Golden Gate Xpress Spring 2013 Issue 2

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// 02.06.12


DRINK UP, IT’S SF BEER WEEK LOOKING BACK : University President Leslie E. Wong, former president of Northern Michigan University, shares experiences upon finishing his first semester as SF State president. Photo by Erica Marquez

Checking in with President Wong At the outset of his second semester, President Leslie E. Wong sat down with Xpress editor-in-chief


GOLDEN GATE XPRESS: Now that you’ve had a little bit of time to adjust to living in San Francisco, as opposed to Michigan, what is your take on the city and how do you feel about your decision to move here?

places and the question, in my next six months, is will I learn enough to take advantage of the low-hanging fruit and really create an environment where there is even more opportunity for students to bloom.

LESLIE E. WONG: I have to tell you, my wife and I had a long conversation about that and we’re even more ecstatic now because we’re learning much more about the town and the kids on campus. There were a variety of things that were complete surprises to me that have been really quite spectacular. I’m also really learning and meeting the political environment that is San Francisco, Sacramento and learning a lot about our place within those spheres of influence. I can happily report that people have great respect for what we do.

GGX: Is there anything that you wish you’d done differently in the first semester that you were here, or maybe something you wish you that you’d known then that you know now? LEW: That’s a great question and, not really, and that’s what I have to say to you. That’s a great question because I was hoping to spend a lot more time building my cabinet, in terms of our relationships, and knowing what they do and what they are responsible for, but the rhythm in which the cabinet has come together has been phenomenal. I

I’m running in to alums in all the right


Thousands at risk of losing community college community colleges in California, told CCSF that it did not meet the requirements to keep its degree accreditation. It has until March 14 to meet certain financial and academic standards to stay accredited. A college without accreditation can’t grant degrees worth anything more than paper — forcing CCSF to either close, or be taken over by another college district. “If you’re a senior in one of San Francisco’s (19) high schools, odds are, you’re going to City College or SF State,” Maureen Carew, director of the Bridge to Success program, said. Bridge to Success works to smooth the transition from high school to college for graduating San Francisco Unified School District seniors. Carew considers herself a self proclaimed “champion of City College.” Approximately one-in-four of San Francisco Unified’s 4,000 graduating seniors sign up for City College every year, Carew said. Conversely, SEE SAN FRANCISCO ON PAGE 11


ITH MORE THAN 80 styles of beer available, the craft beer market is stronger than ever and slowly stealing wine’s spotlight in the food-pairing world. “Beer has just as much to offer to consumers in terms of experience and taste,” Brian Stechschulte, executive producer of the San Francisco Brewers Guild, said. “There are more styles to choose from and it pairs better with a wider range of food. There are lots of reasons beer is on par with wine. I’m glad it’s finally getting the attention it deserves.” The San Francisco Brewers Guild started SF Beer Week in 2009, which showcases such notable beers and it has now grown to become one of the most world-renowed beer festivals. “SF Beer Week is, for lack of a better word, awesome. It offers so much more than any other beer festival I have ever been to,” Ryan Hilton, SF State broadcast and electronic arts major, said. “It opens up a variety of things to do involving beer and food. In one day you can travel SEE HOP ON PAGE 6

When Compton College lost its accreditation in 2005, it also lost half of its students


City College of San Francisco student Mireya Leon graduated from high school only a few months ago, but she already has a dream: transferring to SF State to study music therapy. “I want to heal people with my music,” Leon said. “Music has the power to make people feel better.” But Leon’s ability to transfer to the four-year college in the city of her birth may be in jeopardy. CCSF is on the brink of closure. If it shuts down, a vital bridge between San Francisco high schools and SF State could go with it. Nearly a thousand students from City College who transfer to San Francisco State each year will be displaced, and school officials have no hard data on where else they could go. CCSF is home to 85,000 students and provides more transfer students to SF State than any other community college in California, 800 per year, according to SF State internal data. Last July, the Accrediting Commission of Community and Junior Colleges, a body that gives accreditation to


Compton College is the only real-world example of a California community college closing. Currently there is no data on what would happen to the students at City College of San Francisco if it loses accreditation after March. Many SF graduating seniors rely on City College to get to SF State.









Data via the California Community College Chancellor’s office Data-Mart Infographic by Joe Fitzgerald


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