Creativity is instilled in each of us, even if we don't typically define ourselves as "creative." This month we invite you to discover how to weave creativity into your life in a way that is meaningful to you. youdon't need to be an artistto becreative SEPTEMBER 2022 | WELLBEING NEWSLETTER REIMAGINING CREATIVITY
When a problem arises, try having a group brainstorming session where the problem is clearly identified, everyone in the meeting is encouraged to share ideas, and contributions are not immediately judged. Consider using the “ yes, and” approach to continue building momentum and team morale Consider dedicating a whiteboard in the office (or a shared document if you work virtually) as a place for team members to share their ideas, suggestions, questions, etc. and encourage team members to check it regularly and collaborate on the ideas posted there
Consider communicating with photos, gifs, and emojis Research has found that visuals such as emojis make it easier for others to understand the tone of a message.
Make an effort to highlight positive accomplishments of your team members and show gratitude for their efforts, whether that be public or private. This kind of recognition goes a long way to boost team member’s confidence and foster more creative thinking.
Research has also shown that regularly engaging in a creative process has many benefits including stress and anxiety reduction, increased cognitive function, and improved life expectancy In our work environments, creativity can help us to enjoy our work more and feel that we are contributing something unique and of value to our organization. Creativity can be implemented in any work activity, even those that seem boring or tedious
What is creativity? What comes to mind when you think about it? Maybe you think about an artistic outlet such as drawing, painting, or writing, but creativity is not just for those who call themselves artists. At its most basic definition, creativity is the use of the imagination or original ideas When thought of in this way, creativity can be applied to just about any area of your life. One way that creativity can be applied to our daily lives is when we are faced with a problem that needs solving. Maybe the way we have been doing things isn’t working so well anymore, or circumstances have changed and we need to figure out how to adapt. Insert creativity! Creativity can open the door for new solutions to problems that have been lingering and provide a great sense of relief and accomplishment!
Here are some examples of ways creativity can be woven into the workplace:
Personalize your workspace with things that inspire you. This could be artwork, quotes, plants, pictures of loved ones, or objects to help relieve stress. While personalizing your workspace, be mindful not to make your environment visually overwhelming, as this could end up being more of a distraction than a source of inspiration.
When it comes to tasks that are very repetitive, try making slight alterations to parts of the process to see if they might impact the pace or quality of the task. If the task has a well refined process that you wouldn’t want to change, think about what could potentially be added at the beginning or the end of the process to improve the outcome or make the repetitive process easier or more enjoyable to complete.
Maya Angelou
As you try to incorporate more creativity in the work that you do, don’t try to force the process. We are all naturally creative problem solvers. Our ability to problem solve with creativity is the reason people have managed to survive and adapt to their environment for all of human history Try being open to new ideas while looking for solutions to problems that arise. With an open approach, you are far more likely to identify processes that streamline your work, as well as the work of your team, and potentially make your work a lot more enjoyable too You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.
PRESENT DATA CREATIVELY When organizing data, think about different ways that the information contained in the data could be presented to get the right idea across Incorporate charts, graphs, or images to present your data. Try playing with colors, shapes, sizes, and icons to make visuals of data more engaging and potentially easier to understand.
Join us as we uncover the secret behind how we ' re all creative, and discover how to refine our creative problem solving techniques in work and life. REGISTER HERE MEDITATION FOR PARENTS Take some time to breathe... LISTEN HERE Parenting can bring many challenges, including feelings of criticism from ourself or the world around us. We invite you to take a few moments to decompress and create space for self compassion in this 10 minute meditation. USING CREATIVITY TO PROBLEM SOLVE LIKE A PRO September Global Workshop 5 September 2022 MONTHLY RESOURCES Login to your Wellbeing Hub to for a deeper dive into these monthly resources. SEPTEMBER 29TH AT 12PM EST SEPTEMBER 2022 | WELLBEING NEWSLETTER