Spring 2014 Issue 7

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SFMTA shortens 28-bus travel time


BY JENNIE BUTLER jennieb@mail.sfsu.edu

BY CHRIS SANCHEZ sanchezc@mail.sfsu.edu MICHAEL BARBA mdbarba@mail.sfsu.edu

Part of the SF State Science Building will reopen this spring after the discovery of toxic chemicals prompted its closure in January, according to SF State President Leslie E. Wong. “Remediation work is under way, and subject to no further discoveries of problems,” said Wong. “We will restore the building to partial use beginning in late April.” Faculty and staff will have access to certain offices and research labs, according to Wong. Classes will continue through the semester in alternative locations. “The decision was made to allow students to maintain the routines that are already established, and not introduce a new relocation during the semester,” said University Spokesperson Ellen Griffin. SF State is scheduled to allow faculty and staff into the three-story office wing of the Science Building in late April, and to most of the two-story lab, classroom and office wing by May 15, according to Wong. However, four chemistry labs, the chemistry stockroom and basement will need much more work and will remain closed for a minimum of one year. “The core portions of this building are more than 50 years old, and fall far short of supporting 21st century instruction and research,” said Wong. “We have not yet arrived at a longterm solution that meets the needs of our students, faculty and staff, and will continue to seek that solution.” As previously reported by Golden Gate Xpress, the University faces $203 million in necessary repairs and renovations to its campus buildings, which stems from a $1.8 billion backlog of maintenance upgrades for the entire California State University system. “We cannot grow California’s workforce of the future with outmoded and inadequate facilities,” CSU Chancellor Timothy P. White said in a statement. “Investment in facilities and technology that make learning and discovery possible is essential as we work together to improve the state of California.”


LINES: Students and residents wait in line to board a 28-bus at the MUNI stop at the top of campus near 19th Avenue Tuesday, March 11.

The SFMTA is making changes to the 28 and 28L bus lines, which they hope will increase speed and efficiency. Some students and faculty can expect an easier journey to class next semester. Every day about 17,500 people ride the 28 or 28L during its route from the Daly City BART station to Fort Mason. High passenger demand and heavy traffic along 19th Ave. delay the 28 to an average speed of 9.9 mph and the 28L to 11.2 mph during peak hours, according to MUNI’s website. But beginning this summer, the 28 will no longer stop at every block. Instead, the bus will adopt the same route as the 28L. MUNI CONTINUED ON PAGE 3

‘Measure for Measure’ transforms Shakespeare


BY ANNA HECHT | ahecht@mail.sfsu.edu

iew the gritty, sexual atmosphere of the opening dance number and you’ll know this isn’t your average school play; hear the hip-hop and R&B background music and you’ll sense that this is going to be a cool, modern take on a classic; listen to the actors’ first uttered words and thou shall knowest it is truly Shakespeare.





WEBSITE goldengatexpress.org

MODERNIZED: Friar Lodowick, played by Alex Skinner, comforts Isabella, played by Celeste Conowitch, during the SF State theater department’s production of Shakespeare’s “Measure for Measure” in the Little Theatre Wednesday, March 5. LORISA SALVATIN / XPRESS

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