[X]press The Golden Gate Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Former SF State student sneaks into Egypt.
Pioneers sweep Gators at the swamp Page 6
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President presents new idea for merger Fourth alternative joins art with humanities in college By Aaron Salazar
SPEAK OUT: Demonstrators gather March 19 in United Nations Plaza to protest the eighth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. The rally was part of a weekend of protests aimed at drawing attention to the effects of U.S. foreign policy.
Activists call for end to conflicts
U.S.-led wars, wellbeing of workers at center of protests
By Krissa Stanton kstanton@mail.sfsu.edu
Activists: Wikileaks source ‘tortured’
Protesters took to the streets of San Francisco Saturday to oppose the act of war – those being waged around the world as well as the figurative war on workers. Marking the eighth anniversary of the Iraq war, many people protested March 19 in hopes of ending war and occupation in areas all over the globe. This protest came at an interesting time considering it was the first day of American and European strikes against the regime of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi of Libya. Participants also gathered to bring attention to issues relating to unemployment, healthcare and education. “I agree with the goal of the march, to stop the wars abroad and to stop the war on workers at home,” said Lawrence Abbott of San Leandro. “It is an important issue. Even though I don’t really have the time, I think everyone really needs to make the time in a democracy, otherwise we won’t have a democracy.” Saturday’s events began at United Nations Plaza with a noon rally that included guest speakers and a spoken word artist. At 1:30 p.m., an estimated 1,800 participants marched down Market Street carrying signs and
ANTI-WAR continued on Page 9
By Chase S. Kmec ckmec@mail.sfsu.edu A group of demonstrators from various anti-war organizations gathered Sunday at Yerba Buena Gardens and later the Metreon, braving unpredictable weather to call for humane treatment of 23-year-old former U.S. Army soldier Bradley Manning. Manning is accused of revealing actions and policies of the U.S. military overseas – many unflattering to U.S. foreign policy – and passing them to a number of outside sources, namely Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. “They’re trying to break him,” said Richard Becker, West Coast coordinator of Act Now to Stop War and End Racism Coalition. “He’s being tortured. They’re using the same methods on him as they do with prisoners at our military bases around the world.” Manning, who is awaiting a hearing on whether he’ll face a court martial, is being guarded as a “maximum custody detainee” at the Marine Corps Base in Quantico, Va., where he has been since July 2010. For full story visit goldengatexpress.org
In an email to faculty and staff on March 21, President Robert A. Corrigan announced a new proposal for the reorganization of SF State’s eight colleges. The six-college structure recommended by the University Planning Advisory Council initially remains intact, but the new proposal differs in where it places departments and has the potential for additional costs savings, the email said. “(The new proposal) differs from the one favored in the referendum in that it doubles the dollar amount of administrative savings,” said University spokeswoman Ellen Griffin. The new proposal aims to increase costs savings from $1-2 million. Elements of the old proposal, which faculty voted on in February, remain the same, such as the dissolution of the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences and the College of Health and Human Services. But the new plan, which was approved unanimously by UPAC, would create a College of Arts and Humanities and a College of Social and Health Sciences to absorb departments from the dissolved colleges. Also under the new proposal, the College of Education will remain the same, instead of being reduced to a freestanding school. The College of Creative Arts will be reduced to a School of the Arts housed within the College of Arts and Humanities. The new proposal stemmed from further consultation between departments and UPAC, as well as discussions of collaboration among disciplines to streamline costs, the email said. Faculty in BSS were concerned that the old proposal, which placed many BSS departments into a College of Liberal Arts, would dilute the scientific aspects of their curricula.
UPAC continued on Page 9
VOTE Student government
ASI election loses competitive edge By Megan Taros ch3no2@mail.sfsu.edu It’s election season at SF State, which means it’s time for students to execute their civic duty: Make signs, go campaigning, hit the polls and show pride in campus government. Right? Probably not. The polls are now open for the Associated Students Inc., student elections, but with many candidates running unopposed, this election is not as competitive as it was last spring. However, candidates and current members of ASI are using this as an opportunity for outreach. “I know some of us will win by default, but it’s not just about winning, it’s about how we campaign,” said Andrew Gutierrez, the ASI presiden-
tial candidate who is running unopposed. “We’re trying to get out there and talk to the students so they know who we are. That way we can be held accountable when we get into office.” Some members of ASI attribute the lack of candidates to apathy. “There’s a lack of interest or awareness,” said Travis Northup, vice president of external affairs for ASI. “I’m not really sure what’s up with that.” About 40 applications were submitted to run for the board’s 18 positions, making Gutierrez believe that the drop in candidates is partly due to support for his slate – Achieving Community Through Integrity, Openness and Knowledge. But some students do not believe they were
ASI continued on Page 9
PUBLICITY: Humanities representative hopeful Emily Estrada
spreads the word about election week with her chihuahua March 12.
CAMPUS.....................PG 2&3 A&E.................................PG 4 CITY................................PG 5 SPORTS...........................PG 6 OPINION .........................PG 8 WEEKLY SURVEY.............PG 2
POLICE BLOTTER.............PG 2 REMINDER: Spring Break begins March 28. Classes resume April 4.