Goga Times 1

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Issue 1 / 2012

April 2012

English Student Magazine

GOGA TIMES ISSN 2284 – 8177

Only the educated are free– Epictetus

ISSUE 1/2012

The team

Editor’s Note ISSN 2284 – 8177 They say that if you don’t exist in the media, then you Editor in chief COSMINA ALMASAN

don’t exist at all. This is the common conception in a world domi-


“inform, amuse, startle, anger, entertain, thrill, but very seldom


nated by messages transmitted in a variety of ways. The Media leave anyone untouched” as Shirley Biagy points out. We cannot even imagine our life without the access to quick information on the latest events. So why not make use of this opportunity to get news about what happens in our immediate environment – in our school and in our city? A group of imaginative students have been brave enough to take the step from being passive media consumers to becoming media creators. They have set out to analyse and reflect upon their experiences with a view to transmitting their view of the world to their schoolmates. They have something to say and they can say it in English, hopefully for the benefit of all of you, readers. We are therefore proud to introduce to you the very first issue of a magazine in English created by Goga students. We hope it will be a motivation for many young people to read more in English in order to improve their language skills, but also an

Colegiul National Octavian Goga Managerial Team Head Teacher ELENA GABOS Deputy Head Teachers LAURA DUMITRU GABRIELA ORASTEANU

incentive for other creative students to try their hand at writing and to join us for the next issues of this magazine.

Cosmina Almasan

ISSUE 1/2012

In This Issue:

Goga News 3 Goga Awards by Georgiana Epure, Bianca Roman 8 Let’s Do It, Romania! by Andra Dolana 9 Why Volunteer? By Ana Maria Fleaca

International Projects 10 Meet the Dutch by Ioana Cufteac 12 International Plato Project – Cooperation Across Borders by Anda Filip, Maria Stefania Crişan, Sonia Margineanu 14 Myths Reloaded—Take 2 by Andra Dolana

Good to Know 17 Photography Lesson by Marius Domnica 18 How We Can Convert…Fast Food by Diana Cojocaru 19 Hyperion – A Gate to the Universe by Teodora Span

Leisure Time 20 Leisure Time Ideas (What to Watch, What to Read) by Flavia Daneş, Cătălina Ghera 21 Theatre Invitation by Andra Dolana, Teodora Sas 22 A Movie Buff’s Know-It-All Website by Andra Dolana 23 Guilty Pleasures? by Teodora Sas 24 Music—The Only Cure We Can All Afford by Mădălina Nicolae 26 History As You Don’t Know It 27 Did You Know? / Riddle Me This, Riddle Me That by Stefan Lazar 28 Travel & Living Quiz/ Go GREEN or Go Home Quiz by Silviana Slavu 31 Be Environmentally Friendly By Daria Marcus 32 Catch Words Puzzle 34 Love – The Eternal Feeling by Daria Mărcuş

Journalism is the ability to meet the challenge of filling space (Rebecca West )

ISSUE 1/2012


GOGA AWARDS Friday, the 24th of February 2012, the best students from “ Octavian Goga ” National College were awarded prizes for their performance during the year 2011, in six different categories. The event was organised by The Student School Council and its purpose was to identify and promote real values and thus motivate students. Over 35 students applied to be nominated for one or more of the gala sections:

memory sticks. The jury was made up of three members of the Student School Council, who were also the managers of the event: Georgiana Epure – President of the Stu-

 Student of the Year 

the Most Talented Student

dent Council; Bianca Roman – Director of

the Most Popular Student

the Students` Law Department, Alexandra

 the Most Active Student


 the Best Sportsperson  the Best Student School Council

Volunteer They completed the online form mentioning their awards and prizes they obtained as a result of participating to different




community projects. For each section were given three awards to the three


finalists: Awards of Excellece, medals and

Vicepresident and three

teachers: Delia Nemeş, Paula Ciucur and Mădălina Sibişan. The event had a huge impact both on students and on teachers. As a result, the students weren`t just encouraged to perform and improve their creativity potential, but also rewarded for their efforts.

Georgiana Epure, Bianca Roman

“”Our objective was to promote students` learning outcomes and their involvement in the society, but also to stimulate all the other students. The action was a real success: it took place in a pleasant festive atmosphere. We hope that our initiative was appreciated and that this was just the first edition in a long line of future ones.” Georgiana Epure.

ISSUE 1/2012



The gala also included short performances by students: Sandra and Catalin entertained the audience with their Latino dances, as did Florentina with her group of dancers. Madalina, Sabin and Dan sang for the students present there, while Iulius and Radu presented a comic show. There was also a video presentation of the Student Council activities from the previous year.



ISSUE 1/2012


The Most Talented Student The third place went to Claudia Anglita ( XII A ) , followed by Florentina Dumitru ( X II A ) . The big award, given by Deputy Headteacher prof. Laura Dumitru, went to Andra Dolana (XII B) who is a theatre script writer and a very gifted student in literature. Andra Dolana

The Best Sportsperson Before professor Delia Nemes offered the first prize, the runners up were announced: Mădălina Hoandră ( XII B ) and Răzvan Bogdan ( IX E ) . Denisa Viloiu ( XI F ) , who is member of National Team of Volleyball, received the big award. Denisa Viloiu

The Most Popular Student The winner of the online vote competition for the most popular student was Paul Muntean ( X D ) followed by Mihai Iliescu ( X II I ) and Ioana Sofilca ( IX E ) .


Paul Muntean


ISSUE 1/2012


The Most Active Student Iulia Coşa ( XII F ) and Teodora Span ( XI G ) were ranked on the third and second place. The award for the first place was given by professor Paula Ciucur to Daria Buţiu (XI D ) .

Daria Buţiu

The Best Student Council Volunteer The work of Alexandra Vlad ( XI D ) and Bianca Roman ( X IF ) was highly appreciated, but the big prize went to Alexandra Abrudean ( X I D ) .

Alexandra Abrudean

Student of the Year The most wanted prize went to Radu Dalidis ( X II I ) who had very good results at school and proved to be also an active person in society. He was followed by Ion Milea ( XI B ) and Cristina Morariu ( XII F) Radu Dalidis



ISSUE 1/2012

Let’s Do It, Romania!

They say that when you want something to be done properly


were dropped off near Selimbar and

body to take photos of us cleaning, in

there the battle took place.

this case we smiled at the camera will-

you should do it yourself and I be-

It was us, students and teach-

ingly. We finished our job in about 4

lieve that this is the idea behind

ers alike, against garbage… It was no

hours and, feeling like heroes in a war,

“ L et ’ s do it, Romania ” a project

easy task, so we started right away.

we headed home to our loved ones.

powered by Pro TV. There is no

We had to separate plastic from glass

The feeling that I actually did

point in explaining how this project

and other types of waste so it could

something in order to make Romania a

works because you have probably

be easier to recycle. I would like to be

cleaner country and that I wasn ’ t the

heard of it or, even better, you were

able to tell you that there wasn ’ t

only one involved in this really great

a part of it. What I am going to do is

much for us to do because people are

project made my day! I have recently

tell you the story of a group of thirty



found out that another marathon of

students and two teachers who, on

throw litter in the right places. But it

cleaning our country will take place, but

the day of September 24 embarked

wasn ’ t, because people throw litter

this time the whole world is going to be

on a quest to remember.

in all the wrong places.

a part of it under the name “ Let ’ s Do



We all met in front of Tran-

Apart from the fact that we

sylvania Hall and we put on our

cleaned the area that was assigned to

I know that when you hear

“ L et ’ s Do It, Romania ” shirts for

us, what was very interesting to see

about cleaning litter thrown by other

all the world to see that we were no

was the dynamics of the team. Our

ordinary people. After we were pro-

team was formed of students from

vided with the tools that were going

“ O nisifor Ghibu ” high school and ”

to be our weapons in this war, rub-

Octavian Goga ” high school but it

ber gloves and plastic bags, we got

didn ’ t matter because we all helped

a part of something bigger and that

on a bus.

Everywhere you could

each other. Of course that it wasn ’ t

means something!

hear the excitement of the kids for

all work; we also laughed a lot and if

being a part of this project.

at home we wouldn ’ t want some-


It, World! ” .

people you don ’ t get really excited about it, but trust me it is an experience that you will enjoy and you will get to be

Andra Dolana


ISSUE 1/2012

Why Volunteer? You may ask yourself "Why should I be a volunteer?". You're not getting extra money from it and it is time from your precious time. So why do still so many people choose to do it? Maybe because volunteering is not worthless. In fact, it has many advantages.

Firstly, it is a chance to develop as a person

will broaden your mind.

because you get in contact with other volunteers. You

But maybe the biggest benefit is knowing that you

meet new people, you make new friends! You develop

can make a change in someone else's life. Just think:

your social skills, you may "heal" your shyness, you may

you, a simple person, can do so much good to people,

become more confident. You strengthen yourself!

animals or the Earth itself. Of course, sometimes you may

Another advantage will be "the learning". For

encounter problems such as discrimination, lack of money

example, if you choose Red Cross you have to attend a

or you just may not be listened to, but this will allow you to

first aid course which will help you in the future. Also,

make use of creativity, to think out of the box.

you learn how to react in emergency situations and how

It looks like volunteering may be so much fun and

to help people. But first of all, you will learn that you're

being a volunteer offers as much to you as it does to peo-

important and you can make a difference. If you choose

ple, animals or places you are trying to help. And trust me

theater volunteering you will be able to learn about cul-

when I say it, people who become volunteers lead a hap-

tural management, you will have the chance to meet

pier and richer life.

people like you from all over the world. And, indeed, this

Red Cross Volunters

Ana Maria Fleacă

“NO Smoking Day” Activity


Meet the Dutch

Do you want to know how a Goga student can make new friends abroad and learn lots of new things in a safe and enjoyable environment? I’ll tell you how I did it, together with 13 other students from different classes. The recipe is simple enough: join the exchange partnership our school has with Etty Hillesum Lyceum, a school from Deventer, Holland and you’ll be sure to recommend it to the others. Deventer

We liked Deventer at first

experience, we can all vouch for that.

when the city was already dark, but

sight in the morning: it is such a clean

We all had Dutch exchange partners

the bus was full of excitement and

and peaceful city with incredible build-

who hosted us in their homes for a

the adventure of driving around

ings. One of the things that I liked the

week and we were more than happy to

looking for the school was a funny

most about the city were the stands of

do the same for them when it was their

story we still remember. On our first

tulips that were placed everywhere in

turn to come to Sibiu.

contact with our hosts

the city, giving it a fresh, colorful look.

The exchange was a great





we were

The participants enjoyed not

nervous about talking to them, but

only the Dutch experience, but also a

they were very welcoming and

tour around Europe on our way to and

friendly and we soon felt like home.

from Holland. During our journey to

As we got to know them better, we

Deventer, we stopped in Prague for an

found that they are interesting peo-

unforgettable day. We were very lucky

ple, with different traditions from us.

because at that time was the Easter

Their house style is very beautiful

Festival, so it was wonderful, especial-

and unique and they are very inter-

ly because of the sunny spring weath-

ested in leading a healthy life, which

er. The journey back allowed us to

is why everyone owns a bike and

Together with the Dutch we

visit other spectacular places such as

uses it as the major means of

did a lot of activities. We visited their

Brussels and Vienna.


school and participated in some


ISSUE 1/2012

Meet the Dutch lessons. Some of the teachers

called Stroopwafels, some of the

spoke in English especially for us

most delicious sweets in Holland

to understand, so this was a very

and they definitely earned their

rewarding experience. We visited

place on our shopping list for

the city centre and some museums

things to take back home.

like the Toy Museum, where we

One of the activities I

had the best time playing with the

enjoyed the most was going sail-

toys from our childhood. We also

ing on the Ijssel River in Devent-


er and visiting Amsterdam was




the highlight of our experience. The “ Venice of the North” fascinated us, with its water canals crossing city, making it a mustsee destination for all tourists.

The second part of the exchange consisted in our partners ’ visit to Sibiu for a week. We wanted to give them the opportunity to see what we have to offer and besides preparing a tour of Sibiu we also organized trips to Balea and to the Bran Castle, the perfect destination for lovers of vampire stories. At the end of the week we worked together on the partnership project about the cultural similarities and differences between Holland and Romania. Together we had a lot of fun, we learned from each other and we also practiced our English. I think this exchange partnership really broadened our minds and changed the way we see life. It was a great experience that I will always remember.

Ioana Cufteac

Balea Lake and Ice Hotel


Bran Castle

ISSUE 1/2012



ISSUE 1/2012

International PLATO Project Plato Project is an international educational project in which our school is involved together with other six schools from Europe, namely Odsherreds Gymnasium from Asnaes, Denemark, Hans Leinberger Gymnasium from Landshut, Germany, European School from Munchen, Germany, Gymnasium Sacre Coeur from Pressbaum, Austria, “ Gheorghe Lazar ” National College and the Art High Scool from Sibiu. In the period 14-18 November 2011 the 17th edition of the project took place in Asaes, Denmark. This year ’ s theme was “ V isual Arts in Europe ” and it was an opportunity for the 56 participants ( 8 from each school ) to prove and to improve their artistic skills by taking part in workshop activities..

The workshops were varied and illustrated different aspects of the field of visual arts. If some of the students worked on film production, others created graffiti and original sculptures from recyclable materials, thus highlighting the area of street art. Other groups of participants created one minute sculptures transformed into paintings, while others found inspiration in the works of artist Niki Saint-Phalle to create imaginative and vivid sculptures. The ones who were more talented at painting illustrated different composition techniques or presented the four seasons in varied modeling techniques. Our school offered a workshop on photographic art, challenging the participants to capture images that escape the eyes of a careless onlooker. All the end products were admired by the students and teachers from the host school, Odsherreds Gymnasium, as well as by the host families and other members of the local community in the exhibition put together by the organisers.




ISSUE 1/2012

l in a a schoo ent g in it is , differ mark, v to Den thinking a Danf ip o tr s a y t ew wa sted by k abou ering n ou thin eing ho v y b o c o e il d is h d t Wha and isine w lented country ional cu ’t it? it d a hich ta tr w foreign g n h n s g ti e u s o o r d world nd ta gram th t parts of the s great, o d r n habits a p u o A s n ave ily? It project. le from differe g and h n to ti la s ish fam e P r p This is ing inte ith peo someth et up w e n r m a n le a c for us to r to rtunity students orate in orde o p p our o llab and an nt working on e. e m u ti and co iq e n as m u e w sp as the sa hibition ys we x shop w a e k d r fun at o n e a w e r Each work, the th ted our s over g le p in m th o c ew ” learn n ucts. After we masterpieces “ d r o u r o p final reveal u,) order to in ld rginean e ă h M ia “ (Son studen We had a lot of ts from fun shops o were s ther schools creating ar t and t . Th e u and it meetin r paid o nning, as a g ll of us esults from ff. t h h e a d work workWe als ed rea on the o visit lly har ed th d a very ird day we w Copehage n, the interes e Danish ting his re there. It is a ve tor T ry nice capital, have h his was an y. city, w ad a lo experie ith t ated n ice bo of fun, I’ve m nce I will nds. I never year hope n ade a lot of forget. an ext ye f r I iends met in d I also hop a r a w n d c re Denm e that ill be a ark wil s s ome o good l come to Rom f the friend as this (Maria s that ania n Stefan we ext ye ia Criş a r.” an,)

Due to the Plato Project 2011, I had an amazing chance to enrich my knowledge about life abroad. As I love anything that is art, I took the chance without thinking twice. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I was about to work in a team with students of different nationalities. I was looking forward to getting there because I was sure that more surprises were about to come. And I was right. Asnaes, the town where Plato Project took place was beautiful, so simple and clean. What I liked the most were the green hills that were to be seen everywhere. The team from the Film Production workshop was made up of four Danish students, two from Germany, and a Romanian student, me. We knew our mission: to make a movie. We had a vague idea about how to do it. There was one more thing: the subject. It took us almost a day to figure out an interesting action to fit in 5 minutes, but in the end, we came out with a good idea, we convinced some people to play in our movie, we got some equipment, and because we all gave the best of us, I can say that we created a masterpiece. I learned a lot of things from this experience: I learned Danish words, I experienced their way of living, I learned things about film production, but the most important thing is that I realized that no matter how far you go beyond the border, you will still find out people who will accept you, and embrace you, like one of their kind.”

(Anda Filip)


ISSUE 1/2012


Myths Reloaded – Take 2 Many of you may know about our Comenius project Myths Reloaded in which our partners were the students and teachers from I.E.S. Suarez de Figueroa from Zafra, Spain. If the first part of the project involved our trip to Zafra, Spain in April 2010, the second year placed us in the position of hosts.

We welcomed the 20 Spanish

By far the most entertaining

students in our school and in our

activity was the series of meetings

homes and showed them that our

with actors who helped us prepare for

country has a lot to offer. Our guests

our own theatre performance. We met

were impressed not only with the

a group of students from the Drama

beauty of our sights such as Curtea

Department of the Faculty of Letters

de Argeş, Peleş and Bran Castles, but

and Arts in Sibiu and did a lot of fun

also with the activities we organized for them.

The highlight of the project reunion

As it was before Easter, we

was the theatre performance which

took them to the Village Museum and

we had on April 7th 2011 at Gong The-

had an egg-painting workshop.

atre. There we staged the plays we


were taught by master craftsmen who

had written

showed us how to use the traditional


tools and how to combine the colours

ex c hange,


improvisation games. They taught us


how to concentrate and how to ex-



press different emotions.



The actor Florin Coşuleţ from

legends we

Radu Stanca Theatre also made us


have a good time while practicing dif-


ferent drama techniques.



Andra Dolana


ISSUE 1/2012


Myths Reloaded—The Plays In the Spanish play A Wonderful Day in the

Wonderful World of Extremaduran Mythology, the characters inspired from historical personalities take a plunge into a fantastic world, populated by mythical creatures specific to the Spanish region Extremadura. The two main characters are the duchess of Figueroa, wife of nobleman Lorenzo Suárez de Figueroa, count of Feria, spiritual patron of the Institute I.E.S. Suárez de Figueroa from Zafra, Spain, and Octavian Goga, poet, journalist and diplomat, spiritual patron our school. The two main characters step into the fabulous and fascinating valley of Sierra de la Gata, populated by spirits of the night (el Coco, the werewolf, the wandering souls) and of the water ( the mermaids ) .

The creatures who have both

frightened and fascinated Goga urge him to make a decision: he decides to illustrate their story in his writings . The Romanian play Love, Create, Dream is an adaptation of several aspects from four fundamental Romanian myths, namely “ The Legend of Master Builder Manole ” , “ T he



Ethnogenesis ” ,

“ The




Flyer ”

and “ The Legend of the Skylark ” . Creative sacri-

fice is what brings these myths together. We understand that nothing is worthwhile, unless it is built out of selflessness and sacrifice. The characters are teenagers with high ideals, with fears and renunciation, with drama and fulfillment, with challenges they open up to. Dochia became Daciana, a beautiful student and the Flyer could be none other than the romantic Călin, in love with a delicate Emma. Lia, descendant of the princess turned into a bird because she dared fall in love with the Sun, also has high aspirations, dreaming of a successful career. Emanuel To read the full text of the plays in Romanian, Spanish or English look for Myths Reloaded in the school library.

and Ana are a modern variant of the couple from the myth of creative sacrifice. Emanuel ’ s desire to be known in the world of art will force him to separate from Ana, but his anguish is tormenting. He ends up a well-known artist due to a masterpiece - a painting behind which lies in shatters all his love for Ana.


ISSUE 1/2012


MYTHS RELOADED - THE PERFORMANCE More than 200 spectators were delighted with the performance of the two plays. 3 Spanish students performed roles in the Romanian play and 3 Romanian students performed roles in the Spanish play. The two plays were accompanied by special dance acts; a group of Romanian students danced to the traditional music from the region of Transylvania, wearing folk costumes. The Spanish girls danced Sevillana, a traditional dance from the South of Spain.



Photography Lesson

ISSUE 1/2012

Because this is the first article I am writing about photography I consider it right to begin by sharing some useful tips about this art. It must be said that I am a beginner in photography so this article should be treated as such. So, here are some tips:

1. Nowadays people tend to go for the most expensive equipment but this is not always the best option especially for an amateur. Very nice photos can be taken with an inexpensive camera if you get to know how to use it. The more photos you take, the more you will know what kind of camera to upgrade to.

3. Learn the basic rules. The amount of information about photography you can find online can turn out to be overwhelming. Always listen to what professional or more experienced photographers have to say because you may learn interesting things

2. Take your camera with you all the time! The best shots are taken when you least expect it. If you keep the camera and maybe a tripod with you, you might be able to take advantage of some of those unexpected opportunities.

‘ 4, Take photos regularly. Try to take photos every day. If you can ’ t do this, at least make sure that you practice regularly, so you don ’ t forget what you ’ v e learned.

5. Always be ready! Prepare well for your shooting. Realizing that your battery isn ’ t charged when you ’ re setting up for that sunrise shoot is just too late!

Marius Domnica


ISSUE 1/2012


Is fast food too delicious to give it up completely? Do you lack cooking skills and you don’t have any other options? Don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world! I will try to offer you some alternatives in case you feel ready to change your eating habits. “We live in an age when

cuisine is said to be one of the

Rice in food combinations

pizza gets to your home before the

healthiest in the whole world, this

is an appropriate choice when you

police ” . An idea which continues

nation being very strict when it

don ’ t have time to cook or don ’ t

the philosophy of the ancient, who

comes to food quality and fresh-

feel like cooking. “ Onigiri” , the so

claim that one must eat to live not


-called rice balls filled with meat,

vice versa.

Among several types of

vegetables or dried plums and cov-

food that look fabulous and taste

ered in seaweeds are easy to make

even better, Japanese noodles are

and can be eaten everywhere.

by far the most appreciated dish by both local people and foreigners. Japanese noodles differ in width, the ingredients they are made of Unfortunately, these days, more and more people are dazzled

or cold food combinations.

by the artfully conceived fast food

According to an online sur-

world. Lack of time, money and its

vey, people generally have a pref-

Dumplings made of rice

sinfully good flavor that one can ’ t

erence for the brownish thin noo-

flour, also known in Japanese as

deny, make us flock around fast

dles, called “ soba ” . They don ’ t

“ S hiratama Dango ”

food stands like a pack of famished

take much time to prepare and are

volve a lot of work and are an ideal

wolves. Eating fast food once in a

usually eaten alongside wasabi

dessert for those who have a sweet

blue moon won ’ t do you much

( g reen horse radish ) , slices of

tooth. They can be served along-

harm, but when it becomes indis-

fish or any other type of meat. But

side jelly or red bean paste or they

pensable like breathing, it’ s high

this doesn ’ t mean that you can ’ t

can be eaten with fruit.


go creative and add vegetables and






Now that we have agreed

boiled egg, etc )

don ’ t in-

Still not convinced? Don ’ t waste time and give it a try! It will

upon the fact that fast food is bad

be an experience that you won ’ t

for our health, something has to be

regret. One bite and the hamburger

done in this particular direction.

will have to pack its bags and bid

How about analyzing some truly

you farewell.

healthy options? The Japanese


and the way they are served in hot

Diana Cojocaru

ISSUE 1/2012 1


Time for science

a gate Hyperion- erse to the Univ

From here the Sun can be seen as a simple

mined orbit? What exactly is the cause of the chaotic

shiny star, a tiny dot which can heat up less than a can-


dle. Hyperion, an unevenly shaped star -a titan superior

of the celestial body? Is there an interaction between the

to its peers by its unusual spectacular features- invites

satellite and the magnetosphere or rings of the Saturn?

you to get to find more about it.

Will Hyperion ’ s revolution be forever elliptical? What

You are about 3 million km away from the Sun

could make it become predictable?

and you can see an asymmetric object, whose hemi-

Even if nowadays a lot of general characteristics

spheres are hard to distinguish; it revolves either on an

of Hyperion are known, man-made satellites from Earth

elliptic or an ovoid orbit. Its surface is dotted with craters,

can only observe it from a long distance – complete re-

probably caused by earlier crashes with other celestial

search cannot be achieved under the circumstances.

bodies or by its previous breaking off from a giant star

However, we are aware of the fact that science is in full

after a powerful impact. Many of the craters sparkle, sug-

progress and the more it advances the more we want to

gesting abundant ice or reduced density of the soil. A thin

increase our knowledge. Let ’ s hope that the future and

layer of dark material covers it up, while here and there a

people ’ s interest in science will one day give us the long

few reddish spots are also visible. There is no atmos-

expected answers.

phere all above because of low temperatures, the whole surface looking solid. Several questions come to your mind: What is the internal structure of the satellite? How can we explain

So, has this satellite captured your attention? Well, this is what we have experienced. This is how our interest in the Universe and the world around us can turn into a passion.

the craters that give it a spongy aspect when seen from a distance? Why doesn ’ t Hyperion go around a deter-

Teodora Span


ISSUE 1/2012


Leisure time ideas...

WHAT TO WATCH Have you ever imagined life backwards? Have you ever thought what it would be like if we grew young instead of growing old? It sounds impossible, right? Well, the story of Benjamin Button shows the opposite. “ I was born under unusual circumstances ” . This is how Benjamin begins a story about a man born at 80. A man like no other that can ’ t stop time, but the passing of the years makes him stronger, younger instead of older. The movie tells the story of an extraordinary man, of the people and places he discovers, of the loves and disappointments that he faces and of the things that last beyond time. With an amazing cast including Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchet and Tilda Swinton, this movie will not be a waste of your time.

A rebellious boy falls for the most innocent girl from his high school. So far, it sounds like the typical teenage love. Well, it is not like that. The story begins in a high school in Beaufort where Landon Carter ( Shane West ) and his friends are not only the coolest guys in town, but also those who can get into trouble most often. On the other side is Jamie Sullivan ( Mandy Moore ) , a reverend ’ s daughter and one of the quietest and shiest girl in school. After an unusual incident the two end up spending some time together and he falls in love with her innocence, with her simple beauty and with her way of being. But life is not always as we imagined it to be and Landon is about to find out a secret that might change his life. If you believe in love without borders, this film is perfect for you.

Flavia Danes

WHAT TO READ “When you realize that you are one of the few who see some moral principles in human relations, it can be tempting to fall into amorality, not out of conviction or pleasure, but simply not to suffer, since there is no greater pain than to be an angel in hell, while the devil is everywhere at home”


Antoine is a poor Parisian young, but with a beautiful mind. This intelligent guy concludes that the reason he's miserable is because he's TOO intelligent, so decides to become stupid. For his first attempt to join the category of happy imbeciles, he goes to the bar to try to turn into an alcoholic, but after being rushed to the hospital after half a beer he decides that won't work. Then he thinks of something else, so he resorts to suicide, but soon the idea no longer appeals to him So he goes back to the idea of dumbing himself down. He goes to the doctor who prescribes him happy pills and for a while Antoine feels pretty good: he goes to the gym, worries about what he looks like and generally tries to fit in. All of this takes money and when it eventually runs out he calls on a friend who offers him a job as a stockbroker. The hard work pays off and he becomes a millionaire. He can now continue his pursuit of happiness, until something makes him see things differently. Read this comic book to find out how the story ends and to learn a life lesson. Recommended to the depressed, the enthusiasts, the cultivated and the goofy ones.

Catalina Ghera

Theatre Invitation


ISSUE 1/2012 1

“This is a boring show. In addition, the actors have just come back from their vacation, so

they have not learnt their lines so well. If I were you, I would have stayed at home. But now that you have come…eh…you’re here”.

This is how “ Opinia publica ” starts. Eventually it was proven not to be so boring. It was the only play I saw during which the actors were interrupted by the audience applauding too loud. Although it is considered the most played show during the communist times, the events from “ Opinia publica ” are still current. The story takes place in the editorial office of the newspaper “ F ãclia vie ” ( “ T he Burning Flame ” ) where budget cuts are required. The man that was supposed to be dismissed ends up in his boss ’ office, but instead of being fired he is being promoted, because his boss finds out that he is actually friends with the minister. Later on, the boss finds out that his employee lied to him and sets up a meeting, only to have the minister show up. I will let you see for yourselveshow the play ends . The play is directed by Theodor Cristian Popescu. It combines theatre with live music, dancing and the beginnings of technology. It lasts for about one and a half hours and it is played at the National Theatre “ R adu Stanca ” in Sibiu. Enjoy!

Teodora Sas

Recently I have had the chance to watch the performance of the play “ Îmi place cum miroşi ” ( I Like Your Smell ) at The National Theatre ” Radu Stanca ” from Sibiu and I must say that those two hours in the theatre are some of the bestspent hours of my life. The comedy is written by Neil Simon and it presents the love triangle formed by Sophie Rauschmayer, Andy Hobart and Norman Cornell. The script is very well translated into Romanian maintaining the amusement and the playfulness of the original script. The play was directed by the well-known Romanian director Şerban Puiu, a director that has put his mark on most of the comedies performed at “ Radu Stanca ” . The actors who give life to these characters are Sibiu ’ s finest: Ofelia Popii, Adrian Matioc and Ciprian Scurtea. Of course, the name that stands out is that of Ofelia Popii, the woman who has in her curriculum two UNITER awards. The plot revolves around the love triangle formed by Sophie, Andy and Norman. Andy Hobart and Norman Cornell are two broke journalists who struggle to make ends meet. Their life is changed by the new tenant, Sophie, a gymnastics coach with a very bad temper. What drives these characters to fall in love with each other is smell. It seems that love can be triggered by the most unusual senses. The play takes unexpected twist and turns which keep the spectators on the edge of their seats throughout the performance. You should definitely see “ Î mi place cum miroşi ” because I guarantee that it ’ s going to be a well spent evening and it will whet your appetite for more of what The National Theatre “ Radu Stanca ” has to offer. This play in particular is fun, intriguing, very well-performed , in fewer words a

must see.

Andra Dolana


ISSUE 1/2012


A Movie Buff’s Know–It-All Website Internet Movie DataBase is your go-to-site when it comes to movies, TV shows, celebrities, basically it has every information that a movies amateur would like to know. And I say movie amateurs because this site is serious, it contains true information from Hollywood. It is not, I repeat, it is not a site filled with gossip about who is dating who. The first thing that you notice once you start to surf this website is how well-organized it is. Each movie has its own page that contains information about the actors starring in the movie, the director, the producers, whether it has received any awards, a Trivia section with interesting facts about the shooting of the movie and, most importantly, the official trailer of the movie. Also, each actor has a page of his own, again comprising a list of movies he or her has played in, information about the actor ’ s career and curiosities about him or her. What is even more fun and interesting about this website is the fact that you can make an account of your own and post information about movies and actors yourself. Needless to say the website has a lot of surveys conducted by people like you and me who like going to the movies and talking about how good or bad they were. This surveys makes us feel like film critics because it is our votes that decide whether a movie was good or not, whether and actor has delivered an amazing performance or not. Another great thing about this website is that you can post your own review on a movie for everyone to read. As mentioned before, this site gives trustworthy information about what is new in the world of movies and TV series. You find out what actor is going to leave your favourite TV series and what new actors are going to join the team and so much more. You can find out from a legit source whichactors have won an Oscar or a BAFTA or a Tony award this year and of course express your opinion about it.

Andra Dolana


ISSUE 1/2012


Guilty Pleasures? We all indulge in something to find peace, comfort, to relax or simply to go to our “happy place”. We need that something that keeps us going, that we can take refuge in when we feel down or when we just want to spend quality time. Whether it is eating chocolate, drinking coffee, watching soap operas, we all have our own guilty pleasures. What is yours? Ok, I’ll start by telling you What is reading nowadays? you

about mine: reading.

ers wonder why, and students think it

might ask. Well, for teenagers it mostly

is because the books are boring or

involves flicking through the pages of

long, but the truth is they do not identi-

magazines, scanning movie subtitles and

fy with the book, they do not find any

facebook statuses. But there are still

resemblance between the plot of the

teenagers who enjoy reading and who

book and their own life.

find it important. Of course it helps im-





prove our vocabulary, but that is not how

among teenagers nowadays are the

we see it. For us readers it is an escape

Harry Potter series, The Twilight Sa-

from the everyday routine, it gives us

ga, The Vampire Diaries books , The

another perspective on things.

Sisterhood Of The Travelling Pants

Adolescents like to read all kinds

and of course, who does not enjoy a

of literature: science-fiction, action, ro-

good John Grisham thriller? They rep-

mantic comedies. They know how to find

resent different styles, but each of

their style, to read what they feel suits

them has their charm and breathtak-

them best and what keeps them interest-

Boys, on the other hand,

ed. For instance, the big majority of girls

read action books. Shootings, cars

Among the best books that I

like to read romance novels, especially

and villains entertain teenage boys

have read and which impressed me

during teen years because they identify

since they also want to identify

are „ My Sister’s Keeper”

themselves with the heroine of the book.

themselves with the strong, inde-

Picoult and „ Where Rainbows End ”

indestructible hero of the book.

structible hero of the book.

by Cecilia Ahern. They are a very

Other girls enjoy science-fiction

Often, we are given at

novels, because they feel there is a

school books to read which we do

greater world that is yet to be discovered

not always enjoy reading. Teach-

ing moments.

by Jodi

pleasant read and I am sure you would enjoy them as much as I did!

Teodora Sas



ISSUE 1/2012

Music – The Only Cure We Can All Afford

It was hard, and all I can say is that being there surrounded by children that had doing this thing for years didn’t make it easier for me. I wasn’ t used to the music notes, I didn’t We all appreciate music in

Later that year I took the decision to

our lives, but I think there are few

change my school, an ordinary one,

people out there that really know

with the Arts High school. It was

the deep meaning of this word.

hard, and all I can say is that being

Have you ever thought about mu-

there surrounded by children that had

sic as a cure? About something

doing this thing for years didn ’ t

that can help you when you have

make it easier for me. I wasn ’ t used

a problem?

to the music notes


flute, the two music instruments that I had to learn to play.

I didn ’ t know

How about me telling you

how to play the piano or the flute, the

my own story? Well… I started to

two music instruments that I had to

sing when I was a little child, yes,

learn to play.

mostly inside my house, in the

As time passed I started to

shower, just like everybody else,

love the flute and loved those private

but when I got older everything

classes, but the piano made it harder

started to change.

When I was

for me; I couldn ’ t do it and it

around the age of 11 or 12, I de-

seemed to be too hard for me. It was

cided to make a change.

one semester and a half of being

First, I started to take

know how to play the piano or the

there when I knew I couldn ’ t do it

some music classes at the Chil-


It was too much for me

dren ’ s Palace here in Sibiu be-

and I felt more tired with every day

cause my music teacher told me

that passed, so I decided that after I

I ’ m talented and I should try it.

passed my exams at the end of the

So now you may think: “But why did you leave Arts High school? Wasn’t that your chance that you gave up on? “. It wasn’t!


ISSUE 1/2012

year and I would go back to my old

portant thing, having an amazing music


teacher: Ioan Turcu. I can’ t even exSo I did it! I went back to

plain in words how much he did for me.

my old school and finished my sec-

He was the person we all need, that

ondary level there. So now you may

person you need to point you to the

think: “ But why did you leave Arts

right direction.

High school? Wasn ’ t

that your

So no , I don ’ t regret giving

chance that you gave up on? “ . It

up on Arts High school because if I

wasn ’ t! thing .

Let me tell you someEvery single decision we

make in our life has its effects on us,

hadn ’ t done it , maybe I wouldn ’ t be here today , telling you the story of my life and telling you “ Don ’ t give up

So no, I don’t regret giving up on

on your dreams, no matter what obsta-

Arts High school because if I hadn’t

I ended secondary school

cle might come your way!” Yes , you

done it, maybe I wouldn’t be here

and I was ready for high school. I

may think I ’ m not somebody famous

didn ’ t know what to do or what to

today, telling you the story of my life

and I ’ m just a regular high school

and telling you “ Don’t give up on

student like you, but I ’ m doing what I

your dreams, no matter what

like and that ’ s important ; plus, I ’ m

obstacle might come your way!”

so to make it clear to you, let me finish my story.

choose but I let my mother help me out and here I am today, being part of CNOG ’ s choir, singing at the school ’ s events, meeting new peo-

not a famous singer YET, maybe I ’ l l

ple every day that love music as

be one someday if I don ’ t give up and

much as I do, and the most im-

keep going up!



ISSUE 1/2012

History As You Don’t Know It They say history repeats itself. And if it does, why bother studying it if you can just wait and see it unfold around you again and again, until you finally get what is going on. We live in the present, you might say. We don’t need to dwelve in the past to understand who we are and what will become of us. For those of you who don’t see how you can learn about change and society from history books, here’s a little something that might spark up an interest in the science that gives us answers and makes us ask questions. Here’s a small list of interesting historical facts: 1.In 1537, England's King Henry VII officially declared

6. Because metal was scarce; the Oscars given out dur-

February 14th the holiday of St. Valentine's Day.

ing World War II were made of plaster

2.The oldest glowing lightbulb was first switched on in

7.A baboon called Jackie became a private in the South

1901 and lives in fire stations in Livermore, CA. It is

African army in World War I.

known as the Centennial Light

8.In ancient China, doctors could receive fees only if their

3.The first telephone book was one page long and had

patient was cured. If it deteriorated, they would have to

only 50 names in it.

pay the patient.

4.In the great fire of London, in 1666, half of London was

9.In the 1800s, if you attempted suicide and failed, you

burnt down but only 6 people were injured

would have to face the death penalty.

5.Harry S. Truman was the last U.S. President with no

10.The shortest war on record was fought between Zanzi-

college degree

bar and England in 1896. Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes. ( s elected from http://www.funfactz.com/historical-facts/ )

If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience. ( G eorge Bernard Shaw )




ISSUE 1/2012

Did You Know?  A mosquito has 47 teeth.  A ‘ mob ’ is not just a group of unruly people; but also a group of kangaroos  Your pet cat can scare a black bear. The big fellow will run up a tree to save itself from the little domestic creature  Sharks are the only known species to never suffer from cancer.  The tongue of a blue whale could weigh more than a full-

Riddle Me This, Riddle Me That

grown adult elephant.  There are more insects in ten square feet of a rain forest than there are people in Manhattan.  If you could drive your car straight up you would arrive in space in just over an hour.  There are 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body.

1. I live in Africa with my family. I ma over-

And an individual blood cell takes about 60 seconds to make a

weight but have a good memory. I can run fast

complete circuit of the body.

but I cannot jump. Who am I?

 The deepest part of any ocean in the world is the Mariana trench in the Pacific with a depth of 35,797 feet.  Somewhere in the flicker of a badly tuned TV set is the background radiation from the Big Bang.  The only letter that doesn't appear on the periodic table is J.

2. Everybody knows me. I first appeared in America. Some say I never happened, some say I did, only NASA knows the truth. Who am I?

 The human body contains enough carbon to provide 'lead' ( which is really graphite ) for about 9,000 pencils.

3. I work all around the world. People see my work every day but never thank me. But If I were gone people would miss me and then realize how important I am. So who am I? 4. I am the oldest thing you see. You see me all day but never look at me. Who am I?

Stefan Lazar

1. 2. 3. 4.

the elephant the Moon landing electricity the Sun http://www.funnyjunk.com/funny_pictures/2337869/Riddle/



ISSUE 1/2012

Travel & Living QUIZ 1. Which of these words describes you? a. fancy b. simplicity

c. fashion d. enthusiasm 2. With whom would go in the park for a walk ? a. boyfriend / girlfriend b. family c. friends d. best friends 3. What kind of living place do you prefer ? a. a luxurious one b. a villa or a flat c. it doesn ’ t matter as long as it is cosy d. a bungalow

4. How do you see your near future? a. full of surprises b. boring c. nothing is going to change d. better than it is now 5. What is your favorite holiday destination? a. anywhere abroad b. the countryside c. the seaside d. the mountains 6. What kind of food doesn’ t appeal to you?

a. meat rolls in cabbage leaves- traditional food b. caviar – exotic food

c. seafood d. fast food

7. What does the word “ travel ” mean to you ? a. a cruise

b. a trip c. a voyage d. a tour 8. Where would you like to stay on your holiday? a. In a hotel

b. in a guest-house c. in a camp-site d. in a hostel 9. If it is raining outside and you want to relax after a day of work, what would you do ? a. go to the spa

b. visit your friends and family c. go shopping at the mall d. go to bed and try to sleep 10. Which flowers do you like to receive?

a. b. c. d.


roses seasonal flowers lilies wild flowers


ISSUE 1/2012

Now check your answers ! Mostly a – You ’ re a romantic person who likes the good life. You enjoy traveling and also spending money, but you think twice before you make a decision because the looks are not everything. You are also an exotic person who loves life, including its events with all the surprises that come. Life is your personal stage, where you ’ re the main character. Here ’ s a little quote for you: Cute

enough to make you look twice, sweet enough but not too nice, a little crazy but not too wild, the kind a girl/boy that'll make you smile. Mostly b – Let ’ s begin with the quote: Somewhere there’s someone who dreams of your smile and finds your presence in life worthwhile, so when you are lonely remember that it’s true….somebody somewhere is thinking of you. You have a mysterious character, calm and controlled on the outside, but deep inside you wish to have a little adventure just to feel the adrenaline for a moment. You love smiling and peace but you also enjoy being in a familiar environment. Keep it in this way and you ’ ll see that life will be your personal journey.

Mostly c – You usually don ’ t like a lot of changes in your life, but when this happens you know how to handle it. In general you prefer to be with your friends, but you also love it when all your wishes come true. You ’ re most of the time fresh and ready for a new day in a fitted outfit. The life is like a diary and only you have the key to unlock it. The sky was dark, The moon was high,

She was alone, in the night, Her hair was brown, her eyes were too , she was smiling like she knew, the only thing she could think of was little clink she heard. She discovered that it was the sound of music from her heart. Mostly d – Wow ! You ’ r e very optimistic , even if sometimes you have your bad moments. Don ’ t give up and be strong because life is unexpected. Be yourself and you ’ ll be rich ! Looking in the mirror Here’s what, I see a happy

little girl staring back at me, She acts so tough, And so grown up, But that’s who she really is, And it’s who she wants to be, I know this, because that little girl is Me. You ’ re a free spirit with a lot of expectations from life, the people surrounding you have a good opinion about you , so even if you ’ re wrong sometimes, you can count on them. Remember, life is your own story, take risks and have fun!

Silviana Slavu



ISSUE 1/2012

Go GREEN or Go Home QUIZ 1. a. b. c.

What means of transport do you use? the personal car

2. a. b. c.

How many hours do you spend on the computer?

3. a. b. c.

How often do you admire or think of nature?

public transport the taxi

it depends on my mood – generally plenty of time I only do my homework no more than 3 hours

when I hear about it from others I have a lot of photos – nature is art

Mostly a – ops..! you ’ re not so kind with the

every moment of my life

environment. You should address this problem; it might sound boring , but nature is your

4. What does nature mean to you ? a. nothing important

home and we deserve better conditions. But don ’ t be disappointed: if you want it, every-

b. inspiration c. a source of life and vitality

thing becomes possible ! Nature is forgiving , so we should take care of it.

5. a. b. c.

How many rules do you know for saving the environment ?

6. a. b. c.

Do you consider yourself environmentally friendly?

Show them the real nature , how do you see

no , I don ’ t care about the environment

it , maybe they need to be stimulated , so we

sure, because I respect the rules

can make an eco-army. Fight against pollu-

2 or 3

Mostly b – Good job! You really want to save

all of them

this planet ! We need more people like you!

quite enough

Try to make those around you follow you.

maybe, but I sometimes forget the rules

Silviana Slavu

tion for the health of both nature and humans.

Mostly c – It ’ s a good start ! You are dealing well with the situation. You’ r e trying and this is a good attitude . Keep going and we ’ r e going to change something and maybe we ’ ll save this planet !



ISSUE 1/2012

Be Environmentally Friendly RECYCLE 

Clothes. If you dislike your old clothes you can donate them; or maybe you can “ redecorate ” to look as you wish.

Phones. A lot of associations will


refurbish your phone and you can


sell it to someone in developing countries. This way, you will get

If you want and if you can, create a tree-free

some money to buy another mo-

home this way:

bile-phone. 

• replace paper napkins with cloth nap-

Computers and appliances. Why


do you throw away your old computers and electronics? Did

• replace paper towels with a special set

you know that you can recycle them? In this manner, your

of cloth towels ( or maybe cut up old clothes

planet will be a little cleaner.

for the best towels )

Food. Just think before you buy too much food, about people who don ’ t have food! Buy only as much as you know you ’

• in case you print personal documents, print on once-used or bleach-free paper • reuse envelopes, wrapping paper, the

ll eat.

front of gift cards, magazines and other paper materials you receive wherever possible


• if you can, read books, magazines and

When you go shopping, if only buy a few products place them in the shopping bag that is not made of plastic.

newspapers online • leave messages for your family on a reusable message board • if you do construction on your house, search for alternative products

BORROW FROM FRIENDS If you only need something temporarily, ask if a friend, neighbor or a relative would loan it to you

Daria Mărcuş



Catch Words Puzzle

Across 1. ___ speak louder than words (7) 5. Pieces of ___ (5) 8. Trade ___ (7) 9. The Holy ___ (5) 10. __ the lion (3) 12. Lead by ___ (7) 14. A little rough around the ___ (5) 15. Last but not ___ (5) 20. Time is of the ___ (7) 22. Tic-Tac- ___ (3) 23. A ___ playing field (5) 25. Sorely ___ (7) 27. __ your bets (5) 28. Many happy ___ (7)

ISSUE 1/2012

Down 1. Question and ___ (6) 2. ___ pink (7) 3. The ___ and only (3) 4. You can't beat the ___ (6) 5. Chicken and ___ (3) 6. ___ the nettle (5) 7. Fortune ___ (6) 11. A drop in the ___ (5) 13. Secret ___ (5) 16. Helter ___ (7) 17. Health, ___ and happiness (6) 18. ___ late than never (6) 19. Jack of all ___ (6) 21. ___ by the bell (5) 24. Let sleeping dogs ___ (3) 26. ___ his match (3)




ISSUE 1/2012

Puzzle Key Check your answers to the crossword on the previous page against the key here.


LOVE The Eternal Feeling

"To be in love is merely to be in a state of perceptual anesthesia." H.L. Mencken When you ’ re young, you think you can move the mountains, you can change the world you think you can fly or that everything you cannot do in real life can be achieved in your dreams. It ’ s good. It ’ s miraculous. It ’ s typical for this age. But

Somet imes it ’s a form o f love ju to tal st k to so m e b that y ody ou ha ve not hing in com mon w ith and st ill be fascin ated by the ir pres ence.” David Byrne

only love can give you a magical power when you ’ re in love you have your head in the clouds, your love is without limits, it ’ s bigger than you are.

“Nobody has ever measured, even poets, how much a heart cand hold.” Zelda Fitzgerald Many poets have written about this subject because it ’ s the most important and serious feeling in our lives. They captured the most hidden feelings in their creations in order to share this great feeling with the world. When you love so much, you feel you will burst if you do not cry your love out loud for the whole world to take part in your happiness. The love expressed in art is an inspiration, an incentive to try and experience it for yourself.

Daria Marcus



ISSUE 1/2012


ISSUE 1/2012

Contributors for the next issues of “GOGA TIMES” magazine Now that you have seen what can be done, we hope more of you readers will be interested in joining our ranks. If you think you can make a valuable contribution to the following issues of this magazine, all you have to do is express your desire and get to work.

We expect your articles to be 

of general interest to people your age

 

original – not copy-pasted

coherent and interesting – something you would enjoy reading

We expect you to be creative

 

team player 


Contact any person from the editorial box and join our team!

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