Golden Publication Nov-Jan 2015

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Editor’s Message Golden Publication is designed for this millennium, focusing on accentuating the very best in femininity. Our articles and features seek to inspire, motivate, and advance women in the areas of health, beauty, business, and finance all being important in the development of the greater you. We delve in the areas of love, hope, and faith, even touching those taboo subjects other magazines refuse to discuss. We embrace sisterhood and the power of unity, understanding our prime positioning women have in today's society, it’s important we learn to use this advantage wisely through sharing our cumulative knowledge and wisdom with women everywhere which is the very intent of our publication.

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Contents Front Cover (Top Story Dawniel Winningham) Page 6-7 FOSE Fashion Show Page 8-9 One Wealth Through Sisterhood -Dawniel Winningham (Top Story) Page 10 Kelsha Pouncy (Model& Make Up Artist Spotlight) Page 11 Jo Golden (Chief Editor..MUA and Hair by Jo Golden)

Page 59 Models Of Golden Publication Page 60 (L)Liz Lyons (Plus Size Model) (R)Japera Coleman (L)Jaymee & Amiyah (Models) (R) Kaylin Richard(Plus Size Model) Model Spotlight Page 61-62 Turn Over A New Leaf –Dawniel Winningham Page 63 Jamison Barker(Spotlight Model For Allure) Back Cover Sparkle & Charm Boutique Model Cassie Cormier If you are interested in advertising in Golden Publication Magazine Please contact us via email at

Page 13 Tracie Conyers, Realtor Page 14-15 Helping Women Cash In On Their Passion – Dawniel Winningham (Top Story) Page 18-19 I Am Not My Hair-Whitney Anekwe Page 20 Kindle Richards (Model Spotlight) Page 22 Sparkle & Chelsea Jones (Model Spotlight) Page 23 Kristin Thibdeaux (Model Spotlight) Page 27-28 Dos & Don’ts (Online Dating) Page 29-33 Spot Light Photographer (Damon Howard) Page 35 Sharon Grace (Model Spotlight) Page 38 Plus Size Girl In The Dating World –Poem by Holly Williams Page 30-42 Signed, Sealed, Delivered..She Ours!! National Adoption Day Page 45-46 Depression “Recognizing The Signs & The Signs Of Suicide –Bria Johnson Page 47 Cassandra Jones (Y Mpress Me) Page 50 Tiffany Edmond (Model Spotlight) Page 51 Your Dream Killers Are Starring You In The Face –Quinline Glasper Page 53-54 Faith (Unconditional Love) –Mica Clark Page 56 I Am Not Afraid (J.Golden) Page 57 Sadiah Sells (Spotlight Model) Page 58 Devani (The Spotlight Model) Copyrights by Golden Publication |5

HOUSTON – On Saturday, August 16th, the Fall of Signature Essence (FOSE) concluded a successful debut of African Fashion Week (AFW) 2014 in the City of Houston with an exciting and stunning presentation of ethnic aesthetic on the runway at the official FOSE African Fashion Show, located at the Ayva Center.

Fashion Show Hosted by America’s Next Top Model alumni, Nnenna Agba and comedic trio The Wowo Boyz, the evening’s fusion of live music and performances was led by the electrifying and elegant presentation of 11 designers (Hafshelline, TeKay Designs, Just Belle, Southern Gents, Kachi Designs, Sanerd, Diva Style, Sebastian Faye, Oge Fashion and Precious Pieces Couture) from around the world. The elite designers had the opportunity to present their collection to over 200 attendees. Special guest






representatives, Executive DirectorVal Thompson with Houston International Trade and Development Council, 2014 Deputy Miss Africa USA & Goodwill Ambassador - Hasifa Kivumbi, Lisa Amous-Smith of My Trendy Place ,Nenaji MEDIA, Houston Style Magazine, Fresh Broadcast Network, Adrian Johnson with Keep IT Klassy Modeling Agency, and many more. The audience was well entertained by the comedic relief of the Wowo Boyz, the groovy tunes of the evening house band (lead by popular Houston musician, Mr. VSAX), a powerhouse performance from international singing sensation Katumbella, and a breathtaking presentation by the popular South African dance troupe, Impande Ye Africa.

Over 60 different looks were presented by models against the white floral-theme and color lit stage (Designed by Temmie Amodu of T’soule Designs). From the regal and fine gold stitching signature designs of TeKay Designs, to the diversified body curved friendly presentation of Sanerd, and fun and colorful theme accessories presented by Precious Pieces, not a detail was missed by the talented designers who participated in the event. Networking Mixer The multi-event series kicked off on Thursday, August 14th with an upscale mixer, host by Huffington Post-recognized rapper, CEO and social personality, Tobe Nwigwe of TeamGINI at the 024 Lounge at the Westin Hotel in Memorial City. The event gave event patrons, sponsors and AFW participants to opportunity to socialize while listening to a special lecture on the progression of African Fashion from AFW mixer special guest Julie Griffith of J. Griffith Public Relations, CEO Kai Dunna of Freedom 54 Clothing Line, and AFW Director of Media Nenaji Adeyinka of Nenaji MEDIA.

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Tradeshow Day two of African Fashion Week took place at the Ayva Center, where more than twenty local and national businesses presented their products to attendees. Some of the featured vendor brands include Eni Wear, Praxyssories, Oge Fashion, Kachi Designs, Beauticontrol, Sanerd, Southern Gents, Mary Kay, My Trendy Place, Segun Gele, Afroniqueconce, Vicenzo Leather, Luxury Hair Direct, and many more. In addition, a special workshop on African fashion and style was presented to the audience. Lisa AmosuSmith of My Trendy Style gave a moving presentation on hair restoration with an emphasis on cancer patient care. Mr. Segun of Segun Gele demonstrated the art of tying Gele (a special head tie design) to compliment the attire and pallet of every fashionable African enthusiast. Following the workshop presentations, a special panel session was held with Segun, Lisa, Hasifa Kivumbi and Macy’s on the influence of African fashion in the current market. Event Founder & Recognized Charity: Mr. Nkem Oji-Alala, CEO of Emagine that Entertainment and Executive Producer of FOSE, has worked for several years to bring the concept to African Fashion Week to life in the City of Houston. Reflecting on the outcome of the event, Mr. Oji stated, “A vision without a plan is only a dream." He further expressed his satisfaction with the results made from this year’s African Fashion Week in Houston, and looks forward to working with the entire FOSE organization and their supporters to evolve AFW Houston to a greater magnitude. Proceeds raised from this year’s fashion show will go to Hospitals for Humanity (, a non-profit organization committed to providing access to quality and affordable health care for people who are in dire need, especially those who live in developing and third-world countries. For additional information from Fall of Signature Essence, please send e-mail inquiry, or visit us online at Photos provided by Nkem . (Photography by Next Level Photography and Photos By Ben)

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A Time for Wealth through Sisterhood GOD has a way of bringing your assignments front and center. It was through my own financial struggles occurring at the end of a divorce after 16 years or marriage that caused me to realize the plight of women and families who are forced to live on one check. Even as a fortune 10 Assistant Vice President at the time, the lifestyle that was built with two paychecks was threatened when the income was reduced to only one. In my pursuit to build my own business to augment my income I was faced with a stark reality. Many women, while nice and cordial, were not really interested in sharing or partnering with me for US to go to the next level. I wasn’t looking for anyone to carry me. I was looking for someone who had greater knowledge than myself of the world of entrepreneurs and who was willing to partner with me to learn and grow together. Eventually I found that someone in Reeshemah Holmes. Although I was well on the road to figuring things out “myself” it was comforting to have someone to bounce ideas off of, to talk through visions and plans, and to get a bird’s eye view of the world that was new to me. Our relationship started as a give and take. I was Reeshemah’s business coach, she was my health coach. Eventually we became business partners. We called ourselves BBF’s or Business Best Friends. It was a match made in heaven. I was ideas and Reeshemah was implementation. We were unstoppable. Copyrights by Golden Publication |8

What we both quickly learned is that although there were many women who were reluctant to share and some who just didn’t do good business at all, more than the lion’s share of women were just like us. Because of past relationships they were hesitant to risk business endeavors by trusting new people. They didn’t realize that the very thing they feared (building new relationships) was the very thing that had the capacity to skyrocket all of us to success. I had already established a movement named National Day of Sisterhood (Celebrated 12/12 each year). In its first year I received a proclamation from the Mayor of Houston through the help of one of my founding sisters Pilar Torres. The next year we receive a Texas Congressional proclamation and a welcome letter from Governor Rick Perry. National Day of Sisterhood (seeking Presidential acknowledgement and US Congressional Proclamation for 12/14) is a day that encourages women to come together to support each other in business, supporting women’s education and working towards the advancement of issues that face women such as human trafficking and domestic violence. Because it is celebrated in December, the height of the shopping season, it is the perfect opportunity to not only give back to women’s non-profit agencies, but also to seek out and support women owned small businesses. While it was great to celebrate women working together one day each year, what about the rest of the year? It was through this pattern of thought that Wealthy Sisters Network was born. With Reeshemah and I in partnership WSN took off like a rocket establishing 40 plus chapters in our first 6 months. This was all the proof we needed that women, just like us, wanted to and NEEDED to work together in order to further our success in business. WSN championed the thought of building women RICH in mind, body, and spirit and building generational wealth through education and partnership. The rate to join was only $52 a year and $14 a month, a fraction of what you would pay for other national networking women’s groups. We had a whirlwind of activity, mixers and launch parties all over the country celebrating women building wealth through sisterhood, when tragedy struck. Reeshemah Holmes passed away unexpectedly on June 16th, 2014 and the ripple felt among the community of sisters as well as the community at large was inexplicably painful and amazingly far reaching. It was apparent that Reeshemah did what all of us wish to do in our time here on earth. She touched lives in a way that was heartfelt, sincere, and memorable. We are currently working to restructure WSN after the loss of Reeshemah but this much is true. As long as there are two women in the world who agree to work together for the sake of mutually benefitting their businesses and without fear of back stabbing and undercutting, then there is still hope for the sisterhood at large. We must ALL realize there is MORE than enough to be successful for all of us. For information on upcoming events for Wealthy Sisters Network please visit The first annual Wealth Expo and Summit will be held in Houston on November 8, 2014.

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Tracie Conyers began her career in Real Estate at Southeast Texas Community Development Corp. (SETCDC) under the leadership of the late Texas State Representative Al Price and Madison Hopson Sr. as a Certified Housing Counselor for New Construction Homes. She then furthered her career as a Licensed Loan Officer and Loan Processor, then became a Licensed Texas REALTOR®. She was recruited by HUD to serve as Executive Director for Savannah Housing Corp. for 10 years. Tracie has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to helping people acquire grants for Pre-Existing Homes, New Construction and Veteran Affairs (VA) programs. She has great relationships with the Cities of Beaumont, Port Arthur, and Houston. She exhibits remarkable communication and negotiating skills and has a secure database of professionals to refer to throughout the home buying experience which leads to no loan fallouts so she can successfully hand you the keys to your new home. Currently a Texas Realtor with Keller Williams, Tracie currently serves the following counties: Jefferson, Chambers, Harris, Galveston, Orange, Hardin and Jasper, nevertheless, there is no limit to her travel. She is currently studying to become a Licensed Louisiana Realtor by beginning of 2015. When asked about her success, she states “It’s the LORD”s doing. I Worship, Praise Him and Give Him Glory Every Day.” Allow Tracie Conyers to be your REALTOR® of choice to Buy, Sell, Rent, Build or Investment by contacting her.


Tracie Conyers, REALTOR®

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Helping Women Cash In On Their Passion I remember thinking there has to be MORE to life than this. Sure I was married, had wonderful kids, a great job, an outstanding relationship with my mother, but yet I couldn’t help feeling that SOMETHING was missing. It is within our DNA as women to do our best to please everyone else. What about US? It is also in our DNA as women to remain strong, keep on a good face, never let them see you sweat, keep moving even when you don’t want to. But who says this HAS to be the case? Where are MY DREAMS? What about them? Since 1997 or perhaps even before then I had dreams of writing a book, or two, or three. I have always been an avid reader and wanted to add my name to the ranks with the likes of Stephen King and Danielle Steele (well maybe not that high) but I did want to write. A combination of FEAR and not knowing where to start kept me paralyzed until my life altering divorce. I attended a course offered by a company called Stop At Nothing for personal leadership and accountability. I decided THAT DAY that I would finally write my book. The writing turned into speaking, and the speaking turned into helping other women write and speak. My many years as a business executive, my need to ensure my own business was profitable, and my willingness to help others quickly made me a go to for helping women get started. Initially I billed myself as a life coach, but I quickly found that with women, life and business are one in the same. The things that hold us back in life are more often than not those same things that keep us from pursuing our dreams. So as I helped women solve for what was holding them back, I ended up partnering with them further to help them build that thing that they were now free to build. Most of the women I serve are in a position in which they have a limited amount of time to make their passion profitable, so I started studying and implementing things that would help them turn a profit quickly in their new business. I used my own knowledge of acquiring national and international customers to help them build brands that were not limited by city limits. Now I am in a position where I couldn’t be happier with this dream that I am pursuing; helping other women build their dreams. Being a coach in corporate America I have always been relied on to help other people meet their goals and be successful. This somehow is different. I am able to SEE the impacts on these women lives when they are able to supplement their family’s income, become a full time entrepreneur, or do something they have always dreamed of accomplishing partly because of my help. Even better helping them be comfortable with asking to be compensated for what they are worth, all while living out their GOD given gifts is amazingly fulfilling. The bible says the world will make room for your gifts. It is biblical that we are to be compensated for our talents. However in a world where women make only .75 for every dollar made by men, where women do 2/3rd’s of the world’s work, but only have 10% of the world’s wealth and 1% of the world’s land, grow 3/4ths of the world’s food but make up 80% of those in poverty, we must all admit that women have a lot of work to do to make sure that the work we put INTO the world, is the WEALTH that we reap from the world. That too is biblical. We reap what we sow. Women have for too long sown blood, sweat and tears into the world at large. It is time for us to reap the harvest of success and we can do so only by getting the help we need to be successful. My passion in short, is helping YOU find YOUR PASSION and have the world PAY you for it. You can learn more about Dawniel’s coaching programs including her 3rd annual 2015 Passion Planning retreat held in Houston on December 13th, 2014 at You can follow her on Twitter/Instagram/Pinterest @wealthspeaker or hear from her daily on Copyrights by Golden Publication |14

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I Am Not My Hair By Whitney Anekwe In my youth I found my only true struggle with my identity came from my inner battle with my hair. Thick and kinky, ever growing, causing my mother and grandmother to constantly tell me “Nah huh honey, you have too much hair not to straighten it”, for the life of me I never knew what it meant and it always caused me to feel shame. Needing more time to dry at the salon, always having to sit longer than my sisters and use at least double the amount of braiding hair for the same hair style. It caused me to look at myself as an outcast or simply just not good enough because I didn’t have” good hair”. Unlike my eldest sister, her hair long and flowing, thick but manageable, and always as my aunt would call it “draping like white folks hair”. At age 15 my sister was diagnosed with not only alopecia, but lupus as well. This cause her hair to completely fall out and due to the level and severity of her illness she was told at the most impressionable age of her life, where identity and what you look like is everything to everyone, that the hair would never grow back not even sparsely as it did in less severe cases. It shook our family to the core, she was just starting high school and at the age of 8 I had no idea what this meant for us. What I did know was for someone she seemed more beautiful to me, more of herself in a sense. My grandmother took every precaution, not only in her medical choices, but also experience wise. There wasn’t a wig that she didn’t buy or try, and encouraged her never to leave home without one. The fear of what people would say, how they would treat her, it was and is a struggle my entire family has yet to personally overcome. It seemed so strange for her to lose her hair, because inside I wish it were me then the talk of how kinky and coarse my hair was would turn into how sorry everyone was for even judging it in the first place. By the time I’d started high school she was a force to be reckoned with, honor roll debate, honor society, top teens, and even the Mayor’s office as her first job in college. You name and she did, and always had friends to support and encourage her. It made me feel as if people could be different and bad hair or no hair you were still a person of means. I’ve always been thicker than most and my sister has always been very sure that it never made me feel less than afraid people would bully or judge for not being as small as most girls my age, while all along I felt protective and as if she were weaker because of losing her hair. Until one day in the 10th grade she came into the room where I was taking down a set of kinky Senegal twist, my statement that I loved my hair no matter how hard my mother tried to change it even though I knew my I’d have to definitely get a perm after 2 months of it growing and tightly curling on itself. She told me she always wanted hair like mine, and this took me aback because all my life I’d been forced to strive to have hair like what she had, when I asked why she went to tell me about all the wonderful things I did to my hair, and awesome ways I did it. I felt I’d been doing all these things to finally set myself apart from what I’d been told I should be, and I’d been that person that person already. From that moment it was my journey to lead her into loving her “

skee-ball” as she so fondly calls it. My going natural was the final lore for her; she kept saying she couldn’t understand why I’d cut so much of my own hair just to let it grow again. Once I explained what being natural meant to me, how it was the final piece to accepting not just me but now my entire temple and everything it stood for she decide to spend that summer without a wig and allowing my sisters and I and mix and match her style to compliment her beauty. Until this day if it’s even slightly warm she always says “she couldn’t imagine still hiding under a wig”. That is what beauty is, it’s not how you’re shaped or what you look like for that matter it’s how you feel about your soul and your temple. How good being you makes you feel, and how Copyrights by Golden Publication |18

wonderful it is to finally feel free. You could have all the hair in the world and not appreciate it until you see a piece of your heart broken. My sister thought that I had always been beautiful, but once I stopped condemning myself and understanding conviction a bit more with time I grew an admiration for myself which is now so unparalleled to what another person could think of me. We become so buried under the ideas of others and the perception of people who can contribute nothing to who we are, we give them a power that most of this random populace never purposely expels. We just are so in our heads that the slightest comment can break our mental standing causing holes in our emotional dam and we never really repair them. I call for a complete restoration of your dam. Cancel that hurt and fear with love and strength. You made it here to this moment to read these words, and then continue to do your utmost to not just stay afloat, but to excel past all limitations. In the words of India Arie, “I am not my hair, I am not my skin…I am the soul that lives within…”, and to add my own quote “In your life, for all your life there will only be one thing about yourself you can’t change and that is what you are, but for as long as you continue to genuinely cultivate who you will forever be the beginning of a testimony and at the end of a storm..” –Lady Poetry.

“I am not my hair, I am not my skin…I am the soul that lives within…” Copyrights by Golden Publication |19

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Many of us are deathly afraid to do Online Dating. In so many ways it’s just like social media. Like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, where many have conversations with hundreds of people they personally don’t know. Online dating is still a subject that scares many Women and Men. The biggest fear amongst many Women is “Meeting a Serial Killer”. Yeah, that was my biggest fear as well, but I put my big girl stiletto’s on and took that first step to meeting the Man of my dreams.

First, before I send you into unchartered waters, I will arm you with the proper tools to meet, interact, and not get tricked, fooled, or disappointed. Believe it or not, there’s levels to this Online Dating stuff. Ok ready or not here we go.

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First you must find a Website in the demographics of what you desire in a significant other. Never use a free Online Dating Website if you are looking for Real Love. (People who are looking for casual relationships rarely pay to play) Be honest on your profile and stay away from using old photos of yourself. (Deceiving others with old images rarely turn into a Love Connection.) Be detailed, but not too detailed with what you want in a Mate. (It’s too easy to become what you’re not when someone gives you the blueprints of what they desire) If you are in a relationship or committed to another Stop Here!!! (No one wants a cheater) Never lie about your Age (Obvious reasons... A lie is a lie) If you have children, put it on your profile (Nothing worse than finding the one and they don’t like children)

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Dos & Don’ts (Online Dating)

 Do not require a potential suitor to be what you are not. (Expect of others of what you expect of yourself)  When you meet a potential suitor online, start a chat, message, and ask important questions. (You won’t know if you don’t ask)  Do not do lazy chats by sending one liners or preset flirts. (It’s lazy)  If you are unsure the person in the profile is real, suggest Web Cam, Skype, or any other apps where you can actually see the individual Live. ( You Don’t want to end up on Catfish)  Talk, text, email and etc. as much as possible.  Make a date to meet, however, never meet at someone’s home or a secluded location. Always meet in crowed public areas where others can see you. Talk to others around you, this is so others can remember your face and who your with…Just in case (Better Safe than Sorry) On your first date, be the best (You) you can be. Do the little things you don’t always do on a daily. Sadly to say Appearance plays a key factor in almost all Online dating first meeting. (First impressions should always be your best impression) Once you meet and see this person is who they say they are and you feel the chemistry, the rest is up to you, because I have no clue what you guys will do next.

All in All Love is there for the taking. Online dating is an easy, fast, and a Global way of meeting “The One” Take your time, don’t rush, and be honest. You follow these simple steps and I’m sure you will be on your way to meeting The Love Of Your Life” -Jo Golden

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Born April 25 in Oklahoma City, a 25 year Army Veteran, Damon Howard was inspired by his wife to begin photography. She told Damon he should get into photography since he enjoyed taking pictures. She bought his first flash photography studio and camera. Damon says one of the funniest experiences as a photographer was when he was doing a photo shoot in Jacksonville. It was his first time in a studio with his peers. He was the rookie. He says he was trying to set up his lighting so he could shoot his model. He had everything in place, everything set up, except he needed some weights for his light stand. The lights were his personal Einstein lighting system. He went over to the in-studio light stand and grabbed some weights. As soon as he turned away he heard a loud bang. Everything fell to the floor. He screamed! Expletives! He was embarrassed because when he initially walked in, he thought to himself “I will not break anything, I have my own equipment to break.� Even though he felt bad the rest of the day, and thought constantly about having to pay for the lights he still got the images he hoped for. Damon has been shooting professionally since 2013. He said he remembers his first shoot like it was yesterday. He has learned so much since then. Some of his favorite photographers are Scott Kelby, Karl Taylor, Nick Saglimbeni, Clay Cook and Al Cole Photography. He enjoys all aspects of photography but portraits are his favorite. He currently resides in Hinesville, Ga. You can locate him on his website and social media: Images, LLC Instagram: @Nomadimages405 / @NomadImagesLLC Twitter: @NomadImagesLLC "Each day comes with 1,440 minutes. Within those, I'll capture a moment."

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Plus Size Girl In The Dating World Dating in a society of "Thin is In" &"Lean is Supreme" It's no wonder for the Plus-sized or "different kind of lady" we are not the "American Dream" Well I have a voice today, I'm speaking to "ordinary folks" the ones who make the judgments, give the stares, and tell the jokes A new day has arrived & a New Dream has come true Thick & Plus-sized ladies are where it’s at I thought you knew! Now let me paint a picture but 1 that you can feel that tells you of its beauty & shows you that its real A former love interest who thought he had it all took a chance on meeting me, he did, but lost because of his judgment call After that I took a break Are all men superficial or fake? Do they only want what can be seen where are the wise men, huh, so far & in between & then I met that guy who saw more than what meets the eye he took the time to see the internal beauty of me It was all so exciting & new I'd smile at the thought of you & I anticipated the wait of our 1st official date when it happened I said to myself because I knew Hmmm there's something interesting & unique about you You know that kind of something that I knew I couldn't lose He wasn't interested in my size to him what mattered was the look into my eyes He didn't judge the Plus of me liked me as a whole, everything wholeheartedly Now I can say he loves me for all I am & more everything is so different now, even me, I'm not the same as before So to all my Plus-sized Beauties & even the ladies that are judged before you're really met Let the ordinary ones have their judgment because what you give is what you get & while they found you & judged you as Bigger or Extreme soon they'll see the smiles & wonder why that extra-ordinary person finds you to be everything Plus more than what is seen & they won't understand what they missed when they chose their "Little American Dream" but the answer is simple, we are in demand, so you wouldn't understand it’s just a Plus Girl Thing!!! -Poem by Holly Williams Copyrights by Golden Publication |38

November is National Adoption Awareness Month. While all adoption related issues are important, the particular focus of this month is the children currently in foster care then permanent homes-

When I was asked to share my story on adoption, I was both honored and excited. I mulled over the realization of “How do I condense such a momentous moment in our life in a few paragraphs?” There is no easy way to describe adoption, however I truly can say it starts and ends with faith. Adoption entails loss; therefore it cannot be viewed through rose colored glasses. Is it possible to separate my beliefs and feelings about God as I do adoption? I answer that emphatically “no” therefore it cannot be viewed through rose colored glasses. Adoption entails loss; and adoption would have never been a part of our story had it not been so.

March 29, 1986, my husband, Kenneth and I were married. My husband, Kenneth 27 and I, a young 21years old began our marriage with a readymade family. Kenneth, a divorced father of one son, Franco, and me a single mother of a daughter, Sheretta, seem to have a chemistry that worked. We loved each other kids as if they were our own, soon to follow would be Christopher, Quenton and Taylor. Fast forward to present and we are deep in the throes of preparing our youngest daughter for her first year of college. Our home once filled with the woes of five kids has now dwindled down to one. There’s a melancholy feeling of nostalgia mixed with a feeling of joy. How had the years passed by so fast? Gone are the days of hustling to get 5 kids to three different schools, with 4 different after school activities. No more forgotten backpacks, last minute consent forms thrust over the front seat with the reverberant “Mom, can you sign this” as horns honked angrily at you in the drop-off line of the school parking lot. Yes, the light at the end of the tunnel was Copyrights by Golden Publication |39

nearing. Or was it God light that I had not yet recognized a light that was leading us into a new direction in our lives. We soon learned that “our plans are not God’s plans”. For God was weaving a tapestry of our lives that would involve yet another child. Not one born of my womb, but one born in our hearts.

March 29th 2007, our 21st wedding anniversary, my phone rings at work. Our godchild was on the way. “Now that’s an anniversary gift” I thought out loud as I gathered my keys to rush to the hospital. Hooked to fetal monitors, “L” labored with ease. Laboring appeared almost too “easy” for her as she smiled widely after each pain subsided. I can remember screaming like a banshee during labor pain, and here she took it all in stride. This was the “L” that I knew. She always wore a smile on her face, and greeted everyone with a warm hug. This baby I had hoped would share her personality. Prone to seizures since childhood, the doctors monitored “L” carefully. Six hours later and little to no dilation, and now exhausted but smiling “L” was wheeled into surgery for a C-section. I along with family members waited anxiously in the waiting room. It seemed like an eternity before the nurse would appear between the swinging doors announcing the baby’s birth. What seemed like forever, the nurse appeared assuring us “L” was stable and in recovery, we hurriedly made our way to the glass pane windows, excitedly waiting to lay our eyes on the baby. Hardly able to contain my excitement, my eyes scanned the rows of see-thru bassinets for the telltale pink cards announcing our sweet girl. Now noticing her name on her bassinet, I motioned to the nurse, to pick her up so we could get a better look. There she was, a beautiful baby girl, 6lbs 2oz, a head full of dark hair, our Brejanae. She sleepily opened one eye as if to say “hello” and promptly fell back to sleep. A perfect baby girl, mother doing just fine, the godparents of a beautiful baby girl. The years seem to go by with ease and we watch a baby girl emerge that bore the same personality as her mother. Deciding early that I would be “Nana” and my husband, Paw-Ran”, it just never stuck in her world. Hard as we tried to dissuade her, she would always refer to us as “Momma” and “Daddy” and

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her mom as “Momma L”. “L” had no qualms about it, she felt comfortable with it, for we shared such a big part of her life. Yes, everything was perfect in our world.

Our perfect world came to a screeching halt on June 30, 2011. Leaving the beauty shop I noticed several missed calls on my cell phone. A return call revealed some news that would take my breath away. Our “L” only 26 years of age had collapsed and died of a massive heart attack. How would we tell a then 4yr old Brejanae, that the woman that gave birth to her, the woman that gave her that signature laugh, the resemblance she heavily bore was now gone.

Having lost my own mother, I knew the depth of pain one endures. Mothers and daughters share such a special relationship. “Brejanae deserved this special relationship with her mother, I argued internally?” Ashamedly I admit…I question God. In the midst of my anger, God laid out the blueprints of a newly constructed life he was leading us towards. He revealed this verse to me: John 14:18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you Yes, God had placed the word “adoption” on my heart. Still unsure of just what God was revealing, I began to question the complexities of going through an adoption. I poured over adoption blogs, magazines, book or any reference of adoption. As my faith in this adoption process began to grow, the tapestry that God had weaved was gradually being revealed to us. Adoption is answering “God’s call of “loving you neighbor as yourself”, to unselfishly bring a child into your home and love forever. Brejanae’s birth story had another angle. Her birth father, had suffered with his own medical disability was in the picture still. He remained in her life, but due to his own medical issues he was physically or financially able to care for her. The nagging questions plagued me in the wee hours of the night. Would he fight us in the adoption process? Would he willfully “give up his rights?” What gives us the right to step into the role of parents; after all we were only godparents? Or the biggest question of them all “How are we going to be able to afford adoption”. All those questions, especially the latter one nagged me both day and night in our case. Still God weaved his tapestry. God reveal His tapestry in the weeks ahead, what was involved in that tapestry would have any non-believer jumping for joy in His Goodness. Without coercion, Brejanae’s father lovingly and unselfishly agreed to let us care for his daughter. With those blessings, we began the arduous of paying fees for adoption. What happen next, still brings tears to my very eyes. A phone call from a local attorney who agreed to waive the fees took our case pro bono, the blessings doesn’t stop there. Soon the home study fees as well as other fees associated with the adoption process all taken care of. God your Grace is so sufficient!

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November 18, 2011, National Adoption Day, 11 children dressed in their Sunday’s Best, filed into the 317th courtroom. Stocked heavily with teddy bears perched across the judge’s bench, the kids squealed with glee. There on the floor stood a nicely stocked basket full of toys each monogrammed with the child’s name. I’m blessed to say that one of those basket was emblazoned with Brejanae Pickens.

I cannot thank God enough for His plans for our life. Thank you God for you have Signed on this adoption, Sealed our faith in you, and Delivered to us one of the most precious gift bestowed upon mankind, the gift of a child.

Dawn and Kenneth Pickens reside in Beaumont, TX. Brejanae is a 2nd grader at Charlton Pollard Elementary. The Pickens are proud grandparents of 12 grandchildren who they travel to see often. **July 4,2014 Brejanae’s biological father was tragically struck and killed by a vehicle** November 21, 2014 is National Adoption Day where 28 children in Jefferson County will be placed permanently in loving homes thanks to Bonnie Dean (Executive Director of Jefferson County Bar) _________________________________________________________________________________________________

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“Depression – Recognizing the Signs” Have you ever felt as though you just cannot get out of the bed in the morning? Exhausted, but cannot understand why, as you did no physical activity to warrant the exhaustion? Have you felt as though the simple events such as going to the grocery store or going out with friends were just more than you could physically and emotionally handle? I have. This was me a couple of months ago. I knew something was wrong when I attempted to go to work as I normally would. I just could not fathom leaving my house, let alone my bed. It is just me in my household, so if I do not work, there is no one there to pay my bills. I remember it as though it was yesterday. I sat down at my desk after having an emotional text exchange about a simple miscommunication. I shut off my phone, grabbed my things, and left work without warning. At that moment, had I not walked away, I’d have burst into tears right there at my desk. After I sought the assistance of a solution based therapist, I realized that I was stretched way too thin and not taking care of my personal well-being. I was fortunate as I also have a great support system between my boyfriend, family and close friends. This is not an uncommon occurrence. In fact, according to, “1 in 10 Americans at one point or another have been affected by some degree of depression. “ Also they go on to state that “the number of patients diagnosed with depression increases by approximately 20% per year, with 80% of people who have signs and symptoms are not being treated.” Please understand however, that not every person experiences depression to the same degree or even in the same ways. It is important to listen to your body and know the signs. Here is a list of several key factors that may contribute to depression:      

Feeling of helplessness and hopelessness Loss of interest in daily activities Appetite or weight changes Changes in sleep pattern Self-loathing Reckless behavior Remember, these are not all the signs and symptoms, but some of the most common. If you or someone you feel may be suffering from some of these symptoms, please seek the help and guidance of a professional. This could be your doctor, a licensed psychologist, counselor, therapist, etc. There is a wealth of resources out there. If you are not comfortable with speaking to a professional, then please speak to someone anonymously. Many resources out there are free! You may find a variety of helpful resources specifically for Depression at If you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, please call the National Suicide Prevention Helpline immediately at (800) 273TALK (8255). It is available 24 hours every day. Be aware of those around you, it costs nothing to check on a friend, loved one, or family member. You do not have to go through this alone. -Bria Johnson

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Depression Recognizing The Signs: (Suicide) When was the last time you had to make what you would call a “brave” decision? What about a decision that you considered the “easy way out”? Every single day there is literally someone in the world that possibly contemplates taking their own life. The reasons could vary greatly, as no single life experience is the exact same as anyone else’s. Suicide does not have definite warning signs, and unfortunately many friends and loved ones who lost someone to suicide, never saw any signs or clues how that person was feeling. Suicide takes the lives of nearly 40,000 American lives a year. According to SAVE-Suicide Awareness Voices of Education, “15-24 years old, suicide is the second leading cause of death.” What is most alarming is that our youth and elderly seem to be most affected by this tragic life decision more than any other age groups. It is so critically important to help ensure the mental health of our children, loved ones, family, and friends. While it may be very difficult to identify a person who may be contemplating suicide without them disclosing those thoughts, it is absolutely preventable in many cases! Suicide could also be tied to other life events or struggles in a person’s life. One of the strongest risk factors for suicide is depression. It may sound easier said than done, but those who seek the help of a professional are more likely to avoid the choice to end their lives. Please familiarize yourself with the potential warning signs of suicide, you could possibly help someone save their own life! According to SAVE, here are several warning signs of suicide:           

Talking about wanting to die or to kill oneself. Looking for a way to kill oneself, such as searching online or buying a gun. Talking about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live. Talking about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain. Talking about being a burden to others. Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs. Acting anxious or agitated; behaving recklessly. Sleeping too little or too much. Withdrawn or feeling isolated. Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge. Displaying extreme mood swings.

Additional Warning Signs could include:      

Preoccupation with death. Suddenly happier, calmer. Loss of interest in things one cares about. Visiting or calling people to say goodbye. Making arrangements; setting one's affairs in order. Giving things away, such as prized possessions.

One of the best ways to prevent suicide is to education and inform as many people as possible on the possible warning signs and provide resources for help. If you or someone you know needs to speak to someone, please seek help. There are many resources available that are completely anonymous if you or someone you know is not comfortable seeking a professional in person. . A suicidal person urgently needs to see a doctor or mental health professional. All

statistical data mentioned in this article and more can be found on the website (Suicide Awareness Voices of Education). In an emergency, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255). -Bria Johnson Copyrights by Golden Publication |46

Cassandra Jones…Y


There is no hard task when it comes to Cassandra Jones, stay at home wife and mother of 4. Cassandra began her duties as a Full Time Stay at home mom in November 2007 when she gave birth to her 2nd Child. It was not an easy task as she was accustomed to working and began working before she was legally able to. 10 months later she gave birth to her 3rd child which added to the full time duties. When asked how she feels about becoming a stay at home mom now, her answer will always be: "It is the most rewarding job I could have ever accepted”. Cassandra does not miss a field trip and each child’s teacher knows her by name, and some have her on speed dial to help volunteer when needed. She enjoys eating lunch at least once a week with the kids and they proudly welcome her into their school with open arms. Cassandra and her husband Jason have been married for 8 wonderful years and best friends for 10 years. The pair met on the dating website of, but little did they know relationships had already been made through work and school. Jason’s twin was in Cassandra’s training class at the time, she trained two of his sisters and went to middle school with another sister. To top that off, the two were also in middle school at the same time with no knowledge of each other. Jason and Cassandra became best friends and later were both involved with someone else at the time. Almost on cue, both became single at nearly the same time. The tragedy of Hurricane Rita hit, displacing them both: Cassandra to Houston and Jason to Austin. With the help of Jason’s family, Cassandra was invited to Austin where Jason wined and dined her and the rest is what they call HISTORY! During the 8 years this couple has brought into the world 4 beautiful children, embarked on 3 business ventures together and are currently in the process of building their dream home. And with all the love this couple has to give, there are some new chapters yet to be written. Cassandra felt the need to keep busy during her time at home while the kids were at school. In 2010 she started an online boutique: Shower Me Boutique, which offered children’s clothing and accessories in addition to baby shower parties and gifts. During this time, Jason and Cassandra learned of great news: they were expecting their 4th child and she decided to close the business down. As soon as the Dr. released her to move around Cassandra was back at it again only this time with a new business venture in mind: Y Mpress Me t-shirts and promotional products. A little bit of research and within a matter of months, the business was well underway bringing in schools, churches, family and friends to express themselves through a simple slogan or saying. There is no greater pride than to have a customer call and say they loved their shirts or to send a picture to showcase the love of the end product. Y MPRESS ME "Because you look better when we do"

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Your Dream Killers Are Staring You In The Face Every day there is a dream killer staring me right in the face. Dream killers are everywhere you look. Sometimes your biggest dream killers appear in the faces of those closest to you, and others stand aside and whisper words of sabotage upon you. But I’ve learned that you can be your own dream killer by allowing others to destroy what you have built. The negative people that you allow in your personal space and surround you will kill your dreams the quickest. Sometimes you have to just stand alone and be your own best friend. Negative words spoken on your destiny stirs up fear. Fear is a dream blocker and the biggest reason for failure. My advice is to surround yourself with likeminded people. Surround yourself with people who are paving the way forward. Keep all the negative talk and negative people out of your surroundings. Success takes sacrifice and sacrifice means getting rid of all the clutter in your life, meaning the people who are holding you back and conserving your positive energy flow. You have to unleash the greatness in you and stop listening to those negative voices whispering in your ears “Fear and Failure”. You are not destine to fail, but you are destine for success. You have to keep telling yourself “I Got This!” No one ever said it would be easy, but anything worth having is worth striving for. When you let go of negative people and bring in the positive ones, failure will never be an option. Bringing the right people into the right places of your life will make you unstoppable. The journey of your success will be one that you would like to write a book about after it is all said and done. Be persistent with getting all the haters and dream killers out of your mix. You were born for success and not failure. Do not allow fear to be the reason for your failure, but the reason for your success. Today!!! Decide that fear won’t stop your ship from sailing and that there is no storm that can bring your ship down. A true friend will help you discover your potentials in life. But those that are out to see you fail are the ones who never succeed in life. They would rather celebrate the death of your dream than see it come into life form. Choose the company that you keep wisely because they might be your “Dream Killers “. The best dreams that you will have are those you bring to life. The best dreams that you will live are the ones you manifest into your life.

Quinline Glasper


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Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."(Hebrews 11:1) In many marriages you go through various problems and situations that may occur, but all in all you do what it takes to stay strong, keep the faith and have unconditional love for one another.

First, before I begin our story, let me boast a little bit on the blessings from God and our unwavering faith. We have been married 9 bless, tedious and loving years. Back then I told myself I would never get married or have kids. I know it sounds selfish, but God said “Not so.” He quickly told me, “For I know the plans I have for you,” “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.” I'm so glad that I was obedient to his plans for my life because he has bless me with a wonderful, loving, handsome, hardworking, God-fearing Christian man, and an amazing Father to our son. One of the many things about our marriage is it represents having faith when trials and tribulation come upon us. Approximately seven years ago my husband was diagnose with Type 2 Diabetes, and ever since then our lives have changed emotionally, physically, and spiritually. It hasn't always been easy either, the doctor appointments, medication, and being on a special diet can take a toll on any relationship. The years prior to him being diagnosed, his health was good until a year and a half ago, and that's when everything went crazy. Last year, around August we were preparing our son to go back to school when sickness struck my husband’s body. He was hospitalize for having cellulitis in his left foot. The doctors immediately started him on a very strong IV antibiotics every 6 hours to flush out the infection in his left foot. Days later we were informed that he would have a local procedure on his left foot to drain and clean out the infection. Spiritually we were strong but our human nature caused us to worry, but we began to pray in the name of Jesus for his healing. His Podiatrist informed us on the day of his procedure that she was up all night thinking hard and wisely on how his procedure would go. I quietly said to myself, “That’s nobody but God who was giving her the instruction about the procedure." We'll sure enough, God was orchestrating it all because my husband's procedure went well and was later released to go home.

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A year later, sometime in September of this year he was admitted back into the hospital again due to an infected callus on his left foot. As a praying family we began praying and asking God to heal his foot and wash away the infection. The doctors did the same procedure like before and started him on IV antibiotics to flush out the infection and within two days he was released to go home. During the time of my husband's recovery from his second procedure, the wound didn't healed properly and the infection return again. We don't believe in questioning God and asking him why this situation keeps happening, but we didn't know what God was doing in my Husband’s life. This third time, the situation was a little worse than the first and second. The infection had spread to his middle toe, causing the infection to drain into his foot which caused an awful odor. His podiatrist quickly informed us that he would be hospitalize immediately, since he was in danger of losing his middle toe & the bone behind it. This caused us to have fear in our hearts. My husband is not the type of man that let things bother him but this has taken a toll on him mentally & emotionally. As his wife, friend & helpmate I had to hold back the tears, hide the fear & worry from my face. I put on a smile and encouraged my baby that everything will be ok, because God had his back. I began to pray and fast, asking all my family and friends to touch & agree in prayer on behalf of my husband. A couple of days after he was hospitalize, the Podiatrist came to visit and explain the details of his surgery and answer any of our many questions. She boldly told us that if the results from the MRI comes back negative that she was going to come back to talk to us again. Patiently waiting & continually praying, the Podiatrist softly walk in the room and I immediately glance over to my honey. In a small soft voice she said," Sir, like I told you before, if anything came back different, I would return... I'm here to inform you that you will NOT lose a toe nor have your bone remove." In excitement & praise I said," Thank you Jesus." She told my husband that he has lucky stars looking out for him, but I boldly told her, “No ma'am, that's nobody but Jesus." We were so excited about the good news we immediately call and text everyone. Weeks after my husband was released from the hospital and we stood proudly and testified in church about having faith through trials and tribulation, staying strong as one, and how God worked a miracle in my husband's body. Then honey began to share with me and the church members about how worried he was just thinking about being put to sleep for his surgery. Realizing, what if he didn’t wake up; where would his soul go? He wondered if it would be Heaven or Hell. Without a doubt he knew he would go to hell because he wasn't doing everything pleasing and acceptable in the sight of God or doing what God called him to do. He also shared that while I was sleeping the night before his surgery he repented and renewed his life back to Christ. We shared our story to let others know to stay strong in faith no matter the situation and trust & believe in God. Everything that we've endure has not broken us. The trials and tribulations have made us stronger as a family and in faith. We are strong Christians who are determined to stay a strong Married Couple. Love & blessings, Mr. & Mrs. Clark…3k’s

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I Am Not Afraid

J.Golden I was afraid. Afraid of what others may think of my ideas, work, and the final product of my work. I finally cast all my inhibitions aside and began making my dreams a reality. It was most defiantly not an easy road to pave. It came with bumps, bruises, stumbling blocks, as well as Dream Killers. At one point I wanted to give up, but God would not allow it. God became the catalyst behind everything thing I delve my creative energy into. I decided to do hair and mastered it, but being easily bored, I was always looking for a new craft to master. I began writing, sewing, decorating, styling, and much more. I had so much creativity within my soul, that if I could not express myself in a creative way it would put me in an instant state of sadness and

depression. An easy fix for that was to find another craft to master. Then it happened, God allowed me to discover my gift of photography. I was never interested in photography. I’m the one who stayed in front of the lens, not behind it. Needless to say, God had a plan and the plan was for me to become a photographer. I did what God asked of me and learned Via You Tube everything one would need to know about photography. I did my first photo-shoot in October 2010, the shoot was amazing due to fact I had an amazingly beautiful subject. I loved her photos, but something was missing. I instantly went to You Tube to search editing tools and software and there it was, Photoshop. I learned how to airbrush, clone, burn, dodge, manipulate, and etc., it was right there for the taking and I took it, learned and put it into action. I learned everything within 2 hours. My favorite was airbrushing and this was the birth of “The Golden Touch”, my secret editing which gives A+ quality to my photos. I edit one photo and released it to Facebook. O.M.G!!! They loved it and J.Golden Photography was born. I began shooting families, events, Models, and of course myself and my family. It was a dream come true. I was still afraid every time I meet a different client, thinking “What if they don’t like my photos” and every time the fear subsides when I see the smiles on their faces after viewing their images. I’m not afraid anymore. I decided fear is the Devil’s way of keeping me from my God given talents. I can’t and won’t allow fear to stop me from doing anything ever again. God put a light in me and it needs to shine. It’s shinning right now, because God gave me another craft……. Yeah one more craft to master. My newest project is being a Publisher of a Publication. Yeah, you’re reading it now, Golden Publication. So as you can see, I’m still following God’s directions and staying creative and never losing the passion in my soul. I’m no longer sad or depressed. I am a Woman who is a Mother, Entrepreneur, Daughter, Friend, and Mentor, but most of all, I’m a Woman of God. –Jo Golden

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Golden Pubicaton Has Oppurtunities for Men and Women of all Ages. We also have oppurntunties for children too…Please email us your name, number, address, and 2 photos of yourself(Headshot and Bodyshot) to Or log onto Our Models From Ages of 2-60 Email Us Today!!!

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A New Leaf in Life Almost 4 years ago to the day I took a leap of faith and left my marriage of over 16 years. I won't complain about the things that made me leave, after all I put up with it for 16 years so why complain now. But I can REJOICE about HOW GOD has moved since I left! GOD provided a safety net for me PHYSICALLY, FINANCIALLY, MENTALLY, and SPIRITUALLY! I won't lie I was knocked down BUT GOD made it so I was not knocked out. I fell but I GOT UP! My life is LIGHT YEARS away from where I WAS and it all started from that leap! I had to first BELIEVE in HIM in order to later believe in myself. Just a note today to let you know that sometimes you get your COURAGE only AFTER you have JUMPED! Where ever you are today, if you feel stuck PLEASE LEAP and know that GOD will catch you! I wrote the article below a year ago and wanted to share it again. I believe that GOD gives words to bless others, and situations to persevere and thrive. Take your situation today and ask yourself, what is GOD trying to tell me? He may just be telling you to turn over a new leaf in life. What is stopping you?

Love and Light – DW 11/01/2014 Is it time for YOU to……. Turn over a NEW LEAF on an OLD TREE? 3 years ago, almost to the day I woke up! I had been sleep for 16 years, married, working in corporate America and thinking that was LIFE. Depressed, quiet, dreaming but refusing to LIVE the dream. I was on the tail end of a 16 year divorce, struggling on one income and not knowing what was next! But GOD! I will never forget the Personal Leadership and Accountability course I was assigned to at my job. They required that not only set life goals but that we write a letter to OURSELVES to hold OURSELVES accountable. My goal was to write the book Girl! Power- By Dawniel Patterson-Winningham! Since that time I have gone on to start a successful life and business coaching firm, been featured in over 50 magazines nationally, won countless awards for speaking, writing and coaching, and started 2 national organizations (National Day of Sisterhood and Wealthy Sisters Network) designed to bring women together and to give back some of the things that were not available to me when I started this journey. On this 3rd anniversary of me I am asking GOD to again direct my mind and my heart as I continue my weight loss journey with the same strength and vigor I have used to succeed in business. I am confident that THIS TIME I will WIN because I am NOT doing it alone. I am using the tools I use to succeed in business, I have an AMAZING sisterhood of women to hold my hand and the GOD I have used to succeed in LIFE! Here is to turning over a NEW LEAF, on an OLD TREE! As I stood in the middle of a circle of over 30 women at the recent launch of our Cypress, TX chapter (we are currently 40 chapters across the nation and counting) I thought to myself: I am blessed at how far GOD has brought me in these 3 years and continue to pray for traveling grace for these next legs of my journey!

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Turn over a NEW LEAF on an OLD TREE? (Continued)

For all of you who feel that you are SLEEP and KNOW that your dream will be a blessing to someone in this world, stop delaying and do something to change YOUR LIFE today! EVEN as you have struggled with WHATEVER obstacles life has held for you, know that those obstacles were placed there to make you stronger and to POSITION you to deliver the next person who is struggling with that same thing.

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