GIM May/June 2021

Page 43


The Humble Wax Myrtle WORDS BY LYDIA THOMPSON withstand high winds, heavy rains, and prolonged dry spells. They are also salt-tolerant. Then, there are the leaves. Eamonn says these can also be used as an insect repellent. You can crush them in your hand and rub the oil on your skin. I tried it. It sort of worked, but it does have a pleasant clean scent. The leaves can also be dried and used as a flavoring for soups and stews. They’ve been used as a medicine, too. The Choctaw boiled the leaves to treat fevers and severe dysentery.


Beyond the beneficial leaves, there’s the blue-grey berries. In the fall, the tree swallows swarm these myrtles. It is quite a sight to watch thousands with all kinds of facts about the bush.

of swallows swoosh in and out of the

It is incredible what this humble plant

bushes along the causeway. It is not

can do.

only the swallows that like the berries but people do too. They can be add-

I like wax myrtles because painted

ed to the brewing process to bring a

buntings like them. Heck, all birds love

unique flavor to craft beers.

this native bush. It is a dense shrub that protects birds from hawks. Buntings can

What most people know about the

fly out to feed on grass seeds and dash

wax myrtle is the berries produce wax

for cover when threatened. Here is

for making bayberry candles. Our

what Mr. Leonard says about the bush:

Southern wax myrtle does not have a

“I think it is a great plant that should be

lot of wax, but here is another tip from

used in landscapes. It is especially a

Mr. Leonard: “You gather the berries

When it comes to native plants or any-

good alternative to the exotic privets,

when fully ripe in the fall. You simmer

thing about gardens, I am still learn-

or Ligustrum folks use for hedging or

the berries in water (not boiling them

ing. Eamonn Leonard is my source for

screening out a view. There are dwarf

because that would release essential

growing things. Coming to the coast

varieties if the standard form is too

oils), then capture and clean the wax

as a wildlife biologist with the Georgia

large for the home landscape. It does

collected. I have learned that to make

Department of Natural Resources,

take to hedging well. It’s great for pro-

them less brittle you should use a 1:2

he became a founding member of

viding cover for birds, as well as nesting

ratio of beeswax to myrtle wax.”

Coastal Wildscapes, a group ded-

locations and food.” I had no idea the wax myrtle was so

icated to growing native gardens.

He knows plants like I know birds. So,

But there is so much more to this bush

versatile. Nature knows what is best for

when it came time to write about wax

than just being a bird-friendly hedge.

us and provides the right connections

myrtles, I asked him. He came through

It’s a hearty plant. Wax myrtles can

for us — and the birds. MAY/J UN E 2021


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