Juju & Mama's Berry Day Out

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By Charlene

& Mama’s

Kitty’s Morning Walk By Urna Semper

Juju & Mama’s berry Day Out is published by GGK Media, 580 SE 13th Street, Dania Beach, Florida. All rights reserved. Nothing in the publication may be reproduced without written permission or the publisher. Paws & Their Pets assumes no responsibility for the return of unsolicited materials; include return postage for any material to be returned; photos, samples, etc. Call 954-548-1291 for any back issue information. Send corrections or address changes to: GGK Media. Not responsible nor held liable for copyrights, content, or photos submitted by unsolicited or contributor writers.

Juju Bear is on a berry hunt with his mama, but he gets very ill and has a stay in the hospital. The doctors suspect “Beary-itis, but Juju believes he ate a very bad green berry that made him sick.” He is given an intravenous line with medicine because even bears get sick and have to stay in bed just like humans do. With Winter arriving soon, mama bear prepares Juju for rest, recuperation, and hibernation. Juju is a book for children to rest and hibernate while they are on the road to recovery. Juju teaches young children to get very comfy and soon their Spring, too, will be on the way.

Juju & Mama’s Berry Day Out

I’m just your average bear living in a great big fun forest. I like to play, roll, tumble, and climb. Most of my days are playing and fun, but mostly, I like all the berries in the forest. Mama says, “I’m beary-licious! my name is,


Juju Bear Jr.

My mama’s name is,

Mama Betty Bear Today we’re going to collect my favorite thing in the forest, berries! They will be red, purple, and yellow berries, the whole day! Mama says, not the lime green ones, cause they’re not ready for jarring or eating. Mama says Winter is almost here and we need supplies for our hibernating, which I call, a VERY long nap, but mama says it’s for our recuperating.

Daddy Bob Bear fishing with Mr.Goose the Moose friend Daddy is taking on the fish duty supplies today. Mr. Goose the Moose is his favorite fishing buddy, course next to me, but today I thought I’d let him have a play date with his best friend while me and mama hunt for my favorite berries.

Just me, Juju hanging upside down and doing my favorite things ! Mama is busy finding her second basket of berries, but I’m patiently playing and waiting upside down. It's so much fun eating honey, and berries while watching the birds and bees buzzy in the trees upside down, and they look upside down! My basket is full, no matter if I sneak a few here and there, I’m patiently playing while mama is hunting nearby.

I don’t think I ate all the blueberries. Maybe I dropped them or maybe that ol’ squirrel came and snuck in my basket. Oh well! Mama always brings two baskets just in case, she knows that ol’ squirrel kinda tricks me all the time. I always come home with a half basket! He’s pretty tricky, so fast that I have never seen him, but I know he’s tricky cause he eats all

Oh nooo, I think maybe I stood on my head a little too long. I’m feeling kinda funny. I’m starting to see berries growing up like sticks without the bushes, they kinda look like popsicle sticks, and I think I’m going to be sick. I feel like an alien berry is inside my tummy.

Hospital stay Berry-i-tis

Mama says it’s going to be alright! I’m still gonna catch that ol’ squirrel one of these days, cause I still believe he slipped me a green berry!

Today Mama took me to the hospital. The “Berry-i-tis” got me, but I think it was that ol’ squirrel that planted a green berry in my basket and I kinda ate it, but I don’t really remember. I think I look like my friend, Barry Polar bear, but mama says it’s causing my fever to get the best of my brown and turned me Halloween ghost white. Mama says I’ll be back to brown in no time, 'cause that drip bottle thingy is medicine to make me healthy while we rest and recuperate in our VERY long nap. Daddy caught buckets full of fish and mama canned our berries, and I’ll have this funny bottle with medicine.

Mama bear is nurse Betty At the hospital, the doctors and nurses gave mama her own bear scope, nurse shoes with funny bows, and a red cross patch for her hat. Mama will be my nurse at home. Mama says, her special shoes are so quiet that Mr. Mouse couldn’t even hear her come into the room. I want a pair to catch Mr. Squirrel!

Uncle Billy came by to visit while we were away, he left a picture of our house and said, he’ll come back soon! He also left a jar of jam, but Mama says, no jam for me! Looks like the leaves are falling. Mama says, Winter’s coming soon, time to hibernate, but I say, snoozing is way too long, but this time, mama says, rest will be just what I need!

Mama says, “No worries,” I’ll be as good as new and back to brown bear soon!

Daddy and Barry Polar Bear

Barry and daddy Polar bear came by our house for our regular trip to the park, but I was in the hospital. I can’t wait to tell Barry how much I looked like him. Mama says I looked like his twin when I had a really high fever because all my brown turned white.

Winter is home for us bears, but today I’m leaving the hospital to rest and hibernate in our bear cave Our bear cave is nice and cozy with soup simmering waiting for my family to snuggle in tight for the winter. Good thing mama takes two buckets on our berry hunts because that ol’ squirrel always manages to leave me coming home with half the bucket, but this hunt left us only with what mama gathered, but as mama says, rest, relax, and recuperate! I’ll be ready for Spring in no time. Off home, we go!

Winter is here, and Uncle Billy came by to say, See ya in Spring. He always comes around every winter to tuck us all in, but this winter, Mama will be on Betty's nurse duty while I get well. Mama says, Rest Juju bear, Spring will come soon, and I’ll be like brand new!

Time To Hibernate Type to enter text

Spring is here, and I’m all better! Just like mama said, I feel brand new! It’s spring and I’m playing hide-and-seek with mama. Mama says, we have to go to the bear-bur to get haircuts, because my hair is too long from hibernation! I think, mama just can’t find me! Spring

Spring Cut Mama says, Spring has sprung, and we all need a bear cut. We’re off to the city to see bear-bur John! I’m all rested and ready for Spring berry picking, fishin, and fun! Bear-bur-shop Bear-cuts

The End

Charlene Alvarez is the author of Lil Green Feet and Triumph of Hope Over Temporary Situations. She and her family live in South Florida. For more information on Charlene and her nonpro fi t for children and nature, please visit www.gogreenkidz.org

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