2 minute read
Sage, Salvia officinalis
from book of lost remedys
by David Binns
Gallstones, Kidney Stones, Chronic Kidney Problems, Bladder Problems, and Gout:
Queen Anne’s lace seeds and roots are used for treating gall bladder problems and kidney problems. It acts to remove excess water from the body and reduce inflammation. Colic, Upset Stomach, and Flatulence: The soothing and diuretic properties of the root are helpful for treating stomach and intestinal upsets. Skin Problems: For itchy dermatitis, a poultice made from the grated root helps relieve an itchy rash. The seed oil is also good for soothing and lubricating the skin. It is also anti-inflammatory. Birth Control and Conception: Queen Anne’s Lace seeds have been used to prepare the womb for pregnancy when used before ovulation. If taken after ovulation or as an emergency contraceptive seeds should be used for 3 days. Use with care. Do not use during pregnancy! Warning: Do not use while pregnant or nursing. There are a lot of poisonous look-alikes so be careful with proper identification.
There are many different varieties of sage, and many of them have medicinal properties. Here we are discussing common sage. I try to use it in cooking so that I get the beneficial compounds often. It is in the Lamiaceae (Mint) Family and is easy to cultivate in the garden. Identification: Common sage grows to approximately 2 feet (0.6m) tall and wide. It flowers in late spring or summer, producing lavender, purple, pink or white flowers. Leaves are oblong, approximately 2 1/2 inches (3.75 cm) long and 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide. The leaves are grey-green colored and wrinkled on the top, while the underside is white and covered in short, soft hairs. Edible Use: Sage is commonly used as a cooking herb. Medicinal Use: Sage is an antiseptic, antimicrobial, anti-mutagenic, antibacterial, helps stop neuropathic pain, improves memory, lowers blood glucose levels, and alleviated menopause symptoms. It is an excellent all-around herb. Digestion Aid: Sage help in the digestion of rich, fatty meats, which perhaps is why it is used so often in sausage recipes. Its stimulant properties work to move fats through the digestive system efficiently and prevent indigestion.
Balances Hormones for
Men and Women: Sage is effective in balancing hormones. It is used to promote normal menstruation and to treat menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, headaches, and mental fog. It is also useful in treating premature ejaculation in men. Sore Throats: The most effective remedy is a gargle, but many people object to the flavor. Thus we have added a recipe below for a better-tasting throat spray that is almost as effective. Both remedies contain several herbs that fight infection and calm the inflammation of a sore throat. Speed Healing in Wounds: For slowhealing wounds, make a compress by soaking a cotton pad in sage infusion. Apply the cotton pad to the wound and hold in place with tape or a clean piece of cloth or gauze. The sage infusion relieves the pain almost immediately, fights infection, and brings more blood to the area to speed healing. Hair Growth: Sage essential oil improves blood circulation to the scalp and roots of the