Alumni Society News - Fall 2014

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Fall 2014

Alumni Society Alumni Newsletter of Golda Och Academy

What’s Inside

Alumni Survey Results

2 Message From The Alumni Committee

e asked and you answered—SSDS-GOA Alumni love their former teachers and are very involved in their communities thanks to SSDS-GOA.

3 Zinbarg Alumni Challenge 4 Message From The Head of School 2 Messsage from the Development/Alumni Office 3 Elana Steinberg, Class of 2011 6 New GOA Faculty 8 Class of 2004 10-Year Reunion 8 Alumni BBQ 9 Class Notes


“SSDS was an incredible experience for me. I loved every minute of it and still keep in touch with the school and with my Schechter friends. I liked the small, warm and nurturing environment that the Schechter community provided for me and my family. “

What role would you say SSDS-GOA played in shaping your Jewish values? 6% 1%

Important 41%

Very Influential 34%

93% said that SSDS-GOA played an important or influential role in shaping their Jewish values. Influential 41%

This is just one of the numerous quotes we received as part of the response to our alumni survey. The SSDS-GOA Alumni Society leadership committee sent out a survey asking what our alumni want in an effort to provide even better service and create stronger bonds with our alumni. The survey only reinforced what we already knew, our Alumni are an amazing group of people who are involved and active in their communities and maintain strong ties to their Jewish values. It is impressive how many of our alumni are actively engaged in the Jewish community and 75% of respondents said that Schechter played an influential or very influential role in helping shape their values. Over 60% of our alumni host or attend regular Shabbat dinners and 50% say they donate to Jewish causes. We are also proud to know that our alumni feel incredibly strongly about their former faculty. Alumni expressed just what an influential role their faculty played in their Schechter experience. One alumnus was quoted as saying, “… the teachers who were like family and knew our entire families, and my friends that I know will ALWAYS be there no matter what even if we haven’t kept in touch well.” The SSDS-GOA Alumni Society is helping our members stay engaged with school either through reading our emails or newsletters, visiting school or attending an event. The survey was clear that our alumni enjoy getting together with each other and nearly 40% responded that they would like to plan or come to an event. We will continue to grow our events including regional get togethers in LA and DC. As an alumni society we will continue to share news with you, help you keep in touch with your teachers and plan events. Thank you to everyone who responded and please be in touch with the Alumni Society with any thoughts

The Alumni Challenge Is Here! Turn the page for details!

Message From The Alumni Committee Dear Alumni, We are incredibly proud that so many of you have stepped up and helped the SSDS-GOA Alumni Society reach many of the new goals we set forth over the past few years. Recently, two incredible school grandparents announced a new $50,000 alumni fundraising challenge. In creating the challenge, their hope was to motivate alumni to raise funds to support current students. We know that peer-to-peer outreach will enable us to meet the $50,000 goal. Of course, we cannot do that without your help. We hope that you will consider the impact that SSDS-GOA had on you in helping us meet this challenge. We hope that your bond with classmates, faculty members and your Jewish education will play a part as you play a part in passing the torch l’dor v’dor. Are you up to the challenge? Be a part of something great and visit to join us now! Lawrence Elbaum, Class of 1998, Co-Chair • Evan Majzner, Class of 2001, Co-Chair

Make a gift now and answer the challenge

Your increased or new gift (for 1 or 2 years) will be eligible for the Zinbarg Alumni Match Name:________________________ is proud to make an Alumni gift in Support of SSDS-GOA. My 2014-15 gift/pledge (payable by December 31, 2015) is


My 2015-16 pledge is




Visit to make your gift now and double your impact! Or mail to: Golda Och Academy, Alumni Office, 1418 Pleasant Valley Way, West Orange, NJ 07052


more information FALL 2014 contact the Alumni office: Jason or Stephanie 973.602.3618 or 973.602.3612 2 For Alumni News

The Zinbarg Alumni Challenge Leverage your gift to impact students and families thanks to the Zinbarg-Alumni Challenge

Your new or increased gift* will make a difference! Help provide support for the students of today… • Financial Aid • Academic Excellence • School Activities including sports & arts 1 year gift/pledge*

2 year gift/pledge**

1 + 1 = 2

2 + 2 = 4 **For two year pledges to be match eligible; 2014-15 payments must be made by June 30, 2015.

SSDS GOA Alumni Working together to reach our goal


*Total match pool up to $50,000 on all new and increased gifts (match limit of $2,500 per gift)

Message From Head Of School Dear Alumni, The fall is always a time of renewal for school as well as our Jewish Identity. As I begin my final year as Head of School the call to explore the path from different directions rings true in life as well as in school. The tendency to do what’s usual and familiar over and over, engaging with the world by rote, narrows our experience, denying us an evenly cultivated sense of awareness and intentionality. Reversing direction, turning around and re-turning from where we have come opens the path anew, uncovering previously unseen markers along the road and drawing attention to what is within as well. At school we have changed course in thinking strategically about admissions, marketing, development, tuition assistance – the “back office functions”. While we weren’t always sure where our new thinking would lead – it’s now safe to say that these efforts, combined with our emphasis on academic excellence has had a positive result. As SSDS-GOA Alumni you are uniquely situated to pivot and uncover unseen or untraveled roads. It is that bravery and vision that is a hallmark of those graduating with the Jewish values we try to instill. We are so proud that our alumni, through the leadership of Lawrence and Evan have set impressive goals for the SSDS-GOA Alumni Society. It is clear that you are blazing a new course and taking on the challenges set forth. We know that an engaged and supportive alumni base is integral to our school legacy and long term success; academically and financially. Thank you and we wish you the happiest of new years highlighted by doing what is different, new and meaningful. B’yedidut,

Rabbi Joyce Raynor, PhD Head of School

Message From The Development/Alumni Office Dear Alumni Friends, It was a beautiful summer evening at the Wilf Lower School Campus where over thirty college alumni and faculty members gathered on August 7 for a Summer BBQ. It was great to see all the hugs and smiles as classmates caught up with each other and their former teachers. That evening was an example of the love our alumni have for school, faculty and each other. We loved the “oohs and aahs” as toured the newly renovated Lower School with our alumni guests as they tried to figure out where the old Lower School ended and the new wing began. We also saw leadership in action. Thank you to the great committee of young alumni (classes of 20102014) who planned the event. It is volunteer leaders like you who make our Alumni Society so vibrant and incredible. The Alumni Society is so much more than planning reunions and other events; it is a network of talented people that spans many graduation years and has experience in all fields and industries, and stays close and connected, helping one another at different life stages, giving back to SSDS/GOA to help the students of today. Hoping to stay close and connected in 5775! Wishing you the best for a wonderful and sweet new year,

Stephanie Bash-Soudry Jason Silberfein Director of Development & Alumni Relations

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Associate Director of Development

Elana Steinberg, Class of 2011 GOA Alum serves in a K-9 tracking unit in Operation Protective Edge By Elana Steinberg


y name is Elana Steinberg, Golda Och Academy graduate of 2011, from Springfield N.J. I am presently serving as a lone soldier in the IDF in Operation Protective Edge and writing to you from my lovely and sweaty tent. I serve in a co-ed K-9 tracking unit in the Air Force. During Operation Protective Edge, my unit has teamed up with the Iron Dome unit to patrol the unfortified “bases” where the Iron Domes stand. I am currently stationed in Jerusalem with my dog “View” and 25 male reservists. Since I am the only girl here, I have my own tent which I happily share with my dog. I have a personal port-a-potty and even a key to the shipping container which houses a few showers, so yes, I am in fact a V.I.P. I have been on this assignment for about a month and a half, with three Shabbats off. My job specifically is to patrol with my dog and an officer at night to ensure there are no breaches in the security of the Iron Dome. My job is to ward off and track hiding intruders. I am supposed to sleep during the day; but for anyone who is familiar with August in Israel’s heat, you know it is almost impossible to sit still in the inferno. It is a bit strange being here with reservists who are essentially all in their thirties. I find myself walking in on conversations about what their wives and children are doing at home; and immediately realize that I have essentially nothing to add to these conversations. But, at the same time, they share with me wisdom and a more matured perspective of both the army and civilian life in Israel. Thankfully my best friend “View,” a two-year-

old Belgian Shepard, is here to save me from some of the awkwardness and boredom I inevitably experience while being in the field 24-7. Families come to our site almost daily with homemade lunches and dinners for us. On Shabbats we have kiddush and sit around a big table under the stars with about three for four other families that have prepared enough food to last us a week. We receive donations from Israel supporters from all over the world and best of all, pictures and cards from children in Israel, thanking us for our service. Once people hear my incredibly American accent and learn that I am a lone soldier, they immediately say “Kol hakavod, I love the big outlet mall in New Jersey, do you know my nephew from Teaneck?” and then close by taking my number to invite me over for Shabbat dinners. The donations and outpouring of support and love is heartwarming and so incredible. Everyone wants to feel like they are doing their part, however small it may seem to join in this essential effort to fight terrorism. It is crazy to think about the person I was nearly four years ago when I participated in Neshama to the person I am now. I am sure the staff and my fellow class members can testify to the fact that I was a bit rebellious, and an uninterested teenager who only cared about going out on free Shabbats and talking to my then boyfriend on the phone. There were a few weeks when I even called my parents begging them to buy me a plane ticket home. I didn’t make a strong effort to connect with Israel and took many of the activities for granted. Of course, I bonded with my grade,

but in hindsight, I could have done a lot more. As soon as the trip ended, all the pictures went on Facebook and I returned home to my friends outside of Schechter only to have then realized that I had changed more than I expected. I had unintentionally developed a strong Jewish identity, my “Neshama,” my Jewish soul, was emerging and I was so proud of who I had morphed into. I was excited to make a scrapbook and tell my friends of all the adventures I had endured. I was even more excited when I understood a few words of the impatient arguing Israeli couple in front of me in line at Target. I was most excited to invite my Schechter friends over to my house for the first time, to share laughs outside of our usual environment. Suddenly, after Neshama, being Jewish was cool. It no longer meant that I had to keep Kosher, keep Shabbat, or go to temple more than twice a year. I learned how to be a Jew, but in my own way; how to be an “Israeli”the coolest species of them all. I could have a dreadlock in my hair, go to my local Chabad for Shabbat dinner, and then catch a movie with my friends. Learning how to become a young, spiritual and proud Jewish adult on my own terms was exhilarating. If it were not for Neshama and the spiritual journey that it took me on, I wouldn’t be serving in the IDF today, completing in my opinion, the ultimate mitzvah of all, defending the Jewish state.

I want to thank all of my teachers at Schechter for being patient with me and sharing all the tools and lessons needed to set my moral and spiritual compass. I want to thank my very best friends from Schechter for enlightening me and teaching me throughout the year. Most of all, I want to thank everyone in my community who sends me emails or writes to me on Facebook asking how I am doing during this incredibly stressful time.


pecial thank you to my family, Donna and Naomi Ra’anan Lerner, Jesse Talmud, and Rachel Wener for being the best friends and support a girl could ask for. Love you all! FALL 2014

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Mr. Cory Berger – 4th Grade Math – LS

Welcome New GOA Faculty

Mr. Berger received his CEAS in Elementary Education from the College of Saint Elizabeth, as well as a BS in Sport Management from Rutgers University. He previously worked in Morristown and Springfield in their respective Elementary schools and in the summer works as a camp director at the YM-YWHA of Union County.

Ms. Valerie Bloch – Learning Specialist – LS

Ms. Bloch comes to GOA with over 10 years teaching experience. She received her BA in elementary education from Rider University, her special education certification from Centenary College, and her MA in educational technology from Marygrove College. Her creativity and love of reading drive her passion for teaching.

Ms. Marla Bowen – Middle School Learning Specialist – US

Ms. Bowen comes to GOA as a recent transplant from Salt Lake City, Utah where she spent 15 years working as a middle school guidance counselor. She graduated from the University of San Francisco in Educational Counseling.

Ms. Natasha CooperBenisty – LS

Morah Natasha joined the staff last October as a teaching assistant in fifth grade Judaics. This year in addition to GO Connect, she is assisting Morah Neta in both her third grade classes. Natasha holds a bachelor’s degree from Vassar College and a Master’s in Jewish Communal Service and Certificate in Non-Profit Management from Gratz College.

Mr. Mathew Dobson – Mathematics & Science – US

Mr. Dobson joins GOA with many years of teaching experience from New York public schools. He received his BA in Physics from the University of Albany and his Masters in Chemistry Education from Queens College. Mr. Dobson enjoys snowboarding.

Ms. Yehudit Dubinsky – 4th Grade Hebrew – LS

Ms. Dubinsky has spent the last 5 years teaching Judaic studies. Her experience includes being Camp Head counselor in a Jewish day camp, a mentor in various Yeshivas including in Israel, and most recently teaching 5th grade Judaics in a virtual

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classroom to students worldwide. Ms. Dubinsky is driven by her love and passion for connecting and educating our future Jewish leaders.

Morah Jessie Gindea – 5th Grade Chumash and Limud – LS

Morah Jessie graduated from the Pardes Educators Program with a Masters in Jewish Education and Certificate of Advanced Jewish Studies, as well as a Certificate in Jewish Day School Education from Hebrew College of Boston. Prior to studying at Pardes, she attended the Jewish Theological Seminary and Columbia University and earned a BA in Modern Jewish Studies from JTS and a BA in Middle Eastern Studies from Columbia. Morah Jessie has taught Judaic Studies for several years and has spent more than eleven summers at Jewish Summer Camps as a camper, as a staff member, and eventually as the Director of Education at Camp Young Judaea Sprout Lake.

Mr. Howard Glatt – Language Arts – US

Mr. Glatt comes to GOA with more than 35 years of teaching experience at both the college and high school levels, including Columbia High School in South Orange, and Chatham High School. Mr. Glatt’s love of literature and writing is what drives his passion for teaching.

Mr. Jon Hefetz – Language Arts – US

Mr. Hefetz recently completed his Masters degree from Queens College, and prior to his three years of teaching experience, the Queens, New York-native worked as a sports writer for the Press & Sun-Bulletin newspaper in Binghamton, N.Y. while completing his undergraduate degree from Binghamton University. Mr. Hefetz is also a professionally-trained artist, having been trained at the renowned Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School (the school featured in the movie “Fame”) in Manhattan.

Ms. Stephanie Heslen – Nurse – US

Ms. Heslen received her BSN degree and RN certification from Saint Peter’s University in Jersey City, with a focus on preventive medicine. She previously ran three medical offices in Millburn. Ms. Heslen is an avid soccer player.

Ms. Kelly Hess – 2nd Grade General Studies – LS

RMs. Hess grew up moving all over the country until she wound up in Georgia where

she got her Early Childhood Education Degree at Kennesaw State University. She taught elementary school there for twelve years before moving to New Jersey last fall. Ms. Hess and her two children love exploring their new area with trips all around New Jersey and New York City.

Mr. Brian Hoffman – Multimedia – US

Mr. Hoffman works as a video and music producer, as well as an educator. He has an extensive background in licensing and marketing. He has worked as a professional photographer and is a firefighter, as well as a fire inspector and fire instructor. He has an Masters Degree in Computer Science from Stevens Institute of Technology and a BFA in Film and Computer Science from NYU.

Ms. Meirav Kallush – Director of Israel Programming – US

Ms. Kallush grew up in both Israel on Kibbutz Massut Yitzhak and in Pittsburgh, PA. She is a graduate of Hebrew University and will very soon be ordained as a Rabbi. She has been working in Jewish education since her military service back in the 90s. Since then, she worked for various Jewish organizations including The Israel Experience, Melitz, Jewish Agency and more.

Dr. Shira Kelmanovich – STEM Coordinator – US

Dr. Kelmanovich grew up in Hamden, CT, and attended Union College in Schenectady, NY, where she received her Bachelors Degrees in Chemistry and Mechanical Engineering. She then moved to California for seven years where she earned her Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Stanford University. Dr. Kelmanovich lives in West Orange with her husband and one-year old son.

Ms. Blair Kholodny – PreK General Studies – LS

Ms. Kholodny joins GOA with many years of early childhood teaching experience and has a love and passion for educating young learners. She previously taught Pre-K at The Ramaz School in New York City and oversaw the school’s faculty childcare program. Ms. Kholodny received her MS in Early Childhood Education and Special Education from Touro College. She attended Hofstra University for her undergraduate studies. She lives with her husband in Scotch Plains, NJ. Ms. Kholodny LOVES to cook and was on an episode of “Aarti Party” on the Cooking Channel.

Welcome New GOA Faculty Miss Kelly Maiello – Math Enrichment – LS

Miss Maiello recently graduated from Rider University, with a Bachelors in Education. She majored in Elementary Education with a minor in Middle School Education, and majored in Integrated Science & Math, with a concentration in Earth Science. Miss Maiello student taught in Princeton, NJ, where she did dual placements in a 5th grade class and the Science Lab. She lives in Flanders, NJ and has three sisters. During the summer, she works at Camp Deeny Riback. Fun Fact: Some of her favorite things to do are go camping and hiking, read fantasy and sci-fi books, and eat at any diner in NJ.

Rabbi Richard Mayer – Judaics – US

Hailing from Long Island, Rabbi Mayer has been teaching for over 10 years. He holds a Masters in Jewish Education from the Azrieli School of Jewish Education and Administration at Yeshiva University. Beginning in 1998, Rabbi Mayer has also worked his way up the ranks as a lifeguard, spending the past 10 years as a head of the Aquatics program at Moshava Ba’ir Day Camp in Paramus, NJ. He is married and has two beautiful daughters.

Mr. Lev Metz – Judaics – US Mr. Metz recently moved to New Jersey after living in Berkeley, Jerusalem, and Los Angeles. He earned his

Masters Degrees from Hebrew Union College in Jewish Education and Jewish Communal Service, and most recently taught at Valley Beth Shalom Day School in Encino, California. His wife serves as the Assistant Rabbi and Educator at Congregation Torat El in Oakhurst by the shore, and they have a two-year-old son, Doron.

Ms. Arielle Miller – Timen – 5th Grade Hebrew and Chumash – LS

Morah Arielle has been teaching for 14 years. She has taught art and all general studies subjects except Phys. Ed. She is qualified in special education, which she taught in self-contained, resource room and inclusion settings. She is also qualified to teach middle school science, and enjoys incorporating hands-on and exploratory methods in all subjects.

Ms. Sarah Miller – Mathematics – US

Ms. Miller earned her Bachelors degree in Mathematics from Lycoming College and has five years of teaching experience. She has a passion for traveling, having been to 26 states and 25 countries, which is only 9% of the world (math nerd!).

Dr. Lucia Palova – Science – US

Dr. Palova earned a PhD in Solid State Physics from Rutgers University in 2010. She then spent three years

working as a Postdoctoral Researcher at Columbia Energy Frontier Research Center. She has also taught mathematics at the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. Dr. Palova likes bicycles, kayaks, and apricot jam.

Ms. Yael Safran – PreK Judaic Studies – LS

Morah Yael joins the Golda Och Academy with 20 years of teaching experience from three countries; Turkey, Israel, and the USA. She has been teaching at the JCC MetroWest preschool for the past 10 years. Morah Yael completed her undergraduate degree in Israel in Dance and Education. She recently earned her Master’s Degree from The College of Saint Elizabeth in Educational Leadership. She loves working with younger children. Morah Yael has published two children’s picture books in Turkey. One book is about Shabbat and the second book is about Passover.

Mrs. Jessica Wise – 3rd Grade General Studies and Reading Support – LS

Mrs. Wise received her Bachelor of Arts in Communications from Indiana University and her Masters of Education from Bank Street College in NYC. She previously taught at an elite private school in New York City for a number of years. Mrs. Wise is a true Midwesterner, hailing from Canton, Ohio.

Living in the city? Kids ready for school? Thinking of moving back to the ’burbs? THE PREEMINENT PREPARATORY SCHOOL IN NEW JERSEY FOR PRE-K THROUGH 12TH GRADE JEWISH EDUCATION

Email or call 973-602-3601 to set up a tour of our state-of-the-art Wilf Lower School Campus.

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Alumni News 7

Class of 2004’s 10-Year Reunion It had been 10 years since we were in the Schechter/GOA halls together, so it was time to reunite on May 31. It was so great being together again! Special thanks to Matt Engler who converted our fabulous Senior Video and Neshama Video from an old school VHS tape so that we could all watch together and reminisce about the good old days!

“And I’ll see you in the Schechter Halls again...” - 2004 Senior Video Young Alumni Barbeque, August 7, Wilf Lower School Campus

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Class Notes: News From Our Alumni Class of 1986 Mazel Tov to Shari Rachlin Bates and her husband John on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter Samantha, who is a 7th grader at GOA on October 25, 2014.

Congratulations to Sam and Shanna (Rubin) Freeman and grandmother and former faculty member, Jane Freeman on the birth of their son Ryder.

Class of 2001 Mazel Tov to Scott and Lili (Lahav) Jacobson who welcomed their second son Drew Elliot on February 18. He joins big brother Reese Parker.

Class of 1996 Mazel tov to Mollie Stein, husband Jonathan and big sister Kylie who welcomed twins Rachel Hope Stein and Noah Gabriel Stein on May 8! All are happy and healthy! Mazel tov to Reisha Goldman and her husband Michael on the birth of a baby boy, Gabriel Max, on October 12, 2014.

Class of 1997 Congratulations to Hayley Siegel Prochazka and her husband Scott on the birth of their daughter Aubrey Mia in May. Class of 1998 Mazel tov to Jason and Cori Wilf on the birth of son Logan Cooper Wilf on October 17, 2014. All are happy and healthy!

Mazel tov to Lawrence and Melissa Elbaum on the arrival of their son Isaac Theodore born September 21, 2014. He joins big sister Abigail Fela.

Congratulations to Blair Kaminsky on her engagement to Daniel Klingenstein.

Mazel tov to Liza Lipstein on her marriage to Jason Mandelbaum. Mazel tov to Seth Weinberger on his marriage to Amy Sussman on Dec. 31, 2013. Class of 1999 Mazel Tov to Amy Rosenbach Watenmaker and her family on the birth of their baby girl, Cayla Lynn Watenmaker born April 18, 2014. The family is now living in Northern California and Amy is teaching fifth grade at a Jewish day school. Class of 2000 Congratulations to parents Leaat & Nir Modiano and big brother Noam, uncle Jonathan Dulberg (Class 2003) on the birth of Oren Benjamin in July.

Class of 2002 Mazel Tov to Douglas London and Ronli Phyllis Diakow on their wedding in June 2014. They met while at Yale and are living in NYC. Mazel Tov to Amy (Mattel) and Sam Morovati on the arrival of their daughter, Isabella Sophie Morovati born on July 5th. Mazel Tov to Joanna Stern on her wedding to Michelle Katharine Barna. They were married in September at Wolffer Estate in NY.

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Class Notes: News From Our Alumni Class of 2004 Mazel tov to Liana Finck on the publishing of her book A Bintel Brief: Love and Longing in Old New York in April 2014.

Mazel tov to Steven Balter and Aviva Bukiet on their engagement in September. They are planning an August 2015 wedding. The couple met while attending an FIDF event!

Class of 2005 Mazel Tov to Danielle Winter who saw Upper School Librarian Karen Ulric at the Association of Jewish Libraries conference and recently started a new job as Media Specialist at Temple Beth Am Day School in Pinecrest, FL.

Mazel Tov to Adam Karp on his new position as Clinical Research Coordinator at Mount Sinai Medical Center.

Class of 2010 Congratulations to Jonathan Rabner, Jonathan Epstein, Andrew Wingens, David Wolkoff on their recent graduation from Brandeis University.

Mazel Tov to Jeremy Borovitz on his new position as European Director of Jewish Education, Moishe House. Class of 2007 Mazal Tov to Simona Caplan on her engagement to Abbaleh Savitt.

In addition, Muhlenberg presented Mira with the Interfaith award for 3 years of work and programming she’s done bringing Muslim Christian and Jewish kids together on campus.

Class of 2013 Mazel tov and good luck to Toren Aronoff who will be making Aliyah this December. Faculty News Mazel tov to faculty member Ruth Dulberg and her daughter, Leat Modiano (Class of 2000) on the birth of her grandson, Oren Benjamin Modiano.

Congratulations to recent Muhlenberg graduate Mira Biller for being recognized for her work this summer in the Memphis Jewish community, matching workers who were unemployed with volunteer positions to increase job skills & resume building.

Our first ever West Coast reunion held April 26, in Los Angeles.

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Dear GOA Community, On behalf of Golda Och Academy, I would like to thank all of the alumni, friends and family members who participated in the special campaign dedicating the Ner Tamid in the Horace Bier Beit Knesset at the Wilf Lower School in memory of Brad Nussbaum z”l (class of 1992) and Jason Folk z”l (class of 1992). The Ner Tamid, an eternal flame and everlasting light, will serve as a tribute to my dear friends Brad and Jason, reminding us of their place in our hearts and our community. When we started, my classmates and I acknowledged that while our lives have taken us in many different directions personally, professionally and geographically, our school memories and close friendships continue to bind us together. May the light of this Ner Tamid shine strong for all of the future GOA alumni who look upon it and may Brad and Jason’s memories always be a blessing. Please contact me if you would like to stop by the Wilf Lower School anytime. Carrie Zucker Siegel, Class of 1992 Principal, Wilf Lower School Campus

Our Sincere Condolences To the family of Harry S. Allen z”l, beloved father of Rabbi Danny Allen, father-in-law of Mary Lou, and grandfather of Sarah (Class of 1995), Uri (Class of 1998), and Noah (Class of 2002). To the family of Devora Breslerman, z”l, beloved mother of former faculty member Revital Wellisch, grandmother of Ofer Wellisch (Class of 1996) and Eyal Wellisch (Class of 2002). To the family of Samuel Chapnick, z”l, beloved father of Wilf Lower School Nurse, Roberta Coopersmith and grandfather of Alex (Class of 2008) and Emery (Class of 2011). To the family of Irving Effron, z”l, beloved father of Mark Effron, father-in-law of Anne, and grandfather of Leah (Class of 2009). To the family of Barnet Epstein, z”l, beloved grandfather of Jonathan Epstein (Class of 2010). To the family of Carol Feinhandler Gutstein z”l, beloved mother of Dr. David Gutstein, motherin-law of Dr. Alison Grann, grandmother of Naomi (Class of 2013), Jacob (Grade 11) and Ben (Grade 6). To the family of Jonathan Wayne Fox z”l, a 1984 graduate of our school, beloved husband of Jennifer and father of Anna, Eden, and Ryder. To the family of Arnold Frishberg, father of Mary Lou Allen, father-in-law of Daniel Allen, and grandfather of Sarah (Class of 1995), Uri (Class of 1998), and Noah (Class of 2002).

To the family of Alta Frohman aka Savta, z”l, beloved mother of Chaya Cohen, mother-in-law of Ira Cohen and grandmother of Micole Cohen Richter (Class of 1992) and Mirit Cohen (Class of 1995).

To the family of Ruth (Rachel) Leibovich z”l, beloved mother of Dr. Joe Leibovich, mother-inlaw of Sue Leibovich, Upper School faculty, and grandmother of Estie Leibovich Ruskin (Class of 1996) and Dahlia Leibovich Rao (Class of 1999).

To the family of Judy Zamost Grossman z”l, beloved sister of Marian Zamost Stern, aunt of Adam Stern (Class of 2002), Ari Stern (Class of 2005) and Zachary Stern (Class of 2008).

To the family of William McEvoy, z”l, beloved father of Lower School teacher Diane Kleinman, and grandfather of Shira (Class of 2008) and Avi (Class of 2011).

To the family of Dr. Robert V.P. Hutter, z”l, beloved father of Dr. Andy Hutter, father-in-law of Barbara, and grandfather of Jared (Class of 2002), Melissa (Class of 2005), and Jessica (Class of 2013).

To the family of Gloria Nahum, z”l, beloved wife of Albert, mother of Laurie Nahum, and grandmother of Tara (Class of 2000), Brett (Class of 2003), and Jody (Class of 2004).

To the family of Zigmund Jampel, z”l, beloved brother of Betty Jampel, uncle of Arielle Klein (Class of 2011) and Alayna Klein (Class of 2014). To the family of Samuel Kaplowitz, z”l, beloved father of Howard Kaplowitz, and grandfather of Elliot (Class of 1997), Emily (Class of 1999), and Aaron. To the family of Melvyn Kessler z”l, beloved father of Jonathan Kessler, grandfather of Liat (Class of 2010), Avi (Class of 2013) and Shachar (Grade 9). To the family of Theresa Kindred, z”l, beloved mother of Chris Rakib, mother-in-law of Selim, and grandmother of Rebecca (Class of 2008) and Aaron (Grade 12).

To the family of Barbara Seiden z”l, beloved wife of Norman Seiden, mother of Stephen Seiden, mother-in-law of Sharon Seiden, grandmother of Samuel Seiden (Class of 1999), Amelia Seiden Perlstein (Class of 1996), Sarah Seiden Warsetsky (Class of 1992) and Arielle Seiden, and greatgrandmother to Talia Perlstein (Grade 2) and Seth (Gan). To the family of Jill Shulman Wolberger z”l, beloved wife of Moshe Wolberger, mother of Danielle (Dani) Wolberger (Class of 2011) and Gabrielle (Gabi) Wolberger (Class of 2013) and daughter of Marion and sister of Lois. To the family of Barbara Yoskowitz, z”l, beloved mother of Jerry Yoskowitz; Ryan Yoskowitz, z”l, beloved son of Susan and Jerry Yoskowitz, brother of Nicole (Class of 2000), Rachelle (Class of 2003) and Eric.

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1418 Pleasant Valley Way West Orange, New Jersey 07052

GOA is accredited by the NJ Association of Independent Schools and is a beneficiary agency of United Jewish Communities of MetroWest NJ. It is affiliated with the Jewish Federation of Central NJ, the Solomon Schechter Day School Association, and United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, NJ Region. Eric F. Ross Upper School Campus 1418 Pleasant Valley Way West Orange, NJ 07052 (973) 602-3600 Wilf Lower School Campus 122 Gregory Avenue West Orange, NJ 07052 (973) 602-3700 Stephanie Bash-Soudry Director of Development & Alumni Relations Jason Silberfein Associate Director of Development Glenn Slavin Director of Marketing & Communications Carly Wolkoff Marketing Associate Jeffrey Landau Chair, Board of Trustees Dr. Joyce Raynor Head of School Adam Shapiro Associate Head of School & Upper School Principal Julia R. Malaga Chief Financial Officer Carrie Zucker-Siegel Lower School Principal We welcome your feedback about this newsletter. Please share with us your comments and suggestions by sending an email to Carly Wolkoff,

Don’t forget to like the Schechter/Golda Och Academy Alumni Society page on Facebook.

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.