2018-2019 Annual Report

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MISSION We nurture the unique potential of each student through an exceptional Jewish and general studies education.

VISION Innovative Jewish thinkers begin their journey here. Our students explore the world through the lens of Jewish values and develop a love of learning, a personal relationship with the State of Israel and its people, and a commitment to the betterment of the world through tikkun olam.


Torah Lishmah

‫תורה לשמה‬







‫אהבת ישראל‬



‫תיקון עולם‬


‫מצוות והלכה‬

We inspire a love of learning and encourage intellectual curiosity across all disciplines. Students learn to think creatively and independently in a community infused with Jewish tradition and values. We establish a strong partnership between students, teachers, parents, and the community beyond the classroom and campus. Our vibrant learning community focuses on the intellectual, social, and spiritual needs of each child. We encourage a shared responsibility for treating others and ourselves with respect and dignity. Our students and faculty practice empathy, menschlichkeit, and integrity when interacting with others. We empower our students to develop an ongoing personal connection to Israel by studying its history, its culture, and the Hebrew language. Students learn the importance of Israel both in the classroom and within the land itself.

Our students learn the importance of communal responsibility and service both locally and globally through acts of tikkun olam (repair of the world) and gemilut hasadim (expressions of loving kindness). We inspire our students to find joy and meaning in Torah, Tefillah, rituals, and practices, including the teaching and celebration of lifecycle events, holidays, and traditions within our school community.

FROM THE HEAD OF SCHOOL Having a clear and focused strategy is critically important to the success of Golda Och Academy, and I am immensely proud of the work that our Board of Trustees and administrators completed over this past year as it relates to our newly adopted five-year Strategic Plan. Following surveys, focus groups and many valuable conversations, we worked to incorporate all of the important thinking and points raised in order to create this new plan. With nine pillars, it is quite bold and will undoubtedly lead our school to new heights. (Our entire plan, and progress toward implementation, can be found online at www.goldaochacademy.org/about-us/strategic-plan.) The common thread throughout our plan is innovation. Whether it applies to our academic program, physical space or future planning, we recognize the importance of thinking outside the box, trying new and exciting things and working to create the absolute best school and academic experience possible. Since the inception of our award-winning STEM program, we have seen firsthand the benefits of student-centered and inquiry-based learning. We are grateful that The Gottesman Fund in NYC has bestowed their trust in our educational team in the form of a three-year, $500,000 grant that will enable us to take these valuable lessons learned from our STEM program and infuse them in every discipline in our school for all students, Pre-K through 12th grade. Our talented team of educators, led by our Director of STEM Education Dr. Shira Kelmanovich and Upper School Science Chair Mr. Paul-Michael Huseman, were instrumental in crafting this dynamic project proposal, entitled Project Moonshot, and began its implementation at the start of the 2019-20 school year. Project Moonshot, in addition to supporting the growth of our students, will also work to inspire our teachers to dream even bigger about their role in the classroom. With the creation of our new GO For It Fund, our teachers will have the opportunity to seek out and receive the resources needed in order to support best practices to enhance student learning. This initiative ‒ in addition to our Fund for Faculty Innovation, Peter J. Herzberg z”l Memorial Grant Fund and QUEST for Teaching Excellence program through the Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest – will enable us to further invest in the professional development of our faculty and staff and equip them with the necessary tools to be successful in the classroom and beyond. While there are many metrics that measure excellence, one need look no further than our student experience to determine how well we are really doing. Recruiting, admitting and retaining students into GOA is of paramount importance and in order to achieve this our strong academic program needs to be supported by our admissions team, caring and committed parent ambassadors and community support from our local Jewish leadership and synagogue clergy. To that end, I am extremely proud that the hard work and dedication by our community and GOA team has paid off. This past year, our Class of 2023, historically a small grade, saw their class increase by 108% from June 2018 to September 2019. Our 9th grade class entered high school this fall as a group of talented and dedicated young men and women who are excited to shed the “small grade” label and find tremendous success in the years to come. We are confident that the students who fill the halls of our school today have the potential to be powerful change-agents, and we recognize that providing them with an inspiring educational experience will enable them to reach new heights. The work we completed in articulating our Mission, Vision and Values and establishing our new five-year Strategic Plan over the past year has been aimed at achieving these goals. I am looking forward to an outstanding school year and one of continued growth and exploration for our entire GOA community.

Adam Shapiro 1

From The Board Chair


Our Golda Och Academy community has been blessed with another successful and productive year. We are extremely proud that we have been true to our core mission of nurturing the unique potential of each student through an exceptional Jewish and general studies education. The year was marked by countless sacred moments, ranging from milestone events such as the First Grade Siddur Celebration and High School Graduation, to the everyday beauty of Lower School students walking confidently into our Wilf Lower School Campus. We experienced these moments together, witnessing acts of chesed and menschlichkeit inside and outside the classroom — and we all were elevated by being part of the GOA family. As we reflect on the year, we are thankful for these moments, but we do not take them for granted. Accordingly, one of this year’s important endeavors was the Board of Trustees’ presentation of our school’s newly adopted five-year Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan is the product of hard work and valuable input by over 500 members of the Golda Och Academy community (including students, parents, alumni, faculty, staff and administration), and we thank you for your efforts. Informed by this feedback, the Strategic Planning Task Force worked to combine a forward-thinking approach with realistic and attainable goals. Our Strategic Plan is intended to ensure that our school’s exceptional academic curriculum remains cutting edge and relevant to graduates in the 21st century, while maintaining our core Jewish values and traditions. We believe this unique combination of academic excellence and Jewish learning is what sets Golda Och Academy apart from other institutions. GOA is the only conservative Pre-K through 12 school in New Jersey and one of the precious few in the United States — making our mission and success important to the future of America’s Jewish community. We are proud that GOA alumni continue to play major roles in numerous communities, synagogues, schools, businesses and philanthropic organizations. All of this magic happens due to the tireless and generous support of our wonderful teachers, administration, donors, community leaders, alumni, grandparents and families. Our school is a special place and a sacred kehillah because of each of you. Shana tovah and best wishes for a wonderful, happy and healthy New Year.

Rebecca Berman


‫תורה לשמה‬


Torah Lishmah

The Lower School’s reading program this year — “Reading is Valuable” — was centered around our school values. Each month, 4th and 5th graders presented a lesson on one of the values and created a bulletin board. In January, class 5B highlighted Love of Learning (Torah Lishmah) with an interactive board tracing their own hand prints and placing hearts with the subjects they love to learn. Students encouraged their classmates to write their favorite subjects on paper hearts and post on the board as well.

From The Board Chair



What are the ingredients in the special secret sauce that makes Golda Och Academy so unique? Of course, it is our fantastic students, families, teachers and very warm community. We are also extremely blessed to have such committed donors, board members and volunteers who supported GOA in 2018-19. Each of you makes a transformational Jewish day school education at Golda Och Academy possible for our students every day. Todah Rabah! The GOA Annual Fund is our school’s most important annual fundraiser. This year, we raised $691,393 from 681 donors including current and past parents, alumni, grandparents and community friends. This important effort covers the difference between school tuition and operations. Every gift counts and is appreciated! The GOA Annual Fund allows the school to offer the highest levels of academic excellence, affordability, faculty development, and diverse student enrichment opportunities. Special thank you to our hard-working Annual Fund Chairs Seth Brown, Anne Kroll and Miriam Linver and Major Gifts Chairs Michelle Berger and Sheryl Pearlstein. Thank you to Ed and Barbara Zinbarg for their generous Grandparents Challenge and to Liz and Jeff Bier for a Spring Alumni Challenge in honor of their son Jacob Bier, the 10th Bier to graduate from GOA! This year’s Spring Gala, held at Congregation Beth El on June 4, 2019 raised $268,270 in support of our school. Mazel Tov to our 2019 Spring Gala Honorees Shari Broder and Atara Jacobson ’87. Special thank you to our generous corporate sponsors: Har-El Real Estate, Premier Properties of New Brunswick, and Sacks Orthodontics. The school is grateful to the Gottesman Family Supporting Foundation for a generous grant of $300,000 and to The Gottesman Fund in NYC for a generous grant of $130,000 for high school financial aid and a three-year STEM grant of $500,000 for Project Moonshot, a very exciting new school initiative. The school is proud to be a partner agency of the Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest where we received an annual allocation of $164,511 in 2018-19. Total financial support for GOA exceeded $2M in 2018-19! Thank you to our Development CoChairs, Shari Broder and Michele Landau for their leadership and to our professional Development team: Jackie Cistaro, Michelle Moallem, Caryn Rosenberg, and Erin Sternthal for their hard work. Our Advancement Office is pleased to offer many outreach programs to keep everyone connected to the GOA family. This year, we sponsored many Alumni Society events including Alumni reunions, our annual Alumni Basketball Game and Lunch, Freshman Care Package Project, College Alumni Summer BBQ and an Alumni Shabbat dinner in NYC with close to 100 alumni! (Be sure to check out our new Alumni Pride posters in the lobby of both campuses.) We held two Parents of Alumni events: Challah Baking Night and Summertime Dinner. Grandparents & Grandfriends Day this year attracted nearly 400 guests on both campuses of our school! Thank you to our Alumni Executive Committee, Grandparents and Parents of Alumni committees who help us to keep everyone close and involved. For more information on the ways to get involved and make a difference to GOA, please contact me at (973) 602-3612 or sbashsoudry@goldaochacademy.org. Wishing you all a sweet new year in 5780! In gratitude,


Stephanie Bash-Soudry




In April, we we couldn’t have been more excited to welcome nearly 400 special guests who are such an integral part of the Golda Och Academy community for our annual Grandparents and Grandfriends Day at both campuses. Our students were thrilled to show off all of the incredible experiences and learning opportunities they have at GOA on a daily basis, led by a stellar team of teachers.

2017-18 Financial Information Teaching Excellence Grants



‫מצוות והלכה‬


In February, our 5th graders started reading Torah for the first time, as well as writing Divrei Torah.

2017-18 Financial Information Teaching Excellence Grants


THE 2018 RECIPIENTS OF GRANTS PROMOTING TEACHING EXCELLENCE THE PETER J. HERZBERG MEMORIAL GRANT FUND The Peter J. Herzberg Memorial Grant Fund was established in 2008 in memory of Peter J. Herzberg z”l, a beloved past president of Golda Och Academy’s Board of Trustees. Herzberg recognized the important work of the school’s faculty and made his support a priority. Golda Och Academy is grateful to his wife, Hon. Lisa Crystal, and three children: Ben Herzberg (Class of 2006), Arielle Herzberg (Class of 2009) and Ilana Herzberg (Class of 2009), who have continued this important legacy. This year’s recipients of the Peter J. Herzberg Grant Fund include: •

Susan Allie, Science Department Faculty, Upper School, for the Rutgers course “Topics in Engineering”

Andrea Berkowitz, General Studies Faculty, Lower School, for the Heinemann Digital Course: “Introducing Texts Effectively in Guided Reading” and “Learning Without Tears” webinar series

Shaira Cruz, Social Studies Faculty, Upper School, to attend the Center for Israel Education/Institute for the Study of Modern Israel Educator Enrichment Workshop on Modern Israel

Sandi Fein, Lower School Learning Specialist, to attend the Fundations Workshop and Curriculum Writing for Pilot JS 3rd/4th

Linda Friedman, General Studies Faculty, Lower School, for the Fundations Workshop

Vera Galleid, Judaic Studies Faculty, Lower School, to attend the Center for Israel Education (CIE) Conference

Lauren Iannia, Upper School Registrar, for the Blackbaud K-12 Conference to learn about the school website

Donna Karp, Lower School Guidance Counselor, for “Helping Anxious Kids” and “Oppositional, Defiant, Disruptive Behaviors in Kids” courses

Rabbi Molly Karp, Judaic Studies Faculty, Upper School, to attend the Institute for Jewish Spirituality

Maya Rozensher, Judaic Studies Faculty, Lower School to attend TalAm/iTalAm Institute

Yael Safran, Judaic Studies Faculty, Lower School, for the Solution Tree Team online course “Formative Assessment”

Faculty and staff who participated in Professional Development thanks to the funds from The Greater MetroWest Federation’s Quest for Teaching Excellence:


Tina Abrahamian, General Studies Faculty, Lower School, for CIJE Introduction to SmartBoard Training

Stephanie Bash-Soudry, Director of Institutional Advancement, to attend the Prizmah Development Officers’ Conference

Valerie Bloch, Lower School Learning Specialist, and Dr. Rob Klein, Upper School Learning Support Coordinator, for the Shefa School Workshop: “Tools for Success: Meeting the Needs of All Learners”

Vardit Caspi, Hebrew Language Department Chair, Upper School, and Sari Keren, Hebrew Department Faculty, Upper School, for Bishvil Ha’Ivrit project-based learning

Shaira Cruz, for the Facing History course on the Holocaust and Human Behavior

Debra Feldman, Science Faculty, Lower School; Suzanne Epstein, 5th Grade Math, Lower School; Brad Gerstle and Gaby Sonet, Science Faculty, Upper School, to work with consultant Tena Wright to begin setting curriculum goals in 5th-6th grade.

Marcy Gorman and Kelly McAllister, General Studies Faculty, Lower School, for 2nd Grade Curriculum work

Jordan Herskowitz, Upper School Interim Principal, for the Day School Leadership Training Institute at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America

Rabbi Meirav Kallush, Director of Israel Education and Programming; Gail Shapiro, Foreign Language Department Chair & Health and Physical Education Chair, Upper School; and Rabbi Iscah Waldman, Judaic Studies Department Chair, Upper School, to attend the Maker and Creator conference (run by Summer Sandbox and the Jewish Education Project)

Flora Musleah, Dean of Faculty, Upper School, to complete the last four-day seminar in the two-year Mandel Teacher Educator Institute

Michael Newman, Director of Technology, Lower School, to attend Center for STEM Fundamentals Deep Dive

Carol Nydick, General Studies Faculty, Lower School, for the CIJE Smart Notebook 101 webinar series “Learning Without Tears”

Sarah Radovici, Hebrew Department Faculty, Upper School, for Bishvil Ha-Ivrit’s project-based learning and Hebrew grammar workshops

Lisa Schwartz, Judaic Studies Faculty, Lower School, to attend TalAm/iTalAm Institute and CIJE Intro to Smart Notebook

Adam Shapiro, Head of School, to attend “Leadership: An Evolving Vision” at Harvard Graduate School of Education’s Principals’ Center

Gail Shapiro, Foreign Language Department Chair & Health and Physical Education Department Chair, and Michael Stern, Social Studies Faculty, Upper School, to attend a four-day conference: “Responsive Classroom for Middle School”

Carrie Siegel, Lower School Principal, and Karen Spector, Lower School Assistant Principal and Director of Early Childhood Education, for the Principals’ Affinity Group

Heather Smith, Social Studies Department Chair, Upper School, to attend the National Educators Institute at the National Museum of American Jewish History to support incorporating Jewish history into the 10th-11th grades US History curriculum

Erin Sternthal, Marketing & Communications Associate and Names, Not Numbers Coordinator, to visit the Museum of Jewish Heritage to support Holocaust learning for the Names, Not Numbers program

Jessica Wise, General Studies Faculty, Lower School for Phonics in-house curriculum work

THE FUND FOR FACULTY INNOVATION AND EXCELLENCE The Fund for Faculty Innovation and Excellence, now it is seventh consecutive year, was created by GOA parents Elizabeth and Gerald Cohen to reward teachers with unique and cutting-edge plans for the classroom and provide them with the resources to put their plans into action. This past year, Karen Spector, Lower School Assistant Principal and Director of Early Childhood Education, was awarded a grant from the Fund for Faculty Innovation and Excellence to begin exploring new outlets and techniques for meeting students’ needs based on sensory challenges. In consultation with a behaviorist and an occupational therapist, the Lower School created a sensory room with equipment for both sensory input and output. Teachers received professional development in how to utilize the room for those students for whom it would be most beneficial. The Lower School faculty and administration will continue to make frequent use of the sensory room for the 2019-20 school year, determining how to best optimize the space throughout the school day to help students engage with and focus on their learning. With our desire to be continually cognizant of the changing needs of students, Mrs. Spector also helped launch a pilot program in Judaic Studies for 3rd and 4th graders last year. The program provided a leveled approach to Hebrew language instruction, while teaching Judaic Studies primarily in English. This type of classroom experience enabled the broad range of learners, particularly those with language-based learning challenges, to experience increased success and joy during the Judaic Studies portion of their day. For the 2019-2020 school year, the program will continue for 3rd and 4th graders and be expanded to the 5th grade as well. Dr. Rob Klein, Upper School Learning Support Coordinator, worked to develop a comprehensive roadmap for supporting the needs of Upper School students with learning plans, including developing a plan for the Upper School Learning Lab which is in use for the 2019-20 school year. This dedicated space provides innovative learning opportunities for both students and staff with five unique learning spaces to allow large group, small group and individual learning to take place.

Dr. Rob Klein, Upper School Learning Support Coordinator (L); Michelle Pierce, Middle School Learning Specialist (C); and Sharon Hersch, High School Learning Specialist (R), in the new Upper School Learning Lab.


All-School Hanukkah Celeb


bration • December 7, 2018


Thirty-five parents of alumni reconnected, dined and schmoozed at the 3rd annual Summertime Get Together in July.

College-aged alumni returned to the Upper School for the Annual Young Alumni BBQ in August. The Class of 2012 celebrated their five-year reunion in November.

The Class of 1998 celebrated their 20-year reunion in October.

Alumni returned to the Upper School for the Annual Alumni Basketball Game and Open House in December.

Alumni and their children were at the Lower School PJ Library concert featuring Alumna Erica Rabner in February.

The Class of 1999 celebrated their 20-year reunion in May.

The Class of 2013 celebrated their five-year reunion in April.


THANK YOU TO OUR SSDS-GOA ALUMNI SUPPORTERS 2018-19* 1977 Pauline and David Schwarz 1978 Andrea and Bryan Bier 1979 Robyn and Joseph Bier Beth Brody 1980 Debbie and Sol Kempinski 1981 Amy Skopp Cooper and Rabbi Mark Cooper 1985 Shira Jacobson and David Libchaber 1986 Alfonso Meghnagi and Judith Meghnagi Anna Mohl and Mitchell Revsine Shari Rachlin Bates and John Bates 1987 Sara Bucholtz and Rabbi Adam Feldman Atara Jacobson and Scott Bieber Brad Rothschild Ian and Rachel Scheinmann Rachel Schwarz and Marc Schiffman Pam Skopp Greenwood 1988 Emily and Gil Raviv 1989 Jessica Bucholtz Green Roni Jacobson and David Feldman Stacey Leibowitz and David Leibowitz 1990 Jeffrey Bier and Elizabeth Bier Marsha Goldwasser and Philip Goldwasser Rabbi Joshua Heller Adina Jacobson and Alex Brodsky 1991 Mark Kaplowitz Dana Ostrow and Seth Theriault Shane Siegel 1992 Brian Eisenstein Anonymous Joy Goldstein and Ron Eibschutz Pamela Katzman Rubin Julia Loytsker-Borish Alan and Mindy Schall Sarah Seiden Warsetsky and Stuart S. Warsetsky David and Yvette Sharret Eve and David Sorkin Carrie Zucker Siegel and Jeff Siegel

Deborah Fass Jacobs and Brad Jacobs Joshua Geldzahler Jason Herman Julie and Reuben Kopel Jonathan and Kim Kushner Andrea and Joshua Sherman 1996 Jessica Alter Jason and Leslie Ben’Ous Alison Joseph and Matt Kirschen Joshua and Alana Levitt Elke and Matthew Luftig Amelia Seiden Perlstein and Cory Perlstein David and Kim Solondz 1997 Nadav Besner Rachel and Robert Fink Michelle and Daniel Jacobs Sarah Knapp Smith and Zachary Smith Philip Levy and Elizabeth Solomont Eitan Melamed and Sophie Milrom Jonathan and Arielle G. Saposh Mindy and Alan Schall 1998 Scott Avram Lawrence and Melissa Elbaum Jessica Geller Reisha and Michael Goldman Allison Gorelick Gregory and Jocelyn L. Klar Melissa Kushner and Jeremy Kaplan Eric Lester and Tracey Lomrantz Lester Barry Levine and Jackie Bloom Liza Mandelbaum Gonen and Jaclyn Paradis Rachel Skolnick Ayelet Teitelbaum Seth Weinberger 1999 Joshua Haber Andrew Joseph Emily Kaplowitz David Pantirer Elana Safar Samuel and Lisa Seiden Amy Watenmaker 2000 Merisa and Asher Fink Craig Guttenplan Zachary Isaacs Rachel and Konrad Konik Tamir Lance Shai Vichness and Aileen Silbert

1994 Neeli Berger Margolis Jeremy and Abbi Halpern Tracy Kaplowitz and Jonathan Boxer Keren and Aryeh Lebeau Micol Ostow

2001 Rena Abrams and Matt Abrams Jordan and Pamela Davis Talia Garfinkel Blair Kaminsky Lisa Kasdan Brenner Jocelyn L. and Gregory Klar Evan and Lindsay Majzner Marc and Shana Pantirer Justin and Tali Pines

1995 Rachel Charish Abel

2002 Pamela and Jordan Davis

Joshua and Tara Kipnees Eric D. Knapp Rabbi Jesse and Andrea Olitzky Joanna R. Stern

Emily Kalver Gloria Rothenberg Rachel Schwartzman Gabrielle Wolberger

2003 Tara and Joshua A. Kipnees Nicole Pines Lieberman and Avi Lieberman

2014 Zachary Broder Kineret Brokman Noah Hessdorf Sayde Slobodien

2004 Jonah and Grace Kaplan Rebecca and Taylor Lustgarten 2005 Zachary and Heather Bier Sandy Wolff Eisen Sophie Milrom and Eitan Melamed 2006 Zachary Berenzweig Ariel Lederman Jonathan and Michelle Newman Sarah and Evan Schonfeld 2007 Steven Balter and Aviva Bukiet Whitney Gruhin Allison Guttenplan Rebecca Linfield and Leon Moskatel Elliot Pines Alanna and Jason Steinberg Travis Weiss 2008 Adam Butensky Arielle and Matt Kuzdral Jonathan Landau Zachary Stern 2009 Michael and Shelby Bier Aaron Feinblatt Arielle Herzberg Ilana Herzberg Jodi Lederman Arielle Sheris Litz and Joey Litz 2010 Ethan Berenzweig Aaron Blady Jessica Bramnick Naomi and Gregory Mullen Andrew Wingens David Wolkoff 2011 Stephanie Aaron Samuel Markstein Philip Nydick Justin Weissbrod Danielle Wolberger 2012 Dana Brodsky Mindy Fliegelman Jesse Nagelberg Joshua Pearlstein Danielle Rockman Greene and Sam Greene 2013 Naomi Gutstein Jessica Hutter

2015 Hayley Nagelberg Noah Pearlstein Jonathan Wingens 2016 Jacob Gutstein Arielle Matuszewicz Andrew Schwartz Veronica Slater Harrison Slobodien Rachel Slobodien Benjamin Soudry 2017 Emily Binstein Anne Cannon Talia Feldman 2018 Anonymous Rebecca Landau Ethan Levy Alex Moskowitz Aaron Pearlstein 2019 Jacob Bier Dena Feldman Aytan Geschwind Sophie Goldman Jamie Gutterman Theo Hyman-Bockman Aaron Lavitsky Sam Lurie Alana Wernick Former Students, Friends and Family Sharon and Jason Altman Danielle and Jonathan Auerbach Charles and Suzanne Berman Sarah and Yuval Brokman Keith Heller Susan Och and Brian Kalver Jonathan Och and Rita Halbright Judy Rosenberg and Randall Haase Jonathan and Julie Schwartz Eric and Danielle Sharret

(As of 6-30-19) Including all gifts from 2018-19. 13

2017-18 Financial Information Teaching Excellence Grants


GOA Thanks The Following Faculty And Staff For Their Dedicated Service: Dov Laks Upper School Mathematics Department Faculty 27 years at GOA Dov Laks retired after 27 years of service as Mathematics Department faculty. Mr. Laks helped his students connect math to the real world. He even brought in ice cream cones and ice cream to illustrate conic sections in calculus and demonstrated how math is the universal language by connecting Hebrew in his geometry lessons. Mr. Laks devoted his time outside of class to support students’ needs and to enrich their learning experiences. Mr. Laks had been universally respected by students and colleagues for his knowledge, dedication and selflessness. He is known for his wit, great sense of humor and command of multiple world languages.

Sarah Reinholz Lower School Hebrew/Judaic Studies Faculty 17 years at GOA Sarah Reinholtz retired from Golda Och Academy after 17 years of service as a Hebrew/Judaic Studies teaching assistant. Morah Sarah began working at the Cranford campus and moved to the West Orange Lower School campus when the two schools merged. She had been the director of the youngest Israeli dance troupe – Simchu Na – and had instilled a love of Israeli dance in her students. Morah Sarah’s love of Israel and her commitment to Golda Och Academy has inspired countless students over the years.


Thank you to our incredible Parents’ Association for all they do to support the Jewish community at Golda Och Academy.

Thank you to (L-R): PA Leaders Lori Applebaum de Picciotto, Amelia Perlstein ‘96, Debbie Weisleder, Mindy 14 Schall ‘97 and Lisa Mechanick who are building spirit and raising funds through GOA Wear.



In May, more than 350 people joined us for the film premiere of our Names, Not Numbers Holocaust documentary film project. The event was the culmination of the year-long project in which students in grades 10-12 learned interviewing, filmmaking and editing skills to document the courageous stories of Holocaust survivors. Special thank you to the donors who have made this project possible. It is truly special to see the bonds that have formed between generations.

2017-18 Financial Information









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30 20 10




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0 0-2

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01 4


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Billed Tuition


Endowment Income


Fundraising 1,368 Federation Support


Other Misc. Income




OPERATING EXPENSES TOTAL EXPENSES: 17.7M (In thousands) Compensation


Tuition Reductions/Scholarships


Operating Expenses


Facilities Expenses


Educational Supplies and Programs TOTAL EXPENSES

993 $17,659

Golda Och Academy is a beneficiary agency of the Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ. For a copy of our school’s full final audit report or the IRS form 990, please contact Julia Malaga, CFO.

‫אהבת ישראל‬


In November, our 9th graders went on Na’ale, an incredibly meaningful 10-day journey to Israel that allowed the freshman to explore firsthand Israel’s culture, history and Hebrew language while strengthening and celebrating their Jewish identity.



‫תיקון עולם‬

In May, all GOA students took their lessons in tikkun olam (making the world a better place) and put them into practice by participating in an impactful day of service and learning. Upper School students volunteered at 14 different service sites and attended workshops and discussions led by faculty members. Lower School students collected and packed bags for food banks, baked challah, created Shabbat boxes with cards with the help of high schoolers, planted in our outdoor garden and packed bags for the Rachel Coalition.

Annual Fund 2017-18


Golda Och Academy's Annual Fund campaign contributions help provide essential funds that ensure academic excellence and affordability at Golda Och Academy every day. Thank you to all the donors who have contributed this year (as of June 30, 2019).

ETZ CHAIM TREE OF LIFE $25,000 TO $49,000 Ahuva and Martin Gross

Barbara and Ed Zinbarg

OHAVEI YISRAEL LOVERS OF ISRAEL $18,000 TO $24,999 Elizabeth and Jeffrey Bier ‘90

Samantha and Gabriel Migdal

Wilf Foundation

OR L’TORAH LIGHT OF THE TORAH $10,000 TO $17,999 The Arie & Eva Halpern Family Foundation

Gladys Halpern

Betty and Howard Schwartz

Ruth and Bruce Bier

Michele and Jeffrey Landau

Julie and Jonathan Schwartz

Robyn and Joseph Bier ‘79

Shelley and Josef Paradis

Sharon and James Schwarz

Dr. Alison Grann and

Sheryl and Sam Pearlstein

Ilana and Dr. Skip Vichness

Doris and Mike Saranga

Helene and Gary Wingens

Dr. David E. Gutstein

Mindy ‘97 and Alan Schall ‘92

Sharon and David Halpern

TOMCHEI TORAH SUPPORTERS OF THE TORAH $5,000 TO $9,999 Lilach and Avi Abergel

Abbi and Jeremy Halpern ‘94

Caren and Larry Rothenberg

Dr. Miriam Linver and Dr. Matthew Askin Atara Jacobson ‘87 and Scott Bieber

Dr. Jill Sacks and Dr. Eric Sacks

Michelle and Bruce Berger

Marion Jacobson

Frances and Glenn Schor

Shari and Mitchell Broder

Lori and Steven Klinghoffer

Ms. Michelle Neier and Mr. Jonathan Schor

Rachel ‘97 and Robert Fink

Eleanor and Marc Kramer

Sharon and Stephen Seiden

Melanie and Steven J. Glass

The Kurson Family

Rena and Adam Shapiro*

GOA Parents Association

Elayne and Barry Moss

Dr. Sharon Stoch and Dr. Aubrey Stoch

Judi Harrison and Steve Gross

Jaclyn and Gonen Paradis ‘98

Jessica* and Ari Wise 19


Annual Fund 2017-18

TZUR YISRAEL ROCK OF ISRAEL $2,500 TO $4,999 Stephanie Bash-Soudry* and Michael Soudry

Cathy and Bert Distelburger

Amelia Seiden Perlstein ‘96 and Cory Perlstein

Rebecca and Ari Berman

Miriam Lefkowitz and Marc Heimowitz

Rhea Stadtmauer and Janice Maiman

Sara Bucholtz ‘87 and Rabbi Adam Feldman

Jill and Eric Lavitsky

Gayle and Larry Wieseneck

Elizabeth and Gerald Cohen

Deborah and Steven Nadel

The Colton Family Foundation

Bella Savran

OHAVEI TORAH LOVERS OF THE TORAH $1,800 TO $2,499 Claire Akselrad

Anne and Adrian Kroll

Dr. Michael Och

Taryn and Gavin Berelowitz

Lee and Murray Kushner

Rita Halbright and Jonathan Och

Steven Birbach

Melissa Kushner ‘98 and Jeremy Kaplan

Susan Och and Cantor Brian Kalver

Lisa and Felix Buber

Dr. Stacey ‘89 and David Leibowitz

Sherrie and Lorne Potash

Joan and Dr. Harvey Bucholtz

Beena and Steven Levy

Hilary and Howard Rabner

Nomi and Harold Colton-Max

Dr. Sandy Miller-Jacobs and

Joan and Jack Saltz

Lori and Marc Cooperman

Sedra and Alan Schiffman

Dr. Ada Beth Cutler and Dr. Charles Cutler

Sophie Milrom ‘05 and Eitan Melamed ‘97

Judy and Bennet Schonfeld

Rabbi Sheryl Katzman and

Janine and Dr. Ross Mondshine

Ruth and Michael Sherman

Carole and Harold Moskowitz

Ben Stein

Rabbi Elliot Goldberg

Batsheva and Murray Halpern

Dr. Hal Miller-Jacobs

Jodi and Andrew Moskowitz

SHOMREI TORAH GUARDIANS OF THE TORAH $1,000 TO $1,799 Rose and Victor Ackermann Lynn and Mark Arian Ruth and S. Alexander Banks Natalie and Arkady Barenboim Leslie Bash Isabel and Steven Berg Susan and Joel Berman Andrea and Bryan Bier ‘78 Sarah and Scott Bier ‘92 Amy and Jeremy Biloon Helene and Alan Davis Judy and Steven Elbaum Diane Gelman and Michael Lichtenstein Susan and David Glick Reisha ‘98 and Michael Goldman Bat Sheva and Robert Hodes Annette Hollander and Myron Kaplan 20

Eric Knapp ‘02 Catherine Brown and Larry Kramer Ronni and Mark Lederman Barry Levine ‘98 Elizabeth and Jonathan Liss Edy and Rabbi Alan Lucas Julia Malaga* Jean and Dr. Mark Mandell Susan and Benjamin Margulies Cecile and Edward Mosberg Jessica and David Moss Allison and David Nagelberg Carol* and Harris Nydick Roberta and Melvin Ostrow Dr. Peggy K. Pearlstein Sheila and Jack Prince Dr. Joyce Raynor and Dr. Ron Meier

Jennifer and Marc Romanoff Dr. Ellen and Dan Ronnen Joanie Schwarz Rosenthal and Donald Rosenthal Rachel and Paul Scherzer Judy and Adam Schlesinger Sarah ‘06 and Evan Schonfeld ‘06 Margot and Marc Schwartz Lisa and David Slater Frema and Ivan Sobel Barbara and Dr. Eliot Spack Karen* and Rabbi Geoffrey Spector Sherry and Henry Stein Dottie and Donald Wagner Janice and Michael Wallach Carrie Zucker Siegel* ‘92 and Jeff Siegel

Annual Fund 2017-18 ANNUAL FUND 2018-19

KEHILAT YISRAEL COMMUNITY OF ISRAEL $500 TO $999 Anonymous Robin and John Benvent Tracy and Keith Biebelberg Heather and Zachary Bier ‘05 Shelby and Michael Bier ‘09 Joanne and Elliot Bramnick Laura and Aaron Cohen Congregation Agudath Israel Pamela ‘02 and Jordan Davis ‘01 Rachel Kanter and Andrew Ely Dr. Renee Gross and Stuart M. Feinblatt Abby and Rabbi Mark Finkel Alexis Gruber* and Matthew Fischer Janet Warm Fliegelman and Arthur Fliegelman Eric Fox* and Dan Helmick Barbara and Sheldon Freidenreich Lorin and Allan Gaffen

Susan and Lewis Gantman Dr. Amy B. Glickman and Dr. Alexander Glickman Christine and Jeffrey Goldberg Debra and Norman Goldman Micah Gottlieb* Roslyn Hirsch Rabbi Meirav Kallush* and Ehud Klinger Susan and Stuart Kaufman Elissa Meth Kestin and Daniel Kestin Diane and Andrew Koenigsberg Julie ‘95 and Reuben Kopel Sarah and Jason Korn Lisa Tully and Pouya Lavian Beverly and Rabbi William Lebeau Marilyn and Harold Lefkowitz Louise and Stuart Levine Alana and Joshua Levitt ‘96

Geri and Neal Lipschitz Ruth and Dr. Michael Margolin Marian and Keith Marlowe Dr. Susan Mayer Sheryl and Rabbi Kerry Olitzky Adina and A. Zorel Paritzky Wendie and Stephen Ploscowe Emily and Gil Raviv ‘88 Gerri and Gregg Russo Rachel Schwarz ‘87 and Marc Schiffman Yvette and David Sharret ‘92 Susan and Daniel Stern Stanley Strauss Dr. Dayna and Lawrence Weintraub Travis Weiss ‘07 Susan Werk Wilshire Caterers, LLC

KLAL YISRAEL ALL OF ISRAEL $180 TO $499 Anonymous Anonymous Rena ‘01 and Matt Abrams Wendy and Robert Adler Jamie Allen Jennifer and Dory Altmann Danielle and Jonathan Auerbach Margie and Michael Bachner Hannah and Jonathan Bargad Marilyn and Martin Barr Shoshana Bass and Yoel Borgenicht Natasha* and Mordechai Benisty Suzanne and Charles Berman Mimi Bieber Ronald Biloon Anne and David Blady Stephanie* and Alan Bonder Sharon and Dr. Joshua Brickman Heather and Seth Brown Rachel* and Jeremy Brown Jennifer and Richard Bullock Stephanie Carmel Flora Cirillo Michele and Barry Coffsky Amy and Howard Cohen Jennifer Cohen-Vigder and Sivan Vigder Congregation Shomrei Emunah Janet and Richard Conn Zephyr and Rabbi Martin Cooper Sharon and Lorne Cytrynbaum Rise Dimson Ruth and Daniel Dovdavany Barbara Drench Rabbi Paula Drill and Jonathan Drill Brian Eisenstein ‘92 Melissa and Lawrence Elbaum ‘98 Dena Feldman ‘19 Talia Feldman ‘17 Miki and Cantor Perry Fine Adrian and Jerry Fischer Paul Fishbein Aliza Freud and Joshua McKay Emily and Jon Gantman Ena and Gordon Garmaise Ethelyn Geschwind Lori and Holly Gladstone Karen and Stuart Gladstone Leslie and David Gleaner Suzi and Yaron Gohar

Judy and Joel Goldberg Vivian Zamel and David Goldman Carol and Philip Goldsmith Joy Goldstein ‘92 and Ron Eibschutz Dr. Ruth Deitz and Robert Green Laura and Jeffrey Greif Marsha and Jack Griffel Sabine and Dr. Louis Griffel Arlene and Harry Grossman Adrienne and Steve Grossman Cindy and Kenny Grossman Whitney Gruhin ‘07 Aviva and Todd Gutnick Rabbi Solomon Gutstein Bonnie and Edward Guttenplan Beverly and Saul Gutterman Joshua Haber ‘99 Robin and Mitchell Halpern Harbor Haven Day Camp Tanya Helfand Wendy ‘89 and Marc Herman ‘90 Marlene and Ed Herman Noah Hessdorf ‘14 Rochelle Hirsh, Esq. and Dr. Robert Hirsh Prof. Sabrina S. Hirsh and Jeremy Hirsh Marie and Peter Hoffman Vicki Hyman and Rabbi David Bockman* Susan and Joshua Inzelbuch Dr. Leora and Rabbi Ronald Isaacs Laura and Jerold Jacobs Michelle ‘97 and Daniel Jacobs ‘97 Gena* and Matthew Jarmel Cantor Lorna Wallach and Michael Kalet Leslie and Marc Kallus Emily Kalver ‘13 Rhoda and Rabbi Sylvan Kamens Sue and Sam Kamens Grace and Jonah Kaplan ‘04 Howard Kaplowitz Wendy and Henry Kaplowitz Fran Karpel Dr. Shira Kelmanovich* and Joseph Kelmanovich Debbie and Sol Kempinski ‘80 Susan Kheel Rhoda Kleiman Naomi Kramer ‘10 and Dr. Gregory Mullen Adena Lebeau and Jeffrey Kress

Donna and Noam Kritzer Dr. Keren Lebeau ‘94 and Aryeh Lebeau Vicki and Allen Lefkowitz Cindy Chazan and Jay Leipzig Karen and Howard Levison Linker Family Jewish Education Fund Connie and Uzi Lior Julie Lipsett-Singer and David Singer Arielle Sheri Litz ‘09 Talya Oberfield and Rabbi Ari Lucas Elke ‘96 and Matthew Luftig Susan and Neal Lugashi Debra and David Lurie Arlene and Kenneth Lutz Stephanie Marks and Dr. Jonathan Zellan Irit and Avi Matuszewicz Dr. Jacquelin Holubka and Dr. Gilbert Mayor Lisa and Glenn Mechanick Dr. Milinda Carson and Dr. Noel Meltzer Claire and Moises Messulan Rabbi Sara Metz and Lev Metz Michelle Moallem* and Joshua Greenfield Anna Mohl ‘86 and Mitchell Revsine Randi and Evan Mondshine Alex Moskowitz ‘18 Jesse Nagelberg ‘12 Network for Good Andrea and Rabbi Jesse M. Olitzky ‘02 Elaine and Michael Padva Shana and Marc Pantirer ‘01 David Pantirer ‘99 Joshua Pearlstein ‘12 Richard Perini* Tali and Justin Pines ‘01 Elliot Pines ‘07 Nicole Pines Lieberman ‘03 and Avi Lieberman Roxsene and Dr. Jules Plafker Dr. Rachel Plafker Esrig and Dave S. Esrig Alison Baker and Robert Podgursky Dr. Deborah Rabner and Hon. Stuart Rabner Joann Ramer and Oded Cohen Daniel Ramer Sheryl and David Raport Alicia and Jonathan Raskin Denise and Yoav Rekem Dr. Harvey Rosen Elizabeth Rosenkrantz

Gail and Dennis Roth Jeanette and Kerry Rothschild Yael Rotter-Salama and Victor Salama Tara and Ramin Saeedian Shawna and Jay Sandys Arielle and Yoni Saposh ‘97 Rachel and Zev Scherl Judi and Brian Scherzer Linda and Philip Schmidt Dr. Amy Schonfeld and Dr. Steven Schonfeld Helen and Dr. Steven Schwartz Lewis Schwarz Karen Secular and Doron Grosman Gail* and Bruce Shapiro Judith and Dr. Steven Shapiro Paige and Jason Silberfein Amy and David Silverstein Amy Skopp Cooper ‘81 and Rabbi Mark Cooper Glenn Slavin* and Allison Kessler-Slavin Alison Smith and Marc Glashofer Kim and David Solondz ‘96 Eve ‘92* and David Sorkin Camille and Eliezer Spigler Heather and Ira Spinrad Alanna ‘07 and Jason Steinberg ‘07 Marian and Robert Stern Joanna R. Stern ‘02 Anne and Stephen Suskauer Lenette and Lawrence Talpins Oksana and Sergio Ulan Miriam Palmer-Sherman and Rabbi David Vaisberg Karen Bridbord and Jason Vollen Wilhelmina Waldman and Yossi Harosh Debra and Seth Weisleder Peggy Weiss and Richard Grin Michelle and Amir Weiss Amy and Neill Weiss Justin Weissbrod ‘11 Mary and Allan Wernick Jody and Rabbi Steven Wernick Florence and Steven Winter Lorrie and Ron Wise Heather and Eugene Wishnic Janet Armuth Wolkoff and Neal Wolkoff Violet and Richard Zeitlin Rachel and Leeor Zorel 21

ANNUAL FUND 2018-19 CHAVERIM FRIENDS $18 TO $179 Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Stephanie Aaron ‘11 Miriam Adelsberg Yael and Ron Adiel Miriam and Joseph Adler Roslyn Chosak and Aaron Allinson Sharon and Jason Altman Alumni Bracket Challenge Tammy Anagnostis* and Dr. Rob S. Klein* Janette* and Dr. Seth Antiles Ellen and Howard Appelbaum Tamar Livnat-Arieh and Dr. Yoav Arieh Hope* and Paul Aronoff Martin Aronoff At Home Studios Harriet and Marshall Baker Cindi* and Amir Barash Rabbi Steven Bayar* Leslie and Jason Ben’ Ous ‘96 Dr. Errol Berman z”l Aliza Bieber ‘24 Ari Bieber ‘21 Jonah Bieber ‘20 Jacob Bier ‘19 Nina Bilmes* Donna and Alan Binstein Emily Binstein ‘17 Dr. Sarah Blecherman and Dr. Barry Blecherman Susan Schwartz Blum and Marvin Blum Merri and Jay Blumenfeld Marjory Bradshaw Jessica Bramnick ‘10 Martha and Saul Brenner Rita Broder z”l Zachary Broder ‘14 Sigrid Brodesser Stephanie and Claude Brodesser-Akner Dr. Beth Brody ‘79 Kineret Brokman ‘14 Randi and Oron Brokman Sarah and Yuval Brokman Abby and Paul Brown Debbie and Ferencz Brull Amy and Vincent Burke Adam Butensky ‘08 Anne Cannon ‘17 Galit Kierkut Casel and Ira Casel Vardit* and Abraham Caspi Dr. Mindy K. Cehelyk Robin and Allan Chernoff Esther and Alan Chopp Jaclyn Cistaro* Judith and Stewart Cohen Bonnie and Randy Cohen Marisa and Seth Cohen Marion and Herb Cohen Beth and Robert Daniel Naomi Danis Lori Applebaum De Picciotto and Eric De Picciotto Dr. Rebecca Denlow and Alan Denlow Orit Levy-Dor and Asaf Dor Anonymous Susan and Dr. Lester Eckman Joan and Gerald Ely Elsa and Baruch Farbiarz Tara and Gregory Feig Harriet and Alex Feig Aaron Feinblatt ‘09 Dr. Russet and Samuel Feldman Nikki and Leonard Feldman Marcy and Kenneth Felsenfeld Jane Felton Ruth and Lawrence Fineberg Merisa ‘00 and Asher Fink Ester and Ari Fischman Bernice and Mark Fleischer Shira Vickar-Fox and Jonathan Fox Madeline and Joel Frances Beth Freiman Cannon* and Howard Cannon Vera Galleid* Yetta and Morris Gelber Rabbi Deborah Joselow and Brad Gerstle* Aytan Geschwind ‘19 Julie and Brian Ginsburg Miriam and Sid Glashofer


Miriam and Liran Golan Shannon and Jonathan Goldberg Sophie Goldman ‘19 Susan and Dr. Eric Goldman Dr. Eric Goldman Marsha ‘90 and Philip Goldwasser Kathryn and Richard Gordon Dr. Cheryl Goren-Robins and Richard Robins Marcy Gorman* Nissan Graham-Mayk and Dr. Israel Mayk Stacey Sern and Jonathan Greenberg Ann Greenberg Arlene and Alan Greenfield Sarit and Michael Greenman Denise and George Griffiths Susan Griffiths Shawna Grossman Sheldon Gruber Naomi Gutstein ‘13 Jacob Gutstein ‘16 Craig Guttenplan ‘00 Allison Guttenplan ‘07 Jamie Gutterman ‘19 Tina and Calvin Haber Eva Hartman-Drucks and Keith Drucks Rabbi Joshua Heller ‘90 Keith Heller Della Henderson* Rabbi Jason Herman ‘95 Julie and Jonathan Hersch Sharon Hersch* Jordan Herskowitz* Arielle Herzberg ‘09 Ilana Herzberg ‘09 Judith and Yuval Hibshoosh Dr. Rebecca Hibshoosh and Mr. Ron Hibshoosh Theo Hyman-Bockman ‘19 Hana Ibrahimian Zachary Isaacs ‘00 Rebecca Isaacson ‘04 Elizabeth and Alan Jacob Arlene and David Jacobi Dr. Arco Jeng* Alison Joseph ‘96 and Matt Kirschen Blair Kaminsky ‘01 Dr. Lois Shulman-Kaminsky and Jerrold Kaminsky Mark Kaplowitz ‘91 Ilena Kasdan* Lisa Kasdan Brenner ‘01 Rabbi Herbert Kavon Lessy and Earl Kimmel Ivy Spears and Ira Kizner Ms. Sarah Knapp Smith ‘97 and Mr. Zachary Smith Izabella and Boris Kogan Marilyn and Allen Kohan Rachel ‘00 and Konrad Konik Shelly Kornfeld Ruth and Michael Kotik Carol Kozlow Julie Kravetz June and Sid Kress Anat and Itzhak Krispin Gloria and Marvin Kron Jami and Marc Kurschner Arielle ‘08 and Matt Kuzdral Stacey and Dr. Craig Lampert Tamir Lance ‘00 Morton Landau Rebecca Landau ‘18 Evelyn and George Lander Ravit* and Michael Landsberg Jason Langer* Pamela Dorman and Dr. Jerome Langer Paul Langer Aaron Lavitsky ‘19 Francoise Lavitsky Alisa Lebeau Margot Luftig and Carl Lebowitz Jodi Lederman ‘09 Wendy Biermann-Leeds and Steve Leeds Dr. Stephanie Levey and Dr. James Levey Katya and Daniel Levine Molly and Moe Levine Sara Levine Ethan Levy ‘18 Elizabeth Solomont and Dr. Philip Levy ‘97

Rhoda and Harvey Lieberman Rebecca Linfield ‘07 Dorothy Lloyd Leslie and Lee Lloyd Sam Lurie ‘19 Ilana Lutman Rebecca and Dr. Alexey Makarov Genya and Rabbi Mark Mallach Arielle Matuszewicz ‘16 Lenore May Aliza* and Rabbi Richard Mayer* Anonymous Barbara and James McKay Brenda Mechanick Shannon and Alan Meirzon Dr. Cathy Mermelstein and Dr. Erwin Mermelstein Esther Messeloff Margaret and Warren Meth Shari* and Erwin Mevorah Jamie Mittelman* Debbie and Yaacov Moallem Rachel and Moshe Moran Lauren and Michael Morris Rita and Marc Morse Flora Musleah* Salome and Aron Nadel Adele and Paul Nagelberg Hayley Nagelberg ‘15 Gail and Paul Namm Naomi Newberger* Sandi and Michael Newman* Carole and David Newman Claire and Dr. Aaron Nierenberg Philip Nydick ‘11 Micol Ostow ‘94 Emily and David Otner Marcia and Dr. Raphael Paisner Barbara and Dr. Stephen Parkoff Dr. Gilda Paul Noah Pearlstein ‘15 Aaron Pearlstein ‘18 Joy and Mort Perchick Pearl and Philip Perlstein Juli Platt* Iris and Glen Poller Sandy Pyonin* Shari Rachlin Bates ‘86 and John Bates Elyssa and Gary Randman Jean Rappaport Shirley Rappoport Klara Raskin Miriam and Marc Reimer Karen and Jay Reinhard Michelle Rennert Jacqueline and Dominic Rigante Dr. Lisa Robbins and Evan Robbins Danielle Rockman Greene ‘12 Saul Rochman Lena and David Romanoff Caryn* and Joshua Rosenberg Sandra and Melvin Rosenblatt Gloria Rothenberg ‘13 Evy Eisenstein and Stephen Rothstein Miriam and Adam Ruchman Hanna and Eli Saar Yael Safran* Rena and Matthew Sandberg Marion and Leslie Savoy Ruth and Allen Schechter Elisa* and Martin Schenker Gail and Melvin Schindelheim Heather and Mel Schlosser Sharon and Howard Schneider Li and Dean Schuman Andrew Schwartz ‘16 Rachel Schwartzman ‘13 Pauline and David Schwartz ‘77 Candace and Steven Schweitzer Lisa and Samuel Seiden ‘99 Ruth Shapiro Jennifer and Jonathan Sharret Danielle and Eric Sharret Michael Shaykevich Cathy and Glenn Shepard Aliza and Todd Sherman Andrea ‘95 and Joshua Sherman Maria Topel and Lev Shpilsky Shane Siegel ‘91

Tova Silberman* Shira and Mitchell Skolnick Veronica Slater ‘16 Sayde Slobodien ‘14 Harrison Slobodien ‘16 Rachel Slobodien ‘16 Mila and Boris Slutskaya Rita Smith Randee Rappoport Solomon and Dr. Frederic Solomon Benjamin Soudry ‘16 Dina and Ethan Stambler Ellie and Harvey Stambler Dr. Liana Stein and Andy Stein Anna and Larry Steinberg Stephanie and David Steiner Zachary Stern ‘08 Aliza and Eric Sternberg Roberta and Ephraim Sternthal Erin* and Matt Sternthal Mara* and David Suskauer Shelly and Steven Talmud Natalie and Ronald Tambor Jamie and Aaron Twersky Gina Brod-Vinick and Philip B. Vinick Roberta Wallach Ora Warmflash and David Goldman Lymor and Jack Wasserman Melanie and Glenn Wechsler Rabbi Stephanie Dickstein and Dr. Marc Weinstein Susan and Stan Weintraub Pearl and Barry Weiss z”l Alana Wernick ‘19 Lara and Todd Werwa Dina and Etan Wiesen Andrew Wingens ‘10 Jonathan Wingens ‘15 Betty Wishnic Danielle Wolberger ‘11 Gabrielle Wolberger ‘13 Zadie’s Bake Shop Barbara Zellan

Thank you to the following Matching Gifts companies who supported GOA in 2018-19 ADP Assured Guaranty Matching Gifts Program Bank of America Matching Gifts Bank of NY Mellon BlackRock Matching Gift Program Goldman Sachs Matching Gift Program Google Matching Gifts Program Harris Corporation Johnson & Johnson Matching Gifts Mastercard Matching Gifts Merck Partnership for Giving Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Sanofi Aventis Matching Gift Center Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign

*Current Faculty/Staff


On June 4, nearly 400 Golda Och Academy parents, faculty, alumni, friends, and community members gathered at Congregation Beth El in South Orange to celebrate the school community and our mission and values. This year honored school leaders Shari Broder (L) and Atara Jacobson ‘87. The theme of the evening was Community, a Golda Och Academy core value which teaches students the importance of strong relationships and learning within and beyond the classroom.


Spring Gala

DIAMOND Ahuva and Martin Gross

PLATINUM Scott, Jonah ‘20, Ari ‘21 and Aliza ‘24 Bieber Mitch, Zach ‘14 and Jordan ‘16 Broder Marion Jacobson and Stan Schwartz Roni Jacobson ‘89 and David Feldman

GOLD Abbi and Jeremy Halpern ‘94 Sacks Orthodontics, LLC Sharon and David Halpern The Saritte Harel Team Miriam Lefkowitz and Marc Heimowitz Mindy ‘97, Alan ‘92, Emily ‘22, Sophie ‘25, Eleanor and Marc Kramer Brandon ‘26 and Zoe ‘30 Schall Michele and Jeff Landau Sharon and Stephen Seiden Debbie and Steve Nadel Gayle, Larry, Jake and Brahm Wieseneck Dr. Michael Och Wilf Family Foundations Sheryl and Sam Pearlstein Helene and Gary Wingens Premier Properties of New Brunswick

SILVER Elizabeth and Gerald Cohen The Grann-Gutstein Family David and Stacey Leibowitz Chick and Shelley Paradis

SPRING GALA 2019 CHAI 84 Lumber

Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest

Avi, Lilach, Yael and Noa Abergel

The Kurson Family

Adina Jacobson ‘90 and Alex Brodsky, Shira Jacobson ‘85 and David Libchaber & families

Renee L. Levin Skip and Louise Levine

Michelle and Bruce Berger

The Perlstein Family

Mindy, Evan, Matt ‘16 and Corey ‘18 Blum

Elayne, Barry and Russell ‘23 Moss

Susie and Howard Bruch

Pozo Mechanical, Inc.

Joan and Harvey Bucholtz

Rachel Schwarz ‘87 and Marc Schiffman

Sara Bucholtz ‘87 and Rabbi Adam Feldman

Judy and Adam Schlesinger

ConnectOne Bank Stacey and Gene Davis

Schwartz, Pantirer and Pines Families/BNE Real Estate Group

Dura-Lift, Inc.

Jimmy and Sharon Schwarz

Rachel, Rob, Kyle, Chase and Maddie Fink

Jane Felton, Skoloff & Wolfe, P.C.

Fox Rothschild LLP

Alette and Keith Slobodien

Sol Eckstein, Stephen and Mindy Goldman

SPONSOR Liz and Jeff Bier ‘90

Kroll Commercial Reality

Robyn and Joseph Bier ‘79

Sue Och and Cantor Brian Kalver

Lisa, Ben ‘06, Ilana ‘09, Arielle ‘09 Chrystal Herzberg

PIP Printing Lawrence Rein

Columbia Bank

Judy Rosenberg and Randy Haase

E & J Electrical

Caren and Larry Rothenberg

Michael Soudry, Eco-Stat, LLC

Jessica and Ari Wise

Golda Och Academy Parents’ Association

Ed and Barbara Zinbarg

Shira Jacobson ‘85 and David Libchaber

Gady Levy and Assaf Ziv 25

SPRING GALA 2019 FRIEND Rebecca and Ari Berman Bolton & Company Camp Ramah in the Berkshires The Carchman Family Congregation Beth El South Orange, NJ Samuel Haines, Centurion

Magyar Bank RWJ Barnabas Health/St. Barnabas Medical Center Yvette, David ‘92, Sam, Isaac and Levi Sharret Amy, Ira, Taylor, Cooper and Andie Steinberg Yana and Kenneth Weiss

SUPPORTER Karen and Cliff Aaron

Rabbi Mark and Genya Mallach

Matt Askin, Miriam Linver, Eve ‘22 and Joey ‘24

Maple Kosher

Ruth and Bruce Bier

Dr. Hugh and Martha Pollack

Amy and Jeremy Biloon

Rabbi Meyer and Renah Rabinowitz

The Bramnick Family

Daniel Ramer

Camp Ramah Berkshires Board of Trustees

Dr. Joyce Raynor and Dr. Ron Meier

Connie and Uzi Lior, CBL FINE ART

Cheryl and Adam Runsdorf

College Crossings

Rachel and Ian Scheinmann ‘87

Colton-Max Family

Marc and Margot Schwartz

Congregation Agudath Israel

Joanie Schwarz

Dr. Ada Beth and Dr. Charles Cutler

Adam and Rena Shapiro

Eric Javier, CCS Fundraising

Harold Skurnik

Jessica (Bucholtz) Green ‘89 and Family

Lori, Jerry, Hannah, Jacob and Lily Solomon

Pam Skopp Greenwood ‘87

Stein Adler Dabah & Zelkowitz LLP

Hamberger Dental Associates PA Harbor Haven Day Camp

Adi, Heather, Dalya, Jonathan, Ayelet & Jeff Teitelbaum

Jeremy, Sabrina, Benjamin, Gabriel and Claire Hirsh

Dottie and Don Wagner

JCC MetroWest

Heather and Eugene Wishnic

Lori and Steven Klinghoffer

Zadies Bake Shop

Landmark Companies, LLC Murray and Linda Laulicht 26

SPRING GALA 2019 LISTING Robin and Dan Amster

Marian and Keith Marlowe

Rabbi Stanley and Cecille Asekoff

Glenn and Lisa Mechanick

Amir and Cindi Barash

Howard Gogel, My Limo

Biebelberg & Martin

Hon. Stuart and Dr. Deborah Rabner

Stephanie and Alan Bonder

Gail and Dennis Roth

Rita Broder z”l

David and Riva Ruran

Felix & Lisa Buber

Mr. and Mrs. Stan-Lee Saal

Jody and Jonathan Caplan

Paula and David Saginaw

Rabbi Paula and Jonathan Drill

Michelle Neier and Jonathan Schor

Elegance By Edythe

Lori Schuldiner Schor and Joshua D. Schor

Cantor Perry and Miki Fine

Alyssa, Michael, Lauren, and Jamie Spiel

Amy and Alex Glickman and Family

Rabbi Robert and Lisa Tobin

Stephanie and Nir Granot

The Weiss Family

Rabbi Joshua Heller ‘90, Congregation B’nai Torah

David and Ashley Zaikov

Leslie and Marc Kallus

Richard and Violet Zeitlin

Dr. Barry and Dr. Edward Kaplan

Stephanie Marks and Jonathan Zellan

Steven R. Lehr, P.C. Liz and Jonathan Liss

DONATION Elizabeth Bieber Robert and Mikki Bieber Lori and Marc Bortniker Blanche Broder Vicki Broder Congregation Beth El’s Morning Minyan Joan Bronspiegel and Stuart Dickman Sharon and Howard Charish Joe and Tracy Dansky Tammy Dorff

Lisa Freeman Shawn and Mark Gittelman Karen and Stuart Gladstone Emily Gordon Samuel Haines Paul Jaffee Susan Kheel Hillary Knopping Bonnie and Dan Linn Ilana Lutman

Claire and Aaron Nierenberg Marc Pfeffer Judythe Rachlin Gene Ronkiewicz James Rothman Yoni Saposh ‘97 Adena Traub Brenda Velasco Laura S. and Morton P. Weitzman

PATRON Mimi Bieber

Alan and Sedra Schiffman

Brenda and Jerry Deener

Betty and Howard Schwartz

Rachel Plafker Esrig

Rhea Stadtmauer

Lori and Steven Klinghoffer

Barbara and Ed Zinbarg 27


Honorees and Gala Leaders (From L): Susie Bruch, Michele Landau, Shari Broder, Atara Jacobson ’87, Rachel Schwarz ’87 and Sara Bucholtz ’87

School Leaders and Honorees (From L): Adam Shapiro, Caryn Rosenberg, Rebecca Berman, Shari Broder, Atara Jacobson ’87, Carrie Zucker Siegel ’92, Karen Spector, Stephanie Bash-Soudry and Glenn Slavin

Jacobson family poses with new S. Hirsh Jacobson Fellowship Award plaque presented to Atara Jacobson ’87, 2019 Honoree


Rabbi Jesse Olitzky ‘02, Congregation Beth-El, South Orange (L) and Rabbi Alan Silverstein, Congregation Agudath Israel, Caldwell

Michele Landau and 2019 Spring Gala Honoree Shari Broder

From L: Samantha Migdal, Shari-Beth Susskind, Dr. Jill Sacks, Karen Aaron, and Caren Rothenberg

Current Parents and Corporate Sponsors: Etai and Saritte Harel

Current parents Dr. Matt Askin with past board chair Joan Bucholtz and Dr. Harvey Bucholtz

Reisha Goldman ’98 and Michael Goldman.

Alumni at the Gala (From L): Max Bruch, ’16, Jordan Broder ’16, Zach Broder ’14, Harrison Slobodien ’16

Faculty at the Gala (From L): Carol Nydick and Gena Jarmel, Matt Jarmel

Board Chair Rebecca Berman and Ari Berman


WILF LOWER SCHOOL CAMPUS 122 Gregory Avenue, West Orange, NJ 07052 973-602-3700 ERIC F. ROSS UPPER SCHOOL CAMPUS 1418 Pleasant Valley Way, West Orange, NJ 07052 973-602-3600 www.goldaochacademy.org


Eric F. Ross Upper School Campus

Wilf Lower School Campus

1418 Pleasant Valley Way West Orange, NJ 07052 Phone: 973-602-3600

122 Gregory Avenue West Orange, NJ 07052 Phone: 973-602-3700

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