentlywith with hostile hostilequestions questions



Canexpress expresshim/herself him/herselffluently fluentlyand and Can spontaneouslywithout withoutmuch muchobvious obvioussearching spontaneously searching for expressions for expressions Can use language flexiblyand andeffectively effectivelyfor for Can use language flexibly social,academic academicand andprofessional professionalpurposes purposes social,

Cancontribute contributeeffectively effectivelyto to meetings meetingsand and seminars Can seminars own area work up a within ownwithin area of work or of keep upora keep casual casual conversation with degree a good of degree of coping conversation with a good fluency, fluency, coping with abstract expressions with abstract expressions



Caninteract interactwith withaadegree degreeof offluency fluencyand and Can spontaneitythat thatmakes makesregular regularinteraction interactionwith with spontaneity native speakers quite possible without strain native speakers quite possible without strain for for either either partyparty

Can Canfollow followor or give give aa talk talk on on aa familiar familiartopic topic or or keep up withupa with conversation on a fairly keep a conversation on awide fairlyrange wide of topics range of topics



Canproduce producesimple simpleconnected connectedtext texton ontopics topics Can whichare arefamiliar familiaror orof of which personalinterest interest personal

Canexpress express opinions opinionson onabstract/cultural abstract/culturalmatters Can matters in away limited wayadvice or offerwithin advice within area, in a limited or offer a known a known area, and understand instructions or and understand instructions or public public announcements announcements



Cancommunicate communicateininsimple simpleand androutine routinetasks Can tasks requiring a simple and exchange direct exchange requiring a simple and direct of of information on familiar routine matters information on familiar andand routine matters

Canexpress express simple simpleopinions opinionsor or requirements requirementsin a Can in a familiar context familiar context



Can Canunderstand understandand anduse usefamiliar familiareveryday everyday expressions expressionsand andvery verybasic basicphrases phrasesaimed aimedatatthe the satisfaction satisfactionofofneeds needsofofaaconcrete concretetype type

Can Canunderstand understandbasic basicinstructions instructionsor ortake takepart partininaa basic basicfactual factualconversation conversationon onaapredictable predictabletopic topic

* Descriptions are incomplete. Examples were taken from the general language ability can窶電o statements from the CEFR and ALTE.

Which standardized tests might meet your corporate needs?


Scope & Purpose • English-speaking environment? – Academic / University – Business / Corporate – General English for immigration

• Communicative tasks? – Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening – Does one have priority?

• Subject matter? – Special needs, such as legal vocabulary

Overview TOEIC

 English for the workplace and business communication  For qualification for work and admission to business–related academic programs


 English for academic settings  For admission to educational institutions, immigration; also accepted by employers



 General and academic English  Two test formats for reading and writing: General Training and Academic  For admission to educational institutions and immigration; also accepted by employers  English for the workplace  For work qualifications, admission to business–related programs, assessment of training

BEC Preliminary BEC Vantage

 English for the workplace in three proficiency levels  For work qualification and admission to business–related programs

BEC Higher FCE

 Assessment of upper–intermediate users of English  For work qualification and admission to business–related programs

Review • Why are proficiency frameworks relevant to the corporate setting? • What do English language tests aim to measure? • Which standardized tests might meet your corporate needs? • What are the effects of testing on recruitment, career development and evaluation?

White Paper Participants of this webinar received a copy of “A Guide to English Tests and Proficiency Frameworks”.

A recording of this webinar is available on goFLUENT’s website.

Our White Papers  A Guide for Developing a Request for Proposal for Language Training Services

The ROI of Training: Strategies and Evaluation Methods From Blended Learning to Integrated Learning How to Implement Mobile Learning in Global Organizations

A Guide to English Tests and Proficiency Frameworks

THANK YOU! goFLUENT International Теl.: +1 (515) 528 8164 Email: info@gofluent.com

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