The Golden Gste Xpress Issue #11

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[X]press The Golden Gate Wednesday, April 13, 2011


District Cesar Chavez parade brings pride to streets- PAGE 6 SEX PARTNERS: What’s the

harm in finding someone online? - PAGE 8

‘Round and ‘round in circles VOLUME LXXXX — ISSUE 11

Two months after faculty approves college merger, they’re starting over.

By Brittany Doohan

Faculty responded in record numbers two months ago to vote on three controversial options for the University’s college merger. Now, the administration is asking for an encore. President Robert A. Corrigan and Provost Sue Rosser have asked the faculty to participate in another referendum following Corrigan’s March 21 announcement of a new proposal to restructure colleges at SF State. The new plan builds on the University Planning Advisory Council’s original recommendation for a six-college structure. UPAC supports the new referendum and recommended it be moved forward to the University community for feedback. According to the proposal, the comments from faculty and members of the SF State community will be considered and may be included in the final draft of the referendum. “We question why the sole focus has been on college restructuring rather than a comprehensive review of the entire University structure, including Administration,” said a letter from the California

Faculty Association highlighting its concerns regarding the process. “The mission of the university is to promote social justice, yet those who make the most are cut the least.” Other concerns stated in the letter are the preservation of faculty and the need to view the restructuring in a larger context. While the administration has denied it, many believe that the merger is a way to streamline the University and dissolve less-populated courses, as well as potentially stripping departments. However, CFA Campus Chapter President Ramon Castellblanch said that decisions should not be based on which courses can fit the most students in a classroom. “You can’t teach that way, you need space to interact,” Castellblanch said. “You lose a lot of quality.” The administration continues to assure that the merger is in the best interest of the University. “While we are struggling with very difficult issues, we have remained steadfastly focused on our mission, our values and our desire to maintain three vital components: access, quality and jobs,” said University spokeswoman Ellen Griffin. However, a final decision on the merg-

Haight stands mixed on sit-lie


BREAK: A man sits outside of Haight Street Market April 10. The so-called sit-lie law passed in November by San Francisco voters makes it illegal for anyone to sit or lie on sidewalks between the hours of 7 a.m. and 11 p.m.

Neighborhood split on effect of muchdisputed ordinance By Christine Tjandra Morgan, who goes by the self-styled last name of “Dirty Rotten Pole Cat,” was born the son of a schoolteacher. In adulthood, he pursued formal training to be a cook, but luck turned on him and he had to brace himself on the street. As Morgan rested his knees on the corner of Masonic and Haight streets


for half an hour April 8, two policemen approached him, issuing a citation because he violated the much-protested sit-lie law. Squatting against the wall, he stood up to sign his ticket and retrieve his ID. “I’m not drunk,” he insisted. “Take off, Morgan,” one of the policeman said, ordering him to move along. Wrapped in an oversized green jacket, Morgan trudged away, leaving his sitting spot. Four months after being approved by voters, the so-called sit-lie ordinance, which prohibits sitting or lying on public sidewalks between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m., is now enforced by police officers patrolling the streets of San Francisco after an initial lag in San Francisco Police


Department education about its provisions. Some, however, still say that it may have an adverse effect on the community, especially in the Haight. “It seems to be both redundant and very much ‘anti what the neighborhood is supposed to stand for,’” said Rick Braun, who has owned and operated the store Positively Haight Street for 18 years. The Haight is famous for being the center of the “Summer of Love” and has long been a destination for freespirited transplants to the city; but in recent years, more people have complained about the homeless population and street youths crowding the neighborhood, scaring tourists and new businesses away. Many of these people are supportive of the law. “This street needs things that are clean – as a business area, as a neighborhood – and animal excrement isn’t that,” said Michael Boul, who has worked in the Haight for 20 years. The few weeks of enforcement, however, has not made much of a dent in cleaning up the neighborhood. Boul said he is still picking up animal excrement from dogs, which he says are the companions of so-called sit-liers. “(They) might not sit where they normally would. But they’re around. I’m still picking up fecal manure from dogs. I still notice the excrement,” Boul said. The law has also failed to bring more business to the Haight, as many supporters hoped it would. “Things have changed for the worse in the sense that there seems be less communication and a bit more


CSUs need voters to approve taxes By Chase S. Kmec California voters may soon have the opportunity to relieve the burden of the California State University system – or further asphyxiate it. A possible upcoming California special election could cause further budget problems for SF State and the cashstrapped CSU system. Gov. Jerry Brown has proposed a special statewide election on tax extensions for June 7 that would implement a sales, vehicle and income tax increase amounting to $12.5 billion. The tax initiative would curtail the effects of the state’s massive $28 billion budget deficit. The measure would reinstate tax increases implemented in 2009 that are set to expire July 1. According to the California Budget Project, the new proposed tax increases, which include a one percent sales tax increase, would take effect through 2016. If not approved, it would have devastating effects on the CSU system. “This is causing huge problems for SF State and the other CSU campuses,” said SF State Academic Senate chair Shawn Whalen. “The failure of the governor and the legislature to get the tax extensions only makes matters worse.” Originally slated for June 7, the March 31 deadline to hold the election on the first Tuesday in June passed without agreement in the California State Legislature. No date has been finalized. If an election is held and voters do not approve of tax extensions, California would likely operate on an all-cuts budget, meaning that the state would lessen its multi-billion dollar deficit solely through spending cuts.

SIT-LIE continued on Page 9


er is ultimately dependent on Gov. Jerry Brown’s 2011-12 budget proposal and, regardless of how the faculty votes, the University may plan on moving forward with the merger, according to Creative Writing Department Chair Maxine Chernoff. “Votes [from the faculty] are advisory votes,” Chernoff said. “There’s nothing that binds President Corrigan to do anything. We all feel better to have done it, but it won’t necessarily change the outcome of the process.” Academic Senate Chair Shawn Whalen said that he supports the message in the letter and believes these values have and will continue to be a consistent component of the planning process. “Decisions about how to absorb these unprecedented budget cuts must be characterized by a renewed commitment to our institutional mission, our dedication to preserving faculty and staff jobs, and a process that strives for openness and transparency,” Whalen said. Also, despite the faculty’s frustration, the financial pressure on the administration is massive, and the economic crisis is outside of the control of the University, Chernoff said. “There’s a low subsidy for education,” she said. “It’s a relentless march to defend education.”

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FUNDING continued on Page 9


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