2 minute read
American Ginseng, Panax quinquefolius
from book of lost remedys
by David Binns
American ginseng, also known as Panax ginseng, is in the Araliaceae (Ginseng/Ivy) Family. It is native to eastern North America and cultivated widely elsewhere. Its aromatic root forks as it matures. Identification: Plants grow 6 to 18 inches (15 cm to 45 cm) tall. Its leaves are palmate and divided into 3 to 7 (usually 4 or 5) lance-shaped, sharp-toothed leaflets. The flowers are whitishgreenish, and fruits are pea-sized red berries with two seeds each.
The neck of the rhizome shows scars left by each year’s growth. Counting the leaf scars ages the root. Its medicinal compounds, called ginsenosides, increase in concentration as the root ages. In general, harvest roots 4 years or older. Medicinal Use: Panax species have a well-deserved reputation as powerful adaptogens. They help the body recover from the effects of stress and adrenal fatigue, much like Reishi or Ashwagandha. It is also used as an aphrodisiac and for erectile disfunction. American ginseng is a relaxant, while the Asian version, P. ginseng, is said to be more stimulating. The mature root and leaves can be chewed, powdered and put into capsules, extracted in alcohol as a tincture, or made into a tea. Diabetes: Ginseng has many benefits for diabetics. American ginseng helps regulate blood sugar. Taking take 2 to 5 drops of American Ginseng tincture before each meal helps prevent post-meal spikes in blood sugar levels. It is recommended starting with 2 drops and monitoring blood sugar levels. Increase the dosage one drop at a time, as needed, up to 5 drops per meal, depending on the potency of your tincture. American ginseng contains a class of compounds called ginsenosides, which possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, two important factors in the progression of diabetes. American ginseng also promotes the secretion of insulin, necessary for regulation of blood sugar levels. Ginseng helps lower high blood pressure in diabetics. Regular use gives some protection to the heart and retina from diabetes-induced damage. Cold and Flu: American Ginseng helps fight the common cold and flu when taken regularly. People who take ginseng daily report fewer colds and less severe cold and flu symptoms.
Tonic for Fatigue, Stress, Memory, and
Concentration: American ginseng has properties that boost energy and stamina and reduces fatigue caused by failing health and everyday stresses. It also betters cognitive performance, and enhances memory. Erectile Dysfunction: American ginseng is an effective treatment for erectile dysfunction when taken on a regular basis. Favorable results are only seen when the herb is taken daily over the long term. It seems to work by opening up necessary blood vessels for improved blood flow. Other Uses for American Ginseng: Since Panax is a tonic and reduces the stress on the body, it is effective for use in many different diseases and conditions. It is said to raise the spirits and to improve sleep, mood, and general outlook on life. It is also an antispasmodic.

Photo by John Carl Jacobs, CC by SA 4.0