Goldfields Bonsai Society Newsletter Jan 2019

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January 2019 Meeting at West End Hall View St Castlemaine from 11am this Sunday 20/01

Founded 2001 Incorporated 2002

Presidents Notes

Paul Showell President. 0429 016 729 Helen Wheeler Secretary 54 762286 David Rojo Treasurer 0458 811 205 Newsletter– GoldfieldsBonsaiSociety GBS Facebook page

Hello Members, Well summer has arrived with a vengeance, I hope everyone is managing to stay cool and your trees are not suffering too much. As I am off to Japan next week, I have setup a watering system that has been doing the trick for the last week in this extreme heat. A bit of fine tunning on tree placement to ensure all get enough water when the temperature climbs above 40 and all will be good while I’m gone (fingers crossed). This newsletter is just a reminder that we kick off our 2019 with a gathering at West End Hall this Sunday 20th January from 11am. I believe we get a few degrees temperature respite over the weekend so I hope you can make it along for a day working on Natives. They are the only trees we can do something with at this time of year, as it is a bit too stressful on the deciduous and imported evergreens at this time of year. I see Simon is bringing down some trees to sell on Sunday, if anyone else has some they want to swap or sell on the day bring them along, although it is not an official Buy Swap and Sell day. If we continue to have two exhibitions this year these will probably become those as we setup our sales areas we generally have a look at what everyone else has on offer. That’s enough from me, I hope to see you all on Sunday. Paul

Luckily for Simon it is only the sky that is burning red

32nd AABC National Bonsai Convention Have you ever wondered how the unique flora of Australia can be adapted to the ancient Japanese art of Bonsai? Come and learn how this is done and see some of the best native bonsai in Australia on display. Join the Victorian Native Bonsai Club Inc with guest headline demonstrator Ryan Neil, when it hosts the 32nd Australian National Bonsai Convention. The theme of the Convention is Australian Natives Breaking Through The Bonsai Ceiling and that is exactly what will be emphasised during the Convention. Find out more by downloading this information booklet or fill in the form below to enquire. You can download this registration form and send it back to us at VNBC via email or post.

Master Class Workshops Ryan will hold two Master Class Workshops. One on Friday 17th May, and one on Monday 20th May. The workshops will be run from 9.00am till 4.00pm on both Friday and Monday. The workshops will involve Ryan and eight Participants, and will not be open to Observers. Lunch will be supplied. It is anticipated that the workshops will be more suitable for enthusiasts who have a good level of experience, and who will be working on more advanced bonsai material. This is a one off opportunity to spend a whole day with a world renowned bonsai professional with minimal distractions. Please note: Master class Workshops are available only to Convention registrants.

Local Demonstrator Workshops Hugh will run open workshops with the opportunity for observers to sit in on the sessions. These workshops are tailored to all levels of experience. Please note: All workshop material to be Australian natives only. We may be able to assist in sourcing suitable material for you if required.

Goldfields Bonsai Society Program 2019 January 20th—Welcome to the new year. Bring a native to work on and discus February 17th– AGM, Paul might have some show and tell from Japan? Rest of the year still to be decided.

Meeting this Sunday 20th Hall open from 11am.

Bring Lunch. Bring something for the display table. Working on Natives for the day. Bring along anything you want advice on and I’m sure we’ll have some opinions for you.

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