RELEASING EXPECTATIONS for more joy and connection
RELEASING EXPECTATIONS for more joy and connection The end of the year can bring joy, connection, new excitement and sometimes - stress. With increased family and social gatherings, our minds begin to think of - and prepare for - all of the aspects that the holiday season can bring. Maybe you are hosting and are stressed about having the perfect menu and Pinterest-styled home. Or, maybe you are already thinking of what topics to bring up around a certain family member so everything goes smoothy. When we hold onto high expectations for ourselves, it can cause stress and prevent us from truly enjoying this season. When we hold certain expectations of others, it can end up dictating our interactions and preventing us from connecting in more positive ways. Whatever this season may look like for you, we invite you to check in with your expectations before rushing into this time of the year. Make a roadmap to replace these rigid expectations with more flexible ideas or release the expectations altogether. This is an act of compassion to yourself and others. When you offer compassion, you are opening the door to experience more joy and positive connections during this time of the year.
HERE ARE SOME QUESTIONS TO CHECK-IN WITH YOUR OWN EXPECTATIONS: In the days or weeks leading up to an event, are you feeling anxious and stressed? Do you feel the need to change things to meet others expectations? Are you worried about what certain people might say? Do you feel the need to make everything perfect?
Roadmap to Releasing Expectations If you answered yes to any of these questions, spend time thinking or journaling about why you have these expectations. What feelings are these expectations creating in you? If the expectation is for yourself, consider moving from a rigid expectation to a more fluid and flexible outlook on whatever may be causing stress for you. Try shifting your thoughts from "I should" or " I have-to" to "I'd like to." This a gentle act of self-compassion. If the expectation is for someone else, ask what assumptions you may be making about the other person. Often, we can create a narrative based on fear or past experiences. Consider letting go of past experiences to offer space for something new. When we create more flexible expectations in our lives, we release some pressure off of ourselves and others - and allow for more joy, connection, and gratitude.
November 2022
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HOw to Make a
HOLIDAY BUDGET The holidays can be a time where we are spending time and spending money - lots of it! We invite you to explore how you can make this time less stressful and more enjoyable by putting a plan in place ahead of time and using money-saving tips.
November Global Workshop
RELEASING STRESS MOVEMENT SERIES NOVEMBER 8TH, 15TH, AND 22ND 12:00PM EST The end of the year can bring about much anticipation - and for many of us - added stress. Join us for a 3-part breath and movement series on releasing stress led by our Fitness Coach, Camille Ferruzzi.