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Inside The Lush World Of Jack Rabbitt
Seamless Harmony. That's it. That's the whole post summarized in two words. Meet Jack Rabbit, an LA based duo who sung together before their first conversation, ? In college, we were cast as Sirens in a modern day retelling of the Odyssey - Shout out to our directors Kat Klein and Daniel Clemens! We were basically a living soundtrack to the play and our biggest song was ?La Vie En Rose? which we would sing to lure men to their deaths (as you do). Our first rehearsal started with learning the various harmonies to that, so before we even spoke to each other, we were singing together. Ever since then we?ve been attached at the hip and music has been our greatest tie.? The name Jack Rabbit came from the native places the girls are from, Mexico and Texas. The name wasn?t easy to come up with but fate drew them to the decision, ?When we decided to start this project we brainstormed a couple of different names and landed on Jack Rabbit tentatively. That very day, a big white truck with an image of a jackrabbit and the name strewn across the side pulled up next to our picnic (you can?t make this stuff up). It may or may not have been a rodent control truck, but we took it as a sign and ran with it.?
Their debut ?December?was crafted from a poem they wrote a long time ago and was brought back to the girls when an old journal was bought on beach day, ?Both of us had been going through personal slumps at the time, so we plopped down on a towel and began to hum a melody. We always visualize what the song could be when we begin and this one came to us through church bells and snowfall, the hush and openness of both.

?The track has an intimate setting created by guitar picks and dreamy vocals putting the listener onto a journey of vulnerability and openness. The music video is no different. It is simple, beautiful, cinematic, and creative to a point that you have to watch it again and again. Jace Chadwick is center stage and brings the emotion in his unique dance, ?his video was truly a labor of love and had SO many hands and eyes and ears involved in the process. With such a short specific song, we knew we wanted to incorporate both movement and the changing of seasons. We wanted to span the length of a year in that minute without over saturating the viewer. The song boiled down to its simplest idea is that of a relationship?s cycle - going from strangers to lovers, to strangers again. The way Your person, THE person can become just A Person again. We wanted to capture the heartbreak of it and also the repetition of it. While brainstorming an image we thought about the remnants of a relationship, of what goes through that same cycle, and landed on the idea of a shirt: it gains and loses meaning parallel to the relationship it is and isn't a part of. The imagery fit perfectly in that it encapsulated a whole relationship but not a specific one- we wanted Jace to be dancing with somebody but without a face or features so that this shirt could represent a multitude of relationships and the repetition of the cycle.?

You bot h seem very open on your debut , w hy do you t hink being open som et im es in m usic is good? ?Being open and vulnerable feels like it?s inherent to our songwriting process! At the beginning of Jack Rabbit, we weren?t writing for anybody, we were just telling our stories to each other, sitting across from a best friend and sharing a feeling. The warmth of our sound comes from the trust that the other one will keep that story safe. That's the foundation of our friendship, our music and our project. The authenticity in speaking your truth and somebody else saying , ?Hey, I hear you. I?ve also felt that?. Openness begets openness. If our stories are shared with vulnerability, they have the chance of being received with that same vulnerability.?
How do you girls keep your head up as you get deeper int o your music career?
We?ve been lucky to have encountered a team of people that always let us take up space and let our ideas be heard. Luckily for us, our music and artistic visions have only been met with enthusiasm and willingness. At the end of the day, the root of our art is the joy of making music; the excitement in having a feeling fully expressed and catharsis in watching it turn into something you can sing. Any time we start to get down about the industry in general, the amount of people who are listening, or the views we?ve gotten on our videos - we try and come back to that feeling. It?s been very grounding to have a partner that will always remind the other why we began this journey in the first place - as joyful expression and connection.
The authenticity in speaking your truth and somebody else saying , ?Hey, I hear you. I?ve also felt that?. Openness begets openness. If our stories are shared with vulnerability, they have the chance of being received with that same vulnerability What ?s t he one t hing you hope to bring in this music industry with your music?
Our aim is to sing with heart, and to relay our experiences as purely as we can. We want the spaces our songs fill (living rooms, earbuds, live shows) to feel like a reunion; comfortable, familiar, easy - you listen and you?re home.
What ?s next for you guys?
More music! There are songs stacked up ready to be released throughout the year. We?ve been putting time in the studio over these past few months and we?ve got an album on the way - set to be released in March.
This may be the introduction to this band's musical journey but I wouldn't consider them, new artists. Their writing, vocals and visual creativity seem beyond the years of a new artist. According to their press release more music will be appearing next year so brace yourselves.