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Carly Gibson

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Summer Playlist

talks her start and new single 'Love Me'.

Carly Gibson is an Atlanta based singer-songwriter who has 13 years of performance under her belt. She also is a 2009 and 2010 alumni of the prestigious GRAMMY Camp, and is a 2013 graduate of the renowned Atlanta Institute of Music. I decided to get an interview with her to learn more about her start and music.

W hat got you started in this industry?

CG: All my family members are musicians and they all inspired me musically through what they would listen to and play. My dad and my big brother inspired me the most, at least with guitar-- dad being a professional guitarist and singer/ songwriter for most of my childhood, and my brother who always played and shared his musical tastes with me. There was always music in the house. My parents also took me to a lot of their shows and other great concerts. They forever inspire me. If it weren't for all of them, I wouldn't have been exposed to some of my most influential artists and guitarists at such a formative age.

I didn't really get immersed in a music scene till age 17 when I had the opportunity to play with singer/ songwriter/ guitarist Caroline Aiken. She took me under her wing and was the main benefactor in my training as a performer and musician; getting to play guitar in her band and opening for her was a huge honor that kept me on my toes, and still does when I get the opportunity to share a stage with her. Caroline Aiken is the momma bird of the Atlanta music scene. I had so much gratitude and respect for her.

Never compare yourself to others; only to yourself

Your music seems to have a nostalgic vibe to it. Is that intentional and if so what about that era do you like?

CG:The music I grew up listening to was primarily "old school", Classic Rock, Soul, Funk, R&B, Country, Jazz Fusion, and Motown. These genres were all born from the Blues-- and in my mind, the Blues IS nostalgia. It encapsulates the human experience; love, light, pain, and, strength. The Blues feels like a comfy old t-shirt or pair or jeans; It just FEELS good and feeds my soul like nothing else. I would absorb everything I could while listening, to be able to recycle the techniques and nuances to eventually express my own feelings with them. You have to learn to read another poets words before you can write your own.

So, yes, I would say the nostalgic vibe was intentional, but it was also a no-brainer. When I got into the studio, I already new my ears wanted to hear a warm vintage sound, because that is what the song was asking for and what my gut was telling me. Again, it just felt right; true and honest to the song. I don't write a song thinking "I'm going to make this a nostalgic tune." It really just starts with a feeling, and I know I better to keep follow that feeling to see where it leads me."

She released her new single 'Love Me' on April 20th. She stated that the new single is the first positive love song she has written.

CG: "Initially, my songwriting was an outlet for negative feelings and internal struggle as an angsty teenager. I would say my writing still naturally flows from pain and struggle. That being said, as an adult now, and especially in the last couple years, I've grown to honor and accept the darkness that is inevitable with the light, more than ever. I have a very realistic and sometimes cynical view on life; this song is exactly that. Although it is written about love, it also openly admits that cynicism and struggle experienced in keeping a relationship fed and alive long term. No fluff or sugar coating. This song is a reflection piece in a sense, of just how grateful I feel to have found and put in the work with my person. "

Does the single give us a taste of an upcoming album or EP or will those projects be different?

CG: "Yes, I think so...the solo music I'm writing nowadays is definitely more in the groovy, trippy, bluesy vein. I'm writing for me and no one else, so when I'm able to get back in the studio...I know I'm going to get pretty weird, in the best way of course. I have so much inside of me that I haven't yet gotten to tap into. This is just a chip off the iceberg. "

I saw in a recent interview that you have been in a relationship for 7 years. What do you think keeps relationships going that long?

CG: "My friend Donna Hopkins has a song called "You're The One." In it she says "You're the one I wanna work it out with." That line is everything to me. There is no perfect relationship. Perfection does not exist. You have to work it out with someone sooner or later, so the one you choose better be worth it for goodness sake. I believe long term relationships have to have a solid foundation of friendship and true comradery before anything healthy can cultivate long term...because love isn't enough. You can love each other but still treat each other like shit. You have to be willing to kill your ego. Have respect. Listen, or at least be able to eventually have it sinkin shortly after haha. The ego is really your worst enemy. On so many levels of human existence. "

Caroline Aiken is the momma bird of the Atlanta music scene

You are also in two bands. What do you think is the key to keeping a band together and doing solo projects at the same time?

CG: "Yes, I'm in two other bands besides my solo project. It's all about communication and juggling properly. There is always a few balls up in the air. The most important aspect though is loving it and having a piece of yourself in everything you do. "

Your advice for beginners?

CG: "Do you want it bad enough?? haha. Just like a relationship, or anything else in like really, nothing is perfect. If you feel like music is your purpose, then be ready to grow some tough skin and hustle your ass off. Everything is kind of a pain besides that hour or so on stage, to be quite honest. You have to be about the music and be willing to work hard for it. You are you're own product, so get business savvy. Never compare yourself to others; only to yourself and the last show you've played. Don't be afraid of a day job haha. Learn to juggle multiple outlets. Do what you have to do. Attract the right people by being the most unique and genuine you can be, without an ego. Humility goes a long way. "

Get her new single 'Love Me' everywhere.

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