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Editor’s Note: The dates, times and details of AZPCA events are subject to change.
CLICK HERE AZ.PCA.ORG to check the website for the entire calendar of events.
Attention AZPCA Members!
What a first month!
In January, our Webmaster Marla McDermott informed us that she wanted to step away from managing the website. Cynthia Haag also resigned as Social Chair. We still need to fill the position of Flight #45 Chair/Coordinator. The good news is that we have two gentlemen with great backgrounds in tech and Web Design step up to serve as Webmaster and Assistant Webmaster. Thank you, Chuck Carpenter and Rob Moser.
I have been retired for many years. I started the month being a little down because I was thinking about all the work to be done. Then I reminded myself of my mantra in business: “Focus on Results not the work!”
I want to thank Mark Baker for helping me with the transition duties, especially the technology areas.
There are a couple of Chair positions that are time consuming and time sensitive. The Webmaster and GP Editor are just two. As I’m typing this Angela is working with Gregg and Ali Bull preparing them to step in as publishers of February’s Going Places newsletter. Thank you, Gregg, and Ali. AZPCA continues to grow in members. Every week we receive 4 to 6 new members transferring in to our region.
It is great we have dedicated people to step up and volunteer to fill open positions:
• Marty Ercoline volunteered to assume the Treasures role.
• Rook is Region Driving Tour and now National Driving Tour Chair.
• Kim Kemper temporarily volunteered to fill in for registrar duties while also serving as AX Chair.
• Gregg Bull serves as the club’s Secretary and GP Editor
• Dan Bouet is VP and DE chair.
• Jim Bultema plans our monthly meetings and served as a Director last year.
I am sure I’m forgetting some people. There are those volunteers that support AX, and DE, Andy Jorgensen with sponsors, Moe sending emails to welcome new members, Betsy with the Goodie store. Many are working full time jobs plus doing double duty with the club.
The more people we have, the more activities and the more volunteers the club needs! So if you have the time, and an inclination to help with driving tours, social scheduling/activities, and Flight Coordinator please contact me at: president@az.pca.org
I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you at one of our upcoming events.
In Memoriam
Robert Francis Blake, age 82, of Mesa, Arizona passed away on Wednesday, December 7, 2022. Dear Ginger, our membership is sending love, thoughts, and prayers to you and your family during this tough time. AZPCA member, Rook Younger, “Bob was a really great guy who didn’t let his medical issues affect his enthusiasm and friendly demeanor at club events”.