Triumph of Hope Over Temporary Situations

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Triumph of Hope Over Temporary Situations A Journal of Prayers to Peace

Charlene Alvarez

Remind Me Allow me to always feel the power of your holy spirit, that washes over my entirety with cleansing. Refresh the failures of my past that “I” bathe daily in your forgiving grace. Remind me of your presence and living hope.

Peace Allow my life to always have wings to meet the seasons of your grace in peace.

Pierce Allow my heart to feel the sting of what displeases you. Allow all that pierces my soul to become the trophies of merits in works for others, in compassion for having also been there. Let my heart not yearn for the riches of the world, but rather the souls won for heaven. Allow my life to be full of your mercy & grace, that I may stand with honor ready to receive my crown for eternity. Allow your love to be poured out of me in the land of the living that all who cross my path see a glimpse of you.

Planted I have been planted and buried to grow in the soil of your purpose. It is in your garden that your hands have planted me from before my beginning. Water my soul as a perennial that grows to return every season, filled with fragrance by your presence. Allow your purpose in me to change as the seasons of life come and go. Keep my mind away from the world’s idleness that stays stuck in self purpose. Allow my seeds to produce a harvest of fruit to feed the multitudes after my journey is done.

Feed My Soul Help me to let go of yesterday’s hurts and look hopefully with vigor for a new day as it arrives. Remind me daily to bury those things that try and pierce my heart with pain bleeding from yesterday’s wounds. Help me to consider it done, gone and buried by the hands that count me not guilty, but forgiven. Give me the strength to fix my mind upon the promises written long ago. We know all things that you allowed to pass before me, to sift me into today’s promise to never leave me nor forsake me. Allow your presence to wash over me in peace that all is well with my soul.

Fear Not O Lord my God, my hiding place of safety. The highest place I wait patiently, unafraid, for you are with me. It's not a destination I travel to or from, for it is right within me. It is a place of renewing in my mind the thought of your sacrifice pictured in my mind, a remembrance that my Father sent his son to the cross, a place that "I" gained eternity, therefore I fear not.

Overcome I can overcome my fears because Christ is before me, behind, and around my being. He knows my coming and going at all times. He is my refuge and my shelter when I call upon his name, I shall be saved. No force shall overcome me.

Weep Weep my heart for my children’s children, for the world grows darker day by day, as they will not know the difference between the warmth of the Sun nor the brilliance of the son’s light. He is a force to be reckoned with for the world and its destruction. Weep my heart, but teach salvation for those who have not come, teach it as food to the youngest, and as rations for the aged stored in a pantry, storing it up as nourishment, pulling it out to feed the unborn souls, as eternity can be their home where light has no end, and warmth with brilliance resides without sight, where sonnets are lived rather than penned. Heart weep no more, for my heart knows salvation is free, and grace is given to all that surrounds in love by my seed.

Love Love is not a tangible item, nor is it attainable through purchase. It is an emotion that is weightless, but yet travels beyond all means to the spirit that is willing to receive. Love is given to each of us in our divine and unique creation. It is not a promise to always feel cozy, safe, or lasting, but it is resilient with radiance to sustain through every situation.

City on the Hill We are the children of the Highest. We are the cave of shelter with arms wide open to accept the wounded for rest and comfort from a world of let downs & sorrows. We are the city on the hill, where HIS children can see the light to restoration from where we've just been, and now restored to wholeness to begin again.

Purpose Take me as I am, mold me into who you've planned. Allow my heart to be still and pliable to learn as a newborn's heartbeat without the stain of the world. Come, take my heart and build your plan. A new day assures me there is still time. Take me as I am.

Lead Me Help me Lord to lead my children to know not waste nor haste; riches nor poverty, but salvation with grace. Wisdom for days of distress as well as happiness. May they know contentment is in the journey of life with purpose. By salvation, may they know days are numbered and counted for eternity. Allow them to learn purpose through you and displayed by me, Mother.

Fishermen of Souls Open my eyes to all that you will have me to do. Allow my sadness to become souls won as trophies in heaven. Let my heart not yearn for the riches of the world, but rather the souls won for heaven. Allow my life full of your Mercy with the grace that “I” stand with honor, fully ready to receive my crown for eternity. Allow your love to pour out of me in the land of the living that all who cross my path see a glimpse of you.

Duty The Lord is God Almighty forever and ever. Our Children are not a guarantee of a faithful living being, nor a life of faith, but we are faithful in teaching and being his love as long as we are allowed to live in the land of the living. It’s our duty and honor to be the hands the feet and the words of Christ that they may one day know the address of eternity. Our individual soul graduates to our eternal home and our own actions will be held to accountability, alone, but with forever hope for our generation to follow us home. Lead us as we were are present with love; listening and leading to leave them in the care of Jesus Christ. We will rest assured they are planted in the soil that they may bloom. Never will our foundation be shaken as we stand on the foundation of the Rock of Christ our Savior.

Humility Beauty speaks through the piercing heart of only one whose life has transgressed into the living perfect peace, as It sees through the heart of wounds suffered as the perfect sacrifice of sin. We are guaranteed connection to the one savior, Jesus Christ. It is when the human heart knows true humility, that we are most humbled and seek communication, for it is then we are in union with mind, body, and soul. It is then our spirits cry out to the source of all power to make us whole once more. It is then that we hear the purpose of life is to honor and love one another as He loved us.

Hope Hope is the “son” of righteousness arriving with the first-morning breath. The rays of the sun’s warmth shining through the window of your heart and beating through your veins to begin again. Another day arrives for you to be strong and courageous dressed in success.

Architect Love is not only an emotion, but it is also an action built with a passion within. It is in all colors shapes, and sizes. It is a weightless emotion, felt and put into action by the spirit of all living beings. Love is given to each of us in our own creation to utilize as an architect, building and constructing in a journey throughout life. Love is the beginning with no end with every morning sunrise.

Nature Nature finds healing from the heavens. Mankind finds the presence of the healer in Nature.

You In you, I see a glimpse of me. I scorn you with my eyes and out of my mouth flows insults. In you, I see a glimpse of me. I point out your faults, summing up quickly. Each new day arrives that I find the sum has not totaled from yesterdays ridicule. In you, I see a glimpse of me. I look through the glasses the world has prescribed me. Through these lenses, I see the worlds media, advertisements of who I think you should be. In you, I see a glimpse of me. I put on my everyday glasses and sit in the beauty I think of as me. In you, I see a glimpse of me. I continued to roll my eyes at what I’d see. I searched and found the daily feeding of vile and disgust. I searched for an audience to agree with me. Oh, I was so proud it was you and not me. In you, I see a glimpse of me. Then one perfect day in my own given grace of righteousness, my eyes were opened to the failure that I had displayed. That day the Savior of the world sat with me. He took off the lenses that had failed me and let me see. You were always the mirror of me, in you was the disgust I saw in me. That day I was forgiven by His grace. It was Christ that set me free, free to be you in me, perfect for him and forgiven for eternity.

When God says “No” He doesn’t allow a “No” without replacement of a greater “Yes”. But we must listen with obedience to move out only by His command. You may never hear the explanation of the “no’s” in your lifetime, but you’ll be fully aware of the “yes’s” when it arrives. Patience is the key to obedience, and obedience is the key to success. There may be a million “no’s”, but a billion yes’s await your adjustment of attitude and trust, as all things belong to God, and His perfect purpose and timing. He will allow us to be planted along streams of waters, that we may be constantly refreshed by His grace and presence, to be rooted in the purpose of awaiting our obedience. Then it will be on the day of great gathering that we are ready for His question, “What did you do with what I gave you.”

Stable Keep my heart sewn into the hem of your holy garment. Do not allow my eyes to fall in the lust of the site of material gain over wisdom and peace. Stabilize my footing that the winds of the world do not allow me to stumble. Quiet my body by love, and direct the journey of my life that I become the tree with extensions of hope. Help me to walk in peace with only love as my guide for eternity, receiving the crown of victory.

Position Love gives up its position so that peace wins, in the honor of the one that love is, Christ.

Garments We have set aside the rags of the material world in exchange for the robes of righteousness. Keep my mind fixed upon Jesus Christ who sustained the lashes that I may live in forgiveness and destined for eternities riches.

Identity All the stars hang above in the galaxies of the heavens. They are the starry host known by each of their names. None go missing, not one falls without the approval of the one who sits enthroned above the heavens. How wonderful to know that the King of Kings knows each of our names, as we too never go unaccounted for. We are the saints he calls HIS own, grounded in Christ’s salvation. A surefooted foundation with eternal lifesustaining grace. A promise to never leave us, as we trust the truth of the word that is anchored in our soul.

Sister Lift her up this day O Lord. Let her heart surrender to the words that come forth from her heart. Allow all her senses to be aware of your presence. Camp at the doorway to the heart that flows the blood you sacrificed on the cross. Speak to her spirit, of the freedom that salvation provides with a harmonious peace that sings within her only by you. Let her go forth to the place of her dreams and hearts desires, and allow her to return to the presence of her first spring of salvation. Allow her warmth in this dark season, that she may feel the power of your word who strengthens all in our time of need. Allow her to move forward with trust for a future of prosperity without defeat. In Jesus name, we are one in a union to agree.

Nature Adopt the secret of Nature its path is patience.

Our duty is to encourage every one in his struggle to live up to his own highest idea, and strive at the same time to make the ideal as near as possible to the Truth. ~Swami Vivekananda

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