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Kyan Zielinski

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Alexa Ferr

Alexa Ferr

Kyan Zielinski is seen as ?Liam McKenna?, the eldest brother in the McKenna family, in the comedy series ?The Dangerous Book for Boys?, created by Bryan Cranston and GregMottola. The series premiered March 30th on Amazon. The six-episode, half-hour series is based on Conn and Hal Iggulden?s book, ?The Dangerous Book for Boys?. The series will follow a young boy named Wyatt and his brothers Liam and Dash as they deal with the death of their father. Kyan will next be seen in the horror film, They Reach and the comedy-dr ama, Small Things both set to release in 2019.

Written by Ella Audrey Rae Photography by Patrick Chai STYLI ST: Shannon Komsky GROOMER: Patrick Chai

How did you get started in the industry?

KZ: "As a young kid, I would watch movies and record them in my head having it all memorized and then I would act it out. My parents recognized my love for acting and enrolled me in summer acting classes. I then went on to perform in musical theatre professionally for 4 years and then decided to pursue the film and television side of acting as that is where my true passion lies."

Your first project was ?The Lunchbox Br igade?. How was your fir st time on set?

KZ: "It was exhilarating and more amazing than I had imagined it would be. Once I stepped on set, I immediately realized that this was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. It was truly an incredible experience that I enjoyed every minute of."

What was your most memor able moment?

KZ: "Shooting the first take for the first scene that we shot. When they called action, it was so exciting, and it?s a moment I will never forget."

What would be your advice to new actors when it comes to auditions and callbacks?

KZ: "Always give your best and stay positive. In this industry there are a lot more no?s than yes?s, but your time will come if this is your true passion. Patience is very important, and it takes a lot of hard work and dedication. When one door closes, another one will open. "

What drew you to the Dangerous Book for Boys and what has been your favor ite moment?

KZ: "When I read the pilot script, I immediately could tell this was something special. I instantly fell in love with the characters & the family bond they have. I felt a connection to Liam with his need to be a role model for his younger siblings. My favorite moment was going to the first table read and creating Liam. "

How many auditions did you go through before booking the roll?

KZ: "I went through 5 auditions plus a Directors Session. While they were all different and challenging, I began to feel more connected to my character with each round."

What?s your favor ite genre?

KZ: "Honestly, I love most genres, but my favorite would have to be action-thriller."

It says you also want to be a director. How come and what director inspires you?

KZ: "I would love to be a writer and director of film one day, so I could see my visions come to life. I am inspired by 2 directors, Steven Spielberg & M. Night Shyamalan. Some of my favorite movies are Jurassic Park & The Sixth Sense."

The movie is on Amazon Now.

PHOTO: Patrick Chai

STYLIST: Shannon Komsky

GROOMER: Patrick Chai

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