Issue 36 // Tiffany Alvord

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73 M EGA N N ICOLE Ph ot ogr aph y: Greg DeStefano


. s t n e t n o C 74 Quotes for the Season 06 Editors Note

30 Bad and Boujee on a budget 52 Kimmy Shields

42 Tiffany Alvord 10 Monthly Creative Tips 15 Fall Playlist 58 Lost Stars 64 Mollee Grey 68 Kelsey Leon 12 Cherish Lee 16 Love You Later 24 Alex & Me: Jessica Treska


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El la Au d r ey Ra e


Hiya, Welcome to the fall issue of Gold Cr wn M agazine, a mag about fashion, lifestyle and empower ment. I n this seasons issue, we talk to singer, songwriter and a great advice giver named Tiffany Alvord. Along side that chat we speak with actresses Kimmy Shields , Kelsey Leon, Jessica Treska, and Mollee Grey. For the fashion editorial, Tobi shows us how to look boujie on a budget. For the music lovers we have an exclusive interview with one of my new favorites, Love You Later and Nashville boy band, Lost Stars plus country singer Cherish Lee.

E llaA udrey R ae Editor in Chief @ellaaudreyr ae


Edit or in Ch ief / / Darnisha Ali (OnlineMoniker-EllaAudreyRae) PR Team / / Omina Unlimited LLC Pu blish in g / / Self Published Gr aph ic Design Con t en t / / In house & Various Artist Dist r ibu t ion / / Ph ot o g r a p h y Cr ed it s Kimmy Shields Photos // M olly Pan Tobi Photos // Cou r t esy of Tobi Lost Stars Photo // Self Cherish Lee // Self Mollee Grey Photo // Jek a Jan e Kelsey Leon Photos // M ar io Bar ber io Tiffany Alvord Photos // Nathan Trescon Jessica Treska Photos // Lisa Bat t aglin @LillyKPh ot ogr aph y Love You Later // Self

Social M edia Of f icial Websit e / / Tw it t er / / Facebook / / In st agr am / / Issu u / / Em ail / / Sub scr ib e & Sup p o r t In order to subscribe please visit and follow us on our profile. If you have questions, you may email us at



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GETYOUR CONTENTIN ANISSUE! We need inspiring creatives to add content to our publications and we wouldn't mind having you! All you need to apply is a sample of your article, artwork, or photography, two social media accounts and a positive vibe. You can email the team at hello@goldcrow If we choose to collab, you would get a spread of four pages to express your article or photography, promotion on all of our social media and accesses to our in house web designer for your own personal creative needs free. Get started today!

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Seasonal Tips For Creatives Welcome to this seasons creative tips from the desk of an Editor in Chief. I hope you enjoyed last seasons three. This time I will talk about self confidence in your craft. Enjoy.

1. Lov in g Yo u r A r t Reg a r d less. When it comes to creating original content such as artwork or music or anything, you have to first be happy with the finished project yourself. Even if you add things that others suggested into your vision, make sure when it' s all said and done that it feels authentic to who you are. Never change it to something you don' t agree with because someone doesn' t understand your vision. You are the artist, you are the creator, it is your masterpiece.

2 . Cr it iq u es a r e n o t h a t e co m m ent s. When asking people how they feel about your project you have to know the difference between someone critiquing your project vs someone hating on your project. People can get really defensive when someone does not agree with their vision which is understandable because that' s your baby, your work. Getting critique' s are okay, it doesn' t mean your work is not good or needs to be change, some people just feel like a piece should be here or there if it was THEIR project. That means its not spoken for you to change it, just to take a note or two. Hating on the other hand does not matter in any shape or form. It shouldn' t hold any weight in your mind.

3 . N ot h in g is p er fect . We all know that one person who takes 50 years to finish a project because they are the ultimate perfectionist. Nothing you do will ever be perfect. That' s not what art is. Most art is created by mistakes that ended up being beautiful. There is always going to be something better you can do to any masterpiece but 95% of the time it' s fine just the way it is. It' s perfect when you are happy with it. You will be happy with it when you trust yourself and know that you are capable of creating beautiful art regardless of what you think or others.

Hope these helped you with your awesome project xoxo E llaA udrey R ae



All-American, songwriter and storyteller, Cherish Lee has been making waves in Nashville for her recent album ' Tequila Cowgirl' . According to Lee she started singing seriously after realizing being a waitress was not her thing. Cherish Lee is the daughter of Country music legend, Johnny Lee (Urban Cowboy?s Lookin? For Love) and Hollywood vixen, Charlene Tilton (Lucy Ewing on the hit television series, Dallas) "I didn?t know any different, so for me it was normal. Although, I really was aware of all the perks that came along with it. Travelling, getting to meet new people, yeah.." By having such hardworking parents in the spotlight, she was able to travel along on the road with them and learn how the industry really works."I learned true work ethic. Both of my parents are such hard workers and they?re so wonderful and genuine when it comes to their fans. My dad will stay at his shows signing autographs until the last hand is shook and the last autograph is signed. I really think that?s an important thing because they?re what keeps your career alive. We couldn?t do it without them." Cherish spent the last few years on the road with her dad before moving full time to Nashville, TN "It is so fun traveling with my dad. We have the best time. We?re just silly together. We just have a blast. We come home and we?re exhausted, but we have an amazing time." What was it about Nashville that made you move forward? " The amount of God-given talent that?s here is pretty impeccable. They don?t call it Music City for nothing. I feel like you can only be as good as you can possibly be on your own, but when you?re able to sit down and collaborate with some of these incredible writers, you?re just spiritually and creatively fed, and that?s not anything money could buy."


Why did you name your album ' Tequila Cowgirl' ? " Tequila Cowgirl is a very special song on the album. It?s actually the sliding door to my life. If I had not moved to Nashville, if I had stayed in Texas, what that would have been like. I felt that it was a great introduction to who I was." What was your favorite song to record and why? "I would have to say Wyatt?s Song was my favorite song to record because my son Wyatt was with me in the studio for 90% of this album. He loved watching the musicians work and record, and when it came to Wyatt?s Song, and singing it, he would not sit still or be quiet, so I thought it was only appropriate to hold him while I recorded that song." How was it being a mom and recording an album at the same time? "Being a mom and doing anything is amazing. A blast. I feel like a superhuman being a mom, so it?s pretty bad-ass." What advice do you have for beginnings? "I?m going to say that maybe if this is towards people that are beginning in this industry, my answer would be: get a lawyer." Do you feel famous yet, and if so, do you like it? " That?s a weird one. I think there are certain things I told myself as a young artist, like ?as soon as you hear your song on the radio? or ?as soon as you perform on a certain stage, and you?re speaking up for what you believe in, and have an audience for it,? then you?ve really made it. I think as an independent artist I rarely have the time to actually sit down and reflect on what has gone on this last year, but I feel like I?m successful. So I?m not really worried about the fame. I feel like I?m successful at this." Her recent album ' Tequila Cowgirl' is available on all digital music platforms as well as all streaming platforms. Stay updated with Cherish by visiting Written by Ella Audrey Rae



Pla y list Gold Crwn Magazine R&B/ Pop/ HipHop , Fall

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1. I' m Good by Wafia ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

2. We Do ft. Miranda Glory by R3HAB, Noah Neiman ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

3. As I AM by H.E.R ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

4. Forever by Armon & Trey ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

5. IDOL by BTS ft. Nicki Minaj ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

6. Fight For You by Pink heart, Hello Sunday ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

7. Dance To This by Troye Sivan, Ariana Grande ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

8. I Don' t Speak Trust Fund by Alexi Blue ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

8 songs, Follow Our Playlist On Apple Music @ellaaudreyrae. Curated by Ella Audrey Rae 15


Lexi Aviles, also known by the pseudonym, Love You Later, is an up-and-coming indie artist who?s sound will defiantly make you fall in love from the first listen. Her ability to create such amazing music in the studio by herself, truly shows how much of an original she is. " The past few years, while bringing Love You Later to life, I?ve been extremely passionate about creating a unique sound and honest music. I used to release music under my name, and I was doing it for the wrong reasons. I cared way too much about what other people thought and it was slowly degrading. That led to me taking a 2 year hiatus from releasing music. Love You Later is the first music project I am 100% passionate about simply because of the music and because it is coming straight from my soul. This alone was what pushed me to get my music out into the world. I pretty much always wanted to start a band and thought that?s what I needed to create a full sound, but it was always so hard to find time to fit everyone?s schedule and also to genuinely click with the right people. I came to the realization that I really didn?t have to limit myself and that I could just start something on my own that is just 100% me. I think that?s what makes Love You Later so authentic; because it?s really just me." Her debut EP entitled ?How Many Nights Do You Dance With Tears In Your Eyes?? was released on July 20th of this year. The 5 track self produced EP showcases not only her love for the 80' s era but also her ability to write an amazing work of art based on her own emotions. "I?ve always been inspired anything 80?s and cinematic with bright colors. So one night I was sitting on my bed writing a sad song (like usual) and I dreamt up a specific scenario where I thought I?d be happiest in that moment - and I came up with a disco themed 80?s prom and wrote the song from that scenario in my head. And then from there, I decided to make that the title track on the EP because even though the lyrics are sad, it made me feel something - and I genuinely hope that it has that same effect on people when they hear it



for the first time." How do you get over sadness like some expressed in this EP? "Haha, I just have to say, this is probably the best question I?ve ever been asked in an interview. Most of the time when I?m sad, I?ll do my best to deal with it in a healthy way, like writing honest and vulnerable music or deep breathing. Taking time for myself

"Stay true to yourself and don?t let anyone tell you how to express yourself through your art. It?s your art for a reason. " and letting out my emotions is really important for me and honestly, I think it?s important for everyone." The third track ' Maybe It Wasn' t Love' is Aviles favorite track. She wanted to release it for awhile but wanted it to be everything she dreamt of. "I try to be as transparent and honest as possible in my songwriting and I think this song is definitely showcasing that. It?s also probably the ?grooviest? song on the EP, so it?s fun to play live and always gets me ' in the feels' lol" She recently moved to Nashville and met new people to write with. She says that it has been great but it' s still really important to take time alone to write. Even though she grew up in LA, she feels that Nashville is more of her home. "Growing up in California was great while it lasted, but I?ve known that my soul belongs in Nashville, no doubt about it. It?s a city like no other - full of young adults after that same thing - everyone just wants to create together. In California, it often felt like it was 'every man for themselves?and because of that, I rarely felt as inspired as I do now living in Nashville. Here, almost everyone here is a fellow artist that I can learn + grow from in some special type of way."



What is the importance of learning how to write and promote on your own as an artist? "It?s sooo important to be able to do that stuff on your own - that was you?re not dependent on other people. The music business is full of ?no?s? and people letting you down, but if you feel strong in your knowledge and abilities, it?s not really that big of a deal and you still have the drive to keep keeping on. Honestly, I think that?s what makes an artist." Do you love touring and playing live shows? "Playing live is truly my favorite thing on earth. Being able to play my own songs for people I?ve never met before and hearing them sing the lyrics back is such a special thing that I will never take for granted. It?s also just so fun to be able to put my vision into full effect for my live show and I always get such a good feeling when each show is over. It?s almost like all the hard work (rehearsals, promoting, etc) really pays off - that?s a huge thing for me as an independent artist." Your fashion sense is amazing! What about that era of fashion do you enjoy so much? "Haha, thank you so much! I love the bright colors and clashing patterns with my whole heart. And I love being able to go thrifting and sometimes find items actually out of the 80?s. It?s such a cool feeling. Sometimes I feel like I was born in the wrong era." Where is your favorite place to shop? "I honestly do a lot of thrifting - my favorite thrift shop is Music City Thrift in Nashville. But if I?m not thrifting and actually have money (so never), I love stores like Urban Outfitters, Unif, and Zara."


What is your advice on staying confident with ones self? " Treat yourself to something you love, take time for yourself, don?t be on social media or rely on that for your happiness or self worth." How do you come up with the amazing photo shoots you post on instagram? "I usually will have a vision and as strange as the vision may be, I accept the challenge to try and bring it to life. I think visual art is almost just as important as the music. It creates an all around solid brand/ image so that people will remember you. It?s so much fun being able to create visual art that is out of the box." What is your advice for new indie artist? "As cheesy as it may sound, I think the most important piece of advice would be this: stay true to yourself and don?t let anyone tell you how to express yourself through your art. It?s your art for a reason. Also, it?s always a good idea to make sure you?re creating your art for the right reasons. If your motive is fame or money or to get ' that girl' or ?that boy,? then it most likely won?t work out - and that?s coming from experience. A few years ago, I was releasing music because I thought my sound was what the people wanted to hear, but it wasn?t what I was genuinely passionate about. And people really didn?t end up liking it - but I think it?s because I wasn?t passionate about it and they caught on to that. Coming to terms with that was hard, but it was a huge lesson learned. With Love You Later, I?m doing it solely because I love the music and the artistry of it and I truly believe your audience picks up on it and they want to be apart of something that?s honest and truly art, not artificial

"It?s always a good idea to make sure you?re creating your art for the right reasons. "





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Alex & Me's


PHOTOGRAPHER: Isa Battagli HAIR/ MAKEUP: Sophie Bawany STYLIST: Lisa Cameron Jessica Treska is a young actress that can be seen in HBO?s ?Sharp Objects?, based on the best-selling novel by Gillian Flynn, which premiered in July of this year. Treska was approached about taking an acting class one day while shopping in a mall."A lady came up to me asking if I wanted to audition for an acting class she teaches. I was really excited and ended up auditioning on my 10th Birthday. I got accepted into the class and everything took off from there." What was your first audition like? My first audition was very scary and nerve wracking. I remember the casting director asked me to slate, and I totally blanked out, because I was so nervous and didn?t know what to say. The casting director wasn?t very nice either, so that audition stuck with me for a while." What is your number one tip for new actors going to audition? Have fun and don?t stress. It takes a while to get the hang of it and to get over the nerves, so don?t be frustrated since everyone starts out that way. Treska played on Season 11 Ep 14 of the famous crime show Criminal Minds. Her character' s name was Gene Bryant. "Playing a character on criminal minds was really fun! Everything from the sets, costumes, hair and makeup, and the environment in general was a really fun and exciting experience." Is there a process you go through to get into character on that type of show? "Yes, when I play intense characters like that I usually repeat thoughts in my head that my character would be thinking at the beginning of the scene. I do this when they are about to start rolling the cameras and it really helps me get into the mindset and emotions of my character in those intense situations." What was it like on set and how was it to meet the cast? "All of the crew and 25

cast on set were really nice, which made filming such a fun experience! I got really close to the other guest stars of the episode, but I also got to know some of the series regulars which was super cool!" Treska also got to play a girl named Natalie Keene in six episodes of the TV Mini Series ' Sharp Objects' . The show will be coming out on HBO later this year. " What really drew me to the script was the mystery behind it, and that it always kept me thinking of what?s going to happen next. I love mystery movies and books, so I was so excited when I read the script because it has everything I love in a show, and I couldn?t wait to be a part of it. " Her latest movie 'Alex & Me was released this past summer where she stared along side soccer player 'Alex Morgan' . "First of all, my character on Alex and Me is very different than what I usually play, so I was excited to try something different. Also, it seemed like a really fun project since I really liked the director and casting directors from the auditions, and of course, I was excited to meet Alex again." Treska had actually worked with Alex Morgan previously on a commercial. "She is so humble and fun to be around, so I was obviously very happy to see her again" She also was a soccer player before being an actress. "I played on a team for a very long time and recently stopped, but I still love to watch and play soccer with my brother, and especially my friends from the movie. " What is the best advice you have been given while in this industry? " Work hard, play hard. This industry is exactly what the expression says. You work hard while filming, but it is important to have fun and make friends too. I have a lot of best friends from projects that make acting so much more fun and something I will never forget. " Be sure to look out for Jessica in Alex & Me on DVD and Blu-Ray now as well as Sharp Objects out now on HBO Follow jessica on Instagram @jessica_treska.


PHOTOGRAPHER: Isa Battagli HAIR/MAKEUP: Sophie Bawany STYLIST: Lisa Cameron



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Photo: Tobi











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Nat h an Tr ecson 43

It has been 10 years since singer/songwriter Tiffany Alvord stepped onto the music scene and won the hearts of millions. With over 3 million subscribers and 635 million views on her YouTube channel, the 25-year-old musician is a force to be reckoned with. Tiffany began posting covers on YouTube when she was just 15 years old. " I had NO idea what was in store for me with YouTube. I just loved to sing and wanted to share my music through this new platform.With the support and love of my fans, I?ve had so many amazing opportunities. I?ve been able to post music videos for 10 years, travel and perform, as well as partner with brands I love! It?s been cool to see how the digital age of music keeps unfolding. Each day is a surprise and a gift!"

In January 2011, after her channel started to gain more and more fans, Alvord launched a kickstarter campaign to ask fans to chip in for her first album that contained all original music. The fans loved her covers on YouTube so much that they raised even more then what was asked of them. The 10 track album entitled ' My Dream' was released December 2011. "I was so inspired and moved when they were willing to support me creating my first album because I truly felt like we were on this journey together! I?m only able to keep creating music and do what I love because of my fans!"

After the success of her first album, Tiffany decided to release another original album entitled ' My Heart Is' in 2012. To no surprise the album debuted at # 1 on the iTunes charts the day it was released. This time, it was self produced by Alvord. "I really enjoyed the process of producing of my album because it gave me more creative control over my music. When you learn how to produce you are able to prevent things getting lost in translation and the final project is more along the lines of what I had in my head" That same year, she had the 44

honor of performing in Times Square on the Nivea Kiss Stage for New Year?s Eve. "Performing on the Nivea Stage is still one of the most surreal experiences that I?ve had to date."

Her latest album "Legacy' was released in 2014. That was four years ago. Since then she has continued to release coves on her popular YouTube channel as well as work with brands such as Holister but according to her, the wait for new music is almost over. "In the past 4 years I have really grown as a person and an artist. I wanted to make sure that everything I released represented that and it would perfectly match all of the goals I

"Yo u n eed t o d o w h a t y o u d o FOR YOU, n ot fo r fa m e o r t o m a k e a n y o n e else h a p p y. If it ?s w h a t y o u t r uly lov e, t h en lov e it a n d d o it , a n d en joy ev er y st ep of t h e p r o cess!

"It 's a reminder t hat I'm st ill here and have a lot more music to share"

had for this album. My fans have been on this journey so long with me that I wanted to make sure they got the best from me." Within this 4 year journey she learned that life takes you in all different directions and she says that her new music will reflect this mature chapter in her career. "I think the most difficult part of this album is making sure I continue to evolve as an artist. Basically pushing myself to try new things and to be creative to find what fits my sound and style of music best." Continue p.48

Nat h an Tr ecson


Nat h an Tr ecson


Nat h an Tr ecson 47

Nat h an Tr ecson 48

Her favorite song on the new album you asked? ' Where would You Be?' . The song is about how fragile life truly is. "It hit me that no matter our plans or dreams, NO DAY is promised. Whether we are safe, careful, and cautious, there?s really no guarantee. I "A size means wanted a song on the EP that would absolutely make you reflect and think about life not hing. All your intentions sizes, shapes, and and connections colors , etc are with people. The idea was, ?If I told beaut iful." you today, that tomorrow would be the end would you keep things the same or would you do it differently?? So if you had one day left how would things change, or wouldn?t they? I?m excited about this and think we all need this reminder in life!" There is no date set on when the new album or music will come out but it will be soon. Outside of music, Tiffany?s main passion is pursuing acting professionally. She made her debut in her first film, School Spirits, last year, as well as played a role in the AT&T Hello Lab YouTube series Guilty Party. "I actually wanted to pursue acting BEFORE I started music! I did local musical theater for 8 years and I fell in love with acting and being on stage. I tried to give acting a shot but never got connected with the right agent or opportunity. When I was 15 years old, I found YouTube. I watched other musicians on YouTube and was intrigued by what they were doing. I have always loved writing songs and singing so I figured I?d ?give it a shot?. My YouTube channel just took off and has had a momentum of its own the past 10 years. Being able to jump back into acting has been a dream come true! Both of these projects were so much fun. I really love acting and it has caused me to want to challenge myself in new ways!" Aside from acting Alvord also has had her hand in fashion. She started her own clothing boutique ' True Love Apparel'. The first letter of each word in the name is the initials of her full name 49

' Tiffany Lyon Alvord' . "It?s never really been about the brand for me, it?s honestly what I like best and what makes me feel comfortable and confident! " This past summer clothing company, Hollister, added Tiffany to the Hollister Swim Squad where she and a couple of other influencers (Larsen Thompson, Aspyn Ovard, Alisha Marie) were flown to Hawaii and Mexico for photo shoots. The photos from those shoots were then placed in several stores across the country. " That was so surreal!" What is your advice to young girls who feel like they have to be a certain size to fit into that standard? "Don?t listen to the nonsense. I know it?s easier said than done, but you have to block out the people who think you should be this or you should be that. A size means absolutely nothing. All sizes, shapes, colors , etc are all beautiful. Never forget that! No matter how big she gets in this industry, she will always use her platform to help others find purpose and happiness whether if its through her music or who she is as a person. "I feel it is for a reason and a purpose. I think the world needs more positivity and encouragement. There are so many people that have hard lives or are dealing with very hard issues and I just want to use my voice to share positivity and to bring people together so they know they aren?t alone." To end the interview I asked Tiffany if she had any advice for anyone wanting to become a music artist like her and her response is something anyone wanting to follow their dreams needs to hear."You need to do what you do FOR YOU, not for fame or to please a producer/ manager/ label, or to make anyone else happy. If it?s what you truly love, then love it and do it, and enjoy every step of the process! Take opportunities to sing out in public, collaborate with friends, jam to the radio, create music that you?re proud of. It takes time to build an online fan base, so be patient. Remember, ?the harder you work, the luckier you get!? Guilty Party & School Spirits are available to watch online now.

PRINT IS SO IN Gr a b Yo ur Pr int Lik e N ow .




Photos by Molly Pan

Lies and Netflix?s Girlboss and G.L.O.W

Kimmy was raised in Southern California in a family of entertainers. Emulating her creative parents she performed in Children?s Theatre beginning at age six. As she continued to act into her teenage years, Kimmy decided to pursue a career in entertainment because she witnessed the positive ways her performances positively impacted others.

Did you meet the woman behind Girlboss and if so, how was that? "I met Sophia at the wrap party for the series and thanked her and her website for helping heal my ideas of what female friendship looks like. I think that means it went well."

She stars as ?Nonnie Thompson? in the Netflix series Insatiable alongside Debby Ryan and Alyssa Milano. The series focuses on Bob, a disgraced, civil lawyer-turned-beauty pageant coach who takes on Patty, a vengeful, bullied teenager as his client, and has no idea what he?s about to unleash upon the world. Shields will play Nonnie, Patty?s best friend. "I love that this is a show about underdogs; people who probably aren?t meant to get what they want, but they refuse to accept that fate. I?m very familiar with that feeling." She also stated that she felt very lucky working with the shows main character Debby Ryan. "Have you ever worked with someone and thought ?Why am I so lucky?? It?s like that. Debby is the kindest, smartest, most intuitive person I?ve ever worked with. I?m honored I was chosen to be her sidekick." The show speaks on bullying. Have you ever experienced it and what is your advice to someone dealing with it? "I experienced minor bullying as a child. If you are dealing with it, it?s important to know that all you can do is continue to pursue what you love and know that for every bully that tries to hurt you there are a million people that want to protect you." Shields also recently appeared in the new season of Arrested Development alongside Jason Bateman . "I enjoyed the day we spent shooting at Sunset Sound in Hollywood. It?s an amazing recording studio that they brought to life for us to play in." Shields previous roles include HBO?s Big Little 53

Kimmy also works a regular job in Southern California called Pedone?s Pizza & Deliwhile when not acting in these awesome projects. "I?m lucky enough to work with very gracious coworkers and a boss that understands how last-minute this life can be. I?ve learned a lot about maintaining open communication and trying to pay it forward for my fellow pizza slinger when I can." What is it about vintage that you love the most? "In addition to its sustainability, I love thinking about the stories and events leading up to a vintage piece ending up in my hands. Who was the woman who bought this and just knew it was ?the dress?? Where did we she wear it? Did she get to kiss someone while she was wearing it?" Where can a person shop/ find the best vintage? " The great thing about living in 2018 is this tool called the Internet. You can find just about anything you could ever dream of. However, it is helpful to go into a shop so you can really see and feel the piece before deciding to invest in it. Being based in Los Angeles, I always recommend cruising down Magnolia Boulevard in Burbank, because there are literally vintage stores on your left and right. I?m a big fan of The Bearded Beagle in Los Feliz for their selections and quality." What is your best advice for a new actor or actress? "Be patient. Work hard. Stay thankful for every single thing that happens to you. Surround yourself with things that bring you joy. And make sure to laugh the whole time." ' Insatiable' & Arrested Development is now out on Netflix. You can follow Kimmy on social media @kimmyshields.








Jason Code

"Don?t accidentally buy drugs on the street from strangers and follow them back to their sketchy van to be nice. " 60

Jason Code

Welcome new Nashville boy band, Lost Stars. They can best be described as a young alternative pop band based in Nashville, TN comprised of three guys with Midwest roots. "Damian and Charley met in high school, then met Trey at college (third person is the right move for this question). We all bonded over a questionable experience we had at Dominos. Turns out there?s such a thing as too much cheese on a pizza." In their first year as a band, Lost Stars released their debut EP, Dreaming in the Dark, introducing the Nashville music scene to a new brand of pop music. "We like the story telling that a lot of [Nashville] writers do. We?re happy to be able to pull from that specific country music tradition." Shortly after in the spring of 2017, Damian Malnar (vocals/keys), Charley Holden (guitar), and Trey Warner (guitar) went on tour for the first time, hitting places like Kansas City, Chicago, St. Louis and Atlanta. During this time they opened up for heavy hitting indie bands like Coin and ARIZONA, gaining thousands of new fans along the way. "Touring is exhausting, but super fulfilling.' They never got star struck by the headliners but they were excited to see 'Coin'. Since their first successful tour, they?ve


released a follow-up single, ?It Only Takes One?, booked a second tour and signed a sync licensing deal. In the beginning of 2018 they began their 21 city tour called the 'Shot In The Dark Tour. "[The second tour] was longer, and we went to different places. First time was just kind of getting our feet wet, and there was a whole lot more to learn on the second one." They continued to speak on what they learned from being on tour and it might surprise you. "Don?t accidentally buy drugs on the street from strangers and follow them back to their sketchy van to be nice. " Their latest release 'Whip Me' has already reached over 1k+ streams on Spotify. "This new single showcases a new progression and growth for our sound from our debut EP, "Dreaming in the Dark." We like to write about all aspects of the human experience, and that includes everything." To end the interview they gave some really good band advice for new and upcoming bands. "Put the time in and take it seriously. Otherwise you might as well get a 9-5 and just play music for fun. Also turn down your guitar amp." With the direction this band is going, we are going to see them climbing the charts in no time. Listen to The Lost Stars on all music platforms now.






Jeka Jane


Mollee Grey is an actress and dancer that has been in many different films including Teen Beach Movie 1 & 2, South 32, No Strings Attached and Double Daddy. Outside of acting, she was also a Top 8 finalist on Season 6 of SYTYCD a dancer. "I?ve loved acting ever since I can remember! What truly inspired me though, was being on set of High School Musical. I was a dancer in all three films and seeing all the actors first hand made me realize it was the career I wanted to pursue!"

best time! I learned so many things about Jeka, and it made me fall in love so much more!" While were on the topic of wedding stuff, I asked her what her personal advice would be for new brides. "Be sure to take time for yourselves as newlyweds. If you need to go in the hallway alone for a minute, do it! It?s your day. Also, make time to go around and look at all the decorations at your reception! Appreciate the beauty all around you."

She booked her first move at the age of 10. It was an LDS movie in Utah. "It was an incredible experience! Since I had to have a parent go onset for all my jobs until I was 18 years-old, I got to share so many of these amazing memories with my mom."

" I love the creative process of dance! The feeling of choreographing and releasing emotions you don?t know how to put into words!

Then she booked her first big role in No Strings Attached in 2011 along side Ashton Kuther and Natalie Portman."My first scene I filmed was with Ashton Kutcher, and I was freaking out a little bit! He was so cool and funny during conversation, but the whole time I was thinking ?holy crap, I?m working alongside Ashton Kutcher!" In 2013, she played Giggles in the popular Disney Channel original ' Teen Beach Movie' . "I?ve loved all the projects I?ve worked on, but Teen Beach Movie has to be my favorite. We spent two months in beautiful Puerto Rico making memories as a cast!"

While building her resume as an actress she met dancer and choreographer Jeka Jane. They ended up getting married at Landing Spa and Resort in South Lake Tahoe, California. Their wedding was exclusively captured by People Magazine in 2017. "I literally enjoyed every single part. It was crazy because everyone told us ?you?ll fight a lot while planning a wedding,? but we didn?t at all. We made compromises, of course, but it was the 65

Grey is a trained dancer and has been since the age of three. She became a contestant on season 6 of SYTYCD. "I love the creative process of dance! The feeling of choreographing and releasing emotions you don?t know how to put into words! I like Contemporary and Jazz Funk!" She was also a dancer on The Voice and AGT. She cited that her mentor and favorite dancer is Joey Dowling.

Mollee also has a background in music due to her mother being a singer. No matter what art she takes on she kills it and I couldn' t have been more happier to interview her. Be sure to be on the look out for her new movie The Reliant. The Favorite is in select theaters now.




Jacket: Ego Soleil @egosoleil Top: Lottie Moss x PacSun @pslottiemoss Jean?s: Levi?s Shoes: Shoe Dazzle



Photographer: Mario Barberio Makeup: Robert Bryan Hair: J Michael Stylist: Cat Wright

Kelsey Leon is a 15-year-old actress, dancer and model that is known for her role as ?Kimmie & Power Surge Dancer? in Brat?s wildly successful YouTube web series, ' Chicken Girls' . "I got into acting about 16 months ago. I?ve been a competitive dancer my whole life and wanted to try something new. A lot of my friends are on Disney and Nickelodeon shows, so it really inspired me to pursue acting. " Leon plays a mean girl on the YouTube series ' Chicken Girls' and says that the storyline is what drew her to the amazing script. " The scripts were great. We had a couple mean lines which are always fun to act. The dances were the best! We have a phenomenal choreographer, and dancing with my cast is always a good time." What is your favorite and least favorite thing about your character? "My favorite thing about my character is that ?Kimmie? is a dancer. I don?t have a least favorite thing about my character other than that she?s mean. But I love playing mean characters as it?s so outside of my comfort zone." She says she enjoys being able to act with all of her castmates because she considers them friends as well. Leon also reprised her role in the official Chicken Girls movie. " This was my first movie. It was such a fun experience. It was definitely more shoot days and longer set days, but, it was a blast shooting the movie. [My favorite scene } Definitely [was] the last dance scene in the movie where we?re all Chicken Girls. The song is called ?Party Favor.? It was the best! We had so much fun filming it 69

What is your advice for a new actress? "Be yourself. When I first started in this industry, I was so shy and nervous. You just have to learn to break out of your shell and be comfortable in front of the camera and other people." Can you tell us a little bit about your dancing history? "I?ve been dancing since I was two years old. I did my first solo at the age of six. I did competition until I was 14 years old. I decided I wanted to do something new, so I stopped competing and started acting at the age of 15. "

"YOU?LLMAKEIT INTHE INDUSTRYFOR SUREIFYOU WORKHARD" What is a piece of advice you?d have for a new dancer? "Practice makes perfect. Always practice and have good work ethic. You?ll make it in the industry for sure if you work hard" Her previous acting credits include guest roles in Nickelodeon?s ?Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn? and Amazon?s ?Just Add Magic? Be on the look out for Season 3 of ' Chicken Girls' debuting this fall. Follow Kelsey Leon on Twitter @kleonofficial. Written by Ella Audrey Rae

Top: Lottie Moss x PacSun: @pslottiemoss Jeans: Levi?s @levis Shoes: Chinese Laundry @chineselaundry Sunglasses: Zac Zac Posen @baxterandbonny Cuff: Soon



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My favor it e quot es t o br ight en your mont h. ?Do not be afraid; our fate cannot be taken from us; it is a gift.? ? Dante Alighieri, Inferno ?When she designs, and then lives, her own destiny, a woman naturally set s right everything wrong in our world.? ? Regena Thomashauer ?Our belief is often strongest when it should be weakest. That is the nature of hope.? ? Brandon Sanderson, The Final Empire ?Even though you want to try to, never grow up? ? J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan ?Guilt is a response to what you think you?ve done wrong. Shame is feeling that who you are is wrong.? ? Jessica Shortall,

Fo llo w M e Fo r Da ily Qu o t es / / 75

@ellaaudreyrae x



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